
Official osu! Beatmapping Contest #2!

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The deadline has passed, and entries are now being judged! Look for results to be announced by April 10th. Thanks to all who entered!

Whether you entered or not, I ask that you please do not submit any maps of these three songs until the winning maps have been announced and ranked. Thanks.

--- Original Post below: ---

You asked for it, and now it's here! A new beatmapping contest has begun, just choose one of these songs and map away! Read on for more information about the rules and the songs.

Official Beatmapping Contest #2

The Rules:
  1. There are three songs to choose from. You can map more than one, or all three, if you want.
  2. Whichever song you choose, you must submit a set of three difficulties for the song. You can make your difficulties however you like, but the difficulty spread will be judged, so try to make them all balanced and fun.
  3. Timing is provided for each song, but you are welcome to adjust it if you feel the need. If you change the timing, please make a note of it in the comments when submitting. You must, however, use the given mp3.
  4. The maps must adhere, more or less, to normal ranking standards. But don't be afraid to be inventive.
  5. You may choose a preferred skin, but only from skins available in the updater. Skin choice will not be judged, though.
  6. No storyboarding in this contest. We'll save that for a separate contest. SB events in the osu will be deleted.
  7. Standard-mode maps only, no taiko-only or CtB-only difficulties for this contest. Feel free to label "Taikosu" maps (playable in standard but designed with taiko in mind) if that's part of your design, though.
  8. Do not post your map or publicly share it before the contest ends. You can send it privately to your personal friends if you'd like, I can't do anything about that, but do not ask any BAT or GMT members to look at it.

The Songs:
  1. Showing Heart "Dance of the Cornered Rat"
    Download pre-timed .osz here
    Artist: Masashi Hamauzu
    Source: Sigma Harmonics
    Genre: Video Game (Instrumental)
    YouTube Preview

  2. The Impression That I Get
    Download pre-timed .osz here
    Artist: The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
    Source: None
    Genre: Rock (English)
    YouTube Preview

  3. The Real Folk Blues
    Download pre-timed .osz here
    Artist: Yoko Kanno
    Source: Cowboy Bebop
    Genre: Anime (Japanese)
    YouTube Preview
The Submission Process:
  1. Once you have finished mapping, you can submit your entry at the contest page. Do not upload it through osu!
  2. Make sure you are logged into your account on the website as you enter. Your submission is anonymous to the judges, but tied to your username by the website. Please do not write your name in the comments (Your username will be automatically removed from the "Creator" field, so don't worry about that one).
  3. The submission form allows you to submit exactly 3 .osu files. If you don't have 3 of them, your entry will not be accepted.
  4. You may not submit any other files (sorry, no custom graphics or sounds for this contest)
  5. You may update your submissions at any time until the deadline. Simply resubmit an entry to the same song category, and it will automatically override your previous entry.
  6. While you are welcome to discuss the mapping process in chat or forum, do not publicly say anything that indicates when you are submitting your entry, either before, during, or after submission.
The Deadline:
  1. The contest will end on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 11:59 PM (UTC time)
  2. That is roughly 31 days from the time of this posting. A countdown clock can be viewed here.
  3. After March 21 is over, the submission form will be disabled and no further entries will be accepted.
The Prizes:
  1. There will be three winners chosen, one for each of the three songs.
  2. Each winner can choose either an osu! notebook*, or a 6-month supporter tag.
  3. Each winner will also get a custom forum title, and a shiny profile badge.
  4. *The osu! notebook can be substituted for any one osu! goodies item of lesser or much lesser value
The Judges:
  1. Cyclone
  2. StarrodKirby86
  3. Ephemeral
  4. osuplayer111
  5. CheeseWarlock
  6. Kharl
  7. Tapdancingmetroid
Each judge has written a blurb about how they will be judging, and what kind of maps they like:


Cyclone wrote:

I guess if I *had* to list my judging criteria, it would basically include things I normally look for/notice when I mod/play. First off, it would obviously have to be 100% rankable in every way. If you use jumps, spinners, or any pattern at all, make sure it flows well with the music. Good hitsound usage is a must. Aesthetics help. Shouldn't be too repetitive/copy-pasted. I look for more, but Luigi's making us keep it short. Good luck mappers!

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

My No.1 priority would be having a map that poses itself as fun. Being able to play the vast majority of maps on osu! well gives me a player's perspective on what I deem as fun or just plain horrible. I welcome new or interesting techniques, as long as they're used nicely and appropriately.

Ephemeral wrote:

As a player, I am heavy on a map's aesthetics and gameplay - I work on the assumption that what looks good, generally plays good. As a mid-ranker in terms of player skill, I sit within a skill void where most Hard difficulties are too easy and most Insane are too hard. Maps with even difficulty spread are rare gems indeed - and something I greatly cherish.

osuplayer111 wrote:

Personally, If I have to judge a map, I wanna see some cool things on it. Like some slider-art, some cool spacing and new types of patterns. I wanna see a modern map! It's the type of maps I like more, and if the song follows with the jumps and streams used on the map too, it really makes sense.

CheeseWarlock wrote:

I love music, and in maps I look for what I call "musical flow". I don't want to just play a series of hit objects along to the BPM; I want to completely follow the music, to "conduct" the song in the mapping. Pay attention to how hit objects feel; I think slider ends and repeats play "lighter" compared to slider starts and hitcircles. If a section of a song repeats, I like to see some kind of repetition- don't be afraid to copy and paste sometimes!

Kharl wrote:

I look for beatmaps that not only flow well with the song, but also manage to capture the "feel" of the song and express it properly. It must exhibit appropriate uses of sliders, spinners, hit sounds, and mapping techniques. Creativity is welcomed, but not at a cost of playability and beat placement readability. Good spread of difficulty is also my main focus and I expect quality in all three difficulties. Your map should be fun to play by anyone, novices and veterans alike.

Tapdancingmetroid wrote:

The main thing I'll probably be looking for is creativity. While you could just follow the rhythm of the lyrics or something for the entire song, I'll likely rate it higher if you use interesting and different rhythms. Also, don't abuse various things such as Kiai, spinners, and clap hitsounds. If an element doesn't work well in a song, don't use it. Finally, try to make each difficulty fun to play.

And that's it! Good luck to all mappers, and let me know if you have any questions!
Topic Starter
Reserving post for results :)

In the mean time, here are YouTube videos of the songs, in case you are curious what they sound like:

The Impression That I Get:
Video is from Band Hero, but the audio is the original mp3 and not the game audio, so it goes completely out of sync, but at least you get to hear how it goes. The song is an old favorite of mine, and I know people have tried to map it in the past, but have always been struck down by the timing... now Cyclone has timed it, for the betterment of all humanity.

The Impression That I Get was timed by Cyclone

The Real Folk Blues:
This is the ending theme to from Cowboy Bebop. You should watch the show sometime. The version of the song used in this contest will not be the full version or the TV Size version, but instead it's a custom cut that I created myself. Chosen to fill the "anime" gap in the contest selection, but we wanted something with a very different sound from most anime songs.

The Real Folk Blues was timed by awp

Showing Heart "Dance of Cornered Rat":
This song has such a weird title... Kharl suggested this song when I was asking for a video game that no one had mapped a song from. Sigma Harmonics is a Square Enix game for Nintendo DS, which has both RPG elements and mystery-solving elements. The song also uses 3/4 time, so it has a different feel to it.

Showing Heart "Dance of Cornered Rat" was timed by Kharl and Cyclone
Amazing. Will be participating. :D
I think I'll participate too :3

I'm not sure about which song I'll map though, they're so cool xD

Good luck to everyone! :)
Topic Starter

Beuchi-chan wrote:

I'm not sure about which song I'll map though, they're so cool xD
You can map them all if you want, increase your chances that way :D
interesting... I'll consider participating. The 6 months subscription is tempting...

but, school is a b*tch D:
Oh man, if I had even a remote chance at winning, I'd be all over The Real Folk Blues.

Good luck to everyone else, though.
Topic Starter

Spudman wrote:

Oh man, if I had even a remote chance at winning, I'd be all over The Real Folk Blues.

Good luck to everyone else, though.
Don't count yourself out! You never know, this could be your big break :)

LuigiHann wrote:

Spudman wrote:

Oh man, if I had even a remote chance at winning, I'd be all over The Real Folk Blues.

Good luck to everyone else, though.
Don't count yourself out! You never know, this could be your big break :)
Heh, I'd never be able to get a good map out before the deadline, at least not when I have to make three difficulties. :D
I'll probably take part if I'm determined enough. I've got nothing to lose. :P

IAmNotShinta wrote:

I'll probably take part if I'm determined enough. I've got nothing to lose. :P
Very true. I'm in! :)

LuigiHann wrote:

The Rules:
  1. No storyboarding in this contest. We'll save that for a separate contest. SB events in the osu will be deleted.
SB contest? <3
In and not making any insanes.

Odin Sphere is the first and last time I'll make an Insane.
eh, I'll give it a shot, even though I already have over 6 months left on my osu! subscription. Not sure how i'd recieve that notebook, but whatever.
Can we use custom hitsound?
Oh boy, Sigma Harmonics, that's awesome. <3

VanMoNky wrote:

Can we use custom hitsound?

osu_CN_yaya wrote:

VanMoNky wrote:

Can we use custom hitsound?
It even says so in the rules.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

VanMoNky wrote:

Can we use custom hitsound?

LugiHann wrote:

You may not submit any other files (sorry, no custom graphics or sounds for this contest)
EDIT: Oh whoops. Didn't see the 2nd page D:
I'll certainly enter. Good luck to everyone~
I saw "The Impression That I Get" from The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. I went "HORRAY!" inside my head.

This over-a-year-wait was worth it just because of that song choice. :D 3 difficulties, eh? This will be fun!
Oh cool, I'm going for the video game one :>
btw, can the winners upload their beatmap? :D
you aren't allowed to submit any custom files, but are you allowed to use the normal sounds as custom sounds? this would be a workaround the green timing stamps.

bleh all bpms are so slow :<
I will try too.Theres enough time.^^
I am in.. Since I already started Real Folk Blues mapping ages ago. Didn't get to finish it at all :D
Uhm, when you map the beatmap your nickname gets in it as 'creator'.
In other words, when you guys mod it you can still see nicknames? Or am I just being silly again?

Gladi wrote:

Uhm, when you map the beatmap your nickname gets in it as 'creator'.
In other words, when you guys mod it you can still see nicknames? Or am I just being silly again?
Yeah, thats what I thought as well. But you can edit the creator in the filenames and files so that you are "modding" the map and not "editing", though some input from the judges would be nice.

Gladi wrote:

Uhm, when you map the beatmap your nickname gets in it as 'creator'.
In other words, when you guys mod it you can still see nicknames? Or am I just being silly again?
This ^

And can you change the BG??
Look, I mean this:

When BAT / Modder opens the beatmap, they'll find my name there, so they DO know who made the beatmap.
So will this be 'deleted' or something after uploading on site?

Symbolic wrote:

Gladi wrote:

And can you change the BG??
No, since you can't add any extra files

I'm working on The Impression that I Get

Please do not write your name in the comments or within the osu files in any way
so we remove it from creator?

Gladi wrote:

When BAT / Modder opens the beatmap, they'll find my name there, so they DO know who made the beatmap.
So will this be 'deleted' or something after uploading on site?
If it be deleted, how can others know creator are you?
i think just keep it
and i'll participating :3
Can we submit more than one mapset for a particular song? I have two distinct styles I'm trying to decide between for my entry so could I possibly submit both? :P

Also, can we use a different skin?
Matma Rex

Count me in.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
btw for anyone on the fence, I am not entering this contest (for any song)

so someone better do a good job of The Real Folk Blues
Are Taiko Diffs allowed?
Topic Starter

Dragvon wrote:

Are Taiko Diffs allowed?
The map has to be rankable, so that means it can't be all-taiko. If you include a taiko difficulty, you just have to be wary that you're being judged on how balanced the map set as a whole is, so if the taiko diff feels really out of place, you might lose some points for it, but if it fits great you might do well.

Edit: never mind, I'm changing it. No taiko difficulties allowed for this contest
This sounds fun, might as well give it a whirl.

Looks like this contest is already over. Might as well save ourselves the trouble of mapping that song.
Topic Starter

Lybydose wrote:

Looks like this contest is already over. Might as well save ourselves the trouble of mapping that song.
The songs in this contest are nonstandard enough that I think everybody has a shot at winning.
that song isn't gay enough for Rolled to dominate it

plus he is rusty and a wrinkly old man

you should be okay if you're not bad at mapping

awp wrote:

you should be okay if you're not bad at mapping
I'm doomed! ;_;

awp wrote:

that song isn't gay enough for Rolled to dominate it

plus he is rusty and a wrinkly old man

you should be okay if you're not bad at mapping
Have you seen the background? It is seven well-shaven, hair-gel whoring men and Ivalset sharing a hug. I think this band is right down my alley.
so knowing how to shave is a gay attribute? or is being shaven not manly
Everyone knows that a beard is the epitome of manliness.
On an on-topic note, TITIG's 20851 offset/bpm is off pretty bad. I'm pretty rusty with timing so just throwing that out there that the offset is very early and bpm possibly a bit fast.

edit: for the sake of finishing your map, temporarily (?) place an offset at 20910 and 22200 both at 179.5 bpm. It's probably not the correct way to handle it, but it should let you at least map the part at question.
so they already have a bpm and ready for us to get start the map notes???

KingSRS2 wrote:

so they already have a bpm and ready for us to get start the map notes???
Yeah, when you download it, it comes with a timing that you can use or change.
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