
Spawn Of Possession - Apparition

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Maeglwn wrote:

good song, but not for osu

at all

od10 is also completely insane, have fun with that one
And wh was?
He probably meant by that Mazzerin's beatmap is unplayable for most of people while "wh" can be played normally without problems.

Wookiezi wrote:

Maeglwn wrote:

good song, but not for osu

at all

od10 is also completely insane, have fun with that one
And wh was?
why wouldn't it be? it's a song that has a stable bpm, has a good under 2 minute timer for the general mass of community, and featured a vast majority of difficulty settings to appeal to every player.

and it made people laugh while listening to it

honestly I think it was everything this game needs

regardless, my unranked map isn't the point, the point is the map at hand here. I love this song but honestly songs like this are too out there for most of the community
Does wh became to a bad meme or why does it always get called for a bad example? Anyway, I'd say it's that what Bass said, though this requires more opinion from top-tier players to be judged properly. Complaining about the Difficulty of the map won't help and lead anywhere if you can't pass it.
Can't say the over-the-top level of difficulty clashes with the song since it's just batshit insane - can't so much criticize the map for being ""wrong"" as you could question the song being decent fit for a rhythm game.

Either way, since this game's content is entirely communitydriven, cases like this are to be expected and well within those boundries.
Sure, it's brutally hard and just entirely crazy and probably not extremely enjoyable to more than 5-10 people, but that's not what an unrank should be about - I looked through the entire map and besides slider leniency being used quite wonkily (much less so than in 95% of other maps), there's no issue in terms of improper mapping.

Yes it's ugly, yes it's brutal, but if you're gonna have firstly a rhytm game that is secondly driven by the community, then this is what you are going to end up with: a free choice of song and the mapper's interpretation as such. A tame and super-consistent snap of 1.2x 1.6 SV @160 BPM wouldn't really do it justice, as ugly as the song is.

Also, what's a "wh"?

Topic Starter

Maeglwn wrote:

why wouldn't it be? it's a song that has a stable bpm, has a good under 2 minute timer for the general mass of community, and featured a vast majority of difficulty settings to appeal to every player.

and it made people laugh while listening to it

honestly I think it was everything this game needs

regardless, my unranked map isn't the point, the point is the map at hand here. I love this song but honestly songs like this are too out there for most of the community
oh come on, there are probably at least 500 people who can play it properly and 1/10th of them should be able to pass, it's not even that bad. alumetorz said he was surprised the star rating was that high until he saw the solo

Mazzerin wrote:

oh come on, there are probably at least 500 people who can play it properly and 1/10th of them should be able to pass, it's not even that bad. alumetorz said he was surprised the star rating was that high until he saw the solo
the song

the song

the song

Maeglwn wrote:

the song

Maeglwn wrote:

I love this song but honestly songs like this are too out there for most of the community
No one was up in arms about this when Bal-Sagoth was ranked, why now?

hoozimajiget wrote:

Maeglwn wrote:

I love this song but honestly songs like this are too out there for most of the community
No one was up in arms about this when Bal-Sagoth was ranked, why now?
because I didn't notice or care about balsagoth

somebody showed this to me so I felt the need to comment

Maeglwn wrote:

Mazzerin wrote:

oh come on, there are probably at least 500 people who can play it properly and 1/10th of them should be able to pass, it's not even that bad. alumetorz said he was surprised the star rating was that high until he saw the solo
the song

the song

the song

Maeglwn wrote:

the song
the variety
Topic Starter

Maeglwn wrote:

the song

the song

the song

Maeglwn wrote:

the song
whats wrong with the song?? ive never seen any anime and i cant see any artistic value or meaning in 99% of those songs where the vocalists pretend theyre 7 years old. however you dont seeme complaining about it in every thread where some awful anime song is ranked. im not waiting for anyone else to start mapping music i like, and so im doing it all by myself. you dont like it, you dont play it, its not that hard to ignore it
For some reason this looks more easy than time freeze, maybe the hp drain is too generous? 6/7 clears already, I hope it stays ranked, these songs benefit the community

Zeugmax wrote:

For some reason this looks more easy than time freeze, maybe the hp drain is too generous? 6/7 clears already, I hope it stays ranked, these songs benefit the community
I think it's harder, even if it has lower hp drain. There hasn't been one HT fc yet.
Ciyus Miapah
oh come one we're just an minority on here, not like an otaku and anime tv size songs fans

probably metalcore is very good song here.

and this just a game, why so serious :D
are we seriously complaining about song choice e_e

let people try to map whatever they want, the quality of the map is the only thing that should show in the end

Mazzerin wrote:

whats wrong with the song?? ive never seen any anime and i cant see any artistic value or meaning in 99% of those songs where the vocalists pretend theyre 7 years old. however you dont seeme complaining about it in every thread where some awful anime song is ranked. im not waiting for anyone else to start mapping music i like, and so im doing it all by myself. you dont like it, you dont play it, its not that hard to ignore it
holy shit man, are you just going so far off the deep end that you're completely not reading anything I say

I already said I liked the song in 2 different posts literally within 10 minutes of each other, please read

you're misinterpreting everything I'm saying apparently
A Mystery

Maeglwn wrote:

good song, but not for osu

at all

od10 is also completely insane, have fun with that one

Mazzerin wrote:

whats wrong with the song?? ive never seen any anime and i cant see any artistic value or meaning in 99% of those songs where the vocalists pretend theyre 7 years old. however you dont seeme complaining about it in every thread where some awful anime song is ranked. im not waiting for anyone else to start mapping music i like, and so im doing it all by myself. you dont like it, you dont play it, its not that hard to ignore it

A Mystery wrote:

Maeglwn wrote:

good song, but not for osu

at all

od10 is also completely insane, have fun with that one

And how is this any less appropriate for osu! than the songs with 'adult' lyrics (i.e Gigantic O.T.N, Shotgun Symphony and Border of Ecstasy, Thomas the Weed Engine... etc there are many many more) and all the not-quite-hentai background images used for many maps?
Topic Starter
how is it not perfect for osu? its technical as hell, meaning there's lots of variety. its fast and aggressive, makes you want to fucking smash your keyboard like a monkey when playing it and in the end it works! remember its probably impossible to make something this difficult if you choose your everyday random 180 bpm song, maybe the song doesnt fit easy/normal difficulties, but that doesnt mean a top difficulty wont work. i know what you mean by 'not for osu', but its not this song, sorry. not for osu would be something like this or just about any 280+ song (320 on this one)
Please njoy gaem.
Howdy! On behalf on the QAT, I must disqualify this beatmap for the following reasons:
  1. Lack of quality, especially in regards to flow and other gameplay-related mechanics. There are plenty of misleading patterns, sharp angles, messy structures, and incorrect beat placement found throughout the difficulty.
  2. Incorrect timing signature, 03:23:440 - should be set to 3/4, not to 4/4.
  3. Incorrectly snapped objects. 04:50:486 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - is not in 1/3, rather it is 1/2
The QAT has found this map to not be suitable for the ranked status at this time. This is largely due to the heavy amounts of inconsistent gameplay mechanics the mapper has utilized. While the song is erratic in nature, this does not excuse the various issues this difficulty presents. Below are examples of specific problems that are found throughout the map, please use them to help fix the problems and to avoid any future disqualifications.
[Blind Faith]
  1. 00:55:569 (1,2,3,4) - Really poor flow, coupled with a lack of basis in the music calls for a very sharp play that is very unnatural. The angles that are presented here are too harsh when taking the surrounding patterns into consideration.
  2. 00:57:319 (5,1) - Wildly inconsistent spacing. There are plenty of instances where spacing manipulation is abused to either fit the pattern or ignore musical cues. Please go through the difficulty and iron out any areas where the beat placement can be improved.
  3. 00:59:569 (1,2,4,5) - These overlapping patterns make things hard to read due to the rotating nature of the play. This can be very misleading, as 00:59:944 (4,5) - can be obscured when they appear, further worsened by the fact the player has to move outwards to 00:59:819 (3) - .
  4. 01:06:069 (4,5,1,2) - Due to the flow and the way the pattern is set up, it is easy for the player to get lost here. The sharp change in direction doesn't help either. Try to make each note more noticeable by unstacking or supply flow so the play is more natural.
  5. 01:10:569 (1,1) - This pause is incredibly awkward due to the extreme momentum the previous pattern gave off. Needs to be spaced out further, not to mention the streams kill the momentum even more.
  6. 01:25:819 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Awkward stream pattern. This can be executed better by decreasing the spacing between the jumps, especially between 01:26:194 (3,1) -
  7. 01:28:819 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - While this is a pretty pattern, it kills virtually all the momentum from the previous streams, thus making 01:29:819 (1,2,1) - extremely difficult to maneuver
  8. 02:00:069 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - Heavy spacing inconsistencies. Things like this can be found throughout the difficulty
  9. 04:31:526 (1,2,3,4) - Strange anti-jump that appears out of nowhere, killing the momentum from the previous play making the next pattern more awkward
  10. 04:38:006 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - Strange spacing increase for pretty much the same rhythms as before
  11. 04:56:006 (1,2,3,4,1) - Sudden spacing decrease for the same rhythm as 04:52:166 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) -
  12. 05:00:326 (1,2,3,4,5) - The upward and downward motions here creates a sort of movement that is very awkward when taken into account the movement upwards, the movement to the side and downwards, followed by the movement back upwards
In conclusion, the QAT is not satisfied with the quality of this beatmap. Please take into account all that has been said here, apply it to improve the set as a whole. What has been pointed out are examples, and not every single instance of areas that require changing. The BNG will handle the requalification of this beatmap. Good luck!

If you would like to contest this disqualification, please click here.

Topic Starter
feel free to drop your suggestions everyone, gonna get it done again tomorrow
extra thanks to the bns who made their sacrifice #1 : )
If I find the time to I might pm you ingane and go over some of the mentioned problems if you feel like doing so
I never tried and i'm so bad mapper, but i want to try:

00:57:319 (5) - - i think reverse selection for this reverse slider can fit well to this triangle.
01:26:319 (1,2,3) - - this space is overfiretrucked for me :D
07:10:272 (1,2,3,4) - little bit smaller scale for those four circles would be nice
07:24:272 (1,2,3) - a bit overspaced [?] as the hardest part of map in my opinion

dont take it serious, im just cunt mapper, dont blame me pls, gl hf <3
I feel really bad for the QAT when it comes to stuff like this.

I don't even know how the flying fuck you can begin to look at something like this in an objective manner, but no matter what, people are going to bitch and complain about them when something like this gets DQed.

definitely a job i do not envy

Mazzerin wrote:

feel free to drop your suggestions everyone, gonna get it done again tomorrow
extra thanks to the bns who made their sacrifice #1 : )
I honestly doubt this will make any progress without a remap. Especially being disqualified over many fundamental gameplay issues, not just technical problems (as stated in the DQ post).

Good luck anyways~

Lust wrote:

Howdy! On behalf on the QAT, I must disqualify this beatmap for the following reasons:
  1. Lack of quality, especially in regards to flow and other gameplay-related mechanics. There are plenty of misleading patterns, sharp angles, messy structures, and incorrect beat placement found throughout the difficulty.
  2. Incorrect timing signature, 03:23:440 - should be set to 3/4, not to 4/4.
  3. Incorrectly snapped objects. 04:50:486 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - is not in 1/3, rather it is 1/2
Lack of quality - opinion
Incorrect timing signature - fact
Incorrectly snapped objects - fact

Let us hate on the QATs for their opinions that make little sense in a 7* map. Misleading patterns, sharp angles, and messy structures are a key component of making beatmaps difficult. Just because one person does not enjoy this type of difficulty doesn't mean others don't.

Let's not hate on the QATs for doing their job 100% correctly. Thank you for doing your job.

For the storyboard:
Did you mean to use 2 scales and 2 moves on whatsolo.jpg?
Seems to me like both of the Moves and one of the scales aren't needed at all. Just my opinion, but I don't think you should zoom in here.
Ciyus Miapah
ow kay, lets take a look again on this beatmap
Tachibana Rika

deetz wrote:

are we seriously complaining about song choice e_e

let people try to map whatever they want, the quality of the map is the only thing that should show in the end
06:09:792 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - There are a lot of sections like this and I feel like you want them to be intense but imo there's a problem here. I know that they're intense 1key sections but I think they're a little TOO intense, the aiming required is a flowing motion for all of the parts like this whilst also requiring immense effort to 1key, in the end it just makes this section too hard to consistently aim and tap at the same time. Because I'm a shitter and I can't aim + tap at the same time I end up alternating these patterns (more like streaming through them) which takes away all of the intensity.

There are a lot of sections like that, I'd recommend adding sliders to make it more easily 1key-able or telling me to screw myself.
Ciyus Miapah

jesus1412 wrote:

06:09:792 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - There are a lot of sections like this and I feel like you want them to be intense but imo there's a problem here. I know that they're intense 1key sections but I think they're a little TOO intense, the aiming required is a flowing motion for all of the parts like this whilst also requiring immense effort to 1key, in the end it just makes this section too hard to consistently aim and tap at the same time. Because I'm a shitter and I can't aim + tap at the same time I end up alternating these patterns (more like streaming through them) which takes away all of the intensity.

There are a lot of sections like that, I'd recommend adding sliders to make it more easily 1key-able or telling me to screw myself.
06:20:014 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - doomsday confused at this lol

okay lets make some suggestion based on map dq

Lust wrote:

  1. Lack of quality, especially in regards to flow and other gameplay-related mechanics. There are plenty of misleading patterns, sharp angles, messy structures, and incorrect beat placement found throughout the difficulty. -> i cri for this ;_; (this just opinion i guess)
  2. Incorrect timing signature, 03:23:440 - should be set to 3/4, not to 4/4.
  3. Incorrectly snapped objects. 04:50:486 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - is not in 1/3, rather it is 1/2
The QAT has found this map to not be suitable for the ranked status at this time. This is largely due to the heavy amounts of inconsistent gameplay mechanics the mapper has utilized. While the song is erratic in nature, this does not excuse the various issues this difficulty presents. Below are examples of specific problems that are found throughout the map, please use them to help fix the problems and to avoid any future disqualifications.
[Blind Faith]
  1. 00:55:569 (1,2,3,4) - Really poor flow, coupled with a lack of basis in the music calls for a very sharp play that is very unnatural. The angles that are presented here are too harsh when taking the surrounding patterns into consideration. -> 00:56:069 (4) - CTRL+H then move to x335y293 or anyting else you want
  2. 00:57:319 (5,1) - Wildly inconsistent spacing. There are plenty of instances where spacing manipulation is abused to either fit the pattern or ignore musical cues. Please go through the difficulty and iron out any areas where the beat placement can be improved. -> still didnt get it for this but i suggesting you to move 00:57:319 (5) - to x248y48
  3. 00:59:569 (1,2,4,5) - These overlapping patterns make things hard to read due to the rotating nature of the play. This can be very misleading, as 00:59:944 (4,5) - can be obscured when they appear, further worsened by the fact the player has to move outwards to 00:59:819 (3) - . -> this overlaps looks can be readable, since 00:58:569 (1,2,3,4,5) - has rotating pattern (so you can decide this, mazzerin.
  4. 01:06:069 (4,5,1,2) - Due to the flow and the way the pattern is set up, it is easy for the player to get lost here. The sharp change in direction doesn't help either. Try to make each note more noticeable by unstacking or supply flow so the play is more natural. -> 01:06:069 (4,5) - decrease this distance spacing or move 01:06:194 (5) - to x176y264
  5. 01:10:569 (1,1) - This pause is incredibly awkward due to the extreme momentum the previous pattern gave off. Needs to be spaced out further, not to mention the streams kill the momentum even more. -> agree with this, since 01:10:819 (1) - has been overlapped i think it hard to read a bit. if you want, just move 01:10:569 (1) - to x320y32
  6. 01:25:819 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Awkward stream pattern. This can be executed better by decreasing the spacing between the jumps, especially between 01:26:194 (3,1) - -> i prefer you to make stream pattern like this (looks this can made flow better)
  7. 01:28:819 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - While this is a pretty pattern, it kills virtually all the momentum from the previous streams, thus making 01:29:819 (1,2,1) - extremely difficult to maneuver -> a bit confusing for finding some flow but atleast you change 01:29:944 (2) - ctrl+g then stack it back
  8. 02:00:069 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - Heavy spacing inconsistencies. Things like this can be found throughout the difficulty -> probably this 01:59:944 (2,1,2) - spacing is problem of this part and looks the next part quite confusing for combo pattern i guess. okay, maybe just move 02:00:319 (3,4) - to x272y216 will reduce flow degradation
  9. 04:31:526 (1,2,3,4) - Strange anti-jump that appears out of nowhere, killing the momentum from the previous play making the next pattern more awkward -> since this note like this very hard to hit, you can convert it to reverse slider
  10. 04:38:006 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1) - Strange spacing increase for pretty much the same rhythms as before -> 04:38:006 (2,3,4,5) - put interesting zigzag pattern here can be help
  11. 04:56:006 (1,2,3,4,1) - Sudden spacing decrease for the same rhythm as 04:52:166 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - -> 04:56:246 (3) - move to x260y268 for stabilize distance i think
  12. 05:00:326 (1,2,3,4,5) - The upward and downward motions here creates a sort of movement that is very awkward when taken into account the movement upwards, the movement to the side and downwards, followed by the movement back upwards -> very agree with this. and pattern on 05:00:086 (5,1) - im just feel this pattern like 1/2 (but looks not matter i think). maybe create pattern like this 05:08:006 (1,2,3,4) - can more improve this pattern
here some suggestion by me:
06:07:570 (3,4) - move this sliders to up a bit
06:09:792 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i agree with jesse for this, this pattern quite intense motion flow for singletapping and alternating, try to make pattern like 06:12:903 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - its way better more cool!
08:12:522 (1,2,3) - this jump pattern after long stream quite creepy and im sure some misses will be on here (and difference between this two distance quite big and can decrease reading flow on this pattern. try to make 08:12:772 (3) - have more spacing

dont kd this since i have already have kd on this thread
hope this map rerank again, good luck! =w=)b
02:38:569 - to 02:59:069 - Alright, I know the guitar isn't perfectly right on time here, but I really believe you need only one 240BPM red section for this part.

First, the random inconsistencies of the guitar are impossible to predict correctly compared to a normal rhythm, thus making it very hard to play in a stable fashion, especially at OD10.
Second, the biggest inconsistencies I could find are only around 02:53:569 - to 02:56:569 - , for the rest all those timing sections and ajustements really feel unnecessary (this was tested with a single 240 timing section).
And lastly, I want to remind people that this is still a rhythm game (kinda), so it makes no sense in my opinion to try this hard to time those nazi guitar strokes which aren't even that noticiable.

I must admit that I am a big quality freak, so seeing something like that on a studio produced song makes me feel kinda mad.
I know that the rules aren't very clear enough on this subject but in my opinion just for the fact that this is a rhythm game this kind of timing should be unrankable (yeah this is quite a big claim but this is what I believe).

I guess I could say the same thing for 06:39:379 - to 06:40:665 - , but yeah, it's up to you and the QATs now.

Good luck tho, this song is really great, and the map really fun otherwise.

sukiNathan wrote:

I honestly doubt this will make any progress without a remap. Especially being disqualified over many fundamental gameplay issues, not just technical problems (as stated in the DQ post).

Good luck anyways~
That feedback from a nominator though...

08:09:647 (2,3,4) - Avoid those straight lines for the sake of the flow by the way. You didn't use it that much. But sometimes, you use sonething similar like this : 01:06:819 (2,3,4) - The slider (4) totally breaks the flow to go to the horizontal. Try to put it more on the left, a little curve might be nice too if you think that doesn't break your pattern that much.

No kd.

Good luck to rerank it!

Alheak wrote:

And lastly, I want to remind people that this is still a rhythm game (kinda), so it makes no sense in my opinion to try this hard to time those nazi guitar strokes which aren't even that noticiable.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Your map must be perfectly timed. This means that your BPM and offset are spot-on, sliders end when they should, notes are generally following a recognizable rhythm (such as the lyrics or drums) which is comprehensible by a player, and that there are no unsnapped notes (you can check this by running AIMod (shortcut ctrl+shift+a) in the editor).

Yales wrote:

sukiNathan wrote:

I honestly doubt this will make any progress without a remap. Especially being disqualified over many fundamental gameplay issues, not just technical problems (as stated in the DQ post).

Good luck anyways~
That feedback from a nominator though...
Since when was I obliged to give constructive feedback in every map thread I post in? Besides, you missed my point, I meant this map most likely won't be saved even through tons of polishing and mods. Mods can't fix the heavy amount of fundamental issues pointed out in the DQ post. In my opinion it would be much more efficient to just remap the entire thing. That is just my opinion, though.
oko's insane

GoldenWolf wrote:

Alheak wrote:

And lastly, I want to remind people that this is still a rhythm game (kinda), so it makes no sense in my opinion to try this hard to time those nazi guitar strokes which aren't even that noticiable.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Your map must be perfectly timed. This means that your BPM and offset are spot-on, sliders end when they should, notes are generally following a recognizable rhythm (such as the lyrics or drums) which is comprehensible by a player, and that there are no unsnapped notes (you can check this by running AIMod (shortcut ctrl+shift+a) in the editor).
How does the ranking criteria disagree with what I said? In this part the BPM is not spot-on at all, while I might agree for the offset, this kind of timing isn't rhythmically accurate in any way.
Nakano Itsuki
Is this map just another normal diff?
Seems like it.


Alheak wrote:

How does the ranking criteria disagree with what I said? In this part the BPM is not spot-on at all, while I might agree for the offset, this kind of timing isn't rhythmically accurate in any way.
Well then, I think you might want to take some English lessons. Ain't gonna re-quote the exact same thing so let me break it down for you; You basically said that it makes no sense to try getting the perfect timing for a song. Which the ranking criterias are exactly stating the opposite.

Yes it's a rhythm game, and as such a map has to be perfectly timed to the song. There is no "the random inconsistencies of the guitar are impossible to predict correctly compared to a normal rhythm". That's complete bullshit. OF COURSE a tempo change is not going to be predictable, because it breaks the tempo, duh.

"for the rest all those timing sections and ajustements really feel unnecessary" That's complete bullshit #2. You feel it's unncessary? You think letting go notes off-beat by more than 30ms is okay?

It's exactly because it's a rhythm game that everything must be timed perfectly, as stated in the rules.

Alheak wrote:

I must admit that I am a big quality freak, so seeing something like that on a studio produced song makes me feel kinda mad.
What if I tell you this is intented? That live and raw performances can sound better than timing fixed one, especially on those really calm and quiet part?

Alheak wrote:

I know that the rules aren't very clear enough on this subject
Again, you still don't see how the ranking criterias are directly proving you wrong? The rules are very clear and precise on the matter. "Your map must be perfectly timed." If that isn't clear enough, then I don't know what else you need.

sukiNathan wrote:

Since when was I obliged to give constructive feedback in every map thread I post in? Besides, you missed my point, I meant this map most likely won't be saved even through tons of polishing and mods. Mods can't fix the heavy amount of fundamental issues pointed out in the DQ post. In my opinion it would be much more efficient to just remap the entire thing. That is just my opinion, though.
Sure, let's just remap 4000 notes rather than fixing the already existing 4000 notes. Great idea!

This map can go through modding to fix the issues relatively easily provided the correct input from certain modders. Remapping the whole song is lunatic.

sukiNathan wrote:

Since when was I obliged to give constructive feedback in every map thread I post in? Besides, you missed my point, I meant this map most likely won't be saved even through tons of polishing and mods. Mods can't fix the heavy amount of fundamental issues pointed out in the DQ post. In my opinion it would be much more efficient to just remap the entire thing. That is just my opinion, though.
Cherry Blossom, if you come over here, your picture is wrong it seems.


Wookiezi wrote:

sukiNathan wrote:

Since when was I obliged to give constructive feedback in every map thread I post in? Besides, you missed my point, I meant this map most likely won't be saved even through tons of polishing and mods. Mods can't fix the heavy amount of fundamental issues pointed out in the DQ post. In my opinion it would be much more efficient to just remap the entire thing. That is just my opinion, though.
Sure, let's just remap 4000 notes rather than fixing the already existing 4000 notes. Great idea!

This map can go through modding to fix the issues relatively easily provided the correct input from certain modders. Remapping the whole song is lunatic.
well thanks for completely ignoring what I said about mods on a map like this
If this actually does get ranked in its current state through mods, then good for you. Like I said it's just my opinion.
anyways i'll drop this
Cherry Blossom

Yales wrote:

Cherry Blossom, if you come over here, your picture is wrong it seems.
Awh, lol yeah ;w;

Please, stop fighting and have fun ? This is just a game, please guys...
And we just need to enjoy it. And it was really enjoyable to see a map like this in qualified section, to see who were able to smash a keyboard :3

GoldenWolf wrote:

Well then, I think you might want to take some English lessons. Ain't gonna re-quote the exact same thing so let me break it down for you; You basically said that it makes no sense to try getting the perfect timing for a song. Which the ranking criterias are exactly stating the opposite.
You forgot half the rule: it must be perfectly timed and the BPM and offset should be spot-on. The BPM isn't spot-on at all, only the offset makes sense if we indeed consider timing it relatively to exactly when the guitar is played.

GoldenWolf wrote:

Yes it's a rhythm game, and as such a map has to be perfectly timed to the song. There is no "the random inconsistencies of the guitar are impossible to predict correctly compared to a normal rhythm". That's complete bullshit. OF COURSE a tempo change is not going to be predictable, because it breaks the tempo, duh.
Once again, this is not a tempo change, those are inconsistencies, "human errors", a perfect rhythm IS predictable. Changes in BPM are indeed unpredictable, but this is not the case here and they're most of the time more than just a change of 1 or 2 BPM, it should be noticiable with when the circles appear.
Slight arrangements like those are virtually unnoticiable, but with enough effect to mess with the player's accuracy.

GoldenWolf wrote:

"for the rest all those timing sections and ajustements really feel unnecessary" That's complete bullshit #2. You feel it's unncessary? You think letting go notes off-beat by more than 30ms is okay?
Here I was just talking about a certain part inside the bigger one, the other ones ("for the rest") don't need any ajustements imo.

I must admit that you're right on this part though, as much as I don't like this kind of timing.

GoldenWolf wrote:

It's exactly because it's a rhythm game that everything must be timed perfectly, as stated in the rules.

Alheak wrote:

I know that the rules aren't very clear enough on this subject
Again, you still don't see how the ranking criterias are directly proving you wrong? The rules are very clear and precise on the matter. "Your map must be perfectly timed." If that isn't clear enough, then I don't know what else you need.
Well this is where our definition of "perfect timing" diverges, I'm talking about how this part IS 240BPM, while you're talking about how those notes are played at those exact instants.

Nobody is wrong here, this is why I think the ranking criteria isn't clear enough on this subject.

What does it mean to be "perfectly timed"? The ranking criteria only gives two vague indications: "spot-on BPM and offset". I'm right about the BPM, you're right about the offset.

What to do in those cases where we can't have both? I'm only expressing my opinion regarding this rule.

For me BPM should have the priority because the BPM is the rhythm, and this is a rhythm game.
Topic Starter
wow causing my own drama is so awesome, thanks babes
side note: fixed everything till 270 part, gonna apply jesus suggestion and revamp ending tomorrow

Alheak wrote:

For me BPM should have the priority because the BPM is the rhythm, and this is a rhythm game.
Well there we go. Ultimately the BPM doesn't even matter, it doesn't change how the map plays if you take a multiple of the actual BPM. You can slap 100 BPM 1/6 over 150 BPM 1/4 and the player won't feel any difference.
Unlike offset.

The overall BPM at that part is more or less averaging at 240. Yeah that's pretty innacurate. If this was played perfectly, the BPM should be 240. But hey, it's not, so the BPM is not 240.

Simple as that.
Ciyus Miapah

Mazzerin wrote:

wow causing my own drama is so awesome, thanks babes
side note: fixed everything till 270 part, gonna apply jesus suggestion and revamp ending tomorrow
looks this will be interesting i think

and BN should know this map perfectly timed before it gets qualified right?
and probably the only problem is timing signature and incorrect snapping.
i relate to this thread in a spiritual level
Just some things that stood out to me while desperately trying to pass this:

04:53:606 (5) - stack this note with 04:53:846 (1) - to make the break between them more readable.

05:00:326 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think a vertical back and forth motion flows much better with these sliders.

05:08:006 (1,2,3,4) - I see what kind of flow you are trying to achieve here, but it doesnt work very well. the difference in spacing between the slider pairs makes me go really fast very abruptly and then slowing me down immensely again to hit 4. A more balanced spacing between all sliders will feel much better and will keep the intensity and the speed of the song going.

05:07:286 (1,2,3,4,5) - a more chaotic kind of flow would be more fitting instead of a circle like motion with that triangle. ctrl+g on 05:07:406 (2,3) - maybe?

You try to create a straight, circle like motion alot in your jumps, but on especially fast songs it tends to flow not that good at all, try to vary a bit more.

Feel free to ignore this if I wasnt helpful, Im glad to see more metal in this game, keep this going!
Topic Starter

Vell wrote:

Just some things that stood out to me while desperately trying to pass this:

04:53:606 (5) - stack this note with 04:53:846 (1) - to make the break between them more readable.

that would ruin the star, moved the next pattern closer instead

05:00:326 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think a vertical back and forth motion flows much better with these sliders.

uhhh that's what it was like before and it was one of the dq reasons

05:08:006 (1,2,3,4) - I see what kind of flow you are trying to achieve here, but it doesnt work very well. the difference in spacing between the slider pairs makes me go really fast very abruptly and then slowing me down immensely again to hit 4. A more balanced spacing between all sliders will feel much better and will keep the intensity and the speed of the song going.

the spacing is almost identical between the sliders/last circle

05:07:286 (1,2,3,4,5) - a more chaotic kind of flow would be more fitting instead of a circle like motion with that triangle. ctrl+g on 05:07:406 (2,3) - maybe?

yea that works to emphasize the last note

You try to create a straight, circle like motion alot in your jumps, but on especially fast songs it tends to flow not that good at all, try to vary a bit more.

the fact i used jagged patterns was the main dq reason, so i changed it all to fit whatever they want instead i guess (even if i dont really like it anymore)

Feel free to ignore this if I wasnt helpful, Im glad to see more metal in this game, keep this going!
I like that pepole not really involved in ranking/dq'ing/whatever are fighting and Mazze is like "lol, you fight and I'll just do my stuff, have fun"
13:36 Mazzerin: super jump test
13:36 Mazzerin: if something plays well
13:36 *Mazzerin is listening to [ Spawn Of Possession - Apparition]
13:36 Mazzerin: redl this and try whathefuk diff
13:37 Mazzerin: its only 270 bpm singles
13:37 Mazzerin: 9 per group
13:37 Axarious: oh jeez
13:37 Axarious: okies
13:37 Mazzerin: i guess you can alternate that
13:37 Mazzerin: since youre pro at that
13:37 Axarious: probably
13:37 Axarious: slow dl speed, 2 min
13:37 Mazzerin: i wanna know if it flows well
13:37 Mazzerin: it should be fine but really hard
13:37 Axarious: 11second drain 7*
13:37 Mazzerin: because of bpm
13:37 Axarious: lmao
13:37 Mazzerin: LOL
13:40 Axarious: eh
13:40 Axarious: not really
13:40 Axarious: movements are too circular
13:40 Axarious: too hard to snap when they're arranged like that
13:41 Mazzerin: welp it got dqd cause they used to be too sharp
13:41 Mazzerin: so im trying to keep it circular
13:41 Axarious: circular makes that movement so much harder
13:42 Mazzerin: hmm
13:42 Mazzerin: i see that up/down pattern always works
13:42 Mazzerin: i think the last one is the worst
13:42 Axarious: back and forths are 500% easiest
13:42 Axarious: easier*
13:42 Axarious: than squares arranged in a circle let's say
13:43 Mazzerin: ye the last one is retarded
13:43 Mazzerin: i can see you spinning around
13:44 Mazzerin: can you try the main diff till the first stream part?
13:44 Mazzerin: so like first 30~ seconds
13:44 Mazzerin: i remapped the jumps there too
13:45 Axarious: i can't od10
13:45 Axarious: lOl
13:46 Mazzerin: but is it fine to aim now?
13:46 Axarious: i don't know what it was before
13:46 Mazzerin: uhh what about without comparing
13:46 Mazzerin: does it play fine
13:46 Mazzerin: or is it retardedly hard
13:46 Mazzerin: to me its good
13:46 Axarious: i could point to some stuff in editor that's hard to play?
13:46 Mazzerin: sure
13:47 Mazzerin: that other part is here 06:09:792 (1) -
13:47 Axarious: lmao no one will fc this ever
13:47 Axarious: 00:58:194 (5,1,2,1) -
13:48 Mazzerin: what would be better?
13:48 Axarious: you could ctrl g 1/2 and that would be better
13:48 Mazzerin: if i ctrl g'd 00:58:319 (1,2) - ?
13:48 Axarious: yeah
13:48 Mazzerin: it would be easier to snap
13:48 Axarious: precisely
13:48 Axarious: it's hard as seen by 7odoa's pluto
13:48 Mazzerin: the small ones are fine i think
13:48 Mazzerin: its just the big ones
13:48 Axarious: ?
13:49 Axarious: small ones?
13:49 Mazzerin: jumps
13:49 Axarious: ah
13:49 Axarious: well
13:49 Axarious: 00:55:819 (2,3) -
13:49 Mazzerin: 01:03:569 (1,2) -
13:49 Mazzerin: ctrl g too?
13:49 Axarious: no those are fine
13:49 Axarious: but like
13:50 Axarious: circular movement 00:55:569 (1,2,3,4) -
13:50 Axarious: very hard to play
13:50 Mazzerin: its funny because it got dqd for too many sharp angles
13:50 Mazzerin: ehhhh
13:50 Axarious: imo you're mapping this too hard ;;
13:50 Mazzerin: will have to fight them over some things
13:50 Mazzerin: fk
13:51 Axarious: i mean
13:51 Axarious: there are sharp angles
13:51 Axarious: but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed
13:51 Axarious: this 00:58:819 (2,3,4) -
13:51 Axarious: 00:59:569 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) -
13:52 Axarious: these all carry momentum around a circle
13:53 Axarious: a good example of something that's much easier to hit but more spaced
13:53 Axarious: 01:43:819 (2,3,4,5) -
13:54 Mazzerin: LOL
13:54 Mazzerin: i made it all circular because i was told to
13:54 Mazzerin: i talked to asphyxia, yales about this
13:54 Mazzerin: they said its good like this
13:54 Mazzerin: eh
13:54 Mazzerin: and that part you linked
13:54 Mazzerin: was the "bad" part
13:54 Axarious: the last thing i linked?
13:54 Mazzerin: yeah
13:55 Axarious: there's a reason as to why people can't play bd maps
13:55 Axarious: because squares which carry shit momentum
13:55 Axarious: circular doesn't necessarily mean ~flow~
13:55 Axarious: i don't even understand
13:55 Axarious: how are people supposed to hit that when it's nearly impossible to snap to them
13:56 Mazzerin: yeah thats how i feel too but only about ovals/lines
13:56 Axarious: a lot of players even say that they move their cursor in circles and spamming to hit squares @.@
13:56 Mazzerin: lines aer the worst
13:56 Axarious: oh really?
13:56 Axarious: oh
13:56 Axarious: if you're talking like
13:56 Axarious: three things arranged in a line?
13:56 Axarious: like kokou no sousei?
13:56 Mazzerin: 3 is fine
13:56 Mazzerin: when its 4 its stupid
13:56 Axarious: oh
13:56 Mazzerin: when its 5 its impossible
13:56 Mazzerin: i mean 3 is already kinda hard
13:57 Mazzerin: the worst parts in koko sosei is that
13:57 Mazzerin: double zigzag
13:57 Mazzerin: for me
13:57 Axarious: yeah same
13:57 Axarious: hardest to hit
13:57 Mazzerin: when it goes left right and then randomly goes somewhere far away
13:57 Mazzerin: and does that again
13:57 Axarious: yep
13:57 Axarious: gross as fuck pattern
13:57 Axarious: one zigzag is bad enough
13:57 Axarious: and then it's ctrl h'd
13:57 Axarious: LOL
13:58 Mazzerin: there are triangles that are cool there thats it
13:58 Mazzerin: i like triangles
13:58 Mazzerin: i think theyre the easiest
13:58 Mazzerin: thats why i form them mostly
13:58 Axarious: except in image mat
13:58 Mazzerin: idk i hit those too
13:58 Axarious: oh wtf
13:58 Axarious: i've hit them once lmao
13:58 Axarious: 02:00:069 (1,2,3,4,5) -
13:58 Mazzerin: i tried it yesterday and it was easy o.O
13:58 Axarious: w.w
13:58 Axarious: bragging rights to triangle power
13:58 Mazzerin: i had that part as
13:59 Mazzerin: back and forth jumps
13:59 Mazzerin: doomsday said its handbreaking
13:59 Mazzerin: and said squares are better
13:59 Mazzerin: LOL
13:59 Mazzerin: fucking mouse
13:59 Axarious: okay uh i guess different players have different strengths
13:59 Axarious: a clockwise square like that to me is only doable by cookiezi
13:59 Axarious: LMAO 02:01:069 (1,2,3,4) -
13:59 Axarious: i didn't even see this
13:59 Mazzerin: what does clock direction have to do with it
14:00 Mazzerin: hahahaha
14:00 Axarious: oh oops that's counter clockwise
14:00 Axarious: i can only do counter clock squares
14:00 Mazzerin: LOL
14:00 Mazzerin: why
14:00 Axarious: don't know
14:00 Mazzerin: how
14:00 Axarious: that's why my atama is HR
14:00 Mazzerin: i dont see how it matters
14:00 Mazzerin: how did you even notice
14:00 Mazzerin: a thing like that
14:01 Axarious: i think
14:01 Axarious: because of bd
14:01 Mazzerin: cant read it anymore?
14:01 Axarious: i can do the mittens HR which has counter clock but i can't hit them nomod
14:01 Axarious: i think i can't snap to clockwise squares
14:03 Mazzerin: are stars ok?
14:03 Mazzerin: they area fine for me
14:03 Axarious: i'm fine with stars
14:03 Axarious: just no circle movement pentagons pls
14:04 Axarious: but
14:04 Axarious: i think a song like this
14:04 Axarious: wouldn't be fitting for stars
14:04 Axarious: okay
14:04 Axarious: 04:38:006 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1) -
14:05 Axarious: whoever thinks circular patterns are easy
14:05 Mazzerin: LOL
14:05 Mazzerin: YES
14:05 Axarious: like
14:05 Axarious: who the fuck
14:05 Mazzerin: i was actualy about to link it
14:05 Axarious: thinks this
14:05 Axarious: is doable
14:05 Axarious: by any means
14:05 Axarious: this is why world wide choppers isn't fcable
14:05 Axarious: because of an expanding circle pattern at 130 1/4ths
14:05 Axarious: absolutely no one can snap to it
14:06 Axarious: and this one's larger + higher bpm
14:06 Axarious: and people expect that this is more flow than like
14:06 Axarious: fullscreen back and forths or something? lmaOOOOooo
14:06 Mazzerin: yeah
14:06 Mazzerin: youre the first one who understands me
14:06 Mazzerin: i thought im going mad
14:06 Axarious: i could handle like
14:06 Mazzerin: i had made it all jagged and and snappy before
14:07 Axarious: doomsday's argument before
14:07 Axarious: until that circle
14:07 Axarious: pattern*
14:07 Axarious: like HELL NO
14:07 Axarious: NO ONE
14:07 Axarious: EVER.
14:07 Axarious: WILL HIT THAT EVER
14:07 Axarious: 04:39:686 -
14:07 Axarious: from this point until the kiai
14:08 Axarious: anyone who can do these so-called "flow" patterns
14:08 Axarious: is not human.
14:08 Mazzerin: LOL
14:08 Axarious: like
14:08 Axarious: 04:52:166 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
14:08 Axarious: there are so many maps
14:09 Axarious: which show that patterns like these aren't very playable
14:09 Axarious: exact reason why gold dust DT is only done by rrtyui right now
14:09 Mazzerin: ive seen a lot of people hit that
14:09 Axarious: wow they're god wtf
14:09 Mazzerin: what do you suggest there?
14:09 Mazzerin: rafis hit it
14:10 Axarious: yeah, rafis is god.
14:10 Mazzerin: doomsday
14:10 Axarious: they aren't human man
14:10 Axarious: i'm telling you LOL
14:11 Mazzerin:
14:11 Mazzerin: is this fine?
14:11 Mazzerin: in another spot
14:11 Axarious: which end does it start at
14:11 Axarious: top or left
14:11 Mazzerin: top
14:12 Axarious: that's more playable to me
14:12 Axarious: but idk about other people
14:14 Axarious: 07:06:379 (1,2,3) - no
14:14 Mazzerin:
14:14 Mazzerin: is this good?
14:15 Axarious: ehhh
14:15 Axarious: i don't know if that's hard or not
14:16 Axarious: it's comboable at the very least
14:16 Mazzerin: so its good i guess
14:17 Axarious: how did you manage to increase the sr
14:17 Axarious: @.@
14:17 Mazzerin: the new jumps on 270 part
14:17 Mazzerin: lol
14:17 Axarious: w.w
14:17 Axarious: imo the sliders are too fast
14:18 Mazzerin: thats why the jumps are big
14:18 Mazzerin: 04:52:166 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) -
14:18 Mazzerin: what do ith this
14:18 Mazzerin: if i change squares to up down or something
14:18 Mazzerin: its good?
14:19 Axarious: no idea
14:19 Axarious: i've never really seen a map this fast with this diff rating
14:19 Axarious: so i can't really say whether or not stuff is doable www
14:19 Mazzerin: omfg
14:19 Mazzerin: its not the jumps that are 8 stars
14:19 Mazzerin: its the couple of streams
14:19 Axarious: i know
14:19 Mazzerin: that has nothing to do with them
14:19 Mazzerin: the jumps are ez for you
14:20 Axarious: not really
14:20 Mazzerin: yeah im not being serious but you know what i mean
14:21 Axarious: i don't think you need to change it actually
14:21 Axarious: it's only 250bpm there
14:21 Mazzerin: yeah i did anyways
14:22 Axarious: o
14:22 Mazzerin: i mean i want it to flow nicely
14:22 Mazzerin: ok sec ill reup
14:23 Axarious: okies
14:23 Mazzerin: and youll try the 270 part again
14:23 Mazzerin: uh,, main diff is 7,91 now
14:23 Mazzerin: shit
14:23 Mazzerin: LOL
14:23 Mazzerin: but its supposed to be better
14:23 Mazzerin: cuz up down instead of circular
14:23 Mazzerin: ok done now
14:24 Axarious: so it is _some_ of the jumps that add to difficulty
14:24 Axarious: lmao
14:24 Mazzerin: well, theyre not even 7 stars all of them summed up
14:24 Mazzerin: while solo is 7,6 alone ~
14:24 Mazzerin: idk how it works really
14:24 Mazzerin: lol
14:27 Axarious: i think it's nicer than what is was
14:27 Axarious: definitely
14:27 Mazzerin: nice
14:27 Mazzerin: is there any particular spot that is retarded
14:27 Mazzerin: or is it just hard and thats it?
14:27 Axarious: just hard
to GoldenWolf & Alheak: why are you even talking about timings when at least 20% of this game's beatmaps aren't even correctly timed
7.91 stars, harder, good :)
might as well go for 9 stars
it looks easier now imo
farming hype
Nice hitsounding, I just don't understand why the (piano?) notes from 06:42:808 (1) onward in the section. It would sound better if they were tuned to the note or unpitched

Also I feel like I would be able to relate to the song's message more if I could understand the lyrics, oh well

Musty wrote:

to GoldenWolf & Alheak: why are you even talking about timings when at least 20% of this game's beatmaps aren't even correctly timed
Because it can be disqualified for it? Duh?
Ciyus Miapah
very well done, mazzerin
8.04 stars....
Really nice map.
I like the flow of it
Keep rocking Mazzerin \,,/
one little thing that i noticed.

06:02:681 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - you could add normal hitfinish 5 here~ sounds pretty cool imo :3

06:08:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same ~

i love this map so much,, even i cant pass it :D

hope it gets reranked~

good luck Mazzerin :3
Did the storyboard change?

I think the person in the BG turned red at the 6:00 kiai

sukiNathan wrote:

Mazzerin wrote:

feel free to drop your suggestions everyone, gonna get it done again tomorrow
extra thanks to the bns who made their sacrifice #1 : )
I honestly doubt this will make any progress without a remap. Especially being disqualified over many fundamental gameplay issues, not just technical problems (as stated in the DQ post).

Good luck anyways~
then because there maps from Hollow wings in Ranked as Genryuu kaiko and Sentimental Skyscraper?

/me runs

xtrem3x wrote:

then because there maps from Hollow wings in Ranked as Genryuu kaiko and Sentimental Skyscraper?

/me runs

then they should change the diff name to "Higan Torrent" for insta-rank? :v
go go mazzerin

Beomsan wrote:

go go mazzerin
Each mod raises the diff by 0.01 ....
[Hiiro Sakaki]

stryver12 wrote:

Each mod raises the diff by 0.01 ....
What does it change? It'll be a super difficult map, and the first player to fc it will be considered as a true master, it's just like boss map on every rythm game,
you have map that only 1% can pass it and 0.001% can fc it

Lilith Sakaki wrote:

Each mod raises the diff by 0.01 ....

What does it change? It'll be a super difficult map, and the first player to fc it will be considered as a true master, it's just like boss map on every rythm game,
you have map that only 1% can pass it and 0.001% can fc it
Totally agree !!!!

Who needs Image material when we have a Mazzerin <3
gogogo ranked pls ;_;

stryver12 wrote:

Each mod raises the diff by 0.01 ....
Like it matters at this point.
This is how death metal should be mapped. gl on reranking mazzerin, keep the good work!
mazzerin the god of mapping
[Hiiro Sakaki]
hey hey hey
Look! A noob is modding a 6+* stars map.
Nah jk, just some stuff i noticed, just pure suggestion :
  1. 02:44:068(1,2) - Maybe reduce a little bit more the volume for those, i can barely hear what's they're on (or maybe it's me)
  2. 03:29:640(1,2,3,4,5,1) - Try DS 0.8x?
  3. 03:41:440(1,3) - This sliders can be remapped following the vocals, like you did here 03:35:940(1,2) (not the same timing, i mean, in the same spirit
  4. 04:31:526(1,2,3,4) - I feel this is kinda wasted to leave those circles close to each other
I hope this is helping you a little bit
Hey Mazzerin, love your map and the song! As a suggestion, I think it would be nice if objects from 05:59:126 (1) to 06:22:237 (1) should be red, because of the brutality of the text and the riff :)
Topic Starter

Lilith Sakaki wrote:

hey hey hey
Look! A noob is modding a 6+* stars map.
Nah jk, just some stuff i noticed, just pure suggestion :
  1. 02:44:068(1,2) - Maybe reduce a little bit more the volume for those, i can barely hear what's they're on (or maybe it's me)
    its fine
  2. 03:29:640(1,2,3,4,5,1) - Try DS 0.8x?
  3. 03:41:440(1,3) - This sliders can be remapped following the vocals, like you did here 03:35:940(1,2) (not the same timing, i mean, in the same spirit
    its a bit off time so i used 1/1 slider on that other one
  4. 04:31:526(1,2,3,4) - I feel this is kinda wasted to leave those circles close to each other
    drum beats made me do it
I hope this is helping you a little bit

Vone wrote:

Hey Mazzerin, love your map and the song! As a suggestion, I think it would be nice if objects from 05:59:126 (1) to 06:22:237 (1) should be red, because of the brutality of the text and the riff :)
uh i used red stuff where it fit for sb
[Hiiro Sakaki]
All suggestions denied :c This proves well this isn't my level xD
Good luck, Mazzerin!
will you continue to work with it? need mod?
Topic Starter

fergas wrote:

will you continue to work with it? need mod?
dont really need mods im just waiting for Lust to check it since he promised to about 2 months ago now

Blind Faith
01:44:069:Stack with 01:43:819 's tail

01:45:069 (4,5,1):These notes are not same in distance, so move this 01:45:569 to x:288, y:284

01:51:444: move this one to x:304, y:244

02:10:194: Isn't this direction looks better?

03:05:912: move to x:188, y:188

03:29:690 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1): Select them all, and move Number 1 to x:144,y:292

03:35:940 (1,2) :they are not parallel, so make number 2 parallel with Number 1

05:38:666 make distance same with 05:38:246 (1,2,3) I'm saying these two notes

07:11:272 (1,2): make them like this:

07:16:834 (2,3,4,1,2,3): these stream distance is too wide to hit because this section's BPM is 240
So decrease the distance

07:24:272 (1,2,3): ^

08:18:272: add here finish?

*your mapset is so great, That's why I'm giving you a kudos
good luck +_<
Topic Starter

iedesu wrote:


Blind Faith
01:44:069:Stack with 01:43:819 's tail

01:45:069 (4,5,1):These notes are not same in distance, so move this 01:45:569 to x:288, y:284

01:51:444: move this one to x:304, y:244

02:10:194: Isn't this direction looks better?

03:05:912: move to x:188, y:188

03:29:690 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1): Select them all, and move Number 1 to x:144,y:292

03:35:940 (1,2) :they are not parallel, so make number 2 parallel with Number 1

05:38:666 make distance same with 05:38:246 (1,2,3) I'm saying these two notes

07:11:272 (1,2): make them like this:

07:16:834 (2,3,4,1,2,3): these stream distance is too wide to hit because this section's BPM is 240
So decrease the distance

07:24:272 (1,2,3): ^

08:18:272: add here finish?

*your mapset is so great, That's why I'm giving you a kudos
good luck +_<
applied some of the minor suggestions like mini spacing imperfections
Fatfan Kolek
!summon Lust
Topic Starter
day 132: running out of water supplies, still waiting for lust in his backyard
day 140: hope is fading - out of water, lust seems to have run away from home
lust quit yo find someone else

owhh come on, please re-rank this :(
i gave kudosu
get this rank
i give other kudosu rank please ><
i'll give my first born to see this ranked.
send help
i am is mod Blind Faith!

timing point Green not use is Over Red!


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:

Good luck rank Approve top50 scoreboard!!!
Topic Starter

G9W0V2H0 wrote:

i am is mod Blind Faith!

timing point Green not use is Over Red!


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:


instead it, you do instead SHOULD:

Good luck rank Approve top50 scoreboard!!!
thanks, last one is needed because kiais aren't rankable on red points though for whatever reason (source: p/4290623 )
iirc that only bugs if it's the 1st red line in the map

Source i was involved in that dq xddd
day 160: I started to feel dizzy, I know I'm going down and there's nothing I can do about it. Everything fades to black and I fall...
It begins.
Map is am good i Want map be rank!
Good For Player hvick225, Rafis, ShigeTora.
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