
Poor self esteem in this game.

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otoed1, I'm not even your playcount and I hit at least three notes on Big black DT.
you only have 14k plays, at least you're not above 50k and mediocre at the game

Narrill wrote:

I feel like this sometimes, then I remember that I'm narrill.
dude,you're amazing
he is a jerk

B1rd wrote:

he is a jerk
Narrill is cool.

Also you guys shouldn't worry too much, some people improve slower than others. I'm such a case myself.

I only started playing insanes at 30k play count and honestly thought I would never improve but eh, as long as you keep playing you will probably improve. Just take it easy and enjoy the game.
crowbar stop catching up to me

B1rd wrote:

he is a jerk
Narrill is love,Narrill is life
Yeah, I was an atheist until I realized I was God, or something...

B1rd wrote:

he is a jerk
na you just suck big time
Fun fact : Did you know France was considered to be the most pessimistic country in 2011 ?
When I read #french, I find it extremely easy to believe.

"Waaaah I only have 98.50% on HR OD10 on that 5.60 stars song"
"pff man it took me 7 tries to FC this song, my friend did it in 3"
"I only have 99.91% scores, why can't I SS, I suck at being accurate"
"-gets one miss on 1st try- ok fk this I suck at this game I will never FC"
"Wow I suck at streaming, I only have 99% on long stream practice map [160bpm] and one miss, soooo baaaaaaadddd"

and so on. rofl

otoed1 wrote:

Anyone else have it? I feel like im absolutely awful 24/7. Its like, i'll never be good at this game. T_T. If I look at my play count vs top players I obv. havent played anywhere near what is required to be good, but I still feel like i'm awful. Anyone else get these problems? If you do, have a solution? I find the best way is to distract myself while playing, but it doesn't always work.
Yeah, I always feel the same way (My play count is nearly 7k and I don't even have 1k pp yet xD), but I always use that feeling as a motivation to get better. I suggest that you do the same. When I use the thought of me being bad at this game as a motivation, I'm able to brush aside the negative feelings and steadily improve while still enjoying the game to its fullest. :D
Did my first 10,3 FC today. I felt happy for the first time in my osulife.

j/k, it was a scrub 5,11 star map
I don't have any 10.3 FCs, so I'd say that's still pretty noteworthy. 5.11 isn't low.

Narrill wrote:

I don't have any 10.3 FCs, so I'd say that's still pretty noteworthy. 5.11 isn't low.

Nah, when I'm able to FC it multiple times it's not noteworthy at all. Atleast for me.
That 480 BPM though.

B1rd wrote:

I got my first a while ago
wow, u can read ar10.3 at dat rank, nice multi accounting noob, rep0rtd

Varetyr wrote:

Fun fact : Did you know France was considered to be the most pessimistic country in 2011 ?
When I read #french, I find it extremely easy to believe.

"Waaaah I only have 98.50% on HR OD10 on that 5.60 stars song"
"pff man it took me 7 tries to FC this song, my friend did it in 3"
"I only have 99.91% scores, why can't I SS, I suck at being accurate"
"-gets one miss on 1st try- ok fk this I suck at this game I will never FC"
"Wow I suck at streaming, I only have 99% on long stream practice map [160bpm] and one miss, soooo baaaaaaadddd"

and so on. rofl
Giggled because it's true

[-Cloud-] wrote:

Narrill wrote:

I don't have any 10.3 FCs, so I'd say that's still pretty noteworthy. 5.11 isn't low.

Nah, when I'm able to FC it multiple times it's not noteworthy at all. Atleast for me.
Pretty good for your rank.
yeah, im going to commit suicide because im bat shit at this game. almost 2 years and i cant git gud.

Uhh no

I know that becoming good takes a very long time and a lot of practice, that's all there is to it. I play the game, enjoy myself and am slowly getting better. What else is there to it? I shouldn't be annoyed because I'm not good because there's no reason that I should be good, even though my improvement rate appears to be quite slow compared to others my rank.
"At play 20 something I had convinced myself I wasn't going to be able to do it, but kept trying anyways. At 30 something, I forced myself to keep playing until I beat it. At 53, I finally gave up because I couldn't keep the cursor steady."

Well, uh, yeah.

Pichu0102 wrote:

"At play 20 something I had convinced myself I wasn't going to be able to do it, but kept trying anyways. At 30 something, I forced myself to keep playing until I beat it. At 53, I finally gave up because I couldn't keep the cursor steady."

Well, uh, yeah.
You have 2.4k playcount and 350k total hits in 5 years

You've barely tried to improve.

Rewben2 wrote:

Pichu0102 wrote:

"At play 20 something I had convinced myself I wasn't going to be able to do it, but kept trying anyways. At 30 something, I forced myself to keep playing until I beat it. At 53, I finally gave up because I couldn't keep the cursor steady."

Well, uh, yeah.
You have 2.4k playcount and 350k total hits in 5 years

You've barely tried to improve.
Yeah... I generally play in short bursts on sudden death or perfect mods, then when I continually fail, I use those failures as one of many reasons to beat myself up whenever I get irritated with myself, which happens a lot. Or when I play normally, I use "You're not playing to win on Perfect/Sudden Death? This is what's wrong with you" on myself. This usually ends with me leaving the game as quickly as I picked it back up...
I see no reason to play perfect/sd considering they don't even alter the game other than you fail faster (which isn't even true because you can just press esc and retry faster than the fail screen)

buny wrote:

I see no reason to play perfect/sd considering they don't even alter the game other than you fail faster (which isn't even true because you can just press esc and retry faster than the fail screen)
Perfect restarts the song instantly and unceremoniously, not even acknowledging that you tried other than x retries and counting... Crushes your spirit, it does.
tbh sd just adds pressure for me so nah
Just imagine if rrtyui had SD on when he did freedom dive 4d, or if www did when he beat cookiezis score on another using hdhr. They basically fced the songs, but SD wouldve failed them and deleted the score forever :O.
itt we say we gave up on life because we couldnt fc kirby mix compilation deluxe after 5 days of experience with the game

cheezstik wrote:

Just imagine if rrtyui had SD on when he did freedom dive 4d, or if www did when he beat cookiezis score on another using hdhr. They basically fced the songs, but SD wouldve failed them and deleted the score forever :O.
rrtyui did that misses on 4d on purpose most likely.

Purple wrote:

itt we say we gave up on life because we couldnt fc kirby mix compilation deluxe after 5 days of experience with the game
Can we compromise and say we gave up on life long ago, we just play this in a state of not being dead yet?

Pichu0102 wrote:

Purple wrote:

itt we say we gave up on life because we couldnt fc kirby mix compilation deluxe after 5 days of experience with the game
Can we compromise and say we gave up on life long ago, we just play this in a state of not being dead yet?
I'd continue playing this game even if I had a billion dollars and a million better things to do

Or even if I was dead


[-Cloud-] wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

Just imagine if rrtyui had SD on when he did freedom dive 4d, or if www did when he beat cookiezis score on another using hdhr. They basically fced the songs, but SD wouldve failed them and deleted the score forever :O.
rrtyui did that misses on 4d on purpose most likely.
If you're talking about freedom dive another then yeah but if you're talking 4d then I really doubt it, he had been trying freedom dive for hours when he set his fdfd score and it was a bunch of 100's into a miss, seemed like a legit mistake. The spinner was intentional but probably out of rage/being pissed off.

But he has been known to intentionally miss on songs so eh, it could have been on purpose.
He fucked up the last stream with 100s and just gave up at the end. Stamina was never a problem for rrtyui.
Didn't we just have a thread like this and it got locked?

[-Cloud-] wrote:

He fucked up the last stream with 100s and just gave up at the end. Stamina was never a problem for rrtyui.
Hmm, perhaps him getting the 100's made him give up and intentionally miss. Meh.

Rewben2 wrote:

[-Cloud-] wrote:

He fucked up the last stream with 100s and just gave up at the end. Stamina was never a problem for rrtyui.
Hmm, perhaps him getting the 100's made him give up and intentionally miss. Meh.
Since he wanted to take #1 from cptn, yes. :p
it's obvious to have low self-esteem.

There are people who played less than you and are on a whole different level.

Anyways, players think they suck but they also know their abilities and their worth.

We all have pride in our scores, but we can't possibly think high of us when there are guys who are lot better.

Conor wrote:

I feel like shit all the time so I play this game to try and get some false sense of achievement.

It doesn't work because I'm shit.
This describes me perfectly.

[-Cloud-] wrote:

Rewben2 wrote:

Hmm, perhaps him getting the 100's made him give up and intentionally miss. Meh.
Since he wanted to take #1 from cptn, yes. :p
yeah, pretty sure he gave up when his accuracy got too bad. His accuracy has never been his strong suit.
I always feel like shit at this game. Then I remember all my IRL friends think i'm good at this so... idk.
We all feel like this. Everytime I miss a note, I realize how stupid I am.
When I pass songs, it makes me feel happy and relieved, knowing that I am able to do this.
One of the main reasons continuing to NF is difficult. Gotta suck it up and just push through.

agu wrote:

you only have 14k plays, at least you're not above 50k and mediocre at the game
Then you have someone with over 20k+ plays and not above 50k rank who cannot pass 4 star songs.

DustyFfy wrote:

agu wrote:

you only have 14k plays, at least you're not above 50k and mediocre at the game
Then you have someone with over 20k+ plays and not above 50k rank who cannot pass 4 star songs.
you're like I was with mouse. get a tablet and at least you can get to 20K...
I just look at my first gameplay of this great map and laugh at it. That gets me going
Play count isn't at all accurate, if you play with sudden death or the kind of person who keeps restarting, I noticed it still counts those. I always check the level instead. It's not that accurate either, but it's magnitudes more accurate than play count.

There is a plateau where you can get the same points for two different songs of the same length but different difficulty, but you only get the points you hit so the person who keeps restarting and the person who pushes all the way through songs will have the same level but different play counts.

otoed1 wrote:

Purple wrote:

Uh, no, not everyone has such bad mental health that it affects you in a circle-clicking game. Srsly the game has a very tall skill ceiling, if you don't have the patience to allow yourself to learn and improve, then I'd suggest taking up an easier hobby for your own well being.
easy=dumb,boring,stupid, and pointless
actually, osu! is pretty pointless, but its cool so i play xD
life is pointless.
idereks existence is pointless.

Narrill wrote:

I'm so sorry.
its k cloud i forgiv u
Vuelo Eluko

DustyFfy wrote:

agu wrote:

you only have 14k plays, at least you're not above 50k and mediocre at the game
Then you have someone with over 20k+ plays and not above 50k rank who cannot pass 4 star songs.
to be fair, your # of total hit is fairly low, which is a more meaningful metric.

Gumpyyy wrote:

I always feel like shit at this game. Then I remember all my IRL friends think i'm good at this so... idk.
Idk how good your IRL friends are, but mine thought I was good.... when I was rank 60k and barely passing 4.5 star maps with trash tier accuracy. I'm ten times better now, at 11k, and I know that I am still shit at the game.

B1rd wrote:

you're like I was with mouse. get a tablet and at least you can get to 20K...
can confirm.

most of the time mouses have shit configurations and inbuilt acceleration

i think the best way to improve is to say that you suck but dont actually give up. for me it gives me reason to practice and shit.

byfar wrote:

B1rd wrote:

you're like I was with mouse. get a tablet and at least you can get to 20K...
can confirm.

most of the time mouses have shit configurations and inbuilt acceleration

i think the best way to improve is to say that you suck but dont actually give up. for me it gives me reason to practice and shit.
I thought we all really DO suck. Also, I don't think the mouse is the problem 80% of the time.
I was terrible for the better part of two years, but within a week of picking up a tablet I was FCing maps I couldn't even pass before. The mouse might not be the problem 80% of the time, but you'll never know if you're in that 20% unless you try it.
poor self esteem makes you perform worse in this game you just have to encourage yourself to either push on in a bad day and just ignore that part of your brain or stop for the day, it is good to take breaks from the game and even after a long break you may feel that a lot of performance has been lost and you are doing bad however it is rapidly regained in a day at most normally
We all suck at this game. Some of us just suck a lot more. Like me.

Pichu0102 wrote:

Perfect restarts the song instantly and unceremoniously, not even acknowledging that you tried other than x retries and counting... Crushes your spirit, it does.
Every game that involves rhythm and precision is hard, you just gotta get used to it, you'll never be good at a game playing it for just some weeks, sometimes it can take months or even years for that to happend, you just need to not give up, and one day you'll get to be waaay better
Game is hard, don't even know why I play.
If it were an easy game, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't play it though

Narrill wrote:

I was terrible for the better part of two years, but within a week of picking up a tablet I was FCing maps I couldn't even pass before. The mouse might not be the problem 80% of the time, but you'll never know if you're in that 20% unless you try it.
Narrill picked up a tablet and magically went from a 15k playcount shit tier player to a 16k playcount top 1000 master of the HD+HR. True story. Take notes.

Varetyr wrote:

If it were an easy game, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't play it though
look at LoL tho
Vuelo Eluko

buny wrote:

Varetyr wrote:

If it were an easy game, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't play it though
look at LoL tho
leagues difficulty works the same as osu, incredibly easy at lower levels, very hard at higher ones.

Riince wrote:

buny wrote:

look at LoL tho
leagues difficulty works the same as osu, incredibly easy at lower levels, very hard at higher ones.
+1, I don't understand why the dota / starcraft fanboys that say league takes no skill don't just get 4 of their friends with the same opinion and go pro, it's a pretty high salary as it has one of the biggest e-sports scenes.
the internet is a very serious place

chainpullz wrote:

Narrill picked up a tablet and magically went from a 2k playcount shit tier player to a 16k playcount top 1000 master of the HD+HR. True story. Take notes.
A small, but very important, fix.
it must be really nice to be able to easily surpass people who try harder than you just with natural talent.
It's great. I'm totally gonna take over the world and oppress everyone with less natural talent than me.


cheezstik wrote:

+1, I don't understand why the dota / starcraft fanboys that say league takes no skill don't just get 4 of their friends with the same opinion and go pro, it's a pretty high salary as it has one of the biggest e-sports scenes.
Most of the time it's because League has less real time things to do than Starcraft/Dota. Let's say lol doesn't have the deny mechanic, most people on the lol forums will say that it is a stupid mechanic by logic and it makes the game more passive, but on the other hand it makes the game more skill dependent since you have to worry about last hitting AND denying AND harassing at the same time. Next we have lol's mana pools a.k.a energy etc. Some people don't accept the fact that lol is more action oriented than dota or hon and thus it has lower mana costs and very fast regen times in comparison to low mana pools and high mana costing skills in dota or hon. Then you have lol's forest/jungle buffs and etc. I would say that people hate on lol because it forgives mistakes a lot better than dota/hon. In the other two games you have to be near perfect to win a game although lol takes quite a lot of skill to win in higher rankings like platinum or diamond. Lol's learning curve is a lot better than dota's since in dota everything is thrown at you at once. If we were to get more in depth into the meta of both games action vs passive strategy then you can notice that league has A LOT less disables/hexes/slows/stuns etc. than dota. Since in dota nearly every hero has some kind of disable you can get pretty badly destroyed if you play bad but of course there are thinks like BKB which give magic immunity. Whilst league's champions have scaling magic and physical damage from items as + x bonus to the skill damage and in dota's players eyes allow for some absurd 1 second burst downs that make absolutely no sense, but when you think about it lol doesn't have any way of locking a person down so the only way to kill him is by just throwing an absurd amount of damage in a short amount of time at your target.

TL;DR People who play dota think that lol's has an easier learning curve and is less complex thus they say that it is inferior. People that play lol will say that dota is overly complex and too hard and not fun to get into therefore it sucks.

cheezstik wrote:

+1, I don't understand why the dota / starcraft fanboys that say league takes no skill don't just get 4 of their friends with the same opinion and go pro, it's a pretty high salary as it has one of the biggest e-sports scenes.
It's not dota/starcraft looking down on league, it's dota looking down on league and starcraft looking down on everything. And when you break it down, they're all right in a relative sense; I can't really speak to dota/league, but MOBAs as a whole are just simplified RTSs, they don't hold a candle to starcraft (if I had to guess, I'd say league's popularity is actually due in large part to this relative simplicity). It's disingenuous to tell people to "just go pro" because success within the game has nothing to do with the complexity of the game and everything to do with the skill of the other players in the playerbase.

FlyingKebab wrote:

cheezstik wrote:

+1, I don't understand why the dota / starcraft fanboys that say league takes no skill don't just get 4 of their friends with the same opinion and go pro, it's a pretty high salary as it has one of the biggest e-sports scenes.
Most of the time it's because League has less real time things to do than Starcraft/Dota. Let's say lol doesn't have the deny mechanic, most people on the lol forums will say that it is a stupid mechanic by logic and it makes the game more passive, but on the other hand it makes the game more skill dependent since you have to worry about last hitting AND denying AND harassing at the same time. Next we have lol's mana pools a.k.a energy etc. Some people don't accept the fact that lol is more action oriented than dota or hon and thus it has lower mana costs and very fast regen times in comparison to low mana pools and high mana costing skills in dota or hon. Then you have lol's forest/jungle buffs and etc. I would say that people hate on lol because it forgives mistakes a lot better than dota/hon. In the other two games you have to be near perfect to win a game although lol takes quite a lot of skill to win in higher rankings like platinum or diamond. Lol's learning curve is a lot better than dota's since in dota everything is thrown at you at once. If we were to get more in depth into the meta of both games action vs passive strategy then you can notice that league has A LOT less disables/hexes/slows/stuns etc. than dota. Since in dota nearly every hero has some kind of disable you can get pretty badly destroyed if you play bad but of course there are thinks like BKB which give magic immunity. Whilst league's champions have scaling magic and physical damage from items as + x bonus to the skill damage and in dota's players eyes allow for some absurd 1 second burst downs that make absolutely no sense, but when you think about it lol doesn't have any way of locking a person down so the only way to kill him is by just throwing an absurd amount of damage in a short amount of time at your target.

TL;DR People who play dota think that lol's has an easier learning curve and is less complex thus they say that it is inferior. People that play lol will say that dota is overly complex and too hard and not fun to get into therefore it sucks.
League and Dota mostly have different focuses. You can argue all you want about surface complexity but it's more interesting to look at the effects of surface complexity on the rest of the game. This is a very intricate discussion and I don't care to really spend much time analyzing things at the moment so I'm pretty much going to leave it at that.

The only other thing I would like to mention is that a less punishing system is also a less rewarding system for the other side. This requires players to consistently outplay their opponents to acquire a substantial lead as opposed to snowballing off a single good play. Riot is actively trying to balance the game to keep snowballing at a very controlled level and I personally agree with their philosophy. It should be possible for a player to obtain a substantial lead over their counterpart, but it should require constant effort to maintain and grow allowing the other side reasonable opportunities to turn things around before it's too late.
it was a joke, calm the fuck down people
Well I tried playing DOTA once, the difficulty definitely comes from a different mechanic than the one in league. It was awkward as fuck to play, using a skill costs half my mana bar, and so many items were op as fuck. The difficulty comes from the game itself, whereas in league, the difficulty comes from other people's mechanical skill. I doubt we'll be seeing mlg 420 faker zed outplays in dota, cos there aren't any to be made, that kinda stuff only happens in league. An outplay in dota probably consists of buying an op item to counter their not as op item, or not using more than 1 skill so you don't run out of mana.

Tl;dr lol has more mechanics to do with aiming / reflexes / prediction
You clearly haven't seen:

Or in when s4 in TI4 dodged a stun coming from an invisible player despite having zero warning. Or look at heroes like meepo, invoker, puck, pudge, etc.

Dota mechanics and gameplay is more complex overall. There is a lot more flexibility in laning, you aren't forced into any specific laning arrangement, idk. Most people who say that Dota is a worse game haven't played Dota before. I've actually played league, and most heroes when compared to Dota are quite generic.

cheezstik wrote:

An outplay in dota probably consists of buying an op item to counter their not as op item, or not using more than 1 skill so you don't run out of mana.
are you serious?

how can you make a hypothesis when it's painfully obvious you haven't even touched the game? You're like the media trying to make a coverage on video games without the reporter even knowing the basis.

felicitousname wrote:

You clearly haven't seen:

Or in when s4 in TI4 dodged a stun coming from an invisible player despite having zero warning. Or look at heroes like meepo, invoker, puck, pudge, etc.

Dota mechanics and gameplay is more complex overall. There is a lot more flexibility in laning, you aren't forced into any specific laning arrangement, idk. Most people who say that Dota is a worse game haven't played Dota before. I've actually played league, and most heroes when compared to Dota are quite generic.
because after the initial heroes that were about 70% copies of dota's heroes, every other hero will be built on the same concept; skillshot skillshot skillshot. this also hammers into the mentality of the player that most of the skill in moba games is simply skillshot

i mean, that's cool and all that you have to click the ground to aim your shit, but it's no different in dota other than a few target spells where most (if skillful) can be dodged

simple games can be played competitively. Just because it's competitive doesn't mean it's not easier; having competition simply means that there is a population to compete against.
though mechanically speaking, dota is a lot more advanced because it allows more maneuverability.
towers are so strong in lol that it stops early game tower dives, basically EVERY game consists of 1/1/2 with a jungler
creep denying makes the lane more competitive as an alternative to zoning people
lane equilibrium doesn't even exist in lol
jungle juking? what's that? only got bushes m8
mana regen is off the charts, no need for mana control
free wards, teleport and no courier

could list a lot more, but the point is, is that even IF it's competitive, does not mean that it can't be easier than said game.

felicitousname wrote:

You clearly haven't seen:

Or in when s4 in TI4 dodged a stun coming from an invisible player despite having zero warning. Or look at heroes like meepo, invoker, puck, pudge, etc.

Dota mechanics and gameplay is more complex overall. There is a lot more flexibility in laning, you aren't forced into any specific laning arrangement, idk. Most people who say that Dota is a worse game haven't played Dota before. I've actually played league, and most heroes when compared to Dota are quite generic.
Ok, now compare that play to one like this play, one of the world's best plays ever imo:

Or a more recent one (slightly more flukey and a bit more of a misplay on the other guys side):

Tell me which one took more reflexes, reaction, and prediction to do out of these and your dota clip?

In the first clip, faker reached a point where taking any further damage from ryu would be enough to kill him, so he dodged all auto attacks and abilities while doing enough damage to kill ryu, and survive himself.

In the second clip, xpeke is ambushed while farming. He dodges the second ult and w proc from dade by using his untargetability, and (accidentally) autoattacks the golem once, which left it low enough so he could just kill it and dade with the same shuriken, and the heal from killing the golem only just saved him.

Meanwhile, in your clip, the guy dodged an spell with an ability that makes him untargetable; a single spell..... This is something that every bad yi player in gold can regularly do on league, the fact that you find this impressive proves my point here.

Dota isn't a worse game, more of the difficulty just comes from the game itself, rather than other players. The simpler design allows for better mechanical outplays like this.
if you're going to compare plays, then

dota 1:
dota 2:

of course most of them are made in pubs, but you still need to be incredibly high skilled to pull most of the things done in these clips

buny wrote:

if you're going to compare plays, then

dota 1:
dota 2:

of course most of them are made in pubs, but you still need to be incredibly high skilled to pull most of the things done in these clips
Yeah that play was impressive, but really, the play was activating an item and stealing a skill to counter the activated items and skills... Sure, it would be hard to decide to do that in such a tight spot / situation like that, but that play was knowledge and decision making, not reflexes / reaction / aiming. I didn't say dota takes no skill, I just said it takes a different type of skill, the skill I prefer less to league skill.

He dodges a stun from an invisible player. No reflexes? Also, dodging the ultimate from Lina is a lot harder than it seems, the window for it to work is super narrow, because the cast wouldn't occur if you do it too early, the window of timing is super tiny. He basically had to dodge while the projectile is travelling which was pretty much instantaneous.
A conversation about poor self esteem turns into endless bickering about dota vs LoL, how ironic

felicitousname wrote:

Dota mechanics and gameplay is more complex overall. There is a lot more flexibility in laning, you aren't forced into any specific laning arrangement, idk. Most people who say that Dota is a worse game haven't played Dota before. I've actually played league, and most heroes when compared to Dota are quite generic.
Let's please not talk about overall complexity. If you aren't playing both games at the professional level then you have no place to comment on total complexity. The best us scrub players can discuss is surface complexity. There's a lot of hidden complexity to both games, and in the case of League a lot of this comes from the actual lack of surface complexity. I'd rather settle on the blanket statement that, as balanced MOBA's, they have roughly the same overall complexity. I will, however, agree to the argument that Dota is more complex on the surface.

Purple wrote:

A conversation about poor self esteem turns into endless bickering about dota vs LoL, how ironic
Yeah, pretty much we all suck as Osu! and we also happen to suck at MOBA's. Instead of comparing how much we suck at OSU! compared to each other we are trying to argue that sucking at one MOBA is more prestigious than sucking at another MOBA. On the surface it may look like endless bickering of dota vs. LoL but if you look underneath you will see a story of poor self esteem. :P

buny wrote:

look at LoL tho
pretty much what I read after this post
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Varetyr wrote:

buny wrote:

look at LoL tho
pretty much what I read after this post
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
gorilla warfare gets me every time
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