
Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Nanjo Yoshino - soldier game

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年9月17日 at 00:39:24

Artist: Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Nanjo Yoshino
Title: soldier game
Source: ラブライブ! School idol project
Tags: ラブライブ! Love Live! Nishikino Maki Sonoda Umi Ayase Eli
BPM: 132
Filesize: 6409kb
Play Time: 03:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.63 stars, 352 notes)
  2. Insane (3.87 stars, 699 notes)
  3. Normal (1.72 stars, 227 notes)
Download: Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Nanjo Yoshino - soldier game
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
F D Flourite
Testplay Stuff >.<
19:54 F D Flourite: 连打距离过短有时候也奇伤>.<
19:55 F D Flourite: flow问题倒不大,不过读图有点恶心
19:55 ZZHBOY: ....
19:55 ZZHBOY: 饿
19:56 F D Flourite: 怎么说呢,连打距离0.6x~0.8x可以通过读note长度很容易确定连打的长度
19:56 F D Flourite: 但是连打距离太短了加上长连打有种停不下来的感觉>.<
19:56 ZZHBOY: ......
19:56 ZZHBOY: 我和你读图习惯相反...
19:57 ZZHBOY: ds大了还要考虑移动就没精力看要按几下了...
19:57 F D Flourite: ...然后就是有几个跳的DS怪
19:57 F D Flourite: 我找着
19:57 F D Flourite: 找*
19:58 ZZHBOY: hao
19:59 F D Flourite: 发现似乎是我读错节奏了>.<
19:59 ZZHBOY: ...
20:00 F D Flourite: 01:57:778 (3,1) - 00:52:323 (1,2) -
20:00 F D Flourite: NC怎么不一样摆
20:00 F D Flourite: 这地方节奏难读是难读,但是从mapper的角度来说却没什么问题
20:01 ZZHBOY: 00:52:551 (1,2) - 这里nc错了
20:01 ZZHBOY: xiexie
20:02 F D Flourite: 我看看flow
20:04 F D Flourite: 没啥问题

Nice Song and nice map, 加油。
I just trying help a JMQ (Japanese Metadata Queues)~

Artist and tittle is correct~
but, I give you a source and tags~

Source is correct: Romaji: ラブライブ! School idol project
Tags: add: Aki Hata Maki Nishikino Umi Sonoda Eri Ayase Mitsuru Wakabayashi Love Live! School idol project μ's Duo Single 4 Darling!! ラブライブ! 西木野 真姫 Hori Eriko Erico 絵梨子 堀

As ingame requested`!
Hi! ZZHBOY!~:)
•This is Regraz's mod. Note that I am rather new to modding/mapping, so I am sorry if this cannot provide real help.
The 0006 map modded since using the new modding framwork. (Dont care about this number , it is just used to remind me the number of maps I've modded.)


Just plz add tags later.
Remove wide-screen support if you dont want to add storyboard.


  1. -0.5 OD and HP since this is just the lowest diff in this mapset.
  2. 00:18:460 (3,1) - do not stack 1/2 in Normal. It is nice to stack 1/1 in Normal, but as to 1/2 you need to use distance snap to make a hint to new players.
  3. 00:30:733 (2) - Use curve slider instead of straight one to make better patterns. Straight slider here seems a little out of place.
  4. 00:40:733 (1,2) - Do not stick to plain 1/1 here, it sounds a little boring. Use a few 1/2s wont hurt.
  5. 00:42:551 (1,2) - For a better flow, move 2 up a little:
  6. 00:47:551 (3,1) - same as 00:18:460 (3,1) -
  7. 00:53:460 (1,2,3,1) - Why not symmetric?
  8. 01:10:733 (2,1) - blanket better.
  9. 01:27:096 (2) - Try this position:
  10. 01:40:505 (1,2) - oh, poor pattern I think. You can make more beautiful ones here with adjusting 2's place.
  11. 02:42:551 (1) - 搞个小点声的Finish, 这个whistle放的太软了。


  1. -0.5 AR for better diff spread.
  2. 00:08:914 (4) - Follow the instrument?
  3. 00:11:073 Add a note?
  4. 00:20:505 (1,2,3) - Dont stack both 1/2 and 1/1, this is a mess.
  5. 00:23:914 (4,1) - Improve this blanket.
  6. 00:52:778 (2) - Better if you follow vocal here.
  7. 01:44:823 (2) - DS issues.
  8. 02:42:551 (2) - 音效听着有点软qwq


  1. 妈呀 这连打间距
  2. 00:10:619 (1,2) - Remove. Start stream at whiteline.
  3. 00:34:369 (4,1) - Stack perfectly.
  4. 00:41:187 (2) - 和前面的滑条在一个直线上啊
  5. 00:23:914 (4,1) - Improve this blanket.
  6. KIAI去掉几个三连吧。 overmap有点太严重了

Done~! :)
你没改难度设定 和i是一样的
00:35:051 (1) - 把中间那个点往左边移动一格
00:59:823 (3) -

17:25 ZZHBOY: ar前辈摸不摸图啊
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 0.0
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 思考
17:25 ZZHBOY: 唔
17:25 ZZHBOY: 呜呜
17:25 ZZHBOY: 来简单看看wa
17:25 ZZHBOY: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter
17:25 ZZHBOY: 错
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 错
17:25 ZZHBOY: dabao
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: dabao
17:26 ZZHBOY:
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: sg
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 目测打不了
17:27 ZZHBOY: 唔 没ex啊
17:28 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 啊 居然没ex
17:29 ZZHBOY: 没下日服.-.
17:30 [CSGA]Ar3sgice:
17:31 ZZHBOY: 嘛的 我哈得还没fc 很愤怒 就删ll打恶俗了
17:31 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 思考
17:33 ZZHBOY: ar3前辈来摸一摸指点指点如何啊wa
17:33 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 好良心
17:33 ZZHBOY: 对ya
17:34 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我去找下板子
17:34 ZZHBOY: hao
17:35 *[CSGA]Ar3sgice is playing [ Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Nanjo Yoshino - Soldier Game [Insane]]
17:35 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 蜡烛
17:36 ZZHBOY: made
17:36 ZZHBOY: haole
17:39 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 挺好的
17:39 ZZHBOY: 触
17:39 ZZHBOY: wa 被前辈夸奖惹
17:40 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 看我开个dt
17:40 ZZHBOY: 深处
17:42 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 蜡烛
17:42 ZZHBOY: 美丽
17:42 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 美丽
17:42 ZZHBOY: 有没有哪些需要注意的地方呀o.o
17:43 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 有啊
17:43 ZZHBOY: 你输wa
17:43 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 把难度名改成expert
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: LL为啥要用insane
17:44 ZZHBOY: dabao
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 233
17:44 ZZHBOY: 唔.....
17:44 ZZHBOY: 但是这个3.9写成ex
17:44 ZZHBOY: 不是有点drama
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 233
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: ENH算了
17:45 ZZHBOY: x.x
17:45 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 01:56:187 (1,2) - 放1/6
17:45 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 不对这1/12吧
17:46 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 还是算了(
17:46 ZZHBOY: ;_;
17:46 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我觉得根本没啥能摸的啊
17:47 ZZHBOY: orz
17:47 ZZHBOY: 是不是这种简单风格的图不适合被moda
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 03:16:187 (1,2,3) -
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样mod如何
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 你没填source和tags
17:49 ZZHBOY: dui
17:49 ZZHBOY: 最近有个matadataqueue
17:49 ZZHBOY: 好东西
17:49 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: a
17:49 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: nashisha
17:49 ZZHBOY: 日本农业不发达
17:50 ZZHBOY:
17:50 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: wa
17:51 ZZHBOY: wa
17:51 ZZHBOY: 你的建议非常有道理 我已经改了 还有没有类似的wa
17:52 ZZHBOY: 但是1/6那个我还是没敢放...
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 你的建议非常有道理 我已经改了 还有没有类似的wa
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 那个别放啊
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我看错东西了
17:52 ZZHBOY: 唔...
17:53 ZZHBOY: 我看错东西了
17:56 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 01:37:664 (5) - 把最后一个改成短滑条(
17:57 ZZHBOY: 最后一个?
17:58 [CSGA]Ar3sgice:
17:58 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样好打
18:00 ZZHBOY: hao
18:00 ZZHBOY: 你输的堆
18:00 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 啊
18:00 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 00:51:187 (4) - 这放歪了吧
18:02 ZZHBOY: 唔 感觉往下偏一点会炫酷一些._.
18:02 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样啊
18:04 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 美丽 我去贴thread
Source:Love Live! School idol project
TAG:ラブライブ! にしきの まき Nishikino Maki 西木野 真姬 そのだ うみ Sonoda Umi 园田海未 あやせ えり Ayase Eli 绚濑绘里

00:09:255 - 跟这个喇叭的音轨不比现在平塞1/2有趣多了?
00:14:142 (3) - 这种鼓音全用drum-whistle
00:11:073 (5,6,7,8) - 这种地方可以加whistle,短滑条尾巴不用加
00:18:346 - 跟这个电吉他(?)音轨也好啊
00:24:142 (1) - 像这种人声特别重的地方也加一加whistle呀
00:32:096 (3) - 这短滑条意义何在
00:53:460 (1) - 你这啥节奏,后面全错了
00:58:914 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这样比较无聊其实,第二个滑条反过来然后翻过去这样的梗不好么
01:08:914 (1) - 3/4折返
01:12:551 (1,2,3) - 头whistle
01:21:187 (2) - 这个7/8意义又何在...
02:33:914 (4) - 像这种地方你也不加finish..
02:40:733 (1,2,3) - 不合适

00:53:460 (1) -
01:25:278 (3) - 尾巴finish
01:26:187 (1) - finish

00:20:733 (1) - finish
00:23:005 - 从这里就得加东西了吧
01:34:369 (2) - 1/1不好么
02:13:460 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - finish掉线了么...


Hello! M4M from your modding queue.
Unfortunately I can’t mod Insane.
Well, here’s my mod:

00:11:642 (1) – Move it till it’s here: X:312 Y:330. (To improve allignment with 00:10:733 (2) –)00:11:642 (1,2) – Improve blanket. (I use the approach circle of this hitcircle: 00:12:551 (2) – 00:37:096 (1,1) – Maybe make these two sliders similar. So don’t straighten this slider 00:38:914 (1) – Do something like this:
00:44:369 (1) – Allignment issue: Place it here: X:128 Y:7300:45:278 (3,1) – This blanket can also be improved a bit00:49:369 (3) – Rather make it look like this?
00:54:823 (3,1) – Make the blanket better. (Use the approach circle)01:00:733 (1,2) – Blanket here?01:27:096 (2) – Place this slider here: X:452 Y:104 to support the flow02:08:914 (3) – Allign better with this hitcircle: 02:08:005 (1) – Place the slider here: X:220 Y:13202:10:733 (3) – Ctrl+H, and then make a blanket with this hitcircle: 02:11:642 (1) – 02:38:005 (2) – Make it look like this?
Copy and paste this slider: 02:37:096 (1) – 02:42:551 (1) – Place this hitcircle here: X:256 Y:192 (In the middle)03:00:733 (1) – Ctrl+H and place it here: X:280 Y:276 to blanket this circle: 03:01:642 (2) – 03:03:460 (2) – Move this slider downwards a bit till it’s here: X:140 Y:256 (To make the blanket look better)03:04:823 (2) – Move this upwards a bit to make the triangle effect a bit better. Move it here: X:176 Y:2403:07:096 (3) – Place this slider somewhere here: X:352 Y:180. Will also improve the triangle a bit.03:11:187 (2,1) – This blanket can be improved03:12:551 (2,1) – Improve allignment. Place the slider here: X:508 Y:180

00:19:596 (3) – Mmmmm . . . I think it will look better if you curve this slider and make it blanket this slider: 00:18:687 (1) – If you also straighten the slider and place it there, it tends to look ugly, so rather make a blanket there00:25:733 (4) – Place it here: X:72 Y:136 to support the flow00:31:187 (4,1) – Improve the blanket. (I use the approach circle of 00:31:187 (4) - )01:02:096 (3,1) – A blanket will look way better here01:06:187 (1) – Make this slider look something like this?
It looks neater01:12:551 (1,2) – This blanket can look better01:39:596 (3) – Maybe do this?
Copy and paste this slider 01:38:914 (1) – then Ctrl+H01:45:733 (4) – Maybe move this circle a bit further away from this slider 01:45:051 (3) – Overlaps like that looks ugly in my opinion02:07:551 (3,1) – Blanket will look better02:11:642 (1) – Try to make it look like this?
02:53:460 (1) – Place it in the middle03:08:914 – Make this a curved slider like this one: 03:08:005 (1) –

And that’s that.
Overall, nice mapset.
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

As ingame requested`!
Hi! ZZHBOY!~:)
•This is Regraz's mod. Note that I am rather new to modding/mapping, so I am sorry if this cannot provide real help.
The 0006 map modded since using the new modding framwork. (Dont care about this number , it is just used to remind me the number of maps I've modded.)


Just plz add tags later.
Remove wide-screen support if you dont want to add storyboard.


  1. -0.5 OD and HP since this is just the lowest diff in this mapset.
  2. 00:18:460 (3,1) - do not stack 1/2 in Normal. It is nice to stack 1/1 in Normal, but as to 1/2 you need to use distance snap to make a hint to new players.
  3. 00:30:733 (2) - Use curve slider instead of straight one to make better patterns. Straight slider here seems a little out of place.
  4. 00:40:733 (1,2) - Do not stick to plain 1/1 here, it sounds a little boring. Use a few 1/2s wont hurt.
  5. 00:42:551 (1,2) - For a better flow, move 2 up a little:
  6. 00:47:551 (3,1) - same as 00:18:460 (3,1) -
  7. 00:53:460 (1,2,3,1) - Why not symmetric?这里搞不了对称
  8. 01:10:733 (2,1) - blanket better.
  9. 01:27:096 (2) - Try this position:
  10. 01:40:505 (1,2) - oh, poor pattern I think. You can make more beautiful ones here with adjusting 2's place.
  11. 02:42:551 (1) - 搞个小点声的Finish, 这个whistle放的太软了。把音量加了点 后面也是


  1. -0.5 AR for better diff spread.
  2. 00:08:914 (4) - Follow the instrument?
  3. 00:11:073 Add a note?
  4. 00:20:505 (1,2,3) - Dont stack both 1/2 and 1/1, this is a mess.
  5. 00:23:914 (4,1) - Improve this blanket.
  6. 00:52:778 (2) - Better if you follow vocal here.
  7. 01:44:823 (2) - DS issues.
  8. 02:42:551 (2) - 音效听着有点软qwq同normal


  1. 妈呀 这连打间距
  2. 00:10:619 (1,2) - Remove. Start stream at whiteline.
  3. 00:34:369 (4,1) - Stack perfectly.
  4. 00:41:187 (2) - 和前面的滑条在一个直线上啊
  5. 00:23:914 (4,1) - Improve this blanket.
  6. KIAI去掉几个三连吧。 overmap有点太严重了

Done~! :)

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

你没改难度设定 和i是一样的
00:35:051 (1) - 把中间那个点往左边移动一格
00:59:823 (3) - 不要啦

17:25 ZZHBOY: ar前辈摸不摸图啊
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 0.0
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 思考
17:25 ZZHBOY: 唔
17:25 ZZHBOY: 呜呜
17:25 ZZHBOY: 来简单看看wa
17:25 ZZHBOY: Flight of the Bamboo Cutter
17:25 ZZHBOY: 错
17:25 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 错
17:25 ZZHBOY: dabao
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: dabao
17:26 ZZHBOY:
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: sg
17:26 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 目测打不了
17:27 ZZHBOY: 唔 没ex啊
17:28 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 啊 居然没ex
17:29 ZZHBOY: 没下日服.-.
17:30 [CSGA]Ar3sgice:
17:31 ZZHBOY: 嘛的 我哈得还没fc 很愤怒 就删ll打恶俗了
17:31 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 思考
17:33 ZZHBOY: ar3前辈来摸一摸指点指点如何啊wa
17:33 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 好良心
17:33 ZZHBOY: 对ya
17:34 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我去找下板子
17:34 ZZHBOY: hao
17:35 *[CSGA]Ar3sgice is playing [ Pile, Mimori Suzuko, Nanjo Yoshino - Soldier Game [Insane]]
17:35 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 蜡烛
17:36 ZZHBOY: made
17:36 ZZHBOY: haole
17:39 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 挺好的
17:39 ZZHBOY: 触
17:39 ZZHBOY: wa 被前辈夸奖惹
17:40 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 看我开个dt
17:40 ZZHBOY: 深处
17:42 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 蜡烛
17:42 ZZHBOY: 美丽
17:42 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 美丽
17:42 ZZHBOY: 有没有哪些需要注意的地方呀o.o
17:43 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 有啊
17:43 ZZHBOY: 你输wa
17:43 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 把难度名改成expert
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: LL为啥要用insane
17:44 ZZHBOY: dabao
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 233
17:44 ZZHBOY: 唔.....
17:44 ZZHBOY: 但是这个3.9写成ex
17:44 ZZHBOY: 不是有点drama
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 233
17:44 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: ENH算了
17:45 ZZHBOY: x.x
17:45 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 01:56:187 (1,2) - 放1/6
17:45 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 不对这1/12吧
17:46 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 还是算了(
17:46 ZZHBOY: ;_;
17:46 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我觉得根本没啥能摸的啊
17:47 ZZHBOY: orz
17:47 ZZHBOY: 是不是这种简单风格的图不适合被moda
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 03:16:187 (1,2,3) -
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样mod如何
17:48 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 你没填source和tags
17:49 ZZHBOY: dui
17:49 ZZHBOY: 最近有个matadataqueue
17:49 ZZHBOY: 好东西
17:49 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: a
17:49 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: nashisha
17:49 ZZHBOY: 日本农业不发达
17:50 ZZHBOY:
17:50 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: wa
17:51 ZZHBOY: wa
17:51 ZZHBOY: 你的建议非常有道理 我已经改了 还有没有类似的wa
17:52 ZZHBOY: 但是1/6那个我还是没敢放...
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 你的建议非常有道理 我已经改了 还有没有类似的wa
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 那个别放啊
17:52 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 我看错东西了
17:52 ZZHBOY: 唔...
17:53 ZZHBOY: 我看错东西了
17:56 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 01:37:664 (5) - 把最后一个改成短滑条(
17:57 ZZHBOY: 最后一个?
17:58 [CSGA]Ar3sgice:
17:58 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样好打
18:00 ZZHBOY: hao
18:00 ZZHBOY: 你输的堆
18:00 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 啊
18:00 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 00:51:187 (4) - 这放歪了吧
18:02 ZZHBOY: 唔 感觉往下偏一点会炫酷一些._.
18:02 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 这样啊
18:04 [CSGA]Ar3sgice: 美丽 我去贴thread

ProdigyGrape wrote:

01:07:778(8)往坐上移动一点78是复制56的 保持美观
01:57:096(1)太远,前面的滑条太容易断了,建议降低难度(这条不改也不是不行。。。)这里的kiai前嘛 用跳来表现音乐

01:24:369(1)喇叭只有半拍你摆了个一拍滑条为了让滑条尾压这里的音01:24:823 -


lkx_Shore wrote:

Source:Love Live! School idol project
TAG:ラブライブ! にしきの まき Nishikino Maki 西木野 真姬 そのだ うみ Sonoda Umi 园田海未 あやせ えり Ayase Eli 绚濑绘里

00:09:255 - 跟这个喇叭的音轨不比现在平塞1/2有趣多了?
00:14:142 (3) - 这种鼓音全用drum-whistle
00:11:073 (5,6,7,8) - 这种地方可以加whistle,短滑条尾巴不用加
00:18:346 - 跟这个电吉他(?)音轨也好啊
00:24:142 (1) - 像这种人声特别重的地方也加一加whistle呀
00:32:096 (3) - 这短滑条意义何在跟乐器啊
00:53:460 (1) - 你这啥节奏,后面全错了 - 不想让这里的鼓空掉
00:58:914 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这样比较无聊其实,第二个滑条反过来然后翻过去这样的梗不好么
01:08:914 (1) - 3/4折返
01:12:551 (1,2,3) - 头whistle
01:21:187 (2) - 这个7/8意义又何在...跟那个声音....
02:33:914 (4) - 像这种地方你也不加finish..不像是finish的音啊
02:40:733 (1,2,3) - 不合适

其他关于节奏的建议没采纳因为想做个light insane所以鼓点明显的地方一律是鼓点优先了
00:53:460 (1) -想让hard简单点...
01:25:278 (3) - 尾巴finish
01:26:187 (1) - finish

00:20:733 (1) - finish
00:23:005 - 从这里就得加东西了吧低难度里转盘后面不接东西大概是现在的一个rank规则
01:34:369 (2) - 1/1不好么01:35:051 - 想跟这个音
02:13:460 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - finish掉线了么...加了点音效

-Nya- wrote:

Hello! M4M from your modding queue.
Unfortunately I can’t mod Insane.
Well, here’s my mod:

00:11:642 (1) – Move it till it’s here: X:312 Y:330. (To improve allignment with 00:10:733 (2) –)00:11:642 (1,2) – Improve blanket.fine (I use the approach circle of this hitcircle: 00:12:551 (2) – 00:37:096 (1,1) – Maybe make these two sliders similar. So don’t straighten this slider 00:38:914 (1) – Do something like this:
[box=Picture]00:44:369 (1) – Allignment issue: Place it here: X:128 Y:7300:45:278 (3,1) – This blanket can also be improved a bitfine00:49:369 (3) – Rather make it look like this?
[box=Picture]00:54:823 (3,1) – Make the blanket better. (Use the approach circle)01:00:733 (1,2) – Blanket here?01:27:096 (2) – Place this slider here: X:452 Y:104 to support the flow02:08:914 (3) – Allign better with this hitcircle: 02:08:005 (1) – Place the slider here: X:220 Y:13202:10:733 (3) – Ctrl+H, and then make a blanket with this hitcircle: 02:11:642 (1) – 02:38:005 (2) – Make it look like this?
Copy and paste this slider: 02:37:096 (1) – 02:42:551 (1) – Place this hitcircle here: X:256 Y:192 (In the middle)03:00:733 (1) – Ctrl+H and place it here: X:280 Y:276 to blanket this circle: 03:01:642 (2) – 03:03:460 (2) – Move this slider downwards a bit till it’s here: X:140 Y:256 (To make the blanket look better)03:04:823 (2) – Move this upwards a bit to make the triangle effect a bit better. Move it here: X:176 Y:2403:07:096 (3) – Place this slider somewhere here: X:352 Y:180. Will also improve the triangle a bit.03:11:187 (2,1) – This blanket can be improved03:12:551 (2,1) – Improve allignment. Place the slider here: X:508 Y:180

00:19:596 (3) – Mmmmm . . . I think it will look better if you curve this slider and make it blanket this slider: 00:18:687 (1) – If you also straighten the slider and place it there, it tends to look ugly, so rather make a blanket there00:25:733 (4) – Place it here: X:72 Y:136 to support the flow00:31:187 (4,1) – Improve the blanket. (I use the approach circle of 00:31:187 (4) - )01:02:096 (3,1) – A blanket will look way better here01:06:187 (1) – Make this slider look something like this?
It looks neater01:12:551 (1,2) – This blanket can look betterfine01:39:596 (3) – Maybe do this?
Copy and paste this slider 01:38:914 (1) – then Ctrl+H01:45:733 (4) – Maybe move this circle a bit further away from this slider 01:45:051 (3) – Overlaps like that looks ugly in my opinion02:07:551 (3,1) – Blanket will look better02:11:642 (1) – Try to make it look like this?
[box=Picture]02:53:460 (1) – Place it in the middle03:08:914 – Make this a curved slider like this one: 03:08:005 (1) –

And that’s that.
Overall, nice mapset.
Good Luck! :D

thanks for your mods :3

  1. Red words: Should be fixed.
  2. Blue words : Highly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my opinion.

  1. The bg size looks like weird,I find a beyond 1024x768 picture,perhaps you can apply to it (But you need to manage this standard size by yourself) :
  2. Perhaps can add a sliderslide mute the hitsound?

  1. 00:49:369 (3) - Make the slider end turn a bit angle,let these beginner easy to play ?
  2. 01:04:369 (1,2,1) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  3. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  4. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.
  5. 02:46:187 (1) - Follow the front part exoress vocal (02:42:551 (1)) ,and add a note here,too?
  6. 02:49:823 (1) - ^

  1. 00:52:778 (2) - Chnge this rhythm follow the vocal?
  2. 01:04:369 (1,4,1) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  3. 02:16:642 (2) - Keep consistent this DS? (02:16:187 (1,2) - almost closely.)
  4. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  5. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.

  1. 00:24:142 (1) - Ctrl+G? Feel this music is up,so I think the flow should be placed up here?
  2. 00:40:051 (7) - Stack better.
  3. 00:58:914 (1,2,2,2) - These speed up seems not express obviously,do the '1.20,1.40,1.60,1.80' here?
  4. 01:04:369 (5,1,6) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  5. 01:27:437 (2) - Sounds like this jump part are consistent DS,why not keep it?
  6. 01:57:096 (1,2,3) - Should be placed the same DS? (Make the (3) move to (256|304).)
  7. 02:04:369 (1,2,2,2) - The same reason with 00:58:914 (1,2,2,2).
  8. 02:25:619 (2) - Perhaps can use ctrl+g do a big jump. (Listen the music)
  9. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  10. 02:53:005 (1) - If follow the vocal,is missed this note here?
  11. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.
  12. 03:16:187 (1,2,3) - Sounds like the music seems can enlarge the DS,why not to try it?

  1. Hitsound sounds like fine,just some placement and jumps unstable.
hello~~zzh :D
00:09:369 (3) - 刪掉滑條放一個Note就好?
01:08:914 (3) - whistle?
01:22:551 (1) - 刪clap?
01:23:460 (2) - ^
01:23:914 (3) - 感覺頭尾用whistle比較適合
01:33:233 - 這裡節奏 試試看這樣~~
01:37:551 (4) - 刪Whistle?
02:04:369 (1,2) - 這2個尾巴刪Finish吧~~!
02:06:642 (2) - 不加clap嗎!!!
02:08:460 (2) - 漏音?
02:14:369 (2) - 頭 尾+Whistle?
02:29:823 (1) - 頭刪clap?
02:33:005 (3) - +clap
03:02:551 (1,2) - 這2個滑條尾巴刪Finish?
03:16:187 (2) - 不加個音效嗎?

00:17:551 (2) - 別疊(1)的尾巴,拉出來一點OAO???
00:58:914 (1,3) - 一樣尾巴刪Finish?
01:08:914 (1) - 頭+個whistle
01:11:642 (3) - +個音效吧!
02:07:096 (2) - 頭+clap?
02:08:914 - ^
02:18:005 (1) - +個音效!!!
02:28:005 (1) - 刪clap
02:35:278 (1) - ^
03:02:551 (1,3) - 2個尾巴刪finish
03:11:642 (1) - 頭+whistle
03:12:551 (3) - 頭尾加whistle

02:13:460 (1) - 頭+finish
02:17:096 (1) - ^
03:11:642 (1) - ^

新手~渣mod ins不怎麼會mod>.<
差不多就這樣了 mod不出什麼XD
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:


  1. Red words: Should be fixed.
  2. Blue words : Highly recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my opinion.

  1. The bg size looks like weird,I find a beyond 1024x768 picture,perhaps you can apply to it (But you need to manage this standard size by yourself) :
  2. Perhaps can add a sliderslide mute the hitsound?

  1. 00:49:369 (3) - Make the slider end turn a bit angle,let these beginner easy to play ?
  2. 01:04:369 (1,2,1) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  3. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  4. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.
  5. 02:46:187 (1) - Follow the front part exoress vocal (02:42:551 (1)) ,and add a note here,too?
  6. 02:49:823 (1) - ^

  1. 00:52:778 (2) - Chnge this rhythm follow the vocal?
  2. 01:04:369 (1,4,1) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  3. 02:16:642 (2) - Keep consistent this DS? (02:16:187 (1,2) - almost closely.)
  4. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  5. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.

  1. 00:24:142 (1) - Ctrl+G? Feel this music is up,so I think the flow should be placed up here?
  2. 00:40:051 (7) - Stack better.
  3. 00:58:914 (1,2,2,2) - These speed up seems not express obviously,do the '1.20,1.40,1.60,1.80' here?
  4. 01:04:369 (5,1,6) - Add whistle make strong express the vocal? (And in the same behind parts,too.)
  5. 01:27:437 (2) - Sounds like this jump part are consistent DS,why not keep it?
  6. 01:57:096 (1,2,3) - Should be placed the same DS? (Make the (3) move to (256|304).)
  7. 02:04:369 (1,2,2,2) - The same reason with 00:58:914 (1,2,2,2).
  8. 02:25:619 (2) - Perhaps can use ctrl+g do a big jump. (Listen the music)
  9. 02:31:642 (1) - Missed a finish here?
  10. 02:53:005 (1) - If follow the vocal,is missed this note here?
  11. 03:11:642 (1) - As the same 02:31:642.
  12. 03:16:187 (1,2,3) - Sounds like the music seems can enlarge the DS,why not to try it?船业说的有道理

  1. Hitsound sounds like fine,just some placement and jumps unstable.
音效建议基本都采纳了 :)

AliomLoung wrote:

hello~~zzh :D
00:09:369 (3) - 刪掉滑條放一個Note就好?
01:08:914 (3) - whistle?
01:22:551 (1) - 刪clap?
01:23:460 (2) - ^
01:23:914 (3) - 感覺頭尾用whistle比較適合
01:33:233 - 這裡節奏 試試看這樣~~
01:37:551 (4) - 刪Whistle?
02:04:369 (1,2) - 這2個尾巴刪Finish吧~~!
02:06:642 (2) - 不加clap嗎!!!
02:08:460 (2) - 漏音?
02:14:369 (2) - 頭 尾+Whistle?
02:29:823 (1) - 頭刪clap?
02:33:005 (3) - +clap
03:02:551 (1,2) - 這2個滑條尾巴刪Finish?
03:16:187 (2) - 不加個音效嗎?

00:17:551 (2) - 別疊(1)的尾巴,拉出來一點OAO???
00:58:914 (1,3) - 一樣尾巴刪Finish?
01:08:914 (1) - 頭+個whistle
01:11:642 (3) - +個音效吧!
02:07:096 (2) - 頭+clap?
02:08:914 - ^
02:18:005 (1) - +個音效!!!
02:28:005 (1) - 刪clap
02:35:278 (1) - ^
03:02:551 (1,3) - 2個尾巴刪finish
03:11:642 (1) - 頭+whistle
03:12:551 (3) - 頭尾加whistle

02:13:460 (1) - 頭+finish
02:17:096 (1) - ^
03:11:642 (1) - ^

新手~渣mod ins不怎麼會mod>.<
差不多就這樣了 mod不出什麼XD
Good Luck! :D
音效基本都采纳了 :)

thanks for modding :)
01:37:551 (4,2) - not overlap,stack plz
00:20:733 (1,1) - 不能保持连续的打击感,建议填满,NM的转盘后不用像EZ那样留太大的空
01:55:278 (1,1) - -^
02:55:278 (1,1) - -^_^这个不是表情0.0
自己都不结束在长白线还这样摸我= =
00:20:505 (1,2,1,2) - 自带HD,不好读
00:29:823 - add a note?
00:35:960 (3) - 把原来的长折返滑条拆开,改成这样的排列和节奏?然后DS暂时改成1.35
删掉00:58:005 (3) - 在00:58:233 - 加上个note与00:57:778 (2) - 位置重叠,然后改排列
02:03:233 (2,3) - -^
01:04:823 (2,3,4) - 柑橘节奏有点怪01:04:596 - 有音
02:10:278 (2,3,4) - -^
00:16:869 (1) - 转个方向比较好读些
00:18:687 (1,1,1) - reduce SV ?
01:21:187 (2,3,1,2,3) - 不好读图
01:49:369 (2,3,4,5) - 这里的串不怎么合适,节奏平缓
remove02:11:073 (2) - ?
Topic Starter
4anke ;)

4anke wrote:

01:37:551 (4,2) - not overlap,stack plz
00:20:733 (1,1) - 不能保持连续的打击感,建议填满,NM的转盘后不用像EZ那样留太大的空
01:55:278 (1,1) - -^
02:55:278 (1,1) - -^_^这个不是表情0.0
自己都不结束在长白线还这样摸我= =
00:20:505 (1,2,1,2) - 自带HD,不好读
00:29:823 - add a note?
00:35:960 (3) - 把原来的长折返滑条拆开,改成这样的排列和节奏?然后DS暂时改成1.35
删掉00:58:005 (3) - 在00:58:233 - 加上个note与00:57:778 (2) - 位置重叠,然后改排列
02:03:233 (2,3) - -^
01:04:823 (2,3,4) - 柑橘节奏有点怪01:04:596 - 有音
02:10:278 (2,3,4) - -^
00:16:869 (1) - 转个方向比较好读些
00:18:687 (1,1,1) - reduce SV ?
01:21:187 (2,3,1,2,3) - 不好读图
01:49:369 (2,3,4,5) - 这里的串不怎么合适,节奏平缓
remove02:11:073 (2) - ?

thanks for mod :3
Topic Starter

happy623 wrote:

Tags: ラブライブ! にしきの まき Nishikino Maki 西木野 真 そのだ うみ Sonoda Umi 田海未 あやせ えり Ayase Eli 绚濑绘
Hm, I wonder why Chinese characters are used in Tags. Also add "Eri" as well.
Topic Starter

KSHR wrote:

Tags: ラブライブ! にしきの まき Nishikino Maki 西木野 真 そのだ うみ Sonoda Umi 田海未 あやせ えり Ayase Eli 绚濑绘
Hm, I wonder why Chinese characters are used in Tags. Also add "Eri" as well.
Chinese characters x.x.....
thanks anyway, i'll change it soon :3
JMQ stuff. Sorry for the delay!

Title/Romanized Title: soldier game | should be wholly uncapitalized.
Artist: Pile, 三森すずこ, 南條愛乃
Additionally consider adding them to tge tags; 西木野真姫 園田海未 絢瀬絵里

Source: Love Live! School Idol Project | I'm not 100% sure about this, it might be better to use "ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル" as Source and move the romanized one to the tags.

The rest looks fine to me, good luck!
AnOzi Changle
00:25:278 (2,3) - 换成滑条?
00:30:278 (1) - 以00:30:051开头做滑条
00:47:551 (3) - ^
00:58:914 (1) - 换成三个note与01:00:278 (2) - 做四边形 或者改成一拍的往返
01:21:642 (3) - 应该坚持一拍
01:34:369 (2) - ^
01:35:278 - note
01:23:914 (3) - 四分拍的往返
00:52:551 - 把这里应用起来,00:51:642 (1) - 就算是ctrl+G
01:58:005 - ^
01:05:050 (3,4) - 连打可能更好?
01:07:551 (5,6) - ctrl+G
01:08:005 (1) - 换个位置 或者换成滑条
01:52:551 - 补个note?
02:30:051 (2) - 换成7连?
02:17:892 (6,1,2,3) - 6去掉 1改四分拍短滑 2,3延迟四分之一拍
03:17:096 (1) - 睡着了

都是蠢mod 不要太在意
  1. 00:14:823 (3,4) - 这两个复制前面的吧00:14:369 (1,2) -
  2. 00:24:823 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - flow奇怪,这样好么
  3. 00:29:369 (6,7) - 错开一点吧,而且跳之后的间距应该逐渐减小
  4. 00:30:051 (1,2,3,4) - 这里节奏是x-x-x x-x-x,结合上一条排版就这样试试
  5. 00:31:414 (1,2,3) - 既然后面是一个4连,为何不00:31:414 (1) - 3/4滑条,00:31:869 - 1/4滑条
  6. 00:32:551 (4,5,6,7,8) - 没排直
  7. 00:40:733 (1) - 这个位置感觉有点牵强,其实走向应该是横向左
  8. 00:43:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - 没拉直
  9. 00:48:233 (2) - 向上吧
  10. 00:49:142 (2,1) - why are you so dio
  11. 00:51:642 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 这你就没想过摆个图形?虽然这样也勉强哟个5边行,但是前后不搭啊
  12. 01:01:414 (3,4,5) - 没叠好
  13. 01:24:823 (3,4,1,2) - 一坨翔,向右移开吧
  14. 02:33:005 (3,4,5,6,1) - 没排直开gs吧
  15. 02:33:914 (4) - 突然加速,边个色吧
  1. 00:21:869 (2) - 这个nc
  2. 00:27:778 (1) - 稍微弯一下
  3. 00:30:051 (1) - 漏音了,折返一下,或者拆成两个圈
Quick check. No kd.


  • 就说下节奏吧..
  1. 00:08:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - 直接说就是平塞,其实什么音轨都没跟到,这样玩起来什么意思都没有.
  2. 00:11:642 (1) - 换成1/1更好,00:11:869 - ,00:11:869 - 没有打击感很强的音,不跟。
  3. 00:15:051 (4) - 这种音明显比其他部分要强烈的,就应该从哪个部分区分开来,加音效,弄大跳。
  4. 00:15:960 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 什么都跟只会造成很混乱的效果,这点在Kiaitime尤为明显,为什么就不能好好跟一个音轨呢?
  5. 00:22:778 (5,6) - 和00:23:460 (7,8) - 用note接1/2滑条会比现在的效果好很多。要跟人声就不要考虑鼓点,要跟鼓点就不要考虑人声。
  6. 00:31:414 (1,2,3) - 一样。
  7. 00:39:142 (2) - 这个人声强音在这,选择1/2.
  8. 00:40:733 (1) - 头补finish。
  9. 00:41:642 (4) - 白线没强音,人声的强音效果明显优于这个弱音,这种跟人声。
  10. 00:43:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - 为什么说你很不认真的,就是因为这种你跟的音轨都在乱下节奏,去掉00:43:801 (2) - 在00:44:255 - 加上note。
  11. 00:53:914 - 之前说过这部分跟音轨的问题了,不说了。
  12. 01:21:187 (2) - 滑条尾巴真的没音,没必要这样。
  13. 01:40:505 (6) - 重音补Finish.
  14. 01:42:096 (11) - 为什么要搞个折返.....直接让人打完不好么
  15. 01:47:096 (4) - 跟人声。
  16. 其实打击重点在02:18:346 - 和02:18:687 - ,不过她们没唱对。
  17. 02:18:914 (1) - 滑条尾消音处理。
  18. 02:27:551 (6,7,8) - 这三个note又混在前面两个音里了?而且02:27:664 (7,8) - 有什么意义么。
  19. 02:31:414 (6) - 同00:15:051 (4) -
  20. 02:31:983 (2) - 为什么突然用这么大的间距。
  21. 02:38:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这部分算是乱下吧?...
  22. 02:40:733 (1) - 这部分太空了,在02:41:073 (2) - ,02:41:187 - 补note。02:42:096 - 用长滑条拖到02:42:551 - ,那个地方是弱音不适合打击。
  23. 02:55:051 (1) - 尾巴补Finish。
  24. 02:32:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 这一段的重音在蓝线上。
Topic Starter

lkx_Shore wrote:

Quick check. No kd.


  • 就说下节奏吧..
  1. 00:08:914 (1,2,3,4,5) - 直接说就是平塞,其实什么音轨都没跟到,这样玩起来什么意思都没有.
  2. 00:11:642 (1) - 换成1/1更好,00:11:869 - ,00:11:869 - 没有打击感很强的音,不跟。
  3. 00:15:051 (4) - 这种音明显比其他部分要强烈的,就应该从哪个部分区分开来,加音效,弄大跳。
  4. 00:15:960 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 什么都跟只会造成很混乱的效果,这点在Kiaitime尤为明显,为什么就不能好好跟一个音轨呢?
  5. 00:22:778 (5,6) - 和00:23:460 (7,8) - 用note接1/2滑条会比现在的效果好很多。要跟人声就不要考虑鼓点,要跟鼓点就不要考虑人声。
  6. 00:31:414 (1,2,3) - 一样。这里不清楚怎么改就随便改了下
  7. 00:39:142 (2) - 这个人声强音在这,选择1/2.
  8. 00:40:733 (1) - 头补finish。
  9. 00:41:642 (4) - 白线没强音,人声的强音效果明显优于这个弱音,这种跟人声。改成折返了
  10. 00:43:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - 为什么说你很不认真的,就是因为这种你跟的音轨都在乱下节奏,去掉00:43:801 (2) - 在00:44:255 - 加上note。
  11. 00:53:914 - 之前说过这部分跟音轨的问题了,不说了。跟vocal了
  12. 01:21:187 (2) - 滑条尾巴真的没音,没必要这样。
  13. 01:40:505 (6) - 重音补Finish.
  14. 01:42:096 (11) - 为什么要搞个折返.....直接让人打完不好么
  15. 01:47:096 (4) - 跟人声。改成折返了
  16. 其实打击重点在02:18:346 - 和02:18:687 - ,不过她们没唱对。暂时放着的因为vocal比较明显
  17. 02:18:914 (1) - 滑条尾消音处理。
  18. 02:27:551 (6,7,8) - 这三个note又混在前面两个音里了?而且02:27:664 (7,8) - 有什么意义么。拆成两个二连了
  19. 02:31:414 (6) - 同00:15:051 (4) - 加大了ds
  20. 02:31:983 (2) - 为什么突然用这么大的间距。改小了
  21. 02:38:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这部分算是乱下吧?...把1/4滑条换成circle了
  22. 02:40:733 (1) - 这部分太空了,在02:41:073 (2) - ,02:41:187 - 补note。02:42:096 - 用长滑条拖到02:42:551 - ,那个地方是弱音不适合打击。填满了点
  23. 02:55:051 (1) - 尾巴补Finish。
  24. 02:32:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 这一段的重音在蓝线上。加了clap来突出了
Sakaue Nachi
Topic Starter

Sakaue Nachi wrote:


  1. The right source is ラブライブ! School idol project
  2. 01:20:733 - from here it looks a bit off time you should get somebody who is goos with multiple selections and offset (i'm not QuQ)
  3. add a sliderslide is better to have it silent ;_;
  4. 03:33:233 - the diffs should finish arround here imo is the best part to get it finished
  1. AR + 0,5 HP and OD + 1,5
  2. 00:07:778 - from here until 00:22:551 - you should really re-do your hitsounds because are really incosistent you're missing allot of claps like ; 00:11:642 (9) - slider end 00:16:414 (4) - same
  3. 00:07:778 (1,2) - this blanket could be better
  4. 00:11:642 (9) - new combo
  5. 00:38:460 (4) - here your flow is totally wrong because with the prev slider you're introducing with the slider end a flow wich is going down but wrongly you're going up,so the best way to fix this jump pattern is to move this circle down
    or even parallel to the next jump pattern
  6. 00:43:914 (2,3,4,5) - you should curve this stream to flow the prev circle instead of having a straight pattern like this
  7. 01:23:914 (5,6,7,8,1) - feels like overmapped rhythm here
  8. 01:12:778 (2,3) - totally a wrong rhythm here
  9. 02:18:233 (2,3) - same here ^
  10. 03:17:096 (1) - finish on the spinner
  1. 00:42:096 (3) - stack it with the next slider
  2. 00:42:323 (1,2) - something like this is better
  3. 00:47:551 (5,6) - feels extra here remove 00:47:664 (6) -
  4. 01:23:914 (6) - feels overmapped a bit
  5. 01:45:051 (3,4) - ugly overlap
  6. 03:01:414 (2) - stack it with the next slider
  7. 03:06:187 (1,2) - blanket is better here
  1. OD and HP -1
  2. 00:42:551 (1) - ctrl+h
  3. 01:08:914 (3) - ctrl+h
  4. 01:27:096 (2) - for a better flow change this slider in this way and move it more to the end of the prev slider:
  5. 01:44:369 (1) - blanket for the next object
  6. 01:48:005 (1) - ctrl+h
  7. 01:50:733 (2,3) - for a better flow do something like this:
  8. 02:37:096 (1) - blanket for prev object
  9. 03:00:733 (1) - ctrl+h
good luck o3o

  1. 整体来说吧,基础比较扎实,但是有些死板。梗用的还不错,但是jump细节还需要改进。整体感有,但是还是不完善,但是架子已经出来了,不错。


  • Rhythm
  1. 没啥问题

  • Sound Effect
  1. ok.


  1. 升级AR8吧
  2. 作为水出来的Hard还算比较中肯,不错。
  • Rhythm
  1. 00:52:551 - 这首歌曲类似于这种节奏的在这里最好可以加一个不同音效的note,这样打起来更好一些,不加虽然符合原曲是不错,但是打起来有些郁闷。(可选)
    00:53:460 (1) - hard出现这种降低难度的混节奏梗有点不合适啊。
    01:04:369 (1,2) - NC换一下?
    01:05:733 (5,1) - NC建议换一下,56明显和1是一组梗,况且45距离很大,明显不在一组梗里面。
    01:07:096 (3,4,5,6,1) - 这个梗建议ar8好读一点,这也是建议AR8的重点所在。7圈圈太多了。
    01:45:051 (3,4) - 还是觉得这个遮挡不好看。
    01:48:460 (2,3,4,5,6) - 还是节奏有问题,用用底下这个节奏试试。
    01:58:914 (1) - 同00:53:460 (1) -

  • Sound Effect
  1. None.


  1. AR9更好些,如果再有些i的梗,这个diff就完美了。
  • Rhythm
  1. 00:16:983 (6) - overmap了吧。
    00:51:187 (4) - 这个节奏不对,有问题。
    01:00:164 (1,2) - 如果这个是为了配合前面的话,这个地方打起来的时候就没有原本音乐的打击感了,给人的感觉就像凑合过去了一样,建议这里还是连打带感一些。
    01:01:528 (4) - 节奏错误,如果是为了造梗而忽略了原本音乐的节奏是不可取的。
    01:02:892 (2,3,4) - 这个同样也是节奏混乱。
    02:25:960 (1) - 咱觉得吧这个sider相对减速在这里不合适,如果是为了表现整体的节奏,那么前面大可不必使用加速,这里减速咱觉得造成了一种一下子泄气了的感觉,个人觉得减速的位置应该放到这个slider之后用跳的距离和节奏控制来把握会更好些。当然这个梗不是说用的不好,只不过觉得用在这儿不是特合适。
    02:29:823 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这两段梗衔接个人觉得不是特别好。前面的34造成了一种可以大跳的情景,而后面的连打和调并没有和前面的那部分梗所表达的意思衔接上,打起来显得怪怪的
    02:32:096 (3,4,1,2) - 这部分试试把跳逐渐依次按照节奏变大一些?

  • Sound Effect
  1. None.

Topic Starter

Rotte wrote:

hao我尽量找一下 thx ._.
Already do previous mod at this map,so just some short suggestion for this map again (Feel better than before)

IRC in game (CH)
2015-03-06 00:56 smallboat: 看了看nm節奏有些忍不住要說
2015-03-06 00:56 ZZHBOY: 嗯?
2015-03-06 00:57 ZZHBOY: 这个已经近乎easy了啊
2015-03-06 01:00 smallboat: 01:13:460 (1) -
2015-03-06 01:00 smallboat: 轉盤尾應該是在
2015-03-06 01:01 smallboat: 114596
2015-03-06 01:01 smallboat: vocal end
2015-03-06 01:01 ZZHBOY: 不不 这个我做的应该没错
2015-03-06 01:01 ZZHBOY: 都跟的鼓
2015-03-06 01:03 ZZHBOY: 02:14:823 - 这一带我re了 全跟了1/1
2015-03-06 01:04 smallboat: 01:20:733 (1) - 別3stack啊
2015-03-06 01:04 smallboat: 你說是easy了啊
2015-03-06 01:04 ZZHBOY: 怎么我还放了这个shit
2015-03-06 01:04 ZZHBOY: 剁手了
2015-03-06 01:09 smallboat: 02:37:096 (1) - 往下一點
2015-03-06 01:10 smallboat: 02:58:914 (1) - 在這邊下很怪啊
2015-03-06 01:10 ZZHBOY: 嗯
2015-03-06 01:10 smallboat: 怎麼下在歌詞中間
2015-03-06 01:11 ZZHBOY: 唔
2015-03-06 01:11 ZZHBOY: 当时好像有说低难度转盘后面隔4拍
2015-03-06 01:12 smallboat: 02:55:278 (1) -
2015-03-06 01:14 ZZHBOY:这样了
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 03:17:096 (1) - 可
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 貼錯
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: *打錯
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 轉盤尾可以看看+finish
2015-03-06 01:15 smallboat: 恩那節奏可以
2015-03-06 01:17 ZZHBOY: 其他问题还有几个我都改了
2015-03-06 01:17 ZZHBOY: 包括各种stack已经节奏weird
00:17:096 (6) - Forgot NC?
00:57:096 (1) - Suggest move up a bit?
02:02:551 (1) - 碰到血條
02:13:460 (1) - 跟前面part音軌對照,forgot add finish here
02:17:096 (3) - Same above
03:03:460 (3) - Move up a bit

[Insane] OD+1 to 7?
00:31:414 (1,2,3) - Also use 0.20~0.30x distance here? (This stream so narrow)
01:38:687 (1) - Not a heavy vocal beat,necessary NC hereneed to be fixed.
01:42:096 (1) - Same as above
02:18:573 (3) - The vocal head at 02:18:687 here I think,suggest fix it.
02:53:233 (1) - Also can change a rhythm I think : (Because vocal start here,it will play better )
03:10:051 (2) - 碰到血條
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

Already do previous mod at this map,so just some short suggestion for this map again (Feel better than before)

IRC in game (CH)
2015-03-06 00:56 smallboat: 看了看nm節奏有些忍不住要說
2015-03-06 00:56 ZZHBOY: 嗯?
2015-03-06 00:57 ZZHBOY: 这个已经近乎easy了啊
2015-03-06 01:00 smallboat: 01:13:460 (1) -
2015-03-06 01:00 smallboat: 轉盤尾應該是在
2015-03-06 01:01 smallboat: 114596
2015-03-06 01:01 smallboat: vocal end
2015-03-06 01:01 ZZHBOY: 不不 这个我做的应该没错
2015-03-06 01:01 ZZHBOY: 都跟的鼓
2015-03-06 01:03 ZZHBOY: 02:14:823 - 这一带我re了 全跟了1/1
2015-03-06 01:04 smallboat: 01:20:733 (1) - 別3stack啊
2015-03-06 01:04 smallboat: 你說是easy了啊
2015-03-06 01:04 ZZHBOY: 怎么我还放了这个shit
2015-03-06 01:04 ZZHBOY: 剁手了
2015-03-06 01:09 smallboat: 02:37:096 (1) - 往下一點
2015-03-06 01:10 smallboat: 02:58:914 (1) - 在這邊下很怪啊
2015-03-06 01:10 ZZHBOY: 嗯
2015-03-06 01:10 smallboat: 怎麼下在歌詞中間
2015-03-06 01:11 ZZHBOY: 唔
2015-03-06 01:11 ZZHBOY: 当时好像有说低难度转盘后面隔4拍
2015-03-06 01:12 smallboat: 02:55:278 (1) -
2015-03-06 01:14 ZZHBOY:这样了
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 03:17:096 (1) - 可
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 貼錯
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: *打錯
2015-03-06 01:14 smallboat: 轉盤尾可以看看+finish
2015-03-06 01:15 smallboat: 恩那節奏可以
2015-03-06 01:17 ZZHBOY: 其他问题还有几个我都改了
2015-03-06 01:17 ZZHBOY: 包括各种stack已经节奏weird
00:17:096 (6) - Forgot NC?
00:57:096 (1) - Suggest move up a bit?似乎没出
02:02:551 (1) - 碰到血條
02:13:460 (1) - 跟前面part音軌對照,forgot add finish here
02:17:096 (3) - Same above
03:03:460 (3) - Move up a bit似乎没出

[Insane] OD+1 to 7?
00:31:414 (1,2,3) - Also use 0.20~0.30x distance here? (This stream so narrow)
01:38:687 (1) - Not a heavy vocal beat,necessary NC hereneed to be fixed.
01:42:096 (1) - Same as above
02:18:573 (3) - The vocal head at 02:18:687 here I think,suggest fix it.
02:53:233 (1) - Also can change a rhythm I think : (Because vocal start here,it will play better )
03:10:051 (2) - 碰到血條

no reply = fixed, thx for mod

  1. 有JPstaff我就不check metadata了
  1. 00:09:369 (4) - / 00:16:642 - / 00:17:551 - / 00:18:460 - / 00:30:278 - 鼓點沒跟到
  2. 00:11:642 (9) - 這個nc? 感覺跟前面沒什麼交集
  3. 00:55:278 - 01:02:551 - 02:00:733 - 02:08:005 - 感覺可以加whistle 跟vocal啦或跟背景的那個什麼樂器的音都好 不過看你
  4. 00:57:096 - 02:14:369 - 我感覺這裡可以上個whistle 不然聽上去好空啊 (你在03:12:551 - 有加哦)
  5. 01:12:551 (1) - 這裡和(2,3)一樣跟鼓吧
  6. 01:22:096 - 這裡加個note跟(2)疊在一起? 這打起來的感覺好難用言語表達啊但是音樂裡白線上確實是有音的
  7. 01:35:051 - 補個finish 因為你前面01:33:233 (1,3) - 都有加 這幾個基本上是一組的少加一個都怪怪
  8. 01:38:687 (1) - 這..沒必要nc吧
  9. 01:47:323 - whistle / 01:47:551 - 沒跟到鼓
  10. 01:56:926 - 我開25%聽這裡沒音 你看要不要刪兩個折返在藍線加個note或是直接不加note都行
  11. 02:15:733 - 02:34:823 (6) - 鼓點鼓點
  12. 02:38:914 (3,6,9) - 這三顆不加點什麼? 覺得空空的
  13. 02:40:505 (5,6) - 是說這裡跟前面1/8 (01:56:755 (6) - )很像啊 我覺得你要就兩個都擺一樣節奏
  14. 02:42:551 - 這鋼琴音用whistle跟一下
  15. 03:06:528 - 你這裡前面同樣的pattern都會clap所以也下一下吧
  1. 00:33:460 (1) - 我覺得順著flow做一個彎曲slider比較好點 (其實也只是nazi)
  2. 00:54:369 (2,3) - 00:56:187 (2,3) - 這種不用兩個sliderhead都clap吧 我看你I也是第一個whistle第二個才clap的..聽上去節奏挺亂的>_>
    (其他同樣的有: 01:01:642 (2,3) - 01:03:460 (3,4) - 01:59:823 (2,3) - 02:01:642 (2,3) - 02:07:096 (2,3) - 02:58:005 (2,3) - 02:59:823 (2,3) - )
  3. 01:06:187 - 01:07:096 - 01:09:823 - 上whistle? 你Insane有加
  4. 01:12:892 - / 01:13:233 - 我感覺這兩個也可以上clap 你03:16:187 (4) - 也有加 (同理02:18:346 - 02:18:687 - )
  5. 01:25:278 - 至少要whistle啊這裡音這麼突兀不加東西聽起來超空
  6. 01:25:960 - 這裡你其他diff是用drum 你看你要全部都用finish還是這個改成drum sampleset
  7. 01:35:051 - 01:40:505 (1) - 02:13:460 (1) - 02:17:096 - 03:15:278 - finish
  8. 01:35:505 (1) - 我覺得這個點很容易和前面的01:34:823 (6) - 誤認為是1/2節奏..你可以把(6)往左環移一點 (example)
  9. 01:51:414 (1,2,3) - 超宇宙無敵nazi但(1)的尾巴和(2)(3)之間不等距 (3)稍微往右下偏移一點
  10. 02:08:460 - 02:34:823 - 漏clap了
  11. 02:10:733 (4,1,3) - 跟前面一樣上whistle (02:09:823 (1) - 也可以clap+whistle跟前面一樣)
  12. 02:22:551 - 跟I一樣禁音?
  13. 02:29:823 (1) - 這裡不用clap吧 頂多drum sampleset
  14. 02:33:914 - 這個加個whistle吧跟I一樣
  1. 00:54:369 (2,3) - 同H 改跟00:53:914 - 這個點 是說這裡前面的slider就已經跟到24clap了還是乖乖下24clap就好 (後面pattern就一樣自己check下)
  2. 01:12:892 - 01:13:233 - 同H
  3. 01:35:051 - 這個用soft finish就好啦
  4. 01:40:505 - finish (還是同hard啊)
  5. 02:15:278 - 02:28:005 - 02:35:278 - 02:36:187 (2) - 這裡不用clap
  6. 02:22:551 - 學I禁音?
  7. 02:33:914 - 同Hard (太多同Hard啦)
  8. 02:34:823 - 02:37:551 - 鼓鼓鼓
  9. 03:15:278 - 至少要whistle
  10. 03:16:187 (2) - 這slider3個音我覺得可以用clap跟
主要都音效居多 排版已經夠好啦
Call me back
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:


  1. 有JPstaff我就不check metadata了
  1. 00:09:369 (4) - / 00:16:642 - / 00:17:551 - / 00:18:460 - / 00:30:278 - 鼓點沒跟到
  2. 00:11:642 (9) - 這個nc? 感覺跟前面沒什麼交集
  3. 00:55:278 - 01:02:551 - 02:00:733 - 02:08:005 - 感覺可以加whistle 跟vocal啦或跟背景的那個什麼樂器的音都好 不過看你
  4. 00:57:096 - 02:14:369 - 我感覺這裡可以上個whistle 不然聽上去好空啊 (你在03:12:551 - 有加哦)
  5. 01:12:551 (1) - 這裡和(2,3)一樣跟鼓吧
  6. 01:22:096 - 這裡加個note跟(2)疊在一起? 這打起來的感覺好難用言語表達啊但是音樂裡白線上確實是有音的
  7. 01:35:051 - 補個finish 因為你前面01:33:233 (1,3) - 都有加 這幾個基本上是一組的少加一個都怪怪
  8. 01:38:687 (1) - 這..沒必要nc吧
  9. 01:47:323 - whistle / 01:47:551 - 沒跟到鼓
  10. 01:56:926 - 我開25%聽這裡沒音 你看要不要刪兩個折返在藍線加個note或是直接不加note都行
  11. 02:15:733 - 02:34:823 (6) - 鼓點鼓點
  12. 02:38:914 (3,6,9) - 這三顆不加點什麼? 覺得空空的
  13. 02:40:505 (5,6) - 是說這裡跟前面1/8 (01:56:755 (6) - )很像啊 我覺得你要就兩個都擺一樣節奏
  14. 02:42:551 - 這鋼琴音用whistle跟一下
  15. 03:06:528 - 你這裡前面同樣的pattern都會clap所以也下一下吧
  1. 00:33:460 (1) - 我覺得順著flow做一個彎曲slider比較好點 (其實也只是nazi)
  2. 00:54:369 (2,3) - 00:56:187 (2,3) - 這種不用兩個sliderhead都clap吧 我看你I也是第一個whistle第二個才clap的..聽上去節奏挺亂的>_>
    (其他同樣的有: 01:01:642 (2,3) - 01:03:460 (3,4) - 01:59:823 (2,3) - 02:01:642 (2,3) - 02:07:096 (2,3) - 02:58:005 (2,3) - 02:59:823 (2,3) - )
  3. 01:06:187 - 01:07:096 - 01:09:823 - 上whistle? 你Insane有加
  4. 01:12:892 - / 01:13:233 - 我感覺這兩個也可以上clap 你03:16:187 (4) - 也有加 (同理02:18:346 - 02:18:687 - )
  5. 01:25:278 - 至少要whistle啊這裡音這麼突兀不加東西聽起來超空
  6. 01:25:960 - 這裡你其他diff是用drum 你看你要全部都用finish還是這個改成drum sampleset
  7. 01:35:051 - 01:40:505 (1) - 02:13:460 (1) - 02:17:096 - 03:15:278 - finish
  8. 01:35:505 (1) - 我覺得這個點很容易和前面的01:34:823 (6) - 誤認為是1/2節奏..你可以把(6)往左環移一點 (example)
  9. 01:51:414 (1,2,3) - 超宇宙無敵nazi但(1)的尾巴和(2)(3)之間不等距 (3)稍微往右下偏移一點
  10. 02:08:460 - 02:34:823 - 漏clap了
  11. 02:10:733 (4,1,3) - 跟前面一樣上whistle (02:09:823 (1) - 也可以clap+whistle跟前面一樣)
  12. 02:22:551 - 跟I一樣禁音?
  13. 02:29:823 (1) - 這裡不用clap吧 頂多drum sampleset
  14. 02:33:914 - 這個加個whistle吧跟I一樣
  1. 00:54:369 (2,3) - 同H 改跟00:53:914 - 這個點 是說這裡前面的slider就已經跟到24clap了還是乖乖下24clap就好 (後面pattern就一樣自己check下)
  2. 01:12:892 - 01:13:233 - 同H
  3. 01:35:051 - 這個用soft finish就好啦
  4. 01:40:505 - finish (還是同hard啊)
  5. 02:15:278 - 02:28:005 - 02:35:278 - 02:36:187 (2) - 這裡不用clap
  6. 02:22:551 - 學I禁音?
  7. 02:33:914 - 同Hard (太多同Hard啦)
  8. 02:34:823 - 02:37:551 - 鼓鼓鼓
  9. 03:15:278 - 至少要whistle
  10. 03:16:187 (2) - 這slider3個音我覺得可以用clap跟
主要都音效居多 排版已經夠好啦
Call me back
all fixed

基本上就是加加減減音效而已 為什麼我就不詳述了 大多是consistency

00:12:096 - clap
00:27:778 (1,2) - 這兩個slider的尾巴之間的間距再拉大一點? 大概就是1.2x左右
01:22:096 (3) - clap
01:50:733 (3,4,5) - 這三個的間距可以調成一致
02:08:346 - clap
02:15:733 - clap
03:10:278 (3) - clap
02:12:551 (1,3) - whistle
最後的轉盤上個finish吧 (hard也是)

00:33:460 (1) - 這個沒改呀
01:03:005 - clap
02:09:823 (1) - whistle
02:18:005 (1) - 這個跟01:12:551 (1) - 一樣下法
03:15:278 - whistle就好

00:23:005 (1,2) - 沒下到音效
00:49:596 - finish
00:53:914 - 00:55:733 - clap
01:03:460 (2) - 這個不用clap
01:21:187 - 01:22:096 - clap
02:13:460 (1) - finish
02:13:914 (2) - 02:14:823 - 02:27:551 - clap
02:38:914 (1) - finish
02:57:096 - finish
02:57:551 - 02:58:460 (3) - 02:59:369 - 03:04:823 (2) - 03:06:642 (2) - clap
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:


基本上就是加加減減音效而已 為什麼我就不詳述了 大多是consistency

00:12:096 - clap
00:27:778 (1,2) - 這兩個slider的尾巴之間的間距再拉大一點? 大概就是1.2x左右
01:22:096 (3) - clap
01:50:733 (3,4,5) - 這三個的間距可以調成一致
02:08:346 - clap
02:15:733 - clap
03:10:278 (3) - clap
02:12:551 (1,3) - whistle
最後的轉盤上個finish吧 (hard也是)

00:33:460 (1) - 這個沒改呀 这个没动因为感觉ds在应该没啥问题而且动的话前后都要动挺麻烦orz
01:03:005 - clap
02:09:823 (1) - whistle
02:18:005 (1) - 這個跟01:12:551 (1) - 一樣下法
03:15:278 - whistle就好

00:23:005 (1,2) - 沒下到音效
00:49:596 - finish
00:53:914 - 00:55:733 - clap
01:03:460 (2) - 這個不用clap
01:21:187 - 01:22:096 - clap
02:13:460 (1) - finish
02:13:914 (2) - 02:14:823 - 02:27:551 - clap
02:38:914 (1) - finish
02:57:096 - finish
02:57:551 - 02:58:460 (3) - 02:59:369 - 03:04:823 (2) - 03:06:642 (2) - clap
其他都改了 .-.

I hope I didn't lack many hitsound issues ;_;
Okay,already check few times at this map,I believed it prove good a lot has no issue I think.

Qualified ~ !
you really should change something with the online offset..
it feels so wrong :/
Topic Starter

HolyNightmare wrote:

you really should change something with the online offset..
it feels so wrong :/
plz don't just ask for a change, tell me how to change it and why
Why this CS on Hard orz .-.
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Why this CS on Hard orz .-.
cs from normal to insane: 3→3.5→4, so-called nice spread huehue
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

既然泡了就起飞嘛 8-)
Just wondering, should the artist field be updated to fit the version in the booklet(s). The one in the booklets use 1 ampersand and 1 comma (and the argument about CV is a bit ridiculous right now, so ignoring that)

Very minor detail, but just wanted to note the existence of it.
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

Just wondering, should the artist field be updated to fit the version in the booklet(s). The one in the booklets use 1 ampersand and 1 comma (and the argument about CV is a bit ridiculous right now, so ignoring that)

Very minor detail, but just wanted to note the existence of it.
....…....I see
Hi, ZZHBOY again :( disqualify due to the wrong metadata.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

Just wondering, should the artist field be updated to fit the version in the booklet(s). The one in the booklets use 1 ampersand and 1 comma (and the argument about CV is a bit ridiculous right now, so ignoring that)

Very minor detail, but just wanted to note the existence of it.
I checked the official CD and website, So The artist must be

  1. Artist : 西木野真姫 (CV.Pile), 園田海未 (CV.三森すずこ) & 絢瀬絵里 (CV.南條愛乃)
  2. Romanised : Nishikino Maki (CV.Pile), Sonoda Umi (CV.Mimori Suzuko) & Ayase Eri (CV.Nanjo Yoshino)
according the CD information (Single)

Website :

Don't forget to remove them from tags before getting rebubble!

Additional Modding :

  1. I guess this map doesn't have storyboard. So the osb file is not necessary. Please remove it.
  1. 00:24:369 (1) - Try to rotate about 50°? The flow would be better for playing.
  2. 01:00:733 (1) - missing a clap to the tail
  3. 01:04:369 (1) - The clap follows nothing to me at here. You should consider removing it.
  1. 00:21:869 (2,1) - I think you made this part to follow same sound on these note. So it's better to add new combo from here 00:21:869 - like this :
  2. 01:11:642 (3) - add a clap to the tail
  3. 03:15:505 - How about adding hitsounds to here? I prefer to add a clap to follow the sound :3
  4. 03:15:733 (2,3) - ^ Same
    Insane diff has many jumps and streams part. I recommend you to make more jumps at kiai time for diff spread.
安らかに眠る ;w;
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