
Halcyonic Falcon X - Fallen Blood

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Your Good Self
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 8:28:44 PM

Artist: Halcyonic Falcon X
Title: Fallen Blood
Source: Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Tags: marathon ebf ebf4 matt-likes-swords kupo707 halcyonicfalconx hfx phyrnna
BPM: 150
Filesize: 21739kb
Play Time: 08:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Godcat (4.29 stars, 1159 notes)
Download: Halcyonic Falcon X - Fallen Blood
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First ranked/approved map! Enjoy.

Background Story in EBF4
(taken from Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki)
Many years ago, there was a divine being named Godcat. Godcat was lonely, so she created every living thing in the land, including cats, created in her image. These cats built many great structures in honour of their creator. But then they got too friendly with humans, who were created to be nothing but slaves to cats. Jealous of this alliance, Godcat no longer viewed her creations as worthy of her image, and took away their arms and legs. As she departed, she left 3 sacred stones. When the three stones are united, Godcat will return to finish what she had started.

Seeking to bring the latter half of the legend to pass, a group of cats loyal to Godcat stole the sacred jewels of Greenwood Village, Whitefall Town, and Goldenbrick Resort, intending to resurrect/summon their goddess. The party (after an initial misunderstanding or two) pursued the cats, but were always too late to prevent the next theft; thus, their journey led them to the Temple of Godcat in hopes of preventing the completion of the ritual. Along the way, the party encountered Godcat herself, apparently manifesting in the wake of each jewel's theft - fortunately, the deity's physical form was still too unstable to sustain more than a few rounds of battle against the heroes.

After many battles and a long journey, the party finally reached the very summit of Godcat's temple, only to find that the cats had completed the ritual to summon their goddess. With the end of the world imminent, the heroes attacked Godcat, ignoring her claims of complete superiority and the fact that her weakened forms had proven unbeatable to them previously. Despite Godcat's incredible powers over light and darkness, and her manifestation of powerful battle bodies, the heroes persistently fought through everything the omnicidal goddess threw at them.

However, Godcat's claims soon proved true; though the heroes defeated her avatars, they were only inconveniencing her at best. Nonetheless, the party continued to fight, and Godcat's initial dismissiveness turned to confusion and respect for their determination. Eventually, after the heroes defeated both of her avatars at once, the deity came to a decision: although she had intended humanity to be a mere slave race for cats, they had since grown into a species worthy of inheriting the planet she had created.

With this epiphany, Godcat immediately ended the battle, congratulating the heroes on their victory. Gathering her loyalists around her, she set off for the depths of space, intending to create a new planet for cats without making the same mistakes she did before.

I'll mod this when I'm less busy okay? :<
Until then I give you some advice:
Some parts are feeling really empty and boring compared to others. For example these ones: 00:51:250 - 01:02:450 - or 03:12:050 - 03:16:850 - where you could add more beats to keep the tension up. Also you could map two breaks as they don't really fit because they are too close after another. 02:08:050 - 02:19:250 - and 06:56:050 - 07:02:450 - and no it doesn't get too hard for an Insane :D
Besides, offset should be 50 and you should consider AR8 for such a BPM.
Call me back when you filled the map with a little more tension o/
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

DarkVortex wrote:

Some parts are feeling really empty and boring compared to others. For example these ones: 00:51:250 - 01:02:450 - or 03:12:050 - 03:16:850 - where you could add more beats to keep the tension up. Also you could map two breaks as they don't really fit because they are too close after another. 02:08:050 - 02:19:250 - and 06:56:050 - 07:02:450 - and no it doesn't get too hard for an Insane :D
point taken, some remapping coming up

DarkVortex wrote:

Besides, offset should be 50 and you should consider AR8 for such a BPM.
fixed and done

DarkVortex wrote:

Call me back when you filled the map with a little more tension o/
definitely :)
SEE's Modding Queue

Finally had some time to do mod.


-72.5% of audio file is used, make the audio shorter or map more to make at least 80% used in map. - unrankable
-I suggest to remove Kiai, it's unnecessary in this map.


-00:59:650 (6,7) - Use the same pattern as here: 00:58:850 (4,5) if you really want to be like this, but I suggest circle and beginning of slider to be on the same point with circle first like this:
-02:36:850 (1) - Avoid making sliders like this, crossed.
-05:05:650 (3) - Also avoid like this, it's confusing.
-07:03:050 (2) - 1/4 longer and 1/4 earlier.
-07:07:050 (5,1) - Don't place notes in the middle of slider behind that circle.

After I saw I'll stop this, because it's hard for me to mod map like this that is for me not finished.

-Generally there are so many placed where notes are "randomly" for me placed, try to use more patterns, eg. from here:
-Try not to make long sliders as I see in this map.
-It's a little to easy for Marathon map, use more streams, short and fast sliders, etc.
-For me it's some kind of old-new map, like stylized as old map.

Map is not bad, but still needs a lot of work to make it rankable. :) Good luck~
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

streeteelf wrote:

-72.5% of audio file is used, make the audio shorter or map more to make at least 80% used in map. - unrankable
From what I understand, the intro time isn't counted. So even if I count the breaks, more than 80% of the song is mapped. But I think I should be able to do something about the intro time, so just treat this as fixed.

streeteelf wrote:

-I suggest to remove Kiai, it's unnecessary in this map.
I'll see what others think; if they agree with you then I'll remove it.


streeteelf wrote:

-00:59:650 (6,7) - Use the same pattern as here: 00:58:850 (4,5) if you really want to be like this, but I suggest circle and beginning of slider to be on the same point with circle first like this:

streeteelf wrote:

-02:36:850 (1) - Avoid making sliders like this, crossed.
Why not? Crossing sliders are only bad when you can't immediately tell which way it goes after the cross. In this case it's very clear that the slider ball should go through the loop before going down.
But yes, I'll make sure not to make ambiguous sliders in future.

streeteelf wrote:

-05:05:650 (3) - Also avoid like this, it's confusing.
Okay, I'll change it.

streeteelf wrote:

-07:03:050 (2) - 1/4 longer and 1/4 earlier.

streeteelf wrote:

-07:07:050 (5,1) - Don't place notes in the middle of slider behind that circle.
Not exactly sure what you meant here, but if you meant that the circle was on the path of the slider, I fixed that.

streeteelf wrote:

-Generally there are so many placed where notes are "randomly" for me placed, try to use more patterns, eg. from here:
Sure, I'll try to use more of those patterns.

streeteelf wrote:

-Try not to make long sliders as I see in this map.
Well I guess I could break some of them up, but some parts of the song are just 1/1, so not much I can do about those.

streeteelf wrote:

-It's a little to easy for Marathon map, use more streams, short and fast sliders, etc.
Okay, I'll work on it.

streeteelf wrote:

-For me it's some kind of old-new map, like stylized as old map.
Yeah I got that comment before, not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing though.

streeteelf wrote:

Map is not bad, but still needs a lot of work to make it rankable. :) Good luck~
Thanks for the mod!
00:58:050 (2,3) - unrank
01:29:450 (6,1) - ^
03:05:250 (8,9,10,1) - ..I dont really like this overlap
03:24:650 (13,14,1,2,3) - and this
03:59:650 (4,5,6,1) - ..and this
04:56:050 (3) - ..try to make this looks more...cute
06:48:050 (4,5) - ..well..looks too close
07:00:450 (3) - move to x156 y224 may looks better

dont have much to say, but...maybe just because this song's makes this map looks litter bit ...boring..
suggest is maybe find someone cut it and make more diff for Ranked ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

tutuhaha wrote:

00:58:050 (2,3) - unrank
Put the slider after the circle, should be fixed now

tutuhaha wrote:

01:29:450 (6,1) - ^
Put (6) on the tail of (2) instead, should make it more readable

tutuhaha wrote:

03:05:250 (8,9,10,1) - ..I dont really like this overlap
Moved (8) away, (9) and (10) stay though

tutuhaha wrote:

03:24:650 (13,14,1,2,3) - and this

tutuhaha wrote:

03:59:650 (4,5,6,1) - ..and this

tutuhaha wrote:

04:56:050 (3) - ..try to make this looks more...cute
Tweaked the slider, hope it looks better now

tutuhaha wrote:

06:48:050 (4,5) - ..well..looks too close

tutuhaha wrote:

07:00:450 (3) - move to x156 y224 may looks better

tutuhaha wrote:

dont have much to say, but...maybe just because this song's makes this map looks litter bit ...boring..
True, there's lots of 1/1s and 1/2s, but not a lot of 1/4s. I won't overmap though.

tutuhaha wrote:

suggest is maybe find someone cut it and make more diff for Ranked ╮(╯▽╰)╭
I'll try not to do that, I'm not a big fan of cutting/extending/otherwise editing mp3s.

Thanks for the mod!
As you requested!


Well, the song is pretty much.. boring, I should say. But it's cute ^^
00:51:250 - well, yeah. You should cut down the intro or something, it's just a waste of space


Well, there are some confusing parts. Some of them is because of the slider speed. I just pass a slow slider, boom. I fail because the next slider is ridiculously fast. However, some of them is because you just randomly put down the notes (timing).


01:28:450 (2,3) - Move this 2 upr or down a bit, it's really hard to see them like this
05:00:050 (5,6) - Maybe change the distance a little more
05:32:850 (1,2,3,4) - Randomly slowing down the map 05:35:850 (5,1,2,3,4) - and than randomly making it faster. Meh
Yeas, ofc, 1/1 sliders are ok whenever you want, but map everything on 1/2, just like you did before
Like this
05:43:450 (4,6) - these 05:43:250 (3,5) - and these are a little bit close, don't you think?
05:44:850 (9,10) - Again, random beat change
06:18:250 (2,3,4) - I don't think these are fit in an insane map. I mean, randomly overlapped sliders?
06:36:850 - Break here? Why?
It's too short. So remove it, or just make it longer (maybe twice as much).
07:46:050 (3) - Move this one up to x:336 y:240

Well, there's nothing else to point out.. The map doesn't really follow any patterns, so it's hard to spot mistakes in it.
Also, the map is kinda boring, maybe if the background were flashing a bit, I would say it's a nice little map, but right now, it's just boring
It looks like you just randomly placed notes. Ok, they at least look good, and they don't really ruin the map, but they don't follow any interesting pattern. You know, it's just a bit [trying to find a batter word than ugly] weird that your map is that random.
Well, that's it. As I promised in my queue, I give this one a kudosu, because my mod isn't that helpful (I think)
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Hullahopp wrote:

00:51:250 - well, yeah. You should cut down the intro or something, it's just a waste of space
working on it, but kind of busy right now so no immediate changes yet

Hullahopp wrote:

Well, there are some confusing parts. Some of them is because of the slider speed. I just pass a slow slider, boom. I fail because the next slider is ridiculously fast. However, some of them is because you just randomly put down the notes (timing).
I don't think the SV changes are that much of a problem. Most have a break in front, so it's not that hard to switch.
But I can see how the spacing at some places are quite unreadable, fixed for those parts.

Hullahopp wrote:

01:28:450 (2,3) - Move this 2 upr or down a bit, it's really hard to see them like this
Moved (2) up
(3) stays though

Hullahopp wrote:

05:00:050 (5,6) - Maybe change the distance a little more
Tried changing that part, ended up remapping it ._.

Hullahopp wrote:

05:32:850 (1,2,3,4) - Randomly slowing down the map 05:35:850 (5,1,2,3,4) - and than randomly making it faster. Meh
Yeas, ofc, 1/1 sliders are ok whenever you want, but map everything on 1/2, just like you did before
Like this
Added note at 05:33:450 and 05:34:250 but not 05:35:450 (don't hear any significant note here)

Hullahopp wrote:

05:43:450 (4,6) - these 05:43:250 (3,5) - and these are a little bit close, don't you think?
Agreed, changed to 1.2x spacing (instead of 1.0x)

Hullahopp wrote:

05:44:850 (9,10) - Again, random beat change
There's no note on the red tick, so I'm not going to put anything there.

Hullahopp wrote:

06:18:250 (2,3,4) - I don't think these are fit in an insane map. I mean, randomly overlapped sliders?
They're not "randomly overlapped sliders".

But in any case, I don't think they suit the music either, so changed it.

Hullahopp wrote:

06:36:850 - Break here? Why?
It's too short. So remove it, or just make it longer (maybe twice as much).
If you noticed, the last section is the hardest part of the whole map. So I thought it would probably be better to add a break to prepare for it.
6.4 seconds seems fine to me. I'd only consider it a problem when it's shorter than ~5s.

Hullahopp wrote:

07:46:050 (3) - Move this one up to x:336 y:240
It didn't look nice to me, so I changed it to something else.

Hullahopp wrote:

Well, there's nothing else to point out.. The map doesn't really follow any patterns, so it's hard to spot mistakes in it.
I guess that's just the way I map. It's probably not a good thing; I should try to fix it.

Hullahopp wrote:

Also, the map is kinda boring, maybe if the background were flashing a bit, I would say it's a nice little map, but right now, it's just boring
Maybe one day I'll add a storyboard. one day

Hullahopp wrote:

It looks like you just randomly placed notes. Ok, they at least look good, and they don't really ruin the map, but they don't follow any interesting pattern. You know, it's just a bit [trying to find a batter word than ugly] weird that your map is that random.
It's probably the result of too much mapping and too little modding. I should go mod more.

Hullahopp wrote:

Well, that's it. As I promised in my queue, I give this one a kudosu, because my mod isn't that helpful (I think)
Nah it's pretty helpful. Have a kudosu back for modding anyway.

Thanks for the mod! :)
Mod from my modding queue!

Timing - OK
I think the normal countdown would fit better
If you don't have a storyboard, uncheck widescreen support and letterbox, they are useless without storyboard

Testplay: This map plays like one of the older once, that doesn't mean it's bad, I am missing a bit of flow and different patterns, maybe that`s cause of the gaps, which make it a bit boring

00:38:050 (4,5,6,1,2) - This is not looking good, how about this?
00:44:750 (5) - is it made on purpose not in the straight line?
00:55:750 (2) - delete - it feels forced to play it and not fitting t the music
01:20:250 (1,2,3) - they are not fun to play, there are always 2 paired sounds, use onbeat slider instead of offbeat slider
01:22:450 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - How about a little mix up flow and patterns? =)
01:39:250 (1,2,3,4) - nice one I like that!
01:43:450 (6) - The bow of the slider should go into the other direction
02:28:650 (6) - move it to 248/312 to not get an ugly gap
02:30:050 (4) - If U use something liek this instead people are not forced to leave sliders too early
02:36:850 (1) - There is a rule, loops in sliders are always good when the little space in the middle looks like a teardrop
03:19:250 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this stream is not fitting and feeling forced... uhm let me give you a rhythm... how about this?
03:22:050 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I like the shape, this is fitting more cause there is a long guitar sound
03:43:850 (6,3) - move them to the left to give it a better pattern
03:51:250 I think you already did it but not keep on with it: Use the DS and place your circles and just switch the most important ones after you finished to get good looking and playing patterns and some jumps
04:08:850 (7) - Why quiet the tail down, I wouln't do it as a finish of this part (or maybe completely remove the reverse part)
04:36:850 I know it's building up, but it's pity to ignore the half-beat sounds on this part, I would recommend doing the same like you started here 04:48:050
05:15:250 (4,5,6,7,1) - Use the "Create Polygon circle" Setting to do this >.<
05:47:150 circles for tripple would give this a kick :3
05:51:950 circle, now we come to the part we need to make more interesting ^^
05:56:750 circle
You placed some good tripples at the beginning you can do this, just do not overuse them (to keep it in general)
07:23:250 (6,7) - too long break between.. uhm... this? (if you do don't forget to add a clap on (8) and please remove the clap on the tail of (9) it's not fitting to the claps before
07:59:650 (7,8,9,10) - I am not that good in hitsounding but I would rather use claps instead of whistles

Hope it was a bit helpful, just mentions =w=

Edit: btw if you change the diff name to marathon you can evade the limit of the MB size of the files
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Tician wrote:

I think the normal countdown would fit better
If you don't have a storyboard, uncheck widescreen support and letterbox, they are useless without storyboard[/box]

Tician wrote:

Testplay: This map plays like one of the older once, that doesn't mean it's bad, I am missing a bit of flow and different patterns, maybe that`s cause of the gaps, which make it a bit boring
will look into that in my future maps

Tician wrote:

00:38:050 (4,5,6,1,2) - This is not looking good, how about this?
changed that part

Tician wrote:

00:44:750 (5) - is it made on purpose not in the straight line?

Tician wrote:

00:55:750 (2) - delete - it feels forced to play it and not fitting t the music
deleted (3) and (4) too

Tician wrote:

01:20:250 (1,2,3) - they are not fun to play, there are always 2 paired sounds, use onbeat slider instead of offbeat slider
broke them up into hitcircles, who needs sliders anyway

Tician wrote:

01:22:450 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - How about a little mix up flow and patterns? =)
I get the idea, but (1) looks kind of strange pointing that way. Changed it to something else.

Tician wrote:

01:39:250 (1,2,3,4) - nice one I like that!
though it might be a tad boring

Tician wrote:

01:43:450 (6) - The bow of the slider should go into the other direction
which other direction? there're a lot of other directions :?
anyway picked the direction I thought is best

Tician wrote:

02:28:650 (6) - move it to 248/312 to not get an ugly gap
but that would completely annihilate the blanket 02:28:450 (5,1) , and cause another ugly gap between (6) and (1)

Tician wrote:

02:30:050 (4) - If U use something liek this instead people are not forced to leave sliders too early
but I still want the blanket with 02:28:850 (1) so I moved everything else ._.

Tician wrote:

02:36:850 (1) - There is a rule, loops in sliders are always good when the little space in the middle looks like a teardrop
yup, learnt that from the delicious slider guide

Tician wrote:

03:19:250 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this stream is not fitting and feeling forced... uhm let me give you a rhythm... how about this?
point taken, but I don't quite agree with the 1/4 at 03:19:150 (nothing there)

Tician wrote:

03:22:050 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I like the shape, this is fitting more cause there is a long guitar sound
but how to cover the last 3 1/4s D:

Tician wrote:

03:43:850 (6,3) - move them to the left to give it a better pattern

Tician wrote:

03:51:250 I think you already did it but not keep on with it: Use the DS and place your circles and just switch the most important ones after you finished to get good looking and playing patterns and some jumps
(oh so that's how it works)
changed anyway

Tician wrote:

04:08:850 (7) - Why quiet the tail down, I wouln't do it as a finish of this part (or maybe completely remove the reverse part)
it's the first note of the next section, which is really slow
but the slider reverse was still a huge mistake, reverted to slider+hitcircle

Tician wrote:

04:36:850 I know it's building up, but it's pity to ignore the half-beat sounds on this part, I would recommend doing the same like you started here 04:48:050
ok so I added some 1/2 notes
in the first couple of beats they are quite soft, so I left those unmapped
final product some kind of smoother transition into the 1/2 notes :/

Tician wrote:

05:15:250 (4,5,6,7,1) - Use the "Create Polygon circle" Setting to do this >.<
wait what, I didn't? :O
sorry, fixed D:

Tician wrote:

05:47:150 circles for tripple would give this a kick :3
not quite sure what you meant here :?

Tician wrote:

05:51:950 circle, now we come to the part we need to make more interesting ^^
I just realized that the sound effect at 05:51:850 is actually slightly after the tick, so adding another note could cause more confusion
so I'll have to say no to this one

Tician wrote:

05:56:750 circle
I'm not a big fan of overmapping, but this should be fine I guess
EDIT: After playing through again, it didn't feel right. Removed the note, sorry

Tician wrote:

You placed some good tripples at the beginning you can do this, just do not overuse them (to keep it in general)

Tician wrote:

07:23:250 (6,7) - too long break between.. uhm... this? (if you do don't forget to add a clap on (8) and please remove the clap on the tail of (9) it's not fitting to the claps before
changed (6) into a 1/1 slider instead
now there's a big jump from (6) to (7) but whatever, I think the flow and slider leniency should take care of it

Tician wrote:

07:59:650 (7,8,9,10) - I am not that good in hitsounding but I would rather use claps instead of whistles

Tician wrote:

Edit: btw if you change the diff name to marathon you can evade the limit of the MB size of the files
I tried, it didn't work :(

Tician wrote:

Hope it was a bit helpful, just mentions =w=
Pretty helpful mod, you usually give the reason behind each change (unless it's a glaring careless mistake), which helps me (and especially other new mappers) to understand why things are done this way. Some modders can go like "just change this, nuff said", which can be very confusing to mappers if the subject at hand is controversial like overmapping. Keep it up! :)
Hey, Mod4Mod here, from my queue.

I think the HP should be lowered given that this is a Marathon length map, you have a smaller than average CS, and that the lengths of your combos are fairly long. Either that or reduce the length of the combos and use CS4.

- 00:35:250 (1) - Personally, I think circular blankets look better than parabolic ones, but it's up to you I guess.
- 00:44:850 (1,2,3,4) - This feels somewhat repetetive. Change it up a bit if you can.
- 00:51:850 (3) - This blanket can be improved [00:51:400]. If you look from that timestamp, you can see how the blanket compares to the approach circle.
- 00:59:650 (8,9,10) - These would be better stacked in my opinion. It feels out of place that this is the only one in the combo where it isn't stacked, plus there is pretty much no flow here.
- 01:06:450 (7) - This blanket/bow can be improved [01:06:800].
- 01:24:050 (4) - Same as above [1:23:450].
- 01:27:250 (3,4,5,6) - This diamond formation can be improved. Use two triangles back to back.
- 02:21:650 (3) - This blanket can be improved [02:21:200].
- 02:23:050 (2) - Same as above [02:23:200].
- 02:48:450 (2) - Same as above [02:49:300].
- 03:05:650 (1) - Same as above [03:05:050].
- 03:20:450 (6,7,8,9) - Don't stack all of these if they have different timings.
- 03:47:250 (1,2) - Making these the same shape would look better I feel.
- 04:41:650 (1,2,3) - This kind of feels too linear; I would change it up a bit personally.
- 04:48:050 (1,2) - Double-repeating sliders like these are generally frowned upon, but they kind of work here given the low BPM. Keep these if you want though.
- 05:10:450 (1,2) - I woild avoid overlapping the slider tail if possible.
- 05:26:850 (2) - Move to (184:156) for a better blanket.
- 05:27:650 (4) - Same as above; move to (332:192).
- 06:04:650 (6,3) - Not super important, but these can be stacked.
- 06:06:450 (5,6) - Avoid this sort of overlap.
- 06:15:250 (4) - This blanket can be improved [06:15:050].
- 07:13:650 (1,2) - These aren't level with each other.
- 07:14:450 (3,4) - Same as above.
- 07:30:450 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I would reduce the spacing of this stream, since it seems a little too large compared to how everything else in close proximity has been spaced.
- 07:53:650 (1) - This blanket can be improved [07:52:950].

Good luck :)
I should really get around to playing this game. I loved the third one, but I just haven't found the time >_<
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

-Mo- wrote:

I think the HP should be lowered given that this is a Marathon length map, you have a smaller than average CS, and that the lengths of your combos are fairly long. Either that or reduce the length of the combos and use CS4.
Fixed, HP-1 (don't think the difference is very big though, maybe I should reduce more)

-Mo- wrote:

- 00:35:250 (1) - Personally, I think circular blankets look better than parabolic ones, but it's up to you I guess.
Fixed. The original intention was to use circular blankets anyway.

-Mo- wrote:

- 00:44:850 (1,2,3,4) - This feels somewhat repetetive. Change it up a bit if you can.

-Mo- wrote:

- 00:51:850 (3) - This blanket can be improved [00:51:400]. If you look from that timestamp, you can see how the blanket compares to the approach circle.
Wow, I would never have noticed that.
Fixed that and 00:52:450 (4,5,6,7) as well.

-Mo- wrote:

- 00:59:650 (8,9,10) - These would be better stacked in my opinion. It feels out of place that this is the only one in the combo where it isn't stacked, plus there is pretty much no flow here.
On a related note, threw in some 1/2 notes because 1/1 gaps felt strange.

-Mo- wrote:

- 01:06:450 (7) - This blanket/bow can be improved [01:06:800].

-Mo- wrote:

- 01:24:050 (4) - Same as above [1:23:450].
Fixed that and 01:23:250 (1) (I'm surprised they weren't identical to begin with)

-Mo- wrote:

- 01:27:250 (3,4,5,6) - This diamond formation can be improved. Use two triangles back to back.
Did what you mentioned, but the distance between them doesn't seem to be consistent (sometimes 1.01x, sometimes 1.00x when it should be all 1.00x)
Anyway consider it fixed

-Mo- wrote:

- 02:21:650 (3) - This blanket can be improved [02:21:200].
- 02:23:050 (2) - Same as above [02:23:200].
- 02:48:450 (2) - Same as above [02:49:300].
- 03:05:650 (1) - Same as above [03:05:050].
Fixed all of them

-Mo- wrote:

- 03:20:450 (6,7,8,9) - Don't stack all of these if they have different timings.
Okay, changed.

-Mo- wrote:

- 03:47:250 (1,2) - Making these the same shape would look better I feel.

-Mo- wrote:

- 04:41:650 (1,2,3) - This kind of feels too linear; I would change it up a bit personally.
Nah, I'd like to keep it this way.

-Mo- wrote:

- 04:48:050 (1,2) - Double-repeating sliders like these are generally frowned upon, but they kind of work here given the low BPM. Keep these if you want though.
I thought these were only frowned upon in Easy/Normal diffs :/
But I'll be careful next time.

-Mo- wrote:

- 05:10:450 (1,2) - I woild avoid overlapping the slider tail if possible.
It should be fine; the player has a whole 1/1 time to notice that the slider tail is there, and that there's no repeat arrow.

-Mo- wrote:

- 05:26:850 (2) - Move to (184:156) for a better blanket.
- 05:27:650 (4) - Same as above; move to (332:192).
But it is at (184:156) :<
I get your point though; it's changed now.
If you examine it closely enough it's actually still a few pixels off, but that's just plain nazi modding.

For 05:27:250 (3,4) I just (re-)copy/pasted (1,2) since they were supposed to be the same shape.

-Mo- wrote:

- 06:04:650 (6,3) - Not super important, but these can be stacked.
They were originally stacked, but I must have accidentally moved something while editing. Fixed.

-Mo- wrote:

- 06:06:450 (5,6) - Avoid this sort of overlap.
Refer to 05:10:450 (1,2) above.

-Mo- wrote:

- 06:15:250 (4) - This blanket can be improved [06:15:050].

-Mo- wrote:

- 07:13:650 (1,2) - These aren't level with each other.
- 07:14:450 (3,4) - Same as above.
Really? shit I need to count the grid squares nevermind, copy/paste & ctrl+H fixed.

-Mo- wrote:

- 07:30:450 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - I would reduce the spacing of this stream, since it seems a little too large compared to how everything else in close proximity has been spaced.
Well it's the last part of the map, so I wanted to do things a bit differently here.

-Mo- wrote:

- 07:53:650 (1) - This blanket can be improved [07:52:950].

-Mo- wrote:

I should really get around to playing this game. I loved the third one, but I just haven't found the time >_<
If you love EBF3 you might want to check out this map too.

Thanks for modding! :)
Ultima Fox
Hello, from my modding queue


00:33:650 (3) - Whats with this weird shape without it blanketing anything
00:43:250 (3) - I don't know about the flow of this, consider changing it
00:46:450 (3) - I don't like how this slider ends on another slider, this is optional though
Why make 01:04:050 (1,3,5) - angled but 01:06:450 (7) - curved
01:20:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - The flow here is a little weird and edgy
01:38:650 - Place a circle here?
02:25:250 (3,1) - Could this be blanketed better?
02:27:250 (1) - Remove NC
02:27:850 (2) - NC
02:32:850 (3) - Stack this end with this: 02:31:650 (4) and also make the blanket with this: 02:33:250 (4) - More centered at the same time
02:46:350 (7,1) - This is a sharp corner, try to make the end of the stream lead to the slider
03:13:250 (4,5,6,7) - Thats quite a big jump, maybe make this: 03:14:050 (6,7,8,9) more centered
03:23:250 (11) - NC
03:34:250 (12) - ^
03:34:650 (13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - I like how you blanketed with a stream ^.^
05:55:050 - Add a circle here
06:04:850 (1) - What is this blanketing?
07:06:850 (4,5,1) - Thats a very weird jump
07:20:450 (5,6,7,8,9) - You made the distance between (5) and (6) the same distance as the (6) (7) (8) and (9) jumps, i think you should rework that a little

Very well made map, i really hope this gets ranked!
Hi, thanks for visiting my queue.

Eh.. the offset doesn't sound right. Change it to 40 or lower, depending on how it sounds better.
07:31:250 - According to AiMod, kiai time isn't snapped, neither is it's end 08:00:050. Fix it if you can

00:58:036 - Combo is too long. NC at 00:59:636 (10)
02:46:038 (4,5,6,7,1) - Doesn't look neat to me. You can try moving the stream somewhere else
02:46:438 (1) - Sounds weird.. Maybe you should extend it to the white tick
03:08:638 (5,1) - Sounds like a beat is missing. Try putting moving your spinner and add a circle at 03:08:838 instead
03:31:638 - 03:35:638 extremely long combo
07:58:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Looks sloppy ;<
Topic Starter
Your Good Self
woot second page

I'll cover both mods in this post


GyroX20 wrote:

00:33:650 (3) - Whats with this weird shape without it blanketing anything
The original intention was to have a blanket around 00:32:050 (1) , but granted there's quite a big time difference.
Reworked the slider

GyroX20 wrote:

00:43:250 (3) - I don't know about the flow of this, consider changing it

GyroX20 wrote:

00:46:450 (3) - I don't like how this slider ends on another slider, this is optional though
Changed along with the previous sections

GyroX20 wrote:

Why make 01:04:050 (1,3,5) - angled but 01:06:450 (7) - curved
Changed to all curve sliders

GyroX20 wrote:

01:20:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - The flow here is a little weird and edgy
Slight tweak here
Nothing very major, hopefully that improves the flow

GyroX20 wrote:

01:38:650 - Place a circle here?
Didn't realize there was a sound there
Note added

GyroX20 wrote:

02:25:250 (3,1) - Could this be blanketed better?
Sure, lemme go tweak it
Argh it's a lot harder than I imagined screw it, used beziers instead

GyroX20 wrote:

02:27:250 (1) - Remove NC
02:27:850 (2) - NC
Gonna have to say no to this
02:27:250 (1,2) is similar to 02:20:850 (1,2) , but it doesn't feel right with 02:21:450 (2) having the NC instead of 02:20:850 (1)

GyroX20 wrote:

02:32:850 (3) - Stack this end with this: 02:31:650 (4) and also make the blanket with this: 02:33:250 (4) - More centered at the same time
But that would cause ugly overlap problems with 02:33:650 (1,1,1) D:
Never mind, I'll change it anyway

GyroX20 wrote:

02:46:350 (7,1) - This is a sharp corner, try to make the end of the stream lead to the slider
Now there's a gentler transition, but there's 9001 overlaps with the slider D:

GyroX20 wrote:

03:13:250 (4,5,6,7) - Thats quite a big jump, maybe make this: 03:14:050 (6,7,8,9) more centered
If you look closer it's not really "quite a big jump"; the distance between 03:13:450 (5,6) and 03:12:650 (3,4) is the same - 1.50x DS
03:12:650 (3,4) only seems closer because of sliders and stuff
So basically no change for now (though I might remap that part, it's pretty bad)

GyroX20 wrote:

03:23:250 (11) - NC
03:34:250 (12) - ^
Added on 03:23:250 (11) and 03:34:650 (13) instead of 03:34:250 (12)

GyroX20 wrote:

03:34:650 (13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23) - I like how you blanketed with a stream ^.^

GyroX20 wrote:

05:55:050 - Add a circle here
Added, and did the same for 05:48:650

GyroX20 wrote:

06:04:850 (1) - What is this blanketing?
Umm, nothing?
Does it have to blanket something? :/

GyroX20 wrote:

07:06:850 (4,5,1) - Thats a very weird jump
Moved (5) to the midpoint of (1), so DS is 1.0x, there's no jump and (almost) everyone's happy

GyroX20 wrote:

07:20:450 (5,6,7,8,9) - You made the distance between (5) and (6) the same distance as the (6) (7) (8) and (9) jumps, i think you should rework that a little
ok done

Thanks for modding! :D


trammiexo wrote:

Eh.. the offset doesn't sound right. Change it to 40 or lower, depending on how it sounds better.
I tried offset 40, and it was quite obvious (on 25% speed) that the metronome was clicking earlier than the beats.
Offset 50 seems to be fine enough for me, so I'll leave it as it is

trammiexo wrote:

07:31:250 - According to AiMod, kiai time isn't snapped, neither is it's end 08:00:050. Fix it if you can
But according to what I have the kiai IS snapped at 07:31:250 and 08:00:050 :/

It could be due to messing with the offset earlier, but anyway I'm pretty sure they're snapped now.

trammiexo wrote:

00:58:036 - Combo is too long. NC at 00:59:636 (10)
In terms of time this combo is the same length as the others. Adding a NC would mess up the consistency.

trammiexo wrote:

02:46:038 (4,5,6,7,1) - Doesn't look neat to me. You can try moving the stream somewhere else
Moved the slider and stream down, and smoothed out the stream/slider transition.
It still doesn't look neat, even to me, so I'll find something better to replace it.

trammiexo wrote:

02:46:438 (1) - Sounds weird.. Maybe you should extend it to the white tick
It's already all on white ticks :/

trammiexo wrote:

03:08:638 (5,1) - Sounds like a beat is missing. Try putting moving your spinner and add a circle at 03:08:838 instead
Also added note at 02:17:650 just because I can

trammiexo wrote:

03:31:638 - 03:35:638 extremely long combo
Added NC on 03:34:650 (13)

trammiexo wrote:

07:58:438 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Looks sloppy ;<
Yeah I made that in ~5 mins .-.
I'll try to think of something better

Thanks for modding! :D

Do really want to use default combo colours? Just asking.

00:59:250 (8) - NC for better sectioning
01:08:850 (1,2,3,4,5) - this doesn't really look great, try using a bigger distance spacing
01:12:650 (7) - Ctrl + G + H + J shape would flow/move better from 01:12:450 (6)
01:16:650 (3,4,5) - straight pattern looks neater
02:33:650 (1,1) - if only this wasn't the only objects that stacked, this wouldn't look random and stick out since I expected more stacks for this portion of the song
03:56:850 (1,2) - flow here is not smooth and breaks movement
04:39:250 (4,5,6,7) - the inconsistency in the spacing between 04:39:250 (4,5) and 04:41:050 (5,6) is very odd, either keep them identical, or space between 04:39:250 (4,5) wider
04:43:250 (4) - NC, NC at 04:44:850 (1) isn't really that appropriate
04:46:450 (5) - NC
04:52:450 (5,1) - slight, but blanket can be better
05:18:950 (2,3,4,5) - this turn in the streams looks really really bad, adjust the stream please
05:45:650 (1) - finish on start of slider
06:06:450 (5) - I would say that the jump should be between 06:06:250 (4,5) rather than between 06:05:650 (2,3) - this would feel weirder while playing
06:46:850 (2,3,4,5,1) - too much backward action in the flow here, a few times is fine, but too many in succession doesn't make for a really comfortable movement in flow
07:18:250 (7) - NC here instead of 07:18:850 (1)

Flow is just lacking in parts, I think you should re-look and see through that there is more connecting flow and movement between the objects, too much anti-flow is used at parts

There is room for improvement here in the aspects of flow and sometimes shapes, Good Luck
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

neonat wrote:

Do really want to use default combo colours? Just asking.
They're not default combo colours; the difference is quite small, but they're there for a reason. Them looking a lot like the default colours is just a coincidence.
Though I might consider more combo colours in the future.

neonat wrote:

00:59:250 (8) - NC for better sectioning
EDIT: Reverted the change because it felt really inconsistent with the other parts, sorry :(

neonat wrote:

01:08:850 (1,2,3,4,5) - this doesn't really look great, try using a bigger distance spacing
Changed to 1.0x DS and tweaked the later portions accordingly

neonat wrote:

01:12:650 (7) - Ctrl + G + H + J shape would flow/move better from 01:12:450 (6)

neonat wrote:

01:16:650 (3,4,5) - straight pattern looks neater

neonat wrote:

02:33:650 (1,1) - if only this wasn't the only objects that stacked, this wouldn't look random and stick out since I expected more stacks for this portion of the song
More stacking? Can be done.

neonat wrote:

03:56:850 (1,2) - flow here is not smooth and breaks movement

neonat wrote:

04:39:250 (4,5,6,7) - the inconsistency in the spacing between 04:39:250 (4,5) and 04:41:050 (5,6) is very odd, either keep them identical, or space between 04:39:250 (4,5) wider
That was an oversight, fixed

neonat wrote:

04:43:250 (4) - NC, NC at 04:44:850 (1) isn't really that appropriate
04:46:450 (5) - NC
I get your idea, fixed both

neonat wrote:

04:52:450 (5,1) - slight, but blanket can be better
You mean (5) blanketing around (1) or (1) blanketing around (5)? I'll assume the latter since it's uglier.

neonat wrote:

05:18:950 (2,3,4,5) - this turn in the streams looks really really bad, adjust the stream please
I've been planning to fix that for some time, so I guess I'll finally get down to it now.

neonat wrote:

05:45:650 (1) - finish on start of slider
Another oversight, fixed

neonat wrote:

06:06:450 (5) - I would say that the jump should be between 06:06:250 (4,5) rather than between 06:05:650 (2,3) - this would feel weirder while playing

neonat wrote:

06:46:850 (2,3,4,5,1) - too much backward action in the flow here, a few times is fine, but too many in succession doesn't make for a really comfortable movement in flow
Didn't know that was actually a thing, fixed

neonat wrote:

07:18:250 (7) - NC here instead of 07:18:850 (1)

Gonna have to reject this one, I think this part is quite similar to 01:13:450 (10,1)

neonat wrote:

Flow is just lacking in parts, I think you should re-look and see through that there is more connecting flow and movement between the objects, too much anti-flow is used at parts
Will do.

neonat wrote:

There is room for improvement here in the aspects of flow and sometimes shapes, Good Luck
Sure I'll look into it.

Thanks for modding! :)
Hi ~
M4M here.


  1. 00:26:450 (2,3) - I don't think there is a particular reason to change the spacing here. Why not 1,00 like the other sliders ?
  2. 00:34:050 (4) - I'd suggest to curve it more to the top. It'll make a better transition to 3 -> 4. I mean something like this
    Also, there is a irregular spacing between 4 and 5.
  3. 00:54:450 (1) - I think this slider can have a better shape. Let's try something like this ? if you do so, don't forget to restack and spacing.
  4. 00:56:050 (1,2) - your 2 circles are symmetrical with y axe. Too keep the symmetry with a good spacing, I'd suggest to move this one 00:56:850 (3) - to x:112 y:192. It'll also make a perfect triangle. Also if you do so, don't forget to adjust the spacing on next patterns.
  5. 01:00:850 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4) - I can't see any good reason to abuse triplet like this.
  6. 01:07:250 (1) - It's a way too curved here
  7. 01:28:850 (4,5,6) - is there any reason to use an irregular spacing on a pattern which follow the same curve ? I think using a regular spacing for those 3 notes is better.
  8. 01:34:250 (6,1) - Use the same spacing as those one 01:33:850 (4,5) - ? It'll make a better square.
  9. 02:01:650 - 02:20:450 - For this part, I think using Normal as sampleset for each drum sound would be good.
    I'd suggest to add them here
    02:01:650 -
    02:02:450 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:03:250 -
    02:04:050 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:04:450 (4) -
    02:04:850 -
    02:05:650 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:06:450 -
    02:07:250 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:07:650 -
    02:07:850 (5) -
    02:08:050 -
    02:08:850 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:09:650 -
    02:10:450 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:10:850 (4) -
    02:11:250 -
    02:12:050 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:12:850 -
    02:13:650 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:14:050 (2,3) -
    02:14:450 -
    02:15:250 (2) - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:16:050 -
    02:16:850 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:17:650 (7) -
    02:17:750 (1,1,2) -
  10. 02:20:850 (1) - a finish here is overhitsounding to me. a soft whistle is a way better.
  11. 02:22:450 (1) - Add a whistle, it's a strong piano note.
  12. 02:24:050 - 02:25:650 - 02:26:850 (5,1) - 02:28:850 - 02:30:450 - 02:32:050 - ^
  13. 02:35:250 - add a whistle for the strong string note ? You did it there : 02:36:050 - . So why not the other one ?
  14. 02:36:850 - 02:38:450 - ^
  15. 02:36:850 (1) - also, the loop can be better, Maybe try something like this ? . This one might be hard to reproduce, so I'll give you the code. Also, if you fix it, don't forget to restack.
  16. 02:40:050 - 02:41:650 - 02:43:250 - 02:44:850 (1) - same as other strong piano note, add whistle.
  17. 02:46:050 (4,5,6,7) - normal as sampleset instead of whistle sounds a way better.
  18. 03:01:650 (4,5,1) - It's just my personnal opinion, but I'm not really a fan of a stack like this.
  19. 03:12:050 - 03:35:650 - this part contain a lot of stream which is totality irregular and inconsistent with the map. Some don't fit with the music.
  20. 03:52:850 (5,6,7) - It'd be better if you have to jump to clic 5 instead of 7. The note on 5 is a way higher/stronger.
  21. 04:08:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't really like stream with a flow like this D:
  22. 04:09:650 (8) - add whistle ? I think it sound pretty good here.
  23. 04:36:850 (1) - 04:37:650 - add whistle to both. There is a whistle here 04:38:450 - 04:39:250 - and on simular sound. So why not those one ?
  24. 05:20:050 (1) - add finish with at least 80% volume hit sound. I goes well with the cymbal sound. Also if you do so, don't forget to add a green line with 40% hit sound here 05:20:150 -
  25. 07:17:450 (5,6,7) - the spacing might be a bit confusing, but it's still ok to me. Idk about others.
well, that's all from me.
Good luck ~
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Kin wrote:

  1. 00:26:450 (2,3) - I don't think there is a particular reason to change the spacing here. Why not 1,00 like the other sliders ?

Kin wrote:

  1. 00:34:050 (4) - I'd suggest to curve it more to the top. It'll make a better transition to 3 -> 4. I mean something like this
    Also, there is a irregular spacing between 4 and 5.

Kin wrote:

  1. 00:54:450 (1) - I think this slider can have a better shape. Let's try something like this ? if you do so, don't forget to restack and spacing.

Kin wrote:

  1. 00:56:050 (1,2) - your 2 circles are symmetrical with y axe. Too keep the symmetry with a good spacing, I'd suggest to move this one 00:56:850 (3) - to x:112 y:192. It'll also make a perfect triangle. Also if you do so, don't forget to adjust the spacing on next patterns.
After adjusting 00:54:450 (1) the spacing became 1.67x, so the 'perfect triangle coordinate' wasn't (112, 192) anymore.
Fixed anyway.

Kin wrote:

  1. 01:00:850 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4) - I can't see any good reason to abuse triplet like this.
There's a 1/4 rhythm in the background, and I was trying to map to that.

Kin wrote:

  1. 01:07:250 (1) - It's a way too curved here

Kin wrote:

  1. 01:28:850 (4,5,6) - is there any reason to use an irregular spacing on a pattern which follow the same curve ? I think using a regular spacing for those 3 notes is better.
An oversight, my bad

Kin wrote:

  1. 01:34:250 (6,1) - Use the same spacing as those one 01:33:850 (4,5) - ? It'll make a better square.
I swear I made that a square before. I even used the polygon tool. As to why it can't stay a square, that is beyond me.
Reworked just for the heck of it, but it doesn't look like anything changed.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:01:650 - 02:20:450 - For this part, I think using Normal as sampleset for each drum sound would be good.
    I'd suggest to add them here
    02:01:650 -
    02:02:450 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:03:250 -
    02:04:050 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:04:450 (4) -
    02:04:850 -
    02:05:650 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:06:450 -
    02:07:250 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:07:650 -
    02:07:850 (5) -
    02:08:050 -
    02:08:850 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:09:650 -
    02:10:450 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:10:850 (4) -
    02:11:250 -
    02:12:050 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:12:850 -
    02:13:650 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:14:050 (2,3) -
    02:14:450 -
    02:15:250 (2) - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:16:050 -
    02:16:850 - don't forget to add soft as additions if you want to keep your whistle
    02:17:650 (7) -
    02:17:750 (1,1,2) -
Right so you basically want me to replace soft-hitnormal with normal-hitnormal?
Did just that, but I felt normal-hitnormal was quite loud and I couldn't hear soft-hitwhistle anymore so I used a custom quieter normal-hitnormal.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:20:850 (1) - a finish here is overhitsounding to me. a soft whistle is a way better.
Also removed from 02:33:650 (1)

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:22:450 (1) - Add a whistle, it's a strong piano note.
  2. 02:24:050 - 02:25:650 - 02:26:850 (5,1) - 02:28:850 - 02:30:450 - 02:32:050 - ^
Added whistle on beats 1,3,4.
It's more than what you specified above, but I thought it would be better to be consistent between measures.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:35:250 - add a whistle for the strong string note ? You did it there : 02:36:050 - . So why not the other one ?
  2. 02:36:850 - 02:38:450 - ^
Added whistle on beat 1 (downbeat), since that's where the un-hitsounded string notes are.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:36:850 (1) - also, the loop can be better, Maybe try something like this ? . This one might be hard to reproduce, so I'll give you the code. Also, if you fix it, don't forget to restack.
It pains me but I have to reject this. The new loop looks much too circular for my taste. I'd prefer something more teardrop-shaped. Also, it doesn't look very symmetrical to the naked eye. Sorry if you spent a lot of time making this :(
That being said, the current loop isn't perfect either. I'll tweak it to make it more perfect.
...painfully long time later...
Right, so I think I've reached the editor's limits. If anyone else complains about symmetry, go rotate this slider 54 degrees and check. Any more precision and I'll probably have to edit the .osu manually to set more decimal points.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:40:050 - 02:41:650 - 02:43:250 - 02:44:850 (1) - same as other strong piano note, add whistle.
Fixed above when I added whistles on the downbeats.

Kin wrote:

  1. 02:46:050 (4,5,6,7) - normal as sampleset instead of whistle sounds a way better.
But I was lazy to mess with the volume with the normal sampleset, so I just pulled out the edited normal-hitnormal (aka soft-hitnormal3) which I made earlier.

Kin wrote:

  1. 03:01:650 (4,5,1) - It's just my personnal opinion, but I'm not really a fan of a stack like this.
It's okay; I don't particularly like it either, so out it goes

Kin wrote:

  1. 03:12:050 - 03:35:650 - this part contain a lot of stream which is totality irregular and inconsistent with the map. Some don't fit with the music.
If you delete the notes and listen closely to the music underneath you'll find out why I added those 1/4s.

Kin wrote:

  1. 03:52:850 (5,6,7) - It'd be better if you have to jump to clic 5 instead of 7. The note on 5 is a way higher/stronger.
Distance between (4) and (5) increased, distance between (6) and (7) decreased. (6) to (7) is still a jump, but it's very small (+0.2x difference).

Kin wrote:

  1. 04:08:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't really like stream with a flow like this D:
I tried to make it more difficult than the previous part, otherwise it might get boring. Sorry D:
I originally did that on CS4, where it was substantially easier. Now that it's CS5, it's a lot harder. I might decrease the angle of the zig-zag in future.

Kin wrote:

  1. 04:09:650 (8) - add whistle ? I think it sound pretty good here.

Kin wrote:

  1. 04:36:850 (1) - 04:37:650 - add whistle to both. There is a whistle here 04:38:450 - 04:39:250 - and on simular sound. So why not those one ?
It's supposed to create the effect of building up, but after you brought it up they do seem very out of place. Fixed; after all, the volume and rhythm changes should be enough.

Kin wrote:

  1. 05:20:050 (1) - add finish with at least 80% volume hit sound. I goes well with the cymbal sound. Also if you do so, don't forget to add a green line with 40% hit sound here 05:20:150 -
Agreed and fixed, but I think 80% is a bit too loud and sudden. Can you settle for about ~60%?

Kin wrote:

  1. 07:17:450 (5,6,7) - the spacing might be a bit confusing, but it's still ok to me. Idk about others.
Not much I can do in that corner, but I'll try to make it as intuitive as possible.

Thanks for modding! :)
Not a marathon T.T
First: Let's check in the song folder. What is the file "Thumbs"? o.o
Second: What are these tags? marathon ebf4 matt-likes-swords kupo707 halcyonicfalconx hfx phyrnna? Tags are used to find maps in the song list. I don't think somebody will type "matt-likes-swords" or "kupo707" to find this. Clear the tags and leave just "marathon", as long as you didn't name "marathon" your diff.
Third: Display epilepsy warning, 'cause of your bg changes with sb on.
Fourth: Do this colours look good to you?
Combo1 : 90,189,66
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 202,68,53
Combo4 : 255,255,0
Where did I get them? Look at the hairs of the characters in the first picture.
Fifth: Hp+1 and Ar+1 are appreciated:P
Seventh: From the start to here 00:50:850 - most of the notes fit as normal whistle (expecially sliders). Try to use that hitsound.
Eighth: Where's the sixth?
Okok, let's start. (Oh, forgot, preview time point is here 01:04:050 - )
00:36:050 (2,3) - Make them identical
01:21:250 (6) - Or you make this a new combo, or you fix the spacing. It's bad to change spacing in the same combo.
01:24:050 (4,5,6) - ^
01:26:250 (7) - ^
01:48:850 (8) - Nc
02:08:050 (1,2) - Very very bad one
02:30:050 (4,1) - Bad overlap
02:31:450 (3,4,5) - Unreadable cause of spacing and overlapping
02:36:850 (1) - Bad looking
02:45:250 (2) - Same story as before
03:03:650 (4,5,6) - ^
03:36:850 (3) - Nc
03:40:850 (1,2) - Looks bad
03:49:850 (4,5) - Spacing
03:52:650 (4,5) - ^
04:00:650 (4,5) - ^
05:28:050 (1,2,3) - Why short spacing here, and long spacing here? 05:29:250 (4) - In the same combo?
05:32:050 (3,4) - ^
(Not gonna repeat this everytime)
06:27:250 (1,1) - Look bad for me
07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - So hard for the rest of the map

Bye and good luck :P
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Dasheroo wrote:

First: Let's check in the song folder. What is the file "Thumbs"? o.o
I don't see it here (and I have "show hidden files" enabled)
But I did find some obsolete files crawling around in the folder, and deleted them.

Dasheroo wrote:

Second: What are these tags? marathon ebf4 matt-likes-swords kupo707 halcyonicfalconx hfx phyrnna? Tags are used to find maps in the song list. I don't think somebody will type "matt-likes-swords" or "kupo707" to find this. Clear the tags and leave just "marathon", as long as you didn't name "marathon" your diff.
"matt-likes-swords" = "kupo707" = Creator of Epic Battle Fantasy 4

"EBF4" = Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Some people refer to the game via this acronym, so it's possible that it would get searched.

"HalcyonicFalconX" = "HFX" = "Phyrnna" = Halcyonic Falcon X, the composer
"HFX" is a simple abbreviation of the full name, which is occasionally used by others to refer to the composer.

"HalcyonicFalconX" (without spaces) is the name that the composer uses on Newgrounds and YouTube. It's highly likely that people interested would search this name (without spaces), so this tag is necessary for the map to turn up.

"Phyrnna" is the name that the composer uses to refer to herself (e.g. in posts etc.)

Dasheroo wrote:

Third: Display epilepsy warning, 'cause of your bg changes with sb on.
The changes aren't very big; at most there is a 0.125 opacity change over the span of 1/2 a beat. There's no violent flashing lights or stuff like that, so I don't think the warning is necessary.
If more people complain, then I'll reconsider adding it in.

Dasheroo wrote:

Fourth: Do this colours look good to you?
Combo1 : 90,189,66
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 202,68,53
Combo4 : 255,255,0
Where did I get them? Look at the hairs of the characters in the first picture.
It's not a bad idea actually. I'll think about it for a bit longer, then decide whether to change it or not.

Dasheroo wrote:

Fifth: Hp+1 and Ar+1 are appreciated:P
HP+1 will make more frustrated players (possibly including yourself) at the 1/1 sections.
Also p/3476503

-Mo- wrote:

I think the HP should be lowered given that this is a Marathon length map, you have a smaller than average CS, and that the lengths of your combos are fairly long. Either that or reduce the length of the combos and use CS4.
But granted, I did reduce the length of some combos since then, so re-HP+1 is not out of the question.

Dasheroo wrote:

Seventh: From the start to here 00:50:850 - most of the notes fit as normal whistle (expecially sliders). Try to use that hitsound.
Added whistle on almost all the sliders and on beats 1 and 3.

EDIT: removed the whistle on some more sliders, otherwise the map feels too noisy

Dasheroo wrote:

Eighth: Where's the sixth?
I swear I didn't look for it D:

Dasheroo wrote:

Okok, let's start. (Oh, forgot, preview time point is here 01:04:050 - )
*thinks for a few minutes*
Fair enough, changed

Dasheroo wrote:

00:36:050 (2,3) - Make them identical
I tried doing that, but I couldn't find any suitable way to place the second slider. Remapped the combo.

Dasheroo wrote:

01:21:250 (6) - Or you make this a new combo, or you fix the spacing. It's bad to change spacing in the same combo.
01:24:050 (4,5,6) - ^
01:26:250 (7) - ^

Dasheroo wrote:

01:48:850 (8) - Nc

Dasheroo wrote:

02:08:050 (1,2) - Very very bad one

Dasheroo wrote:

02:30:050 (4,1) - Bad overlap
Why is it bad? It's completely readable.
Also t/49141

Dasheroo wrote:

02:31:450 (3,4,5) - Unreadable cause of spacing and overlapping
Oh my how did the blanket get that bad D:

Dasheroo wrote:

02:36:850 (1) - Bad looking
Looks fine enough to me

Dasheroo wrote:

02:45:250 (2) - Same story as before

Dasheroo wrote:

03:03:650 (4,5,6) - ^
I'll keep this to add variation in the map

Dasheroo wrote:

03:36:850 (3) - Nc
Not changing to be consistent with the rest of the map e.g. 01:15:250 (1,2) there's no NC on (2)

Dasheroo wrote:

03:40:850 (1,2) - Looks bad

Dasheroo wrote:

03:49:850 (4,5) - Spacing

Dasheroo wrote:

03:52:650 (4,5) - ^
Nerfed the jump from 2.0x to ~1.8x, but the whole combo was intended to be irregular.

Dasheroo wrote:

04:00:650 (4,5) - ^
Significant rework, but still keeping some jumps here and there

Dasheroo wrote:

05:28:050 (1,2,3) - Why short spacing here, and long spacing here? 05:29:250 (4) - In the same combo?
05:32:050 (3,4) - ^
(Not gonna repeat this everytime)
Jumps, so keep the map not boring

Dasheroo wrote:

06:27:250 (1,1) - Look bad for me
Will probably change that part in the future

Dasheroo wrote:

07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - So hard for the rest of the map
Trying to go out with a bang here.
Or maybe that was a combobreak.
Anyway granted it is sloppy so I might change it soon.

Thanks for modding! :)
Hey, sorry for the slight delay, my network died :<

03:39:250 - Why no kiai time here as well?
03:40:850 (1) - why did you lower the hitsounds here? the part in the music is still pretty strong
00:28:050 (4) - CTRL + G, y = 204, CTRL + G
00:54:450 (1) - this is really ugly, consider making something more interesting here
00:56:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - what's with the sudden DS changes? I guess 1 and 2 are fine but 3 and 4 are too close.
01:09:250 (5) - I suggest changing this to a slider, since whatever instrument is playing, it is strong in this part. (something like that
01:11:050 (3) - no beat in the end of the slider
01:11:850 (5) - no beat in the end of the slider
01:13:050 (8) - no beat
in prior to those ^ I suggest changing it to something like that :
01:40:450 (4) - x=407 y=215 to stack properly with (2)
01:43:450 (6) - this slider just feels bad to play, don't start a repeated slider on a red tick unless a strong beat comes there, change it to 3 circles or a cirrcle and a normal slider
02:30:050 (4,1) - flow is not the best, try rotating (4) 10 degrees.
03:50:450 (1,3) - ugly overlap
04:02:050 (3) - x=243 to fix stack
05:28:050 (1,2) - blanket can be improved
05:45:250 (4) - it will play better with the next slider if you rotate it so the flow will be nicer
06:04:850 (1) - cancel NC
06:05:650 (2) - NC
07:13:250 (4,5,1) - this pattern is just weird, it looks pale and doesn't achieve much.. change it to something more nicer

I love the way you work with the hitsounds, although I dislike the fact that some sliders are pale and the same pattern is being used (CTRL+H, CTRL+J), your beatmap is great, good job and good luck!
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Avishay wrote:

Hey, sorry for the slight delay, my network died :<
It's okay, not like I'm aiming for speedrank or anything like that.

Avishay wrote:

03:39:250 - Why no kiai time here as well?
Give me a day or two to consider. Chances are most likely yes but I just want to think it through first, to see if it makes sense.

Avishay wrote:

03:40:850 (1) - why did you lower the hitsounds here? the part in the music is still pretty strong
True that it's fairly loud, but definitely not as loud as 03:39:250
Tell you what, I'll increase the volume to 45%. (Also increased at 07:31:250 )

Avishay wrote:

00:28:050 (4) - CTRL + G, y = 204, CTRL + G
You could have just told me to stack the slider tail better lol
Anyway fixed

Avishay wrote:

00:54:450 (1) - this is really ugly, consider making something more interesting here
00:56:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - what's with the sudden DS changes? I guess 1 and 2 are fine but 3 and 4 are too close.
01:09:250 (5) - I suggest changing this to a slider, since whatever instrument is playing, it is strong in this part. (something like that
01:11:050 (3) - no beat in the end of the slider
01:11:850 (5) - no beat in the end of the slider
01:13:050 (8) - no beat
in prior to those ^ I suggest changing it to something like that :
fixed fixed fixed fixed argh whatever I'll remap the whole section with what you suggested

Avishay wrote:

01:40:450 (4) - x=407 y=215 to stack properly with (2)
wow you actually checked it to the pixel :O
215 seems a bit off; (407,216) is better. Fixed.

Avishay wrote:

01:43:450 (6) - this slider just feels bad to play, don't start a repeated slider on a red tick unless a strong beat comes there, change it to 3 circles or a cirrcle and a normal slider

Avishay wrote:

02:30:050 (4,1) - flow is not the best, try rotating (4) 10 degrees.
Rotating (4) 10 degrees would destroy the pattern with 02:28:850 (1,2)
Rotated 02:30:450 (1) by -10 degrees instead to get the same flow effect.

Avishay wrote:

03:50:450 (1,3) - ugly overlap

Avishay wrote:

04:02:050 (3) - x=243 to fix stack
How'd you even notice that o.o

Avishay wrote:

05:28:050 (1,2) - blanket can be improved

Avishay wrote:

05:45:250 (4) - it will play better with the next slider if you rotate it so the flow will be nicer

Avishay wrote:

06:04:850 (1) - cancel NC
06:05:650 (2) - NC
Doesn't look right to me, rejected

Avishay wrote:

07:13:250 (4,5,1) - this pattern is just weird, it looks pale and doesn't achieve much.. change it to something more nicer
Changed. Not a big change though.

Avishay wrote:

I love the way you work with the hitsounds

Avishay wrote:

although I dislike the fact that some sliders are pale and the same pattern is being used (CTRL+H, CTRL+J)
I tried to have more variation with the longer sliders, but I can only go so far when the whole map is basically 1/2 everywhere D:
As for copypasta, I'll work on it.

Thanks for modding! :)
hi there, mod from my queue!

  1. background image should be 4:3 or 16:9 ratio = 1366x768px or 1024x768px
  2. hitsounds seem overall a little quiet to me, but I'm not sure. consider inceasing volume by ~5-10% overall
  3. combo colours are really bright, like waaaay too bright, imo. might be better to choose non-primary/-secondary colours.
    also, pure red blends with the background at some parts, it's better to avoid that
    example colours

    Combo1 : 240,120,50
    Combo2 : 15,130,200
    Combo3 : 235,220,60
    Combo4 : 110,230,25
after first play: I have to admit that it feels very boring to play, cause it's just the same rhythm over and over again with little to no variety. I'm not saying it's bad, but you can improve it a lot by alternating rhythm, mapping to more beats in general and thinking of some more interesting patterns/slidershapes.
ofc I'll try to help you with what's listed below, but it might be a good idea to look at past ranked approved marathons and trying to figure out why they are so much fun to play.
  1. 00:54:850 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - feels off, imo. the beat you're following is audiable on the blue ticks in-between too, so the breaks don't match. example of rhythm with more variation -
  2. 00:56:050 (1,2) - with the hectic 'atmosphere' provided by the previous pattern (no matter if it's the current one or the one I've shown as an example) just circles on white ticks feels empty. and there are ongoing sounds on the red ticks, so sliders match better here, I think
  3. 01:16:950 (1,1) - the first spinner should end a tick earlier and the second one should start on the downbeat, cause the dominant sound the second spinner follows starts there.
  4. 03:15:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - similar to what I mentioned above. the stream comes out of the blue and doesn't go well with the objects around this.
    first off, the sound it follows starts on the downbeat where 03:15:050 (5) - ends. so, imo, the stream should start there, too.
    if you don't want a stream that long, alternate the pattern similar to the example I gave above already. that most likely matches better with the diff, I think.
  5. 03:21:650 (1,2) - similar to ^. the gap between 1+2 feels awkward, cause it's the same sound
  6. 03:24:050 (2) - jumps feels off, there is no indicator for a jump, is there? I'd prefer if this were slightly closer to the prev object (maybe 2.0 DS instead of 2.9)
  7. 03:24:850 - music gets louder here, shouldn't your hitsounds get louder, too?
  8. 03:27:850 (4,1,2) - same about gap/stream as I mentioned already. I'm sure you can find a nice way to map these parts!
    //I'm lazy so I won'T point all of them out, but there are many parts where you only mapped part of a stream. check for yourself!
  9. 03:31:850 (3,4,5) - stacks don't fit here, imo, cause the music's so lively and having this stacked and the following, too (03:32:650 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - ) is boring to play. please unstack them!
  10. 03:36:450 (2,3) - jumps seems very exaggerated, it doesn't fit the monotonous melody. move 3+4 closer to 1+2
  11. 03:53:450 (8,9,1) - why anti-jumps here? you stacked this normally before. o:
    (you don't have to change this, but it looks a bit off compared to the previous)
  12. 04:09:650 (1) - wow, the break after this is WAY to long. I really wouldn't wanna play a map where I don't have anything to do for 30 seconds. breaks are for resting shortly, for re-adjusting aim and maybe for stretching your fingers for half a second. this overdoes it. :n
    imo, you should start mapping at 04:28:850, it's still 20 seconds, but that's better than 30.. and the organ (? sounds to me like an organ, might be wrong, Idk. anyway -) starts there, so it's a good point to end the break.
  13. 04:36:850 (1,2) - and the following objects don't fit the melody, I think. the violin is more dominant than the other instruments, so you should stick to that. that would look more like this: and so on.
    I'd recommend to remap this short part. :n
  14. 05:21:650 (1,2) - plays better when unstacked, imo
  15. 06:08:050 (1,2,3) - music doesn't slow down, so the anti-jumps don't fit. use regular spacing?
  16. 07:21:650 (1) - ctrl+g this for better flow
Sorry, I'm not experienced with marathons and harder difficulties, so the mod is rather short. Hope I was of some help, tho. :n
Good luck!
Topic Starter
Your Good Self
EDIT: part 2 is in

sorry for the late response, somehow I didn't get any notification for this D:

Anyway, here's your mod reply

Squirrel wrote:

  1. background image should be 4:3 or 16:9 ratio = 1366x768px or 1024x768px

Squirrel wrote:

  1. hitsounds seem overall a little quiet to me, but I'm not sure. consider inceasing volume by ~5-10% overall

Squirrel wrote:

  1. combo colours are really bright, like waaaay too bright, imo. might be better to choose non-primary/-secondary colours.
    also, pure red blends with the background at some parts, it's better to avoid that
    example colours

    Combo1 : 240,120,50
    Combo2 : 15,130,200
    Combo3 : 235,220,60
    Combo4 : 110,230,25
Since so many people have been complaining about the combo colours, fine i'll change it

Squirrel wrote:

  • after first play: I have to admit that it feels very boring to play, cause it's just the same rhythm over and over again with little to no variety. I'm not saying it's bad, but you can improve it a lot by alternating rhythm, mapping to more beats in general and thinking of some more interesting patterns/slidershapes.
I'll try

Squirrel wrote:

  • ofc I'll try to help you with what's listed below, but it might be a good idea to look at past ranked approved marathons and trying to figure out why they are so much fun to play.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 00:54:850 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - feels off, imo. the beat you're following is audiable on the blue ticks in-between too, so the breaks don't match. example of rhythm with more variation -
  2. 03:15:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - similar to what I mentioned above. the stream comes out of the blue and doesn't go well with the objects around this.
    first off, the sound it follows starts on the downbeat where 03:15:050 (5) - ends. so, imo, the stream should start there, too.
    if you don't want a stream that long, alternate the pattern similar to the example I gave above already. that most likely matches better with the diff, I think.
  3. 03:21:650 (1,2) - similar to ^. the gap between 1+2 feels awkward, cause it's the same sound
  4. 03:27:850 (4,1,2) - same about gap/stream as I mentioned already. I'm sure you can find a nice way to map these parts!
    //I'm lazy so I won'T point all of them out, but there are many parts where you only mapped part of a stream. check for yourself!
Not sure sure what you're trying to bring across here. You want me to map the stream, or not map the stream?
In any case, I've reworked these portions, so hopefully they're better now.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 00:56:050 (1,2) - with the hectic 'atmosphere' provided by the previous pattern (no matter if it's the current one or the one I've shown as an example) just circles on white ticks feels empty. and there are ongoing sounds on the red ticks, so sliders match better here, I think
Changed to 2x 1/2 sliders

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 01:16:950 (1,1) - the first spinner should end a tick earlier and the second one should start on the downbeat, cause the dominant sound the second spinner follows starts there.
Having a spinner end on the blue tick feels strange. I would prefer to have the hitsound on the downbeat. Since the second spinner start is weak and doesn't have any hitsound, I'll have to say no to this.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 03:24:050 (2) - jumps feels off, there is no indicator for a jump, is there? I'd prefer if this were slightly closer to the prev object (maybe 2.0 DS instead of 2.9)
Changed this part slightly

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 03:24:850 - music gets louder here, shouldn't your hitsounds get louder, too?
Increased volume a bit, though it's probably unnoticeable :/

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 03:31:850 (3,4,5) - stacks don't fit here, imo, cause the music's so lively and having this stacked and the following, too (03:32:650 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - ) is boring to play. please unstack them!

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 03:36:450 (2,3) - jumps seems very exaggerated, it doesn't fit the monotonous melody. move 3+4 closer to 1+2

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 03:53:450 (8,9,1) - why anti-jumps here? you stacked this normally before. o:
Yeah I know it's really inconsistent with what's been done before, but I thought I could get away with it. Since you pointed that out, I'll change it.
Changed to 0.5x DS like 03:59:850 (5,6,1) instead of stacking though.

Squirrel wrote:

  • (you don't have to change this, but it looks a bit off compared to the previous)
  1. 04:09:650 (1) - wow, the break after this is WAY to long. I really wouldn't wanna play a map where I don't have anything to do for 30 seconds. breaks are for resting shortly, for re-adjusting aim and maybe for stretching your fingers for half a second. this overdoes it. :n
    imo, you should start mapping at 04:28:850, it's still 20 seconds, but that's better than 30.. and the organ (? sounds to me like an organ, might be wrong, Idk. anyway -) starts there, so it's a good point to end the break.
Okay, mapped lots of 2/1 and 1/1 stuff. Pretty boring imo, but I guess still better than more break.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 04:36:850 (1,2) - and the following objects don't fit the melody, I think. the violin is more dominant than the other instruments, so you should stick to that. that would look more like this: and so on.
    I'd recommend to remap this short part. :n
I think I prefer it the way it currently is, progressing from 2/1 notes to 1/1 and eventually 1/2.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 05:21:650 (1,2) - plays better when unstacked, imo
I had to remap the part to get it fixed .-.
But at least it's fixed

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 06:08:050 (1,2,3) - music doesn't slow down, so the anti-jumps don't fit. use regular spacing?
Going to keep this because... it's more 'boring' than the others?
Not quite sure how to explain this one. But you can see how the sound here is 2/1, where most of the other parts are at least 1/1 and above.

Squirrel wrote:

  1. 07:21:650 (1) - ctrl+g this for better flow
ctrl+g is going to make one hell of a jump, so no

Thanks for modding! :)
The slider size don't fit how the song goes, adjust to 4.5
01:33:250 (2) - Reposition this (will overlap when CS is adjusted)
You may need to adjust other slider blankets...
Also, find a custom hitclap. (Default feels too weird for me)
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Neil Leo wrote:

The slider size don't fit how the song goes, adjust to 4.5
By "slider size" I assume you mean CS, If that's the case, changed.

Neil Leo wrote:

01:33:250 (2) - Reposition this (will overlap when CS is adjusted)

Neil Leo wrote:

You may need to adjust other slider blankets...
Will fix them as I notice them

Neil Leo wrote:

Also, find a custom hitclap. (Default feels to weird for me)
I'll change it when I find a better one. I don't have a very big collection of custom hitsounds though.

Thanks for modding!
Heyho o/
Finally found some time to mod this as I promised :D
No KDs you gave me some already.
So let's start right away :)

My first impression was that you're reusing quite many sliders which makes the map feel a little uncreative despite the fact that you do have many good patterns. (00:28:850 (1,2) - 00:34:050 (4,1) - 00:40:050 (3,1) - to name a few at the beginning opposed to 00:38:450 (1,2) - 00:42:450 (2,3,4,5,1) - etc)
Also CS5 makes the map feel a little empty due to the smaller size of sliders and circles so never increase AR any further pls :? HP and OD settings are fine. The ending is quite harsh compared the the rest of the map so I'm gonna try to give ideas how to balance this out.
You really chose a difficult song to map due to the lack of 1/2 at some points :)

Okay let's get this modded:
00:48:050 - I expected an additional beat right before the spinner here.
00:54:850 (2,3,4,5) - The 2 repeats are a bit unexpected and doesn't play that nice. What do you think about this? The guitar's tone is held so there's room to map to the background.
01:00:450 - Same goes here. My idea:
01:09:650 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - This could be a bit smoother (maybe put a jump?)
01:14:050 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - How about this?01:15:850 - Add beat
02:35:250 (1) - Why NC here?
02:42:650 - + 02:43:050 - Add beats
03:17:450 - ^
03:22:050 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Listen closely here and you can hear that in the background it's not just a plain stream rather it's a doubles pattern here. (Similar to what i stated above). 03:28:350 - Add beat
03:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This?03:52:650 (4,5,6,7) - Even out the spacing here to something 1,6x-ish
04:01:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make a perfect pentagon out of these. They almost look like one so why not making it perfect? ;)
04:30:850 (2,4) - Remove
04:36:850 (1) - Remove NC
05:05:450 - Add beat
05:32:450 (4) - These are too squeezed together which makes them look ugly. Spread them out abit more
05:35:450 - ^
(Honestly I think that the part between 2nd and 3rd break is well done. Keep going like this :) )
07:06:850 (4,5,1) - This is not flowing so well. Put 5 to one of the sides of the slider but putting it on the trail causes weird movement imo.
07:17:450 (2,3,4) - Why such a low spacing? Better spread these out a bit more.
07:30:450 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - o.o
07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - This is quite extreme as the very final pattern imo (Playable though)

Rethink of your spacing at some points, it doesn't make sense sometimes when you put the beats to close to each other. Besides, I see much good work here compared to my first look especially towards the end. Keep going and good luck :)
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

DarkVortex wrote:

No KDs you gave me some already.
I'm just going to kd this post anyway, it can be taken that you modded the map twice.
If any BAT wants to deny kd then by all means go ahead.

DarkVortex wrote:

My first impression was that you're reusing quite many sliders which makes the map feel a little uncreative despite the fact that you do have many good patterns. (00:28:850 (1,2) - 00:34:050 (4,1) - 00:40:050 (3,1) - to name a few at the beginning opposed to 00:38:450 (1,2) - 00:42:450 (2,3,4,5,1) - etc)
Changed the placement/shapes at 00:38:450 and 00:42:450

DarkVortex wrote:

Also CS5 makes the map feel a little empty due to the smaller size of sliders and circles so never increase AR any further pls :? HP and OD settings are fine.
CS reduced to 4.5 as per Neil Leo's mod above
maybe decrease AR to 7.5? nah other 150bpm maps have AR8, like this and this

DarkVortex wrote:

The ending is quite harsh compared the the rest of the map so I'm gonna try to give ideas how to balance this out.
You really chose a difficult song to map due to the lack of 1/2 at some points :)
agreed, but it's hard to find a HFX song that isn't too repetitive and doesn't have too much 1/1

DarkVortex wrote:

00:48:050 - I expected an additional beat right before the spinner here.

DarkVortex wrote:

00:54:850 (2,3,4,5) - The 2 repeats are a bit unexpected and doesn't play that nice. What do you think about this? The guitar's tone is held so there's room to map to the background.
But all circles and no sliders isn't very nice, so I joined some circles and made them into sliders instead.

DarkVortex wrote:

01:00:450 - Same goes here. My idea:
Also changed, with some modification
01:01:250 - Added another note here, the lack of a clap hitsound is very awkward

DarkVortex wrote:

01:09:650 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - This could be a bit smoother (maybe put a jump?)

DarkVortex wrote:

01:14:050 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - How about this?
Also changed with modification

DarkVortex wrote:

01:15:850 - Add beat

DarkVortex wrote:

02:35:250 (1) - Why NC here?
If I didn't the combo would be very inconsistent with the others. At this section NCs are added at each measure, while the longer, more sluggish sections have one NC per two measures.

DarkVortex wrote:

02:42:650 - + 02:43:050 - Add beats

DarkVortex wrote:

03:17:450 - ^

DarkVortex wrote:

03:22:050 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Listen closely here and you can hear that in the background it's not just a plain stream rather it's a doubles pattern here. (Similar to what i stated above).
Unless I'm not listening closely enough, I do hear a sound effect every 1/4 beat, which is why I made a stream here.
But what you suggested is pretty good too, so I'll do that.

DarkVortex wrote:

03:28:350 - Add beat
I think I prefer the rhythm the way it is now.

DarkVortex wrote:

03:34:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This?

DarkVortex wrote:

03:52:650 (4,5,6,7) - Even out the spacing here to something 1,6x-ish

DarkVortex wrote:

04:01:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make a perfect pentagon out of these. They almost look like one so why not making it perfect? ;)

DarkVortex wrote:

04:30:850 (2,4) - Remove

DarkVortex wrote:

04:36:850 (1) - Remove NC
Shuffled the NCs around overall for consistency.

DarkVortex wrote:

05:05:450 - Add beat

DarkVortex wrote:

05:32:450 (4) - These are too squeezed together which makes them look ugly. Spread them out abit more

DarkVortex wrote:

05:35:450 - ^
They don't seem squeezed together (but still pretty ugly imo)
I think you meant "^" as in "Add beat", which is 1 more line up
Changed stuff around a little

DarkVortex wrote:

(Honestly I think that the part between 2nd and 3rd break is well done. Keep going like this :) )

DarkVortex wrote:

07:06:850 (4,5,1) - This is not flowing so well. Put 5 to one of the sides of the slider but putting it on the trail causes weird movement imo.

DarkVortex wrote:

07:17:450 (2,3,4) - Why such a low spacing? Better spread these out a bit more.
Mostly because the flow forced it into a corner.
Changed now

DarkVortex wrote:

07:30:450 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - o.o

DarkVortex wrote:

07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - This is quite extreme as the very final pattern imo (Playable though)
It's meant to be the very final pattern, and it's meant to be quite extreme.
If more people complain then I'll nerf it, but I'll leave it for now.

DarkVortex wrote:

Rethink of your spacing at some points, it doesn't make sense sometimes when you put the beats to close to each other. Besides, I see much good work here compared to my first look especially towards the end. Keep going and good luck :)
Will keep that in mind.

Thanks for modding! :)
From my M4M queue
00:55:850 (8,9,3,4,5) - untidy,put them stack or put them to other space
00:57:250 (6,2) - -^you can CTRL+G to stack them
01:37:850 (2,6) - -^
02:32:650 (2,4) - -^
03:51:850 (6,5) - -^
07:22:850 (4,2) - -^
...and so on
00:51:250 (1) - add whistle?
06:58:450 (3,4,1) - -^
02:22:450 (1) - keep DS,you can put 02:23:050 (2) - stack with 02:22:450 (1) -
03:17:450 (2) - don't stack with 03:16:850 (1) - is difficult to play IMO
01:32:850 - the hitsound is too loudly,exceed45% is too loudly at this song IMO. Is this N hitsound file too loudly? you can try S or else
03:39:250 - -^
04:36:050 - you can't use the vol under 20%,the rule isn‘t be allow
01:29:250 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).
Unsnapped green line at: 04:54:475 - snap to 04:54:450 ,05:20:075 - snap to 05:20:050
04:09:850 - The break here is 18250 ms long, which is longer than the recommended 15000 ms.04:22:450 - you can add a spinner from here until 04:27:250.
02:42:650 (2,3,4) - why there are too close?
nice hitsound on this map,but is loudly at somewhere
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

4anke wrote:

00:55:850 (8,9,3,4,5) - untidy,put them stack or put them to other space
changed some stuff here and there

4anke wrote:

00:57:250 (6,2) - -^you can CTRL+G to stack them
Taken care of in the line above

4anke wrote:

01:37:850 (2,6) - -^

4anke wrote:

02:32:650 (2,4) - -^
It'll cause a little flow/spacing problem with 02:32:050 (1) but I can change its shape so fixed

4anke wrote:

03:51:850 (6,5) - -^

4anke wrote:

07:22:850 (4,2) - -^

4anke wrote:

...and so on

4anke wrote:

00:51:250 (1) - add whistle?
06:58:450 (3,4,1) - -^
I prefer my hitsounds to follow a more consistent pattern (except maybe when accenting some really unique part). If I add them on those notes only, it feels quite strange and out of place.

4anke wrote:

02:22:450 (1) - keep DS,you can put 02:23:050 (2) - stack with 02:22:450 (1) -
Great idea, I did that for 02:20:850 (1,2,3) also

4anke wrote:

03:17:450 (2) - don't stack with 03:16:850 (1) - is difficult to play IMO
Broke up the whole 03:16:850 (1) - it doesn't really fit well with the map now either

4anke wrote:

01:32:850 - the hitsound is too loudly,exceed45% is too loudly at this song IMO. Is this N hitsound file too loudly? you can try S or else
03:39:250 - -^
That's strange; previous modders tell me to up the volume and you're saying the opposite. I'll leave it as it is for now, but if the majority of modders prefers to reduce hitsound volume then I'll do it.

4anke wrote:

04:36:050 - you can't use the vol under 20%,the rule isn‘t be allow
As far as I know the only thing unrankable about hitsounds is a completely silent hit. Lowered volume is still fine as long as it's still audible to a reasonable extent.

4anke wrote:

01:29:250 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).
whoops fixed
(how did that even happen)

4anke wrote:

Unsnapped green line at: 04:54:475 - snap to 04:54:450 ,05:20:075 - snap to 05:20:050
There's already a green line at 04:54:450 (which gives a volume increase for the finish hit) and the line at 04:54:475 is to bring it back down to normal volume. You might have missed it because it's hidden below the blue bookmark line, sorry D:

Same goes for 05:20:075

4anke wrote:

04:09:850 - The break here is 18250 ms long, which is longer than the recommended 15000 ms.04:22:450 - you can add a spinner from here until 04:27:250.
Spinner will look very lazy. I mapped that part with sliders and stuff.

Side note to self: This is turning into quite the drain section :/

4anke wrote:

02:42:650 (2,3,4) - why there are too close?
I don't see any better way to put them without overhauling all the notes. Should be perfectly readable by my reckoning, the previous notes don't suggest any 1/4s and even then there's the whole 2/1 slider to notice it and prepare.

4anke wrote:

nice hitsound on this map,but is loudly at somewhere
As mentioned, I'll look further into this issue. (I never seem to get it right D:)

Thanks for modding! :)
add ebf,newgrounds to the tags
SB\DarkBattle seems low quality compared to the other images
00:34:050 (4) - Sounds better with no whistle imo
02:36:850 (1) - Might want to adjust the looks of this slider a bit
07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - heh sneak the hardest jump to the end ;)
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

dinopwn wrote:

add ebf,newgrounds to the tags
ebf added
not sure if newground should be added though, this song isn't on newgrounds (yet at least)

dinopwn wrote:

SB\DarkBattle seems low quality compared to the other images
Agreed, DarkBattle and HolyBattle are much lower quality. But I can't find anything better D:

dinopwn wrote:

00:34:050 (4) - Sounds better with no whistle imo
Sounds fine to me. And it'll be really inconsistent if I removed the whistle on just that note.

dinopwn wrote:

02:36:850 (1) - Might want to adjust the looks of this slider a bit
I've lost count of the number of people commenting on this slider. What exactly is wrong with it? The blankets and teardrop are as perfect as they can be.

dinopwn wrote:

07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - heh sneak the hardest jump to the end ;)
I've also lost track of the people commenting on this. (you're at least the 4th if I remember)
Anyway let's just hope that people don't tear their hair out over missing their FC because of this. ;)

Thanks for modding!
:oops: Ohh a marathon, I like modding these.


-An additional red combo colour would be nice, since you have one combo colour for each of the people's hair there + the little blue thing. Just a suggestion though.
-Countdown is unnecesary I believe


00:28:850 (1) - Feel better to play if you move it a bit down like this I'm also pretty sure having 3 return long sliders on a hard/insane diff is both unnecesary and confusing, maybe delete one return and add a note at both of these sliders?
00:34:050 (4) - This slider creates a problem with hitsounds. You see, in order to follow the music a lot better, you should move it to 00:34:450 - , so it sounds well with the whistles and the music. Like this: Then delete the whistle from its end and the clap from its start, leaving just the whistle throughout the sliderslide.
00:36:850 (3) - Could be more curved?
00:35:250 (1) - Delete whistle from end because of the same as that suggestion vvvvvv below
00:42:450 (2) - Delete whistle. You see, you are using whistles to follow the... whatever that is in the music, the main melody. Here there is none.
00:43:250 (3) - Also delete whistle from the end
00:55:250 (6) - Feels really uncomfy while playing. Look: /// but something like this feels good
00:56:850 (3,4,5) - I know you wanted to stack (3) with (1) and changing this would fuck it up buuuut... it feels weird, specially since it's a triplet: . What I think you can do here is this, and you would leave (5) stacked under (1):
00:58:050 (2) - Maybe it's too close to (1)?
01:03:950 (9) - Move a bit down
01:10:350 (7) - This one too, to x144 y56
01:12:850 (3) - I don't really like this shape, considering it's the first red-dot-shape you've got here and creates weird looks with 01:12:050 (1) - .
01:15:050 (10) - ?
01:16:050 (3) - ? of course move the triplet afterwards
01:20:250 (1) - I think soft hitsounds with a normal hitsound at every snare the drum has (atm those snares are normal claps) would sound better. Use sounds samples where the claps are the template's skin normal-hitnormal. (up to 01:47:250 (1) - )
01:22:450 (5) - Improve the flow
01:26:650 (2) - Should move to the left for more consistency with the previous slider, look it looks better:
01:34:450 (1) - Improve flow Then copypaste for (4)
01:47:250 (1) - Unnecesary whistle?
01:47:850 (6) - Would play better with the music if you put 2 notes instead of a slider... and make em jumpy too
02:05:650 (2) - Make it just straight? The next 2 sliders are okay because they are twins, but this one feels out of place
Also you should move 02:07:250 (4) - To the right. Sure, it's DS'ed like you have it now, but sliders don't work like notes. you see, nobody moves up til the end of the slider if said slider is short, instead you leave the cursor somewhere like.. midway through the slider. That midway point is what you should consider the actual "note" the slider represents in terms of spacing. This is what me, you and everyone else will do while playing: . As you can see, the red line represents the cursor movement, and you will have to move the cursor faster from (2) to (3) than from (3) to (4). I know I just described a counter-intuitive concept, but you gotta think outside the editor, the map is for playing. Try to playtest it and you'll see. Catch me in-game for further discussion on this topic so I can explain myself better.
02:01:650 (1) - Btw are normal hitsounds this loud necessary here? Maybe make em a bit lower?
02:25:650 (1) - I don't really like the shape but I guess it is not something that bad, you can either change it to a normal curved shape or leave it like this. Btw you finally used the soft hitsounds here, I like it.
02:27:850 (2) - Confusing spacing?
02:36:850 (1,1) - Better blanket
02:42:650 (2) - If you make an antijump here, also make it in the previous pattern, since the music does the same thing, I see no reason for an antijump here but not before
03:07:250 (3,4) - or something like that?
03:15:650 (2) - I'd move the end to x392 y162
03:20:450 (1) - While playtesting, this note kinda fucked me up because of the curve it creates, the player thinks it's a straight line with (9)-(1)-(2) like you have been doing before.
03:33:650 (4,5,1) - Something like this flows much better
03:40:850 (1) - Move closer to (7), the spacing is unconsistent with the rest of the stream, this happened because of the SV change but it the spacing on this note should change
03:48:050 (3,4,5,6) - I'd rotate this triangle so it flows better with the next slider:
04:03:050 (7) - Move to x372 y178 for consistent spacing
04:08:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - Yeah this is super uncomfy to play :(
04:48:050 (1) - Again 2 repeat sliders :/
05:02:050 (3) - I'm pretty sure stacking the repeat under another object is borderline unrankeable
05:08:050 (2) - Move the first dot a bit to the left, then copypaste for the next one
05:11:250 (2) - Don't completely overlap slider's ends please
06:04:050 (2,3,1) - Weird flow /// suggestion or something like that
07:04:050 (1,2) - This empty space here is unexpected and might fuck up some players, maybe fill it with a slider from 07:04:050 (1) - to 07:04:450 -
07:10:450 (1) - Move a bit closer to 3 for distance consistency
07:20:050 (1) - check distance snap and here too 07:19:850 (4) -
07:21:650 (1,2,3) - Ugly flow fix like this :
07:30:450 (5) - You sure it's necesary to have this stream so spaced?
07:58:450 (1) - I know you wanted to make a "great finale" sort of jump but it's reaaaaaaaally uncomfy to play, most of the times the player will miss (3) and (5) because of the angles they make. Something star shaped might be a lot better.

Nothing else to say, nice job, I don't really like your hitsounds though, most of the times I wouldn't have used normal samples and normal whistles but it's up to you.
Good luuuuuuck :3
Sorry my mod took so long :/
But here it is!
And like every mod, these are just suggestions, so ignore them or correct me, if you think I'm wrong with something. :)

  • Godcat

    I think the countdown isn't necessary.
    02:25:250 (3) - If you move that to X344 Y256 it would blanket with - 02:23:650 (4)
    02:42:650 (2,3,4) - Why are these so close. It could be confusing if the distance is the same as these - 02:46:050 (4,5,6,7)
This map is great! I didn't found anything to criticize! Take this! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ~`☆
Topic Starter
Your Good Self
finally found some time to read through all this

Thanks for modding, both of you! Now, to write one of my longest posts ever


Snepif wrote:

-An additional red combo colour would be nice, since you have one combo colour for each of the people's hair there + the little blue thing. Just a suggestion though.
I actually didn't think about it that way. Now that you mention it, it does make sense. Changed.

Snepif wrote:

-Countdown is unnecesary I believe
But I think it's still okay to leave it there. Not like it's unrankable or anything.

Snepif wrote:

00:28:850 (1) - Feel better to play if you move it a bit down like this I'm also pretty sure having 3 return long sliders on a hard/insane diff is both unnecesary and confusing, maybe delete one return and add a note at both of these sliders?
Changed and changed

Snepif wrote:

00:34:050 (4) - This slider creates a problem with hitsounds. You see, in order to follow the music a lot better, you should move it to 00:34:450 - , so it sounds well with the whistles and the music. Like this: Then delete the whistle from its end and the clap from its start, leaving just the whistle throughout the sliderslide.
I get your point, changed stuff around a bit

Snepif wrote:

00:36:850 (3) - Could be more curved?

Snepif wrote:

00:35:250 (1) - Delete whistle from end because of the same as that suggestion vvvvvv below
00:42:450 (2) - Delete whistle. You see, you are using whistles to follow the... whatever that is in the music, the main melody. Here there is none.
00:43:250 (3) - Also delete whistle from the end
I think I get what you mean. Changed, and also fixed these notes:
00:28:850 (1,3)
00:36:850 (3)

EDIT: While testplaying today, this part felt REALLY off to me, so I decided to revert this change. Sorry :(

Snepif wrote:

00:55:250 (6) - Feels really uncomfy while playing. Look: /// but something like this feels good

Snepif wrote:

00:56:850 (3,4,5) - I know you wanted to stack (3) with (1) and changing this would fuck it up buuuut... it feels weird, specially since it's a triplet: . What I think you can do here is this, and you would leave (5) stacked under (1):
ok changed

Snepif wrote:

00:58:050 (2) - Maybe it's too close to (1)?
changed this while fixing the previous suggestion

Snepif wrote:

01:03:950 (9) - Move a bit down
01:10:350 (7) - This one too, to x144 y56
wow 1 grid adjustments
fixed anyway

Snepif wrote:

01:12:850 (3) - I don't really like this shape, considering it's the first red-dot-shape you've got here and creates weird looks with 01:12:050 (1) - .
Changed to something else, but I honestly don't know if this (the new slider) is better :/

Snepif wrote:

01:15:050 (10) - ?
Though a blanket would be good, I think it's better to have (10) identical in shape to 01:14:850 (9)
Besides, the blanket isn't very significant.

Snepif wrote:

01:16:050 (3) - ? of course move the triplet afterwards
Changed to something like that
Might improve it a bit further in future

Snepif wrote:

01:20:250 (1) - I think soft hitsounds with a normal hitsound at every snare the drum has (atm those snares are normal claps) would sound better. Use sounds samples where the claps are the template's skin normal-hitnormal. (up to 01:47:250 (1) - )
that... is actually a REALLY great idea.
changed and also changed at 03:40:850
and also swapped normal-hitnormal with some other hitsound I managed to find

Snepif wrote:

01:22:450 (5) - Improve the flow

Snepif wrote:

01:26:650 (2) - Should move to the left for more consistency with the previous slider, look it looks better:

Snepif wrote:

01:34:450 (1) - Improve flow Then copypaste for (4)
Tried to fix, I think the flow should be reasonably good now

Snepif wrote:

01:47:250 (1) - Unnecesary whistle?
Also removed at 04:08:050 (1) for consistency

Snepif wrote:

01:47:850 (6) - Would play better with the music if you put 2 notes instead of a slider... and make em jumpy too

Snepif wrote:

02:05:650 (2) - Make it just straight? The next 2 sliders are okay because they are twins, but this one feels out of place
Deleted the white node, but kept the red node.

Snepif wrote:

Also you should move 02:07:250 (4) - To the right. Sure, it's DS'ed like you have it now, but sliders don't work like notes. you see, nobody moves up til the end of the slider if said slider is short, instead you leave the cursor somewhere like.. midway through the slider. That midway point is what you should consider the actual "note" the slider represents in terms of spacing. This is what me, you and everyone else will do while playing: . As you can see, the red line represents the cursor movement, and you will have to move the cursor faster from (2) to (3) than from (3) to (4). I know I just described a counter-intuitive concept, but you gotta think outside the editor, the map is for playing. Try to playtest it and you'll see. Catch me in-game for further discussion on this topic so I can explain myself better.
Changed. I get your point, no need to elaborate further.

Snepif wrote:

02:01:650 (1) - Btw are normal hitsounds this loud necessary here? Maybe make em a bit lower?
Turned the volume down a notch, also nerfed the volume of the hitsound itself

Snepif wrote:

02:25:650 (1) - I don't really like the shape but I guess it is not something that bad, you can either change it to a normal curved shape or leave it like this. Btw you finally used the soft hitsounds here, I like it.
I guess I could probably do something about the end portion, but I'll wait and see if more modders complain

Snepif wrote:

02:27:850 (2) - Confusing spacing?
nah, if you can't read this note you probably shouldn't be playing this map

Snepif wrote:

02:36:850 (1,1) - Better blanket
Fixed, but I think 02:38:450 (1) lost some of its symmetry. (let's hope it still looks fine)

Snepif wrote:

02:42:650 (2) - If you make an antijump here, also make it in the previous pattern, since the music does the same thing, I see no reason for an antijump here but not before
did that because I didn't have anywhere to place the notes
then I realized I could mess with the shape of 02:41:650 (1)
so basically now it's fixed, but it probably isn't the prettiest thing on the planet

Snepif wrote:

03:07:250 (3,4) - or something like that?
I think I prefer it the way it is presently.
Though there's definitely room for improvement; I'll try to think of something better.

Snepif wrote:

03:15:650 (2) - I'd move the end to x392 y162
how does one even get y162 nvm, fixed/changed by turning grid snap off

Snepif wrote:

03:20:450 (1) - While playtesting, this note kinda fucked me up because of the curve it creates, the player thinks it's a straight line with (9)-(1)-(2) like you have been doing before.
So basically there's bad flow around 03:20:450 (1,2,3) - ?
Shuffled the notes around, now it should be better

Snepif wrote:

03:33:650 (4,5,1) - Something like this flows much better

Snepif wrote:

03:40:850 (1) - Move closer to (7), the spacing is unconsistent with the rest of the stream, this happened because of the SV change but it the spacing on this note should change
SV change? What SV change?

The spacing problem is probably due to grid snap not liking my face. (0.99x compared to 1.03x, which might be quite significant)
Fixed it anyway

Snepif wrote:

03:48:050 (3,4,5,6) - I'd rotate this triangle so it flows better with the next slider:

Snepif wrote:

04:03:050 (7) - Move to x372 y178 for consistent spacing

Snepif wrote:

04:08:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - Yeah this is super uncomfy to play :(
Reduced the angle in the stream, now it should have a larger 'overlap area'.
But it comes at the expense of having to move faster overall.

Snepif wrote:

04:48:050 (1) - Again 2 repeat sliders :/
Broke them up into other stuff, hope it doesn't get too weird.

Snepif wrote:

05:02:050 (3) - I'm pretty sure stacking the repeat under another object is borderline unrankeable
I'm pretty sure that arrow is readable to most. Though if more people complain then I'll do something about it.

Snepif wrote:

05:08:050 (2) - Move the first dot a bit to the left, then copypaste for the next one
how much is "a bit"? nvm found out "a bit" meant 1 grid
Oh and by the way, "the next one" won't fit in the space at the bottom of the screen. I had to rework the section a little.

Snepif wrote:

05:11:250 (2) - Don't completely overlap slider's ends please

Snepif wrote:

06:04:050 (2,3,1) - Weird flow /// suggestion or something like that
omg why did I not think of that shape

Snepif wrote:

07:04:050 (1,2) - This empty space here is unexpected and might fuck up some players, maybe fill it with a slider from 07:04:050 (1) - to 07:04:450 -

Snepif wrote:

07:10:450 (1) - Move a bit closer to 3 for distance consistency

Snepif wrote:

07:20:050 (1) - check distance snap and here too 07:19:850 (4) -
07:20:050 (1) - The speedup is intended
07:19:850 (4) - Not very significant difference

Snepif wrote:

07:21:650 (1,2,3) - Ugly flow fix like this :

Snepif wrote:

07:30:450 (5) - You sure it's necesary to have this stream so spaced?
I'm pretty sure there're larger spaced streams elsewhere, so I don't see why this isn't allowed

Snepif wrote:

07:58:450 (1) - I know you wanted to make a "great finale" sort of jump but it's reaaaaaaaally uncomfy to play, most of the times the player will miss (3) and (5) because of the angles they make. Something star shaped might be a lot better.

Snepif wrote:

Nothing else to say, I don't really like your hitsounds though, most of the times I wouldn't have used normal samples and normal whistles but it's up to you.
I don't have a huge collection of custom hitsounds, so I usually just use the defaults if they sound good to me.


G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

I think the countdown isn't necessary.
Covered above.
I don't think the countdown is ever necessary in any map, but it's a good thing to have in some cases.

G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

02:25:250 (3) - If you move that to X344 Y256 it would blanket with - 02:23:650 (4)
Now for another set of comments about the poor blanket 02:24:850 (2,3)

G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

02:42:650 (2,3,4) - Why are these so close. It could be confusing if the distance is the same as these - 02:46:050 (4,5,6,7)
Fixed above.

G3m4sSt4ffLP wrote:

This map is great! I didn't found anything to criticize! Take this! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ~`☆

Thanks again for modding! :D
Cerulean Veyron
Hello! M4M from my queue! I've spent almost two hours just to download just one single beatmap... rip my internet T_T

Daawww, more EBF/HFX songs~ let's keep up! ^w^/
[> Godcat <]
  1. - For an approval map, i think you need to follow every drum beats, and not to skip them. Try to focus more on the background instruments than just the main tracks to avoid emptiness, like here for example > 00:52:250 - / 00:53:050 - / 00:57:850 - . Well, not just 1/2 beats.
  2. - I think it needs little bit more.. jumps! you don't need to split circles away or some extending distance spacings. Try to use Ctrl + G on few patterns for a jump, like these > 02:29:450 (2,4) - / 02:41:250 (5) - / 03:54:050 (2) -
  3. 01:08:050 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The streams here doesn't make sense with the mapping or the song track or the background music. The rhythm that i can hear is the ride sound and the astro-techno percussions. I think you'll only need to remove senseless circles, which is circle (6) and (10).
  4. 01:13:450 (4) - The pattern and flow is okay, but the downbeat here doesn't sound really intense. I think you should replace them to two circles.
  5. 01:24:650 (6) - Why not move this circle to x:324|y:340 for a (nicer) triangle formation? and the playstyle would be a little fun because of the jump.
  6. 01:45:650 (1) - This slider shouldn't have the repeat arrows for the deep drum sounds on the song track. Try to ulitize a bit more on this, or remove the repeat arrow with this pattern >
  7. 02:11:250 (1) - Almost the same reason as above, or try to remove a single arrow and add a circle next to it, and a bit of blanket when the added circle moved in the slider.
  8. 02:20:050 (1,2,1) - Instead of stacking, try a triangle formation >
  9. 02:25:650 (1) - Curve more near the slider's tail for a little blanket on the head >
  10. 02:26:850 (2,3,1) - Same as 02:20:050 (1,2,1) -
  11. 02:52:450 (8,9,10,1) - Extend the spacing between circle (8) and the triplets? it's a little confusing, since you haven't made that on the previous tracks. Extend the spacing like you did on 02:58:850 (6,7,8,1) -
  12. 03:17:650 (3,4,5,6,7) - I think this stream is overmapped, because i only hear some guitar hits 1/1 and 1/2 beats, as so the astro-techno percussion. So you might need to consider removing the 1/4 circles.
  13. 03:26:650 (6,1) - Since there's a downbeat, swap NC.
  14. 03:48:850 (1,2) - Not a problem, you can possibly blanket here. Or you're not planning to do that?
  15. 03:54:050 (2) - Ctrl + G, same flow and pattern, but better playstyle imo.
  16. 03:55:050 - Add a circle here? the piano sounds a bit intense.
  17. 04:22:450 (1,2) - You can see closer that slider (1) didn't blanketed slider (2)'s tail well. Remake?
  18. 05:02:050 (3) - You should remove the repeat arrow and add a circle next to it, a downbeat here is enough than a repeat arrow.
  19. 05:27:250 (3,4) - Ctrl + G here, better playstyle. Don't forget to fix the clap hitsound when this is used.
  20. 05:29:850 (2,6) - Isn't unrankable when hiding the slider's arrow? just asking...
  21. 05:34:450 (5) - Forgot to add NC?
  22. 06:01:450 - Add circle?
  23. 06:20:450 (4,1) - Almost the same as 03:48:850 (1,2) -
  24. 06:21:850 (3,4,5,1) - You should've made a complete diamond formation here.
  25. 06:59:050 (5) - Add circle? A little intense for a click.
  26. 07:15:250 (1,2,3) - Try a few full blanket here, can't show claerly, but i hope you understand, watch the spacing too >
  27. 07:30:850 (9,10,11,12) - Curve the flow a little bit instead of speeding up 'til the slider.
  28. 07:33:250 (3,4) - Instead of stacking, move these two circles to x:184|y:88, or maybe that's too high for a 1/2 jump. Or to x:180|y:284 for a better playstyle like you've did on 06:56:850 (3,4,5,6) -
  29. 07:42:850 (3,4) - Almost the same reason as above, or try to move them downgrid.
  30. - In my opinion, the map is really really great!! Storyboard is okay, everything so. But i think the rhythm is quite off the beat of track. It doesn't need more work. Spent approximately five or six hours to find these issues, but still, good job! n_nb

I hope to see more HFX songs like this one~ Good Luck for app! \:D/
Shohei Ohtani
For some reason the download button kept giving me an error

00:39:250 (2,3) - There's no notable change in the music, but it's still reduced spacing?
02:11:250 (1) - Try avoiding multiple repeats like that
02:25:650 (1) - Symmetry is what you're looking for in sliders. This doesn't look all that great ;w;
03:00:050 (2,3) - Still not sure of the logic of this spacing
03:38:450 (2) - Like you could do so much cool symmetry but instead
04:09:650 (1) - Like this would make a really good jump

Forum PM me when changes are made.
Topic Starter
Your Good Self
[Gray Veyron]

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. - For an approval map, i think you need to follow every drum beats, and not to skip them. Try to focus more on the background instruments than just the main tracks to avoid emptiness, like here for example > 00:52:250 - / 00:53:050 - / 00:57:850 - . Well, not just 1/2 beats.
00:52:250 - There isn't any very significant stuff going on here
00:53:050 - ^

00:57:850 - Added

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. - I think it needs little bit more.. jumps! you don't need to split circles away or some extending distance spacings. Try to use Ctrl + G on few patterns for a jump, like these > 02:29:450 (2,4) - / 02:41:250 (5) - / 03:54:050 (2) -
02:29:450 (2,4) - This part was intentionally made to flow.
02:41:250 (5) - ^
03:54:050 (2) - ^ (seems really unnatural to ctrl+g this)

I'll still consider what you said though. I might add more antiflow elsewhere, just not at the parts you mentioned.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 01:08:050 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The streams here doesn't make sense with the mapping or the song track or the background music. The rhythm that i can hear is the ride sound and the astro-techno percussions. I think you'll only need to remove senseless circles, which is circle (6) and (10).
Might improve the patterns if I think of a better way to arrange the notes

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 01:13:450 (4) - The pattern and flow is okay, but the downbeat here doesn't sound really intense. I think you should replace them to two circles.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 01:24:650 (6) - Why not move this circle to x:324|y:340 for a (nicer) triangle formation? and the playstyle would be a little fun because of the jump.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 01:45:650 (1) - This slider shouldn't have the repeat arrows for the deep drum sounds on the song track. Try to ulitize a bit more on this, or remove the repeat arrow with this pattern >

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 02:11:250 (1) - Almost the same reason as above, or try to remove a single arrow and add a circle next to it, and a bit of blanket when the added circle moved in the slider.
Changed the whole section instead, to use 1/1 sliders instead of 2/1

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 02:20:050 (1,2,1) - Instead of stacking, try a triangle formation >

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 02:25:650 (1) - Curve more near the slider's tail for a little blanket on the head >
Changed, should be better now.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 02:26:850 (2,3,1) - Same as 02:20:050 (1,2,1) -

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 02:52:450 (8,9,10,1) - Extend the spacing between circle (8) and the triplets? it's a little confusing, since you haven't made that on the previous tracks. Extend the spacing like you did on 02:58:850 (6,7,8,1) -

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 03:17:650 (3,4,5,6,7) - I think this stream is overmapped, because i only hear some guitar hits 1/1 and 1/2 beats, as so the astro-techno percussion. So you might need to consider removing the 1/4 circles.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 03:26:650 (6,1) - Since there's a downbeat, swap NC.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 03:48:850 (1,2) - Not a problem, you can possibly blanket here. Or you're not planning to do that?
Blanketing might cause more problems with flow and spacing, so I won't do that.
Nevermind, I found a way to do it, so consider it fixed

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 03:54:050 (2) - Ctrl + G, same flow and pattern, but better playstyle imo.
Breaks the flow a lot, and I was trying to have a bit more flow around that part specifically.

I'll keep that in mind for future mapping though.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 03:55:050 - Add a circle here? the piano sounds a bit intense.
I used a bit of 1/1 here because there's a new sound here, and I tried to make a 'hold' effect with the sliders. Anyway there's the rest of the section to show the "intense piano"

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 04:22:450 (1,2) - You can see closer that slider (1) didn't blanketed slider (2)'s tail well. Remake?
These two sliders were made in a jiffy, and I didn't recheck it for quality. Fixed

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 05:02:050 (3) - You should remove the repeat arrow and add a circle next to it, a downbeat here is enough than a repeat arrow.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 05:27:250 (3,4) - Ctrl + G here, better playstyle. Don't forget to fix the clap hitsound when this is used.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 05:29:850 (2,6) - Isn't unrankable when hiding the slider's arrow? just asking...
When (2) is hit the repeat arrow isn't even supposed to appear yet. There is a sufficiently long time between these notes, so it should be okay in this case.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 05:34:450 (5) - Forgot to add NC?
Oops yeah (wonder how I missed that)

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 06:01:450 - Add circle?
Nothing in the music here

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 06:20:450 (4,1) - Almost the same as 03:48:850 (1,2) -
I definitely wanted a blanket here. How it got messed up, I have no idea.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 06:21:850 (3,4,5,1) - You should've made a complete diamond formation here.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 06:59:050 (5) - Add circle? A little intense for a click.
Nah, there's nothing significant in the music here.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 07:15:250 (1,2,3) - Try a few full blanket here, can't show claerly, but i hope you understand, watch the spacing too >
Oh. So basically you mean copying the pattern 02:28:850 (1,2,4)

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 07:30:850 (9,10,11,12) - Curve the flow a little bit instead of speeding up 'til the slider.

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 07:33:250 (3,4) - Instead of stacking, move these two circles to x:184|y:88, or maybe that's too high for a 1/2 jump. Or to x:180|y:284 for a better playstyle like you've did on 06:56:850 (3,4,5,6) -
Did another triangle/diamond formation here instead

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. 07:42:850 (3,4) - Almost the same reason as above, or try to move them downgrid.
Moved (4) down for a small hub/spoke pattern

Gray Veyron wrote:

  1. - In my opinion, the map is really really great!! Storyboard is okay, everything so. But i think the rhythm is quite off the beat of track. It doesn't need more work. Spent approximately five or six hours to find these issues, but still, good job! n_nb
I hope to see more HFX songs like this one~ Good Luck for app! \:D/
Thanks for modding! :)


CDFA wrote:

For some reason the download button kept giving me an error
I think I might have messed something up during the upload process, and the submission wasn't distributed correctly across all the osu! servers worldwide. It should be fine after the next update/upload (that's if I don't screw it up again).

CDFA wrote:

00:39:250 (2,3) - There's no notable change in the music, but it's still reduced spacing?

CDFA wrote:

02:11:250 (1) - Try avoiding multiple repeats like that
Fixed in the above mod

CDFA wrote:

02:25:650 (1) - Symmetry is what you're looking for in sliders. This doesn't look all that great ;w;
I guess removing the end would improve the symmetry a bit. Changed.

I think Gray Veyron above might have spent a lot of time trying to make a blanket around 02:25:250 (3) - sorry D:

CDFA wrote:

03:00:050 (2,3) - Still not sure of the logic of this spacing
That was made quite some time ago. Now that I look back at it, there does seem to be no rationale behind the low spacing.

Changed the spacing to be more consistent.

CDFA wrote:

03:38:450 (2) - Like you could do so much cool symmetry but instead
holy shit why have I not done this yet

CDFA wrote:

04:09:650 (1) - Like this would make a really good jump
I (intentionally) reduced the spacing here, because the music after it is all quiet and stuff. 04:09:650 itself doesn't even have a drum hit or anything, so it's a really weak note. It'll be awkward to have a big jump, then not have anything significant at the end of the big jump.

Thanks for modding! :)
Biri Biri
Hello hello, from my winter mod queue. \o Sorry about the delay~


  • 01:09:650 (3,4,5) - Significant notes, I feel they could be portrayed a little smoother after (1) and (2) were so swingy. 01:09:650 (3) - at x:148 y:345 makes it even with (2) before heading to (4) x:218 y:179, and making (5) x:38 y:179 (around those) make a clean angle to 01:10:250 (6) 's entry. Matches 03:17:250 (2,3,4,5) - better too.

    01:10:250 (1) - Potential new combo if above is altered. Provides symmetrical amount of beats regardless; { 01:10:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ~ 01:12:050 (1,2,3,4) }
    01:13:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Could be rounded a little better to reflect 01:15:250 (1) imo.
    02:04:850 (1) - Lone curve, while 02:05:650 (2) sits on a red point and no change in song to reflect the difference in shape.
    02:33:650 (1,1) - That looks cool. o:
    02:45:450 (3) - Feels a little awkward, maybe rotate this selection around -60 degrees and respace? Another suggestion would be be Hor+Vert flip and placing it at x:332 y:324 for keeping the flow in 02:44:850 (1,2,3). Especially with the sharp stream redirection next to it.
    03:12:050 (1,2,3) - Center these? They're also slightly rotated, not really enough to make much difference if this is preference away from having them in the center.
    03:12:850 (3,1) - Clean blanket, I'm sure you'd be able to keep it if you did this^
    03:16:450 (5,6,7,8) - Is this curve intentional? Seems to have little purpose
    03:37:650 (1,2) and 03:12:050 (1,3) - 'Could' be lined up, or both could be centered without sacrificing surrounding combo position.
[General Stuffs]
  1. Random frozen sliderend.
  2. SB/Epilogue's use length is debateable with the outro length. 08:32:050 seems like a good time to end the actual map if you were using the BG. That's a full 30 seconds to give the 'epilogue' feel' after this marathon imo. Much more uses up space.
  3. Awesome storyboard <3
Good luck! It looks great overall and I hope to see it starred up more soon. It deserves it. I may even be back to watch this map :3
Shohei Ohtani
Forum PM me when the changes in the above mod are applied and I'll give 1st bubble.
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Kamidachi wrote:

Sorry about the delay~
That's okay, I haven't been very free these few days either.

Kamidachi wrote:

01:09:650 (3,4,5) - Significant notes, I feel they could be portrayed a little smoother after (1) and (2) were so swingy. 01:09:650 (3) - at x:148 y:345 makes it even with (2) before heading to (4) x:218 y:179, and making (5) x:38 y:179 (around those) make a clean angle to 01:10:250 (6) 's entry. Matches 03:17:250 (2,3,4,5) - better too.
In terms of flow, I have improved the flow from (2) to (3) and (5) to (6).
In terms of distance, however, I think it's better as it is currently. I'd prefer the distance overall in 01:09:650 (3,4,5,6) to be increasing, or at least nondecreasing. In your suggestion, the distance from (5) to (6) is ~1.50x, which is a drop from the 2.00x in the previous notes.

So basically, apart from some flow improvements, the pattern is mostly the same.

Kamidachi wrote:

01:10:250 (1) - Potential new combo if above is altered. Provides symmetrical amount of beats regardless; { 01:10:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ~ 01:12:050 (1,2,3,4) }
I'd prefer the NC to be on the downbeat, as with all the other NCs. Changing it here would make it very inconsistent.

Kamidachi wrote:

01:13:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - Could be rounded a little better to reflect 01:15:250 (1) imo.
Changed. (1) was hastily tacked on to the rest of the stream, so it looks quite bad.
01:15:250 (1) - is a bit far from those notes. I shaped the stream to wrap around 01:12:050 (1,3) instead.

Kamidachi wrote:

02:04:850 (1) - Lone curve, while 02:05:650 (2) sits on a red point and no change in song to reflect the difference in shape.
Also changed some of the later notes, because I can.

Kamidachi wrote:

02:33:650 (1,1) - That looks cool. o:

Kamidachi wrote:

02:45:450 (3) - Feels a little awkward, maybe rotate this selection around -60 degrees and respace? Another suggestion would be be Hor+Vert flip and placing it at x:332 y:324 for keeping the flow in 02:44:850 (1,2,3). Especially with the sharp stream redirection next to it.
Rotating selection around -60 degrees will make the repeat arrow covered under 02:45:250 (2) , which will cause much hate and unrankability.
Moving it to x:332 y:324 will cause a (2x spacing) jump, which isn't that justified given that 02:45:450 is a fairly weak note.

So, not much change here.

Kamidachi wrote:

03:12:050 (1,2,3) - Center these? They're also slightly rotated, not really enough to make much difference if this is preference away from having them in the center.
oh my how did that happen

Kamidachi wrote:

03:12:850 (3,1) - Clean blanket, I'm sure you'd be able to keep it if you did this^
Yeah, fixed along with the suggestion above.

Kamidachi wrote:

03:16:450 (5,6,7,8) - Is this curve intentional? Seems to have little purpose
Curve provides a bit of flow change at 03:16:750 (8,1)

Kamidachi wrote:

03:37:650 (1,2) and 03:12:050 (1,3) - 'Could' be lined up, or both could be centered without sacrificing surrounding combo position.
Not too sure what you mean here.

Kamidachi wrote:

  1. Random frozen sliderend.
*grabs 05:27:650 (4) *
*shakes it around in the timeline*
Problem solved.

Kamidachi wrote:

  1. SB/Epilogue's use length is debateable with the outro length. 08:32:050 seems like a good time to end the actual map if you were using the BG. That's a full 30 seconds to give the 'epilogue' feel' after this marathon imo. Much more uses up space.
I'll still end the map at 08:00:050 - after the 'bang' that is 07:58:450 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1)
Furthermore, I don't think anyone will want go through 30 seconds of annoying 2/1 notes just to pass/fc the map, after completing the rest of it. I think just listening + the BG is sufficient to give the "epilogue feel", and players can skip to the scores once they've had enough.

The epilogue BG is intended to last until the end of the song, replacing the default BG completely. The fade out at the last 4 measures is to prevent it from suddenly disappearing, if anyone cares to listen that far.

By the way, it's great that you elaborate in your mod, so mappers will understand the rationale behind suggestions. Giving the coordinates for each note is also very helpful. Keep it up.

Thanks for modding! :)
Shohei Ohtani
Biri Biri
woop woop \(^o^)/
2nd bub
ey eyye yeeyeye
-- Remove thumbs.txt if it's not being used.
-- "halcyonicfalconx" isn't really needed for tags since it alreadys exists in the artist.

00:35:050 (6) - Spacing can be better.
01:10:050 (5,6) - This jump is too excessive relatively to the surrounded part of the map. Reduce spacing please.
05:00:850 (1) - Use the blue combo color directly since red would get merged with the sb image, causing reading issues.
05:13:650 (1) - ^
05:23:250 (1) - Spacing can be better.
06:09:250 (4,5,1) - Setting these notes as an individual combo would be better in reading.
Topic Starter
Your Good Self

Sonnyc wrote:

Remove thumbs.txt if it's not being used.
There's no thumbs.txt on my side, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't hidden or anything.

Sonnyc wrote:

-- "halcyonicfalconx" isn't really needed for tags since it alreadys exists in the artist.
Yes, it's needed. Try looking for Crystalis Fantasia with "halcyonicfalconx" (without the spaces). I included this as a tag because people may write the artist name either way, but this is the 'more correct' one of the two.

Sonnyc wrote:

00:35:050 (6) - Spacing can be better.
Moved one grid to the right. Hey, it fixes a blanket with 00:34:451 (5) too.

Sonnyc wrote:

01:10:050 (5,6) - This jump is too excessive relatively to the surrounded part of the map. Reduce spacing please.
ugh this section again
Changed, so the DS is all kept under 2.00x.

Sonnyc wrote:

05:00:850 (1) - Use the blue combo color directly since red would get merged with the sb image, causing reading issues.
05:13:650 (1) - ^
Changed no love for red combo D:

Sonnyc wrote:

05:23:250 (1) - Spacing can be better.
Made the spacing closer to 1.00x, should be fine now

Sonnyc wrote:

06:09:250 (4,5,1) - Setting these notes as an individual combo would be better in reading.
Won't take this, sadly.
Everywhere else, NCs are added on (or immediately after) every downbeat, or every other downbeat in slower sections. Adding NCs here would break the consistency, and I think that might affect quality.
Also, I don't really see how (1,1,1) would be more readable than (4,5,1). Wouldn't the combo numbers form a bit of a visual guide, improving readability?

Thanks for modding!
In fact, it was a Thumbs.db which doesn't have to get removed.
Source seems fine for me ... _Fantasy_4 also the title. ... d601433700

All seems fine enough. Enjoy approved~
:) Grats :)
Cerulean Veyron
Better than what i've seen it before... Awesome Job! More HFX! :3/
Congratz :)
Awesome you made it! :) Glad to see more HFX ranked!
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