
Where did your username originate from?

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Krah wrote:

Cramoisi (crimson in french) => Krahmouasy (same pronunciation) => Krah (short version)
Red name, confirmed.
well, my all IGN (in-game name) was arcubin ._. and just in Osu! i use azintairin710

azintairin710 fact :

Arcubin fact : arc from word ark :3 cause for me it's cool (inspired from Indiana Jones Raider from the lost "ark") and ubin was just interpelation so it's make better name :D
i have no idea
Maxis is my name.

My original, xMaxisx, is my name with x's (thank goodness username changes are a thing). :P
Well, Gebba is an uncommon name that i just happen to like. Darkrose is what i came up with when i was young. I had a dark blue rose i found that survived almost a month without resource/supply/water/whatever, so thats how i got Gebba Darkrose. Too bad theres actually a legendary famous guy on a game called ''Tibia'' named Gebba Darkrose too so i kinda seem like a copycat... Although people actually think thats me.

Koodaris is another username i use that was the name of a private server i used to play. I just found it really unique, although i heard it might be a word in some language.

Yalori is one of my most used usernames that i made up by myself. Too bad a friend of mine started calling me Yaoi instead, and told me Yaoi was a shampoo for men. This, i believed for 2 years untill i finally found out what yaoi actually was.

Darkness Syndrome is a new one that i use, which i got from a poem a friend wrote.
I used to play this one game (which has now been dead for a while btw) and I was just like "you know what let's make a weird name" and I got Dainesl in the first instant, not sure why, but I think it was something to do with a daisy (I liked daisies okay ;_;) and a soul (not even sure, this is irrelevant to me but I was bored) and then I decided to add ne, take away ou and I have this (previously my username was Dainesl00 which was stupid so I changed it when I got supp.)

weird story huh?
Mr Capuce
Capuce [ Catur Putra Ceria ] that's my name, and Sm is ( Soulmate ). because Sm (Soulmate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity.
i had Battlespoon as my first name though i stole it from a friend because i never thought i would get so into osu. So then i just took the name from one of my favorite games Skullgirls. which is all in all a solid game, tons of fun, if it werent sexualised it would be a lot more popular i would think v:

Squigly wrote:

i had Battlespoon as my first name though i stole it from a friend because i never thought i would get so into osu. So then i just took the name from one of my favorite games Skullgirls. which is all in all a solid game, tons of fun, if it werent sexualised it would be a lot more popular i would think v:
+1 for skullgirls
My username originates from the Swedish synonym to cat (katt) which is missen :)
As easy as that :3
Oh I have two cats by the way so that might be a more specific reason to why I chose that username x.x
My name orginates from my childhood dumbness, beacuse when i was small(7-8) i thought that my english was at MLG lvl.

On day i don't even remember we had a lesson about the caves and i liked the word stalaktyt(it's a polish word) and i thought that i'm so good that i don't need to check the translation so i came up with the word Stalactic and i was using it till tomorrow when i found out it's actually stalactite and i shot myself.(not a long sentence what are you talking about)

Now i'm dead, thanks for listening.
while i was at secondary school, we had to take photos for evidence for our engineering class, and a friend of mine called me mcelbowlovin 'cause he thought it looked like i was staring at his elbows... eventually i adopted the name because its funny to me and somewhat unique :)
pondok literally means 'hut' in my country + -ers which is random.

Domo wrote:

The Best definition ever! :D
Rizumu Tenshi
I had the name of Chinese show Blazing Teens till I began thinking of something waaay cuter.
I HAD to maintain the B and T.
I HAD to use Tenshi.
When I analyzed myself once again, I realized I'm an idiot in situations.
I knew Baka was Idiot (and is Idiot).
I had found the perfect name that describes me: Baka Tenshi.

Only to find Blazevoir saying the name is a reference to Sora no Otoshimono...iirc.
And so I've become the Baka that everyone knows.
A long time ago I got this username from a Kingdom Hearts name generator.
I was (er, am) on a Mega Man high. My name is one of the moves from X8, one of the games I seem to like best...

My Steam name was just a name I thought up when I thought "My previous usernames have been ass. Think up of a cooler one." A bit of a prefix later, and there it is.
I like to think of myself as a princess B) and i love eating mochi, so there!
"Nada" Comes from my IRL naem which is Nada. I used to love pandas when I used this username for the first time in a random game. So I nadapan comes from my name (Nada) + (pan)da OwO

I've always loved kimmidolls and have collected a few myself. At the time I made this account, my favourite kimmidoll was called Kaona. I thought the name sounded pretty and unique as well, so I made it my username.
Aoi Kunieda from Beelzebub
i was formerly clarie33(just accidentally type "Claire" wrong long time ago lol)
Miku Maekawa
I like nature, that's all

EDIT: I guess I could go into more detail with this

When I started playing MKWii competitively I wanted to come up with a name that sounded kinda unique, something you wouldn't see everyday. And Tree's what I came up with. Since Tree used a lot as a username I use "Treekii" everywhere else, which is kinda a play on "Tricky"
I get respected at the gym, and my name is Chris ;3

actually Krzysztof but this is 'murica, and also chris is shorter
My original username (kirukashi) and then a close friend of mine started associating me with eggs and then she made "kirueggy"
AGENT because Elite Beat Agents
DJ because I like music
ANGEL because I'm a sweet little Angel :P
My username is an Vocaloid name Aoki Lapis, but I used Lapis Aoki since Aoki Lapis is taken and I think the user is active, and I really liked that Vocaloid, so I used her name, and lol, now I'm the second Vocaloid mapper here in osu! lol

My previous username was Megurine--Luka I changed it not cause I liked Aoki, cause the username was kinda of long and nazi
My username is a short version of my real life name,i double it because BAKER was already taken :cry:
Also i still don't know why i wrote it with CAPS :)
But looks like i am the only active user with my name :D
Ring Suzune

Ring Suzune wrote:

freakin knew it
Levi from Attack on Titan + Ravioli = Laviolli :oops:
I have a stupid one.

7 years ago on Club Penguin, I wanted a cool name. My name for this other sign up thing was "cooldude5555" or something, and I wanted something different. Being 7, I didn't do the best job. These questions were the things that came to mind.

Favourite car! uhm... Mazda?
Favourie name! Matthew! Wait that's my name... Max I guess...
Random word! Stick! PERFECT :D

I was literally about to make my Club Penguin username "Mazdamaxstick". Luckily, it could only be 11 characters, and I went with Mazdamaxsti. When I was able to change my name, I shortened it to Maz.
My username originated from Club Penguin too!

It was second grade, and during free-time I was showing my class the coolest online game I had just found, Club Penguin. Nobody knew how to register, and one desperately wanted the username "Matthew", since that was his friend's name. I had to think of something. It was my responsibility as the one helping everyone sign up. Eventually I came up with a little number set to add to the end of it, one surely nobody would ever use, 3242. He was now Matthew3242 for a few weeks before abandoning the account. After realizing how great it was, I started slapping it to the end of my name for usernames on everything.
Of course, I actually hate usernames with numbers on the end.
3242 (It's thirty-two forty-two, not 3,242!): We start with 3 "3". Subtract 1. Now we have a 2. "32" Go back to 3. Add 1. Now we have a 4. "324" Put another 2 on the end, "3242" because 2+2 equals 4, making some sort of sandwhich?
I was proud of it back then.
One day, I had started playing this mmo called Mabinogi that my friends (who are twins) decided to introduce me to. I had to come up with a username, a cool one because they were older than me, and I wanted to show them I can be cool too. They had cool usernames like : "Inilix, and e..elime?" So I thought: "My name's Sebastian, and I'm a... a man. Yeah that's pretty cool, Seb... a man." I proceeded to name all my usernames for EVERYTHING with the name, Sebaman124.

I have no idea where the 124 came from though.

This was years ago, by the way. Like, 7 years ago. Why do I keep using this stupid name ;~; I wish I had chosen a cooler internet alias back then, hell even for osu!... but it's too late now

peppy can i change my name pls, kthnx
For those of you who don't know, Nairobi is the capital of Kenya and there just so happens to be a company which shares my real life name located in Nairobi and so I just called myself Nairobi. :)
Evolution of my nickname (Rei), so it becomes Ex-Rei lol
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Oh my, this is starting to die. I really liked reading all these replies. I hope for more soon.

10/10 indirect bumping
i think..., i use this username because i really want lemonade (no people, the real lemonade, not that one) when i make this account..

And now because of that people believe i'm a perv boy =.=

... when i'm actually a girl well, maybe still pervy #slap

Apink Chorong wrote:

A-Pink band member: Chorong
Raisha Millenia
from my nickname and my real name
ICHA(Nickname) and RAisha(part of my real name)
and it would be : Ichara
[ Kubolo ]
It's smilar to my irl name
I used to have my username as Genius on steam, because I did some stupid things sometimes.
Then at some point I really liked Luminance, but didn't want to change away from Genius, merge the two together and BAM!
Uru Feneshisu
i am Chinese
We = sound
STAR= translatetion
ZI= it is from Cookiezi ziiiiiiiiiiii :3
- K a t h -
I have a pretty boring history of my username ~.~

kathleen180 has always been my username in any other sites, but I had a thought once to add "senpai" to the end,
then poof~ Kathleen Senpai is born >:D
This is probably pretty obvious but my username is a combo of my fav animal and my fav season.....
Ever since i was young, i loved airplanes and fighter planes. I came across a game called Air Combat for the PS1 when i was young. I really loved it. some years later i found out that there were more games from the series. the Ace Combat series. the games are now called ace combat but the first one was called air combat. so yea i quickly got myself some ace combat games. in ace combat 4, youre an ace pilot called 'Mobius 1'. It was my favourite ace in the series. so I started to name myself Mobiusl on the webs. the L behind it is the first letter of my name. after some issues with google I had to call mysf Mobiuslau. Lau are the first 3 letters of my name so it makes sence. so i called myself Mobiuslau on basicly everything. but i decided to go with Mobiusl for Osu C:
Black Wolf159
I regret of this name today because I get a new username and I can't change it

It's originate from White Wolf (WubWoofWolf now) Because he was one of the player that I see in osu when I started to play it.
I wanted to put a similar name like him and came "Black Wolf" but other player al ready had that. Then,I choose a name with numbers and here I am. After to think it a lot of days, I knew that I want a original name so... Maybe some day when I have support, I change It to other name.
well, this is very personal
'ramdans' is just an abbreviated word from my last name 'ramadhana'
and the- is just a prefix
Because foxes are the best, and they are super cute! >w<
This. Just this.
A lot of people misspelled my real name especially in the virtual world sooo
I just thought I'd type it as it's pronounced to make it easier for everyone then
I just added the second 'i' in there because... I'm kawaii.. like that... (*>w<*)
I like androids, and boydroid has a better ring to it than girldroid. that's pretty much it.
From Clive Barker's Jericho. There was Captain Xavier Jones. I regret it, want to change it but... Don't know :/
My username originates back in 2008 as my personal music artist name. Beat-of-Ike was originally my music artist name (back when I made music using FL Studio in 2008). It was not until late 2009, when I started to adapt this name in the forums (KeyBeat Online) as my username.

How did I come up with this name? The first music I made in FL Studio was named "Basic Beat" (I still have the music if you want it, but it sucks XD) and Ike is basically my middle name. That's how I came up with the name Beat-of-Ike or BoI for short. Although most prefer Beat, Beato, or simply Ike as my short name.
Many people usually guess syphilis, but I will spare you the guessing game. It came from mashing the words sapphire and fast together and changing up the vowels. It's also pronounced sigh-fist if you care about that.
from my mind. Just thought about a good username and welp kinda came up with that name.. dunno how though
I used my main username which I first used in RS.
That is something even i don't know.
Love Me
Red Roses in my garden :P
A&P textbook, I guess.
Yuuki Asuna
um sao
My username rhymes with my actual name, and I guess I was having fun when I first made the name?
Anyways, I first used it on GBAtemp (a Nintendo-related forum) in 2009, and has since been my go-to name for cutesy and/or light-hearted games (and eventually, pretty much every game).

But recently, I've actually started to grow attached to the Japanese name 拓海 (takumi, translates into "open sea"), and have been using it for some VNs (voice-acted or otherwise) that require you to input a character name. There have been times where I felt the name "YayMii" was unfitting for the type of person I was, but other people have helped me realize that I was just being melodramatic and overly depressed... I'm past that now, but I still would not mind renaming myself to TakuMii if it weren't for the fact that other people have expressed a liking to my username :P
from the word "sparkle"
then a online friend of mine gave me the nickname sparky...
Two characters from The Tatami Galaxy, also watashi is I in japanese.
First time i tried Kimchi i was with a friend, we bonded over that dish. I also love the way it sounds. Not to mention i love eating it (=v-ω-v=) SPICY! <3

Kimchi wrote:

First time i tried Kimchi i was with a friend, we bonded over that dish. I also love the way it sounds. Not to mention i love eating it (=v-ω-v=) SPICY! <3
Kimchi is so delicious! I support all things kimchi.

Kimchi wrote:

First time i tried Kimchi i was with a friend, we bonded over that dish. I also love the way it sounds. Not to mention i love eating it (=v-ω-v=) SPICY! <3
Lol, I always thought before, that Kimchi was something that would make my mouth burn on fire and would taste pretty bad when I was little .

But, I actually enjoyed Kimchi a lot when I actually tried it and I'm still loving it ^~^

Syphist wrote:

Many people usually guess syphilis, but I will spare you the guessing game. It came from mashing the words sapphire and fast together and changing up the vowels. It's also pronounced sigh-fist if you care about that.

oh the same case as Louis Cyphre ;)
but its Lucifer actually...
In the past i've used the Username 'Takie' a lot and it originated from me typing out random syllables from the names of different friends and later on it moved on to people calling me a hipster and literally someone calling me a very 'Tacky' person, so there it is.
My username comes from my rl name.
Last name : Kazmi
First name: HusSain

I think its kinda lame but meh.
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ScarletRose wrote:

Red Roses in my garden :P
My name was simply a combination of things.

1. Fav Colour is Red
2. I have red hair so why not.
3. Mainly its suou mikoto from K Project. Was going to name myself ThirdKing but RedKing was available so i chose that :P
The username came from the following:
1. Kagami Hiiragi
2. Yui HiRaSawa
As for why, it's meant to roughly resemble my personality of either... And the HRS initials is for a sake of space.
thought it sounded cool when I was making a warcraft 3 bnet account about 7 years ago, and I just stuck with it since, lol
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RedKing wrote:

3. Mainly its suou mikoto from K Project. Was going to name myself ThirdKing but RedKing was available so i chose that :P
Knew it
I think I am insane sometimes! ^.^

Insane > Insyni

It just sounded nice. :)
Mio Yamanobe
5 years ago I came up with the character. And my friend gave him this name.
Well. I was original and made this out of now where. And now i know that Fushu is a karate move apparently
real name
I got my username from Touhou. :) (it's pretty obvious though.)
Laura Lovely
Cause I want a vegan world.
My original username and my name for most online games I play is Dazdalolz, which I just thought of myself. A friend on another game I play gave me the nickname Dazdy, so I decided to change my name to it.
I just randomly came up with it 2,5 years ago on a random night. It sounded "really fresh" when I was 15. Thanks, me.

I guess I originally started using it as my new musical project's name, too, when I drifted away from Hardcore, Breakcore and all that unmusical stuff into stuff like Liquid Funk and Chillstep and later Downtempo and Ambient. Really soon when I was thinking about a name in here after getting my first supporter tag, I thought HEY why not. That's better than using like 5 different names around the web, like I do nowadays, huh.
My original username on here, Hysere, was a mixture of my name and a friend's, and I changed it to Lewd because it's a word we say a lot.
Top Bunk
My username originated from my 11 year old mind from 11 years ago and I've stuck with it everywhere I go. Just how much of a disturbed child was I to even come up with such a name? The world may never know. Oddly enough, it seems to be a common username for whatever reason (like seriously, type "Slasher" in the username search and tons of Slasher[#] names appear). I don't like numbers in names though, so on more populated sites I just tack on ZX to the end because those letter are rarely ever used.

...I need a username change at some point.
Of all the Japanese names, I liked Haru. Harumi was suggested by a friend of mine. ^^
@NicoNicoNiii Here u will thank me later
AR10 Only
Mine was a contraction of my name (jeremy) and xbox ( was looking for an gamertag). The time passed and it becames Jeeroox. But i honestly think i'll change it soon. Bored of keeping the same username for 8years :)
I like the letter R.
Was playing Mann vs Machine with 4 friends, while in queue for a few eons(It had just come out, so there were 15 minute queue times), I started changing me steam username to stupid stuff like Chuck Norris or Chicken Nugget, I eventually set it to Prime Number, realised that was actually waaay cooler than my current username at the time, and just stuck with it.
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