
O2Jam FHD Remaster Collection [HD/SD] [Mania 4k/7k]

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This is a pseudo study of sorts. You ever look at something and think you can recreate it? That's pretty much what this started out as. Just got to work testing and doing 99% of this in Affinity Designer. I then got into modifying them to cater to a more modern UX including:

Equal columnwidths, centered playfield, smaller combo, judgement legibility/redesign, some disconnecting receptors from stage sides so they can slide up and down without disconnects and not hiding your hitposition.

Hence "remaster" and not "redraw", as they have had changes either big or small. You might like the changes, you might have wanted it to look exactly like 1080p O2Jam, but I just wanted to experiment.

Later on down the line I got more interested in not just the skins, but also the history O2Jam and its private servers, as it's been in some form of living for almost two decades. This is slow learning, as it's hard to get people talking about it. I also don't speak/read/write any asian language well.

In case I do more O2 remasters, they will be edited into this post.

Mania Gameplay
SD/HD Resolution
Combo + Judgement + Stage extras

These skins were ported to osu! from Quaver using the raster textures, as opposed to my vector files to lessen the workload.
This means 5k, 6k, 8k look a bit broken, but are functional.
Add O2Jam X2 FHD Remaster
Add O2Jam Evolution Final FHD remaster
Remove universal extras from individual skins
Add universal extras as an individual downloadable .zip
Add O2Fantasia 2016 & 2014
Add Circle-rounded, Circle-rounded-gradient note extra
Fix Circle note extra blue note
Add note extras to all: Circle, MyO2x7, Myo2x4, Vira, Clearium, Simple, Thick Simple.
Fixed capitalization on skin names in all skin.ini
Add V3 2010 Skin
Add LunaSamo Skin
Add ecafree2's O2jam Ver 3.5 skin
Updated judgements for MyO2 7k style
Updated receptors for MyO2 7k style
Added VER.8
Added MyO2 4k style
Added MyO2 7k style
Fixed wrong ColourLight on MyO2 7k style
Fixed bugged @1x elements in MyO2 7k style

These are universal extras for combo numbers, judgements and notes. Individual extras, such as alternative stage sides for some skins, are distributed individually inside the skins themselves.

Otherwise knows as "O2Jam Classic", this is the original skin of O2Jam. It was also used by default in most emulators, most well known being O2Mania.
Sadly overlapping keys is not possible with proper active key feedback due to engine limitations, and I personally think it looks slightly weird without the blue gradient in the bottom right.
This was one of the first skin remasters I did, iterated about 3 times.

The 2nd default o2jam skin is very recognizeable, as it literally looks like a mash of the default/classic and O2jam X2 skin. Other ports of this is still used by a good amount of top players to this day.

O2Jam X2 or O2Jam Season 2 was the sequel to O2Jam that ended prematurely in 2006/2007, believe it was during beta testing. It simply wasn't different enough graphically, introduced some toxic game systems, and simply couldn't keep up with the competition from other games coming out ~2007.

Somewhat huge design changes have been made to make it fit better as a center stage skin.

Popular skin made by ecafree2 based on the Nowcom/client version 3.5 skin. Doesn't feature my extras, but are easy to edit in yourself. Centered stage or equal columnwidths like my remasters are also exempt, as this version is more true to how O2Jam looks at 4:3 resolution stretched on a 16:9 monitor.
Included since his version is already up to standard, so I have no reason at this moment to make it myself.
Permission for including his skin in this post recieved from the man himself.

Concept skin that, as far as I know, never made it into the game. Originally designed around 2009~2010

Permission for remaster of this skin received from DP_
Original design was created as the second iteration of the official skin for the DPJAM private server, made between December 2012 and January 2013. It is officially named ''dpjam skin 2.0''. Most known for being used on the DPJAM and SamoJam private servers, which have now merged to the public server DPMOJam/DMJam.

The design is altered slightly to support changing ReceptorPosOffsetY value in Quaver without misaligned textures.

Permission for remaster of this skin received from KenZ
Original design by "maraisari" for the XENOJAM O2 private server.
I personally feel like this one lost its edge a little bit, since all the intricate work for the gameplay UI to the right on the original is cut out. No dithering for shading also makes it look a decent bit plastic-y.

Sakura-Jam was an O2 private server laucnhed circa 2014, based in and targeted at the south-east asian demographic. Often advertised as having a "Japanese look" due to cherry blossoms.

Original client may have been derivative of DPJAM to support the skin and gimmicks. (unsure)

The client was discovered by m1n530k and shared the skin around, this was when the skin got popularized.

Server had a short lifespan, so not much more is known at this moment.

Special thanks:
Jakads for asking asking around to gather history of the server.
m1n530k for providing history of the server.

Originally LunaJam skin either ported or re-maked for the SamoJam client.
Not much else is known about the skin currently. This will be updated.
Tried to make the most elegant solution for 7key receptors without the use of notepadding.
No rainbow HP since it's super duper distracting.

Skin originally made by Gelo103097 for the O2V3 unofficial server in 2010, before it re-opened in beta again in 2012. It never got an official name, hence why it's named after the server it was used on. It would also be seen on the O2Jam International unofficial server, and as of writing currently used on C2Jam

The skin is based on a Chinese O2Jam-like game called "Burst A Fever" / "超级乐者" by 9You.

Scuffed edit to HP here in the osu! version, since I forgot about the forced padding when I made it for Quaver. Sorry.

MyO2 was a webbased O2jam-like game, went into public test in 2008. It operated similarly to FFR where you could download a web based client or simply play it in a web browser.
Developed by group at the now defunct chinese rhythm game site "allcombo"/"O2Pepsi", primarily by a person called "wwf".

"wwf" has credit on the website for UI, so I'm assuming he also made this design originally.

Originally used receptors/keys from O2jam default/classic, this is made on the more popular and well known variation where they are custom. Also has the yellow box edit used on the emulators, to bring the hitposition up to what it is in O2jam. it was lower in MyO2.

Receptor active texture not able to be made completely correct due to limitations. Decided to keep "piano detail" anyway, since the skin looks really bad when it's only rectangles.

MyO2 was a webbased O2jam-like game, went into public test in 2008. It operated similarly to FFR where you could download a web based client or simply play it in a web browser.
Developed by group at the now defunct chinese rhythm game site "allcombo"/"O2Pepsi", primarily by a person called "wwf".

"wwf" has credit on the website for UI, so I'm assuming he also made this design originally.

Design takes more cues from the DJMAX and Ez games, as the skin was only for the 4 key mode on MyO2. This makes sense, as these games were the popular 4 key VSRG in many parts of asia.

Biggest change from the original is no split between column 1+2 and 3+4. As well as hit/holdlighting from MyO2 7k, since I could not find the textures from 4k.

The 2016 O2Fantasia skin, originally made by Derry. Could also be named "O2Fantasia - Melody of War"
It has also been seen with "O2Art" embedded on the skin - presumably standing for "ARThemist (creative)". I'm unsure if this was ever a group, or just another alias of Derry's.

As I have been unable to make direct contact with Derry, this will have to wait for more documentation.

This is a mix of ecafree2's O2jam Ver 3.5 skin and the 2016 O2Fantasia skin.
If desired, can grab extras from one of the other skins in the collection.

The 2014 O2Fantasia skin, originally made by Derry. Comes from the X2Project for O2Jam Evolution X2, but was never turned into a server since I believe DPJam ended up using the interface at the time around 2013, aside from the play skin with the squiggly HP bar. Eventually would be used as the first (I believe) skin for O2Fantasia, though.

O2Jam Evolution X3 does exist, but it's just a trimmed down and slightly version of O2Jam Evolution X2 for offline O2China, out of respect for DPJam that was currently using the X2 interface.

As I have been unable to make direct contact with Derry, this will have to wait for more documentation.

The 2013 O2Jam Evolution Final skin, originally made by Derry.
This is essentially the granddad to the O2Fantasia 2016 skin.

As I have been unable to make direct contact with Derry, this will have to wait for more documentation.
Haha skins go brrrrrrr
Beautiful !!!
Ayy Makaii my man.
Found this through quaver, and I love the skins! Thanks.
OMG You did it!
Iv been using it based on acafree's one.
Could you make O2Jam nowcom skin (client 3.5)?
whoaaa , thanks man! :)
Nice work.
Luna, Vira and Default are my favorites.
The only problem I found were the LNs: they should be more "smooth", like Saerdna's skin.

Leaving '' mistakes '' aside, BIG FAN HERE. COME TO BRAZIL.
You deserve a award for this.
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KoKousen wrote:

Nice work.
Luna, Vira and Default are my favorites.
The only problem I found were the LNs: they should be more "smooth", like Saerdna's skin.

Leaving '' mistakes '' aside, BIG FAN HERE. COME TO BRAZIL.
You deserve a award for this.
I'm assuming you mean LN body being slightly skinnier than the head and tail? Quite intentional, when I'm doing the "circle" notes at some point, I'll also include straightened out LNs in extras.

You are the MVP D:

Makaii wrote:

KoKousen wrote:

Nice work.
Luna, Vira and Default are my favorites.
The only problem I found were the LNs: they should be more "smooth", like Saerdna's skin.

Leaving '' mistakes '' aside, BIG FAN HERE. COME TO BRAZIL.
You deserve a award for this.
I'm assuming you mean LN body being slightly skinnier than the head and tail? Quite intentional, when I'm doing the "circle" notes at some point, I'll also include straightened out LNs in extras.
Exactly. You maintained O2Jam's aesthetics well.
And thanks for listening to my suggestion
These are amazing!!
I have been using the DPJam skin in quaver for quite some time. I used to use Crimson plate in mania but this looks so much better, thanks a lot for making and porting them over to Osu!
These look really clean, awesome work! Also cool how you documented some history of each skin.
pin this
very useful and cool
thanks a ton <3
thanks i like this skin
thank you LEGEND
legend indeed
This is arguably the best O2Jam skin.

Truly a legend indeed.
I Like This
My first post here. I just got into osu, coming from DJmax and project diva. I figured I would have to spend a bunch of time hunting for the perfect mania skins, but I am happy to be wrong. This pack is absolutely perfect!
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