
BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [OsuMania]

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oll be online later if u need help on sv .. ( not sure ) but if u see me online , poke me
Please remove Blood splatter.png from the storyboard, it has been considered as NSFW content.

01:48:281 (108281|0,108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108605|3,108605|0,108605|1,108605|2) - I don't suggest this with 4 notes.
01:48:930 (108930|2,108930|3,108930|0,108930|1) - ^
Adding to Sakura's post, recently there's been a lot of debates about NSFW / mature content. Today a map got disqualified due to the background (having blood) being considered mature content. To be safe, it's best to replace or remove the blood splatter image from the storyboard completely.


01:46:984 (106984|2,106984|3,107065|1,107065|0) - etc. This pattern doesn't really go too well.
1. It makes 01:48:200 (108200|0,108200|1,108281|0,108281|1) - really hard to hit, it's a fast 1/4 section into a slower 1/2 section, the transition should be a lot smoother.

Also, as Sakura suggested, 01:48:281 (108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108281|0) - these quad notes aren't recommended, like I said in my previous mod.
There isn't a real reason behind them apart from simply making the map harder. There isn't a noticeable increase in impact much here.

Overall, usage of the quad chords in this map are a bit poor.
Example: 00:56:389 (56389|1,56389|2,56389|3,56389|0) - Quad here, when 00:56:714 (56714|0,56714|1,56714|3) - 3 note chord here, when 00:57:362 (57362|1,57362|3) - 2 note chord here. It just feels random.

01:23:957 (83957|1,83957|0,83957|2,83957|3) - Quads here should be revised too. 01:26:551 (86551|0,86551|3) - This is basically the same sound.

01:28:822 (88822|1,88822|0,88822|2) - Make it only 2 notes, and one of them is an LN? Just fits alot better IMO.


00:54:768 (54768|1,54768|0,54768|3,54849|2,54930|0,54930|3,55011|1,55092|0,55092|3,55092|2) - Shouldn't this be LNs too?
01:15:362 (75362|0) - The whole slow section here actually just looks so repetitive and doesn't even follow pitch well. Consider to revise all of this.
01:28:173 (88173|1,88173|2,88281|1,88281|2,88389|1,88389|2,88497|1,88497|2,88605|1,88605|2) - Uh, nerf pls
When changing the pattern in INF 01:46:984 (106984|1,106984|0) - here, best to make this pattern the same as the new one.


Just a quick notice:

INF: 88822 this SV is really abrupt, not smooth and doesn't really fit. Best to remove to make it consistent with 00:26:551 - , which has no SV
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

oll be online later if u need help on sv .. ( not sure ) but if u see me online , poke me
Ok rumi

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

Please remove Blood splatter.png from the storyboard, it has been considered as NSFW content.
01:48:281 (108281|0,108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108605|3,108605|0,108605|1,108605|2) - I don't suggest this with 4 notes.
01:48:930 (108930|2,108930|3,108930|0,108930|1) - ^
Fixed All, also wait Usagi for SB

Starry- wrote:

Adding to Sakura's post, recently there's been a lot of debates about NSFW / mature content. Today a map got disqualified due to the background (having blood) being considered mature content. To be safe, it's best to replace or remove the blood splatter image from the storyboard completely.


01:46:984 (106984|2,106984|3,107065|1,107065|0) - etc. This pattern doesn't really go too well.
1. It makes 01:48:200 (108200|0,108200|1,108281|0,108281|1) - really hard to hit, it's a fast 1/4 section into a slower 1/2 section, the transition should be a lot smoother.

Also, as Sakura suggested, 01:48:281 (108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108281|0) - these quad notes aren't recommended, like I said in my previous mod.
There isn't a real reason behind them apart from simply making the map harder. There isn't a noticeable increase in impact much here.

Overall, usage of the quad chords in this map are a bit poor.
Example: 00:56:389 (56389|1,56389|2,56389|3,56389|0) - Quad here, when 00:56:714 (56714|0,56714|1,56714|3) - 3 note chord here, when 00:57:362 (57362|1,57362|3) - 2 note chord here. It just feels random.

01:23:957 (83957|1,83957|0,83957|2,83957|3) - Quads here should be revised too. 01:26:551 (86551|0,86551|3) - This is basically the same sound.

01:28:822 (88822|1,88822|0,88822|2) - Make it only 2 notes, and one of them is an LN? Just fits alot better IMO.


00:54:768 (54768|1,54768|0,54768|3,54849|2,54930|0,54930|3,55011|1,55092|0,55092|3,55092|2) - Shouldn't this be LNs too?
01:15:362 (75362|0) - The whole slow section here actually just looks so repetitive and doesn't even follow pitch well. Consider to revise all of this.
01:28:173 (88173|1,88173|2,88281|1,88281|2,88389|1,88389|2,88497|1,88497|2,88605|1,88605|2) - Uh, nerf pls no idea, it's suits with the song effect
When changing the pattern in INF 01:46:984 (106984|1,106984|0) - here, best to make this pattern the same as the new one.


Just a quick notice:

INF: 88822 this SV is really abrupt, not smooth and doesn't really fit. Best to remove to make it consistent with 00:26:551 - , which has no SV
Fixed some, thanks
Topic Starter
Ranked, doesnt mean anything if ppl hate this beatmap because the pattern is not good or even boring to play
I chose starry and sakura because they know how to make a good pattern. if i still got time to make this thing get better, why not ?
My apologies, I've decided to pop this mapset's bubble.

Reason for pop:

1. 123.jpg (the background image) is in the osb but it's never used.
Just delete it from the design editor. Currently it is all the way throughout the map at 0% opacity and never shown once.

2. Inconsistent SV - EXHAUST Lv.15 has more SV changes than INFINITE Lv.16, and throughout the map certain parts lack / shouldn't have SV.
This honestly shouldn't be the case considering all SV are of the same impact. If anything, Lv.15 should have less.
Although this isn't the main reason for the pop it's still a fairly decent issue that should be looked at. Take a look at the first kiai for example:
It's best to just remove these SV from Exhaust and make it overall consistent. Contact me if you want to help balancing these SVs out.

Additional Comments:

00:37:092 (37092|0,37254|2,37416|0,37578|3,37741|0,37903|3) - This slow section really shouldn't have too many jumps (like this part, for example). It should flow a lot nicer. (Using patterns like 0123 0213 01021232 or anything should be fine for this section to convey pitch relevancy, but seeing jumps like 020303 shouldn't be happening in such a slow section.)
01:17:795 (77795|0) - Again issues with the slow section, I don't particularly understand the 303 jump when this is the highest pitched note here (changing 'octaves' in a sense doesn't really fit here). These jumps feel somewhat forced.

Same applies to EXH about the 303 jumps in the slow section


Call me back when these changes are applied, I'm pretty sure the rest is fine. Contact me in IRC if you have any issues or questions~
@starry, if i delete the 123.png from storyboard script, the sb load become higher (+1.33) and some scene doesn't works as i wanted.. you can refer this to t/55177

==a but yea, pretty much for reducing SB load.. so it's for special purposes
Ah I see, my apologies for the inconvenience then.
Although my point still stands about the slow sections and SV and I'll discuss with DE-CADE shortly about them.
Topic Starter
the pattern were fixed

for SV i wont remove it cz it's really suits with the pattern and doesn't make the EXH harder than INF,
also it has no place for SV at INF Pattern. it's still consistent each diff

let's discuss, i can remove it if it's really necessary
INF: 01:49:741 (109741|1,109781|2) - Perhaps CTRL+H these two. 321012321 rolls aren't considered that playable.

EXH: 00:53:795 (53795|1,53795|0,54119|2,54119|3,54443|0,54443|1,54605|2,54605|1,54768|3,54768|0) - This part may be best if you map it like INF (without LN) to be consistent.
00:58:984 (58984|2,58984|0,59308|1,59308|3,59633|2,59633|0) - Same with this ( 01:00:119 (60119|2,60119|0,60200|1) - you even have this triple here, it kinda conflicts).
It's a consistency issue, but I guess it's okay if you don't want to change it since I understand you've worked with the LNs being like this for a long time, and it's fine to be a little inconsistent.

Apart from this call me when you've finished and I'll be ready to rebubble!
wogh hype.. go go go
Topic Starter
I fixed all, also removed the SVs on there, it should be consistent now
Thanks DE-CADE!
The SVs should be fine now. The ones in ADV are justified because mapping LNs only okay there.

You really need to catch me on IRC, I've drafted a couple of issues (to do with EXH to INF inconsistencies) I need to discuss with you before pushing this map forward!
8-) Nice map
Alright, went through everything one last time. Discussed with DE-CADE about the inconsistencies and they have been fixed.
Congratulations! Rebubbled~

Just for clarification:
About the Storyboard - AiMod is fine. The reason why such issues come up is due to the way osu! now handles .osb, storyboard images and folder paths. (Using '\' instead of '/' in folder path names).
finally ranked. :)
Yay \o/
its finally qualified :D
gratz DC :D
gratz to rabbit for the SB too :o
of course PINK for qualified :)
congratulations decade san :D hihi
Grats DE-CADE :) Your first ranked map
Deep Sea
Grats DE-CADE <3
ranked ranked owo owo kyaaa >.< .. gratz deee :3
Gratzzzz DC :)
Gratz O/
o yeah finally!!!
grats dekade xDD

hypeee /o/
really cool mapset lol
kiss chuuuu
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone :D

Rumia- wrote:

kiss chuuuu
gratz /o/
Cool SV, Cool SB
Congrats DC. :D
hit sound is too small.
fix plz
used 70%

hit sound :
and use 20~30% plz

00:31:741 ~ 00:42:119 - 10% (soft-hitnormal.wav part)
01:13:254 ~ 01:22:173 - 10 ~ 15%
01:22:173 ~ 01:23:633 - 15 ~ 20%

replace file?
If general players...
Everyone can do it?
Topic Starter
there's volume control button, if you really cant hear the hitsound, try lowering the music volume.

but i will think about that

grats ~ >w<)b

[Alice-Liddell] wrote:

hit sound is too small.
fix plz
used 70%

hit sound :
and use 20~30% plz

00:31:741 ~ 00:42:119 - 10% (soft-hitnormal.wav part)
01:13:254 ~ 01:22:173 - 10 ~ 15%
01:22:173 ~ 01:23:633 - 15 ~ 20%

replace file?
If general players...
Everyone can do it?
It's completely audible in game, there shouldn't be any concerns. The waveform is small and would sound quite distorted if amplified. Therefore, using a higher volume (eg. 70%) is more suitable for this instance.
[quote="Ranking Criteria":1337]Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
above:your custom sound
below:osu!'s default sound
checking volume,custom has only 6% volume(0.015dB) than default(0.25dB)
Is it audible?

DE-CADE wrote:

there's volume control button, if you really cant hear the hitsound, try lowering the music volume.

but i will think about that

does anyone want to increase hitsound volume only to play this song?
I use Sound70% Hitsound85%
but, hitsound is too small


DE-CADE wrote:

there's volume control button, if you really cant hear the hitsound, try lowering the music volume.
this may sound rude but that sounds quite stupidly for me. the volume controller is working as just an option. in the first place, your suggestion makes no sense because each hitsound has huge different volumes in this case. also Starry- said it's completely audible in game, i think that it's saying too much for me. i feel that those hitsounds are pretty close to unhearable even though i have healthy ears. i can't force you to fix them because i don't have a great knowledge of osu!mania. but that would be cool if you consider fixing them.

just my opinion as a noob 4k player. thanks.
I love this song <3
Topic Starter

rpcath wrote:

I love this song <3
Me too hehe
Topic Starter
Nightcore&Hard mod in exhaust is complete insane... is it possible?
NC & HR is really insane indeed, x1.5 speed + HP10 (omg that bump too) @_@
Mantaf ~ Sugoii ~ :v
cecete kakean memes cynach KWKWwkwkw
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