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Hi there, coming from your request in our Modding Queue. Be so kind to take some minutes (or seconds, lets be honest) to answer to my mods. Dont be a dick and just "lol didnt changed stuffs hurr durr" without an explanation. If I told you something that was against your map, tell me why. This way mapper and modder both gain something.
Please take note that I mod your map for mostly unrankable or "stupid" stuff. I try to avoid style related issues, as I cant really judge these.
Why is that?Unrankable
Other than that, colours yellow to red indicate how important changes would be in my opinion[General]
■ I think that one timing section is off /me runs
General: Sometimes I wouldve preferred a simple repeat slider combo on places like 01:10:984 (2,3) - and co. This might make the diff overly easy, but it would avoid timing changes that could suprise new players. (Since they're not used to anything other than 130 chat songs that never change the beat at all)
■ 00:40:757 (3) - Couldve been a sw4gblanket with 00:38:646 (1) - to create a crazy zigzag that wouldnt be as boring as a boring straight line
■ 00:55:608 (1) - do you even x300 on endtick #nazi
■ 01:46:336 (1) - Iam disappointed . Purrfect blanket not used
■ 02:23:448 (1) - Why does this one start so late? 1/4 or 1/2 after the last beat should be fine
■ 02:38:743 (2) - To keep consistency with the combos before, add a circle here or change it to a slider
General: I'd actually go down to OD 3,5 - 3,8 because timing changes can be a bitch, especially at the very very end
■ 00:49:252 (4) - copy paste 00:48:548 (3) - . Fuck your individual slidermapping!
■ 01:48:454 (3,4) - copy paste 01:47:748 (1,2) - and let 01:49:160 (1) - be a triangle with the newly placed (3 4) then?
■ 02:08:942 (1) - curve the other way for improved flowerino? Adds some more of a "rolling" feature into it and less of a zigzag. Goes well because 02:09:646 (2,3,4) - "rolls" as well
■ 02:40:758 (5) - NC? Because you know it
■ 00:45:705 (1) - I dont know why I notice this here but no where else, but it'd be damn helpful to have a sliderhitsound here. You can hear the 2 guitar music thingies (pr0) very easily, but you can only really hear the sliderend. Kept me confusing for a second, gotta be honest. I thought there's a beat on the next big white, while there isnt. Imightbestoopid
■ 01:15:742 (2,3) - what kind of curve is that, waterparkslide for babies? This is a damn hardrockcoregothmetalpunkextremeshredderprinter...rockguitar song, do manly stuffs
■ 01:19:663 (5) - I'd NC here. Thats no SV change, but damn, thats like sudden nitro. It'd probably help reading a little bit
■ 01:53:545 (1,2,1) - I smell combobreaks in here, though I dont smell how to map this easier. Maybe a triplet instead of the first repeatable? like you did here 02:21:795 (2,3,4) -
■ 02:05:503 (1) - Suddenly chachacha Hawaiitoast
■ 02:37:518 (1) - I might add, that this slider is quite ... not in the correct place (dun 4get 2 d3l3t3 copy pasta spaghetterino). Or, I might not be cookiezi enough to play a slider and 3 notes at the same time
■ 02:41:154 (5,6) - Dun gimme that. Space this normal like you did with (3 4), becuase I'd think that there's a timing change here (more spacing -> more time inbetween)
[Oko's orangenes Krankenbett]
■ 00:36:886 (6) - triplet? Selber beat wie 00:36:182 (2,3,4) - und alles was nachfolgend ist worauf ein triplet gemappt wurde.
■ 00:41:285 (3) - selbes spacing wie 00:40:581 (3) - ?
■ Ike würd 01:19:663 (1) - und 01:20:136 (1) - ein NC setzen, weil sich die BPM doch schon um einiges erhöhen. Readability krams, bleibt dir überlassen.
■ 02:36:731 (1,2,3,4) - Das ist die einzige Stelle an der du diese Art von Antijumps (nennen wirs mal so, ich glaub das ganze zählt noch als ne art Stack?) benutzt. Imo unpassend, normales Spacing würde mir besser gefallen
■ 01:51:630 (7,8) - evtl ein bisschen mehr Spacingincrease bei den letzten beiden? Musik gibt die Möglichkeit her.
■ 01:57:663 (1) - Ich mag die Movementpause/den Stack nicht wirklich. Unstacked irgendwo unten würde sich besser anfühlen, da die Zeit zwischen (7 und 1) immernoch gleich wie zwischen den kurzen Slidern ist -> Movement sollte erhalten bleiben
I'd point out all the instream repeatables, but youre not going to change them anyway
■ 00:44:822 (6,1) - Not a problem, but I hate you for this. I hate in-stream jumps
■ 01:39:306 (1) - I dont know why I care about this so much, but it'd be awesome if this one would be below 7, so that you keep the combo going with 01:37:865 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - (down (1 -> 2), up (2 3 4 5 6), down (6 -> 7), up (7 -> 8), up (1))
■ 01:56:087 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I wuv this
Iam surry for nubmod, but I really couldnt find any big thing.