
Hanatan - Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo

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lkx_Shore wrote:

[Hana Emi]
00:06:212 (3) - remove sliderbodyt-whistle fixed
00:06:824 (1,2,3) - use 20% Volume normalhit? i changed samlpleset to drum instead
00:08:355 (2) - add whistle? hmm ok
00:19:681 (6) - Sliderhead add clap? fixed
00:19:987 (1) - change into 1/1 slider it better i like it the way it is
00:59:094 (1,2) - stack it? hmm no thanks
01:13:865 (1) - sliderhead add finish. ok fixed
01:24:426 (2,3,4) - too close ok i increased spacing a little bit
01:32:844 (7) - Nc? fixed
02:00:855 (2) - clap change into whistle? fixed
02:19:987 (5) -
02:32:156 (1,2) - stack? no ty
03:33:916 (2) - clap change into whistle? fixed
03:59:630 (3) - slidertail add clap fixed
04:02:844 (1) - add soft-finish fixed
05:10:804 (4,5) - music is calm here,use small distance is better. fixed

too many random jump here...Goodluck!
ty for mod! <3

Why does AiMod say that: File missing:sb\blue dot.png

Being 98 BPM, I think having AR around 8~8.5 would be more appropriate, it would be less forcing a higher AR upon the player, and make it better to play IMO

Hana Emi

00:15:549 - seems like you missed the drum beat here. Before this you had been mapping to the drums as well, up until this point at least. Add something here to match up, so it won't be so odd-one-out
00:28:253 (3) - more to the left? It felt a little weird moving from 00:27:947 (2) because I had to twist down and right a bit
00:54:120 (1,2,3) - shift it further away from 00:53:661 (4) - move 00:54:885 (4,5,6) along with it if you have to, shifting it left would be the best choice. It just looks too cramped right now, causes complication to 00:53:661 (4)
01:16:008 (4) - would look better less curved in
01:38:967 (4,3) - y-axis is off by 1. Really, ctrl + G 01:38:967 (4) and you can see that they are 268 and 269 (01:38:967 (4) is 269)
01:46:161 (3) - this slider feels weird, especially because of the end ending at 01:46:314 - It just plays weird with the slider, maybe change it to circles, the only other significant part that feels slider worthy is the next vocal word at 01:46:620 (5) - it's either that or the position feels weird hence it plays off
02:06:977 (3,5) - their ends aren't stacked perfectly, you can Ctrl + G both of them to check
02:19:987 (5) - would really deserve a finish on the start of the slider
02:34:069 (8) - you could NC this
02:57:947 (4) - finish on start of slider
03:02:538 (4) - shift more to the left, movement would be smoother
04:17:538 (1) - finish on start of slider
04:17:538 (1,2,3) and 04:18:763 (1,2,3) - currently they are both in the sequence of 1/4 slider circle 1/2 slider, but this doesn't fit the song, mostly because of the music and that held vocal. What would fit better would be 1/2 slider circle 1/4 slider sequence:

Next time try not to post the same link (in my queue) 3 times lol, Good Luck.
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


Why does AiMod say that: File missing:sb\blue dot.png woops i fixed that sorry

Being 98 BPM, I think having AR around 8~8.5 would be more appropriate, it would be less forcing a higher AR upon the player, and make it better to play IMO yes it is 98 bpm, but i mapped it with 1/8 slider BSD, so it is essentially 196 bpm

Hana Emi

00:15:549 - seems like you missed the drum beat here. Before this you had been mapping to the drums as well, up until this point at least. Add something here to match up, so it won't be so odd-one-out opk fixed
00:28:253 (3) - more to the left? It felt a little weird moving from 00:27:947 (2) because I had to twist down and right a bit fixed
00:54:120 (1,2,3) - shift it further away from 00:53:661 (4) - move 00:54:885 (4,5,6) along with it if you have to, shifting it left would be the best choice. It just looks too cramped right now, causes complication to 00:53:661 (4) fixed
01:16:008 (4) - would look better less curved in ok fixed
01:38:967 (4,3) - y-axis is off by 1. Really, ctrl + G 01:38:967 (4) and you can see that they are 268 and 269 (01:38:967 (4) is 269) i think i fixed it
01:46:161 (3) - this slider feels weird, especially because of the end ending at 01:46:314 - It just plays weird with the slider, maybe change it to circles, the only other significant part that feels slider worthy is the next vocal word at 01:46:620 (5) - it's either that or the position feels weird hence it plays off fixed
02:06:977 (3,5) - their ends aren't stacked perfectly, you can Ctrl + G both of them to check fixed
02:19:987 (5) - would really deserve a finish on the start of the slider fixed
02:34:069 (8) - you could NC this fixed
02:57:947 (4) - finish on start of slider fixed
03:02:538 (4) - shift more to the left, movement would be smoother fixed
04:17:538 (1) - finish on start of slider
04:17:538 (1,2,3) and 04:18:763 (1,2,3) - currently they are both in the sequence of 1/4 slider circle 1/2 slider, but this doesn't fit the song, mostly because of the music and that held vocal. What would fit better would be 1/2 slider circle 1/4 slider sequence: fixed

Next time try not to post the same link (in my queue) 3 times lol, Good Luck. sorry again lol
ty for the mod! :D
Hiii jimmy. Mod request from my queue.

Hana Emi
  1. Maybe add a silent sliderslide hitsound. The rolling sound doesn't sound really nice during the quiet slow parts.
  2. 00:12:640 (1) - Sounds better to end this slider at the red tick
  3. 00:21:212 (1) - Whistle
  4. 00:21:518 (3) - ^
  5. 00:21:671 (4) - Drum clap or finish
  6. 00:22:130 (7) - Whistle
  7. 00:26:875 (6) - Clap sounds a little better than finish to me
  8. 00:55:498 (5,1) - Improve blanket
  9. 01:34:681 (1,2) - I thought it'd be cool to lower the SV here to build up momentum but you did the opposite and sped it up xD
  10. 03:24:885 (4) - Replace this with a stream into the next slider pls. It'd feel a lot more fun
  11. 04:13:100 (4) - This finish doesn't sound good here
  12. 04:13:559 (1) - ^ Might be better to replace this one with a whistle.
  13. 04:14:171 (3) - Whistle
  14. 04:14:477 (4) - Clap
  15. 04:17:538 - Sounds like a good time to lower the SV but I guess it's a little to late to say that.
  16. 05:00:702 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I'm sure you can make a better looking circle than that
I didn't really add all the hitsound suggestions that I could have so ask me for more if you ended up liking them, if not I'm sorry orz.
That's all from me. PM me if you need anything else 8-)
Topic Starter

Knotts wrote:

Hiii jimmy. Mod request from my queue.

Hana Emi
  1. Maybe add a silent sliderslide hitsound. The rolling sound doesn't sound really nice during the quiet slow parts. ok
  2. 00:12:640 (1) - Sounds better to end this slider at the red tick fixed
  3. 00:21:212 (1) - Whistle fixed
  4. 00:21:518 (3) - ^ fixed
  5. 00:21:671 (4) - Drum clap or finish fixed
  6. 00:22:130 (7) - Whistle fixed
  7. 00:26:875 (6) - Clap sounds a little better than finish to me fixed
  8. 00:55:498 (5,1) - Improve blanket fixed
  9. 01:34:681 (1,2) - I thought it'd be cool to lower the SV here to build up momentum but you did the opposite and sped it up xD ok i made them slower
  10. 03:24:885 (4) - Replace this with a stream into the next slider pls. It'd feel a lot more fun fixed
  11. 04:13:100 (4) - This finish doesn't sound good here ok fixed
  12. 04:13:559 (1) - ^ Might be better to replace this one with a whistle. fixed
  13. 04:14:171 (3) - Whistle fixed
  14. 04:14:477 (4) - Clap oops i missed that one
  15. 04:17:538 - Sounds like a good time to lower the SV but I guess it's a little to late to say that.
  16. 05:00:702 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I'm sure you can make a better looking circle than that
i tried me best

I didn't really add all the hitsound suggestions that I could have so ask me for more if you ended up liking them, if not I'm sorry orz.
That's all from me. PM me if you need anything else 8-)
thanks for the mod :D
this shong should be in tick 4

no kds

rly nice song btw!
decided to check on the map and holy shit you should stop spamming stars cause it's a waste to do so, my friend did that too and it barely got any more attention than any other map... you should save them just to hit the 12* minimum for your next map
Topic Starter

SkyDevil wrote:

decided to check on the map and holy shit you should stop spamming stars cause it's a waste to do so, my friend did that too and it barely got any more attention than any other map... you should save them just to hit the 12* minimum for your next map
yeah i know lol, i havent added stars to this map for a long time, i didnt really know what to do with all the ones i had so i just added them here
Yo; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

>Hana Emi
  1. I know, I know you said you mapped it like a 196 BPM song. But somehow, I find AR8.7 to make this diff play better. Not sure if it's just me or it's because it is going pretty well with the patterns you've created, but seriously, try it first.
  2. You'll need tick rate 4 as the instruments are played constantly every 1/4 beats.
  3. 00:01:926 - 00:07:436 - I don't know if it's just me, but I personally feel that the movement needed here is awkward due to the low spacing. Consider increasing a little more?
  4. 00:06:212 (3) - Maybe you meant to add a whistle on the head instead of the body?
  5. 00:09:273 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing consistent so they'll be more natural to play? The music's strength is pretty constant anyway so yeah.
  6. 00:13:559 (3,4) - Try to make a blanket pattern so they'll look neater?
  7. 00:14:783 - Add a whistle to follow the string's sound?
  8. 00:17:232 - I seriously recommend to map the drum note here as it is very noticeable and it's very awkward to skip the note.
  9. 00:21:824 (5) - Change the clap to a whistle? Fits the song better.
  10. 00:24:579 (6) - Again, add a whistle to follow the string instrument?
  11. 00:27:028 - Same as 00:17:232.
  12. 00:27:947 (2) - ...And uh, add a whistle for an obvious reason? (There are a lot of instruments, especially strings, that can be emphasized here. Not going to point more of them to avoid making this mod too long; I believe you can look for them by yourself.)
  13. 00:46:008 (4,1,2) - Make a jump between (1,2) instead of (4,1)? Goes way better with the vocal pitch.
  14. 00:53:049 (3,4) - Change (3) into two circles and make a series of gradually-increasing jumps to go along with the cymbals?
  15. 00:54:273 (3) - Remove the whistle on the body, then use Soft addition on the head and use the whistle to emphasize both the drum and piano note?
  16. 00:54:273 - 01:10:804 - I believe you can place claps on every 2nd and 4th white tick of every stanza. You'll have to find another custom clap hitsound that fits, though.
  17. 00:59:018 - Why not adding a circle here? Plays way better that way.
  18. 01:01:314 (8,1) - Feels weird to play since the vocal and music here is quite strong and yet the spacing is small. Also, the flow doesn't really go well due to 01:01:008 (7,8)'s flow and 01:01:620 (1)'s curve.
  19. 01:03:151 (1) - Add a finish to emphasize the instrument here? Also, I believe the spacing from 01:02:844 (3) should be larger compared to 01:03:151 (1,2,3). Right now, the spaces feel kinda... random.
  20. 01:05:600 (4) - I believe you should add a repeat to follow the instrument at 01:05:906. I mean, it's okay to follow the vocal, but stronger instruments should be prioritized (at least mapped too).
  21. 01:18:610 (9,10,1) - Rotate 30 degrees anti-clockwise and place it like this for a better flow?
  22. 01:23:508 (6,7,1) - This can also be rotated CCW a bit. Don't worry about the 01:22:283 (4,1) stack; this doesn't affect anything while playing.
  23. 01:28:559 (1) - Is the usage of the old slider algorithm (no, not gonna explain it; it's complicated man) intentional? (This is triggered by making a red node, then removing the red part and thus making the node a normal gray one, but with a different behaviour if dragged).
  24. 01:33:457 - 01:34:579 - The entire section is pretty much off-beat. I can't figure out how is this part supposed to be timed though...
  25. 01:38:661 (2,3,4) - This is pretty awkward to play due to the linear nature of the flow. Are you sure with this...?
  26. 01:40:804 - Did you forget a finish? It's definitely needed here.
  27. 01:45:242 (5,6,7) - Make it shaped like 01:44:783 (2,3,4) for aesthetic reasons? (2,3,4,5,6,7) looks weird overall due to the shape inconsistency.
  28. 01:46:314 (4) - Forgot a clap?
  29. 01:50:600 (6,1) - Swap NC? I think you know why. The combo pattern here doesn't really make sense, to be blunt.
  30. 02:06:977 (3) - Ctrl+G for a better flow? Not really sure though; might as well play around with 02:06:977 (3,4,5) altogether.
  31. 02:12:640 - Use the Soft addition so the finish used will be the Soft one? Fits better with the cymbal in the music.
  32. 02:13:865 (5,6) - What's with the sudden decrease of spacing here? It feels pretty extreme and odd to hit the objects.
  33. 02:16:926 (6) - Try moving to (240,60) so 02:16:314 (4,5,6) will look neater overall?
  34. 02:19:834 (4) - Move to (186,196) so the spacing between 02:19:375 (3,5) will be consistent?
  35. 02:19:987 (5,1) - Swap NC to follow the song's rhythm?
  36. 02:32:079 - I believe a circle should be added here to follow the instrument's sound.
  37. 02:34:681 (4,1) - Again, swap NC? Also, make a jump between 02:34:477 (3,4)? Doesn't make sense for this to have a really small spacing compared to 02:34:069 (1,2,3).
  38. 02:35:906 - Add a whistle to follow the instrument, just like 02:35:293 (2,3,4)?
  39. 02:37:742 (5) - Add an NC? I... just feel that it goes better with the strong instruments and the jump to this from 02:37:742 (5).
  40. 02:38:049 - Also add a whistle to follow the instrument? (Uh okay, just realized that I already notified you about this before, but w/e.)
  41. 03:17:232 - 03:21:212 - This entire part is just... awkward to play. Sorry, even I can't exactly pinpoint and explain what is wrong here. This just... feels extremely wrong to play because they... don't go along with the instruments and vocal. That's all I can say.
  42. 03:52:896 (6,7,1) - Make something that flows like this so this part will be more comfortable to play?
  43. 03:57:793 (11,1) - I believe the spacing here should be larger to emphasize the cymbal at (1).
  44. 04:04:681 (5) - What is this slider following, exactly? Might as well extend it to a 1/2 slider.
  45. 04:08:508 (4,5,1) - Inconsistent spacing. This is very, very bad to have in a spaced triplet.
  46. 04:16:008 (5,6,7) - ^
  47. 04:54:273 (1,2,3,4) - ...I'm seriously not sure about these 3/4 sliders. They don't really go along nicely with the song, especially (2) since you skipped a drum note at 04:54:732.
  48. 04:56:110 (1,2,3,4) - Make the spacing consistent? I can't see a reason not to.
  49. 04:59:171 (1,2,3) - Same as 04:54:273 (1,2,3,4).
  50. 05:01:620 (1,2,3) - You can make the blanket at (1,2) better, and make (2,3)'s tails not overlap each other. That would be far better for the design.
  51. 05:06:212 - Map this instrument sound? Feels odd to skip it with a slider.
  52. 05:08:661 (1) - I can't see any reason for the NC... Remove it, I guess? Also add a whistle to follow the instrument?
  53. 05:10:804 (4,5) - The sudden movement needed here can be confusing for players. Are you sure with this?
  54. 05:18:457 (1) - Same as 05:08:661 (1).
  55. 05:22:207 (3,4) - Suddenly using this kind of rhythm? It doesn't even match the music here. Combine them into a 1/1 slider, please?
  56. 05:26:722 (1,2,3) - A 1/4 slider with a repeat will be more easier to follow and is nicely fitting the song. Try it?
Well... the map definitely needs a major improvement everywhere. It's kinda decent and actually playable, but it can be improved in every aspect possible. Hell, I'd say to remap this entirely (using what you've already known and what you've already learned during the modding process).

I'll leave the decision to you, though. Also, I believe this map will soon be able to turn into a cool one, so don't give up!

Good luck on the way! 8-)
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Yo; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

>Hana Emi
  1. I know, I know you said you mapped it like a 196 BPM song. But somehow, I find AR8.7 to make this diff play better. Not sure if it's just me or it's because it is going pretty well with the patterns you've created, but seriously, try it first.
  2. You'll need tick rate 4 as the instruments are played constantly every 1/4 beats.
  3. 00:01:926 - 00:07:436 - I don't know if it's just me, but I personally feel that the movement needed here is awkward due to the low spacing. Consider increasing a little more?
  4. 00:06:212 (3) - Maybe you meant to add a whistle on the head instead of the body?
  5. 00:09:273 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing consistent so they'll be more natural to play? The music's strength is pretty constant anyway so yeah.
  6. 00:13:559 (3,4) - Try to make a blanket pattern so they'll look neater?
  7. 00:14:783 - Add a whistle to follow the string's sound?
  8. 00:17:232 - I seriously recommend to map the drum note here as it is very noticeable and it's very awkward to skip the note.
  9. 00:21:824 (5) - Change the clap to a whistle? Fits the song better.
  10. 00:24:579 (6) - Again, add a whistle to follow the string instrument?
  11. 00:27:028 - Same as 00:17:232.
  12. 00:27:947 (2) - ...And uh, add a whistle for an obvious reason? (There are a lot of instruments, especially strings, that can be emphasized here. Not going to point more of them to avoid making this mod too long; I believe you can look for them by yourself.)
  13. 00:46:008 (4,1,2) - Make a jump between (1,2) instead of (4,1)? Goes way better with the vocal pitch.
  14. 00:53:049 (3,4) - Change (3) into two circles and make a series of gradually-increasing jumps to go along with the cymbals?
  15. 00:54:273 (3) - Remove the whistle on the body, then use Soft addition on the head and use the whistle to emphasize both the drum and piano note?
  16. 00:54:273 - 01:10:804 - I believe you can place claps on every 2nd and 4th white tick of every stanza. You'll have to find another custom clap hitsound that fits, though.
  17. 00:59:018 - Why not adding a circle here? Plays way better that way.
  18. 01:01:314 (8,1) - Feels weird to play since the vocal and music here is quite strong and yet the spacing is small. Also, the flow doesn't really go well due to 01:01:008 (7,8)'s flow and 01:01:620 (1)'s curve.
  19. 01:03:151 (1) - Add a finish to emphasize the instrument here? Also, I believe the spacing from 01:02:844 (3) should be larger compared to 01:03:151 (1,2,3). Right now, the spaces feel kinda... random.
  20. 01:05:600 (4) - I believe you should add a repeat to follow the instrument at 01:05:906. I mean, it's okay to follow the vocal, but stronger instruments should be prioritized (at least mapped too).
  21. 01:18:610 (9,10,1) - Rotate 30 degrees anti-clockwise and place it like this for a better flow?
  22. 01:23:508 (6,7,1) - This can also be rotated CCW a bit. Don't worry about the 01:22:283 (4,1) stack; this doesn't affect anything while playing.
  23. 01:28:559 (1) - Is the usage of the old slider algorithm (no, not gonna explain it; it's complicated man) intentional? (This is triggered by making a red node, then removing the red part and thus making the node a normal gray one, but with a different behaviour if dragged).
  24. 01:33:457 - 01:34:579 - The entire section is pretty much off-beat. I can't figure out how is this part supposed to be timed though...
  25. 01:38:661 (2,3,4) - This is pretty awkward to play due to the linear nature of the flow. Are you sure with this...?
  26. 01:40:804 - Did you forget a finish? It's definitely needed here.
  27. 01:45:242 (5,6,7) - Make it shaped like 01:44:783 (2,3,4) for aesthetic reasons? (2,3,4,5,6,7) looks weird overall due to the shape inconsistency.
  28. 01:46:314 (4) - Forgot a clap?
  29. 01:50:600 (6,1) - Swap NC? I think you know why. The combo pattern here doesn't really make sense, to be blunt.
  30. 02:06:977 (3) - Ctrl+G for a better flow? Not really sure though; might as well play around with 02:06:977 (3,4,5) altogether.
  31. 02:12:640 - Use the Soft addition so the finish used will be the Soft one? Fits better with the cymbal in the music.
  32. 02:13:865 (5,6) - What's with the sudden decrease of spacing here? It feels pretty extreme and odd to hit the objects.
  33. 02:16:926 (6) - Try moving to (240,60) so 02:16:314 (4,5,6) will look neater overall?
  34. 02:19:834 (4) - Move to (186,196) so the spacing between 02:19:375 (3,5) will be consistent?
  35. 02:19:987 (5,1) - Swap NC to follow the song's rhythm?
  36. 02:32:079 - I believe a circle should be added here to follow the instrument's sound.
  37. 02:34:681 (4,1) - Again, swap NC? Also, make a jump between 02:34:477 (3,4)? Doesn't make sense for this to have a really small spacing compared to 02:34:069 (1,2,3).
  38. 02:35:906 - Add a whistle to follow the instrument, just like 02:35:293 (2,3,4)?
  39. 02:37:742 (5) - Add an NC? I... just feel that it goes better with the strong instruments and the jump to this from 02:37:742 (5).
  40. 02:38:049 - Also add a whistle to follow the instrument? (Uh okay, just realized that I already notified you about this before, but w/e.)
  41. 03:17:232 - 03:21:212 - This entire part is just... awkward to play. Sorry, even I can't exactly pinpoint and explain what is wrong here. This just... feels extremely wrong to play because they... don't go along with the instruments and vocal. That's all I can say.
  42. 03:52:896 (6,7,1) - Make something that flows like this so this part will be more comfortable to play?
  43. 03:57:793 (11,1) - I believe the spacing here should be larger to emphasize the cymbal at (1).
  44. 04:04:681 (5) - What is this slider following, exactly? Might as well extend it to a 1/2 slider.
  45. 04:08:508 (4,5,1) - Inconsistent spacing. This is very, very bad to have in a spaced triplet.
  46. 04:16:008 (5,6,7) - ^
  47. 04:54:273 (1,2,3,4) - ...I'm seriously not sure about these 3/4 sliders. They don't really go along nicely with the song, especially (2) since you skipped a drum note at 04:54:732.
  48. 04:56:110 (1,2,3,4) - Make the spacing consistent? I can't see a reason not to.
  49. 04:59:171 (1,2,3) - Same as 04:54:273 (1,2,3,4).
  50. 05:01:620 (1,2,3) - You can make the blanket at (1,2) better, and make (2,3)'s tails not overlap each other. That would be far better for the design.
  51. 05:06:212 - Map this instrument sound? Feels odd to skip it with a slider.
  52. 05:08:661 (1) - I can't see any reason for the NC... Remove it, I guess? Also add a whistle to follow the instrument?
  53. 05:10:804 (4,5) - The sudden movement needed here can be confusing for players. Are you sure with this?
  54. 05:18:457 (1) - Same as 05:08:661 (1).
  55. 05:22:207 (3,4) - Suddenly using this kind of rhythm? It doesn't even match the music here. Combine them into a 1/1 slider, please?
  56. 05:26:722 (1,2,3) - A 1/4 slider with a repeat will be more easier to follow and is nicely fitting the song. Try it?
Well... the map definitely needs a major improvement everywhere. It's kinda decent and actually playable, but it can be improved in every aspect possible. Hell, I'd say to remap this entirely (using what you've already known and what you've already learned during the modding process).

I'll leave the decision to you, though. Also, I believe this map will soon be able to turn into a cool one, so don't give up!

Good luck on the way! 8-)
ok i will just remap it then
-pats pats hinsvar-
Spent 3 Kudosu! here~

Good Luck for this.

Now : 6 Song Higher. = Need 6 More Kudos
Topic Starter

EndlessShadow wrote:

Spent 3 Kudosu! here~

Good Luck for this.

Now : 6 Song Higher. = Need 6 More Kudos
ty so much! :D
good luck ~
Topic Starter

Genocide wrote:

good luck ~
TY for the stars <3!!!
Why NOt using Combo Color :

Light Blue
Wtf ? :o

Perfect chart, nothing to mod ..

Sorry ! Take my star..
Topic Starter

Kazamastar11 wrote:

Wtf ? :o

Perfect chart, nothing to mod ..

Sorry ! Take my star..
Thank you :D
Topic Starter

EndlessShadow wrote:

Why NOt using Combo Color :

Light Blue
ty for this, i changed it!
from m4m

  • General
  1. i ever downloaded your map when it had SB but SB has gone here. do you remove the SB?
  2. The combo colour for 2nd and 3rd are really hurt to see for me because too bright when blend with the BG. how about instead?
    Combo1 : 0,128,255
    Combo2 : 150,150,150
    Combo3 : 0,217,217
  3. add "SliderBorder : 255,255,255" below of "Combo3" because you're using skin
  4. AiBat found some of unsnapped here
  5. also AiBat found missing and unused skin files

  • Hana Emi
  1. AR 9 is too fast for low bpm song here. i would say around AR 8,3 here
  2. OD 8 is too high, try OD7 instead, dont kill everyone lol
  3. 00:01:927 - nazi but to be honest this greenline is unnecessary, just remove it and make 00:01:621 - this red line with 20% volume
  4. 00:03:763 - 00:04:682 - 00:05:294 - 00:06:212 - 00:08:355 - 00:08:967 - 00:09:274 - 00:09:886 - you must to add whistle for those times, the piano sounds are really loud
  5. 00:13:559 - missing finish sound
  6. 00:29:860 (1) - replace with whistle sound here. definitely a piano sound ;-;
  7. 00:22:284 (4) - some of nazi but try move to 192,240. design feels better here , flow as well
  8. 00:26:876 (5) - maybe make 1/4 slider repeat instead since 00:27:029 - it has drum sound same as both blue ticks here
  9. 00:46:927 (1,3) - why whistles sounds for these slider's bodies? imo the sounds are really noisy here
  10. 00:54:120 (6,7) - nazi but if possible make the better and smoother flow here, example
  11. 01:02:845 (3,4) - i would say to swap the rhythm here. so you can emphasize that "psssh" cymbal with a little jump
  12. 01:06:518 (1,4) - it would be nicer if you make same shape for these sliders, consistency is needed imo
  13. 01:10:192 (4) - better to keep the consistency of spacing here since the musics are almost same from here, previous, to next. move to 248,184
  14. well let me to the point for all. The flows are nice, i love it. But most of the jumps here are too far and feel forced (i asked a BAT who can play standard and he said like that. oh same taste with me too), the song is calm and low so imo reduce the jumps would be nice here. and the hitsounds are really plain here. usally hitsound pattern is 1st 3rd whiteticks are whistles and 2nd 4th whiteticks are claps. but you can add more whistles on red ticks here if you want to make it more awesome

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

from m4m

  • General
  1. i ever downloaded your map when it had SB but SB has gone here. do you remove the SB? yes i deleted the SB D: a lot of people didnt like it
  2. The combo colour for 2nd and 3rd are really hurt to see for me because too bright when blend with the BG. how about instead? ok ty for this
    Combo1 : 0,128,255
    Combo2 : 150,150,150
    Combo3 : 0,217,217
  3. add "SliderBorder : 255,255,255" below of "Combo3" because you're using skin fixed
  4. AiBat found some of unsnapped here fixed
  5. also AiBat found missing and unused skin files

  • Hana Emi
  1. AR 9 is too fast for low bpm song here. i would say around AR 8,3 here I reduced it to ar8.7
  2. OD 8 is too high, try OD7 instead, dont kill everyone lol fixed
  3. 00:01:927 - nazi but to be honest this greenline is unnecessary, just remove it and make 00:01:621 - this red line with 20% volume fixed
  4. 00:03:763 - 00:04:682 - 00:05:294 - 00:06:212 - 00:08:355 - 00:08:967 - 00:09:274 - 00:09:886 - you must to add whistle for those times, the piano sounds are really loud fixed
  5. 00:13:559 - missing finish sound fixed
  6. 00:29:860 (1) - replace with whistle sound here. definitely a piano sound ;-; ok fixed
  7. 00:22:284 (4) - some of nazi but try move to 192,240. design feels better here , flow as well hmm fixed
  8. 00:26:876 (5) - maybe make 1/4 slider repeat instead since 00:27:029 - it has drum sound same as both blue ticks here yeah your right i hear the drums there, fixed
  9. 00:46:927 (1,3) - why whistles sounds for these slider's bodies? imo the sounds are really noisy here ok removed them
  10. 00:54:120 (6,7) - nazi but if possible make the better and smoother flow here, example fixed
  11. 01:02:845 (3,4) - i would say to swap the rhythm here. so you can emphasize that "psssh" cymbal with a little jump yes i agree, fixed
  12. 01:06:518 (1,4) - it would be nicer if you make same shape for these sliders, consistency is needed imo fixed
  13. 01:10:192 (4) - better to keep the consistency of spacing here since the musics are almost same from here, previous, to next. move to 248,184 fixed
  14. well let me to the point for all. The flows are nice, i love it. But most of the jumps here are too far and feel forced (i asked a BAT who can play standard and he said like that. oh same taste with me too), the song is calm and low so imo reduce the jumps would be nice here. and the hitsounds are really plain here. usally hitsound pattern is 1st 3rd whiteticks are whistles and 2nd 4th whiteticks are claps. but you can add more whistles on red ticks here if you want to make it more awesome

Good Luck ~
TY so much for the mod!!! <3
Why.... why is it still unapproved????

[Nemesis] wrote:

Why.... why is it still unapproved????
Because he has not changed to pending Beatmap
Topic Starter

Forsaiken wrote:

[Nemesis] wrote:

Why.... why is it still unapproved????
Because he has not changed to pending Beatmap
How do i change it to pending? I only have 1 difficulty so it wont let me do it from the editor

skinnyjimmy wrote:

Forsaiken wrote:

Because he has not changed to pending Beatmap
How do i change it to pending? I only have 1 difficulty so it wont let me do it from the editor
it can only be done by QAT, i presume. and it will be changed once it's ready to rank. (bubbled or smth or what idk

the reason it's still pending is this map is not ready to rank yet. lack of mod, or some stuff.. can't mod std, but i suppose that's the main reason.

good luck though (:


  1. what with all those timing lines? you just need one with 98 bpm at 00:00:386 offset, you can check my map or the ranked version of this:
  2. There are a few pots where the SB load get too hight, will be nice if you check with some people that are good at SB, ex: Damnae
  3. Missing Skin Files : spinner-background.png, spinner-circle.png, spinner-metre.png, spinner-osu.png
  4. Unused Image Files hit50k.png, ranking-accuracy@2x.png, sb\burst.png, spinner-bottom.png, spinner-glow.png, spinner-middle.png, spinner-top.png
Hana Emi:

  1. 00:01:927 (1,2) - overall I'll like if you work more with hitsounds, place likes 00:01:927 (1,2) - are really nice with whistles, since there is a piano sound that fit a lot with the soft default whistle, there are a lot more spots where you can add them
  2. 00:03:763 is whistle on slider body on purpose? cuz it doesn't sound nice
  3. 00:09:580 add whistle here too is exactly the same sound as 00:09:274 (1,3) -
  4. 00:11:110 (5,3) - ugly overlap
  5. 00:10:804 (4) - also there are alot of slider that end following nothing in the music, evenif this is considered as rankable, it doesn't make sense with the song, in my opinion
  6. 00:13:253 (3) - this one is ending at 1/8 for not reason
  7. 00:14:631 there are some beats like this one that doesn't follow nothing significative in the song, the problem with this is that you lose the emphasis of the ones that are prominents like 00:14:784 (4,5,1,2) -
  8. 00:15:549 ^
  9. 00:18:381 this beat is not following nothing in the song
  10. 00:25:728 (4) - ^
  11. 00:25:804 (1) - unsnapped
  12. 02:33:304 (5) - this slider is starting with nothing in the music
  13. I don't see the point of pointing the same stuff again and again, to be honest your placement and design is really nice, but your rhythm doesn't fit this song, I want you to go again to your map and check the rhythms, try using 50% or 25% if you improve the rhythm in this mapset it will be really great, actually this have too much overmap. Of course you can ask more opinions from other BATS. anyways GL with this
Yeah make it more easy and remove the storyboard then you ll probably be able to rank it.
But no one is gonna play ur map cuz there are already 2 boring maps of this ranked.

Fuseka wrote:

Yeah make it more easy and remove the storyboard then you ll probably be able to rank it.
But no one is gonna play ur map cuz there are already 2 boring maps of this ranked.
mapping to the music = bored GG
Topic Starter
I just chose the wrong song to map... I think I'm just going to let this one graveyard

skinnyjimmy wrote:

I just chose the wrong song to map... I think I'm just going to let this one graveyard
is not about that, I mean your map is really fuun to play, but there are spots where are nothing in the music: 00:21:978 - 00:19:223 - 00:23:814 - 00:25:728 (5) -

00:23:049 (3) - about this one will be really great if it end in 1/4 instead of 1/8, mainly cuz there is a small sound in 1/4, but nothing at 1/8
02:38:049 (4) - ^

01:24:733 (3) - there are some sliders like this one, that have a clearly sound in 01:24:886 - but for some reason you extended it to 01:25:039 - where is nothing in the music, also the vocals are ending in 01:24:886 - so I dont see a valid reason to have sliders like this one

02:28:406 (1) - ^

Those are just a few examples, as I said before this is my opinion, your map have nice patterns, good flow, but the rhythm is not following the song , atleast for me. You can ask to other BATs of course, but I think they will have similar opinions. Sorry if I sound rude or something, but that's what I think of this map, for example this is really noticeable at the piano parts, even you did really good in the vocal parts.

I'm really sure if you try to follow the song better, you will do a great diff.
Sorry i just had WAY more FUN playing with the SB on the 1st version than now.
And i could still feed the rythmn very well.

No offense about your map Natsu or oracle's one, but they are just boring to me.
Having fun and feeling a rhythm doesn't mean it follows the music well. Feeling a rhythm can be done on any song, whether it suits one particular song is another matter.
Revive the map pls so good x.x
[ Setsuna ]
pls revive
[ Setsuna ]

[ Setsuna ] wrote:

pls revive
do it D:
Topic Starter
[ Setsuna ]
+star and good luck >w<
Hi, i am not great at modding:

-Add Clap at 00:06:825 (4,6) and 00:10:192 (1,3,5)

-Use hit circle at 00:12:641 (2) , 00:24:886 (3)

-Remove note at 00:15:090 (3) , 00:17:539 (4) , even you don't want to remove it, just use shorter distance

-Remove note at 00:18:457 (2)

-Using star pattern in 00:23:661 (3,4,5,6) like this:

- shorten the spinner at 00:29:860 to 00:29:860-00:31:927 , and add 4 notes at 00:32:233 , 00:32:539 , 00:32:845 and 00:33:151 , any pattern you like

- Use hit circle at 00:39:564 (1) (Optional: 00:34:682 (1)

- Remove the slider at 00:50:906 (3) and use triples

(Optional: use slider instead in 01:06:518 (6,7) but however, it should place nearby 01:08:967 (1) )
Topic Starter

slainender2013 wrote:

Hi, i am not great at modding:

-Add Clap at 00:06:825 (4,6) and 00:10:192 (1,3,5) fixed

-Use hit circle at 00:12:641 (2) , 00:24:886 (3) I think these are fine the way they are

-Remove note at 00:15:090 (3) , 00:17:539 (4) , even you don't want to remove it, just use shorter distance I shortened distance

-Remove note at 00:18:457 (2) It's a slider

-Using star pattern in 00:23:661 (3,4,5,6) like this: hmm okay ty

- shorten the spinner at 00:29:860 to 00:29:860-00:31:927 , and add 4 notes at 00:32:233 , 00:32:539 , 00:32:845 and 00:33:151 , any pattern you like I really like this idea, thanks!!

- Use hit circle at 00:39:564 (1) (Optional: 00:34:682 (1) I think that would be kind of over mapping

- Remove the slider at 00:50:906 (3) and use triples I like the slider though

(Optional: use slider instead in 01:06:518 (6,7) but however, it should place nearby 01:08:967 (1) )
Thank you so much for the mod!!!
First time modding :/

01:30:932 (7,1) - Considering SV is high here, this 2 feels weird to me. Add a 1/4 slider and continue with the flow of the squared jumps.

01:43:253 (1,2,3,4) - You made this pattern because of 01:43:253 (1,2) because of the quick voice, but 01:44:018 (4) don't support it.

02:16:314 (4) drags along with the voice but 02:16:620 (5) doesn't. Since it's together, change 02:16:620 (5) to 2 hit circles.

02:16:926 (6,7) - Simple blanket?

02:19:988 (1) - overlapping quite a bit, bring up and to the right that it perfectly fits.

02:22:437 (1,2,3) - try a triple blanket

02:34:069 (2,3,4) - this 1/3 jumps placement looks weird to me. You can try using small distance snap while 02:34:681 (1) can overlap either of the circles.

02:42:488 (2) - blanket?

03:04:069 (5) - NC?

03:16:620 (2,3) - Try replacing with a slider with low velocity as the music abruptly stops.

03:36:824 (5) - Voice continues to drag, you can consider change the slider shape and repeat it, or create 1/4 slider and another 1/2 to support continuation.

since you love overlapping, you can consider 03:45:243 (6) to overlap with the slider's end 03:45:702 (1)

03:51:518 (4,1) - A gap, but there's a dragging voice. Consider a weird slider shape to support it.

04:15:013 (4) - I don't hear any sounds that can support this triplet.

04:27:334 (1) - Voice starts at the end of slider. You can replace this with a hit circle then continue with a slider for the voice.

04:40:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Greatly focusing on the lower part of the screen. Consider 04:42:028 (1) - going upwards.

04:57:181 (2,4) - Overlap?

Beautiful song, beautiful map! Hope my mod isn't too bad, this are all my opinions! Good luck for approval!

  1. 04:27:335 - kiai end not snapped?
  2. 02:29:018 (3) - apparently repeat unsnapped or something (from aibat so don't trust it too much)
  3. 03:27:335 - unsnapped green line.
first time modding
  1. tbh i think ar9 would work a bit better, you have some overlaps that i found a bit hard to read on first testplay. remember, this basically plays like a 196 bpm
  2. 00:03:763 (3) - why the slider body whistle?
    00:48:151 (3) - ^
  3. 00:15:702 (4,1) - i would space this out more
    03:37:743 (8,9) - ^
    03:33:457 (1,2,3) - ehh. ^
  4. 00:19:069 (3,4) - copy paste D:?
    01:15:702 (4,5) - ^
  5. 00:32:998 - u could probably add a note here
  6. 00:51:518 (3) - not too sure what this should be snapped. possibly 1/6?
  7. 01:14:784 (4) - damn this was pretty hard to read, but maybe ar increase will fix
  8. 01:34:627 (1,2) - this was pretty weird to play, cuz of the short slider. i think a good option would be to increase the sv for just this single slider.
  9. 02:56:416 (7) - 1/4 slider would be a better option here. to get the drum 02:56:569 -
    03:47:232 (2) - ^
  10. 03:21:212 (1,2,3) - maybe use a little less spacing here for the spacing transition from something like 03:20:906 (6,1) - to 03:21:212 (1,2) -
  11. 03:23:661 - does this part also need additional timing? some parts sound off.
  12. 03:27:334 (1) - put this a bit closer to the center of the screen, cuz the spinner recovery for this is honestly pretty short.
  13. 04:26:952 (3,4) - i feel like these should be on 1/6 or something
  14. 05:08:967 (1) - could curve this a bit more to give it kind of a pseudo symmetry with 05:09:886 (3) -
  15. 05:10:804 (4,5) - honestly this jump is pretty unfitting for this calm part. i would just stack these probably
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:


  1. 04:27:335 - kiai end not snapped? fixed
  2. 02:29:018 (3) - apparently repeat unsnapped or something (from aibat so don't trust it too much) fixed
  3. 03:27:335 - unsnapped green line.

first time modding
  1. tbh i think ar9 would work a bit better, you have some overlaps that i found a bit hard to read on first testplay. remember, this basically plays like a 196 bpm yeah I think so too... thanks!
  2. 00:03:763 (3) - why the slider body whistle? Wow I never noticed that, fixed
    00:48:151 (3) - ^ fixed
  3. 00:15:702 (4,1) - i would space this out more fixed
    03:37:743 (8,9) - ^ fixed
    03:33:457 (1,2,3) - ehh. ^ fixed
  4. 00:19:069 (3,4) - copy paste D:? fixed
    01:15:702 (4,5) - ^ fixed
  5. 00:32:998 - u could probably add a note here fixed
  6. 00:51:518 (3) - not too sure what this should be snapped. possibly 1/6? hmm I think you're right
  7. 01:14:784 (4) - damn this was pretty hard to read, but maybe ar increase will fix yeaah maybe
  8. 01:34:627 (1,2) - this was pretty weird to play, cuz of the short slider. i think a good option would be to increase the sv for just this single slider. fixed
  9. 02:56:416 (7) - 1/4 slider would be a better option here. to get the drum 02:56:569 -fixed
    03:47:232 (2) - ^ fixed
  10. 03:21:212 (1,2,3) - maybe use a little less spacing here for the spacing transition from something like 03:20:906 (6,1) - to 03:21:212 (1,2) - fixed
  11. 03:23:661 - does this part also need additional timing? some parts sound off. yeah it was, fixed
  12. 03:27:334 (1) - put this a bit closer to the center of the screen, cuz the spinner recovery for this is honestly pretty short. fixed
  13. 04:26:952 (3,4) - i feel like these should be on 1/6 or something fixed
  14. 05:08:967 (1) - could curve this a bit more to give it kind of a pseudo symmetry with 05:09:886 (3) - hmm ok fixed
  15. 05:10:804 (4,5) - honestly this jump is pretty unfitting for this calm part. i would just stack these probably
ty for the mod!!
This is my first mod, so I hope, this will be okay:

00:51:518 (3) - This slider seems to be a bit off. Maybe just one way would be enough?

01:34:042 (3) - I would make this and the next one like stairs. Because the piano goes higher as well.

01:57:870 (5) - Maybe these two short notes are too much. Can't here them in the song. Just feels a bit weird

02:16:161 (3) - No. 3 out and 4 and 5 as long note?

02:22:476 - I woul add there one more note (no.5)

03:23:661 (1) - The same like before: I would make this and the next one like stairs. Because the piano goes higher as well.

I hope, it's a bit helpful for my first time. Good Luck for this nice map.
Good Luck for Ranking :3
Sorry My Queue For STDHas Been Closed I Can't Handle That Mode Anymore .. :(
[ Setsuna ]
it lives \o/

jk ;w;
You are the most underrated mapper ever.
*shoots 1*

Remap Everlasting Guilty Spice and let me GD.
great song!
good job :)
Really nice map, pls rank it :)
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