
What do you want to see on the osu!academy

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Moving forward I would like to start asking the community what kind of things you would like to see on our ever growing YouTube channel. Make sure you have review the previous episodes as not to overlap or go over things that have already been covered.

Also you can request osu!talk interviews on the osu!talk thread
how to map WELL

xxdeathx wrote:

how to map WELL
In other words: Flow, No-Go's, etc.

Would be a good point but this isn't something which can be set as general point. Opinions always differ here.
Kyonko Hizara
Maybe a map showcase, like either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly of showing the highest rated and most popular maps in that time frame.
Hmm, I think it's a good idea to check the basics of skinning.
Advantages and Disadvantages of ??? map

so the ??? Represents as a map of a Player , examples

0108 style
AngelHoney (or ExtrA Highlighting A )
Holy Sh*t it's *insert name here*
TAG4 (Including Tag4 because mostly Tag4 needs more Explenation)

so some of these maps Discuss what is the Advantages of it (Like Mapping Style and many other great things on the map)
and Disadvantages (Reflects of the players if it Hard or not and many more)

That's All I think :3 :)
Behavior on forums. Avoiding necropost, where to post what, etc.
I like the idea of the osu!talks, however I don't like it's format personally. I find it a bit too scripted and not genuine. I would like for it to be more of a talk, rather than an interview. You could feature certain players and analyze different playstyles/mapping styles (of different levels) with the other person (watching replays,or asking mappers to record themselves, etc). You could even 'interview' people who don't speak English by asking them off video(written), and then summarizing information given to you in videos. I think genuine conversations with top players would be a great hit. Perhaps having some footage of osu in the background, for the people who might not like the podcast aspect of it.

Just a few thoughts. Ignore them if they don't fit with you though. You are the content creator after all ^^. I ll post ideas as they come to me.
I would Love to See Some More Storyboarding Ideas :D

Stefan wrote:

xxdeathx wrote:

how to map WELL
In other words: Flow, No-Go's, etc.

Would be a good point but this isn't something which can be set as general point. Opinions always differ here.
from what i see it's easy to meet the ranking criteria, which is obvious shit like no objects at the same time, but way harder to make a beatmap that's fun to play with the stuff like flow you're talking about. teach people how to map like fycho or sekai-nyan
History about certain parts of osu! would be nice. Special players, special mappers, features that revolutionized the metagame, etc - you oldies should know about this better than I do, heh.

I did enjoy history lessons in school, yeah.
Changes in the top rankings for all the game modes. (New #1 players) and how the community reacted to the change.
Multilanguage support + :D

Krisom wrote:

Hmm, I think it's a good idea to check the basics of skinning.

oh, this seems like a fun one to cover. seconded, Krisom.

XinCrin wrote:

Multilanguage Support + :)
Again seconded. Maybe teams dedicated to translating into respective languages?

-GN wrote:

History about certain parts of osu! would be nice. Special players, special mappers, features that revolutionized the metagame, etc - you oldies should know about this better than I do, heh.

I did enjoy history lessons in school, yeah.
I enjoy history too. :D
I agree with the aspect mentioned by GN since I'm really interested in osu!'s and especially mapping's history.

XinCrin wrote:

Multilanguage support + :D
yep, that's a very good idea especially for the community members that don't speak english well :/
Calculation of pp?
pp is constantly changing system, I don't think there would be any sense in making it, because shortly after it may become obsolete

XinCrin wrote:

Multilanguage support + :D
Meh I actually had this in my mind to do a german edition of osu!academy but I (still) lack on time for preparing and more.
all of the super cool chat moderators like maeglwn


community showcases for important people would be interesting. like what gn suggested with the "history lesson" kinda thing.
Topic Starter
I'm loving all these great ideas keep them coming!

Maeglwn wrote:

all of the super cool chat moderators like maeglwn


community showcases for important people would be interesting. like what gn suggested with the "history lesson" kinda thing.
This is actually quite intresting, interviewing people like Larto, Saturos, LuigiHann and others would be amazing
Topic Starter
Funny that you should mention that we do have plans for luigihann.

ztrot wrote:

Funny that you should mention that we do have plans for luigihann.
Sample mapping. So record yourself or another avid mapper who is willing. And map a sample song from start to finish (probably under 2 minute long song) . Explain your thought process during mapping. Why you are doing this this way, etc. Share tips during the video.

I'd really like that.

-GN wrote:

History about certain parts of osu! would be nice. Special players, special mappers, features that revolutionized the metagame, etc - you oldies should know about this better than I do, heh.

I did enjoy history lessons in school, yeah.
I like this idea quite a bit. Also like the skinning basics idea someone mentioned!
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make sure to check out the channel there are loads of guides up there might even be one that you have suggested :P
I really enjoyed the last episode of osu talk. I much rather this new format as oppose to the old one ^^ . That is exactly what I meant in a suggestion up there. :)

Just giving u feedback, i cant post on youtube..
Topic Starter
Glad you enjoy it! make sure to take part in them as well if you have time, we have a list of events posted here t/225111

xasuma wrote:

Sample mapping. So record yourself or another avid mapper who is willing. And map a sample song from start to finish (probably under 2 minute long song) . Explain your thought process during mapping. Why you are doing this this way, etc. Share tips during the video.

I'd really like that.
I've thought of making a video detailing my experience from the start and to the finish of beatmap creation. How I pick a song, timing, what I personally think about when I place objects, etc. Similar to like a behind-the-scenes sort of thing. I never went through with it because I didn't think anyone would find it interesting. Now that I know there might be an audience I could make it a possibility.

Edit: On the topic of osu!talk I think it would be neat to interview an average mapper. Questions could range from how they think of the ranking process, how modding v2 can improve the system, mapping ideas, etc.

xasuma wrote:

Sample mapping. So record yourself or another avid mapper who is willing. And map a sample song from start to finish (probably under 2 minute long song) . Explain your thought process during mapping. Why you are doing this this way, etc. Share tips during the video.

I'd really like that.
I used to do livestreams about that. If there is an audience, I can try again.

Shiro wrote:

xasuma wrote:

Sample mapping. So record yourself or another avid mapper who is willing. And map a sample song from start to finish (probably under 2 minute long song) . Explain your thought process during mapping. Why you are doing this this way, etc. Share tips during the video.

I'd really like that.
I used to do livestreams about that. If there is an audience, I can try again.

I'd be very willing to watch/read/devour any and all piece of information regarding constructing beatmaps. I've read about it a lot here and there, but it appears I still cannot do some basic things, such as timing and setting offset correctly, which is probably the biggest problem most people face. Also teaching flow or other things that make a map fun to play would be really great. I don't know if there's other people willing to watch a livestream of the sorts, but I, for one, would definitely follow it.

Of course, I'd also watch anything on osu!academy related to beatmaps.
Lust & Shiro:

I can't tell you it will have a big audience. But I ll make sure to watch them for sure. I am sure a lot of people would appreciate it if they knew where to find it. I think it would definitely help at least the ones who are aspiring mappers. :) Since I want to learn how to map well, I would also devour all content about it I could find, the thing is how to find it.

Shiro: Do you have past broadcasts of those streams? Could you pass me the link perhaps if so? I'd love to watch them.

It would be fun to have different mappers with different styles do this as well.
And personally, I don't think time limit should be a concern for osu related videos. Since in my eyes, if someone will go out of their way to watch any of the osu academy content, or things that try and teach you something about osu, those people would probably watch a 10 hour video if the content was made right and it was available. Well, I would anyway.. lol

And ztrot, don't worry about keeping videos short imo. People with no lifes who love osu will watch as much as you give them.

Just throwing stuff out there. Maybe others think like me. Maybe not.

Shiro wrote:

xasuma wrote:

Sample mapping. So record yourself or another avid mapper who is willing. And map a sample song from start to finish (probably under 2 minute long song) . Explain your thought process during mapping. Why you are doing this this way, etc. Share tips during the video.

I'd really like that.
I used to do livestreams about that. If there is an audience, I can try again.
I would watch!
I think it will be very informative to watch some experienced mapper do his own stuff, how its done properly rather than slowly figuring out what works and what not by my own. He could share his thoughts by talking and explaining why he is doing that etc.

Could be nice if someone will share his mapping techniques with community.

Maybe could be more efficient to make a few videos?
On the other side on live-stream people can ask live.
But different timezones may cause your live-stream will be not available to certain time zones.
*( but people can watch past broadcasts on twitch as well )

I think good tutorial or optional tutorial will be how to properly set Universal Offset or Adjust Local Offset.
Propably an in-depth guide into every single knit and knob in the osu! options. This would help new players out alot.

Pannari wrote:

Propably an in-depth guide into every single knit and knob in the osu! options. This would help new players out alot.
I agree an in-depth option guide, would defenetly help out the new players, and even more experienced player without the proper option knowlegde
I want to see a teacher answering questions in comments or just reading them :lol:
Also,a more detailed video about storybording the one you made was not enough to understand all functions :(
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I'm thinking of doing email questions at the end of episodes now, more details soon to follow.
How to properly set global offset using this technique: t/8899
[ Kubolo ]
Simple Q&A
A video about understanding PP. Since a lot of people don't actually even know how the simple PP-weighting system works. And it would be also helpful to learn to how to get the most PP.

Howl wrote:

A video about understanding PP. Since a lot of people don't actually even know how the simple PP-weighting system works. And it would be also helpful to learn to how to get the most PP.
Basiclly this.
I also think different map style showcases would be good. For example: 0108, Angelhoney, TAG4
please don't. no one needs to see those >_<

Louis13 wrote:

0108, Angelhoney, TAG4
0108: Put lots of sliders everywhere (Scarlet Rose)
TAG4: Put every thing as far away form eachother as possible. (and should not ranked imo cuz it's dumb)
Angelshoney: Just sounds dumb.
TAG4 was never ranked, only approved. And even that didn't last long.

nookls wrote:

TAG4 was never ranked, only approved. And even that didn't last long.
Ranked TAG4 map.

Gumpyyy wrote:

nookls wrote:

TAG4 was never ranked, only approved. And even that didn't last long.
Ranked TAG4 map.
That's approved, not ranked. If you go on osu, click on that beatmap and look at the icon on the top left you'll see a flame instead of a heart which means it was approved. I can't remember what the difference between approval and rank(age? lmao) was but I'm pretty sure it's something to do with ranked score.

Also that map was made in 2009; pretty sure the ban on tag4 approval was added pretty soon after that.
Akiyama Mizuki
^ Lucifer's Cirno's Perfect Math Class. Go check that.
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