
11 Questions for osu!mania players.

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1. bored af, i like improving at shit that doesnt matter

2. 4k, but learning 7k

3. ;' numpad4 numpad5

4. ~1yr

5. list retardedly long

6. 7k chordjacking

7. solo, mania multi lobbies are aids

8. attang

10. ranked maps = pp abuse sooooo unranked only

11. yes and no
1. bc i started getting terrible at osu!standard
2. 4k
3. dfjk (4k) / dfjk + space (5k)
4. i started a few days ago lol
5. lost one no goukoku
6. dont have a fave
7. solo bc ppl cant see my mistakes HAHA
8. not sure
9. not sure either seeing as i started recently
10. ranked
11. i guess
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
- I found about osu! in general from YouTube gameplay videos, but mania really stood out to me so I decided to give it a shot.
2. What is your favourite keymode?
- 4K definitely, I have played a few VSRGs before that all had 4K playstyles so I stuck with 4K here as well.
3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
- A S : ".
4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
- I started back in November/December of 2017, but during January and February I didn't play at all, so in total - 6 months.
5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
- If I had to name a mapset in particular, it'd be Twenty Knives - Crow's Ghost.
6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
- Eh, maybe streams (assuming they aren't insanely fast) and chordstreams.
7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
- I have barely played any multiplayer, espacially in mania, so Solo for sure.
8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
- I don't really have a favorite player.. :)
9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
- Fullerene- maybe..? I don't really have a preference as to who mapped a certain chart, so I can't name a lot of mappers in general xD
10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
- Mainly ranked, because I'm way too lazy to find adequate unranked charts on my own. :P
11. Do you like osu!mania?
- Of course, I wouldn't be playing it if I didn't like it. :D
pakie tsum fan
1. i was boared xd
2. 1k
3. space bar
4. 1 year (and i still suck at it xd)
5. idk
6. ????
7. solo cus ppl don't say that 1k is a bad keymode
8. idk
9. idk
10. b o t h
11. mania is hard, kinda fun, but it can be just, rage making at 4k for me, gamemode rating:5.1/10
1. I was intrigued and started enjoying it
2. 4k and 5k
3. dfkl
4. probably 2-3 months
5. Dynamite (Extended Mix)
6. I don't have any in particular
7. solo
8. I have none
9. don't have any
10. depends
11. yeah it's very fun to play
1. I saw a youtube video about it

2. 4K for the win

3. asöä

4. 2Years

5. Dragonforce - Seasons

6. Streams

7. solo

8. jakads

9. Fullerene-

10. I like unranked maps more

11. Hell yea
1. Because of giora
2. 4k because of giora
3. Zx./ because of giora
4. since birth because of giora
5. giora what have you done, you have sold us to the devil.... noooooo.
6. unreadable sv's because of giora
7. wadu maps lobby because ofd giora
8. giora
9. giora
10. giora maps
11. yes because of giora
1. I was playing nekodancer (a transformice game) and the guy in the top ranking have talk about osu, I have search on youtube and I have start to play the regular osu, one hour after I have see they have 4 modes, I have try osu mania and I really love it

2. 4k, all time I try to go at 5k and more I fail

3. df jk

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

5. this one :

6. don't really have one but I don't like the longs notes

7. I prefer to play multi but I play all time in solo because the rooms in multi have low level map or really high level map for the pro player but it's rare to see 3.5-4* in 4k

8. don't have one

9. don't remember

10. I can found some nices maps in unranked too, I don't see difference, somes maps are approuved and other no, but I don't really care of my rank now because I can't improve better than before

11. A lot, it's one my favorite game, I play this game for 4 years and don't have stop again :)
1.piano tiles
2.10k (although i play mostly 7k)
3. Tab Q W E Spacebar Ctrl [ ] \ End (Tab Q E Ctrl ] \ End for 7k)
4.2 months (im still bad lol)
10.any map with spam lol

i dont have a specific reason to post here but i wont create a new topic.
1. idk saw it on youtube
2. 4k
3. asl;
4. 1 year and 2 months
5. iLLness LiLin
6. jumpstream and handstream
7. solo
8. tie between sel and wonder
9. icyworld
10. good mix of both
11. idk
1. Got tired of grinding aim in osu!standard and i used to play Guitar Hero.
2. 4k
3. as;'
4. A little over a year
5. That camellia song with the octopus
6. LN jumpstreams / handstreams
7. Solo, my acc is too bad for multiplayer
8. I know very few. Jakads because hes number one.
9. Evening, Fullerene, or Mat. idk
10. No preference
11. Etterna is a little better :( but yes.
1. Cause mania has way better songs than standard and it is pretty fun to play for me everytime I was messing around and ended up playing mania maps

2. 4k, it's my main anyway

3. df jk

4. 3.5 years, but only started to play mania 1 year in

5. All camellia stuff, but in general all electronic songs

6. LN and jack - they have such a good feel to it

7. Really depend: Solo when I want to test out and improve my skill and multiplayer when I feel bored or I want some maps to my collection

8. SillyFanGirl since manip gang, SuddenDeath because despite the fact that his rank is not really high when compared to famous good 4k but he is always able to achieve high score on leaderboard, and also his LN skill is so good.

9. Evening, Quick Draw, XeoStyle (for influencing my mapping style)

10. Both. Unranked is when I want to improve my skill and ranked is when I want to crank my pp up

11. Definitely
1. I saw some people play this certain game where you had to tap keys to the music and that kind of made me want to play osu!mania.
2. 4K, the only keymode I can do.
3. S D K L
4. For almost about a year now. Started on July 2018.
5. AiAe
6. Jumpstreams
7. Solo, I don't get pressured when I play solo.
8. I have no idea.
9. Evening or Fullerene-
10. I started playing mostly ranked but now, I play unranked most of the time.
11. Yes, of course.
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
It looked cool so I started playing it XD. Plus, I used to play bandmaster which had 6 keys. So I play osu mania so I could get better.

2. What is your favourite keymode?
7k, I love the patterns XD.

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
A S D F Space J K L

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
9 to 10 Months, I started Last year September.

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
You & Me by Tamura Yukari ft. motsu from m.a.v.e

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Stairs. I like drumming my fingers along the keys as the stairs or double stairs pattern appear.

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
I usually play solo. But if there were more 7k multiplayer matches, then I'd play multiplayer.

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
Jhlee, amazing guy tbh. Have you seen his Full moon's Night play?

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Entozer. The first map I played was mapped by him. The map was Gigantic OTN

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
I like playing ranked. Usually, I play whatever map I get. Most of them are Ranked maps.

11. Do you like osu!mania?
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania? (cringe) I wanted to map for RoBeats!.

2. What is your favourite keymode? 4K (my only)

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode? QWOP

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games) about 7 months

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most? Epollo

6. What is your favourite type of patterning? idk

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? solo

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player? wonder5193

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper? IcyWorld

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps? ranked

11. Do you like osu!mania? yeah. ffr and etterna rule cuz they have less crap songs
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania? Some friend showed me in 9th grade. Started off with playing standard then switched to mania.

2. What is your favourite keymode? 5K 6K

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode? sd(space);' asdl;'

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games) like 3 years

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most? Don't have a favorite so I'll post the 2 more recent songs I liked the most. DJ Sharpnel - Over the fullereneshift [Komm, susser Tod] 5.33* // GARNiDELiA - Kyouki Ranbu [MATSURI] 4.19*

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
fullereneshift maps, low bpm quads

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
solo for farming, multiplayer if I have nothing else to farm

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
I don't know the community

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Doesn't matter

11. Do you like osu!mania? Starting to dislike the game.
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
b/c I'm shit at Stepmania and I heard it was easier

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Like 5 months or so lol

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
bo en- My Party (4*)

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
nonrepetitive offbeat streams

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo for higher stars and multi for lower

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
jakadsFresh Chicken

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
ranked cos i'm a filthy pp farmer :)

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
yes, but only in the stockholm syndrome kind of way
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Friend recommended it

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
AS;' or qw[]

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Just over a year basically

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Archive::zip (4k Gravity) [4.3*] and Sound chimera (sv 4.7*)

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Not sure but I like sv's

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
I prefer solo but I like play multi with friends for new maps and to see what skills i need to improve

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
Water is anim

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
[ a v a l o n ]
not bc of pp but bc i can actually play the maps and enjoy them

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
I don't care on map status, I just play songs and maps that I enjoy

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Yes because smashing keys is fun
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Originally because a friend reccomended it for 4K.
Currently because I don't feel like setting up o2jam again

2. What is your favourite keymode?
7K, but this might change after I play more 6K and 8K(the normal ones, not 5K+1/7K+1)

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
About 6 months, then took an over a year long break from all rhythm games because of wrist pain, and came back a week ago

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most? I could listen to this for hours

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Stream while holding LN

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo because multiplayer is full of charts I either can't play now or never could in the first place(not every o2jammer is an ET).

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Don't remember my favourites from before the break and haven't paid much attention to mappers now, sorry.

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Don't care, I have Hard Rock on almost all the time. But ranked scores remind me that right now I'm quite far from my best performances, so I guess unranked?

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
I guess so? Sure, it has its weak points, but it's still fun.
1. My brother was playing Osu! and I tried, mania was more attractive to me
2. 4k only
3. DF JK
4. Officially years, really 2 months ( I played like 2 days then stopped and came back august 2019
5. Crack Traxxxx
6. Stairs
7. Solo
8. Idk
9. Idk
10. Loved >>>
11. No I hate it but I'm in a basement forced to play it
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
I wanted to try osu because some of my friends from another game were playing it while the servers were down.

2. What is your favourite keymode?
4k since it's the only one I can do, learning 7k rn

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
Z,X and numpad 2,3

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Started July 2018

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Eternal Drain

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Whatever Eternal Drain [Another] 4.16* is lol

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Mainly solo, only multi for maps

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
GrilledCheeese is bae

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Never really paid attention

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
I have mainly ranked maps

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Well it kept me addicted so I guess so
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

= At first, I thought this game can make me improve for another rhythm game.

2. What is your favourite keymode?

= 7K !!

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

= ASD space JKL

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

= 2 years already ~

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

= Yuikonnu - Hokagou Stride <3

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

= A normal one ~

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

= Solo because the host sometimes choose a bad map and not interesting song in my opinion.

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

= I do not have one ~

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

= Old mania mapper!

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

= Ranked maps ~

11. Do you like osu!mania?

= Yes! I love it <3

Pinecone wrote:

1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)


1. Recommended by a friend lol
2. 7k but also like 8k and 4k
3. 7k - asd space jkl 8k - asd space jkl; 4k - sdjk
4. I started osu!mania on March 2013
5. Atropos
6. I like the double stair patterning and regular chordstream woot
7. I like to play solo but sometimes multiplayer with friends
8. MoteSolo because he's a cool guy and a good player lolol
9. idk
10. I like to play unranked maps more than ranked.
11. sure :P

[quote="Pinecone"][b][size=150]1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

5. 6.I don't know

7.I prefer playing solo.




11.I love it so much

1. Because My pen from my tablet broke, so I decided to start playing mania!

2. 3. AS L;

4. 1 year

5.Galaxy Collapse

6.I don't know

7.I prefer playing solo.




11.I love it so much
1. Played a similar game before.

2. 4k, sometimes 5k - 7k and rarely 8k & 9k.

3. Default controls.

4. A year and 1 month.

5. cyanine & Altale.

6. idk

7. Solo

8. None

9. Pretty much every good osu!mania mapper

10. Don't mind if ranked or not (as long as it is playable)

11. Maybe
1. cause i'm moving from o2jam (and this is a mistake) and yea lazy to redownload it

2. actually no favorite keymode since non meta key map was hard to found

3. 4k zx|./ 5k fg|jkl 6k dfg|jkl 7k dfg(space)jkl

4. 2012 dec , maybe (?)

5. many maps , beatmapsets/520399#mania/1130570 for practice purposes

6. chordstream

7. solo/multi always same

8. no doubt , Myself 8-)

9. Kawawa , qodtjr , _VianK_ , Kyousuke- , IcyWorld

10. Graveyarded mapsets

11. a big no unless they rework mania sr
1. it has really good multi and online features!

2. 4k

3. SDKL (SDF KL; for 7k)

4. sometime in 2016 i saw a stream that made osu!mania look like sm5 so i tried it out! but i played stepmania 5 back in 2013 :D

5. "Nishino Kana - Go For It!!" charted by Golgo13(sensationer) for the 8th SMOC instalment is (objectively speaking) the BEST file. (here's a convert)

6. obscurity > quality, if i've never seen your pattern before it's my favourite

7. p much just solo nowadays but i used to only play o!m multi and solo on etterna

8. :)

9. :)

10. if i can play it, i play it.

11. yup, this game is amazing! (i just wish lazer client would hurry so i can have snap colours and rates)
1. I got tired of osu!Standard.
2. 4K
4. 4 months
5. beatmapsets/1466713#mania/3012110
6. Chords
7. Solo
8. wonder5193
9. PokeSky
10. I don't really care much about ranks, so if the map is good then I'll play it.
11. No.
1. i started because i got inspired by other players
2. 4k (obv)
3. previously weio but the i key broke, so i switched to asl;
4. i have been playing for nearly a year now
5. i dont have one
6. the jump of the jumps
7. solo, but if it gets boring i switch to multi
8. yes
9. myself
10. i mostly play unranked maps nowadays, im tired of pp grinding
11. yesno
1. Saw a video of it a long time ago and picked up osu standard. It was difficult to play standard with my setup, so I eventually switched to mania (mostly found mania more fun though)

2. At the moment, 7k

3. asd space kl;

4. About 2 years now

5. Way too many to choose from lmao, but choosing one right now would probably be: beatmapsets/1031862#mania/2157755

6. Tech or JS

7. Solo

8. CrewK

9. Evening or JuHaa

10. Unranked

11. It has its problems, sure, but I like it! Wish it had more features tbh, but maybe we'll get that with lazer
1. Because I got bored from std and taiko and never was good at them
2. 4k
3. <y 12
4. 01.11.2018
5. There are too many songs I enjoy playing so I dont rly have one
6. Simple acc maps, jumpstream or jumpjack
7. Solo
8. Dont have one
9. Me obviously LNP- and Lita-
10. Unranked
11. There are definitely lots of things that need to be fixed but overall its pretty decent
My friend introduced me to osu and had me play standard with him, didn't like it and found out other ones existed and switched to mania

4k, I tried 5k,6k,7k, and didn't like them as much


Almost 2 years

Too hard to pick a single one

A google search telling me what patterns are informs me my favorites are "Alternation, Streams, and Trills"

Solo, I only use multiplayer when playing with friends which only happens twice a year

Chickney, I don't know any players outside of my friends

I don't know any nor do I pay attention to them, though I probably should

Doesn't make a difference to me

Yes because I can read with the default skin, if I couldn't I probably wouldn't like it as much
1. friend plays it, tried it, liked o!m
2. mostly 4k and working on my 7k
3. 4k = as'\ | 7k = qwe jkl
4. account created on 2019 but actually started playing mad last year i think
5. any touhou music is banger on my ears
6. i like lns pls dont hate me
7. depends on my mood
8. that jakads guy is insane
9. its weird i cant tell a single mapper
10. doesnt matter as long as its good
11. duh
1. I got frustrated by osu!std's scoring and pp system, so I moved to osu!mania because it had a much more logical scoring system

2. 7k

3. z x c [left-space] left down right

4. I've been playing mania for 2 years, and I've been playing 7k for just over a year

5. Monochrome and Vivid. Very beautiful song and charting.

6. LNs

7. Solo. There are hardly any 7k lobbies anyway: it's mostly low SR 4k FNF lobbies nowadays

8. Alter-

9. Kawawa or Flexo123

10. Unranked for improvement, ranked for PP

11. I wouldn't be playing it if I didn't like it :D
because I wanted to move on from robeats



1 year and 2 days

touhou music is banger

chordjacks with jumpstream mixed in

multi while in a vc with friends


shima rin


yes, but not as much as i once did
1. wrist problems with standard so i switched gamemodes

2. 7k

3. QWE Spacebar P[]

4. 9-10 months

5. none

6. streams & chords maybe LNs

7. solo

8. none

9. none

10. unranked

11. sure ig
was playing bobeats and i was like "oh this game sucks lemme play mania"



371 days

ice angel






1. Moved on from other games (FFR, Stepmania)

2. 4k

3. ASL;

4. Started properly playing it around Late September-Early Oct. 2021

5. Igorrr & Ruby My Dear - Figue Folle

6. Yolomania. I like good patterns.

7. Solo

8. headpriest or CamiloGamerxD

9. Probably either Leo137 or Shoegazer

10. Mostly Unranked, sometimes loved. I haven't played ranked much recently.

11. Enough to play it as much as I do.
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
My big bro showed this game to me many years ago, but I didn't touch it. He then showed this game again to me later, but I still ignored it and play other games. Only when he showed this game yet again to me last year did I start to play it

2. What is your favourite keymode?
4K, 7K is nice too but most of the time I play 4K

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
4K: ER[], 7K: used to be WER P[] before switching to WER IOP because of weird key rollover issues

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Almost 4 months, started playing in January 14th this year

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
VANGUARD-1 and Future Dominators

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Fast streams and trilly jumpstreams (thanks Angel of Darkness ;)), chordjacks are nice too

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Solo, the last time I played multi I played a pp map with Indonesian song which is a bruh

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
jkzu123, his mere existence makes me giggle (in a positive way)

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Pretty much any popular mapper from Stepmania, also Jole because of his based song choice

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Unranked, too lazy to farm pp by playing ranked maps :L

11. Do you like osu!mania?
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Almost 1 year

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Yubi bouenkyou

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Long dense rolly streams

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
wh1teh or kayze

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

11. Do you like osu!mania?
1. i like something with combos

2. 4k/6k, sometimes 7k

3. ASL: / QW[] / QWNM (currently my keybind)

4. Since August 2020

5. .C-Clays - To The limit
.DJ Sharpnel - StrangeProgram

6. Dense Chordjack, Chordjack, and Jumpstream

7. Solo

8. Myuka <3, jkzu123, Kanemining

9. Wh1teh, IcyWorld, Riveria-, also Nikosek

10, Graveyard/Loved Map OP!!!!!

11. i hate it so much
1. My friend told me that Osu! Is very good game for me, So why not.
2. 4k Of Course.
3. DFJK.
4. 27-07-2020
5. beatmapsets/1437794
6. LN.
7. Why not both?
8. yuwenhao1
9. Someone.
11.Yeah fo'sho, man.
1. It looked cool and I wanted to look cool

2. 10k 7 key

3. qwe jkl

4. 2 years~

5. We Want To Run - Frums or Xepher - Tatsh

6. LN but not Inverse

7. I wish there were more 7k multi lobbies

8. Jakads, cheewee, kimgodssi

9. Remuring, arcwinolivirus

10. unranked

11. hmm... not sure
1. I actually played robeats and FNF at first and moved on to osu!mania as I wanted to improve
2. 4K maybe cause I only play that lol
3. Z X . /
4. 3 years but only 1 year as active player
5. Unsure, have many favourites
6. Chordjack ?
7. Multi but I usually don't have people to play with
8. No
9. Shoegazer (?)
10. Unranked
11. Yes
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania? because seemed fun and my bestfriend was playing it

2. What is your favourite keymode? 4k only

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode? sdöä (sd;' for english keyboard)

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games) 11 months

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most? don't know

6. What is your favourite type of patterning? tech

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo? multi with my friend, or else solo

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player? none

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper? Shoegazer

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps? unranked

11. Do you like osu!mania? :) what is this question, yes
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Friend was playing in class then got curious

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
ASL; and QWE(RAlt)./(RShift) but all keys within 4-7 are cool :)

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
3 years and counting

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Unsure: everything I hear will stick in my head lmao

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
4k Chordjacks and 6-7k LN

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
honestly idk lol

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Subject to change depending on sessions

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Unranked, preferably unsubmitted or offline for play count reasons

11. Do you like osu!mania?
Don't have anything else to play so sure
Maybe Next Time
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
I just want to play some button mashing game.

2. What is your favourite keymode?
4k, 7k, 10k

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
4k: SD KL
7k: ASD KL;

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
I've been playing for 2 months. I started playing around August 2021. Played actively until around October 2021, then I stopped for 6 months. I recently came back just now.

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Anything which are jpop, jrock, kpop, edm.

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Idk tbh. I'm still pretty much new to the game so I don't know that much about patterns yet. For now, I'm more into enjoying a beatmap's song selection itself instead of patterning.

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
I don't know anything about the game's competitive scene yet or its top players.

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Anyone who creates 7k and higher keymode maps. No disrespect to 4k mappers, I still do find 4k to be fun but there's just so much 4k maps compared to the other keymodes.

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
I find myself playing more unranked maps than ranked ones. I don't really care that much about gaining ranks or whatsoever. I also have no intention to go ultra tryhard mode in this game which explains why I don't gain ranks that much.

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Yes. It's just a side game for me but it has been pretty fun so far.
1. One of my friend in Roblox introduced me to osu! while I was a FNF player.

2. 4K

3. VB[numpad1][numpad2]

4. Beginning days of May 2021.


6. Index and chordjacks.

7. Mostly solo. Plays multi when bored or to promote my maps.

8. wonder5193

9. All osu!mania mappers that ranks Touhou songs

10. Both. Doesn't matter what the map status is.

11. Yes, of course! Why would I play osu!mania everyday if I don't like it?
1. Originally played osu standard and would play mania sometimes for fun. Maybe 6 months ago I fully transitioned to mania because incurable aim issues (cope).

2. 7 key my beloved

3. a s d space j k l

4. Like a year since I started regularly playing, technically 5 years ago.

5. Can't really pick, a lot of my favorites are by camellia and xi. I also love touhou songs.

6. I don't really know yet I am still learning but I've encountered some chord streams that are fun to play, I am not that good at them though.

7. Solo

8. Rustbell, he doesn't play anymore but is still active in BMS

9. Do not know many mappers but I don't think I've ever thought a kawawa map was bad, so I'll say kawawa

10. I mostly play unranked maps

11. It's pretty good, very accessible
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
got bored of other rhythm games

2. What is your favourite keymode?
3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
as l;
4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
around a month
5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
idk probably perfect neglect or something like that
6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
stairs and chordjacks I think
7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
jakads lol
10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
ranked I like pp
11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Ofc I do
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Late July 2016.

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
Almost 6 years.

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Aegleseeker by Silentroom & Frums

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Multi brings competitive, solo better improvement.

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
cheewee10, he's the one inspire me to play more LNs.

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Alot actually, but i would say i like lemonguy's (Gekido-) chart even it's hard for me.

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Unranked for sure, ranked maps too much jumptrills.

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Yes of course, the mode and community that brings me tons of joy for pass few years.
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Had some free time during lockdown

2. What is your favourite keymode?

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
x c num2 num3

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
2 years

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Story in Everlasting Princess one of the first maps I played

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Density LN

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Mostly solo, multi when bored or some friends invite me

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
Sern888 first time being exposed to vsrg is through his videos

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
A lot, I'll go with ruka and Castella

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Mostly unranked because many songs I like are unranked

11. Do you like osu!mania?
Yes, it's one of the only games I'm decent at
- sleepy chii -
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

there was this kitten guy in a discord server scoreposting his plays so I kinda got inspired by him

2. What is your favourite keymode?


3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

qw op

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

11 months but I started playing it seriously maybe around december

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

Quadraphinix😍 and oh curry

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

mostly tech patterns or just jumpstreams,kinda like sv and LN

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

I barely play multi cause people are gonna choose randomly epsilon💀

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

crewk but I'm pretty sure I became a simp for him..

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

kagaku <3 and nikosek

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
I don't care as long as they're playable and fun

11. Do you like osu!mania?

I can't go outside anymore like I did in the past,this game is destroying my social life,I became a shut in,I can't touch grass any more...

but yes I kinda like it
Friday Night Funkin
4K but I also like 6k and 7k
as ä' (german keyboard)
about one year
dont really have one
dont have one
dont have one
I love osu!mania :)
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

I was bored and I suck ass at clone hero lol

2. What is your favourite keymode?


3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?


4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

39 days so far at 51 hours xd

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

MC MENTAL @ HIS BEST, FLO by JOYRYDE, and Chronomia by Lime

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

stairs easily

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

solo cuz anxiety makes me play bad :c

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

sillyfangirl cuz the yt content lol

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

Insp1r3 cuz of Chronomia

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

I used to care more about ranked maps but now I don't really care as much but I still tend to play ranked more to keep rank increases

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)

yes and no because I treat it like a mental game and its fun to see improvement but it sucks being stuck or even outright getting worse at the game
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

I played Flash Flash Revolution back in 2018 and I've been meaning to play osu!mania ever since.

2. What is your favourite keymode?

4k. Leaning more towards 7k now though.

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

Changes between WEOP, SDL;, and ZX,.

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

Valentine's Day 2021 racking up 211 hours.

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

Slash Dot Slash (Slim boy fat) by Round Wave Crusher, Bug Thief by Iglooghost, The Kill (Bury Me) by 30 Seconds to Mars, Light It Up by Camellia, Future Bass (Assertive Hardcore Bootleg) by Kizuna Ai, and pretty much most maps in my favorites but these are my top picks.

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?


7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

Solo. Only ever played multi like two times lol.

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?


9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

Blocko or Jinjin. NikoSek is amazing too.

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

I play more ranked maps than unranked but both can be fun.

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)

I absolutely despise this game.
- Darko
1. A friend was good at it, so i started to compete.

2. 4k cuz i'm bad at every other keymode.

3. I play SD ;' .

4. I've been playing for a year or so.

5. Hitsugi to futago, idk why tbh.

6. streams.

7. multiplayer is really fun but solo is just better cause u have the freedom of choosing the map.

8. myself

9. Sar7

10. anything, if it's entertaining!

11. No cause now i'm addicted
1. Honestly, I don't really know. I was bored and wanted a challenge, and I heard of this game called OSU. I had a 1 year experience with Quaver 4k already, and wanted to move on, so here I am.

2. 4k, all day

3. Q W [ ]

4. Exactly 2 Weeks

5. Not enough experience to say what my favorite is

6. Any, doesn't matter to me

7. Solo, but I want to get into Multiplayer

8. None

9. None

10. Ranked

11. Some days I love it, some days I hate it. Depends how good I do
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
Since May 2016, I've played o2jam and stepmania before.

2. What is your favourite keymode?
4k-10k sometime 12k and 18k

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
4k : SDJK
5k : ERNUI
6k : XCVNM,
7k : XCV spacebar NM,
8k (7k+1k) : LShift (Special key : LCtrl) ZSXDCFV (P1 side)
9k : ASDF spacebar JKL;
12K (5k+7k) : ZSXDC VGBHNJM

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
My playtime has reached 205 hours (Too short huh?), In December 2019 Once on hiatus due to an accident, for several months I couldn't play osu.

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
Idk (lol), almost all songs I liked

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
Hmm... More rice not noodles.

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
Prefer Solo, but sometimes trying multiplayer with other player.

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
Idk xD

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
Idk xD

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?
Prefer unranked map, because I'm too lazy to farm PP

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
Hmmm... 50-50, likes it because mania is fun. Don't like it cause I'm too old to play it (just kidding xD)
i love fedora
1-bc youtube lol.

2-4k and 6k



5-future dominators-lolit speed-burst linker and yatsume ana

6-jumpstream stamina and stamina chord jacks.

7-single player bc when multiplayer fps goo brrrrrrrr



10-i like to play loved lmao

1. I previously played a different 4k rhythm game, and eventually just switched over

2. 4k, cant play anything higher

3. \ZM,

4. Almost 7 months, racking up 110 hours.

5. Currently, Romanesque Romancia. All time, Raise my sword.

6. Steams, and I enjoy 5+ minute stamina songs

7. Solo

8. None

9. Xeostyle, for doing the Parallax II marathon.

10. I like playing stamina stream loved maps, so unranked ig?

11. Depends on how well I'm playing.
1. from O2JamU (another VSRG with 2k(yes,2k)/4k/5k)

2. 4k

3. zx./

4. about 3 years

5. Roquira (ETT GFTB speed up ver.) I think

6. non stamina-oriented & tiebreaker-style hybrid marathon (marathon doesn't always mean stamina-oriented)

7. solo

8. bojii, inteliser, polyester

9. Evening

10. ranked maps

11. yes, but thing in real life will make me gradually away from this game :(
1. Because I was bored of standard
2. 4k
3. sdkl
4. 4 years
5. AO-Infinity
6. 2* maps
7. multi
8. Era Zoomi, Banan, Falcon
9. Falcon
10. ranked
11. Depends on the day
1. I started bc AlexPain on Youtube, i saw his video on Piranha DT (osu std), but i didn't really liked it, until i saw staiain video on Fullerene's Freedom Dive FC, i just liked the speed of the game.

2. 4K

3. zx ,.

4. July 2016, but i got serious on november 2020

5. I just like fast songs.

6. Dumps and Jumpstreams, but i'm starting to like Hansdstreams and speedmaps as well

7. Both

8. wonder5193

9. Not mania exactly, but i really like maps from Leo137, Hi19hi19, Nikosek and Icyworld

10. i just like when the maps are well charted

11. idk
1. I saw my friend play it a couple of years ago and invited me. I didn't play at this time yet. Then about a few months ago, I saw Jakads and I was like, how tf is he hitting these notes? So I got curious and played Osu! XD (I don't really play rhythm games, I did play O2 Mania before but I only just went ahead and played Fly Magpie all time loool)

2. 7k


4. About 2 months or so

5. Does this include converted maps? I like the songs from Egoist. If it's for Mania only, then I'd go for Alethea

6. Jacks! (not sure if this is what they are called) The ones where you have to press to buttons at the same time. I suck on this type of pattern tho. But hitting them feels so good.

7. Solo

8. Jakads

9. Frostmourne - I really like this song this guy mapped: beatmapsets/63222#mania/188819

10. No preference. I just play whatever songs I like. XD

11. You bet!
1. My friend introduced me this
2. 7K
3. SDF space JKL
4. since July 2018 so it's been 4 years and 2 months
5. おねシン
6. 4-1-3-1-4-1-3-1-4 (it feels like a jumpstream in 7K)
7. multi
8. 5haco is ET
9. FAMoss
10. unranked ig
11. yes but partially
My Angel Nilou
1. I somehow found out how to change gamemodes and i liked Mania the most lol

2. 6K

3. ASD 123 (i use keypad)

4. For around 5 years now

5. Right now, Aegleseeker by Silentroom vs. Frums, the full version is amazing

6. 4K LN 6K Chordstream

7. Always Solo, Multi with friends only

8. Doma - Umaru ET 6K

9. Myself, i consider myself as a decent mapper and i like what i do

10. Kinda situational, i like both honestly

11. Not as much as before, but i still have a great time mapping it
Satoko Hojo
1. Because i played stepmania (now etterna) before playing o!m

2. 4K

3. 1 2 End Pgdwn

4. For around maybe 2y

5. Cyber Inductance by Dj Sharpnel and Give it to Dem from Skan.

6. Chordjack 4K

7. Solo, bc i don't like play multiplayer

8. CLLBin and Jkzu123

9. Shoegazer and [Crz]Rachel

10. Both, but prefering unranked for rn

11. I have much "fun" mapping, i'm not interessed for playing bc life's problems and etc.
The Vegeto
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?
fnf trend (am not cringe)

2. What is your favourite keymode?
3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
7 months

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
yoru ni kakeru

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?
speed/ chordjack patterns

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?
both tbh (i mainly play multi when am horrible or after the end of a session)

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
attang is god (myuka too tbh)
9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
midgy,fullerene,11bit and maybe icy world (not too much icyworld cuz me bad handstream player)
10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

11. Do you like osu!mania?
No i absolutly hate this fucking trash ass game but am here forever
One Point Zero
1. because of watching mania players

2. 4k

3. zx ./ or sdl;

4. 1 yr 7 months

5. Yoasobi - Yoru ni Kakeru

6. jumpstream or handstream

7. solo

8. crewk or sillyfangirl

9. icyworld or fullrene or 11bit

10. both

11. somehow I'm stuck here

MFGSTC wrote:

1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

I was bored and I suck ass at clone hero lol

2. What is your favourite keymode?


3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?


4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

39 days so far at 51 hours xd

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

MC MENTAL @ HIS BEST, FLO by JOYRYDE, and Chronomia by Lime

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

stairs easily

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

solo cuz anxiety makes me play bad :c

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

sillyfangirl cuz the yt content lol

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

Insp1r3 cuz of Chronomia

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

I used to care more about ranked maps but now I don't really care as much but I still tend to play ranked more to keep rank increases

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)

yes and no because I treat it like a mental game and its fun to see improvement but it sucks being stuck or even outright getting worse at the game
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania?

I was bored and I suck ass at clone hero lol

2. What is your favourite keymode?


3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?

` 1 Home PgUp

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)

4 months 122 hours ingame

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?

MC MENTAL @ HIS BEST still my favorite

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

anything speed / tech related

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

solo but i've been playing multi for easier songs

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?

sillyfangirl still

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?

[ A v a l o n ] for huge pp gains

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

I only play ranked maps now ngl

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)

"yes and no because I treat it like a mental game and its fun to see improvement but it sucks being stuck or even outright getting worse at the game" still the same thing I guess I have gotten more used to this process now
1. Why did you start playing osu!mania? - fnf got me into rhythm games

2. What is your favourite keymode? - 4k

3. What is the layout of your favourite keymode?
as ;'

4. How long have you been playing osu!mania? (not including other games)
10 months

5. Which osu!mania song do you like the most?
uhh if you mean maps i got a lot but probably exit this earth's atomosphere

6. What is your favourite type of patterning?

7. Do you prefer to play in multiplayer or solo?

8. Who is your favourite osu!mania player?
wonder osu

9. Who is your favourite osu!mania mapper?
uhh probably mint

10. Do you like to play unranked or ranked maps?

11. Do you like osu!mania? :)
hell yea
rei et
1. Friend told me its good then I saw a video
2. 4k
3. Z X , .
4. 11 months I think
5. Mario pain
6. Chordjacks
7. Multi is fun but i like solo more
8. Kanemining
9. Mint
10. Ranked doesnt have much 4k, i like loved/graveyard maps
11. Yesyeysyeysyeysyeysyeyeyssyeyywsyeysywysu
1. i think it was i started playing robeats and i thought i was good so i googled other rhythm games and found osu
2. 4k 100% but 6k and 5k are fun too
3. \z./ for 4k and asdl;' for 6k
4. 2 years
5. either oshama scramble, max burning or garukata doll play
6. handstreams <3<3
7. solo tbh multi takes too long
8. jakads or silly
9. dont have one
10. ranked bc im a pp farmer....
11. yes and no- it hurts my hands sometimes and it makes me angry bc im not as good as i want to be, but i love it
1. I'm kinda good enough to play osu mania 1* after moving from FNF, what a boring game...
I can only play 3.5 stars.
2. 4k. i didnt practice too much 7k yet
3. QWOP ok.
4. I'm new to the game. but i played for like 1 and a half month already or 40 days
5. Idk
6. Stream is kinda fun, i also like spam >:D
7. I like multiplayer but all the time i play solo.
8. sillyfangirl/jakads is insane
9. I dont have a favorite mapper
11. The really fun game mode :)
1. Around the same time I made my osu account!

2. Probably 4k, but I am learning 7k and starting to enjoy it.

3. AS ;' I do change this before it was QWOP or DFJK

4. Almost 3-4 years maybe?

5. Any kirby/miku song

6. idk

7. I have never played multi in mania only standard except when 1v1ing a friend.

8. Probably jakads or grilledcheeese

9. idk

10. Usually ranked to gain ranked score and SS's and sometimes PP (which sucks)

11. I enjoy it a lot!!!
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