
Scale osu!mania scroll speed setting by primary BPM of songs

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +123
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Currently there's two ways to get your scroll speed (the thing you change with F3/F4) for a song right. One is to look at the BPM of the song before starting it, and adjust according to that. This takes a relatively high level of familiarity with the game, though, and isn't really practical for new or casual players. The other option is to restart the song, adjusting your scroll speed until it feels about right. But this quickly gets frustrating after having to do it for every song, not to mention it isn't even possible when playing multiplayer.

So what we need is some sort of consistency with the setting, so that we won't have to change it as often. Most songs have a primary BPM that they stay at for a majority of the time, and for some smaller time they go faster or slower, with BPM or SV changes. It would be perfect if the same setting made all songs scroll at the same speed during the time the songs are going at their primary BPM.

So the scroll speed setting should be scaled according to the primary BPM of each song. This will preserve everything that SV changes add to the game while giving the setting a good level of consistency between songs.

Implementing this should be fairly simple, and mostly builds upon the system currently in place. There are two main parts to it. The first part is calculating the primary BPM of each song. Include all SV changes in this calculation as changing the effective BPM of the song. Then find the effective BPM the song is at for the longest. This is a good starting point and can harmlessly be swapped out for more clever heuristics later on.

Once you've scaled the scroll setting by primary BPM, the other part is then figuring out what settings make sense with the new system. You should stick with having settings from 1 to 30 (although you may find that even 20 settings are enough now), and then it's just a matter of figuring out how slow you want setting 1 to be and how fast you want setting 30 to be.
Support, voted.
I'm a fan of how LR2 does it, there's a "HS-Fix" setting which makes falling speed constant according to highest BPM, lowest BPM or average BPM. Highest BPM is my pick, but it would have to be a little more complicated because SV changes are used for effects too, for example it could exclude all sections below 10 seconds.

Tear wrote:

I'm a fan of how LR2 does it, there's a "HS-Fix" setting which makes falling speed constant according to highest BPM, lowest BPM or average BPM.
This^ Support all the way too bad that I don't have stars orz
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Tear wrote:

Support, voted.
I'm a fan of how LR2 does it, there's a "HS-Fix" setting which makes falling speed constant according to highest BPM, lowest BPM or average BPM. Highest BPM is my pick, but it would have to be a little more complicated because SV changes are used for effects too, for example it could exclude all sections below 10 seconds.
I'm thinking it could be even more complicated than this. You could have a >10 second section of a faster BPM, but it might not have many notes in it. Ideally you want the bit that's long, fast, and has a high density of notes to be the primary BPM. But picking the primary BPM in the simple way I described should be good enough for now, and get it right for at least 95% of songs.
Probably worth adding to the OP that this had 100% support in the mania forum t/215554

Also, I personally think this would really benefit the upcoming MWC, so players aren't left trying to calculate the correct scroll speed for each map and begging for restarts when it's wrong (especially seeing as it can't be changed in lobby or after map start) edit: derp I need to read the change log more often

Cozzzy wrote:

(especially seeing as it can't be changed in lobby or after map start)
So a bit like IIDX's Floating Hi-Speed? I'd love that, it sure would beat having to change it for every song and retrying three times in an attempt to find the right speed.
Edit: Also, this might be going out of the scope of this and may need its own feature request but how about including IIDX's Sudden+ mod? It's basically FadeIn but you can set exactly where the notes will start to appear and it won't change depending on combo, it'll just stay in that place for the rest of the map. It would effectively make the lane a bit shorter, and it is kind of related to scroll speed/note visibility. At least having a lane cover as an optional skin element would be nice.
I am going to get stars so i can support this properly

Arras wrote:

At least having a lane cover as an optional skin element would be nice.
*cough* mania-stage-top.png *cough*
Topic Starter
Thanks for all the support guys! In the meantime I've been developing a simple program to get some decent consistency with scroll speed settings. It's nowhere near as convenient as what this feature request proposes, but it works pretty well. The thread and download for it is here: p/3243689.
Supported!!I think it would be a nice feature to have in mania and helpfull too :D
Full Tablet

Vektor wrote:

Supported!!I think it would be a nice feature to have in mania and helpfull too :D
This was added years ago, in the main options, disable "Scale Scroll Speed by BPM" (or something like that)
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