
osu! port for Linux using Mono?

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The Subject tells it.
Will it possible if someone port osu! to Linux using Mono?
They have migration tool (From .NET > Mono) Which they said It's easy
Wanna give it a try, peppy?

(I'm not a programmer so, I can't do it)

P.S: Mono also works with Mac & Windows. So It's Cross Platform
They're looking into it atm, but there are still some Windows-only dependencies like XNA which will need to be replaced first.
Mono compatibility is somewhere on the todo list.

Hopefully it'll be implemented by the end of next year or something.

In the meantime you can use a VM to play on Linux.
Looking at sometime early next year, all going well.
So... still nada... I've been waiting its 2011 for crying out loud! :evil: lol ;)

CoolBoy963 wrote:

So... still nada... I've been waiting its 2011 for crying out loud! :evil: lol ;)
Mono port is not happening due to security issues.

Use the osu!wine port instead - check this thread for more details.
This is probably going to sound either really stupid or really off topic to someone who knows what they're talking about, but Xuntu has XNA in it...

You know, for that comment up a little ways.
It could be considered a port for Linux (and Mac) now?

Actually in the last months has been unplayable with wine (OpenGL does not work), and many companies are working on ports of linux for their games.
I do not know that security problem having with Mono (in particular, do not like or .Net or JVM), but might consider using another language more portable.

Python + Cython might be a very good option.

I understand that something like this is hard work, but really, it's a shame that the game only runs on Windows. Also, with that the future of the game will be more promising :D

did you really just ask in a three year old thread for peppy to rewrite osu! in python + cython

oh god my sides
I am aware than I say. And I know it's crazy (to some extent).

But because Mono is not an option, Python is the most likely alternative front of C# (could do with C++, buuuuuuuut, we all know that would be terrible). Both have a large number of libraries and utilities, and both are very comparable in functionality, even Python is most faster to write and easier to maintain.

Osu is a great game, but it only works in Winbug. Many people use Mac and Linux now, and use wine so far has been the only option, with all the discomfort that leads (disgusting performance, sometimes do not look good storyboards, no integration with the operating system, etc).

What other choice do we have those who use these operating systems?, I am also software developer, and I know a rewrite takes time, planning, and adaptation.
Knowing that Osu has OpenGL support code level, doing a rewrite in python is not impossible.
Obviously, for security reasons, some parts of the code must be compiled (Cython).

Call me crazy, but I still believe it is the best alternative to be Osu, a multiplatform game.
It probably isn't coming any time soon, but peppy is slowly working towards dropping DirectX and the XNA framework. This will allow osu! to be ported to other platforms more easily - until then, wine is needed, so please be patient!
Wine is actually near-native performance and integrates quite well with the operating system. Making a python version would be a rewrite (and in my opinion a very bad option), which you are free to attempt if you wish to do so. The eventual mono-compatible version will happen, at some point.
It really encourages a rewrite not much (no one dares lol).
I suggested Python, so Ephemeral had said. That obvious that Mono is the most direct way to make a port for Linux-Mac.

I'm just a player, and I have little time to try to back Osu in Python (also require to see the real code to be fully compatible), in short, would have put me deep in the development of Osu :S

Peppy Thanks for responding, I'll wait with many forward to native port the Osu, since my Wine months ago does not work as it should ^_^U
after having seen the source code for osu!, I can safely say that attempting to port osu! at all would be a herculean task
The mono version make to much time to come, I want to made it myself.
I want to help in the development of osu! for Linux.

nomeji wrote:

...I want to help in the development of osu! for Linux.
lol, just came to post a link about MonoGame 3.0, and now someone wants to help with the development to Osu!4Linux!! Cool :D
Unfortunately I can not take time for it (by the university u.u), but I give all the good energy to the project :)

MonoGame 3.0 was released this Monday, and has support for XNA 4.x, I really do not know how it be developed with XNA, but according to the comments in several places, porting linux/Mac with this is not very complicated.
Even in a blog of "M$" suggested for porting games to Win8 [1].

[1]: ... rview.aspx
Why is a Mono version needed?

osu runs perfectly under Wine, just higher gpu requirements (irrelevant for all but low end laptops)

Though if there was some way of getting opengl rendering working on wine, would be a big help. I guess the bottleneck is from the directx wrapper

Darkimmortal wrote:

osu runs perfectly under Wine
[citation needed]

given than osu! supports opengl it's weird to think it hasn't been done yet, basically.

Darkimmortal wrote:

Though if there was some way of getting opengl rendering working on wine, would be a big help. I guess the bottleneck is from the directx wrapper

Does that not work?

SilentCipher wrote:
Does that not work?
The problem is not that Wine does not work with OpenGL (it does, and very well), the problem is that a few months ago, for some unknown reason, Osu! not to change the render to OpenGL from Wine.

Darkimmortal wrote:

Why is a Mono version needed?

osu runs perfectly under Wine....
Use Wine to play is not the same as playing it natively, and as discussed above, Mono is the most suitable option for a native port.

And... LOL, with Wine is unplayable Hard and Insane maps xD!

it :)
I don't know if anyone is still interested, but manually installed Osu! via PlayOnLinux works perfectly. I've noticed no bugs and no FPS drops. Dotnetfx20 and dxd9 required.
I'm programming C# since 5 years now (.net since 7 years) and I really would like to try making osu! Mono compatible!
And running osu! in Wine doesn't wan't to work on my favorite Linux distro...
osu stutters when run in wine. It doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes (but when it starts it won't stop). Especially sliders stutter when it happens. It's not low-end hardware problem as i have gtx 660. Need to try virtual machine sometime to see if it performs any better.
Also cannot change to OpenGL.
Tiny bit of a necro bump, but still slightly relevant. I'm glad you bumped this actually because I got some information I didn't have before (mostly PlayOnLinux). I'm putting Ubuntu 13.04 on my machine soon and I'll be sure to see how this works.
For me I tried Wine and PlayOnLinux both but they need better hardware for osu! then Windows.
If a native Mono port would be available the performance is sure higher.

I've looked into some of the other osu! projects by 'normal' users but it seems that peppy doesn't give the source code for osu! away :P
I started writing an osu! Clone for Mono but rewriting the whole game is epic hard :D
Also (if peppy doesn't give me protocol specification) multiplayer will not work.

I really would like to play osu! with Linux since if you configure it correctly it's way more efficient then Windows :P

niccoboss wrote:

For me I tried Wine and PlayOnLinux both but they need better hardware for osu! then Windows.
If a native Mono port would be available the performance is sure higher.

I've looked into some of the other osu! projects by 'normal' users but it seems that peppy doesn't give the source code for osu! away :P
I started writing an osu! Clone for Mono but rewriting the whole game is epic hard :D
Also (if peppy doesn't give me protocol specification) multiplayer will not work.

I really would like to play osu! with Linux since if you configure it correctly it's way more efficient then Windows :P
Started new osu? great news.
when there is will be playfield (circles, sliders), please upload this beta :) Also, if it possible, create android version of it :D but dreams just dreams...

power007 wrote:

Also, if it possible, create android version of it
An Android version already exists, but I will try to support Android too.
EDIT: I will try to support all major platforms (Win, Linux, Mac) and Android

Project repo is already created, but I will not push any files into it now because I don't have enough time atm.

EDIT: If anyone has problems with my project, feel free to contact me.
There are quite a few of these already out there; you may be able to look to them for source code which is helpful in making faster progress.

Also I do still have a mono branch in progress. It will get there eventually (already compiles and runs :)).
I've asked Wojtek if I can use his project as a reference, I've started including his files into my project.

Please peppy, I don't expect that you give me the source code, but can you give me just some information, e.g. what audio wrapper you use, or how you synchronize the HitObjects with the music. That would be really great.

Btw the base game already compiles and runs :D
You can find all the info you need around here already. There are already plenty of osu!-like-clones of open and closed source variety.

And when I said compiles/runs, I mean the full osu! client. Just needs a bit of fixing and proper installers/distribution.

peppy wrote:

You can find all the info you need around here already. There are already plenty of osu!-like-clones of open and closed source variety.

And when I said compiles/runs, I mean the full osu! client. Just needs a bit of fixing and proper installers/distribution.
I wouldn't mind testing an early build, might be able to blast up the quality of osu!record beyond the current 640x480 :)
I'll let you know. Might be quite close!
Any news about this?
Fenek Alfa

Espionage724 wrote:

Any news about this?
Yeah, It's needed even more now, since you can't install .NET 3.5 via winetricks anymore - you need to install .NET 2.0 SP1 and .NET 3.0 first, but 3.0 installer returns 404
Executing w_do_call dotnet30sp1
Executing load_dotnet30sp1
dotnet30sp1 does not yet fully work or install on wine. Caveat emptor.
Executing w_do_call dotnet30
Executing load_dotnet30
Executing w_do_call dotnet20
dotnet20 already installed, skipping
Installing .net 3.0 runtime takes 3 minutes on a very fast machine, and the Finished dialog may hide in the taskbar.
Executing mkdir -p /home/fenek/.cache/winetricks/dotnet30
Downloading to /home/fenek/.cache/winetricks/dotnet30
--2013-09-15 10:15:34--
Translacja (,
Łączenie się z (||:80... połączono.
Żądanie HTTP wysłano, oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... 404 Not Found
2013-09-15 10:15:35 BŁĄD 404: Not Found.

Downloading failed
so change the link? come on now.

Fenek Alfa wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

Any news about this?
Yeah, It's needed even more now, since you can't install .NET 3.5 via winetricks anymore - you need to install .NET 2.0 SP1 and .NET 3.0 first, but 3.0 installer returns 404
Executing w_do_call dotnet30sp1
Executing load_dotnet30sp1
dotnet30sp1 does not yet fully work or install on wine. Caveat emptor.
Executing w_do_call dotnet30
Executing load_dotnet30
Executing w_do_call dotnet20
dotnet20 already installed, skipping
Installing .net 3.0 runtime takes 3 minutes on a very fast machine, and the Finished dialog may hide in the taskbar.
Executing mkdir -p /home/fenek/.cache/winetricks/dotnet30
Downloading to /home/fenek/.cache/winetricks/dotnet30
--2013-09-15 10:15:34--
Translacja (,
Łączenie się z (||:80... połączono.
Żądanie HTTP wysłano, oczekiwanie na odpowiedź... 404 Not Found
2013-09-15 10:15:35 BŁĄD 404: Not Found.

Downloading failed
You don't need dotnet30 though. The new installer may complain you need it, but all you need is dotnet20 + osume.exe
Try install .NET(2.0) without winetricks.

In debian jessie works (bad, but work).
Any news on mono version?
I'll donate $100 the day Osu! comes to Linux natively.

Peppy; I'm a junior developer and sysadmin, is there anything I can do to help speed progress?
I'd also like to know if there's been any progress with this. I've been playing osu! on Linux for months, but things are currently in a state where there's no way that I can coax my computer into getting it to run. (Tried various different ways using WINE, as well as PlayOnLinux.)

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

And... LOL, with Wine is unplayable Hard and Insane maps xD!
Yet another thing I'd like to add emphasis to, when it worked for me, it worked for some slower beatmaps, but there's certain things in WINE that don't work as "native-like" as they should, like mouse tracking. So to say, if it worked well, we wouldn't be here talking about it. :P

I'd also be willing to throw my monies at the peppy if I can have osu! back on linux! :)

[Kitty] wrote:

... willing to throw my monies at the peppy if I can have osu! back on linux! :)
If I had money, I would also xD

From what I've seen, the upgrade of the snow in December, we had quie install XNA with osu winethinks to run again.
That makes me think you may be doing peppy things to port XNA to work with monogame, which would be a good indication.

I also want someone who is on the development team give us any update. It misses.

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

[Kitty] wrote:

... willing to throw my monies at the peppy if I can have osu! back on linux! :)
If I had money, I would also xD

From what I've seen, the upgrade of the snow in December, we had quie install XNA with osu winethinks to run again.
That makes me think you may be doing peppy things to port XNA to work with monogame, which would be a good indication.

I also want someone who is on the development team give us any update. It misses.
dotnet20sp2 is the requirement, which happened to be installed with xna31. So basically, I don't think the xna31 install helped at all.
Asked about it ~week ago and got a promising answer :)
Would love to see this before 2015 but some things take their time :)
Bump, because yes opengl mode won't work on wine.
So 4 months has passed and I was wondering if there is any news? There has been lot GUI changing updates and stuff and like year ago it was "building".. Would be awesome to get some alpha builds etc to try and play around with, would probably make development faster with more attention and testing then just peppy's private runs ^^
the last news about it is... osu will be OpenSource.
Some of work has been done in recent months is to release the source code. You can read the changelog to see how things go.

ganbatte kudasai peppy and people of dev group!! :)
Thats just awesome news! :) I assume just the client side though?
so im sory to necro this thread, but do we have any updates? im a noob to coding, and somewhat to linux as well, but i love using linux, and i love OSU! as well, espcially OSU! Mania mode, so i would realy like to see an update,
Sorry about the bump, but I'm curious about what's happening right now. I've been pretty much waiting for this since the past two years, as I use Windows only for osu! ^_^
It'd really help if a native build is released. I've tried using Wine too, but it's kind of impossible to play intense stuff on a VM. The input lag becomes random after a certain strain level, and ar9.6+ is out of the question. Anyway, I'm happy to wait for as long as needed! At the same time, looking forward to updates on the current status, and hopefully we get to see a Linux port soon!

Good luck and kudos to the technical team!
Sorry to bump again, not trying to show impatience or anything like that.
Right now osu! on wine works almost perfectly for me, so i just want to let peppy and the team know i would be available in case linux builds of the game need testing. Right now i have two Xubuntu installations: 15.05 -the latest- for amd64 processors, and 14.04 -the latest LTS version- for x86 processors. I am also able to install Unity -Ubuntu's desktop environment- if that can be useful. I would be happy to help in any way with the process. Thanks for your attention.
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