
Pharrell Williams - Happy

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Aeonian Sonder
No tags? Don't want to put your name in there for looking up beatmaps?
00:25:665 - Please properly snap to 00:25:707. I thought you were a BAT...
00:31:665 - Same as above. To 00:31:707.
00:37:665 - Same as above. To 00:37:707.
00:43:665 - Same as above. To 00:43:707.
00:49:665 - Same as above. To 00:49:707.
02:01:665 - Same as above. To 02:01:707.
01:13:707 to 01:37:707 - OK, now this is just a complete flipped copy of the previous Kiai time...

00:10:121 - Is this suppose to be straight?
00:11:457 (3) - Instead of clicking on the slider as a whole, just click on the ends to prevent sliderwhistle. Also the whole slider's on normal hitsound (Sampleset.)

00:14:457 (3) - The red point and curves are a bit visible.

I thought there were no problems until I saw this:

This is just to use as a guide.

00:13:707 (1) - Is there a way for you to remove the unneeded point?

Yeah. That's about it.
Is this song really from Despicable Me 2? I saw the movie, but not the credits. Is it in the credits?
hmm i guess ill try to m4m :o

havent modded in a while >w<

  1. i bought a miku body pillow yesterday :D
    i approve BG unlike some other ppl q:
  2. Maybe add some custom combo colors c:?
  3. (optional) cut ur mp3 a bit more :o or u can map out the rest maybe q:
  4. silence the sliderslide?
  5. one of the background files aren't being used i think
  6. the CS spread is kinda weird, either make easy or normal CS3 for a more even spread
  1. 00:02:082 (2,3) - optional but u can blanket these owo?
  2. 00:16:707 - there is a really heavy guitar beat that ur missing here, i highly recommend u adding something to it
    maybe u can try a rhythm like this?
    that way u can keep the symmetry ur choice tho
  3. im sure already mentioned, but kiai is unsnapped and there are some uesless green lines
  4. 01:51:957 - maybe have something here as well for the "happy"
  5. 02:11:457 (3,4) - use a similar rhythm as 02:05:457 (2) - ? i think it fits better
  6. 00:38:457 - this is a bit optional but maybe try to have something on every one of the "tss" sounds. it would be more interesting imo q:
  7. 01:55:707 (1) - flows better into (2) if u curve it the opposite way, or if not, can u blanket this slider with 01:55:332 (5) - ?
    itll look neater imo
  8. 00:04:707 (1,2) - how bout using this rhythm instead so u can avoid the 3/2 gap which is a bit more awkward to play
  9. 00:11:082 - use a similar rhythm as above with the 3/2 reverse slider, i think it fits better

    hitsounds and stuff :o
  10. 00:28:332 - missing clap
    00:36:582 - ^
    00:43:332 - ^
    02:10:332 (1) - ^
    02:14:082 - ^

    solid q:
  1. 00:09:770 - it doesn't really make sense why you're skipping out this vocal when u mapped this one out 00:10:145 -
    simple fix woudl just be change the circle into 1/2 slider
  2. 01:06:770 - this guitar should be mapped out imo :/
  3. 01:51:207 - so should this "happy" vocal thing. It's something different coming in the music so it stands out and therefore should be mapped.
    01:54:207 - ^
    01:57:207 - ^
  4. 02:16:332 (1) - uh i don't think this NC here is consistent with the rest of this section

  5. hitsounds
  6. 00:14:832 - missing clap
    00:20:832 - ^
    01:05:832 - ^
    02:14:832 - ^
  1. 00:00:207 (1,1) - ds slightly off lol
  2. 00:06:020 (4,5) - would look better imo if u blanketed these
    00:47:457 (4,5) - ^
  3. 00:33:582 - at least in hard difficulty, try to have something on all the clap sounds in the music so u can hitsound properly like what you did here 00:39:020 -
  4. 01:06:770 - can you map out these two sounds? 01:07:145 -
    the same applies to similar areas like
    00:06:582 -
    00:12:582 -
  5. 00:19:707 - i don't think you should ignore this downbeat here it also has an interesting guitar sound which would be fun if mapped out

  6. 00:27:020 - add normal whistles to the other similar parts so u can be consistent with the last kiai?
  7. 00:09:582 (1) - missing a normal sample here?
    00:19:332 (2) - ^
    01:11:832 - ^
  8. 00:35:832 - missing clap
    02:02:832 - ^
    02:11:832 - ^
    02:12:582 - ^
    02:14:832 - ^
  9. 01:51:770 - is this clap suppose to be there?
don't forget to recopy paste everything q:

bleh first time modding in a bit so sry if bad :c
M4M from your queue

My map: Hanatan - Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo

Calm song~

What...BG miku? I'm absolutely fine with that but some players might found it's not fit 0.0 (Sorry I'm so bad in suggesting BGs :c)


Basically just add +42 offset to it all of the timing points

Might wanna have a KIAI time here 01:13:707 - as well for consistency

00:02:457 (3) - Move the tail point of the slider to X:236 Y:204 (1 tiny grid down) to make it fully matched with the angle of 00:00:207 (1) -
00:08:082 (1) - A bit out of 1.0x DS, snap em'
00:09:207 (2,3,4) - I would move 00:09:957 (3) - a bit upper and blanket 00:11:082 (4) - in order to make it looks neat (maybe), refer the image:
00:28:707 (4) - Suggest to move it to around X:376 Y:216 to make it looks snapped (head and tail) with 00:27:957 (3) - , refer pic:
00:34:707 (1) - Try to move this to a few grid to the right (X:448 Y:20) to make it look like snapped better (in my view) with 00:33:957 (3) - (look at the tail of the slider), like this:
00:39:957 (4,5) - Looks like a smile haha...or you din't... (not a mod)
00:39:957 (4) - Could make it a bit more straighter to fit with the shape of 00:41:082 (5) - like a smile ^
00:43:707 (2) - Move the tail point of the slider to X:236 Y:380 (1 tiny grid to the left), make it feels tail of 00:42:957 (1) - is penetrated snapped in balance (like 00:34:707 (1) - )
00:49:707 (4) - Feels a bit out of space ugh lol, could try start moving from 00:47:832 (2) - to the North, might help
01:04:707 (1) - Move the tail point 1 tiny grid to the left (X164 Y:48) to make it same pointing angle with 01:03:957 (3) -
01:13:707 - Um...sorry to say that but seems it's copy pasted from first KIAI so I'll skip this part
01:58:707 (1) - Remove NC? Because there's still a spinner after that, and I don't see other patterns like 01:10:707 (4) - have NCs applied
02:06:957 (1,2,3) - Might wanna arrange a little bit here to make all the numbers look flow-ed in a straight line, like this 02:18:957 (1,2,3) - , or refer picture:

Easy, readable, play happy :)

SV is smooth and cool for the music, but since it's not a very fast song and it's normal diff I would give it a slightly lower SV (to prevent high AR too)
^ In another POV maybe you just want to make it 1.0x DS
00:00:207 (1) - I hope you just wanna give a feel to the music...not lazy...right?
^ Could decrease a reverse and start giving players a hit at 00:02:082 - , might bring up the er...feel?
00:27:020 (2) - It's out of constant DS (It's a rule to keep it same DS?), not suggest to force symmetry here as well because a hit at 00:26:832 - could be mapped, feel free to keep it too as your mapping style
^ Or you could try moving 00:25:707 (1) - closer to the middle and make it mirrored
00:35:082 (3) - Move it to around X:510 Y:249 so you can see it's snapped head and tail with 00:34:707 (2) - (for me it looks neater), DS 00:36:020 (4) - if you agree with that
00:39:020 (5) - jumps?
00:42:957 (1) - It's not in the flow after 00:42:395 (5) - , usually I would put it after the tail of 00:42:957 (1) - , won't affect the gameplay too much, feel free to keep too :d
01:13:707 - Same with first KIAI so I'll skip, sorry (not a mod)
01:57:020 (3) - A bit out of consistency DS, might wanna snap it
02:02:457 (2) - For me this pattern looks better than 00:27:020 (2) -

Arrangements and SV give a smooth sliding feel :)

SV is a bit fast for me tho it's pretty fine for the standard
00:00:207 (1) - Move 1 grid to the right X:156 Y:56 to make it perfectly mirrored (can see with Ctrl+H), and then you might have to snap 00:02:270 (1) -
00:09:582 (1,2,3,4) - I like this pattern :D , I use it often...but for some mappers they found it "not a flow ftw"
00:45:020 (5,6) - I would make them look same shape with copy and paste + rotate (90+45=135* Clockwise), refer pic:
01:50:457 (4,5,6) - Try to make them same shape too (might look neater), copy and paste and rotate them 120* clockwise separately and snap them, refer pic:
01:54:770 (5) - Put a clap here to make it same hitsound pattern as 01:51:582 (7,8) -
01:57:770 (6) - ^ Here as well if 01:51:770 - wasn't an extra hitsound or you might wanna make it only used once

Well-made patterns and arrangements, simple and not hard to be read :)

Keep up~
nani?!? no kewt minions bg )':
/me reads description

Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Blue: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix
from your M4M queue

  • General
  1. check the aimod and fix the general problems by mod above

  • Hard
  1. OD+1 easy=3 normai=5 hard=7
  2. I found you miss so many drum like 00:02:645 00:04:520 ...although this is a hard diff. but this also your highest diff >.<just my own taste.
  3. 00:09:957 (3) - maybe change it to this. flow will be better
  4. 00:28:332 (6) - ctrl+G will be better to play.but if you want to keep DS you can ignore this.
  5. 01:13:707- the music here is same with 00:25:707-. but one is kiai and the other is not.(I think you are copying this part, the pattern is btw the hitsound is different on two kiai parts(like 00:27:020 (4) - these red line you should add normal-whistle. because you did it on second kiai and normal diff)
  6. 01:36:957 (2) - also suggest you ctrl+G on this

  • Normal
  1. 00:42:395 (5) - this sounds awkward to me.because you are following the vocal other place. maybe start this slider at 00:42:582- .
  2. 01:30:395 (5) - samr as above
  3. 00:25:707 (1) - this note is too close to the spinner
  4. 02:01:707 (1) - same

  • Easy
  1. 01:09:582 (3) - a little lower? almost tough the life bar
    good diff

almost nothing to say. starred
Ujimatsu Chiya
Sorry late~


00:02:082 (2) - NC here. this vocal start part
00:12:207 (5) - I think it should bend to the right.

00:17:457 (1) - spacing please~
00:28:332 - your missing clap?
00:34:707 (1) - hmm. Flow after the match about. Delete New Combo
00:46:707 (1) - same (^)
01:57:957 (4) - like this?


00:23:082 (1,1) - Not afford. Reducing the spinner can process, and then the note
00:27:020 (2) - Normal Sempleset very awkward :o
00:33:020 (3) - same(^)
00:39:020 (5) - same(^)
02:04:707 (5) - NC Here~


00:42:957 (3,4) - I'm too far away >_>

Good Luck~
Hi CDFA ~ sorry for the delay ;w;
anyway as per req :3

  • General
  1. just nazi but try kiai volume 40%? a little bit low volume
  2. For me better to map the whole of the song with mapped until 02:43:707 - , since imo the rest musics after 3rd kiai time are same as previous parts. well i feel a little bit weird with that
  3. Unsnapped preview time, if i were you i would add it to 00:24:770 -
  4. Inconsistency kiai times from Hard diff. Make sure whole diffs have same kiai times since you mapped whole diffs here
  5. Remove Countdown from Easy and Hard diff
  6. Remove Widescreen Support from Easy diff since you don't use SB here

  • Easy
  1. AR 4 is really fast or Easy diff here. i would say AR 3 better
  2. 00:04:707 (1,2) - i think the gap between these sliders might make the newbie kinda confuse here. i would suggest to use instead
  3. 00:09:957 (3) - add whistle on tail for consistency with 00:07:707 - ?
  4. 00:08:082 (1) - inconsistency 1,08x spacing here. i would say to make it consistent
  5. 00:06:957 - 00:09:957 - 00:12:957 - make them have same hitsound here since their musics are same here imo. if i were you i would use drum (sampleset) whistle here
  6. 00:19:707 (3) - as i heard the music, this is should be NC'ed o.o
  7. 00:21:957 (6) - just my taste, maybe make a blanket so design become neater here?
  8. 00:23:082 (1) - the gap between spinner to next slider is too short. since this is 160 bpm it should be 4/1, that's too short. i would change into rhythms instead example
  9. 00:28:707 (4) - NC here for consistency? you NC'ed every 2 stanza here
  10. 00:30:582 (5) - for slider's tail change addition drum with auto and add clap here. the clap sound is same as 00:30:582 - + nazi, i prefer to move the tail to 256,116, i feel it give more natural flow (for me)
  11. 00:37:707 - change the drum additions and use default soft whistle as you did at 00:31:707 -
  12. 00:39:957 (4) - i feel the slider is too curvy here, for me the flow become changed here. how about move the tail to 380,372 for more natural flow?
  13. 00:41:082 (5,1,2) - they have inconsistency NC here. imo this is a little bit bad to see so, 00:41:082 (5) - NC 00:42:957 (1) - remove NC and 00:43:707 (2) - NC. they would be consistent by NC'ed every 2 stanza
  14. 00:43:707 (2) - imo you should give whistle to head here. it really feel too empty
  15. 01:11:082 (1) - same as 00:23:082 (1) -
  16. 01:16:707 (4) - NC here. for consistency
  17. 01:18:582 (5) - yup same as before, move the tail to 252,116
  18. 01:24:957 (4) - whistle for slider's tail. same reason as previous kiai ~
  19. 01:29:082 (5,1,2) - same as 00:41:082 (5,1,2) -
  20. 01:31:707 (2) - whistle to head, feel empty here as previous
  21. 01:56:457 (2) - imo the flow from previous tail to this slider could be better by ctrl+G this one, also if you fix this one, fix the rest spacings of next objects won't be hurt :3
  22. 01:59:082 (1) - same as 00:23:082 (1) -
  23. 02:01:707 (1) - remove drum additions here to have consistency with 00:25:707 - and 01:13:707 -
  24. 02:05:457 (2) - nazi but imo flow can improved to get same flow with previous curve's slider by moving (2)'s tail to 456,356
  25. 02:06:957 (1,2) - imo the hitsound can improved here. try (1) circle with sampleset drum (additions auto) with finish. (2) circle sampleset drum (additions auto) with clap [for emphasize the drum]
  26. 02:06:957 (1,3) - it would be nice if you swap the NC here for consistency. NC-ing stanza because the cymbal sound feels better
  27. 02:13:707 (1) - add whistle to the head. the music already tell it why need whistle :P

  • Normal
  1. Same as Easy, AR feel too fast here. i would say AR around 5 until 5,5
  2. imo CS 3 works better here because the Easy diff use CS 2. from Easy to Normal the gap is 1,5 when the normal to hard just 0,5 is feel weird for me
  3. HP 4 too for better spread with other diffs (each Easy and Hard have same HP and OD)
  4. 00:00:207 (1) - hmm try separate this one into 3 sliders? imo the flow and rhythm better since you arrange the flow and give 1/1 rests for newbie
  5. 00:02:457 (1) - so nazi but try make more curving on this slider to make the curve level same as next slider? i would say drag 2nd node to 444,112
  6. 00:09:207 - add note here to follow the drum? also the gap like this imo a little bit weird for me. i prefer to give 1/1 gap owo
  7. 00:15:020 (4) - hmm nazi but according the curve level on previous slider, imo this slider need more curving here. i would say move tail node to 476,136 and move 00:15:957 (5) - 356,40 when you follow this one
  8. 00:18:020 (3) - for the design, imo try curve the slider more with move tail to 468,248. imo the slider's shape better to see here. when you fix this one 00:18:582 (4) - move to 476,312 for consistency
  9. 00:22:707 (1) - nazi again. imo according the previous slider. too "real" diagonal sharp flow a little bit weird for me. i would say to make smoother one. around x:340,328
  10. 00:27:020 (2) - why the inconsistency spacing here is too big? until 1,91x wow.. i would say use consistent better actually
  11. 00:28:332 (3,4) - imo their design could look neater here if you try to make (4) slider become more curving example like
  12. 00:28:707 (4) - also NC here for consistency since you NC'ed every 2 stanza
  13. 00:30:582 (7) - so nazi, the slider looks too closer with previous slider. try 1 grid left /runs
  14. 00:31:707 - Easy uses whistle here, Normal uses soft finish, Hard uses Normal finish.. consistency please T_T
  15. 00:39:020 (2) - make sure to remove the jump. that's totally hard for Normal
  16. 01:15:020 (2) - ^
  17. 01:16:707 (4) - same as 00:28:332 (3,4) - ,
  18. 01:27:020 (5) - same as 01:15:020 (2) -
  19. 02:03:020 (3) - imo the flow of this slider can improved a little bit here. i prefer something like but it's just my taste
  20. 02:04:707 (5) - NC for consistency. the combo is too long
  21. 02:10:895 (5) - NC here or 02:10:332 (4) - for consistency NC pattern

  • Hard
  1. The greenlines look unsnapped here
  2. 01:13:707 - woah no kiai time here? O.o
  3. 00:00:207 (1) - same as Normal
  4. 00:33:020 (4) - imo the rhythm of this slider a little bit off because the slider's head looked follow the vocal but it following music, when the repeat and tail following vocal. i would say to map both musics vocals here
  5. 00:47:457 (4,5) - imo the design a little bit off here, hmm try blanket if possible? , it just my taste :P
  6. 01:21:020 (4) - same as 00:33:020 (4) -
  7. 01:35:457 (4,5) - same as 00:47:457 (4,5) - :P
  8. 01:51:582 (7) - hmm i prefer to place the circle to downward around 384,368 rather than to upward since the flow from previous slider forcing me to place to downward. it feels more natural for me
  9. 01:57:207 (5) - the finish heard too random here since it has inconsistency with 01:54:207 - while the music and vocal are same
  10. Cool Hard

I saw a lot of inconsistency hitsounds here between diffs, example 00:31:707 - on Normal diff. i would say to make them consistent since you're mapped them by urself, inconsistency kiai times too. since (again) you're mapped them you should keep the consistent. And inconsistency spacing for Normal (that jumps), the last one i'm kinda unsure with the SV too since i feel Normal diff has fast SV here

Good Luck then CDFA ~
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
i fxed things


  1. Probably adding some audio-lead-in would be cool, 1000 - 2000?


  1. 00:03:020 (3) - Would definitely look visually better if the red point was like this;
  2. 00:03:957 (6,7) - Try to use more similar curves, this one feels really out of place and it'd be such a simple fix. I recommend you to curve 7 more because 6 fits currently nicely with your previous sliders.
  3. 00:09:020 (5) - Not perfectly symmetric but your call if you decide to make it actually symmetrical.
  4. 00:12:582 (5) - You probably do want to have this overlapped perfectly (judging from earlier), so you could move this few grids here and there and get this result;
  5. 00:15:582 (5) - I mentioned how you should use similar curves more to get the map better looking so you could that here OR overlap this perfectly (it isn't overlapped perfectly atm), though preferably both.
  6. 00:19:520 (3,4) - O-o-overlapppppppp perfectly pls
  7. 00:27:957 (5) - Maybe a little too much curved, gives a funny effect when playing instead of a good one which is never that great. Also, the transition is kind of bad here so would you mind fixing it like this?
  8. 00:29:457 (3,4) - Overlap these perfectly too, please.
  9. 00:30:020 (4,5) - ^
  10. 00:35:457 (3) - ^
  11. 00:41:082 (3,4) - ^
  12. Please do take note that every suggestion for the first kiai would be automatically go for the second one too, because I smell copy-pasta :D (and I wont mention overlap stuff anymore because you've probably decided to fix them or not, and if yes you'll find them and they are very simple to fix anyways~)
  13. 01:52:707 (1,2) - This rhythm seems to be incredibly inconsistent with the rest of your part, you probably should delete that note and add a slider at the stanza (unless you wanted variation, it's probably good~)
  14. 02:01:707 (2) - NC should be here, this is the start of a chorus after all.
  15. Pretty good and relaxing map, needs to get few improvements visually to get rollin'.


  1. Few stuff, nothing too major here.
  2. Please use Ar 5 instead, the song is really calm but Ar 6 is waaay too fast for such difficulty. Also bump up the HP drain to 5.
  3. 00:21:582 (4) - Like I said earlier, similar slidershapes are so much more enjoyable to watch and play. Try this here?
  4. 00:23:082 (1,1) - Even though this is a normal difficulty with 160 bpm, I do think the gap is quite iffy here, I'd end the spinner at the red tick (00:24:395 - ), it'd make sense in a way because the ''he'' or whatever that sound is starts there.
  5. 00:25:707 (1,2) - I would accept this if the distance snap was a bit smaller, like max 1,4-5 error but going for 1,8 in a normal difficulty isn't what I am going to accept. I highly recommend you to distance snap it fully or at least make the snap 1,4 or even smaller. (Note; this would apply on every such similar pattern)
  6. 00:48:020 (5) - Probably wanna add an NC here (Every suggestion made in the kiai part would apply to the second one too, please do it there also)
  7. 01:11:082 (1,1) - You could try to make the gap a bit more big but I think this should be acceptable, your call with this and the previous one :D
  8. Cool, could be more neat visually though.


  1. 01:59:082 (1,1) - This gap isn't acceptable, though. There should be about a measure between the spinner - note.
  2. Cool, just double-check ALL of your blankets because I saw incorrect ones a lot

Overall a very enjoyable set, it just needs visually more improvements. I'd recommend to get few mods before calling me back but if you're confident, go ahead and call me back when you've fixed stuff~
short mod here~

Ai Mod found this 00:00:209 (1) - not snapped

00:22:707 (1) - remove NC
01:10:707 (1) - remove NC
01:58:707 (1) - remove NC
I feel having a one note NC and then having a spinner followed by a NC again is kind of pointless, not sure if Im right or not it just doesn't seem right to me

01:58:707 (1) - same as normal NC

I feel like the volume is kind of low, it might just be me, but when I play it I can barely hear the hit sounds..
try a small increase to the volume
00:00:207 change to 35%
00:25:707 change to 46% as well as the rest. I can hear them better with this increase.

hope this helped
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
updated stuff woo woo choo choo

gotta get them mods
J.Lo CDFA! o3o I am Blady Krfawy Kamyczek (if it's too hard, just call me 'Bluddy') and I am here with M4M! :3 I WANT YOU TO MOD MAPSET BY Hard: *CLICKIE*

Generally it's more like an NHI spread than an ENH one. Easy difficulty is not as easy as an Easy, Normal is too hard to be called a Normal and the Hard... well... SV, settings and placement of the notes do not help me to realise it's ENH spread. I highly recommend to change diff names because now it's just too hard to be called like that!

Oh, and ofc I see you used the same composition in the 2nd chours, so all the things highlighted in the 1st chours are also the same for the 2nd. But I see you remember about it because all the sections are totally the same. But for example I do not. Because I am a blonde. /me cries.

  1. Generally I advice to use AR4 or even AR4,5 because now the notes appear sooooo sloooowly when the BPM and density scream together for a higher approach rate.
  2. 00:17:457 (1) - Because of hitsounding at 00:21:957 (4) - makes me think you'd like to use drum whistle at the top of the slider to make it keep consistency.
  3. 00:23:082 (1) - This almost blanket looks a bit not-blanketable, consider placing the 2nd point at (X=180 | Y=296) and the 3rd point at (X=73 | Y=262) or something similar to improve the shape.
  4. 00:42:957 (1) - If I well remember you keep placing NCs at the very moment when Pharrell sings 'Happy!' so now this NC just breaks the natural queue. I think it would be more accurate to place NC at 00:43:707 (2) - instead.
  5. 00:48:957 (3,4) - My personal opinion (another one which can be totally ignored yay! XD): I just have a feeling the better hitsounds would be
    1. 00:48:957 (3) - drum clap at the very head of the slider
    2. 00:49:707 (4) - a drum whistle
    Why? Because now the hitsounds are too 'heavy' for me especially the finish at the very circle. But I see you used a whistle when there's the percussion so I see you want to emphasize it in a more correct way than Krfawy (which is me). Also my blond stupidity tells me the moment has a bit weird flow so I advice using something like this: *SHITTY EXAMPLE*
  6. 01:03:957 (3) - Nazi stuff pls don't kill me - can you move the very end of the slider to (X=77 | Y=326), please? Now it's not as parallel as it would be so I think it can improve the look just a tiny bit.
  7. 01:49:707 (1) - This moment has not the best flow in my opinion which can be troublemaker for noob/farmer/newer players. I highly suggest to rotate it/make a better transition between this and another note. For example: *SHITTY EXAMPLE*
  8. 01:57:957 (4) - Instead of this I recommend to make it go to the right, no to the left. Now the flow is working but it's more accurate for Hards or something, not for the easiest difficulty in the mapset and it can make players confused because of the current direction.
  9. 01:59:082 (1,1) - I don't want to sound scary or stupid, but if I well remember that lenght of break is not enough in Easy and Normal diffs so I simply recommend to extend the gap between those two notes. There were many unranks because of stuff like that, I believe...
  10. 02:06:957 (1,3) - Again - comboing is not consistent for me because you have always made combos at 'Happy!', not at 'Cause' word so now it's a bit inconsistent and I think it can be improved. So I think you should create NC at (3), not at (1).
  11. 02:18:957 (1,3) - Exactly the same problem as above.
  1. First of all, let me say the accurate CS is a bit too big for me the blonde. Personally I advice to use something between 3,6 - 4,0, because now the density of notes is soooo big, especially when you didn't create jumps (or which I can't notice). And those 'gaps' between notes are debatable in my opinion. they almost do not exist, but they are too big to not notice them. So using smaller CS would make it rid of this problem.
  2. The second thing is AR. I think you can use something like AR6,4 or similar because the accurate is minimally too slow IMO. I think the notes appear in pretty nice amount so you can increase it a little bit.
  3. 00:45:020 (2) - Have you forgotten to change whistles to normal or is it just me? If I well remember, you did set normal whistles in the whole section except this slider.
  4. 00:48:957 (6) - In Easy difficulty you used a drum whistle instead of a soft one. I know it's nazi from me, but I just think you can make little things like this more consistent in the whole mapset. As the Polish say 'The devil lives in details'.
  5. And again - the space between notes and spinners are quite too small in a Normal difficulty, IMO. But I really see this difficulty as a Hard, so probably naming it as a 'Hard' would make it trouble-free.
  1. 00:27:957 (5) - Maybe just rotate it a little bit to make a better flow with the previous note so it's all more round and symmetrical than almost symmetrical. *SHITTY EXAMPLE*
So that's all from me. I wish my mod was helpful so I am worth doing M4M. D:

Meow! o3o
00:08:082 (2,3) - I think overlap will be better to play, maybe :I
00:15:020 (4) - move to x12 y376
00:15:582 (5) - ^and then move to x12 y120, looks more better :O
00:30:582 (5) - move to x124 y168
00:34:332 (6) - move to x260 y196 and then fix the distance for next note
00:41:457 (4) - move to x404 y56 and then fix the distance for next note
00:45:770 (7) - move to x364 y272 and the fix the distance for next note
00:47:457 (4,5) - ..try good blanket for those two slider /-\b
01:14:270 (2,3) - overlap? just try something new style on this map orz..
actually...I cant find something really need to change on this diff, rhythm is simple and the way you use to map is simple, everything is fine orz!!
02:17:832 (4) - use 1/2 rhythm I think

well, the only issue is BG, they agree you use miku's bg to the song which is not vocaloid? because when I saw this map I really think it is vocoloid song /-\....

00:09:770 (4) - I like rhythm that without this note, maybe delete?
00:47:270 (3) - ^
01:35:270 (3) - ^
also, I think it will be more easy to play this diff if you delete those circle more I can help you I think...easy is good for me

tutuhaha wrote:

well, the only issue is BG, they agree you use miku's bg to the song which is not vocaloid? because when I saw this map I really think it is vocoloid song /-\....
B-but CDFA will be sad :(

CDFA wrote:

My goal in life is to be able to lay on the comfort of my sheets and feel the warmth of Hatsune Miku's body on me
Sakaue Nachi
Hi CDFA, M4M from your queue~

why use Hatsune Miku as BG, but it's fine, haha

I prefer CS2.5
00:02:082 (1,2) - can make it like this, looks better
00:04:707 can add whistle here
00:05:457 add finish
00:06:957 ^ etc.
00:23:082 (1,2) - this blanket can improve a little, a little off now
02:13:707 (1,2) - try this? I think flow will be better

CS3.5 works well in normal now, can try it.Also I think AR is a little high, can try AR5.5
00:00:207 (1) - it seems that slider repeat so many time in normal diff is not recommended now
00:09:582 (3,4) - I think it will look better like this
00:25:707 (1,2) - is this ds changed in normal allowed? ds is 1.72x here
00:39:020 (2) - ^
01:15:020 (2) - ^
01:27:020 (2) - ^
00:41:832 (3,4) - try to make it parallel?

00:06:020 (4,5) - try this
00:41:457 (4,5) - 00:47:457 (4,5) - 01:02:457 (4,5) - blankets like this can try to improve it a little, but not a big problem etc.
01:59:082 (1) - I think start at 01:58:895 would be better
02:05:457 (3,4) - this overlap looks not good,can try some other way
02:09:770 (6) - nearly offscreen move it up a little

That all, sorry for my poor English

Sakaue Nachi wrote:

why use Hatsune Miku as BG, but it's fine, haha

from your m4m queue, hope will help something



sv 2.0? is it kind of high for hard diff?

BG ;w; I like miku too, but will it be better using a BG related with the music?

I think hp and od are too high (7) for hard, try -1 for both

not finished at the end? (or that it is ;w;)

00:00:207 (1) - I think it's kind of not suitable using this kind of slider in hard diff, try to divide them into several sliders?

01:31:332 (4) - little bit jumpy for hard diff, better if DS it?

02:19:895 (1) - spinner is too long... consider shorten it

quite clean and simple map, not much suggestions


00:00:207 (1) - again quite trick for new players to play

00:27:020 (2) - 3/4 slider... slightly tricky to play here

00:36:582 (1,2,3) - single tap on a straight line is kind of hard, better if making the flow a curve?

01:24:582 (1,2,3) - same as above

00:41:832 (3,4) - make them parallel?

01:29:832 (3,4) - same as above


quite well, no issues

like the song, shoot a star for you QWQ
Hi M4M From Ur Queue

These All suggestions ! And i'm new into this so hope this is good for u

  1. I Didn't Noticed Any Problem ! Maby Just The BG don't fit with music
  1. 00:05:832 - Here a Note
  2. 00:06:207 - 1/1 Slider
  3. 00:23:082 (1,2) - Improve This Blanket
  1. 00:09:207 - 1/1 Slider ?
  2. 00:09:582 - Remove That Note
  3. 00:25:707 (1,3) - i'm not really sure about this DS
  4. 00:26:832 - Not Here !
    Than can be done like this ! Rhythm | Example Of Placement
    And Maby this is in others places in the song ! just do what u see is right
  5. 00:37:707 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:45:957 - 1/1 Slider
  7. 00:46:707 - Note
  1. This good
And Good luck :)
M4M From Your Queue !

Sorry if this didn't help , I'm new to modding :(

General :
Update tags and maybe change background , just kidding
My goal in life is to be able to lay on the comfort of my sheets and feel the warmth of Hatsune Miku's body on me
Hard :

00:00:207 (1) Change this into this?
00:03:020 (3) Change this into this?
00:36:582 (5) Make it into a repeat slider?

Normal :
00:00:207 (1) Change this?
00:09:582 (3,4,5) Make 3 and 4 right under slider number 5 / From this ( ) to this (
01:02:270 Add a note here?
02:02:270 Add a note in between those two sliders?
02:03:957 Add a slider?

Easy :

Looks perfect to me.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Made a few changes owo!

Nyan nyan!
Maan is the hitsound volume set waay too low for this. 60-80% makes much more sense for this than 20-30% that you have right now!

I suggest using 2 tick rate as it fit's the song better.

I suggest you use colorhax so the combo colors is consistent in Easy and Hard. They work well in Normal so use that as an base.

I feel that this is a pretty boring easy. There is almost always a beat 1/1 apart from when the last one ended (Except 00:04:707 (1,2) -..) and it made it feel the map more repetitive than it actually was. I suggest you have some beats 2/1 apart to make it feel more variation.
Here's some suggestions where 2/1 would work well.
00:30:582 (5) - remove repeat and move 1/1 forward on the timeline
01:18:582 (5) - ^
00:12:207 (2) - remove slider and add circle at start
00:36:207 (3) - ^
01:24:207 (3) - ^

I also suggest you raise the SV a bit.

00:04:707 (1,2) - This feels very out of place as this is the only beats that's 3/2 apart in this difficulty and 3/2 is quite difficult to follow for newcomers., I suggest you change it to feel more like rest of the difficulty.

01:58:707 (1) - Sliderarts work great in Easies <3

Those Normal-whistles in the chorus felt very out of place, especially as they aren't present in the other difficulties.

00:14:457 (3) - Change sliderend sample set to Normal.
00:19:332 (2) - Change sample set to Normal.

00:27:020 (4) - Just a suggestion but I feel that it would look better in relative to (3) if you move it 4 grids down and one to the left (grid 4)
01:15:020 (4) - ^ But mirrored

osu! needs more mainstream hits, Especially if it's good. Like this one :D
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

Asphyxia wrote:

[*]01:52:707 (1,2) - This rhythm seems to be incredibly inconsistent with the rest of your part, you probably should delete that note and add a slider at the stanza (unless you wanted variation, it's probably good~) keeping it for consistency, unless you explicitly want it out
If there's no reply, then I fixed it :P

Also applied Xgor's mod
╰( ´・ω・)つ──☆✿✿✿✿✿✿

As requested!

Please, post a detailed reply to this modpost. Thanks in advance!

  1. Set Countdown to 0 in all diffs and set LeadIn to 2000. It will make much more sense and keep the diff settings consistent.
  2. I don't really like th idea of using defaul colours as they look weird with the BG. What if we try to use something else here?

    Combo1 : 164,154,142
    Combo2 : 88,126,106
    Combo3 : 171,184,190
    Combo4 : 129,209,181
  1. 00:04:707 (1) - minor - the slider gets overlapped with scores and accuracy. It looks messy and may bug beginners. Screenshot.
  2. 01:12:207 (6,1) - thier placement is kinda too confusing for players. Example
  3. 01:58:707 (1) - consider making the slider more understandable? The way how slider makes a loop might trouble some newbies. Example.
  1. 00:00:207 (1) - I highly suggest to replace this pattern with another one as the amount of repeats here will surely confuse players and the slider itself can't be considered as readable.
  2. 00:02:457 (1) - to avoid the awkward 3/2 gap please place a circle here. You can (and probably should) add more 1/2 circles in order to improve the spread as it feels sligthly unbalnced now.
    Note:00:26:832 - 00:27:957 - these beats can aslo be mapped in order to make the rhythm more consistent and logical.
    Note2: 00:33:957 - 00:36:207 - and so on and so far, add those 1/2 circles to improve the baance and make rhythm more plable.
  3. 00:25:707 (1,2) - while we are at this point, I recommend you to avoid those jumps. They don't really fit and will confuse players for sure.
  4. 00:28:707 (4) - pretty sure you've missed a new combo here. It feels like the chain is too long and comboing looks brke at that point.
    Note: apparently, you did it on purpose. but having NC there and at 01:16:707 (4) - wouldn't hurt.
  5. 02:17:832 (4,5) - minor - making them parallel wouldn't hurt. :(

    Except for the 3/2 gaps and those jumps the diff is cute. Fix them, please! :(
  1. I'd use AR 8. the SV is pretty fast, so a faster AR should match better.
Let me know when it's fixed and we'll see. :)
Nice song & map, wanted to mod it but then I realised Bakari has already done so :b
Just mentioning that I think the background choise is horribly unfitting ;w; Seriously... don't use an anime picture D:

EDIT: Okay Okay Okay It's Miku but that doesn't make it any better!
maybe a little bit
Eh.. A cut version... I'm not so happy about that but I'll let it slide. Next time it'd be great if you could map the 24 hour version of this song. Thanks o/

Posting this early just in-case Bakari decides to rank. I have a few things I want to put out before that happens.

Audio lead-in/Countdown conflicts with Easy. Please fix to match Normal/Hard | Remove Countdown from Easy. Add 2000ms (1793 for 2 exact seconds until the first note) lead-in to Normal/Hard.

Add a Red Timing point at 00:01:707 - so you start on the correct measure. If you play this on Nightcore, you'll notice that you get the finish one measure before it should be happening. 00:00:207 - to 00:01:707 - is all lead-in. You'll have to re-snap your notes and your greens because of this (They will probably be off by 1ms).

Add some colors. This map doesn't have any.

Add Original Motion Picture Soundtrack from the Despicable Me soundtrack side if you want to the tags.

  1. 00:36:207 (3) - and 01:24:207 (3) - The tail end is a bit rough. Can you like... Balance it out just a bit more? As in either shorten the diagonal of the slider a little, or move the two middle nodes closer to the head?
  2. 02:03:207 (3) - blanket this underneath the upcoming (1)? |
  3. 01:58:707 (1) - As cool as this looks. I'm pretty sure the hidden borders in the middle is unsuitable for ranking on an Easy diff. I don't think it's unrankable, but it'd be nice if you could fix it. Try something like this: | or maybe a shape that kinda doesn't look like you're happy to see me.
  4. 01:10:707 (4) - NC
  5. 00:28:707 (4) - & 01:16:707 (4) - NC
    These combos are way too long!
Good. Great. <3

To be honest. I really think this map would be better with 1.1 spacing as sometimes at 1.0 spacing, the notes almost touch butts. It should be fine, but consider making sure there's a little bit more of a gap next time.
  1. 00:41:832 (3,4) - & 01:29:832 (3,4) - Make them rotates of each other?
  2. 02:01:707 (1) - Personal request because I hate these. Can you move this out of the corner? Since you use the 750ms normal limit. It'd be nice if the first note was a bit closer to the middle if possible.
    NUDGES. yay. Because that spacing makes me want to say something.. and it's not that Happy
  3. 00:30:582 (7) - & 01:18:582 (7) - Nudge it a little more away.
  4. 00:47:270 (3) - & 01:35:270 (3) - Balance please.
  5. 02:06:020 (3) - Balance better please.
  6. 02:09:020 (3) - Nudge right a little.
  7. 02:10:895 (1) - Nudge up a little.
  8. 02:19:332 (7) - Nudge up a little.
  9. 00:28:707 (4) - & 01:16:707 (4) - Same as Easy. NC please
Good stuff.

  1. 00:18:582 (5) - Move this out a bit? 0.90 spacing here and you normally stick to 1.0 in the song. It also doesn't look that great close to
  2. 00:47:457 (4) - & 01:35:457 (4) - I feel like these could be blanketed, or at least a little more even from the top and bottom.
  3. 01:58:332 (8) - If you look at the rest of your 1/2 sliders in this section. They all match up with each other but these two. Try turning this into a straight slider like 01:57:957 (7) - to carry on the pattern you've set up here.
That's about it from my end. Sorry to overlap with the other mod, but I wanted to get some things out before it got qualified.

Call me back after Bakari rebubbles (or before)

PS. I totally ship CDFA×Miku
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Its happening

Desperate-kun wrote:

Nice song & map, wanted to mod it but then I realised Bakari has already done so :b
Just mentioning that I think the background choise is horribly unfitting ;w; Seriously... don't use an anime picture D:
Meh, random animu BGs are common. This one makes some sense with the song as Miku looks Happy here.

Lanturn wrote:

Posting this early just in-case Bakari decides to rank. I have a few things I want to put out before that happens.
If anyone wants to mod it, you guys are welcome to do it. However, after all those changes, the best I can do is a rebubble. :(
Random animu BGs are common for songs where it fits a little bit >.< But this song is a very typical non-animu song... Basically it's exactly the opposite. But meh, not my descision~
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
If i change the background can i be qat
that remember me on the discussion there was in the moderation channel. At all: Just leave the background how it is. Doesn't really feel random at all since Miku is happy. It's just uncommon but not random.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
If you guys really want the background on the background, I was originally gonna have an anime storyboard on it but uhhh i got lazy lol
Background's fine for me, I mean we have Nightcore songs with anime backgrounds already.

Sakura wrote:

Background's fine for me, I mean we have Nightcore songs with anime backgrounds already.
no need in continueing using overused crap as bg

EDIT: Especially since you put a (necessary) source: Despicable Me has nothing to do with anime girls. Minions pls
IMO, background chose is up to the mapper lol, you can suggest better ones, but at the end is his decision.
Background has kind of grown on me now to be honest :P

I'm happy to push this forward with the current Miku BG.

Give me a shout when you want the recheck CDFA
2 bat mods at once

That's not something u see every day :o
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
i don't think people understand how lazy I am when it comes to applying mods

expect me to take like a week lol
Anyways, let me or Lanturn know when it's done.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

-Bakari- wrote:

[*]01:12:207 (6,1) - thier placement is kinda too confusing for players. Example I don't think new players are this retarded

[*]00:02:457 (1) - to avoid the awkward 3/2 gap please place a circle here. You can (and probably should) add more 1/2 circles in order to improve the spread as it feels sligthly unbalnced now. Not entirely sure what you mean here
Note:00:26:832 - 00:27:957 - these beats can aslo be mapped in order to make the rhythm more consistent and logical.
Note2: 00:33:957 - 00:36:207 - and so on and so far, add those 1/2 circles to improve the baance and make rhythm more plable. I've left the gaps in because it's following the vocal line, but if it's really that bad, I guess I could change it owo.

Lanturn wrote:

Add a Red Timing point at 00:01:707 - so you start on the correct measure. If you play this on Nightcore, you'll notice that you get the finish one measure before it should be happening. 00:00:207 - to 00:01:707 - is all lead-in. You'll have to re-snap your notes and your greens because of this (They will probably be off by 1ms). uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok

00:47:457 (4) - & 01:35:457 (4) - I feel like these could be blanketed, or at least a little more even from the top and bottom. Stylistically I think it works, since blankets aren't the end of the world, and it creates an acceptable pattern :P (Also it's not even badly blanketed ;w;
fixt and uploaded

if i didn't reply, it's because I fixed it
Alrighty. Fixed a couple more things like some 1ms unsnaps on Normal/Hard, Letterboxing, CDFA fixed a few inconsistent hitsound patterns...

And that's it. Very clean. I could wipe my butt with this map.


Take her away -Bakari- <3
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
Well -Bakari- can't rank since he already bubbled it so uh whoops

ya'll 10 or so niggas that were like "DANK MAP" better hop on this shit real talk
This is mine, I'll mod it soon :3/


  1. Clean

  1. 00:02:082 (1,2) - Nazi* How about to making a blanket with both objects to improve the aesthetics of the difficulty? something like this would be nice.
  2. 00:47:832 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:07:707 - I suppose this whistle is intentional but I think would sound much better if you use an drum-finish instead this.
  4. 00:17:457 (1,2) - This new combining is too short in comparison to the others so I recommend you to remove this one and consider adding one at 00:16:332 - to have consistency.
  5. 00:23:082 (1,2) - Same as above.
  6. 01:12:207 (3,1) - To be honest it looks a kinda hard to read so would recommend doing something like this to avoid any problems when playing the difficulty.
  7. 01:54:207 (4) - Missing whistle at the head of the slider instead the end of same.
  8. 01:58:707 (1) - ♥
  9. 02:10:332 (1) - Clap?

  1. 00:33:957 (4,1) - Pls... don't... I know this has the correct spacing but to be honest it can be a bit annoying for inexperienced players so it would be pretty great if you try to do something different here and fix it otherwise.
  2. 01:21:957 (4,1) - Same as above.
  3. 00:36:019 (3,1) - Feels kinda empy this part feels kinda empty, what about to adding a slider at 00:36:019 - until 00:36:394 - you should try it cause it follow the vocal imo. (like as you did here 01:17:457 (2,3,4) - )
  4. 01:24:019 (3,1) - ^
  5. 01:59:082 (1,1) - It doesn't have the enough time after one spinner so a quick solution to this would be snapping it at 02:00:582 - imo.
  6. 02:11:082 (2,4) - I'm not fan of the overlaps like this in beginner difficulties, what about to move this object 02:12:394 (4) - to X:328 Y:200 for better appreciation and to avoid this kind of patterns, of course you should fix the spacing for the next objects.


  1. 00:04:707 - What do you think to use a drum-finish instead soft-whistle? it sounds kind weird to be honest.
  2. 01:07:707 (1,2,3,4) - ♥
Alright, call me back when you're done.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

Gero wrote:


[*]00:17:457 (1,2) - This new combining is too short in comparison to the others so I recommend you to remove this one and consider adding one at 00:16:332 - to have consistency.
[*]00:23:082 (1,2) - Same as above. This is just an issue in the way that I mapped it. A lot of possible NCs in the middle or end of a slider ;w;


00:33:957 (4,1) - Pls... don't... I know this has the correct spacing but to be honest it can be a bit annoying for inexperienced players so it would be pretty great if you try to do something different here and fix it otherwise.
[*]01:21:957 (4,1) - Same as above. I have faith that normal players can do this.
if i didn't reply, it's because i fixed it
Recheck ~


  1. 02:07:707 (1,1) - just a last thing but I guess this is spam so would be cool if you could remove it.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

CDFA wrote:

are you okay
I wanna rank this but can't :c

Gero , let's do this!
~ Qualified ~

Yay! \o/ Congrats
Kaguya Hourain
Now we just need CDFA here!!!
Raging Bull
last night good night.
This map makes me happy :D
gratz :)
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
- Marco -
With all the Pherell Williams background you could choose you choosed Miku...and that deascription. That's why CDFA is my new waifu with Miku ♥
Gratz~ CDFA-chan :3
grats CDFA chan
But please don't ever map his version of Tell Your World, that song is disappointing :(
CDFA-chan <3
this is
00:11:457 (3) - Because the sampleset of the slide is setted as Normal, the hit sound in-game of the head of the slider contains a Normal sampleset. (Kind of a bug I guess) Since this isn't something crucial, just keep in mind not to make this kind of mistake at the future :3

Good map btw.
:) Grats :)

give me one valid reason why you chose a freaking Hatsune Miku BG for that song?
why didn't you choose something that's not anime? >>

Lizzy wrote:


give me one valid reason why you chose a freaking Hatsune Miku BG for that song?
why didn't you choose something that's not anime? >>
read description next time. thanks

Lanturn wrote:

Lizzy wrote:


give me one valid reason why you chose a freaking Hatsune Miku BG for that song?
why didn't you choose something that's not anime? >>
read description next time. thanks
this should have a despicable me bg if any of them. Get hatsune miku with despicable me and okay
So you waste your time and power in complaining about a background which is for some unfitting to the song instead to care about real issues in Modding/Mapping? wow, that's a thing

It doesn't even surprise me who exactly complains about to be honest.
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani
If you guys wanna get really technical, it should be a picture of fucking Pharrell Williams like jesus christ if you guys are gonna be cunts about it at least be the right kind of cunt
@Stefan: for some, also. Hast du dir mal den Thread durchgelesen und angeschaut, wie viele sich wegen dem BG Gedanken gemacht haben? Manche haben sogar neue vorgeschlagen, aber mal ganz ehrlich, aus gutem Grund, nämlich Unpassendheit. >>

@CDFA: never liked being picky about sth like that, but the modders had a valid reason in mind to suggest to change it. Ohwell
>Pharrel Williams
>Despicable Me

>Stoned Miku as BG


(nice map tho)

EDIT: I read the description btw. /runs

On a more serious note, we are so strict about tags, titles, artist, source being correct and/or fitting. In my opinion, having a fitting BG should be as important. Well, there are no rules about this and mappers have always placed anime BGs for whatever reason. You know, it's not a big deal, just my 2 cents <3

Sakura wrote:

Background's fine for me, I mean we have Nightcore songs with anime backgrounds already.
C'mon guys, actually it fits at the description of the mapset so I think it's fine for me... anyways miku is happy at the background, I guess is a valid reason to keep it *runs*

And congrats that it became ranked! :)
Congrats for Rank CDFA :)
why CDFA, why..........
0% relevance indeed

good ol' classic style

I liek it
hasan kun
:P :lol: 8-) naber xD
Happy :P
My goal in life is to be able to lay on the comfort of my sheets and feel the warmth of Hatsune Miku's body on me, not only lusting for my body, but lusting for my inner person, my soul, the depth of who I am. I wish to not only take her womanhood, but rather to make her into a woman, and to unleash her true potential, for love is a curious sort of deal. We are born in two halves until we find the one that we love, and upon finding that lover, we unlock things we never knew about each other before. Sometimes, the things found aren't the happiest, and pain comes from it, but my bond with Hatsune Miku shall bring nothing but happiness and success, for this is not simply a petty marriage, this is true love.[/quote]

WHAT THE... 0_0
Topic Starter
Shohei Ohtani

Thank god that some shitposter fucking copied the entire thing
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