
Shimotsuki Haruka - Kaleidoscope

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grats beb <3
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-Hakurei- wrote:


THANKS ! ! !

BeatofIke wrote:

Congrats :)
Thank you, Ike <3

10nya wrote:

maacih mb

Senritsu wrote:

gratz kak iaan :3
suhun mbak :3

ByBy13 wrote:

Congratulations Shurelia on your first qualify :3
Thanks byby :3

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

let's go together
Okay,! Where to go? :D

Adol Christin wrote:

gratz on first rank :p

Xinely wrote:

grats beb <3
Makasih ya beb <3
yayayayy congratz!! :)

finally you made it :D
selamat ya semoga bisa bertahan masuk ranked seperti sianak mad dog Fort
owaow first rank! congratulation! :D
weh. ngelogeh.
maybe a bit late ;w;
But Gratzz >w<
Nomination Assessment Team

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.

Pho's Kaleidoscope

Missing SliderBorder

  • This difficulty is missing the white SliderBorder combo color. Skinning it is a requirement when you have skinned the Hitcircle Set to avoid the skin looking weird for players with custom sliderborders in their skins.

Unreasonable Spacing changes

  • Due to an overall lack of consistency in terms of spacing, the map feels unrelated to the music in some points. There are many instances in which you tend to just simply vary your spacing without any concept behind it. This however makes such patterns as the following examples appear unpolished und unreasonable.
    01:11:180 (2,3,4,5,1) - Sudden Spacing decremention even though 01:11:180 (2,4) - are basically emphasized the same way
    01:44:428 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing here is varying without any kind of consistency behind it
    02:29:333 (9,10,1,2) - This spacing suddenly decreases without any relation to the music

  • There are many instances in which you decided for mapping really strong beats (even the first strong beat of a Kiai) with sliderends. Due to these not being clickable actions, it takes away the feedback and therefore makes such notes feel underemphasized. Moreover there are even inconsistencies between them, making it appear unpolished.
    00:56:658 (6) -
    01:22:836 (1) -
    02:23:792 (1) - Here you even did it for the note the Kiai should start on. This is also one of said inconsistencies as you can see at 01:07:550 (1) - for instance.

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

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My feeling are right. o<--<

Well, let's see what happen then.


I already fixed pho's sliderborder , why it keep changing itself orz.
poor shurelia :(
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-Hakurei- wrote:

poor shurelia :(
err... Any constructive post would be really appreciated.

I still not giving up on this set.
baru sadar di dq hue, tetep semangat ya ian
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The Insane diff has been updated and should be ready for another check-ups!

The Pho's diff issues has been fixed too.

For BNs please help me to re-rank this.
Saya kira sudah masuk graveyard..... Taunya masih pending....., GO GO RANKED :)
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Bukan masih pending.

Ini saya hidupin dan usahakan lagi.
tfw someone does m4m in hopes of getting a bubble but you're not even a bn

i dunno what it looked like before the dq, but there's still some stuff that's pretty concerning

referencing the rhythm thing from p/4375349 there's still a lot of obvious instances of sliderends on strong af sounds while their heads are on nonimportnat sounds
01:36:594 (1) - like the super strong downbeat pianothing here
02:01:053 (1) - you managed starting 01:53:601 (1) - 01:55:129 (1) - 01:56:658 (1) - etc on the right ticks, so why is this one um not
03:46:148 (3) - while 2 works fine as offbeat slider since that's where the vocal starts, 3 is starting on nothing important (at least relative to its tail)
01:23:409 (2) - especially sucks to have a 1/1 gap after a loud sound on a 1/2 slider's sliderend:(
04:05:448 (2,3) - no idea what you're trying to do here. that ding thing you hitsounded on the end of 2 seems like waht you'd try to emphasize with mapping, but you're not. 3 is also starting on unimportant stuff which is more i dont understandness
04:10:416 (3) - yea assuming you'd want to follow that ding stuff since you were going for that everywhereelse
also concerned with how you dont show what the song's doing in a few places through other means
03:55:511 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - like with this, you've got a bunch of linear circles that don't really express how 03:55:702 (5) - 03:56:276 (3,5) - are way stronger than other objects. either using spacing or harsher movement can express their differences
00:46:339 (1) -02:02:772 (1) - when the song completely changes (in this case, percussion going into half tempo) expressing that in some way would be really nice. right now rhythms and spacing don't really say "hey this section is different from before!"
not mentioned at all in the dq, but like im just wondering
00:02:581 (3,4,5) - how are you imagining stuff like this plays? it's like you're trying to go for something circular, but sliderbody doesn't really indicate that too well
02:18:632 (2,3,4,5,1) - is a similar level of whatness since it looks nearly circular except 2->3 and 5->1 are like barely flowbreaky stuff. the same sorta thing happens like everywhere, soyea

while the dq didnt mention anything about this diff, the way you're handling objects overlapping each other while they're both onscreen are really frowned upon for lowest diff stuff
02:11:753 (1,3) - just to make it clear, stuff like this where 3 appearing under 1 while 1 is still on screen is what i mean
same thing happens with 01:07:550 (1,3) - 03:45:575 (3,4,2) - 04:03:155 (2,4) -
and to a lesser degree 00:18:823 (1,2,3,1,2) - 02:26:466 (4,2) - 03:58:187 (4,2) -04:01:244 (4,2) -
plus there's a lot of just general neatness stuff that could be done, like
01:16:148 (4,1) - 03:23:792 (3,1) - avoiding these touching
02:23:983 (1,3) - parllel business 02:39:460 (1,2) - blanket business do you really need people to tell you this stuff:(
03:11:562 (2,3,1) - ideally avoid stuff where cant tell immediatley what object is next. so like 1 being further from 2's tail
03:22:072 (1,2) - and some minor inconisstnet spacingszszszsz

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pishifat wrote:

tfw someone does m4m in hopes of getting a bubble but you're not even a bn life is well, am i ?

i dunno what it looked like before the dq, but there's still some stuff that's pretty concerning

referencing the rhythm thing from p/4375349 there's still a lot of obvious instances of sliderends on strong af sounds while their heads are on nonimportnat sounds
01:36:594 (1) - like the super strong downbeat pianothing here asdaf, how
02:01:053 (1) - you managed starting 01:53:601 (1) - 01:55:129 (1) - 01:56:658 (1) - etc on the right ticks, so why is this one um not gosh, y i did this orz
03:46:148 (3) - while 2 works fine as offbeat slider since that's where the vocal starts, 3 is starting on nothing important (at least relative to its tail) ahh, you right
01:23:409 (2) - especially sucks to have a 1/1 gap after a loud sound on a 1/2 slider's sliderend:( now it won't suck anymore ,
04:05:448 (2,3) - no idea what you're trying to do here. that ding thing you hitsounded on the end of 2 seems like waht you'd try to emphasize with mapping, but you're not. 3 is also starting on unimportant stuff which is more i dont understandness fixed your understandness but dunno what to do with ding ding.
04:10:416 (3) - yea assuming you'd want to follow that ding stuff since you were going for that everywhereelse
also concerned with how you dont show what the song's doing in a few places through other means
03:55:511 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - like with this, you've got a bunch of linear circles that don't really express how 03:55:702 (5) - 03:56:276 (3,5) - are way stronger than other objects. either using spacing or harsher movement can express their differences this was ugly af until you here
00:46:339 (1) -02:02:772 (1) - when the song completely changes (in this case, percussion going into half tempo) expressing that in some way would be really nice. right now rhythms and spacing don't really say "hey this section is different from before!"
not mentioned at all in the dq, but like im just wondering I'm trying now, wanna see?
00:02:581 (3,4,5) - how are you imagining stuff like this plays? it's like you're trying to go for something circular, but sliderbody doesn't really indicate that too well dammit , how come i did not notice this?
02:18:632 (2,3,4,5,1) - is a similar level of whatness since it looks nearly circular except 2->3 and 5->1 are like barely flowbreaky stuff. the same sorta thing happens like everywhere, soyea hmmmmMMMm, hope it's ok now

while the dq didnt mention anything about this diff, the way you're handling objects overlapping each other while they're both onscreen are really frowned upon for lowest diff stuff
02:11:753 (1,3) - just to make it clear, stuff like this where 3 appearing under 1 while 1 is still on screen is what i mean
same thing happens with 01:07:550 (1,3) - 03:45:575 (3,4,2) - 04:03:155 (2,4) -
and to a lesser degree 00:18:823 (1,2,3,1,2) - 02:26:466 (4,2) - 03:58:187 (4,2) -04:01:244 (4,2) -
plus there's a lot of just general neatness stuff that could be done, like
01:16:148 (4,1) - 03:23:792 (3,1) - avoiding these touching aye aye sir, fixed this and that , stop their touching thingy. hope you mentioned it all
02:23:983 (1,3) - parllel business 02:39:460 (1,2) - blanket business do you really need people to tell you this stuff:( awwh, sorry sometimes i just blind or stuff
03:11:562 (2,3,1) - ideally avoid stuff where cant tell immediatley what object is next. so like 1 being further from 2's tail there
03:22:072 (1,2) - and some minor inconisstnet spacingszszszsz oooooooOOoo

uuhiuehuiwruihefuihuisdhjkfhj I oss You.
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BN please or more mods ~
Hi again! I think this is the second time I mod your map today ^^.
Mostly about consistency of following which instrument line you're mapping to. The main (and probably the strongest) line is the drum line so I think you should make sure at least all the prominent notes are mapped.
01:02:390 (3) - I think you sort of ignored the drum line here.
01:22:263 (3) - here as well.
01:27:804 (1) - Are you mapping by the bell (ring ding ding) line or the drum line here? If you're mapping by the bell line then there's another note where the spinner ends, I don't know but start clicking circles on the second note of the line seems weird. I'm not sure about this.
01:49:970 (6,1) - You've been following the drum line this whole part but these 2 sliders don't, maybe breaking up into a slider + a note for each of those?
01:55:894 - and 02:00:479 - There's a cymbal sound here at these positions, again it's got to do with the drum line. Maybe turning the previous circle into a slider which ends here?
02:14:046 (3) - Again drum tick not found, especially you can here a very strong snare sound at 02:14:237 -
03:01:817 - A noticeable bass kick sound here you might want to add something to it.
04:07:358 (3,4) - Between these two sliders there's a drum note that's missing. You might want to change to something that fits it more.
04:09:078 (4) - Noticeable tom sound.
Good luck on re-qualifying this map!
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LMT1996 wrote:

Hi again! I think this is the second time I mod your map today ^^. secong time you giving me a bit more determination
Mostly about consistency of following which instrument line you're mapping to. The main (and probably the strongest) line is the drum line so I think you should make sure at least all the prominent notes are mapped.
01:02:390 (3) - I think you sort of ignored the drum line here. yes, after a while of testing , your suggestion is good
01:22:263 (3) - here as well. ^^^
01:27:804 (1) - Are you mapping by the bell (ring ding ding) line or the drum line here? If you're mapping by the bell line then there's another note where the spinner ends, I don't know but start clicking circles on the second note of the line seems weird. I'm not sure about this. let's try that
01:49:970 (6,1) - You've been following the drum line this whole part but these 2 sliders don't, maybe breaking up into a slider + a note for each of those? naah, i'm following the vocal at here
01:55:894 - and 02:00:479 - There's a cymbal sound here at these positions, again it's got to do with the drum line. Maybe turning the previous circle into a slider which ends here? agreed
02:14:046 (3) - Again drum tick not found, especially you can here a very strong snare sound at 02:14:237 -i'm quite blind aren't i?
03:01:817 - A noticeable bass kick sound here you might want to add something to it. good
04:07:358 (3,4) - Between these two sliders there's a drum note that's missing. You might want to change to something that fits it more. yeah i pretend that i didn't hear this one
04:09:078 (4) - Noticeable tom sound i'm following the strongest sound at here.
Good luck on re-qualifying this map!
thank you thank you!
we fixed some small things in irc, lets give this another try
  1. Reduce the drain rate lol. Normal difficulty has 3, but this one has 4.
  2. 00:11:180 (2) - Try replacing the clap with a Normal sample set on start and end of this slider. I think it sounds better with the music imo
  3. 02:08:696 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1.0x here, not 1.1x
  4. 03:47:868 (3,1) - Improve blanket?
[Solar's Normal]
  1. Good map, but I would probably increase drain rate +1 since the current drain rate is too low imo.
  1. 03:28:378 (6) - Shouldn't a new combo go here (and at 03:29:906) instead of 03:28:760 (1)? In addition, you should probably replace these circles at 03:28:378 (6,7) with a 1/2 slider and join this slider with the pattern group at 03:28:760 (1,2,3,4). It would be cool if you could try to make a nice star pattern with those 5 sliders 8-)
[Pho's Kaleidoscope]
  1. 03:03:728 (7) - Best star slider ever!!!!!
Nyaten's Hard is good. Anyways, call me back once you are done o3o
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BeatofIke wrote:

  1. Reduce the drain rate lol. Normal difficulty has 3, but this one has 4. alright
  2. 00:11:180 (2) - Try replacing the clap with a Normal sample set on start and end of this slider. I think it sounds better with the music imo sounds good to me too
  3. 02:08:696 (1,2) - Spacing should be 1.0x here, not 1.1x asfasfasgfsd
  4. 03:47:868 (3,1) - Improve blanket? i'm bad at putting blankettttt

  1. 03:28:378 (6) - Shouldn't a new combo go here (and at 03:29:906) instead of 03:28:760 (1)? In addition, you should probably replace these circles at 03:28:378 (6,7) with a 1/2 slider and join this slider with the pattern group at 03:28:760 (1,2,3,4). It would be cool if you could try to make a nice star pattern with those 5 sliders 8-) asdasfas yes bad combo, also for the star pattern I don't think I'm gonna use it here since I'm trying keep the current one.
Nyaten's Hard is good. Anyways, call me back once you are done o3o
Thank you !
Map Qualified~
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Saten wrote:

wb saten <3
Solar's Normal

03:36:021 (1,1) - Risky recovery time for a Normal xP.
congratz Shurelia....

Selamat ya mapnya ranked juga....
A disqualification has been requested.

I have to agree with Monstrata here, the rec-very-time issue is worth considering!
Ahh mind waiting for me until weekend Shu? I want to adjust a few things from my map as well ><
good luck i love this song and this game
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hahaha , Am I trying to rank 7 stars map ? , I don't know

@Bakari : I'll contact El Solarbeam then.
@Pho : Sure, please lemme know if you're ready.
@Everyone : Please lend me help. I don't really want to wait another 9 months just to re-qualified this map.
@shionelove : そう、いいゲームだ , カッパよし
El SolarBeam

Monstrata wrote:

Solar's Normal

03:36:021 (1,1) - Risky recovery time for a Normal xP.
changed into a new rhythm
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@jonathanlfj & @BeatofIke , If you please~
kalo ga ada bn mo cek gw bisa cek in beb. laptop udah gnti soalnya wkwk

Pho wrote:

Ahh mind waiting for me until weekend Shu? I want to adjust a few things from my map as well ><
@Shurelia: I'll re-qualify once every GD is satisfied with their difficulty :3

EDIT: Thanks Pho for the confirmation:

Heart icon~
owo congratulations for requalify :3
grats for re-requalify!!!!!
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Thank you (again and again) jonathanlfj!

Thank you (again) Ike!

Thank you Everyone!
congrats again.....

moga saja nggak DQ lagi dech
Love this song, congratz :)
This time for real. :)
about time lol

Congrats Shurelia !!1!11
Shimotsuki Haruka <3
aaaaaaaaaaaa gratz
I love visual novel songssssssssss
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@Electoz, I have more VNs song ready to be ranked. Feel free to check it out. Xd
Congrats Shu~ (^v^)
congratulations Shurelia! >w<
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