i certainly cant. i always look at someone's shoes instead of their face and identify people by their shoes instead of face (lots of people i meet usually only have one pair of shoes that they always wear, myself included)
Patatitta wrote:
nope, I look at the general area their head is in rather than the actual face or eyes
Same, I hate it.keremaru wrote:
i can look at someone's eyes, but over time i get uncomfortable and just start looking around elsewhere
I don't understand why people assume you're not listening if you're not staring at their face, it makes no sense.WitherMite wrote:
Can but uncomfortable, always fun that in an attempt to make people feel like im listening to them I end up being able to pay less attention to what they are saying.
Horny.Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:
Yes, for like 5 seconds before looking at other random places.
And if it's a dude for like 3 seconds before I start thinking something else.