
can you make eye contact?

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can you?

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i certainly cant. i always look at someone's shoes instead of their face and identify people by their shoes instead of face (lots of people i meet usually only have one pair of shoes that they always wear, myself included)
nope, I look at the general area their head is in rather than the actual face or eyes
depends on the person, sometimes when i look at someone's face i just start laughing my ass off, but mostly yes
not really
It is technically considered rude in countries like the USA, where not looking at their faces or eyes while talking would imply that you are not paying attention to them; in Japan, however, it's the opposite—something about coming off as menacing. 

And to answer your question, I don't play osu.
Wimpy Cursed
I can lock eyes so hard it becomes seductive

Patatitta wrote:

nope, I look at the general area their head is in rather than the actual face or eyes
i can look at someone's eyes, but over time i get uncomfortable and just start looking around elsewhere
i can, but not for a long time
- Felix
I always stare them down
i actually stare when i listen but when i talk i can't hold eye contact
Can but uncomfortable, always fun that in an attempt to make people feel like im listening to them I end up being able to pay less attention to what they are saying.

keremaru wrote:

i can look at someone's eyes, but over time i get uncomfortable and just start looking around elsewhere
Same, I hate it.

WitherMite wrote:

Can but uncomfortable, always fun that in an attempt to make people feel like im listening to them I end up being able to pay less attention to what they are saying.
I don't understand why people assume you're not listening if you're not staring at their face, it makes no sense.
I can't, I just look somewhere else.
Yes, for like 5 seconds before looking at other random places.

And if it's a dude for like 3 seconds before I start thinking something else.

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Yes, for like 5 seconds before looking at other random places.

And if it's a dude for like 3 seconds before I start thinking something else.
[TCD] Dzar03
If I have a proper reason for it (some try not to blink contest) I will say I can. But I wouldn't stare at them like 15s+, I feel like I'm rude doing it
okay, bump, went outside today, was self concious about this for some reason and I realized I don't even fucking look at the person i'm talkign at
it depends

if i dont know someone or trust someone, or i dont trust myself, then i dont really look at people

but if im describing something im abstracting from my brain then im definitely not making eye contact, i just never will look at you, im talking to the wall or furniture next to you

but sometimes i do if im listening to a family member

otherwise i dont like making eye contact, or being seen or looked at in general
Mother Nature
It's always when I'm talking to someone that I make eye contact, otherwise I look at their shoes.
i can look at people when they're talking but i cant for the life of me look at people when im speaking
I try to. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I can't. I would say that considering you, you're kinda excused from this, but I would attempt to still look in the face, if not the eyes, somewhere else close by.
most of the time, absolutely not.
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