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Pick One

Stay indoors forever
Stay outdoors forever
Total votes: 75
Topic Starter
Fat Fish Pete
If you pick "Indoors" you can't leave your house and stay there forever. And if you picked "Outdoors" you are to live your whole life outside
i would choose both, but ill say outdoors since i can only choose one
plus i can doodle outside in the nice warm grass :3
Wimpy Cursed
for mental health, I'd stay outside
Become feral and communicate with animals
Inside wouldn't be great for health, there's more room for adaptation outside.
3rd option: be a healthy human being and do both for best results.
Oh absolutely indoors.
i already spend most of my time outside anyway, what difference would it make?
being a hikikomori VS being homeless
If Having A Home of multiple Trailer with no Doors Or roof Or even both Counts Outdoor, Im in
Arctos Sagittario
try staying outdoors when it's -30℃ and good luck with that

I'll chill in the air conditioned building for the rest of my life
Avian dinosaur

Arctos Sagittario wrote:

try staying outdoors when it's -30℃ and good luck with that

I'll chill in the air conditioned building for the rest of my life
Isn't migration to warmer places an option?
Just get rid of the doors in my house easy w
Staying outdoors won't be so bad if you could bring your laptop/other devices, live in a tent and have a way to study/work/do hobbies outdoors
you can also bring your clothes
indoors even if I will never see nature again :(

Avian dinosaur wrote:

Arctos Sagittario wrote:

try staying outdoors when it's -30℃ and good luck with that

I'll chill in the air conditioned building for the rest of my life
Isn't migration to warmer places an option?
I mean if you can leave your job, go to another place far away enough to where the climate is good, and somehow find a job there while being homeless, sure

DJruslan4ic wrote:

Staying outdoors won't be so bad if you could bring your laptop/other devices, live in a tent and have a way to study/work/do hobbies outdoors
you can also bring your clothes
theoretically, ain't staying in a tent counts as indoor?
if your apartment is in a really giant shopping mall, so like your "home" is the mall and never leave the hole building, i would say it counts as indoor
id say indoors but like that could either be like in a huge mall like what "Sk3kiii" said or just a very small wooden cabin. even with outdoors it could be like in DISNEY WORLD or at a deserted island.
i cage a girl inside with me and work IT so i got all i need✨
Koi is the type of guy to stay indoors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jangsoodlor wrote:

DJruslan4ic wrote:

Staying outdoors won't be so bad if you could bring your laptop/other devices, live in a tent and have a way to study/work/do hobbies outdoors
you can also bring your clothes
theoretically, ain't staying in a tent counts as indoor?
I'd say that a tent outdoors counts as outdoors because it's more of a shelter than a home
outdoors tf, I wanna explore the world
Indoor means, I'm getting both physical and mental issues just by being inert, unmoving, decaying human. Would probably survive at best till about a month.

Outdoor means I can walk wherever I want, meet and talk to others, touch grass, still being able to take some sort of shelter for resting.

Ofc outdoor forever
Arctos Sagittario

Avian dinosaur wrote:

Arctos Sagittario wrote:

try staying outdoors when it's -30℃ and good luck with that

I'll chill in the air conditioned building for the rest of my life
Isn't migration to warmer places an option?
quite my point that the option "living outdoors" is a priviledge only for people living in places with zero natural disaster or hazardous weather

whereas you can live indoors with no problem even if your home is a space station

Arctos Sagittario wrote:

Avian dinosaur wrote:

Arctos Sagittario wrote:

try staying outdoors when it's -30℃ and good luck with that

I'll chill in the air conditioned building for the rest of my life
Isn't migration to warmer places an option?
quite my point that the option "living outdoors" is a priviledge only for people living in places with zero natural disaster or hazardous weather

whereas you can live indoors with no problem even if your home is a space station
not wanting to get political but uh living in a place without hazardous weather shouldnt be considered a privilege, since the majority has access to it. maybe a privilege of many? quite contradictory
Arctos Sagittario

Polyspora wrote:

not wanting to get political but uh living in a place without hazardous weather shouldnt be considered a privilege, since the majority has access to it. maybe a privilege of many? quite contradictory
well, not quite, considering that most places away from tropical area the low temperature could be deadly, and there're some vast deserts in tropical area, places with great weather throughout years are really not so many

the reason why people can live in these not optimal areas is all because of shelters, i.e. indoors
you can do most indoor activities outside though
Mother Nature
In my case, I live alone, so staying indoors forever will simply destroy my mental health. :|
tbh there is so much stuff to do outside compared to inside i feel like
Define "outside".
I can touch grass outside
Would stay indoors. Playing osu of course! :)
I think people aren't really thinking this one through, if you choose outside you'll be exposed to the elements. That's not viable or at the least extremely unpleasant in most places.
outside cause that vitamin d deficiency will be the death of me

stevennnn wrote:

outside cause that vitamin d deficiency will be the death of me
so true
Inside so I can avoid death whenever it's storming outside

stevennnn wrote:

outside cause that vitamin d deficiency will be the death of me
take some vitamin pills, I have the same issue. it helps with your mood as well.
Well, there are pros and cons to each side, but think there's less risk in staying indoors. Sure, you might go insane, but it's better than dying to the 3 quadrillion new dangerous things cooking up outside every day. Plus, I'm already used to it, lol.
outside its still possible to play osu
- Marco -

BlueChinchompa wrote:

outside its still possible to play osu
Stay inside, order everything I need online, everything's good!

Besides, unless if I go to school, I don't go outside anyways.
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