This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 28 octobre 2024 at 18:33:09
Artist: Sou
Title: Sekai o Inuite (TV Size)
Tags: Xiirn Phynta LotsOfBagel SUISEI69 TheBushy Fufla arekk GalaxyGaming THAT_otaku killian Tesla173 Fall nettspend The Fart Lord fieryrage HomingLesi TsumugiP Jennifer Syph wyit Ralkinson Stupid Femboy SupaV Armada kxlman Kyairie Wispy Kudou Chitose __Ag Ducknorriss wiwit Nijika Ijichi Chompy wyrio archie melleganol ShinyBraixen Cellina pnky Molybdenum Nakazawa Emgeul Reiszen Auriga Izzeee payney EnderCraft AruOtta chaser01 perc70cuhz OnyxAje ajmosca Mahiru Shiina Basherman deppyforce Noob_Oni Kataryn Renumi THAT_blazord Vince7778 v0x Delta_ TritoBandito bluirre Nachmark -kevincela- olsonn Aakki sayucat_ Urition Mekadon Stompy_ Tuffiii Cytusine LightIn RealDeathmatch ArXe an3 KaiserWeebs Xadreco Roupus Yumenexa -Yua KnightC0re Defectum Gaz bnmc Yuri Enjoyer SourMongoose yary Kuroise MonsieurSebas Germanrekk Len tor Syodou EnuHQ im chill asf japanese rock wo mizto jennglebells Mikelito069 kolman potatodew Kenterz9 farq Orange_ hanabyte finnish bn Koyorin-sama sydnmc -Magic- O_K_U -_alex
BPM: 202
Filesize: 13486kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
song (movie for full version), anime
Sou (singer), Neru (lyrics/music/arrangement), YORUGATA (bg art & movie)
reddit gold: daycore, wafer
Artist: Sou
Title: Sekai o Inuite (TV Size)
Tags: Xiirn Phynta LotsOfBagel SUISEI69 TheBushy Fufla arekk GalaxyGaming THAT_otaku killian Tesla173 Fall nettspend The Fart Lord fieryrage HomingLesi TsumugiP Jennifer Syph wyit Ralkinson Stupid Femboy SupaV Armada kxlman Kyairie Wispy Kudou Chitose __Ag Ducknorriss wiwit Nijika Ijichi Chompy wyrio archie melleganol ShinyBraixen Cellina pnky Molybdenum Nakazawa Emgeul Reiszen Auriga Izzeee payney EnderCraft AruOtta chaser01 perc70cuhz OnyxAje ajmosca Mahiru Shiina Basherman deppyforce Noob_Oni Kataryn Renumi THAT_blazord Vince7778 v0x Delta_ TritoBandito bluirre Nachmark -kevincela- olsonn Aakki sayucat_ Urition Mekadon Stompy_ Tuffiii Cytusine LightIn RealDeathmatch ArXe an3 KaiserWeebs Xadreco Roupus Yumenexa -Yua KnightC0re Defectum Gaz bnmc Yuri Enjoyer SourMongoose yary Kuroise MonsieurSebas Germanrekk Len tor Syodou EnuHQ im chill asf japanese rock wo mizto jennglebells Mikelito069 kolman potatodew Kenterz9 farq Orange_ hanabyte finnish bn Koyorin-sama sydnmc -Magic- O_K_U -_alex
BPM: 202
Filesize: 13486kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
- Aakki's Extra (6,01 stars, 401 notes)
- Ag's Extra (5,83 stars, 434 notes)
- ajmosca's Extra (6,15 stars, 403 notes)
- an3's Insane (5 stars, 346 notes)
- archie's Expert (6,24 stars, 454 notes)
- arekk's Insane (4,83 stars, 335 notes)
- Armada's Extra (5,66 stars, 398 notes)
- Aru's Extra (6,19 stars, 472 notes)
- ArXe's Normal (2,58 stars, 225 notes)
- Auriga's Extra (6,14 stars, 402 notes)
- Basherman's Expert (5,48 stars, 385 notes)
- bluirre's Beginner (0,83 stars, 32 notes)
- bnmc's Insanother (5,25 stars, 398 notes)
- Bushy's Extra (5,79 stars, 433 notes)
- Cellina's Extra (6,01 stars, 411 notes)
- chaser01's Extra (5,88 stars, 376 notes)
- Chitose's Expert (5,58 stars, 393 notes)
- Chompy's Hard (3,46 stars, 248 notes)
- Cytusine's Hard (3,7 stars, 269 notes)
- Defectum's TaikOsu Expert (6,27 stars, 448 notes)
- Delta's Extra (5,97 stars, 389 notes)
- Deppy's NEW Expert (6,01 stars, 384 notes)
- Ducknorriss' Extra (6,13 stars, 441 notes)
- Emgeul's Extreme (6,42 stars, 427 notes)
- EnderCraft's Insane (5,14 stars, 434 notes)
- Enu's Expert (5,83 stars, 401 notes)
- Extra (5,83 stars, 383 notes)
- Fall's Expert (5,84 stars, 377 notes)
- farq's Extra (5,92 stars, 393 notes)
- Fiery's Extra (6,15 stars, 374 notes)
- Fufla's Extreme (6,38 stars, 412 notes)
- Galaxy's Insane (5,18 stars, 330 notes)
- Gaz's Harder (3,75 stars, 263 notes)
- Germanrekk's Hyper (3,74 stars, 305 notes)
- im chill asf's Insane (4,94 stars, 327 notes)
- ize's Expert (6,02 stars, 433 notes)
- Jennifer's Extra (5,57 stars, 389 notes)
- KaiserWeebs' Extra (5,87 stars, 410 notes)
- Kataryn's Expert (5,63 stars, 365 notes)
- -kevincela-'s Expert (5,61 stars, 402 notes)
- killian's EX (6,54 stars, 438 notes)
- Knight's Expert (6,03 stars, 434 notes)
- Kuroise's Hyper (3,97 stars, 269 notes)
- kxlman's Extra (6,27 stars, 408 notes)
- Kyairie's Extra (5,71 stars, 406 notes)
- Len's Classic EX (6,84 stars, 396 notes)
- Lesi's Advanced (3,02 stars, 233 notes)
- Lightin's Another (5,3 stars, 372 notes)
- LotsOfBagel's Expert (6,22 stars, 407 notes)
- Mahiru's Expert (5,91 stars, 424 notes)
- Mekadon's EX (6,85 stars, 448 notes)
- Melle's Another (5,33 stars, 380 notes)
- Mike's Normal (2,54 stars, 217 notes)
- Molybdenum's Easy (2,11 stars, 143 notes)
- Nachmark's Extreme (6,57 stars, 423 notes)
- Nakazawa's Extra (6,02 stars, 402 notes)
- nettspend's Light Insane (4,33 stars, 316 notes)
- Nijika Ijichi's Ultra (6,97 stars, 432 notes)
- Noob's Hard (3,68 stars, 293 notes)
- O K U's Ex (6,92 stars, 463 notes)
- olsonn's Expert (6,31 stars, 398 notes)
- OnyxAje's Normal (2,66 stars, 213 notes)
- payney's Insane (4,71 stars, 341 notes)
- Phynta's Extra (5,83 stars, 423 notes)
- pnky's Extra (5,85 stars, 389 notes)
- Ralkinson's Expert (5,18 stars, 354 notes)
- RealDeathmatch's Insane (5,28 stars, 376 notes)
- Reiszen's Extreme (6,38 stars, 410 notes)
- Renumi's Insane (5 stars, 340 notes)
- Roupus' Insane (5,03 stars, 375 notes)
- sayu's Extra (6,02 stars, 409 notes)
- Sebas' Expert (5,94 stars, 404 notes)
- Shiny Braixen's Expert (5,52 stars, 380 notes)
- Sour's Normal (2,22 stars, 169 notes)
- Stompy's Special (5,18 stars, 342 notes)
- SUISEI's Another (5,11 stars, 311 notes)
- SupaV's Ideal Expert (6,34 stars, 374 notes)
- Syodou's EX EX (6,54 stars, 417 notes)
- Syph's Extra (5,57 stars, 394 notes)
- Tesla's Extra (6,28 stars, 423 notes)
- THAT_blazord's Extra (6,23 stars, 398 notes)
- THAT_otaku's Extreme (6,82 stars, 444 notes)
- The Fart Lord's Insane (5,11 stars, 352 notes)
- tor's Hard (3,52 stars, 265 notes)
- Trito's Expert (5,7 stars, 385 notes)
- TsumugiP's Expert (6,15 stars, 414 notes)
- Tuffiii's Hard (3,51 stars, 291 notes)
- URI'S EXTRA (5,96 stars, 398 notes)
- v0x's Another (4,97 stars, 386 notes)
- Vince's Extra (5,94 stars, 444 notes)
- Wispy's Extra (5,29 stars, 325 notes)
- wiwit's Insane (4,7 stars, 330 notes)
- wyit's Extra (5,93 stars, 389 notes)
- wyrio's Extra (5,46 stars, 334 notes)
- Xadreco's Extra (5,83 stars, 396 notes)
- Xiirn's Hyper (3,92 stars, 355 notes)
- yary's Extreme (6,5 stars, 410 notes)
- Yua's Insane (4,75 stars, 384 notes)
- Yumenexa's Insane (5,15 stars, 380 notes)
- Yuri Enjoyer's Extra (5,97 stars, 390 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
song (movie for full version), anime
Sou (singer), Neru (lyrics/music/arrangement), YORUGATA (bg art & movie)
Powered by Nevo's description maker
bluirre's Beginner - by bluirre
Molybdenum's Easy - by Molybdenum
Sour's Normal - by SourMongoose
Mike's Normal - by Stupid Femboy
ArXe's Normal - by ArXe
OnyxAje's Normal - by OnyxAje
Lesi's Advanced - by HomingLesi
Chompy's Hard - by Chompy
Tuffiii's Hard - by Tuffiii
tor's Hard - by tor
Noob's Hard - by Noob_Oni
Cytusine's Hard - by Cytusine
Germanrekk's Hyper - by Germanrekk
Gaz's Harder - by Gaz
Xiirn's Hyper - by Xiirn
Kuroise's Hyper - by Kuroise
nettspend's Light Insane - by mizto
wiwit's Insane - by wiwit
payney's Insane - by payney
Yua's Insane - by -Yua
arekk's Insane - by arekk
v0x's Another - by v0x
im chill asf's Insane - by im chill asf
an3's Insane - by an3
Renumi's Insane - by Renumi
Roupus' Insane - by Roupus
The Fart Lord's Insane - by The Fart Lord
SUISEI's Another - by SUISEI69
EnderCraft's Insane - by EnderCraft
Yumenexa's Insane - by Yumenexa
Stompy's Special - by Stompy_
Galaxy's Insane - by GalaxyGaming
Ralkinson's Expert - by Ralkinson
bnmc's Insanother - by sydnmc
RealDeathmatch's Insane - by RealDeathmatch
Wispy's Extra - by Wispy
Lightin's Another - by Lightin
Melle's Another - by melleganol
wyrio's Extra - by wyrio
Basherman's Expert - by Basherman
Shiny Braixen's Expert - by Shiny Braixen
Chitose's Expert - by Kudou Chitose
Syph's Extra - by Syph
Jennifer's Extra - by Jennifer
Kataryn's Expert - by Kataryn
-kevincela-'s Expert - by -kevincela-
Armada's Extra - by Armada
Kyairie's Extra - by Kyairie
Trito's Expert - by TritoBandito
Bushy's Extra - by TheBushy
Ag's Extra - by __Ag
Extra - by Ryuusei Aika
Phynta's Extra - by Phynta
Xadreco's Extra - by Xadreco
Enu's Expert - by EnuHQ
chaser01's Extra - by chaser01
Fall's Expert - by Fall
pnky's Extra - by pnky
KaiserWeebs' Extra - by KaiserWeebs
Mahiru's Expert - by Mahiru Shiina
Vince's Extra - by Vince7778
farq's Extra - by perc70cuhz
URI'S EXTRA - by Urition
wyit's Extra - by wyit
Sebas' Expert - by MonsieurSebas
Delta's Extra - by Delta_
Yuri Enjoyer's Extra - by Yuri Enjoyer
Knight's Expert - by KnightC0re
Cellina's Extra - by Cellina
Nakazawa's Extra - by Nakazawa
Aakki's Extra - by Aakki
Deppy's NEW Expert - by Deppyforce
ize's Expert - by Izzeee
sayu's Extra - by sayucat_
Ducknorriss' Extra - by Ducknorriss
ajmosca's Extra - by ajmosca
Auriga's Extra - by Auriga
Fiery's Extra - by fieryrage
TsumugiP's Expert - by TsumugiP
Aru's Extra - by AruOtta
archie's Expert - by Ryuusei Aika
LotsOfBagel's Expert - by LotsOfBagel
THAT_blazord's Extra - by THAT_blazord
Defectum's TaikOsu Expert - by Defectum
Tesla's Extra - by Tesla173
kxlman's Extra - by kolman
olsonn's Expert - by olsonn
SupaV's Ideal Expert - by SupaV
Reiszen's Extreme - by Reiszen
Fufla's Extreme - by Fufla
Emgeul's Extreme - by Emgeul
yary's Extreme - by yary
Syodou's EX EX - by Syodou
killian's EX - by killian
Nachmark's Extreme - by Nachmark
THAT_otaku's Extreme - by THAT_otaku
Mekadon's EX - by Mekadon
Len's Classic EX - by Len
O K U's Ex - by O K U
Nijika Ijichi's Ultra - by Nijika Ijichi
Hitsounds by Ryuusei Aika (some diffs by their corresponding gder)
Molybdenum's Easy - by Molybdenum
Sour's Normal - by SourMongoose
Mike's Normal - by Stupid Femboy
ArXe's Normal - by ArXe
OnyxAje's Normal - by OnyxAje
Lesi's Advanced - by HomingLesi
Chompy's Hard - by Chompy
Tuffiii's Hard - by Tuffiii
tor's Hard - by tor
Noob's Hard - by Noob_Oni
Cytusine's Hard - by Cytusine
Germanrekk's Hyper - by Germanrekk
Gaz's Harder - by Gaz
Xiirn's Hyper - by Xiirn
Kuroise's Hyper - by Kuroise
nettspend's Light Insane - by mizto
wiwit's Insane - by wiwit
payney's Insane - by payney
Yua's Insane - by -Yua
arekk's Insane - by arekk
v0x's Another - by v0x
im chill asf's Insane - by im chill asf
an3's Insane - by an3
Renumi's Insane - by Renumi
Roupus' Insane - by Roupus
The Fart Lord's Insane - by The Fart Lord
SUISEI's Another - by SUISEI69
EnderCraft's Insane - by EnderCraft
Yumenexa's Insane - by Yumenexa
Stompy's Special - by Stompy_
Galaxy's Insane - by GalaxyGaming
Ralkinson's Expert - by Ralkinson
bnmc's Insanother - by sydnmc
RealDeathmatch's Insane - by RealDeathmatch
Wispy's Extra - by Wispy
Lightin's Another - by Lightin
Melle's Another - by melleganol
wyrio's Extra - by wyrio
Basherman's Expert - by Basherman
Shiny Braixen's Expert - by Shiny Braixen
Chitose's Expert - by Kudou Chitose
Syph's Extra - by Syph
Jennifer's Extra - by Jennifer
Kataryn's Expert - by Kataryn
-kevincela-'s Expert - by -kevincela-
Armada's Extra - by Armada
Kyairie's Extra - by Kyairie
Trito's Expert - by TritoBandito
Bushy's Extra - by TheBushy
Ag's Extra - by __Ag
Extra - by Ryuusei Aika
Phynta's Extra - by Phynta
Xadreco's Extra - by Xadreco
Enu's Expert - by EnuHQ
chaser01's Extra - by chaser01
Fall's Expert - by Fall
pnky's Extra - by pnky
KaiserWeebs' Extra - by KaiserWeebs
Mahiru's Expert - by Mahiru Shiina
Vince's Extra - by Vince7778
farq's Extra - by perc70cuhz
URI'S EXTRA - by Urition
wyit's Extra - by wyit
Sebas' Expert - by MonsieurSebas
Delta's Extra - by Delta_
Yuri Enjoyer's Extra - by Yuri Enjoyer
Knight's Expert - by KnightC0re
Cellina's Extra - by Cellina
Nakazawa's Extra - by Nakazawa
Aakki's Extra - by Aakki
Deppy's NEW Expert - by Deppyforce
ize's Expert - by Izzeee
sayu's Extra - by sayucat_
Ducknorriss' Extra - by Ducknorriss
ajmosca's Extra - by ajmosca
Auriga's Extra - by Auriga
Fiery's Extra - by fieryrage
TsumugiP's Expert - by TsumugiP
Aru's Extra - by AruOtta
archie's Expert - by Ryuusei Aika
LotsOfBagel's Expert - by LotsOfBagel
THAT_blazord's Extra - by THAT_blazord
Defectum's TaikOsu Expert - by Defectum
Tesla's Extra - by Tesla173
kxlman's Extra - by kolman
olsonn's Expert - by olsonn
SupaV's Ideal Expert - by SupaV
Reiszen's Extreme - by Reiszen
Fufla's Extreme - by Fufla
Emgeul's Extreme - by Emgeul
yary's Extreme - by yary
Syodou's EX EX - by Syodou
killian's EX - by killian
Nachmark's Extreme - by Nachmark
THAT_otaku's Extreme - by THAT_otaku
Mekadon's EX - by Mekadon
Len's Classic EX - by Len
O K U's Ex - by O K U
Nijika Ijichi's Ultra - by Nijika Ijichi
Hitsounds by Ryuusei Aika (some diffs by their corresponding gder)
reddit gold: daycore, wafer
bg sources
main bg edited from sou's official website
suisei69 drew his own bg (a girl having a similar style with the main bg)
bg of a wolf holding a sword
bg of a girl sinking into the sea
bg of a boy with a bird standing on his shoulder
that_otaku took her own bg (a telephone pole)
bg of an angel boy hugging a devil boy
bg of a girl sitting on a skeleton
bg of a girl holding a sword in unlimited blade works
bg of a beefcake
suisei69 drew his own bg (a girl having a similar style with the main bg)
bg of a wolf holding a sword
bg of a girl sinking into the sea
bg of a boy with a bird standing on his shoulder
that_otaku took her own bg (a telephone pole)
bg of an angel boy hugging a devil boy
bg of a girl sitting on a skeleton
bg of a girl holding a sword in unlimited blade works
bg of a beefcake