
Maeguchi Wataru - Main Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on December 20, 2018 at 10:44:51 PM

Artist: Maeguchi Wataru
Title: Main Theme
Source: 会長はメイド様!
Tags: Class President is a Maid! Maid Sama! Instrumental OST
BPM: 102
Filesize: 2217kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.32 stars, 86 notes)
  2. Hard (2.85 stars, 251 notes)
  3. Insane (3.39 stars, 354 notes)
  4. Normal (2.04 stars, 175 notes)
Download: Maeguchi Wataru - Main Theme
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Kaichou wa Maid-samaのOSTの中MainThemeでございます。

Entirely remapped in 2018.

All diffs by me. Kudos to Mordred and Uta for nomination.

Remap Count
  1. Easy: 1
  2. Normal: 4
  3. Hard: 2
  4. Insane: 4

>.< I LOVE THIS SONGGGG... but no one seems to be interested in making a beatmap out of this D:

jessie0520's Easy: jessie0520 & Me!
Normal: Me!
Hard: Me!
Insane: Me!
Nihalum's Maid: Nihalum

Thank you No Dap for teaching me basic knowledge of mapping.
Thanks for everyone that took their time to mod my map. :)
Keep me updated :D

And be careful of putting in too many shapes. Keep the difficulty consistent.
IRC mod
21:29 Cookiesi: 모딩 리쾨스트에 넣는데... 소식이 없네요
21:29 Cookiesi: 만든지 오래됬는데
21:29 No Dap: 모딩받는게 쉬운게 아니에요
21:29 Cookiesi: 하아...
21:30 *No Dap is editing [ Wataru Maeguchi, Heidi and Saaya Mizuno - Kaichou wa Maid-sama OST- Main Theme [Normal]]
21:30 No Dap: 이거죠
21:30 Cookiesi: 모딩이면 modify 작업 인가요?
21:30 Cookiesi: 네
21:31 No Dap: 네
21:31 Cookiesi: 아
21:32 No Dap: 간단한 문제점이라면 몇개 집어드릴수 있는데
21:32 Cookiesi: 아네
21:33 *No Dap is editing [ Wataru Maeguchi, Heidi and Saaya Mizuno - Kaichou wa Maid-sama OST- Main Theme [Normal]]
21:33 No Dap: 하드 이하의 난이도는 DS를 바꾸시지 않는걸 추천드려요
21:33 No Dap: .6에서 .9까지 너무 뒤죽 박죽이세요
21:33 Cookiesi: DS가 뭔가요?
21:33 No Dap: distance snap 이요
21:34 Cookiesi: 아
21:34 No Dap: 00:01:796 (1,2) - 이런것도
21:34 No Dap: 나쁜건아닌데 더 이쁘게 하시려면
21:34 No Dap: 담요라는 매핑 테크닉을 써주시는게 좋아요
21:34 Cookiesi: 네
21:35 Cookiesi: 담요
21:35 Cookiesi: 흠...
21:35 No Dap: 담요가 뭔지 아시죠?
21:35 Cookiesi: 아니요.. 이런거 이름을 아직 몰라서 ;;
21:36 No Dap:
21:36 Cookiesi: 죄송요;;
21:36 No Dap: 이렇게 감싸주는게 담요에요
21:36 No Dap: 죄송하실거 없는데..
21:36 Cookiesi: 아
21:36 No Dap: 매핑의 기본중의 기본이 담요입니다
21:36 Cookiesi: ㅎㅎ 아니 도아주셔서
21:37 Cookiesi: 흠 알겠어요
21:37 No Dap: 00:06:502 (1,2) - 이런건 디스턴스가 2나 돼는데
21:37 No Dap: 노말에 점프는 정말 비추천
21:37 No Dap: 그리고 이런 모양의 리버스 슬라이더는 흐름도 안좋기 때문에 인세인이나 하드에서부터 써요
21:37 Cookiesi: 저런건
21:37 Cookiesi: 작게 하면 되나요?
21:37 No Dap: DS를
21:38 Cookiesi: 아
21:38 No Dap: 우선
21:38 No Dap: SV가 1.5인거 부터 문제인듯..
21:38 Cookiesi: SV?
21:38 No Dap: slider velocity
21:38 No Dap:
21:38 Cookiesi: 아
21:38 Cookiesi: 그건 알아요
21:38 Cookiesi: 너무 빠른가요?
21:39 No Dap: 노말 난이도치고는 빠른듯하네요
21:39 Cookiesi: 노말을 보통 뭔가요?
21:39 No Dap: bpm도 101.99신데 101.99인게 확실하지 않으시면 102로 하시는게 좋아요
21:39 No Dap: .01 이라도 곡이 뒤로 갈수록 오차는 쌓이고 쌓여서 점점 박자가 안맞게 되요
21:40 Cookiesi: 저걸 딱맞췄는데
21:40 Cookiesi: 네
21:40 No Dap: 오프셋은 잘 맞추셧고
21:40 Cookiesi: I'll keep in mide
21:40 Cookiesi: mind*
21:40 No Dap: slider tick rate도 2말고 1이 어울리는거 같네요
21:40 Cookiesi: 아
21:41 No Dap: 00:08:855 (3,4,5,6,1) - 이런식의 겹타는 저희 눈엔 쉬워 보이겠지만
21:41 Cookiesi: 어렵나요?
21:41 No Dap: 초보자들 입장에서보면 겹타인데다가 반박 쉬고 나오기 때문에
21:41 No Dap: 헷갈려할수 있어요
21:41 Cookiesi: 아.... 그렀구나.. ;;
21:41 No Dap: 00:11:208 (1,2,3) - 이러것도 디스턴스 통일
21:41 No Dap: 노말은 그냥 DS 켜놓으시고
21:42 No Dap: DS 설정하신다음 안푸시고 매핑하시는게 좋아요
21:42 Cookiesi: 네
21:42 Cookiesi: DS 는
21:42 Cookiesi: 뭘로 할까요?
21:42 No Dap: DS문제에 대해서는 더이상 말 안할게요
21:42 No Dap: 음
21:42 No Dap: SV에 따라서 다르죠 보통
21:42 Cookiesi: 저는 완전 맵핑초보라서
21:42 Cookiesi: 아
21:43 No Dap: 보통 1.0을 사용해요
21:43 Cookiesi: SV는 1정도가
21:43 Cookiesi: 아
21:43 No Dap: DS 1.0
21:43 Cookiesi: 흠
21:43 No Dap: SV는 노말에는 1.0~1.2정도?
21:44 No Dap: 물론 매퍼의 스타일이나 곡의 분위기, 맵셋에 따라 다르겠지만
21:44 Cookiesi: 전 1.0, 1.0을 쓸께요
21:44 No Dap: 네
21:44 No Dap: 00:18:268 (1,1) - 이런거는 추천하지안하요
21:44 No Dap: 이렇게 보시면 아시겠지만
21:44 Cookiesi: 스피너요?
21:44 No Dap: 스핀 돌리는중에 노트가 나오죠?
21:44 Cookiesi: 너무 머네요
21:44 Cookiesi: 아
21:44 No Dap: 그것보다는
21:44 No Dap: 초보자들 입장에선
21:45 Cookiesi: 날리나겠네요
21:45 No Dap: 스핀 돌리느라 바쁜데 서클이 나와버려서 헷갈리거나
21:45 No Dap: 네
21:45 Cookiesi: 아하
21:45 No Dap: 이지난이도가 있으시다면
21:45 No Dap: 노말에선 이렇게 해도 대부분 뭐라고 하진 않아요
21:45 Cookiesi: 음...
21:46 Cookiesi: 고칠께 매우 많네요 ㅎㅎ
21:46 No Dap: 00:25:327 (1) - 이부분
21:46 No Dap: bpmz 102그대로인데
21:46 No Dap: 왜 바꾸셧나여
21:47 No Dap: 이렇게 해보세요
21:47 Cookiesi: 저럿게 하닌까 딱딱맞던데..
21:47 No Dap: 박자 딱맞는데 102에
21:47 Cookiesi: 거렀게하면 안되나요?
21:47 No Dap: 아니요 제가 봣을땐 아주 안맞던데..
21:47 Cookiesi:
21:48 Cookiesi: 그냥 102로요?
21:48 No Dap: 네
21:48 No Dap: 그냥 삭제하세요
21:48 No Dap: 처음꺼도 102로 하세요
21:48 No Dap: 102.00
21:48 Cookiesi: 아
21:48 No Dap: 이렇게
21:49 No Dap: 그리고 이제봤는데 노말에 .5 SV change는 매우 비추천..
21:49 Cookiesi: 아,
21:49 Cookiesi: 어
21:49 Cookiesi: 그럼
21:49 Cookiesi: 133 속도는 어떡하죠?
21:49 Cookiesi: 104
21:50 No Dap: 134가 맞아요
21:50 No Dap: 근대 SVchange 해놓으시고 슬라이더 안쓰셔서 괜찮을듯
21:50 Cookiesi:
21:50 Cookiesi: 이럿게 됬는데
21:50 No Dap: 126 삭제하시고
21:50 No Dap: 그다음꺼 134.00
21:50 No Dap: 소숫점 bpm은 틀리는경우가 더 많아요
21:50 No Dap: 소숫점 bpm은 매우 레어한 케이스
21:51 Cookiesi: 이렀게 됬어요
21:51 Cookiesi:
21:51 No Dap: 네 좋네요
21:51 No Dap: 00:41:419 (1,2) - 이런거
21:51 No Dap: 변속
21:51 No Dap: .5는 너무 심하고
21:51 No Dap: .8정돠 .9정도는 봐주는데
21:51 Cookiesi: 아
21:52 Cookiesi: 갑자기 너무느리나요?
21:52 No Dap: 네
21:52 Cookiesi: 음...
21:52 No Dap: 초보자들은 서클 읽기보단
21:52 No Dap: 거리로 리듬을 파악하기 때문에
21:52 Cookiesi: 아하..
21:52 No Dap: 00:46:793 (4,1,2,3) - 이런 겹치는거는
21:52 No Dap: 못생겼네요..
21:52 Cookiesi: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
21:53 Cookiesi: 바꿔야겠네요
21:53 No Dap: 00:46:793 (4) - 이 슬라이더도
21:53 No Dap: 음악을 안따르는거 같고..
21:53 Cookiesi: I'll remove that Slider :3
21:53 No Dap: 00:57:092 (2,3,4,5,6) - 음 여기도 이렇게 하셧는데
21:54 No Dap: 매우 비추천
21:54 Cookiesi: Stack?
21:54 No Dap: 01:02:914 (6) - 이런거는 정말 비추천
21:54 No Dap: 네
21:54 No Dap: 이렇게 짧은 슬라에 리턴이 2개이상 있으면
21:54 Cookiesi: 그럼면..
21:54 No Dap: 초보자들 리딩실력에는
21:54 No Dap: 십중팔구 틀립니다
21:54 Cookiesi: 아
21:54 No Dap: 게다가 저렇게 막 리버스 하기시작하면
21:55 No Dap: 언제 끝나는지 감잡기도 힘들죠
21:55 No Dap: 01:05:153 (2,3,4) - 이런 스택도 어렵고요
21:55 Cookiesi: 리버스를 아에 안쓰는게 좋겠네요
21:55 Cookiesi: 노말엔
21:55 No Dap: 아니요
21:55 No Dap: 한개 있는건 괜찮아요
21:55 No Dap: 01:11:870 (3) - 이런거처럼
21:55 Cookiesi: 아
21:56 No Dap: 01:15:004 (6,1) - 이런건 노말에 넣기에는
21:56 No Dap: 동선이 너무 안좋네요
21:56 Cookiesi: 아지금 다겹쳐서 ㅋㅋ
21:56 No Dap: 01:17:243 (3,4) - 이런것도
21:56 Cookiesi: 음...
21:56 No Dap: 4서클을 밑에 쪽에 두면 담요가 가능해요
21:56 No Dap: 저렇게 어중간하고 못생기게 겹치는거보단
21:56 Cookiesi: 평평한거를 넣으면 되나요?
21:56 No Dap: 동선이요
21:56 No Dap: 잠시
21:56 No Dap: 예를..
21:56 Cookiesi: 아
21:57 Cookiesi: 담요?
21:57 No Dap:
21:57 No Dap: 이거보시면 아시겠지만 동선이 안좋아요
21:57 Cookiesi: 음...
21:57 No Dap: 밑으로 내려갔으면 그대로 밑으로 내려가는 흐름을 타서
21:58 No Dap: 저라면 대충
21:58 No Dap: 이렇게 할듯
21:58 No Dap: 모양만 보세요 ㅋㅋ
21:58 Cookiesi: 전 주로 인센만해서 그런지 이런거는 전혀 몰랐네요
21:58 Cookiesi: 아
21:58 No Dap: 그런대 요령만 익히면 제일 쉬워지는게
21:58 No Dap: 노말 이지 난이도..
21:59 No Dap: 01:22:617 (1,2,3) - 이런것도
21:59 No Dap: 3개를 모두 같은 모양으로 하는거보단
21:59 No Dap: 이렇게 하는게
21:59 No Dap: 흐름도 더좋고 모양도 더 좋아보이죠
21:59 Cookiesi: 아
21:59 Cookiesi: 그렀네요
21:59 Cookiesi: :O
22:00 No Dap: 01:28:886 (4,6) - 이런 겹침도
22:00 No Dap: 비추천..
22:00 No Dap: 01:29:782 (5,6,7,8) - 전 개인적으로 1직선 으로 뭐 있는거 안좋아하는..
22:00 No Dap: 이렇게 두는거보다는
22:00 Cookiesi: 아 슬라이더 아래에 있는거?
22:00 No Dap: 네
22:00 No Dap:
22:01 Cookiesi: 아..
22:01 No Dap: 이렇게 지그재그인게 훨씬더 플레이하기 재밌을거 같지 않나요
22:01 No Dap: 1직선으로 쭉 나열된 서클보다ㅡㄴ
22:01 No Dap: 는
22:01 Cookiesi: ㅎㅎ
22:01 No Dap: 그래도 리듬에는 문제가 없는듯하네요
22:01 No Dap: 주로 신경 쓰셔야할건 distance와 모양
22:02 Cookiesi: 흠...
22:02 No Dap: 이 메이드 난이도는
22:02 No Dap: 하드인가요 인센#2 인가요
22:02 Cookiesi: 맵만드는게 ㄷㄷ 어렵네요. 이게 노멀인데 ㅋㅋ
22:02 Cookiesi: 네
22:02 No Dap: 인센 #2?
22:02 Cookiesi: 네
22:02 No Dap: 하드 있으셔야 돼는건 아시죠
22:02 No Dap: 랭크하시려면
22:03 Cookiesi: 노멀 & 인샌 않되나요?
22:03 No Dap: 안돼요
22:03 Cookiesi: 2개 있어야된다고
22:03 Cookiesi: 이정도면 된가고 싶었는데
22:03 No Dap: 노멀&하드는 돼지만
22:03 Cookiesi: 아
22:03 Cookiesi: 그렀구나
22:03 No Dap: 랭크 조건중
22:04 No Dap: 중요한거 하나가 diff spread인데
22:04 Cookiesi: 네
22:04 No Dap: 노말&인센 하면
22:04 Cookiesi: 읽어 보긴했는데
22:04 No Dap: 난이도 밸런스가 아주 안좋죠
22:04 No Dap: 그러므로 자동으로 노랭크
22:04 Cookiesi: 음...
22:04 Cookiesi: ;_;
22:05 No Dap: 음 인센은 그냥
22:05 No Dap: 몇가지 패턴 집어서
22:05 No Dap: 조언만 드릴게요
22:05 Cookiesi: 네
22:05 No Dap: 00:01:796 (1,2,3) - 이런건 00:01:796 (1,2) - 이 두개를 겹치는거 보다는
22:06 No Dap: 이렇게 해서
22:06 Cookiesi: 무슨 인샌요?
22:06 *No Dap is editing [ Wataru Maeguchi, Heidi and Saaya Mizuno - Kaichou wa Maid-sama OST- Main Theme [Insane]]
22:06 No Dap: 이렇게 해서 역동적인 점프를 주는방법도 있고요
22:06 Cookiesi: 아
22:06 No Dap: 그런대 이경우에는 00:02:237 (2,3) - 이 두음이 이어지는 음이기 때문에
22:06 No Dap: 스택을 해도 좋네요
22:07 Cookiesi: 아
22:07 Cookiesi:
22:07 No Dap: 00:04:443 (4,5) - 이부분 박자 못맞추셧네요
22:08 No Dap: 이게 맞는거 같은데
22:08 Cookiesi: ?
22:08 Cookiesi: 으잉?
22:09 Cookiesi: 저가 이상한건아요
22:09 Cookiesi: 전 괜찮은데
22:09 No Dap: 00:04:738 (5) - 이거 시작하는 부분이
22:09 No Dap: 어색하지않나요
22:10 No Dap: 00:04:590 - 여기에 피아노 음이 뚜렷하게 있는데
22:10 Cookiesi: 음...
22:10 No Dap: 아무 음도 없는 00:04:738 - 여기서 시작할 이유를 모르겠는데 저는
22:10 Cookiesi: 흠..
22:10 Cookiesi: 잠시만요
22:11 Cookiesi:
22:11 Cookiesi: 이건거는요?
22:11 Cookiesi: 스라이더를 지워버리고
22:12 No Dap: 00:04:737 - 이곳에 아무 음이 없는데
22:12 No Dap: 궂이 이곳에 두시려는 의도를 전 이해가 안돼네요..
22:12 No Dap: 우선 skip 하죠 그럼
22:13 No Dap: 박자가 안맞는곳이 상당히 많은데
22:13 Cookiesi: 너무 빼닌까 그것도 이상하고 ㅜ.ㅠ
22:13 No Dap: 00:07:091 (6) - 이런것도
22:13 No Dap: 00:06:943 - 피아노는 여기에 있는데
22:13 No Dap: 00:07:679 (1) - 이 슬라이더도 00:08:120 - 여기에서 끝나야 하고
22:14 No Dap: 일단 박자는 나중에 다시 맞추시면돼니까 넘어가고..
22:14 No Dap: 00:07:679 (1,1) - 이런 슬라이더 모양은 추천하지 않아요
22:14 Cookiesi: 이상하나요?
22:14 No Dap: 00:10:914 (7) - 같은 의견입니다
22:14 No Dap: 네
22:15 Cookiesi: 음.....
22:15 No Dap: 슬라이더 모양은 정말 개인마다 의견이 다르지만
22:15 No Dap: 저런건 어울리는 곳이 따로 있는..
22:16 No Dap: 00:18:268 (1,2,3,4) - 인세인인데 이렇게 하시는건 좀 너무 지겹고 쉬운의견이네요
22:16 Cookiesi: 요럿게 바꿧어요
22:16 Cookiesi:
22:16 Cookiesi: 어
22:16 Cookiesi: 저거
22:16 No Dap: 두번째 슬라이더를
22:16 No Dap: 좀 왼쪽 밑으로 내려보세요
22:16 No Dap: 이쁘게 대칭돼게
22:17 Cookiesi: 저 스택을 어떡할까요?
22:17 No Dap: 4각점프가 무난하죠
22:17 Cookiesi:
22:17 No Dap: 훨씬 좋네요
22:17 No Dap: 근대 너무 많이 내리신듯
22:18 Cookiesi: 아
22:18 Cookiesi: 아하
22:18 Cookiesi:
22:18 No Dap: 이렇게 해보세요
22:18 No Dap: 님꺼 보시면 아시겠지만
22:18 No Dap: 노란색 8서클에서 다음슬라로 가는데 동선이 아주 안좋아요
22:18 Cookiesi: 음..
22:19 No Dap: 00:20:621 (1) - 이런거는
22:19 No Dap: 슬라이더 전체에 휘슬하지마시고
22:19 No Dap: 머리 꼬리 따로따로 넣어주세요
22:19 No Dap: 안그러면 지잉이이ㅣ익 하는 슬라이더휘슬 소리 때문에
22:19 No Dap: 매우 안좋아요
22:19 Cookiesi: 아
22:20 Cookiesi: 이런거 처리하시 힘들어요 ㅎㅎ
22:20 Cookiesi: 전 아직 아이디어가 많이 없어서
22:20 Cookiesi: ;;
22:20 No Dap: 흠
22:20 No Dap: 매핑은 뭐 할수록
22:20 No Dap: 실력이 느니까요
22:21 No Dap: 저도 한때는 맵 보여주면 자살하라고 할정도로 못만들었는데..
22:21 Cookiesi: 이걸 성곡하고 매핑을 접어가 겠내요
22:21 Cookiesi: 성공*
22:21 No Dap: 인세인은 대체적으로
22:21 No Dap: 리듬이 너무 단순하네요
22:21 No Dap: 박자가 안맞는 곳도 있고
22:21 Cookiesi: ;_;
22:21 No Dap: 00:28:881 (1) - 이런거
22:21 Cookiesi: 힘들긴 힘들었는데 ㅎㅎ
22:21 No Dap: 전에 3연타 박자가 있는데
22:22 No Dap: 그냥 무시하셧어요
22:22 Cookiesi: 아
22:22 No Dap: 음악을 안따르시고
22:22 No Dap: 그냥 1/2박으로 노트 배치하셧다는 느낌
22:22 No Dap: 00:37:838 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 이런거는 오버매핑..
22:23 No Dap: 00:42:539 (2,3,4,1) - 이렇게 겹치는것도 좋지 않고요
22:23 Cookiesi: 아 3연타 넣어요
22:23 Cookiesi: ㅎ
22:23 Cookiesi: 음..
22:24 No Dap: 00:51:942 (1,2,3,4,5) - 이러거는
22:24 No Dap: 절대로 하지마세요 다시는..
22:24 Cookiesi: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
22:24 No Dap: 00:53:286 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 이부분도 오버매핑..
22:24 No Dap: 01:00:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 이런 패턴은
22:24 Cookiesi: 저럿게 거지같은 슬라이더 매우 싫어하시네요
22:24 No Dap: 맵을 구곡으로 만드는 패턴
22:25 No Dap: 구곡패턴이 많으세요
22:25 No Dap: 초보 매퍼들이 다 그렇지만
22:25 Cookiesi: 네
22:25 No Dap: 아직 경험 별로없을떄 구곡 패턴이 잘나오죠..
22:25 Cookiesi: 전 매우 심하죠?
22:25 No Dap: 하다보면 다 늘죠
22:25 No Dap: 01:08:287 (5,6,7,8,9) - 이런것도 비추천
22:25 No Dap: 우선 오버매핑인데다가 1직선으로 늘어진 스택
22:26 Cookiesi: 제 혼자 다시 할려니 조금 무셥네요 ㄷㄷ
22:26 No Dap: 이렇게 각도를
22:26 No Dap: 주거나 해서 하시면
22:26 No Dap: 훨씬더 재밌어요
22:26 No Dap: 그냥 1직선으로 늘어져 있는거보다는
22:26 Cookiesi: 흠.. 잠시만요 ㄷㄷ
22:27 No Dap: 01:44:111 (13) - ㅋㅋㅋㅋ엌
22:27 No Dap: ㄹ 슬라이더
22:27 Cookiesi: 네
22:27 No Dap: 나쁘진 않지만 이렇게 90도 각도로만 있는 슬라이더역시
22:27 Cookiesi: 멋지죠
22:27 No Dap: 구곡 퀄리티...
22:27 Cookiesi: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
22:27 No Dap: 경험을 더 쌓으시는게 좋겠네요
22:28 No Dap: 다른 랭크맵들 보면서 (물론 구곡말고)
22:28 No Dap: 연구하시는것도 좋은방법이에요
[ Shironeko ]
on the normal difficulity and on the insane difficulity there is alot of unsnapped objects. Remember to use grid snap when making a beatmap! :3

01:01:122 (3,4) - Overlapped object
In your first timing Section the offset should be 1809

Possible Kiai times:
00:25:327 (1) - 00:41:195 (4)
01:25:304 (22) - 01:33:139 (4) -

You have alot of really big combos, considering making it a new combo on these points:
01:08:287 (5) - 00:37:837 (5) - 00:39:628 (14) - 00:51:719 (6) - 01:02:914 (10) - 01:05:376 (6) - 01:22:617 (6) - 01:25:304 (22) - 01:27:990 (5) - 01:43:216 (12) - 01:44:335 (15)

i'm new to modding so hope this was helpful! :3
Topic Starter

[ Shironeko ] wrote:

on the normal difficulity and on the insane difficulity there is alot of unsnapped objects. Remember to use grid snap when making a beatmap! :3

01:01:122 (3,4) - Overlapped object
In your first timing Section the offset should be 1809

Possible Kiai times:
00:25:327 (1) - 00:41:195 (4)
01:25:304 (22) - 01:33:139 (4) -

You have alot of really big combos, considering making it a new combo on these points:
01:08:287 (5) - 00:37:837 (5) - 00:39:628 (14) - 00:51:719 (6) - 01:02:914 (10) - 01:05:376 (6) - 01:22:617 (6) - 01:25:304 (22) - 01:27:990 (5) - 01:43:216 (12) - 01:44:335 (15)

i'm new to modding so hope this was helpful! :3
Thanks :) I'll have a look at that particular part :3
[ Shironeko ]

Cookiesi wrote:

[ Shironeko ] wrote:

on the normal difficulity and on the insane difficulity there is alot of unsnapped objects. Remember to use grid snap when making a beatmap! :3

01:01:122 (3,4) - Overlapped object
In your first timing Section the offset should be 1809

Possible Kiai times:
00:25:327 (1) - 00:41:195 (4)
01:25:304 (22) - 01:33:139 (4) -

You have alot of really big combos, considering making it a new combo on these points:
01:08:287 (5) - 00:37:837 (5) - 00:39:628 (14) - 00:51:719 (6) - 01:02:914 (10) - 01:05:376 (6) - 01:22:617 (6) - 01:25:304 (22) - 01:27:990 (5) - 01:43:216 (12) - 01:44:335 (15)

i'm new to modding so hope this was helpful! :3
Thanks :) I'll have a look at that particular part :3
Good ^-^ Liked the song and hopes it gets ranked :3 and i'm happy I was helpful ^-^
I'm a beginner of helping mod :D But I'll try me best anyway~
These are just suggestions. Change them or not, up to you :)

00:20:620 - add a circle
00:26:208 - add slider till 00:26:649
00:27:090 (4) - new combo
00:36:045 (1) - grid to x:352 y:192 and old combo (i.e. dark blue "2")
00:37:837 (2) - new combo
01:02:463 (6) - hold still till 01:03:806
01:04:254 - add a circle
01:15:448 (7) - new combo

00:15:620 - add circle
00:27:056 (4) - move to 00:26:405
00:46:791 (12) - new combo
01:24:179 - add circle
01:36:940 (6) - shorten till 01:37:388
01:39:627 (7) - hold still till 01:40:298
01:42:313 (7) - hold still till 01:42:985
01:44:111 (1) - shorten till 01:45:895 will be fine
01:46:119 - add a circle

[Nihalum's Maid]
Change the name to "Nihalum's Maid's Insane"......
Maybe... approach rate to 8? Instead of 9...
01:22:617 (8) - new combo
01:24:408 (16) - new combo

00:05:620 (1) - old combo (i.e. pink "8")
00:05:914 (2) - old combo (i.e. pink "9")
00:06:208 (3) - new combo
00:08:267 (1) - old combo (i.e. green "2")
00:08:855 (2) - new combo (i.e. dark blue "1")
00:22:974 (1) - shorten to 00:24:737
00:37:837 (5) - new combo
00:44:776 - add circle
00:52:167 (8) - new combo
00:54:403 - add circle
01:08:287 (5) - new combo
01:45:902 (1,1) - whistle?
Topic Starter
SCAAO's quote

SKAAO wrote:

I'm a beginner of helping mod :D But I'll try me best anyway~
These are just suggestions. Change them or not, up to you :)

00:20:620 - add a circle
00:26:208 - add slider till 00:26:649
00:27:090 (4) - new combo
00:36:045 (1) - grid to x:352 y:192 and old combo (i.e. dark blue "2")
00:37:837 (2) - new combo
01:02:463 (6) - hold still till 01:03:806
01:04:254 - add a circle
01:15:448 (7) - new combo

00:15:620 - add circle
00:27:056 (4) - move to 00:26:405
00:46:791 (12) - new combo
01:24:179 - add circle
01:36:940 (6) - shorten till 01:37:388
01:39:627 (7) - hold still till 01:40:298
01:42:313 (7) - hold still till 01:42:985
01:44:111 (1) - shorten till 01:45:895 will be fine
01:46:119 - add a circle

[Nihalum's Maid]
Change the name to "Nihalum's Maid's Insane"......
Maybe... approach rate to 8? Instead of 9...
01:22:617 (8) - new combo
01:24:408 (16) - new combo

00:05:620 (1) - old combo (i.e. pink "8")
00:05:914 (2) - old combo (i.e. pink "9")
00:06:208 (3) - new combo
00:08:267 (1) - old combo (i.e. green "2")
00:08:855 (2) - new combo (i.e. dark blue "1")
00:22:974 (1) - shorten to 00:24:737
00:37:837 (5) - new combo
00:44:776 - add circle
00:52:167 (8) - new combo
00:54:403 - add circle
01:08:287 (5) - new combo
01:45:902 (1,1) - whistle?

OMG! >.< Thank you very much!!!
I followed all of your instructions and seems much better :)

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.


1.Prewview time are not consistent ,check it.
2.The offset are not consistent,check Nm diff,you forgot add 00:25:326 this line.
3.Disable the Widescreen Support and during break on all of the difficulties since it's not needed.
4.Suggest add slierslide mute the slide sound ,have a bit noisy now.

[jessie0520's Easy]

Check the Aimod:(CTRL + SHIFT + A)
01:43:209 (3) - object end unsnap , need fix it.
01:04:701 (1) and 01:33:358 (4) are kiai unsnapped .


Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.

[Nihalum's Maid]

Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.


Check the Aimod,notice the 00:16:208 (2) , don"t two objects exist at the same time point here.


Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.


Every diff almost unsnapped here, this need to be fix all,otherwise unrankable,good luck !
It will improve a lot,I hope.
Topic Starter
smallboat's Mod

smallboat wrote:


  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.


1.Prewview time are not consistent ,check it.
2.The offset are not consistent,check Nm diff,you forgot add 00:25:326 this line.
3.Disable the Widescreen Support and during break on all of the difficulties since it's not needed.
4.Suggest add slierslide mute the slide sound ,have a bit noisy now.

[jessie0520's Easy]

Check the Aimod:(CTRL + SHIFT + A)
01:43:209 (3) - object end unsnap , need fix it.
01:04:701 (1) and 01:33:358 (4) are kiai unsnapped .


Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.

[Nihalum's Maid]

Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.


Check the Aimod,notice the 00:16:208 (2) , don"t two objects exist at the same time point here.


Check the Aimod,too A lot of notes and sliders unsnapped.


Every diff almost unsnapped here, this need to be fix all,otherwise unrankable,good luck !
It will improve a lot,I hope.

Thanks smallboat. I'll have a look at it.

Edit: All Good. Thanks for your idea.


1.Prewview time are not consistent ,check it. [YES!]
2.The offset are not consistent,check Nm diff,you forgot add 00:25:326 this line. [YES!]
3.Disable the Widescreen Support and during break on all of the difficulties since it's not needed. [YES!]
4.Suggest add slierslide mute the slide sound ,have a bit noisy now. [YES!]

I suggest finding a different background, or finding someone to resize it for you. (I would offer but I'm garbage at it). It looks awkward with their heads cut off like that.

jessie0520's Easy
Just gonna suggest a few new combos to make them more consistant with the others in the song.
01:15:448 - NC
01:17:239 (1) - Remove NC
01:18:134 (3) - NC
01:39:627 (1) - NC
01:11:642 (2), 01:18:806 (7), 01:25:970 (2), 01:40:299 (6) - Hmmm...these felt a little off to me when I first played it, but the more I look at them they seem okay. I think sliders that last half a beat are frowned upon in easies though, they can be confusing for beginners.

00:01:796 (1) - I think you got a little too attached to this slider. Extending some of then would work better I think, like the one at 00:10:031 (1) in particular.
00:37:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This section felt odd to me, especially the note on the slider at the start. I think something like will play better overall. Try it out and see what you think :)
I think you should move the timing point at 00:41:418 back to 00:41:194, so you can affect the slider at 00:41:418 (9). Also, having your next timing point at 00:46:231 seems strange. It makes the sliders at 00:45:000 (1,4) different sizes. I would move it forward to 00:55:746, as that's where the music picks back up again.
01:15:672 (2) - Having this repeat slider start on the red tick feels really awkward to me. I would think about moving it to the next white tick and removing 01:16:343 (3).
01:29:776 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Removing 01:30:895 (10) and changing the pattern will make this section play much better, and match the music pretty well.
Just gonna suggest a few new combos to make them more consistant with the others in the song.
00:06:502 (5) - NC
00:28:881 (1) - Remove NC
00:41:418 (9) - NC
01:19:030 (7) - NC
01:19:478 (1) - Remove NC
01:29:776 (5) - NC
01:31:567 (1) - Remove NC
01:33:358 (10) - NC

00:37:836 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to get this circle a little prettier if you can.
00:46:343 (10) - Adjust the spacing.
01:23:395 (2) - Remove this note.
01:35:373 (2) - Move this one down a bit to increase flow.

00:07:678 (1) - Remove NC
00:08:855 (1) - Remove NC
00:57:985 (1) - Remove NC
00:59:328 (11) - NC
01:00:224 (1) - Remove NC
01:22:836 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:284 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:731 (1) - Remove NC

Nihalum's Maid
01:06:268 (1) - Remove NC
01:33:358 (17) - NC
01:34:701 (1) - Remove NC
01:35:149 (1) - Remove NC
01:45:560 (1) - Remove NC

00:27:537 (1) - Remove NC
01:00:672 (1) - Remove NC
01:08:956 (1) - Remove NC
01:09:404 (1) - Remove NC
01:16:791 (1) - Remove NC
01:22:612 (6) - NC
01:36:940 (8) - NC
01:37:164 (1) - Remove NC

Good luck, hope to see this ranked one day! :)
Topic Starter
Foggen's Mod

Foggen wrote:


I suggest finding a different background, or finding someone to resize it for you. (I would offer but I'm garbage at it). It looks awkward with their heads cut off like that.

jessie0520's Easy
Just gonna suggest a few new combos to make them more consistant with the others in the song.
01:15:448 - NC
01:17:239 (1) - Remove NC
01:18:134 (3) - NC
01:39:627 (1) - NC
01:11:642 (2), 01:18:806 (7), 01:25:970 (2), 01:40:299 (6) - Hmmm...these felt a little off to me when I first played it, but the more I look at them they seem okay. I think sliders that last half a beat are frowned upon in easies though, they can be confusing for beginners.

00:01:796 (1) - I think you got a little too attached to this slider. Extending some of then would work better I think, like the one at 00:10:031 (1) in particular.
00:37:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This section felt odd to me, especially the note on the slider at the start. I think something like will play better overall. Try it out and see what you think :)
I think you should move the timing point at 00:41:418 back to 00:41:194, so you can affect the slider at 00:41:418 (9). Also, having your next timing point at 00:46:231 seems strange. It makes the sliders at 00:45:000 (1,4) different sizes. I would move it forward to 00:55:746, as that's where the music picks back up again.
01:15:672 (2) - Having this repeat slider start on the red tick feels really awkward to me. I would think about moving it to the next white tick and removing 01:16:343 (3).
01:29:776 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Removing 01:30:895 (10) and changing the pattern will make this section play much better, and match the music pretty well.
Just gonna suggest a few new combos to make them more consistant with the others in the song.
00:06:502 (5) - NC
00:28:881 (1) - Remove NC
00:41:418 (9) - NC
01:19:030 (7) - NC
01:19:478 (1) - Remove NC
01:29:776 (5) - NC
01:31:567 (1) - Remove NC
01:33:358 (10) - NC

00:37:836 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try to get this circle a little prettier if you can.
00:46:343 (10) - Adjust the spacing.
01:23:395 (2) - Remove this note.
01:35:373 (2) - Move this one down a bit to increase flow.

00:07:678 (1) - Remove NC
00:08:855 (1) - Remove NC
00:57:985 (1) - Remove NC
00:59:328 (11) - NC
01:00:224 (1) - Remove NC
01:22:836 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:284 (1) - Remove NC
01:23:731 (1) - Remove NC

Nihalum's Maid
01:06:268 (1) - Remove NC
01:33:358 (17) - NC
01:34:701 (1) - Remove NC
01:35:149 (1) - Remove NC
01:45:560 (1) - Remove NC

00:27:537 (1) - Remove NC
01:00:672 (1) - Remove NC
01:08:956 (1) - Remove NC
01:09:404 (1) - Remove NC
01:16:791 (1) - Remove NC
01:22:612 (6) - NC
01:36:940 (8) - NC
01:37:164 (1) - Remove NC

Good luck, hope to see this ranked one day! :)

Thank you very much Foggen! I'll have a look at it when I get to edit it. Just curious. Is NC, a sound thing?
It means new combo :)
Topic Starter

Foggen wrote:

It means new combo :)
Haha, my mind went complete blank there. Thanks :)
Cookiesi wrote: >.< I LOVE THIS SONGGGG... but no one seems to be interested in making a beatmap out of this D:
Well, I mapped this song too, but it's not ranked, it's graveyarded and also bad mapped...Anyways, you don't have to take my mod seriously, it's just my POV of your map, so it's up to you, if you'll fix that, what I wrote or not.

- Try to improve slider design.

00:26:249 (3,4) - Remove (4) and extend slider.
00:27:313 (5,6,7) - NC.

00:20:621 (1) - I think you could put there reverse slider.
00:27:090 (1,2,3) - Why stream? I would remove (2).
01:03:134 (2) - Remove this one.
01:08:956 (2,3,4) - I think if you'll remove the middle one, it'll be better imo.
01:09:404 (5,6,7) - Same here ^^

Nihalum's Maid:
00:42:986 (1,2) - Put it on slider 00:43:210 (3) -
00:46:567 (1,2,3) - Same ^^
01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Slider maybe?
01:38:731 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Put there some hitsounds.

I like the hitsounds btw.
Good Luck.
Topic Starter

Pjecoo wrote:

Cookiesi wrote: >.< I LOVE THIS SONGGGG... but no one seems to be interested in making a beatmap out of this D:
Well, I mapped this song too, but it's not ranked, it's graveyarded and also bad mapped...Anyways, you don't have to take my mod seriously, it's just my POV of your map, so it's up to you, if you'll fix that, what I wrote or not.

- Try to improve slider design.

00:26:249 (3,4) - Remove (4) and extend slider.
00:27:313 (5,6,7) - NC.

00:20:621 (1) - I think you could put there reverse slider. It would make it big boring if slider was too long :/
00:27:090 (1,2,3) - Why stream? I would remove (2). I actually like the (2) to be present. Goes with the flow of triples. I'll see
01:03:134 (2) - Remove this one. Same as above
01:08:956 (2,3,4) - I think if you'll remove the middle one, it'll be better imo. Becomes bit easy in Insane difficulty if I remove that >.<
01:09:404 (5,6,7) - Same here ^^ After few more mods, I'll change it up and re-edit referring to your mod :)

Nihalum's Maid:
00:42:986 (1,2) - Put it on slider 00:43:210 (3) - Oh, I redone the triple to look more natural. Thanks :)
00:46:567 (1,2,3) - Same ^^ Yeah, same as above. I don't want to change too much in Guest Difficulty >.<
01:31:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Slider maybe? He mentioned that he wanted some streams :O
01:38:731 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Put there some hitsounds. I added some more claps :D

I like the hitsounds btw.
Good Luck.
Thank you Pjecoo! :)

I'll also have a look at your version of this song. I am very curious XD
Hello i found this on Mod Request
Random modding hehe :D

jessie0520's Easy

Well most problems in this map are... the Combos number.. above 6 is too much for Easy :)

00:00:031 - until 00:20:031 - (mind to mapping here?)

1. 00:28:433 (5) - NC here maybe?
2. 00:30:672 (4) - ^
3. 00:39:627 (5,6,7) - just my opinion, since this is an Easy diff, i think change them into one slider will do
4. 00:46:791 (4) - NC here?
5. 00:53:507 (6) - ^
6. 01:08:284 (7) - ^
7. 01:10:970 (1,2) - use DS here? so the newbie won't be 'shocked'
8. 01:13:657 (5) - NC here?
9. 01:13:657 (5) - same as point 7
10. 01:27:985 (6) - NC here?
11. 01:33:358 (4) - ^
12. 01:39:627 (1,2) - same as point 7
Overall : i think you need to make longer sliders and 'unique' shape to sliders too.. it'd be boring if all of them are curvy.. :D

1. 00:27:090 (1,2,3) - Mind to use DS here?
2. 00:28:881 (5,6,7) - ^
3. 01:15:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - my opinion, reducing the spacing would help so much to the HD player :D
4. 01:18:134 (6) - NC here?
5. 01:22:724 (1) - eww, was this a mistake or by accident? move to white tick, and enlong the slider (like the next sliders)
6. 01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - a bit overmapped for Normal i think.. try to use slider/s instead (my opinion) :D
7. 01:34:254 (2,3,4) - use DS?
8. 01:36:045 (6,7,8) - ^
Overall : same as Easy diff, this map lack of 'unique' sliders.. maybe you should reconsider it hehe
Wow, so many unique sliders here haha

1. 00:10:031 (8) - change of music, NC maybe?
2. 00:27:056 (4) - this circle is hard to read (maybe because it's in blue tick) err.. maybe if you put in white tick it'd be better
3. 00:27:761 - 00:29:552 - idk, but i think these blank spaces should filled with circle.. (my opinion)
4. 00:36:716 - ^
5. 00:54:851 - until 00:55:298 - i tried to put note here (a reverse slider) and it sounds better (my suggestion)
6. 01:23:731 (7) - NC here?
Overall : well, the spacing at least should be consistent :)
[b]Nihalum's Maid

00:00:031 - until 00:20:031 - (mind to mapping here?)

1. 00:39:180 (4) - the pattern not symmetrical like the previous one (00:38:732 (3) - )
2. 01:13:209 (4,1,2) - whoops, impossible spacing.. the 1 is a 1/4 note.. try to remove it or change the spacing (since the pattern are already like that, maybe removing is the best answer, unless you have another way :D )
3. 01:19:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - umm.. i think 5-streams note are enough here.. my suggestion is, remove 6 7 8, and put one circle in red tick instead
4. 01:21:493 (4) - and well, i think changing this into one circle would be good
5. 01:32:238 (7) - NC here?
6. 01:32:910 (13) - ^
Overall : WHOAW.. so many streams here.. then at least reduce the HP Drain into 6.. :)

01:19:590 - until 01:33:358 - where's the Kiai? :o

1. 00:26:133 (3) - i find this note would fit if you put in white tick (my opinion)
2. 00:27:649 (5) - how about removing this? it'd be fits the music
3. 00:35:821 - Add circle here?
4. 00:37:837 (1) - my suggestion is deleting this one and put reverse slider in 00:37:612 - until 00:37:836 - instead
Overall : for me, the spacings are too absurd.. i mean, the 1/4 notes are too far one to the another.. well it just my opinion btw hahaha :)

And well, those are my 'poor' mod.. hope these mod will help your map.. :oops:

Note : this is one of my favorite animes... because of this anime, well, i'm being 'otaku' now.. lol :lol:
Topic Starter

seovince wrote:

Hello i found this on Mod Request
Random modding hehe :D


jessie0520's Easy

Well most problems in this map are... the Combos number.. above 6 is too much for Easy :)

00:00:031 - until 00:20:031 - (mind to mapping here?) :/

1. 00:28:433 (5) - NC here maybe?Yeah
2. 00:30:672 (4) - ^ Yess
3. 00:39:627 (5,6,7) - just my opinion, since this is an Easy diff, i think change them into one slider will do Gotcha
4. 00:46:791 (4) - NC here? Yes
5. 00:53:507 (6) - ^ Yesu
6. 01:08:284 (7) - ^ Yeah
7. 01:10:970 (1,2) - use DS here? so the newbie won't be 'shocked' These notes are spread throughout the map, so they wou;dn't be too surprised XD
8. 01:13:657 (5) - NC here? Mhmm
9. 01:13:657 (5) - same as point 7 This was best solution that I could think of.
10. 01:27:985 (6) - NC here? Yea
11. 01:33:358 (4) - ^ Okay
12. 01:39:627 (1,2) - same as point 7 :/
Overall : i think you need to make longer sliders and 'unique' shape to sliders too.. it'd be boring if all of them are curvy.. :D
I'll keep this in my mind. *Mental note: Avoid making contagious sliders*


1. 00:27:090 (1,2,3) - Mind to use DS here? Just did those to show that they are in different beats (1,2) and (3)
2. 00:28:881 (5,6,7) - ^ ^
3. 01:15:448 (1,2,3,4,5) - my opinion, reducing the spacing would help so much to the HD player :D Those spacings are pretty good. Maybe I can let newbie friend to play it on HD and see how it goes.
4. 01:18:134 (6) - NC here? Ok
5. 01:22:724 (1) - eww, was this a mistake or by accident? move to white tick, and enlong the slider (like the next sliders) That slider gave me a cancer
6. 01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - a bit overmapped for Normal i think.. try to use slider/s instead (my opinion) :D I was trying to differenciate the normal and easy difficulty. I'll make an another mental note.
7. 01:34:254 (2,3,4) - use DS? Thanks :)
8. 01:36:045 (6,7,8) - ^ C:
Overall : same as Easy diff, this map lack of 'unique' sliders.. maybe you should reconsider it hehe

Wow, so many unique sliders here haha

1. 00:10:031 (8) - change of music, NC maybe? Yeee
2. 00:27:056 (4) - this circle is hard to read (maybe because it's in blue tick) err.. maybe if you put in white tick it'd be better o.O I'll have slightly advanced newbie to play this hard map and see how it goes for that part. :3
3. 00:27:761 - 00:29:552 - idk, but i think these blank spaces should filled with circle.. (my opinion) Fixed
4. 00:36:716 - ^ I'll see about this
5. 00:54:851 - until 00:55:298 - i tried to put note here (a reverse slider) and it sounds better (my suggestion) Yes, I made it better.
6. 01:23:731 (7) - NC here? Derp
Overall : well, the spacing at least should be consistent :)
I was trying my best to keep it consistent.

[b]Nihalum's Maid

00:00:031 - until 00:20:031 - (mind to mapping here?)

1. 00:39:180 (4) - the pattern not symmetrical like the previous one (00:38:732 (3) - ) HAHAHA OCD MUCH? Fixed :)
2. 01:13:209 (4,1,2) - whoops, impossible spacing.. the 1 is a 1/4 note.. try to remove it or change the spacing (since the pattern are already like that, maybe removing is the best answer, unless you have another way :D ) Made it close :3
3. 01:19:029 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - umm.. i think 5-streams note are enough here.. my suggestion is, remove 6 7 8, and put one circle in red tick instead Nice Catch!
4. 01:21:493 (4) - and well, i think changing this into one circle would be good I changed it, but it barely made any changes LOL
5. 01:32:238 (7) - NC here?
6. 01:32:910 (13) - ^
Overall : WHOAW.. so many streams here.. then at least reduce the HP Drain into 6.. :)
I want people to die! but I'll change it anyways :)


01:19:590 - until 01:33:358 - where's the Kiai? :o Oopsie

1. 00:26:133 (3) - i find this note would fit if you put in white tick (my opinion) Yes... You are right.
2. 00:27:649 (5) - how about removing this? it'd be fits the music Fineeee
3. 00:35:821 - Add circle here? Okie
4. 00:37:837 (1) - my suggestion is deleting this one and put reverse slider in 00:37:612 - until 00:37:836 - instead Done!
Overall : for me, the spacings are too absurd.. i mean, the 1/4 notes are too far one to the another.. well it just my opinion btw hahaha :)
D: I'll see about that after few more mods. D:

And well, those are my 'poor' mod.. hope these mod will help your map.. :oops:

Note : this is one of my favorite animes... because of this anime, well, i'm being 'otaku' now.. lol :lol:
Funny thing is I never watched this anime. Haha. I just like this song for some reason
Raiku mod!


Remove 'OST Main Theme Kaichou wa Maid-Sama' from the tags as these phrases already exist in the title and the source.


This applies to all diffs. These are the only timing sections neccesary.

1. Offset: 1,782ms BPM: 102.00 - Initial timing and offset from the start until the BPM change.

2. Offset: 25,337ms BPM: 134.00 - Upbeat timing and offset from the BPM change at 00:25:311.

I wholly recommend Kiai be reserved only from 01:04:726 - 01:33:382. Avoid including the first one as you want to work towards a climax rather than involving most of the song as one big Kiai.

With the timing changes, you will also have to move the whole song in time so that it matches the new timing. This isn't too hard to achieve so highlight the whole song and then go to the timing tab at the top of the screen and select 'Move all notes in time' from the dropdown menu. Then I suggest you use 00:25:326 as the point you focus on and make sure that the first note after the spinner is in accordance with the first major beat in the song as I had to do when I timed the map. Just adjust the amount you move it back/forward in time until you get to the +-1ms mark and you can figure out for yourself when its near perfect, and then just select 're-snap all notes' from the same drop down menu when you feel you are no more than +1 10 ms away from perfection. The re-snap function will do the rest for you.

[jessie0520's Easy]

I suggest a distance spacing of about 0.8-1.2.

Most of your combos should start on either the downbeat or the sliders ending on the downbeat. Most combos here should mark the start of a new phrase of the music meaning your combos shouldn't really be longer than 4-6 circles.

00:26:249 (3) - I will start off by explaining blanketing as best I can to help you improve the current blankets. When blanketing an object with a slider, it is important to maintain a constant spacing between the slider and the object whether it be a circle, a slider head or a slider tail, or even the body of another slider. This is easily done with the slider head and a circle as you have the approach circle to use as a guide to make the perfect curve which is what I have done in this situation (, and in situations with the tail and body of a slider, you just have to try and be precise using what you now know, but trying to use the body as a guide. With practice comes better blankets!

00:26:249 (3) - The end of this slider will need re-snapping in accordance to the timing changes.

00:28:433 (5) - Make sure the blanket is even on the tail of this slider, this can be achieved by using the slider circle guide. Here's how i'd imagine you should map it ( Also notice that the 'river' between the slider and the blanketed object is equal to all the other blankets throughout the map.

00:28:433 (5,6) - Make sure that the spacing between these two notes is equal to the spacing throughout the rest of the song. I recommend a distance spacing of 0.8-1.0. This can be changed by holding the alt button whilst dragging the button where the beat snap divisor would be in the top right corner of the screen.

00:30:672 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:30:672 (8,9) - I personally recommend some symmetry between these two sliders. I felt that the curves of the sliders differed so greatly that it almost looked a little messy. I imagine it being a little something like this (

00:31:567 (9,10,1) - When you have 3 objects coagulating as you have here, a common and pretty way of helping them come together cohesively is by aligning the hitcircles as a pattern such as a square or an equilateral triangle, such as here ( Notice how I have included a blanket and equal spacing.

00:34:254 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:34:254 (2,4) - Avoid overlaps such as these as they can confuse the new player into accidentally clicking the wrong circle and they generally don't look very pretty. Here is how I would map this section including cohesiveness, blankets, equal spacing and symmetry (

00:36:940 (6,3) - Another overlap here I suggest avoiding.

00:39:627 (5,1) - In this section, the timing between these two sliders is slowed down meaning that the spacing between the two must increase otherwise you have what is called an anti-jump which is when the timing changes but the spacing doesn't. This can clearly get very confusing so it MUST be avoided in an easy diff. I suggest using distance snap to assist you like so (

On a side note, it is always nice to enhance flow by making the direction the cursor leaves a slider head straight for the start of the next slider like I have in the previous screenshot.

00:43:209 (2,3) - Don't forget the spacing here (

00:45:000 - Remove new combo here as this slider is essentially part of the next phrase.

00:45:000 (3,1) - Spacing here too (

00:46:791 - Remove new combo here as it is the same phrase as the last slider.

00:52:164 (5,1) - I felt like the spacing between this blanket could be made more even and generally spaced to equal the rest of the blankets like I have done here (

00:59:328 (1,2) - Similarly with this blanket, the curve of the slider is too sharp (

01:01:119 (3,4) - I suggest moving slider 3 away from 2 a little more to create consistent spacing, then I suggest moving slider 4 up and to the left a little so that a cohesive triangle is formed to bring these notes all together cleanly (

01:02:910 (1,2,3) - I recommend changing this repeat slider into 3 single notes perhaps as a stack to accentuate the 3 big booms in the background for the breakdown (

01:08:284 (1,2,3,1) - Make sure that the spacing between these 3 are equal to the spacing with the rest of the beatmap and make sure their curves cohere with each other so they fit together.

01:10:970 (1,2) - I suggest since the timing between these two is so little, making sure that the spacing between them is in accordance to the timing. Usually a half overlap is the accepted method like so ( This change would also mean you have to space the succeeding notes in accordance.

01:18:134 (1,2) - Very similar situation but with these two (

01:25:298 (1,2) - The end sections of this map are very well done! Perhaps even this blanket out a little (

01:33:358 (1,2,3) - Make sure the blankets between these three are equally spaced and symmetrical.

01:39:627 (1,2) - I suggest doing the same thing with this 1/4 slider as in placing it in accordance with the timing like so (

01:42:761 (2,3) - I recommend improving the evenness of the blanket between these two.

All in all, after you apply these changes, I suggest going through the map with distance snap enabled making sure that the spacing between every note is even in accordance with the timing and also making sure that there are no obvious overlaps or uneven blankets! Good luck and I'm sure you will be able to make some improvements yourself too.


I suggest a distance spacing of around 1.0-1.2

00:03:561 (4,1) - I suggest perhaps increasing the spacing a little between these two notes to accentuate the break in timing between them and then perhaps adjusting the angle of the slider to separate the sections a little more (

00:06:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing between these circles seems to have increased from the spacing prior to this in the song, then it suddenly goes back to the regular spacing after this pattern. Perhaps try something similar to this on for size, you also avoid the overlap between circle 1 of this combo and circle 3 of the next combo (

00:09:737 (4,1) - Make sure the spacing between these 2 match the spacing of the rest of the combo for consistency. They are a little too far apart from each other.

00:10:031 (1,1,1,1) - I suggest you space these equally and perhaps a little further away from each other considering you are stepping up the difficulty to normal but also because the timing calls for a little more spacing here. I suggest these (, ( and (

After looking through the spacing in the upbeat section compared to the section before, I can safely say that you can use increased spacing to full effect.

00:25:787 (2,3) - It is important to make sure the spacing is equal throughout (

00:27:090 (1) - You will have to re-snap this slider with the timing changes so that it is in complete accordance and doesn't start too early.

00:30:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest using distance snap to order the spacing between these notes, they are a little too close for the difficulty and you risk affecting the spread.

00:49:925 (3,4) - The blanket here could be evened out a little using the approach circle as a guide like so (

01:05:149 (2,3,4) - I strongly recommend you even out the curves of these sliders so that they cohere perfectly in tessellation with each other a little bit like this (

01:08:284 (2,3,4) - Similar change to before, make sure these sliders blankets are the same as each other and even using the approach circle as a guide and also make sure the curves and spacing are equal.

01:15:672 (2) - I suggest making sure this slider is in equidistant spacing with the triangle (

01:21:716 (7,1,1) - Sudden decrease in spacing here, make them equal.

01:26:194 (3,6) - Try to improve this overlap.

01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing like this unfortunately cant exist in a normal as much as I would like it to but you have to drastically reduce the spacing as in so the notes are at least overlapping a little (

01:35:149 (5) - I suggest you soften the curve of this slider a little to make sure that its head and tail meet the curve of the triples and so that the triple in and the triple out resound with this flow (

01:36:940 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket a little (

01:39:627 (5,1) - Here too.

01:41:866 (3,4) - And finally here (

01:43:657 (5) - Make sure this note coheres with the spacing in the rest of the map.

Before I conduct a recheck on this diff, I recommend you make sure the spacing between this map is consistent and follows a single trend using perhaps 1.0-1.2 distance spacing as aforementioned.


00:06:502 (3,4,5) - I noticed even that the section is slow and quiet, you should space these three sliders in accordance with how you space the single taps to avoid any anti-jumps or confusion in timing (

00:27:056 (4) - This note will need re-snapping in accordance with the new timing change

00:27:985 (8) - It is important with sliders like this to at least reveal a little more of the slider body as the slider length can be easily masked and players will skip the slider thinking it is shorter than in reality. This can cause unwanted 100s and frustration (

00:33:358 (1) - If anything, I suggest making sure that this slider is further spaced from the last note as it may be confused for something that could be hit earlier and acts as a confusing anti-jump.

00:35:373 (6) - Make sure this note is equidistant from its preceding and succeeding note.

00:36:492 (4,5) - I recommend making sure that these notes share the same spacing as the note before this triple from this triple. It cant lie this close otherwise the player will get confused as the spacing isn't consistent.

01:15:448 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders need re-snapping, they are slightly too long.

01:22:612 (1) - I suggest you move this note in line with the next combo to avoid the spacing issue between this note and the slider preceding this note like so (

01:28:881 (1,2,3,4) - Make sure that these sliders are symmetrical and possible all blanket each other as an alternative or similar as I see you've gone for this idea.

01:35:597 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

01:38:731 (5,6) - These two too.

01:40:522 (1,2) - These also.

[Nihalum's Maid]

00:27:090 (1) - This note will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

I really like the direction this diff is going in, proper old-school but before I fully mod this diff or the insane, I'd like to see other modders take on these diffs. Again make sure there is consistency in the spacing in this diff and the insane and make sure the blankets are tidy and that the map flows as a whole.

Very fun map! The fundamentals of this map are there, however I think once you apply these changes, this whole mapset could be polished off with a few more mods and once this happens, I will recheck and hopefully a BAT can bubble. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Raiku's Mod

Raiku wrote:

Raiku mod!


Remove 'OST Main Theme Kaichou wa Maid-Sama' from the tags as these phrases already exist in the title and the source.


This applies to all diffs. These are the only timing sections neccesary.

1. Offset: 1,782ms BPM: 102.00 - Initial timing and offset from the start until the BPM change.

2. Offset: 25,337ms BPM: 134.00 - Upbeat timing and offset from the BPM change at 00:25:311.

I wholly recommend Kiai be reserved only from 01:04:726 - 01:33:382. Avoid including the first one as you want to work towards a climax rather than involving most of the song as one big Kiai.

With the timing changes, you will also have to move the whole song in time so that it matches the new timing. This isn't too hard to achieve so highlight the whole song and then go to the timing tab at the top of the screen and select 'Move all notes in time' from the dropdown menu. Then I suggest you use 00:25:326 as the point you focus on and make sure that the first note after the spinner is in accordance with the first major beat in the song as I had to do when I timed the map. Just adjust the amount you move it back/forward in time until you get to the +-1ms mark and you can figure out for yourself when its near perfect, and then just select 're-snap all notes' from the same drop down menu when you feel you are no more than +1 10 ms away from perfection. The re-snap function will do the rest for you.

[jessie0520's Easy]

I suggest a distance spacing of about 0.8-1.2.

Most of your combos should start on either the downbeat or the sliders ending on the downbeat. Most combos here should mark the start of a new phrase of the music meaning your combos shouldn't really be longer than 4-6 circles.

00:26:249 (3) - I will start off by explaining blanketing as best I can to help you improve the current blankets. When blanketing an object with a slider, it is important to maintain a constant spacing between the slider and the object whether it be a circle, a slider head or a slider tail, or even the body of another slider. This is easily done with the slider head and a circle as you have the approach circle to use as a guide to make the perfect curve which is what I have done in this situation (, and in situations with the tail and body of a slider, you just have to try and be precise using what you now know, but trying to use the body as a guide. With practice comes better blankets!

00:26:249 (3) - The end of this slider will need re-snapping in accordance to the timing changes.

00:28:433 (5) - Make sure the blanket is even on the tail of this slider, this can be achieved by using the slider circle guide. Here's how i'd imagine you should map it ( Also notice that the 'river' between the slider and the blanketed object is equal to all the other blankets throughout the map.

00:28:433 (5,6) - Make sure that the spacing between these two notes is equal to the spacing throughout the rest of the song. I recommend a distance spacing of 0.8-1.0. This can be changed by holding the alt button whilst dragging the button where the beat snap divisor would be in the top right corner of the screen.

00:30:672 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:30:672 (8,9) - I personally recommend some symmetry between these two sliders. I felt that the curves of the sliders differed so greatly that it almost looked a little messy. I imagine it being a little something like this (

00:31:567 (9,10,1) - When you have 3 objects coagulating as you have here, a common and pretty way of helping them come together cohesively is by aligning the hitcircles as a pattern such as a square or an equilateral triangle, such as here ( Notice how I have included a blanket and equal spacing.

00:34:254 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:34:254 (2,4) - Avoid overlaps such as these as they can confuse the new player into accidentally clicking the wrong circle and they generally don't look very pretty. Here is how I would map this section including cohesiveness, blankets, equal spacing and symmetry (

00:36:940 (6,3) - Another overlap here I suggest avoiding.

00:39:627 (5,1) - In this section, the timing between these two sliders is slowed down meaning that the spacing between the two must increase otherwise you have what is called an anti-jump which is when the timing changes but the spacing doesn't. This can clearly get very confusing so it MUST be avoided in an easy diff. I suggest using distance snap to assist you like so (

On a side note, it is always nice to enhance flow by making the direction the cursor leaves a slider head straight for the start of the next slider like I have in the previous screenshot.

00:43:209 (2,3) - Don't forget the spacing here (

00:45:000 - Remove new combo here as this slider is essentially part of the next phrase.

00:45:000 (3,1) - Spacing here too (

00:46:791 - Remove new combo here as it is the same phrase as the last slider.

00:52:164 (5,1) - I felt like the spacing between this blanket could be made more even and generally spaced to equal the rest of the blankets like I have done here (

00:59:328 (1,2) - Similarly with this blanket, the curve of the slider is too sharp (

01:01:119 (3,4) - I suggest moving slider 3 away from 2 a little more to create consistent spacing, then I suggest moving slider 4 up and to the left a little so that a cohesive triangle is formed to bring these notes all together cleanly (

01:02:910 (1,2,3) - I recommend changing this repeat slider into 3 single notes perhaps as a stack to accentuate the 3 big booms in the background for the breakdown (

01:08:284 (1,2,3,1) - Make sure that the spacing between these 3 are equal to the spacing with the rest of the beatmap and make sure their curves cohere with each other so they fit together.

01:10:970 (1,2) - I suggest since the timing between these two is so little, making sure that the spacing between them is in accordance to the timing. Usually a half overlap is the accepted method like so ( This change would also mean you have to space the succeeding notes in accordance.

01:18:134 (1,2) - Very similar situation but with these two (

01:25:298 (1,2) - The end sections of this map are very well done! Perhaps even this blanket out a little (

01:33:358 (1,2,3) - Make sure the blankets between these three are equally spaced and symmetrical.

01:39:627 (1,2) - I suggest doing the same thing with this 1/4 slider as in placing it in accordance with the timing like so (

01:42:761 (2,3) - I recommend improving the evenness of the blanket between these two.

All in all, after you apply these changes, I suggest going through the map with distance snap enabled making sure that the spacing between every note is even in accordance with the timing and also making sure that there are no obvious overlaps or uneven blankets! Good luck and I'm sure you will be able to make some improvements yourself too.


I suggest a distance spacing of around 1.0-1.2

00:03:561 (4,1) - I suggest perhaps increasing the spacing a little between these two notes to accentuate the break in timing between them and then perhaps adjusting the angle of the slider to separate the sections a little more (

00:06:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing between these circles seems to have increased from the spacing prior to this in the song, then it suddenly goes back to the regular spacing after this pattern. Perhaps try something similar to this on for size, you also avoid the overlap between circle 1 of this combo and circle 3 of the next combo (

00:09:737 (4,1) - Make sure the spacing between these 2 match the spacing of the rest of the combo for consistency. They are a little too far apart from each other.

00:10:031 (1,1,1,1) - I suggest you space these equally and perhaps a little further away from each other considering you are stepping up the difficulty to normal but also because the timing calls for a little more spacing here. I suggest these (, ( and (

After looking through the spacing in the upbeat section compared to the section before, I can safely say that you can use increased spacing to full effect.

00:25:787 (2,3) - It is important to make sure the spacing is equal throughout (

00:27:090 (1) - You will have to re-snap this slider with the timing changes so that it is in complete accordance and doesn't start too early.

00:30:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest using distance snap to order the spacing between these notes, they are a little too close for the difficulty and you risk affecting the spread.

00:49:925 (3,4) - The blanket here could be evened out a little using the approach circle as a guide like so (

01:05:149 (2,3,4) - I strongly recommend you even out the curves of these sliders so that they cohere perfectly in tessellation with each other a little bit like this (

01:08:284 (2,3,4) - Similar change to before, make sure these sliders blankets are the same as each other and even using the approach circle as a guide and also make sure the curves and spacing are equal.

01:15:672 (2) - I suggest making sure this slider is in equidistant spacing with the triangle (

01:21:716 (7,1,1) - Sudden decrease in spacing here, make them equal.

01:26:194 (3,6) - Try to improve this overlap.

01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing like this unfortunately cant exist in a normal as much as I would like it to but you have to drastically reduce the spacing as in so the notes are at least overlapping a little (

01:35:149 (5) - I suggest you soften the curve of this slider a little to make sure that its head and tail meet the curve of the triples and so that the triple in and the triple out resound with this flow (

01:36:940 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket a little (

01:39:627 (5,1) - Here too.

01:41:866 (3,4) - And finally here (

01:43:657 (5) - Make sure this note coheres with the spacing in the rest of the map.

Before I conduct a recheck on this diff, I recommend you make sure the spacing between this map is consistent and follows a single trend using perhaps 1.0-1.2 distance spacing as aforementioned.


00:06:502 (3,4,5) - I noticed even that the section is slow and quiet, you should space these three sliders in accordance with how you space the single taps to avoid any anti-jumps or confusion in timing (

00:27:056 (4) - This note will need re-snapping in accordance with the new timing change

00:27:985 (8) - It is important with sliders like this to at least reveal a little more of the slider body as the slider length can be easily masked and players will skip the slider thinking it is shorter than in reality. This can cause unwanted 100s and frustration (

00:33:358 (1) - If anything, I suggest making sure that this slider is further spaced from the last note as it may be confused for something that could be hit earlier and acts as a confusing anti-jump.

00:35:373 (6) - Make sure this note is equidistant from its preceding and succeeding note.

00:36:492 (4,5) - I recommend making sure that these notes share the same spacing as the note before this triple from this triple. It cant lie this close otherwise the player will get confused as the spacing isn't consistent.

01:15:448 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders need re-snapping, they are slightly too long.

01:22:612 (1) - I suggest you move this note in line with the next combo to avoid the spacing issue between this note and the slider preceding this note like so (

01:28:881 (1,2,3,4) - Make sure that these sliders are symmetrical and possible all blanket each other as an alternative or similar as I see you've gone for this idea.

01:35:597 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

01:38:731 (5,6) - These two too.

01:40:522 (1,2) - These also.

[Nihalum's Maid]

00:27:090 (1) - This note will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

I really like the direction this diff is going in, proper old-school but before I fully mod this diff or the insane, I'd like to see other modders take on these diffs. Again make sure there is consistency in the spacing in this diff and the insane and make sure the blankets are tidy and that the map flows as a whole.

Very fun map! The fundamentals of this map are there, however I think once you apply these changes, this whole mapset could be polished off with a few more mods and once this happens, I will recheck and hopefully a BAT can bubble. Good luck!

Thanks for your mod!

(2014-05-08) Oops I didn't see your full mod (Probably maybe you updated late)
Thanks, I'll have a look at it when I have Osu! at my reach
Topic Starter

Cookiesi wrote:

Raiku's Mod

Raiku wrote:

Raiku mod!


Remove 'OST Main Theme Kaichou wa Maid-Sama' from the tags as these phrases already exist in the title and the source.


This applies to all diffs. These are the only timing sections neccesary.

1. Offset: 1,782ms BPM: 102.00 - Initial timing and offset from the start until the BPM change.

2. Offset: 25,337ms BPM: 134.00 - Upbeat timing and offset from the BPM change at 00:25:311.

I wholly recommend Kiai be reserved only from 01:04:726 - 01:33:382. Avoid including the first one as you want to work towards a climax rather than involving most of the song as one big Kiai.

With the timing changes, you will also have to move the whole song in time so that it matches the new timing. This isn't too hard to achieve so highlight the whole song and then go to the timing tab at the top of the screen and select 'Move all notes in time' from the dropdown menu. Then I suggest you use 00:25:326 as the point you focus on and make sure that the first note after the spinner is in accordance with the first major beat in the song as I had to do when I timed the map. Just adjust the amount you move it back/forward in time until you get to the +-1ms mark and you can figure out for yourself when its near perfect, and then just select 're-snap all notes' from the same drop down menu when you feel you are no more than +1 10 ms away from perfection. The re-snap function will do the rest for you.

[jessie0520's Easy]

I suggest a distance spacing of about 0.8-1.2.

Most of your combos should start on either the downbeat or the sliders ending on the downbeat. Most combos here should mark the start of a new phrase of the music meaning your combos shouldn't really be longer than 4-6 circles.

00:26:249 (3) - I will start off by explaining blanketing as best I can to help you improve the current blankets. When blanketing an object with a slider, it is important to maintain a constant spacing between the slider and the object whether it be a circle, a slider head or a slider tail, or even the body of another slider. This is easily done with the slider head and a circle as you have the approach circle to use as a guide to make the perfect curve which is what I have done in this situation (, and in situations with the tail and body of a slider, you just have to try and be precise using what you now know, but trying to use the body as a guide. With practice comes better blankets!

00:26:249 (3) - The end of this slider will need re-snapping in accordance to the timing changes.

00:28:433 (5) - Make sure the blanket is even on the tail of this slider, this can be achieved by using the slider circle guide. Here's how i'd imagine you should map it ( Also notice that the 'river' between the slider and the blanketed object is equal to all the other blankets throughout the map.

00:28:433 (5,6) - Make sure that the spacing between these two notes is equal to the spacing throughout the rest of the song. I recommend a distance spacing of 0.8-1.0. This can be changed by holding the alt button whilst dragging the button where the beat snap divisor would be in the top right corner of the screen.

00:30:672 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:30:672 (8,9) - I personally recommend some symmetry between these two sliders. I felt that the curves of the sliders differed so greatly that it almost looked a little messy. I imagine it being a little something like this (

00:31:567 (9,10,1) - When you have 3 objects coagulating as you have here, a common and pretty way of helping them come together cohesively is by aligning the hitcircles as a pattern such as a square or an equilateral triangle, such as here ( Notice how I have included a blanket and equal spacing.

00:34:254 - New combo here for the new phrase.

00:34:254 (2,4) - Avoid overlaps such as these as they can confuse the new player into accidentally clicking the wrong circle and they generally don't look very pretty. Here is how I would map this section including cohesiveness, blankets, equal spacing and symmetry (

00:36:940 (6,3) - Another overlap here I suggest avoiding.

00:39:627 (5,1) - In this section, the timing between these two sliders is slowed down meaning that the spacing between the two must increase otherwise you have what is called an anti-jump which is when the timing changes but the spacing doesn't. This can clearly get very confusing so it MUST be avoided in an easy diff. I suggest using distance snap to assist you like so (

On a side note, it is always nice to enhance flow by making the direction the cursor leaves a slider head straight for the start of the next slider like I have in the previous screenshot.

00:43:209 (2,3) - Don't forget the spacing here (

00:45:000 - Remove new combo here as this slider is essentially part of the next phrase.

00:45:000 (3,1) - Spacing here too (

00:46:791 - Remove new combo here as it is the same phrase as the last slider.

00:52:164 (5,1) - I felt like the spacing between this blanket could be made more even and generally spaced to equal the rest of the blankets like I have done here (

00:59:328 (1,2) - Similarly with this blanket, the curve of the slider is too sharp (

01:01:119 (3,4) - I suggest moving slider 3 away from 2 a little more to create consistent spacing, then I suggest moving slider 4 up and to the left a little so that a cohesive triangle is formed to bring these notes all together cleanly (

01:02:910 (1,2,3) - I recommend changing this repeat slider into 3 single notes perhaps as a stack to accentuate the 3 big booms in the background for the breakdown (

01:08:284 (1,2,3,1) - Make sure that the spacing between these 3 are equal to the spacing with the rest of the beatmap and make sure their curves cohere with each other so they fit together.

01:10:970 (1,2) - I suggest since the timing between these two is so little, making sure that the spacing between them is in accordance to the timing. Usually a half overlap is the accepted method like so ( This change would also mean you have to space the succeeding notes in accordance.

01:18:134 (1,2) - Very similar situation but with these two (

01:25:298 (1,2) - The end sections of this map are very well done! Perhaps even this blanket out a little (

01:33:358 (1,2,3) - Make sure the blankets between these three are equally spaced and symmetrical.

01:39:627 (1,2) - I suggest doing the same thing with this 1/4 slider as in placing it in accordance with the timing like so (

01:42:761 (2,3) - I recommend improving the evenness of the blanket between these two.

All in all, after you apply these changes, I suggest going through the map with distance snap enabled making sure that the spacing between every note is even in accordance with the timing and also making sure that there are no obvious overlaps or uneven blankets! Good luck and I'm sure you will be able to make some improvements yourself too.


I suggest a distance spacing of around 1.0-1.2

00:03:561 (4,1) - I suggest perhaps increasing the spacing a little between these two notes to accentuate the break in timing between them and then perhaps adjusting the angle of the slider to separate the sections a little more (

00:06:502 (1,2,3,4,5) - The spacing between these circles seems to have increased from the spacing prior to this in the song, then it suddenly goes back to the regular spacing after this pattern. Perhaps try something similar to this on for size, you also avoid the overlap between circle 1 of this combo and circle 3 of the next combo (

00:09:737 (4,1) - Make sure the spacing between these 2 match the spacing of the rest of the combo for consistency. They are a little too far apart from each other.

00:10:031 (1,1,1,1) - I suggest you space these equally and perhaps a little further away from each other considering you are stepping up the difficulty to normal but also because the timing calls for a little more spacing here. I suggest these (, ( and (

After looking through the spacing in the upbeat section compared to the section before, I can safely say that you can use increased spacing to full effect.

00:25:787 (2,3) - It is important to make sure the spacing is equal throughout (

00:27:090 (1) - You will have to re-snap this slider with the timing changes so that it is in complete accordance and doesn't start too early.

00:30:672 (1,2,3,4,5) - I suggest using distance snap to order the spacing between these notes, they are a little too close for the difficulty and you risk affecting the spread.

00:49:925 (3,4) - The blanket here could be evened out a little using the approach circle as a guide like so (

01:05:149 (2,3,4) - I strongly recommend you even out the curves of these sliders so that they cohere perfectly in tessellation with each other a little bit like this (

01:08:284 (2,3,4) - Similar change to before, make sure these sliders blankets are the same as each other and even using the approach circle as a guide and also make sure the curves and spacing are equal.

01:15:672 (2) - I suggest making sure this slider is in equidistant spacing with the triangle (

01:21:716 (7,1,1) - Sudden decrease in spacing here, make them equal.

01:26:194 (3,6) - Try to improve this overlap.

01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing like this unfortunately cant exist in a normal as much as I would like it to but you have to drastically reduce the spacing as in so the notes are at least overlapping a little (

01:35:149 (5) - I suggest you soften the curve of this slider a little to make sure that its head and tail meet the curve of the triples and so that the triple in and the triple out resound with this flow (

01:36:940 (1,2) - You could improve this blanket a little (

01:39:627 (5,1) - Here too.

01:41:866 (3,4) - And finally here (

01:43:657 (5) - Make sure this note coheres with the spacing in the rest of the map.

Before I conduct a recheck on this diff, I recommend you make sure the spacing between this map is consistent and follows a single trend using perhaps 1.0-1.2 distance spacing as aforementioned.


00:06:502 (3,4,5) - I noticed even that the section is slow and quiet, you should space these three sliders in accordance with how you space the single taps to avoid any anti-jumps or confusion in timing (

00:27:056 (4) - This note will need re-snapping in accordance with the new timing change

00:27:985 (8) - It is important with sliders like this to at least reveal a little more of the slider body as the slider length can be easily masked and players will skip the slider thinking it is shorter than in reality. This can cause unwanted 100s and frustration (

00:33:358 (1) - If anything, I suggest making sure that this slider is further spaced from the last note as it may be confused for something that could be hit earlier and acts as a confusing anti-jump.

00:35:373 (6) - Make sure this note is equidistant from its preceding and succeeding note.

00:36:492 (4,5) - I recommend making sure that these notes share the same spacing as the note before this triple from this triple. It cant lie this close otherwise the player will get confused as the spacing isn't consistent.

01:15:448 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders need re-snapping, they are slightly too long.

01:22:612 (1) - I suggest you move this note in line with the next combo to avoid the spacing issue between this note and the slider preceding this note like so (

01:28:881 (1,2,3,4) - Make sure that these sliders are symmetrical and possible all blanket each other as an alternative or similar as I see you've gone for this idea.

01:35:597 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

01:38:731 (5,6) - These two too.

01:40:522 (1,2) - These also.

[Nihalum's Maid]

00:27:090 (1) - This note will need re-snapping with the new timing change.

I really like the direction this diff is going in, proper old-school but before I fully mod this diff or the insane, I'd like to see other modders take on these diffs. Again make sure there is consistency in the spacing in this diff and the insane and make sure the blankets are tidy and that the map flows as a whole.

Very fun map! The fundamentals of this map are there, however I think once you apply these changes, this whole mapset could be polished off with a few more mods and once this happens, I will recheck and hopefully a BAT can bubble. Good luck!
Thanks for your mod!

(2014-05-08) Oops I didn't see your full mod (Probably maybe you updated late)
Thanks, I'll have a look at it when I have Osu! at my reach

Done Applying Your Mod (2014-05-09)
modding normal :)
first of all for all levels, try keeping all notes within the grid
00:06:502 (1) - for combo 1 to 4 try not having them all circles, the part of the song doesnt seem right for circles to me
00:37:837 (1) - the circles 1 and 3 seem off beat, try placing 1 a tick ahead, take out 00:38:731 (3) - and make 4 slider longer
01:25:298 (2) - the repeat for the slider is off beat, try either shortening the slider or taking away the repeat and making the slider longer
01:29:776 (1) - one through 5 may be a slow stream but i would remove it because i dont think i belongs in this level
hopefully that helped :)
Topic Starter
konoshin69's Mod

konoshin69 wrote:

modding normal :)
first of all for all levels, try keeping all notes within the grid
00:06:502 (1) - for combo 1 to 4 try not having them all circles, the part of the song doesnt seem right for circles to me
00:37:837 (1) - the circles 1 and 3 seem off beat, try placing 1 a tick ahead, take out 00:38:731 (3) - and make 4 slider longer
01:25:298 (2) - the repeat for the slider is off beat, try either shortening the slider or taking away the repeat and making the slider longer
01:29:776 (1) - one through 5 may be a slow stream but i would remove it because i dont think i belongs in this level
hopefully that helped :)

1. Non circle shape now [FIXED]
2. These sound good to me :O I am going to add sound to emphasize it, so that it sounds better (and not off beat) [SKIP]
3. I know this seems weird, but I am going to find a better way to compensate this part. However, this slider is acceptable atleast for me. [SKIP]
4. This is alright. I got mod before (when these were spaced-apart). These seem quite safe for this level considering this is Normal and having Easy as well. I need to do these so that there are level spread across my beatmap. [SKIP]

Thanks for the mod. :3
I really like this song, and hoping someone to make map out of this song. :)

I am new to modding, but I think I can give you some of my thoughts about your map.


The Shapes
01:27:985 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Squares (Repeated going around and around)
00:45:000 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Weird Shapes (Makes it harder to play)

Parts that seems off
00:37:612 (5) - This reverse slider seems off for some reason.

Over used?
00:32:463 (1,2,3,4) - Set of 1/4 sliders
01:11:866 (1,2,3,4,5) - Set of 1/4 sliders
01:13:657 (1,2,3,4,5) - Another set of 1/4 sliders
01:15:448 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Set of 1/4 sliders in going back and forth pattern
01:17:239 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - A flower pattern of 1/4 sliders? :O

Anyways, I love how hitsounds are played. Hopefully this gets ranked someday!
Topic Starter
falconlok: Yesh! Thanks.

Cookiesi wrote:

falconlok: Yesh! Thanks.
Actually, I really like this song and want this map to be ranked. I'll shoot stars for your map. :)

Topic Starter
Thanks! >.<

falconlok wrote:

Cookiesi wrote:

falconlok: Yesh! Thanks.
Actually, I really like this song and want this map to be ranked. I'll shoot stars for your map. :)

Random mod? yup.

Check AIMod and make sure its all clean there!

[jessie0520's Easy]
00:28:433 (1) - NC pls
00:50:373 (3,5) - Since they're in the same combo I think its better to make these 2 have same/similar shape than with 00:53:507 (1) -
01:36:940 (1,2) - nc, remove nc

00:06:502 (1,2,3,4) - can change 2 of these into 1 slider, could be challenging even for normal
00:10:031 (1,1,1,1) - can be bracketed
00:14:736 (2,3,4,5) - same as #1
00:49:925 (3,4) - Needs same distance as 00:49:478 (2,3)
01:18:134 (1,2,3) - Line these up x= 256
01:28:881 (7) - pls blankets pls
01:29:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - #1

00:03:561 (7) - 14 combo aiya please NC
00:06:208 (1,2) - Fits with the music, why not triplet this?
00:34:925 - Feels empty right here
00:45:672 (7) - NC maybe?

01:19:701 (2,3,4,5) - Distance , also 01:21:492 (2,3,4,5) -
01:27:090 (4) - So it has a shape And also closer together cuz DS
01:33:582 - This part feels empty.. hmm
01:41:865 (7) - same distance as previous notes

Test playing and I fail even tho I fc so er ya putting it out there

[Nihalum's Maid]
Honestly, there isn't much to say here, but the long ass sliders don't fit the difficulty much
Other than the streams/mini-streams and random jumps I felt this map wasn't as fun as the Insane
Just my honest opinion

GL and lets see what happens next :)
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