
Should polygamy be legailsed?

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“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” - Churchill

Yes, it should be legalised.
No, it's against morals and ethics
Total votes: 14
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This poll would be controversial but hey I believe in democracy.

On a serious note, the trends of the world seems to be moving towards more liberty and less discrimination. It's believed that until 10,000 years ago, humans live in a polygamous society. Some even said that the case against polygamy is "incredibly flimsy, almost entirely lacking in rational basis and animated by purely irrational fears and prejudice". But those who're against it said that humans have learned by natural inclination and hard experience that monogamy best accords with human needs. That polygamy "breaches a neighbor’s rights to have an equal opportunity to marry without having most of the eligible women horded in one harem or having his own wife or daughters subject to the covetous privations of a powerful polygamous neighbor". And that humans is different from animals, that humans have perennial sex drives rather than annual mating seasons.

What is your take on this?

As long as every party is consenting with being in that sort of relationship, then I have no problem with it. It's their relationship and we shouldn't be against them based off our own moral values and cultural differences. There isn't any objectively negative effects of it either from what I can see.
why not? it doesn't cause any harm if everyone involved consents to it, and it especially causes no harm to anyone not partaking in the relationship at all
Well, I am neutral towards it. But as far as I know there's also a movement for polyamorous relationships to be recognized, are you including these in the survey?
idk i dont get any bitches
Topic Starter

-Kori wrote:

idk i dont get any bitches
i dont care about what a buch of conseting adults want to do really
this could have been an interesting disscusion but the fact you started it with rent a girlfriend makes me question what reason do you have for wanting polygamy

Patatitta wrote:

what reason do you have for wanting polygamy

Now more seriously, polygamy seems unfair. Polyamorous is more fair.
wish there was a "don't know" option

eblf2013 wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

what reason do you have for wanting polygamy

Now more seriously, polygamy seems unfair. Polyamorous is more fair.
I agree with this position, if you look historically at polygamy even it was even more unfair, which was totally awful, polyamorous relationships are ok tho
Topic Starter

Patatitta wrote:

this could have been an interesting disscusion but the fact you started it with rent a girlfriend makes me question what reason do you have for wanting polygamy
Pictures are for decorative purposes cuz this ia OT after all

Jangsoodlor wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

this could have been an interesting disscusion but the fact you started it with rent a girlfriend makes me question what reason do you have for wanting polygamy
Pictures are for decorative purposes cuz this ia OT after all
nah mate you dont put rent a girlfriend on this topic for no reason at all
im personally against it but its already legalized here

Patatitta wrote:

Jangsoodlor wrote:

Patatitta wrote:

this could have been an interesting disscusion but the fact you started it with rent a girlfriend makes me question what reason do you have for wanting polygamy
Pictures are for decorative purposes cuz this ia OT after all
nah mate you dont put rent a girlfriend on this topic for no reason at all
why not
Depends, between consenting Adults (emphasizing this) then I think Polyamorous relationships are alright (I'm gonna guess you didn't know the difference between Polygamy and Polyamorous relationships til a bit ago.) However, I do not agree with stuff like religious polygamy nor cultural polygamy as it implies a need to conform which can make the moral and ethical boundaries wane hard, that's just me though
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