Hello, really big fan of 10K+ here!!!! Gonna write down some thoughts in my mind about this, sorry if they're a bit messy! Have to keep writing or else I pause and make excuses to procrastinate further LOL
Also sorry that for some video examples, you have to download them since I thought when I share discord link, it will just open another tab and show the video there like how some audio links do it!
TL;DR For My Post
- I showed that there's a lot of interest in 18k as there are many 18k maps being made, and more is being made as of current
- I have discussed 18K RC with Sick[Catcat] and decided to at the very least minimize fatfingers and maybe avoid 5+ chords on one hand
- 13K and 17K technically is perfectly mappable due to the default layout making sense, just wanted to point that out!
- I'm so excited to see Dynamic mapping for 3k, I came up with some very evil patterns myself! Go take a look at it! >:]
- There are many styles for 10K+ (I have a whole doc with a list on it), and people will usually stick to one style only and ignore mapper's intentions. May usually be not too big of an issue in this case since 10K+ is dynamic and some charts become uncomfortable when not using intended style
- Many argue that <4k should not be ranked because too restrictive, but that's what 7k mains say about 4k as well! Higher keymode mains will always say lower keymodes are restrictive. Is a keymode's ability to make "interesting" maps compared to other keymode really that important a factor for deciding if the keymode is worth ranking?
18K Mapping Guidelines
Sick[Catcat] and I have actually had discussions on how 18k RC guidelines would look like if 18K were to be rankable! I'll summarize the discussion below:
4+10+4k vs 9+9k issueYou might have noticed that Sick[Catcat] has been mapping in 9+9k layout while others have been mapping with 4+10+4k in mind! This is because Sick[Catcat] (I'll call him ctct from now on) feels much more comfortable with the layout since it is very similar to DP layout (ctct is a DP player)! That's honestly valid, though it does cause a bit of issue when trying to think of how to map for 18k ranked when there are two different main 18k layouts!
For example, this is how the different layout looks like typically:
4+10+4K goes left to right, but switches rows in a U shape, while 9+9k is zig-zag
These differences in key layout do affect how people with different layouts read and play some 18K charts. This becomes apparent when 4+10+4k tries playing ctct's 18k maps, which are all in 9+9k layout!
I will use ctct's Re:ing map for this example:
?????? What is going on here?
Oh it's actually just top-row trills in 9+9k?I guess it would make more sense if you have tried 4+10+4K layout before, but this one is particularly difficult to read since it is different row streams, which wasn't typical back then! It is pretty mindblocky as well, though the reason why is a bit difficult for me to explain!
Our standard for 18k mapping before this was that we should use the gimmick where the hands switches rows as a whole so that there will be no double-rows (except thumbs) in one hand
Below is related image I made back then when I was explaining how I wanted 10K to 18K converter to work!
I guess it's somewhat similar to
DJMAX Portable 3's 6.2T modes! Back then, the only major actually 4+10+4k maps that we had were my Groundhog map and xBomb's 18k maps! I had the belief that 18k maps should always be like this, and I was basically begging ctct to learn our layout instead since that was the most popular layout! But then I realized that maybe I was a bit too closeminded about this! So basically, what happened that made me change my mind was...
Hugged's 18k Pack happenedThere are a lot of mixed rows in this pack, and some patterns basically force you to turn your wrist to hit some notes while holding an LN! It's a lot harder to read than the usual 18k maps that we had back then. But honestly? I ended up really loving it LOL (especially edamame)
I would show some examples, but I have no idea how much that would help in you guys understanding it since it would be easier to show a handcam example, and I can't do handcams :[
So basically what happened was I realized that this whole time, I was really just skill issuing my way in 18k, so I ended up just ignoring my weaknesses in reading and hitting more technical patterns that could happen in 18k for a long time just because I believed charts with those things aren't "real" 18k or something like that LOL
So in the end, I ended up being more open about 18k patterns from 9+9k layout since now I believe that maybe it wasn't too big of an issue after all due to our skills improving overall due to Hugged's new packs and converter! There is still a few issues left though!
FatfingersFatfingers are where you hit more than one key with one finger! This is actually the most recent discussion I had with ctct about 18k! We were still trying to find a way so that a map feels comfortable for both 4+10+4k and 9+9k if we're not going to separate them similarly to how some people still play 7k1s as 8k and vice versa. We ended up agreeing in the end that maybe we should try to avoid chords that will cause fatfingering in 4+10+4k, at least for non-expert levels!
Below are the chords that will cause fatfingering!
Some keyboards are harder to fatfinger on due to some keyboards being flat. For expert level though, maybe we can allow some for the same reasoning as to why 6+ chords are allowed in high-level 7k maps! It's not fully confirmed yet if we want to restrict things like that because fatfinger patterns can be pretty cool, such as how they're done in Hugged's edamame, so it is possible that in the future, we may want to be more specific on what not to encourage, like maybe we only restrict
forced fatfingers!
Here is some malicious forced fatfingersWe may also want to not allow some 5+ chords on one hand!
Here is an evil idea on fatfingeringWe're only discussing about 4+10+4k and 9+9k here since those two are the most common 18k layout here in osu!mania! We're not sure on how to handle other layouts yet! I'll elaborate more on the section about 10K+ Styles!
Odd Numbered Keymodes
As Hugged has mentioned earlier, odd numbered 10+ keys i.e. 11, 13, 15, 17 CAN exist through notepad editing! And it is true that you cannot change the key layout for these keymodes! However, I just wanted to add that only 11k and 15k are not so viable to chart for due to the keybind issues! 13k and 17k can totally work since the default keybind that we're forced to use for them actually do make sense! They're like mini 18k or 12k layout + spacebar in a way!
I'll explain what the default key layout are supposed to be for each of them:- 11: 6+5k [Key layout: SDF JKL // ER RAlt UI]
- 13: 7+6k [Key layout: SDF SPACE JKL // WER UIO]
- 15: 8+7k [Key layout: ASDF JKL; // WER RAlt UIO]
- 17: 9+8k [Key layout: ASDF SPACE JKL; // QWER UIOP]
You might have noticed that the first part seems to follow the default keybind for 6,7,8,9k respectively, but for the second half, it seems to follow the 2nd player's 5,6,7,8k layout from coop mode! Using RAlt is pretty uncomfortable since it is very far away from other keys, and there seems to be no intuitive way of playing them, so that's why I said that they're pretty much unplayable! 13k and 17k makes more sense since the special key is the space button (as it should)!
I have made a 13k map myself to prove this pointI'm not saying that 13k and 17k should be rankable because of this! I just wanted to add some fun facts regarding these odd keymodes LOL
If we were to actually make the keybinds customizable, to fix 11k and 15k, just changing RAlt to Space should be enough, but if you want more layouts for these odd keymodes, you can refer to
Dancing☆Onigiri for some examples of odd number keys layouts! (I love mentioning Danoni whenever I have the chance!!!!)
Dynamic Mapping for 3K
Ok so I really like K0nomi's idea on how 3k should be played! It definitely makes 3k have more interesting patterns and feel more dynamic! It also shows that you don't have to heavily rely on odd timings for lower keys in order for the chart to be interesting! That's awesome because if we only rely on confusing rhythm for lower keys, I feel like it would really restrict the song choices for 3k for more interesting maps, and if I'm being honest, heavily relying on odd rhythms to make charts interesting just makes the game feels more.... executionary..? than it needs to be! Not that it's bad to do that, I just feel like we can do better than think it is required for a map to have confusing rhythm to make it interesting when we are talking about keymodes where there is definitely other ways we can make more interesting!
Though, I really ended up thinking of renda (and related) patterns when I saw the image! I was wondering how it would look like if we were to go beyond than the playstyle that k0nomi suggested! I thought, "what if we have to use SIX fingers for 3k? Like as in we have to overlap our hands on top of each other to hit some vertical patterns LOL"
And with that in mind, I made these pattern (mostly as a joke)! What do you think of these:
- Either you trill the middle key with one hand and move ur other hand left or right to hit the stray notes, or treat as trills where left hand index stays in the middle while right hand is sometimes double finger for the stray notes and you have to move it left or right while still hitting the middle key
- See for yourself LOL (overlapping your hands is kinda necessary, especially for the ending doubles pattern)
Once again, these are kind of joke examples, but I guess you can use this for a case when dynamic 3k gimmick goes too far LOL
10K+ Styles
I'm actually making a doc on the many styles of 10K+ charts that you can find in osu!mania! I'm definitely nowhere near finishing it, as I can only manage to list down the keymodes as of now, but you can use this list to see just how many ways we can play 10K+ and how creative people can be when it comes to mapping and skinning!
The link to the doc can be found below:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1otmOSqclp5g23fdQ-R_CTTE0ApIwtOmzLAeiZ2cIja8/edit?usp=sharingI'll try my best to at least show some images and lists of maps that uses the layouts in the doc!!!!
So yeah, as you can see, there is a lot of ways you can play 10K+, and there is possibly more if you're creative enough! But as I mentioned in my first section, the different styles can be a bit complicated to deal it when it comes to mapping! So I really like K0nomi's idea of instead of stating that a map is 18k, we specify what layout we have to use for the map, like specify it s [4+10+4k] or [9+9k]! It will definitely cause less headache than if we were to try to make sure the map works for all layouts that ever exists LOL
Of course, there is the possible issue of some layouts being easier to play than other layouts, so people will end up playing the easier layout instead of the intended layout for the map, which sucks!!!!
You need to see what happened to the leaderboard in Jakads's 4+6k pack, for example!From that leaderboard, well, try to focus specifically on the Fracture Ray leaderboard, you'll notice that most of the passes there are from 10k players who used the standard 10k layout instead of the intended 4+6k layout! In fact, I think Jakads is the only one who has the legitimate normal non-HT clear on that map LOL
But honestly, can you blame them? It really is the fault of the system that they are able to cheese the pack to begin with, so it would make sense to just play the easier layout!
But here, I'm gonna explain why it probably will not be too big of a problem for 10K+ keymodes compared to 4+6k vs standard 10k!10K+ will always be dynamicSee, the big reason as to why standard 10k is easier than 4+6k, other than readability, is because standard 10K is a static keymode, which is something most people are very familiar with! You really only need to execute for static keymodes!
For standard 10K, you just play like normal: - you see note fall
- you click the corresponding key, and that key will always be clicked by one finger and your fingers don't have to move to other keys!
However, for 4+6K and other dynamic keymodes:- you see note fall
- Decide which finger you will use to hit that key
- See if that finger is already pressing another key, if so, then maybe another finger?
- Is that jack pattern actually jack pattern or do you trill it instead? One-handed trill or two-handed trill?
- etc!
Because of how dynamic keymodes work, the difference in how difficult one layout is to another will be much lower than when comparing static with dynamic!
Map Comfort and Mapper's IntentionsA good charter for dynamic keymodes would consider how the player is going to play certain patterns with the mapper's intended key layout! When the charter considers this, usually, when players try to use a layout that is different than the layout the charter is mapping for, then the player will feel like the map is a bit uncomfortable or difficult for them! This makes them struggle more than players who actually follow the mapper's intentions, and these struggles might be enough to make sure that players that follow the intended way will do better than the ones that do not!
For example, I do better than ctct in 4+10+4k maps but ctct plays better than me on 9+9k maps! Well, most of the time anyways! This is assuming that we stick to our own favourite layout, which are, for me, 4+10+4k, and for ctct, 9+9k!
Also, just for fun, I will list down the two most popular layout for each 10K+ keymode in osu!mania in no particular order!:
- 12k: 6+6k and 3+6+3k
- 14k: 7+7k and Top Row
- 16k: 14K2S
- 18k: 4+10+4k and 9+9k
Not Interesting =/= Don't Rank
It seems that some of the posts from people that disagree that <4k should be ranked because it is too restrictive to make interesting maps, but I can't help but question how much time they have actually invested in these keymodes to actually reach that conclusion! I can't help but think that these comments are not in good faith of the keymodes being discussed!
As some of the 1k players here have shared, you can look at the mappools for the JOKE tournaments and also Sparxe's 1k maps in general if you want to see interesting 1k maps! If we can make 1k interesting, then just how difficult can it be to make interesting 2k maps and 3k maps? If anything, it just opens up more opportunities for more interesting patterns for those keymodes! There, we have shown that it is possible to make interesting <4k maps!
When judging how interesting a <4k map is, please keep in mind that they are more restrictive, so it does not make sense to expect 4k standards and so on to these keymodes. Even then, even if it looks like they are not interesting, what really is the issue with that? Aren't there some 4k+ maps that you feel aren't interesting and yet are ranked? I feel like <4k maps deserve to be ranked even if they are not as interesting as they can be! It's unfair that we can just give 4k+ maps that people don't find that much interesting a pass but not these!
Also, is it not common that 7k mains may not be as interested in 4k since it's more restrictive and doesn't have much interesting patterns? Some of us 10k players also feel this way about lower keymodes, so it should be expected that we may feel the same about <4k maps, but nonetheless, 4k mains exists, 7k mains exists, even <4k mains exists, because they like the keymodes, and that's fine and cool! What's not cool is that some of these keymodes are denied ranking for some odd reason!
Also, not exactly sure who is losing when uninteresting <4k gets ranked! There are complaints that there is not a lot of high sr maps for 4k compared to 7k so they get less pp, so <4k pp is probably not something you have to worry about! As far as I know, there are only winners in this situation: the <4k community finally gets a ranked leaderboard!Just for fun, I will send a link to a spreadsheet of 10K+ maps I remember and think are legitimate below when I finish it! Hopefully, it will help you get an idea of what 10K+ mapping looks like and how many maps are made for these keymodes so far!
For now, you may have this spreadsheet I made for a private server!
You can also look through our resources spreadsheet from our 10+ Keys Rhythm Games server