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Tournament Information
- This tournament will be of a 2v2 format, with teams of 3 people maximum
- Not limited to Hong Kong players
- Click Here for more details
Eligibility for Registration
- Participants must abide by osu! community rules, no cheating and/or multi-accounting is allowed
- The total pp of a two-man team must not exceed 27000 pp (+50pp buffer to account for fluctuations)
- The total pp of top two players in a three-man team must not exceed 24500pp (+50pp buffer to account for fluctuations)
- Each team could include one non-HK player (Number of badge for the foreign player must not exceed 2, and cannot be the team captain)
- PP calculation uses the BWS System = rank^(0.9937^(badges^2)
- The adjusted pp will be estimated as the same pp from a player with the above corresponding rank (Example)
- Participants must join the Discord server (or will be considered as forfeiting the tournament)
- Play count must be higher than 5000
- Participants are recommended to be able to Full Combo 5.7★ or above
- Staff members are not allowed to enter the tournament (with the exception of streamers and commentators)
- 參加者須遵守osu社區規則,無小號/外掛
- 二人隊伍PP總和不得超過27000pp(+50pp 緩衝)
- 三人隊伍內,頭兩名玩家pp值不得超過24500pp(+50pp 緩衝)
- 每隊可包括一名非香港選手(非香港選手badge數目不得超過2,並且不能是隊長)
- PP的計算方式使用 BWS System = rank^(0.9937^(badges^2)
- 將以BWS計算後的排名對照相應的PP(例子)
- 參加者必須加入Discord server(否則可直接當棄賽處理)
- 遊玩次數必須高於5000
- 建議至少能FC約5.7★或以上
- 參加者不能為工作人員(直播人員和評論員除外)
獎品 Prizes
- 1st Place: $750 HKD + Profile Badge (Pending) + Profile Banner
- 2nd Place: $450 HKD + Profile Banner
- 3rd Place: $300 HKD + Profile Banner
- 於比賽完結後,所有合資格參加者可參與 osu!supporter 抽獎 (Eligible participants can join the osu!supporter tag lottery at the end of the tournament)
賽程 Schedule
- Registration: 25/12 - 15/1
- Screening: 16/1 - 29/1
- Qualifiers: 4/2 - 5/2
- Ro32: 11/2 - 12/2
- Ro16: 18/2 - 19/2
- Ro8: 25/2 - 26/2
- Semifinals: 4/3 - 5/3
- Finals: 11/3 - 12/3
- Grand Finals: 18/3 - 19/3
- Lottery: 19/3
工作人員 Staff
Hosts 主辦 :
Cohosts 合辦 :
Mappoolers 圖池 :
Streamers 直播 :
Commentators 評論員 :
Graphics 美術設計 :
Spreadsheets :
Referees 裁判 :
- Tournament Report Form: https://pif.ephemeral.ink/tournament-reports