aim pp farmer, avg nub in everythings :3 ----------------------------------------------------------
65 digit boomer with decent aim (he thought), enjoy playing in lobby and tourney. love to play tech maps, finger control maps. love to play HR (not really now...), currently learning EZ/EZDT (inspired by my goat Lans ). tapping hand kinda fked up so prolly quit/taking long break from tourney scene (at least not playing competitively) after all my current tourney end (18/6/2023).
pinned: milestone or recent proud score (which might update depends on self-assess skill level)
After coming back to this game last year (2022), I have meet a lot of great players in tourneys, multi lobby and discord server. And it is the only things that drive me playing this game consistently, to share the joy of winning match, to share some fun (troll) maps, compete a score on a wacky tech map, to <rs spam bot channel, to deranker spotted spam, etc.
It is really a fun and memorible journey with you guys!
It seems like I have got a little bit burn-out from tournaments (also this game in general). With my old hand injury and busy irl studys, works in future. I didn't see a point to play tournaments that regular and competitve anymore, maybe it is a time focus more in my life and other aspects, I have been treating osu as a coping mechanism for a while. But the only things I won't forgor is the friends we made (I don't have many friends irl tbh xd). I can't list out (also not practical) all the friends I made in this game, but these are come in my mind now that some what changed me.
autohost lobby buddies (sweetdip, hachi, raia, potato44, nick ..... too many..) - just because we meet a lot in those lobby in daily bases, we know each other and osu become a online game instead of solo pp farming simulator. my server members - I will say this server contain most of the memory more than every other parts kekw, also thx GNM for managing it lol bowlofrice buddies (faceie, arto, enigm4, bread, ninja, isita, sidi, foxy, noko, Folinic, etc...)
AbbeyChan6203 - insane tourney enthusiast (de), the reason (6wc2 stream) I start playing tourney and 6wc23 Blaskboi - HD goat, horny toehoe one trick, reimu armpit :fire:! Sedi - pro funny asian with based map taste Davidoe - kinda wacky but interest bro, engineering deranker buddy and tech enjoyer (DJ mag shee) Corrot - wife >3<, hr gamer, MTS1 Sweetdip - help me pushing skill cap, kind and humble 4 digit chad Kesy - acc god, nm2, ez carry, reimu armpit :fire:! Fantik - overall gud player, soft (:tf:), reimu armpit :fire:! Filoxen - thx inviting me in ACC! harumachi de, speed/stamina goat with wacky grip, good captain, Bababooey! Tosheesh - this guy is kinda good at the game... ACC carry, deranker spotted, Bababooey! Chou - bbc spammer, goat tourney player with 50% chance drank while match :tf:, ACC, Bababooey! Yillow - hr goat, npc, the ranker! (another goated team) Asahi - goat tourney player, the ranker! Aero - consistency player, chill guy, the ranker! Lans - insane EZ player, cracked... smollilnub - insane gimmick idol Marshy - thx let me join CSX2 team and we fking win it, good captain, beat degen! Issos - speed and EZ demon, carry us safely in WB b4 final, beat degen! Lyxin - fking MVP in GF bracket reset, talented player, rink up grr, beat degen! Jamesz - the hd goat, wacky click zx play-style, (basically) fc every hd(fm) picks holy, beat degen! Chaos - good overall player, fill player with great mental (we win BR mental), beat degen! Benj - good fill player while faceie steal bloo from us grrr, beat degen! Ampire - the only true 6 digit in the team lol, hr fill, beat degen! AhFungus - basically signle handed us to final lol, TMT5 arctice - my angel arctice >3<, rink up geee 4XnL - npc carry, the goat himself (the will of want to carry the team) firered - npc hd/speed carry, epic artist filomaster - npc nm1 carry, polska chad shaddie - npc hr/fill, tourney host sth Mans0n - the goat that step up at gs against sweden, consistent performing, 6WC HK! l33tw33b - new tourney player, but able to carry a lot in matches, 6WC HK! Kyle Y - epic (cs 5) mapper, low AR (and HD) carry, 6WC HK! Agllius - epic mapper x2, fill player, bring good vibe to team, 6WC HK! samsam - my favorite combo gamer, DT goat, only minor in our boomer team :tf:, 6WC HK! C00KI3 - hd carry, math god, 6WC HK! Typhons - nm2/hr fill, nervous new tourney player, also bring good vibe, 6WC HK!
ok yea, it's a bad idea to list out... pls don't be sad if I missed you :3 (dm me if it's the case...)
Started Playing: when I am a literally kid, playing just for fun and challenge to pass higher difficulty, "quitting" the game periodically when I can't pass higher level map.
Aug 2022: back to this game after exchange study, can't find summer intern, grind like crazy and obsessed in this pp number game wtf, I am not playing this game just for fun anymore sadge
Sep 2022: started working as an intern, hopefully I can balance this game and work schedule.
Oct 2022: gonna try full area boiiiii (for right hand posture learning/movement mechanic training). Targeting: figuring vertically, wrist move horizontally.) Happy for setting my 1st good HR pp score. 15/10, I got my first >200pp HR play, let's goooooooooooooo
Jun 2023: I can't see my improvement on tapping and my left hand just seems weaker than before, probably time to stop the competitive side of osu after all my current tourneys end. It was a great time and meet a lots of cool players and created lots of fun memory <3.
potato44 - nice acc bro, one of the crazy SS farmer DigitalHypno - nice osu "tutorial", good for long term improvement GuineaGuy99 - real DT player, ambitious, let's work (grind) on our acc tgt! AbbeyChan6203 - tourney player, one of the reasons I wanna play 6WC3 you - if you are reading this, I probably meet you somewhere before. I am too lazy to write down more . But really thankful we meet somewhere virtually in this journey <3.