
Yuuhei Satellite feat. Marcia - Ashita Chiru Sa...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2023年1月24日 at 10:48:12

Artist: Yuuhei Satellite feat. Marcia
Title: Ashita Chiru Sadame nara
Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith.
Tags: Iceon 紅葉八朔 京田スズカ かわ 幻想万華鏡 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road ZUN yf_bmp 東方Project Touhou Fuujinroku Kagiyama Hina 鍵山雛 kurukuru 18th 博麗神社例大祭 japanese j-pop jpop pop video game mof th10 wind god chronicles team shanghai alice yakujinsama no toorimichi road of the misfortune god fantasy kaleidoscope gensou mangekyou memories of phantasm 幻想万華鏡
BPM: 145
Filesize: 33538kb
Play Time: 03:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.33 stars, 572 notes)
  2. Normal (1.92 stars, 346 notes)
  3. yf's Lunatic (4.29 stars, 677 notes)
Download: Yuuhei Satellite feat. Marcia - Ashita Chiru Sadame nara
Download: Yuuhei Satellite feat. Marcia - Ashita Chiru Sadame nara (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

- Let me stay by your side in the dream -

Special thanks to yf_bmp
Hope you could enjoy yf's DT >_<

Normal - me
Hard - me
Lunatic (Insane) - yf_bmp
Hitsound (with Lunatic's extra hitsound) - yf_bmp

BNs - FuJu / enneya

Thanks (from A to Z)
__Ag、[Hatsune Miku]、Bellicose/iBell、eiri-、Enneya、Firika、FuJu、Garden、Hakusui Sama、kanor、Karen、MeAqua tete、Muziyami、NexusQI、Setu、sorairokarasu、Teages、timemon、tomatas95、wyrio、yf_bmp、Yugu
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