
The right HD size?

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Hello, I just wanted to know how I correctly size the images of the HD files. On the Website there is a skinning list which I read and there is a suggested SD size mentioned (e.g. 1366 x 768; menu-background.jpg). So if i want to create an element in HD do i really just have to make an image with a size of 2732 x 1536 and name it menu-background@2x.jpg? I am not sure, it looks so easy but i am not sure if i am right.

Thx for anyones help :D
Zelzatter Zero
yeah that's it
Yes that is all you need to do. However, you should never upscale SD files to HD, make sure to make HD files (2 * SD size) and then downscale it. There is this program to batch downscale for you: community/forums/topics/762684
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Alright, thx for helping ^^
Also menu-background doesn't need an @2x version. It will always scale to 100% of the viewport while keeping the aspect ratio, so we only skin the SD version.
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