
- Spektrum (16:9,HD & SD, STD & CTB)

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hiii this is my submission for the Skinning contest : Chromatic Alteration :)

Skin informations

Name : - Spektrum
Available Modes : Standard & Catch
Resolutions : HD & SD
Aspect Ratio : 16:9


Download it here (Mediafire)

thank you for downloading my first ever skin :D
Hi, i am a little bit confused. So u used the Tritanopia colour palette with your red elements, but you also used a green colour for your cursor, rank A, hit100 etc. Isn't that not allowed or am I missing something? :D
Topic Starter

SiriusOnly wrote:

Hi, i am a little bit confused. So u used the Tritanopia colour palette with your red elements, but you also used a green colour for your cursor, rank A, hit100 etc. Isn't that not allowed or am I missing something? :D
im pretty sure most of the elements of the skin (like song selection and pause menu) must be around the colour pallettes that was picked , i could be wrong tho. i was originally going to make the cursor red but it didn't match well so i changed it :)
menu-back is missing for SD resolutions
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NekoLoveFan wrote:

menu-back is missing for SD resolutions
fixed :D
Here is some feedback regarding your skin, both positive and negative things


Forum Post

  1. catch icon is rotated on banner
  2. screenshots are split into multiple boxes, which is quite annoying, would be nicer to have like one spoiler box for menus, one for standard and one for catch

Skin - ingame

  1. i like the techno font
  2. theres some white fringing around some elements, try using Fringe Remover
Song Selection
  1. not a fan of "pls enjoy gmae"
  2. mode switching button is invisible
  3. icons on the mode selection are very crispy, missing AA
  4. catch icon on mode selection is rotated
  5. line at the top of the song selection does not match default one img
  6. options button overlaps the bottom right edge img
Ranking Panel
  1. no 300 markers
  2. miss icon is bigger than the others
  3. the ranking panel has a gap at the top [url=]
  4. the black score-x, score-comma, socre-dot and score-percent are hard to read on the dark background
  5. the accuracy goes outside the box, so does the comma img
  6. numbers are not aligned in their boxes
  1. inputoverlay keys are misaligned img
  2. black score-comma/dot/percentage/x are invisble during gameplay
  3. glow on approachcircle is cutoff
  4. the right side of scorebar-color should have some empty space to prevent, which is present, however a bit small. I would recommend about 10% blank space

Skin - folder

  1. .psd files are included, these should be deleted
  2. there are blank @2x files, you only need blank SD files to hide an element
  3. some elements are SD only
  4. selection-tab@2x1.png is a unused file. Should be deleted, or used.
Mantap bang skin nya, tapi gaada mania :(
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shidqidragon wrote:

Mantap bang skin nya, tapi gaada mania :(
thank youuu. iya engga ada mania soalnya masih baru soal skinning gini, baru ngerti standard sama catch wkwkk. nanti lain waktu ku pengen nyoba ngeskin full gamemode :D
Topic Starter

XniqHaruki wrote:


EudgeFer wrote:

thanksss ^^
i'm not a fan of a combination between cold and warm colors (black goes with blue and red goes with white?). it feels odd. the gameplay is surprisingly refreshing though
Taking some time to review your skins (last minute). Here's what I have to say in general:

Positive Review
- Nice ranking-grades.
- Also, the words mostly too.
- Clean and simple.

! ranking-title isn't skinned.
! mode-x-med have rough edges.
! approach-circle has square box lighting.
! selection-mode is missing...

~ The colour for ranking-xh-small and ranking-sh-small feels too strong.

That's all.
Congrats upon participating in a skinning contest! c:
I actually like the catcher a lot lmfao
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