
Nana Mizuki - Vitalization [CatchTheBeat]

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rew0825 wrote:

Mod m4m :)

[ Cup]
  1. 00:36:028 (3) - x:368 and 00:36:976 (1) - x:272 Moved 00:36:976 (1), but leaved (3) as it is because I like that pattern.

[ Rain]

HP - 6

  1. 01:33:976 (3,4) - ctrl+h No, thats too mainstream. :3

Good luck :)
Everything else accepted. Thank you for your check. :3 I have a little time nowadays but poke me if I forget to check your mapset. o/
2 kudosus frenzy

Plain text - Suggested
Bolded text - Highly suggested
Red bolded text - Unrankable issue (must fix)

[ Cup]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:21:502 (2) - I think this should be a 3/2 repeat slider, it follows vocals better and 00:22:765 -, although a downbeat, isn't that important. It will also be consistent with 00:26:555 (1) -
  2. 01:13:292 (1) - I think this should be mapped 1/1, either by making it a 1/1 slider with 4 repeats, 1 repeat and 2 circles or 5 circles, that's up to you.

[ Salad]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:08:870 (1) - If you Ctrl+G this you'll have a better flow, since current spacing is a bit weird imo.
  2. 00:09:976 (3) - I'd take out the repeat, it follow vocals better.
  3. 00:36:028 (3,4) - I expected a larger jump here, the in crescendo is really calling for it. Set (4) at x:416 and move 00:36:976 (1) - according to this:
  4. 00:46:923 (1,2,3) - Reduce spacing between these notes, the 1/4s are a bit tricky here.
  5. I could complete your Kiai Time without dashing at all. I think a little bit distance in some key parts will make this better, some points where you can add some distance are:
    1. 01:13:923 (2) - Move to x:160
    2. 01:15:818 (1,2,3,4) - You could do this part as wollows:
    3. 01:24:028 (2) - Same idea as 01:13:923 (2)

[ Platter]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:09:976 (1) - If you make this slider start on the white tick, and add a note at its current position you'll follow vocals better

[ Rain]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:06:818 (3) - Move this to x:320, I think a smaller distance suits this part better.
  2. 00:10:134 (1) - Ctrl + G and then move it to x:160, it flows better.
  3. 00:30:028 (4) - I think current position of this note is a bit unexpected. Move this to x:48 for a more predictable movement.
  4. 01:18:660 (3) - Move to x:400 to create an hyperdash :D
Topic Starter

ZiRoX wrote:

2 kudosus frenzy

[ Cup]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 01:13:292 (1) - I think this should be mapped 1/1, either by making it a 1/1 slider with 4 repeats, 1 repeat and 2 circles or 5 circles, that's up to you. This is just a Cup, the rhythm should be as easy as possible.

[ Platter]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:09:976 (1) - If you make this slider start on the white tick, and add a note at its current position you'll follow vocals better Nope, the vocal part on the main beat is very weak compared with the one at 00:09:976. Start the slider there is a very bad idea.

[ Rain]
Timeline and Patterns
  1. 00:30:028 (4) - I think current position of this note is a bit unexpected. Move this to x:48 for a more predictable movement. What? No. Two left, two right. There is nothing unexpected in this pattern.
Everything else applied. Thanks for your mod. :3

00:01:607 (1) - This should be angled better like
00:07:134 (2) - I feel this should just be a vertical slider. the curve is unnecessary and a bit awkward.
00:25:292 (1) - another case where i think a vertical slider just makes it look and flow better.
00:49:923 (2) - i would reduce the distance on this a bit as it seems awkward and may be weird to read for low level players
00:56:239 (5) - Feel the distance on this should be reduced and kinda link rather than be a small jump. move00:56:239 (5) - to x:128
00:56:870 (1) - similar to the previous jump. I would reduce it to almost link together move 00:56:870 (1) - to x:208
01:29:239 (2) - really recommend reducing the distance jump to this. maybe move to x:272
01:29:713 (1) - same as ^ move to x:96 as this jump is too much for a cup
01:31:292 (1) - I would make this a more simple curve or a vertical slider

It's a nice Cup but I highly recommend nerfing the jumps at the end because it's too challenging for a cup and it drags the star rating above the recommended 1.5 star

00:07:607 (3) - would either reduce the jump to this or increase so you know a dash is needed. it's at awkward distancing right now. you could move 00:07:607 (3) - to x:256 and leave it to where a dash is needed on the next note
00:23:081 (3) - this standstill repeat is dull. Would recommend 3 hit circles or a more horizontal slider
00:40:449 (4) - would reduce the distance on this a bit for better flow.
00:42:028 (1) - Fix this slider, it's very awkward. a more simple curve repeater would do fine.
00:44:239 (1,2,3) - would recommend just making these vertical sliders so it's less awkward
00:54:344 (1,2,1,2) - i feel like a dash should be needed somewhere in this section. Maybe to the last slider
01:08:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i would try to arc this a bit more to the right like
01:12:502 (5,6) - recommend Ctrl+H this and moving to x:368
01:35:713 (3,4) - Ctrl+H and move to x:368 for better flow

I would recommend going back and mapping more of the vocals in various points but that might not be necessary. Also i didnt point them out specifically but the vertical sliders in the kiai time should really be changed to something more interesting. Would also recommend just doing a sweep through the whole song using a smaller grid size and really refining the distances on the jumps for overall better flow.

I would highly recommend taking a look at the platter and rain and changing the patterns and jumps to better fit today's standards.
Topic Starter

Tyrell wrote:



It's a nice Cup but I highly recommend nerfing the jumps at the end because it's too challenging for a cup and it drags the star rating above the recommended 1.5 star 1.47 :P


00:44:239 (1,2,3) - would recommend just making these vertical sliders so it's less awkward Verticals are a bit boring to play imo.
00:54:344 (1,2,1,2) - i feel like a dash should be needed somewhere in this section. Maybe to the last slider The pattern is already hard enough.

Would also recommend just doing a sweep through the whole song using a smaller grid size and really refining the distances on the jumps for overall better flow. Using smaller grid in CtB not really matter as you wont notice the difference.

I would highly recommend taking a look at the platter and rain and changing the patterns and jumps to better fit today's standards. Hm, what are "today standards"? If you know some place which needs to be changed, point out, else I will just use my own mapping.
Thank you.

Cup is looking very nice but AR 5 is making it a bit unpleasant to play, changing it to AR 5.5 will make it more fun to play it also diff spread will improved a bit since Salad is 6.5

Look to easy and in my opinion it should be harder to fit diffspread better

01:14:555 (3,4,1) - its kiai time and you use even easier patterns than before

01:17:870 - 01:18:028 - 01:18:186 - I would use here 1/2 stream

01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - its dashless but music suggests bigger distance

I think that mapset is ready ;;
Topic Starter
Updated. I applied all, thank you. :3
I guess I'm a bit late huh...

General Comments:
  1. Song Folder: No issues, but this made me lol - Kurokami confirmed time traveller? (:
  2. Song Setup: Disable Widescreen Support in Platter and Rain diffs please to be consistent with Cup + Salad
  3. Metadata: No issues, but you could include the album this song is featured on - "Supernal Liberty"
  4. Timing: There is a noticeable difference between the first piano sound and the start of the spinner at 00:00:186 - Recommend dragging the start of the spinner back by 1/8 to 00:00:147 in all diffs to better reflect this
  5. Hitsounds: No issues
  6. AImod: No issues
Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  1. 00:03:186 (2) - Recommend splitting into 1/1 slider and circle to allow greater spacing and emphasis on the downbeat+finish at 00:03:818 - I'd place the new circle at x-208, and place the NC on it instead of 00:04:292 (1)
  2. 00:41:081 (2) - ^ As above, but here also because the start and repeat of this slider are mapping vocals, whilst the tail is mapping the instrumental, and it currently feels out of place to me. New circle at x-288?
  3. 00:51:028 (5) - Odd rhythm choice perhaps... I think you're following the vocals here, but you decided to map the weaker red tick sounds than the stronger white ticks and it confused me a little. Wouldn't two 1/2 sliders starting at 00:51:186 or circle / 1/2 sliderbe a better option here?
  4. 00:56:870 (1,2) - No matter how many times I play this pattern, it just doesn't feel right to me. I feel something like this would play much better:

  5. 01:09:660 (1,2) - The slider ends don't correspond to any sound as far as I can tell - I'd shorten both to 1/2 sliders
  6. 01:30:344 (2,1) - The vocal sound is stronger on the tail of (2), so I'd prefer to remove the repeat here and extend (1) back to start at 01:30:976 - this makes a 3/1 slider consistent with 01:32:239 (2)
  7. 01:33:502 (1,2) - Feels a little strange for the climax to the song, maybe too undermapped? Starting from 01:33:502 I'd make two 3/2 sliders, and then at 01:35:397 I'd use either circle and 1/2 slider, or even 1/2 slider repeating 3 times

Outside of the kiai, there are only two places where dash is required, so you may want to play around with spacings for strong notes in the rest of the song. Some good candidates for dashing would be 00:08:713 (6,1) - 00:11:081 (5,1) - 00:18:660 (6,1) - 00:21:028 (2,1) - 00:25:607 (4,1) - 00:43:292 (2,1) - 00:56:239 (2,1) -
  1. 00:17:081 (2) - No strong sound here to justify this note, so I'd move this back by 1/2 for the kick drum + vocal
  2. 00:17:713 (5,6) - I think this would play better if you reversed the positions on the timeline (circle then slider) and added a clap to the slider head (so the hitsound pattern plays out as whistle/clap/clap/clap)
  3. 00:31:607 - Not placing a note here sounds odd to me, there's a definite electro sound and the triple would play out nicely imo. If you do, make the NC on the downbeat instead of 00:31:923 (1)
  4. 00:31:923 (1) - Finish on the tail doesn't really fit with the music - I'd replace with a clap
  5. 00:34:134 (5,1) - Swap NC for the downbeat here
  6. 00:36:660 (4,1) - ^
  7. 00:40:449 (4) - This would be better as a 3/4 slider repeating once to follow the vocals
  8. 00:46:923 (1) - Follows the vocals better as a 1/2 slider since there's no prominent sound on the tail at present
  9. 00:51:028 (4) - Same issue as in Cup, this doesn't really fit with the music that well in my opinion - a better choice would be 1/2 slider repeating once followed by 1/2 slider
  10. 01:09:818 (1) - Why is this a 1/1 repeating slider when in Cup it was two 1/1 sliders (i.e.more dense)? I'd do the same thing here as suggested for Cup but with dash between them
  11. 01:28:449 (1) - There's no strong sound on the repeat here, so I'd just remove it and make this a 3/2 slider, or remove 01:29:239 (2) and make two 1/1 sliders followed by a circle at 01:29:397

  1. 00:09:976 (1) - Vocal sound starts 1/2 later on the downbeat, so I'd shorten to a 1/1 slider starting there and make 00:09:818 (3) a 1/2 slider
  2. 00:31:292 (3,4) - The hdash feels too strong here for me, I'd make it a bit weaker by moving (4) to x-19oving 2
  3. 00:42:976 (1,2,3,4) - Note density feels a little low here, and there's a 1/2 kick drum pattern you could map to bulk this out a bit of you wanted
  4. 01:06:818 - Unmapped kick drum sound here, could be mapped to create a dash to 01:06:976 (1) - the current spacing is really counterintuitive considering you added a finish hitsound
Not much else to say really, it's pretty good.

  1. 00:21:265 (5,6,7,1) - Very easy to overshoot the return slider (1) due to the strong hdashes in quick succession. I don't feel the hdash (5,6) is really necessary, so I'd map 00:20:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) as a smooth curve to the left and move 00:21:502 (1) over to x-304, move 00:21:976 (2) to the left of (1), x-288, and then increase the spacing of (2,3,4) slightly by moving (3) to x-416, keeping all orientations the same - making this whole passage so much smoother to play imo
  2. 00:57:502 (2) - Personal preference, but I'd replace this slider with three 3/4 circles to follow the wub pattern, which allows you to create some more interesting movement here
  3. 01:02:555 (2) - ^
  4. 01:05:081 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This stream is a little tight with dash which makes it annoyingly easy to miss on. I'd reduce the amount of curve a tiny bit so it's not quite so intimidating
  5. 01:08:870 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ More so than the above since it practically requires constant dash throughout
  6. 01:18:660 (3,4,5,6) - This caught me off guard when I first played it. Siince it's in the kiai I could live with it, but would it be possible to reduce the spacings a tiny bit here whilst keeping the hdashes?
  7. 01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I get that you want to increase spacing with each jump, but the stop-start nature of this pattern makes it quite difficult to react to. I'd prefer if the spacings between the notes in each doublet went something like 1.8x, 2.0x, 2.2x DS, instead of the 1.95x, 2.13x, 2.31x DS you have currently. No-one likes missing a tight reaction jump right at the end of a song >.<

I might have missed some things since I was in a bit of a hurry, so let's hunt for a few more mods before I give this another look.
Good luck (:
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

I guess I'm a bit late huh...

General Comments:
  1. Metadata: No issues, but you could include the album this song is featured on - "Supernal Liberty" Nah, this is the TV Size version and this one actually never came out as a track.
Difficulty-Specific Comments:

Outside of the kiai, there are only two places where dash is required, so you may want to play around with spacings for strong notes in the rest of the song. Some good candidates for dashing would be 00:08:713 (6,1) - 00:11:081 (5,1) - 00:18:660 (6,1) - 00:21:028 (2,1) - 00:25:607 (4,1) - 00:43:292 (2,1) - 00:56:239 (2,1) - Nah, 1/2 jumps at this bpm could be really hard. Adjusted some but not too much.
  1. 00:31:607 - Not placing a note here sounds odd to me, there's a definite electro sound and the triple would play out nicely imo. If you do, make the NC on the downbeat instead of 00:31:923 (1) Nah, that sound is just the aftereffect of 00:31:449. Adding a triplet there on this level is not necessary imo.
  1. 00:09:976 (1) - Vocal sound starts 1/2 later on the downbeat, so I'd shorten to a 1/1 slider starting there and make 00:09:818 (3) a 1/2 slider Wot, vocal clearly starts at red tick.
  2. 00:42:976 (1,2,3,4) - Note density feels a little low here, and there's a 1/2 kick drum pattern you could map to bulk this out a bit of you wanted No, the currently standard Salad/Platter difference is too high. I want to avoid this.
Not much else to say really, it's pretty good.

  1. 00:57:502 (2) - Personal preference, but I'd replace this slider with three 3/4 circles to follow the wub pattern, which allows you to create some more interesting movement here wot
  2. 01:02:555 (2) - ^
  3. 01:18:660 (3,4,5,6) - This caught me off guard when I first played it. Siince it's in the kiai I could live with it, but would it be possible to reduce the spacings a tiny bit here whilst keeping the hdashes? Its not that hard to handle. What is hard is the dash between (2,3) but if you catch that the pattern comes automatically.
I might have missed some things since I was in a bit of a hurry, so let's hunt for a few more mods before I give this another look.
Good luck (: Hm, I'm not sure if possible to get anyone to mod ctb but oh well.
Thank you. :3

Kurokami wrote:

Hm, I'm not sure if possible to get anyone to mod ctb but oh well.
Challenge accepted.

JBHyperion wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

Hm, I'm not sure if possible to get anyone to mod ctb but oh well.
Challenge accepted.
Challenge accepted x 2

I know I saw a debate about this on a different beatmap, but isn't the first spinner unrankable since it is before the first timing point?

00:03:818 (1,2) - though catchable without dashing, I feel that the gap is slightly too big for a new player to CtB
00:41:081 (2,1,2) - I feel that the distance from 2 to 1 is good but 1 to 2 is slightly too big.
01:18:344 (1) - Flip this around (Ctrl + g i think is the shortcut) because i feel that the kick out like how you have it mapped will just confuse a new player since it looks like all of your 1/2 pattern streams on here are fairly simple.
01:35:397 (3,4) - you might want to reduce the distance a little bit here.

Beyond what JBH mentioned, nothing stood out to me

QwQ this is hard for me to mod because I can't mod how I normally mod.
iirc this song never got the TV version released offcially, so the (TV Size) shouldn't be there, lol. The other map was ranked way before the rule began to be more enforced.
Topic Starter

DragonSlayer96 wrote:

[General]I know I saw a debate about this on a different beatmap, but isn't the first spinner unrankable since it is before the first timing point? O.o Not this again please. q.q Having object before the first timing point is not unrankable. But you can't lower their volume though.

QwQ this is hard for me to mod because I can't mod how I normally mod.
Thank you.

DakeDekaane wrote:

iirc this song never got the TV version released offcially, so the (TV Size) shouldn't be there, lol. The other map was ranked way before the rule began to be more enforced.
Oh, so that is why I didn't have it. o.o Fixed.
I wonder my people don't know about my CtB modding queue (?
Anyway, I could mod it this weekend if you agree with it.
Just one thing to keep in mind: I am not Hyperion, I am learning CtB with a lot of effort, so I'd really appreciate if you could give me some advices in you reject some things (which you are going to do, prob.)

Good luck m'boy

Yuii- wrote:

I wonder my people don't know about my CtB modding queue (?
You have a queue? Direct me to it at once so I can spam you with requests hue ;)

JBHyperion wrote:

Yuii- wrote:

I wonder my people don't know about my CtB modding queue (?
You have a queue? Direct me to it at once so I can spam you with requests hue ;)
Since when Forums are a place to chat
I'm a bit late... Challange accepted x3 Modding as a part of :

All are just suggestions, I mean... How can I give much when this is my 5th mod for CtB o.o

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi my mod will be made out of these

  1. 00:59:081 (4,5,6) - Don't really understand why you would stop the movement here, but I guess it is fine? (hopefully...)
  1. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - Just my sheer opinion, why not make them have the same distance? Don't really get why is this like this...
  1. 01:20:239 (3,4) - They seem to have the same pitch, so I think they should have the same DS (From (2) to (3) was 2.5, so (3) to (4) should be also 2.5) considering that.
  1. 00:20:870 (5,1) - I would swap NCs for these, and make a HDash between these 2 notes.
  2. 00:21:107 (3,4) - For these though, not really needed since the beat is getting weaker, but it would be nice.
  3. 00:34:134 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - All these notes would be fitting into the song lot more better if the DS was increasing gradually, since the instrument's pitch is increasing overtime.
  4. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - This is basically the same pattern from Platter, maybe vary it up a little bit, something like this :

    Yea I do suck at making patterns, but few more jumps would be nice.
That is all from me. I feel that the mapset is already ready for ranked...
Topic Starter

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

I'm a bit late... Challange accepted x3 Modding as a part of :

All are just suggestions, I mean... How can I give much when this is my 5th mod for CtB o.o

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi my mod will be made out of these

  1. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - Just my sheer opinion, why not make them have the same distance? Don't really get why is this like this... Changed a bit, but I want a jump between them.
  1. 00:20:870 (5,1) - I would swap NCs for these, and make a HDash between these 2 notes. It could fit there but HDash on blue tick is not a good idea.
  2. 00:21:107 (3,4) - For these though, not really needed since the beat is getting weaker, but it would be nice. Nah not all stream needs to be HDashed.
  3. 00:34:134 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - All these notes would be fitting into the song lot more better if the DS was increasing gradually, since the instrument's pitch is increasing overtime. You wanted? I changed it. \o/ Actually, I was thinking about the same this part so, why not. :D

    Yea I do suck at making patterns, but few more jumps would be nice.
That is all from me. I feel that the mapset is already ready for ranked...
Everything else end the ones with blue comments are fixed. Thank you.

@Yuii- Don't ask, just do it. :P

Kurokami wrote:

[Sc4v4ng3r] wrote:

I'm a bit late... Challange accepted x3 Modding as a part of :

All are just suggestions, I mean... How can I give much when this is my 5th mod for CtB o.o

  1. Unrankable issues
  2. My opinion which I highly recommend changing it
  3. Just small suggestions/nazi my mod will be made out of these

  1. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - Just my sheer opinion, why not make them have the same distance? Don't really get why is this like this... Changed a bit, but I want a jump between them.
  1. 00:20:870 (5,1) - I would swap NCs for these, and make a HDash between these 2 notes. It could fit there but HDash on blue tick is not a good idea.
  2. 00:21:107 (3,4) - For these though, not really needed since the beat is getting weaker, but it would be nice. Nah not all stream needs to be HDashed.
  3. 00:34:134 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - All these notes would be fitting into the song lot more better if the DS was increasing gradually, since the instrument's pitch is increasing overtime. You wanted? I changed it. \o/ Actually, I was thinking about the same this part so, why not. :D

    Yea I do suck at making patterns, but few more jumps would be nice.
That is all from me. I feel that the mapset is already ready for ranked...
Everything else end the ones with blue comments are fixed. Thank you.

@Yuii- Don't ask, just do it. :P
The feeling when I don't get a kudos xD
Topic Starter
Nah, I just forgot it. /o/
Absolute Zero
Boop~ in from CtB modding group

00:06:028 (5) – Move NC here?
00:06:660 (1) – Make this a ½ slider instead?
00:12:028 (2,3) – Follow triplet rhythm of voice?
00:13:607 (4) – Move NC here?
00:43:292 (4) – NC? Combo gets a little long.
00:51:186 (5) – NC?
00:58:134 (3,4,5) – Nerf this section a little bit, it might be hard for this level player?
00:59:081 (4) – NC?
01:17:870 (5,6,7) – I would lessen the spacing, this difficulty spike makes it hard for a cup player.
01:35:397 (3,4) – Each a new, different combo?

00:39:976 – Add hitcircle here?
00:42:028 (1) – Move this closer to (5) because the movement might be difficult (the left then right-dash)
01:26:870 (2,3,4,5,6) – The movement pattern here might be a little hard to control for salad players?
01:30:344 (6,7) – Add clap hitsounds and NC on each one?
01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) – Evenly space these?

I feel that the 1/8 slider streams in the platter can be simply ¼ sliders because they seem unnecessary with the music most of the time.
00:02:239 (4,5) – I feel like these 1/8 sliders should just be a ½ slider. Or if you want to keep them, I think they aren’t placed in the right place, since the “BZZZZ” starts at the end of (3).
00:20:318 (6) – NC?
00:21:028 (3,4,5) – This slider pattern may be a little challenging to catch?
00:47:397 (2) – Make this a hyper?
00:51:186 (4,5,6) – Nerf here?
00:53:397 (1,2,3,4) – Don’t make these 1/8 hitcircles?
01:18:028 (6) – NC because combo gets a little long?
01:35:397 (3) – NC?
01:35:397 (3,4,5,6) – Put this pattern so that the hitcircles appear to be in groups of two, not three and one.

Some parts of this could be nerfed. While it may be short, those parts are challenging to FC.
00:01:292 (1,2,3,4,5) – See first comment of Platter.
00:20:081 (8) – Continue the spacing from (7) as the same pattern, this is a little hard!
00:31:923 (1) – Make this a hyper from the previous note?
00:36:660 (7) – Move the NC here?
00:46:923 (1,2) – Make this a 1/8 slider instead?
00:52:607 (6,7,8) – Make this all a ½ repeat slider for variety?
00:55:607 (1,2,3,4) – Fit the voice triplets instead?
01:08:870 (4,5,6,7) – Here this seems a little difficult for a rain.
01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) – Make this a constant combo to make it easier (perhaps 1,3,5,7 are hypers, not normal dashes?)

Hope this helped! :)
Topic Starter

Absolute Zero wrote:

Boop~ in from CtB modding group

00:06:028 (5) – Move NC here? It would follow the vocal nicely but at the same time the next combo will be too long for a Cup.
00:06:660 (1) – Make this a ½ slider instead? White tick has no beat there. Instead I merged it with the next slider.
00:12:028 (2,3) – Follow triplet rhythm of voice? Applied to break the boring slider spam and fits anyway.
00:13:607 (4) – Move NC here? k
00:43:292 (4) – NC? Combo gets a little long. Nice.
00:51:186 (5) – NC? k
00:58:134 (3,4,5) – Nerf this section a little bit, it might be hard for this level player? I moved (4,5,6) a little back to right.
00:59:081 (4) – NC? k
01:17:870 (5,6,7) – I would lessen the spacing, this difficulty spike makes it hard for a cup player. Tried something. /o/
01:35:397 (3,4) – Each a new, different combo? Added NC but not two. That seems a bit useless.

00:39:976 – Add hitcircle here? Sounds good.
00:42:028 (1) – Move this closer to (5) because the movement might be difficult (the left then right-dash) Sure.
01:26:870 (2,3,4,5,6) – The movement pattern here might be a little hard to control for salad players? Made a bit easier but I want to keep the dash.
01:30:344 (6,7) – Add clap hitsounds and NC on each one? One NC is enough.
01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) – Evenly space these? Done.

I feel that the 1/8 slider streams in the platter can be simply ¼ sliders because they seem unnecessary with the music most of the time. There is no 1/8 in any of my maps. 1/8 is rarely fits anyway. What you see here is just 1/4, nothing more.
00:02:239 (4,5) – I feel like these 1/8 sliders should just be a ½ slider. Or if you want to keep them, I think they aren’t placed in the right place, since the “BZZZZ” starts at the end of (3). Changed it, but as I said, its just 1/4.
00:20:318 (6) – NC? Ugh, why?
00:21:028 (3,4,5) – This slider pattern may be a little challenging to catch? Nah, you can basically just need to move to left to fc it.
00:47:397 (2) – Make this a hyper? k
00:51:186 (4,5,6) – Nerf here? Why?
00:53:397 (1,2,3,4) – Don’t make these 1/8 hitcircles? They are not 1/8s?
01:18:028 (6) – NC because combo gets a little long? Sure.
01:35:397 (3) – NC? k
01:35:397 (3,4,5,6) – Put this pattern so that the hitcircles appear to be in groups of two, not three and one. But why? Tell me the reason and I will change it.

Some parts of this could be nerfed. While it may be short, those parts are challenging to FC.
00:01:292 (1,2,3,4,5) – See first comment of Platter. As I aready said on Platter, these are not 1/8s just 1/4s. I changed it there because why not but not here.
00:20:081 (8) – Continue the spacing from (7) as the same pattern, this is a little hard! Its only hard if you can't stop your dash in the exact position of the fruit. But even then the next stream can be reached with a small dash backwards. Anyway, I changed a little.
00:31:923 (1) – Make this a hyper from the previous note? How? We are speaking about 6/4 distance. That would be a full screen dash and honestly, I don't want to see something like that.
00:36:660 (7) – Move the NC here? Sure.
00:46:923 (1,2) – Make this a 1/8 slider instead? Thats 1/4 for you but sure. Although don't know why.
00:52:607 (6,7,8) – Make this all a ½ repeat slider for variety? Ugh, what?
00:55:607 (1,2,3,4) – Fit the voice triplets instead? ?
01:08:870 (4,5,6,7) – Here this seems a little difficult for a rain. Actually, the catcher almost moves automatically there and this is the kiai so it can be a little "harder".
01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) – Make this a constant combo to make it easier (perhaps 1,3,5,7 are hypers, not normal dashes?) Nah, there is no need to always use HDash. Although if you can give me a possible pattern with HDashes I might accept it.

Hope this helped! :)
Thank you for your check. :3
remod the map
placeholder for now
I claim a placeholder after Xinely's check
Tfw double ninja'd D:
remodding this over a year ~

  • Cup
  1. 00:01:607 (1) - imo you better give a bit movement on the slider's body itself for the flow, lets try move the tail to x:192?
  2. 00:04:923 (4) - make the spacing consistent with 00:04:292 (2,3) - plays better imo, i mean just move (4) to x:384
  3. 00:06:028 (5) - i have no idea why finish exists in relax vocal :(
  4. 00:06:660 (1) - and those normal samplesets, sound too loud really for relax vocal
  5. 00:08:870 (1) - normal finish would be great here for cover the cymbal
  6. 00:12:186 (3) - i dont know you follow vocal or not but vocal is on blue tick, if you dont follow vocal so i would suggest to remove this. hard to hear a music on redtick
  7. 00:12:344 (4) - same as above (vocal is on whitetick)
  8. 00:14:555 - the drum sounds so strong here, i would prefer suggest to map this :(
  9. 00:17:081 (2) - well, whitetick has no clap sound on bgm so i would prefer suggest move this circle to 00:16:923 - so you can map the drum clap :(
  10. 00:23:081 (1) - move to x:128 for giving more movement with previous? also for make further spacing for next object, emphasizing the cymbals
  11. 00:33:818 (4) - nazi, 1 grid right for make spacing feels more consistent?
  12. 00:39:818 (2,1) - give a bit movement at least please :(
  13. 00:43:607 (2) - just suggestion, may add whistle here for emphasizing the violin sound
  14. 00:46:923 (1) - need finish on tail, yep cymbal :(
  15. 00:51:028 - just wondering if you're mapping vocal here, this vocal should be mapped too :(
  16. 00:52:923 - please cymbal starts in here instead of 00:53:081 -
  17. 00:56:870 (1) - im expecting higher spacing for cymbal here, x:160 would be nicer imo
  18. 01:08:397 (1) - i would prefer to avoid much 1/2 density notes in Cup, i just having trauma after see Ende's DQ because of much density notes. i think make 01:08:397 - circle 01:08:555 - and 1/1 slider repeat here is quite enough for Cup diff
  19. 01:09:660 (1,2) - adding whistle on tails sound great imo
  20. 01:10:607 - you're following violins for 01:09:660 (1,2) - so you must to add note at 01:10:607 - because violin's sound
  21. 01:18:186 (7) - drum isnt that strong like 01:17:870 (5,6) - so i think you can remove (7) for make simply rhythms
  22. 01:19:292 (2) - no music at whitetick, music sounds at 01:19:213 - , since it's on bluetick, you can follow it or remove this circle instead
  23. 01:28:449 (1) - there is cymbal at 01:28:923 - so you should end your slider at that time

  • Salad
  1. 00:09:502 (2) - a bit hard to catch w/o dash here, how about reducing the distance to x:208?
  2. 00:10:449 (4) - oh my, give movement please :(
  3. 00:11:713 (2) - well i have to say that whitetick on tail has no any music or vocal, vocal is 3/4 slider repeat starts from 00:12:028 -
  4. 00:17:870 - oh, im sure you're mapping drums here because 00:16:923 (2,3,4,5) - so you HAVE to follow drums properly, add note for 00:17:870 - please
  5. 00:18:976 (1) - there is cymbal so this slider requires big movement, i would say ctrl+g and x:336
  6. 00:37:923 (3) - this might make you to remake pattern but i dont know why stack(no movement) for this time ;_;
  7. 00:39:502 (2,3,4,5) - you're clearly following vocal here but 00:41:081 (6) - follows drum suddenly sounds very weird for me, i would say if you follow vocal so follow all vocal instead of half vocal half music, so i would suggest change 00:39:502 (2,3,4,5,6) - to
  8. 00:47:397 (2) - making a dash in here would be great imo, x:128?
  9. 00:51:028 - add note for following vocal properly :(
  10. 00:51:660 (5) - needs finish for sure
  11. 00:54:186 - ignore cymbal at red tick while it has high pitch vocal? ;_;
  12. 00:54:344 (1) - i dont know what are you following at blue tick, it has no music or vocal. i would suggest to change it with 1/2 slider repeat starts from 00:54:502 -
  13. 00:54:976 (2) - i know for vocal at blue tick but following vocal wont be a best way to map this part, i would say to keep map 00:55:134 - which has loud drum
  14. 00:56:870 (1) - finish!
  15. 01:08:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make the flow feels smoother? somehow i feel still can make it better than this
  16. 01:18:976 (2) - repeat should starts from 01:19:213 - , hear the vocal and music both start in that time
  17. 01:18:344 (1) - having a dash for catch this would be great imo. x:448?

  • Platter
  1. 00:02:555 (1) - music on 00:02:870 - is louder than red tick one so i would suggest to end the slider here, if you're too lazy for remake the placement, just add circle at 00:03:028 - after reduced slider's length
  2. 00:07:134 - imo adding whistle for this vocal sounds nice
  3. 00:09:976 (1) - if you're following vocal, you should make the rhyhtm like because "ummm" at 00:10:134 - , it's a vocal afterall
  4. 00:21:028 (3,4,5) - the flows feel a bit terrible for me, well i would prefer to make the flows like
  5. 00:24:028 (1) - giving a hdash for this time would be nice imo, x:432?
  6. 00:25:134 - 00:27:660 - finish for cymbal
  7. 00:27:028 - map cymbal please ;_;
  8. 00:48:186 (1) - i would say to change this into 1/2 slider repeat, when you skip a vocal to map here. it's so weird really
  9. 00:52:923 (8) - finish on head because cymbal
  10. 00:54:028 - actually this has loud music of cymbal, should be mapped

  • Rain
  1. 01:25:292 (4,1) - maybe make the distance a bit further? i had been trolled with read the space as 1/2 lol
    cute diff i like the flows. just having problem on hitsounds same as other diffs, Yuii said he would help you for that so i wont mention again which one are bothering me

Good Luck ;)
The best mod Mars is coming up... TONIGHT. Stay tuned!

Note: If I say something stupid, please, let me know, that way I can improve my CtB modding a lot \:D/ Thanks in advice.
6th CtB mod <3


  1. Only 2 combo colours? Try to add at least one more! Even a dark colour would help over here.
  2. You want to get some assistance regarding hitsounds! Throughout the difficulties they are not even consistent, you will have to work on that. I can help you with this if you want... really!
  3. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - Protip, don't add any hitsound here. The "Normal" sampleset is good enough.

  1. 00:00:147 (1,1) - Being honest, the recovery time for a Cup is non-existent in this part. You really want to get rid of these things when mapping the lowest difficulties on any song. Try leaving one full measure!
  2. 00:06:660 (1) - The Normal hitwhistle in the reverse is terrible. People really should stop using that hitsound, really.
  3. 00:12:028 (2,3,4) - These sound quite off. Not in terms of timing, but rhythm-wise. I'd just copy the style you are during throughout the pattern without breaking the spacing by replacing it for a slider in x352 drew to the right. That way, you will keep a perfect ds and also following the vocals decently: .
  4. 00:39:818 (2,1) - The spacing here is too low, don't you think? It's like, you almost don't have to move the... character. I'll call it Wally 'cause I find it funny. Anyway, Wally doesn't have to move too much when he's supposed to do. If Wally doesn't move he'll die of diabetes (these fruits are special, they have a lot of sugar). What about Ctrl+G'ing 00:40:449 (1) - and then moving 00:41:081 (2) - one grid right?

  1. 00:25:292 (3) - This Finish is quite random. In fact, I wouldn't even map something in that spot, considering there's a very quiet sound.
  2. 00:36:976 (2,3) - Wally's cholesterol is too high at the moment, he needs to do some exercise! With this current pattern you literally have to stay in the same place. Wally wants to do the flop! And how is he supposed to do that if he can't move!? Try moving (3) to x384.
  3. 00:44:713 (2,3) - Wally's kinda tired now :( you made him move a lot in a short period of time! He is learning how to walk, why would you do that? Now, let's be serious just a bit so I'll explain you. This jump has a 1.7x ds which isn't a bat idea, but nor the best one. The spacing in this section should increase gradually. Try moving the slider head of (3) to x256, that way it will leave some nice flow. Additionally, is there any reason why you would make (3) to the opposite side? It's killing the transition between each note.
  4. 00:50:870 - Something could be added here with a Drum hit-clap hitsound.
  5. 01:00:976 (1) - Awww, almost! But this note should be in 01:00:897 - ;w; You don't know how crucial this change actually is, since the current spacing from (1,2) is ridiculous.
  6. 01:34:923 (4,1) - I was thinking about emphasising the end of the map in another way. (1) is a really strong hit and of worth emphasis. I don't want to ruin the constant ds you built in the last combo, so select 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - and drag them till you see (1) in x128.

  1. 00:09:818 (3,1) - HmmMmMMmmmMMMMM... I don't know about this. Could definitely be improved. It's like, both flow and spacing are exagerated. Maybe (1) to x272?
  2. 00:12:028 (2) - Whistle instead. There's no need for such a high hit.
  3. 00:31:449 (4) - If you are going to separate this one that much, what about changing it for a Soft Finish?
  4. 01:10:607 (5,1) - More emphasis into these! The current pattern is using a 3.2x ds, and (1) is mapped with a Finish, so why not?
  5. 01:23:239 (4) - A Whistle would definitely make a better job. Besides, it will help you emphasise 01:23:239 (4,1) - a tad, since both have Finish sounds with the current state.
  6. 01:26:555 (3,1) - I would love to see a HDash here. How are you going to map this? Hell, dude, I have no clue on mapping CtB, I tried to Ctrl+G every single object but... I can't find the point for a HDash :(

  1. 00:19:134 (2,3,4) - I think you were aiming for another thing or maybe I'm mistaken. And you might be saying "huh, what the hell does he mean?" Well, sir, I mean that the secret of life is... you really don't want to know it hah. Now, seriously, I mean, I am doing this mod too long, you might be bored. But... should I care? Should I say something about it? A'ight, a'ight, enough, E N O U G H. In 00:19:765 (6,7) - you separated (7) of the pattern because it's emphasised with a Clap, however in 00:19:134 (2,3,4) - you're moving (4) instead of (3), that's what I meant from the very beginning.
  2. 00:35:397 (1) - Nice spot for a Finish, actually.
  3. 00:44:239 (1,2) - Such a low spacing followed by a ton of 2.00x ds jumps? Doesn't make too much sense to me. You are, in fact, giving a lot of protagonism to 00:43:923 (5,1) - which is not a bad idea, but definitely not what you are aiming for.
  4. 00:52:607 (6) - Drum sampleset would be nice.
  5. 00:53:397 (9) - NC maybe?
  6. 00:55:134 (4) - Call me crazy, but I'd definitely go for a slider instead. Of course, extended up to 00:55:449 - . That'd be covering both rhythm and vocal. However, finishing it in 00:55:292 - isn't bad either.
  7. 01:35:713 (3,4) - Platter's spacing is bigger lol.
I LOVE this difficulty, fun to play watch 'cause I can't even clear Platters, well done!


By the way, Wally died of AIDS, so he is now resting in peace.
And suddenly, Kurokami got a lot of mods, and more to come

ZiRoX wrote:

And suddenly, Kurokami got a lot of mods, and more to come
I can't read.
(I said I was going to mod like... 1 month ago. Sorry if that bothered you, it was not my intention >:( )
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

remodding this over a year ~

  • Cup
  1. 00:08:870 (1) - normal finish would be great here for cover the cymbal Its already there. /o/
  2. 00:12:344 (4) - same as above (vocal is on whitetick) O.o
  3. 00:46:923 (1) - need finish on tail, yep cymbal :( wut
  4. 01:09:660 (1,2) - adding whistle on tails sound great imo Its there. :P

  • Salad
  1. 00:51:660 (5) - needs finish for sure Already there.
  2. 00:56:870 (1) - finish! ^

  • Platter
  1. 00:07:134 - imo adding whistle for this vocal sounds nice Pls, its there. o.o
  2. 00:21:028 (3,4,5) - the flows feel a bit terrible for me, well i would prefer to make the flows like Nah, you just need to slowly move to left in order to catch them, the dash in your suggestion is almost HDash but not yet so its even worse.

  • Rain
  1. 01:25:292 (4,1) - maybe make the distance a bit further? i had been trolled with read the space as 1/2 lol
    cute diff i like the flows. just having problem on hitsounds same as other diffs, Yuii said he would help you for that so i wont mention again which one are bothering me Muhaha no. Its not that hart to catch them if you move constantly.

Good Luck ;)
Thank you. Gonna check the other one a few hours later. Need to sleep. q.q
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

The best mod Mars is coming up... TONIGHT. Stay tuned!

Note: If I say something stupid, please, let me know, that way I can improve my CtB modding a lot \:D/ Thanks in advice.
6th CtB mod <3


  1. You want to get some assistance regarding hitsounds! Throughout the difficulties they are not even consistent, you will have to work on that. I can help you with this if you want... really! Nah they were just mixed up due continuous re-mapping. I went through and fixed them. Although a second look wouldn't hurt.
  2. 01:35:397 (1,2,3,4) - Protip, don't add any hitsound here. The "Normal" sampleset is good enough. There is none. /o/

  1. 00:00:147 (1,1) - Being honest, the recovery time for a Cup is non-existent in this part. You really want to get rid of these things when mapping the lowest difficulties on any song. Try leaving one full measure! I also wondered about this and on Salad as well but there is no better way to keep consistent and give enough time as well. No matter how I tried it, the current one is the best solution. If you have a better idea go ahead though.
  2. 00:06:660 (1) - The Normal hitwhistle in the reverse is terrible. People really should stop using that hitsound, really. Ugu, thats just a whistle. o.o
  3. 00:39:818 (2,1) - The spacing here is too low, don't you think? It's like, you almost don't have to move the... character. I'll call it Wally 'cause I find it funny. Anyway, Wally doesn't have to move too much when he's supposed to do. If Wally doesn't move he'll die of diabetes (these fruits are special, they have a lot of sugar). What about Ctrl+G'ing 00:40:449 (1) - and then moving 00:41:081 (2) - one grid right? I lol'd.

  1. 01:26:555 (3,1) - I would love to see a HDash here. How are you going to map this? Hell, dude, I have no clue on mapping CtB, I tried to Ctrl+G every single object but... I can't find the point for a HDash :( Its because the distance is 1/1. These kind of distances mostly side to side HDashes.

I LOVE this difficulty, fun to play watch 'cause I can't even clear Platters, well done!


By the way, Wally died of AIDS, so he is now resting in peace.
Thank you. Only the reds are not fixed. :3
Sure, I will check hitsounds again. Only the Rain diff, though.

Just another thing before you call more mods:

00:55:607 - 00:56:870 - Check those timestamps because they are clearly 1/6s.


In case you need the code for one or other reason:

osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Vitalization.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 70765
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 2
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1.7

Artist:Mizuki Nana
Source:Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
Tags:opening Kazanari Tsubasa 戦姫ç»å”±ã‚·ãƒ³ãƒ•ã‚©ã‚®ã‚¢G 水樹 奈々 水樹奈奈 近藤奈奈 奈奈 è¿‘è—¤ 戦姫ç»å”± OP


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 230,0,0
Combo2 : 255,138,21
Combo3 : 60,60,255


Good luck!
Why does this keep dying? D:

Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  1. 00:04:449 (3,4) - Whistle on the head of these would sound good I think, since there isn't too much hitsound feedback in this section
  2. 00:26:555 (1,2) - Try clap on the end of these two? You did in in the Salad lol
  3. 00:46:923 (1,2,3) - This rhythm is kinda confusing to follow for me - I think something like this would fit the music better, though (3) could also be a 1/2 slider starting on the red tick the same as (1) now I think about it
  4. 00:50:555 (4,1) - This movement is a little too tight for my liking, consider reducing the spacing a little here - x-128 would be fine
  1. 00:04:449 (2) - Whistle on head or repeat of this slider would provide a bit more feedback to the player
  2. 00:12:265 (3) - Lots of dash used here, I feel a little too much. The note that really needs to be dashed to is 00:12:660 (5) to emphasise the prominent vocal + finish hitsound, so consider moving (3) to the left a bit, say x-336, then move (5) slightly further away, around x-352
  3. 00:51:186 (4) - Since 00:50:555 (1,2,3) can be walked without dash, the additional spacing to (4) can catch players out since it's not a particularly strong beat. I'd move 00:51:186 (4,5) to x-320 or so
  4. 00:55:449 (4,1) - Quite a tricky dash+antiflow pattern, I'd prefer it if 00:55:607 (1,2,1) were moved to the left slightly
  5. 01:01:134 (2) - Since the tail is mapping such a strong sound, I feel it would be better to split this slider into two circles and create a dash here - first circle at x-336, second at x-192, or if you feel you need more spacing, 01:00:897 (1) can probably be moved a little to the right as well
  1. 00:09:502 (2,3,4) - To me, the music doesn't suggest such a strong antiflow movement here - consider reducing the spacing by moving (3) to x-336
  2. 01:05:081 (4,5,6,7) - I love this effect, but I feel there could do with being a tiny bit less spacing
  3. 01:10:765 (1) - Since this is coming off a hdash pattern, I feel a little bit more movement on the slider would be nice. Perhaps rotate 30 degrees anticlockwise or so
  4. 01:17:870 (5) - If you're going to have a strong dash pattern before this, consider reducing this spacing a little to create a simpler motion into the stream, say x-176. It's easy to keep dashing here and overshoot - reducing the distance would make it clear that dash isn't required, affording the player more "control" in this section
  5. 01:29:239 (3,4,5,1) - Consider reducing the spacing a little here, since this antiflow pattern feels pretty awkward at the moment
  1. 00:03:818 (1) - Hdash from 00:03:660 (3) is quite strong, so I think it would be nice to reduce the angle on this slider or curve it slightly to make a less sharp motion early in the diff
  2. 00:21:502 (1) - Really easy to overdash this slider since the hyper from 00:21:423 (7) is so strong. I'd prefer if it was weakened a tiny bit by moving 00:21:423 (7) to x-160
Call me back.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Why does this keep dying? D:

Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  1. 00:04:449 (2) - Whistle on head or repeat of this slider would provide a bit more feedback to the player It was already there. lol
  2. 00:12:265 (3) - Lots of dash used here, I feel a little too much. The note that really needs to be dashed to is 00:12:660 (5) to emphasise the prominent vocal + finish hitsound, so consider moving (3) to the left a bit, say x-336, then move (5) slightly further away, around x-352 Hell no! That (5) is just 1/2 away from (4) and the current jump with this bpm is already edge case.
  1. 01:05:081 (4,5,6,7) - I love this effect, but I feel there could do with being a tiny bit less spacing Nah, less space less fun. Its really hard to get a miss here plus its a good introduction of the same patterns with HDashes.

Call me back.
Welp, this keeps dying for an unknown reason. lol Everything else applied. Thank you. :3
Fixed a pattern in the Cup after discussion in PM.

Kurokami wrote:

Welp, this keeps dying for an unknown reason.

Something isn't working properly with your tags because they are appearing as "??????". That is caused due to some mistake while you were submitting your set. Try re-uploading because I heard it is a reason for a DQ.

Yuii- wrote:

Something isn't working properly with your tags because they are appearing as "??????". That is caused due to some mistake while you were submitting your set. Try re-uploading because I heard it is a reason for a DQ.
Everything's displaying fine for me, both in the editor and on the beatmap listing o-o

Kurokami, f there really is something messed up and you need to update, poke me whenever for a rebubble.
In-game is fine, problem happens with submission on browser. It will get fixed once he updates, no worries.
Topic Starter
Update won't solve this problem as the problem is with the forum unicode part. It happens lately but only in the threads. It makes no sense DQing because of this as it can be fixed with editing the op.

Anyway, I updated it but the only result was the bubble pop. /o/
Well we can't have that D:
00:03:660 (3,1,2,3,4,1) - (On Rain) Any reason for this pattern being so different? Why isn't 00:04:292 (2) - an HDash whilst the downbeat on 00:04:923 (4,1) - is being emphasised like that? I would do it the other way around.
00:56:081 (2) - 00:56:713 (4) - (On Rain) These should be 1/6.
00:56:870 (1,2) - (On Rain) I wouldn't map them so differently (talking about 01:01:923 (1,2) - ). Yeah, I know that the second pattern mentioned has a most relevant impact on the song, but still... I'm pretty sure that it'll look much better.
00:01:292 (1,2,3) - (On Platter) This pattern is even harder than the one from Rain. This anti-flow HDash is quite forced. You could get to the point in which you say "hmm, but there is a very loud beat right there, so why not"? You have a point, although I do still not agree with that jump being there, as I said, even in Rain is more catchable.
01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - (On Platter) Why is this so different from the Rain? You did it good right there, Kuro! The spacing should increase gradually, and even that, the jump from (5,6) is too hard and counter-intuitive. From a 1,7x ds jump you turn into a 3,2x ds one. It's way too sudden and counter-intuitive.
00:16:134 (1,2) - (On Salad) Quite a questionable dash-y pattern. Throughout the whole intro, you are not using any dashable structure, so why? This isn't even an object in which you could say is worth emphasising or so. Song isn't in its "peak" to start using dashes.


Call me back~
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

00:03:660 (3,1,2,3,4,1) - (On Rain) Any reason for this pattern being so different? Why isn't 00:04:292 (2) - an HDash whilst the downbeat on 00:04:923 (4,1) - is being emphasised like that? I would do it the other way around. Ohoho, love dear, pure love.
00:56:081 (2) - 00:56:713 (4) - (On Rain) These should be 1/6. My spacing please. q.q
00:56:870 (1,2) - (On Rain) I wouldn't map them so differently (talking about 01:01:923 (1,2) - ). Yeah, I know that the second pattern mentioned has a most relevant impact on the song, but still... I'm pretty sure that it'll look much better. /o/
00:01:292 (1,2,3) - (On Platter) This pattern is even harder than the one from Rain. This anti-flow HDash is quite forced. You could get to the point in which you say "hmm, but there is a very loud beat right there, so why not"? You have a point, although I do still not agree with that jump being there, as I said, even in Rain is more catchable. True, its awkward.
01:33:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - (On Platter) Why is this so different from the Rain? You did it good right there, Kuro! The spacing should increase gradually, and even that, the jump from (5,6) is too hard and counter-intuitive. From a 1,7x ds jump you turn into a 3,2x ds one. It's way too sudden and counter-intuitive. If you take a closer look the jump at the first two is 1.7x while at the 3rd and 4th its 3.2x. I didn't wanted to increase the distance gradually as it might be too hard for this level. Instead, I used two easy and two "hard" dash.
00:16:134 (1,2) - (On Salad) Quite a questionable dash-y pattern. Throughout the whole intro, you are not using any dashable structure, so why? This isn't even an object in which you could say is worth emphasising or so. Song isn't in its "peak" to start using dashes. Oh, a mistake. My bad.
The blue ones are accepted. /o/ Thank you. :3

Call me back~
Check the 1/6 00:55:607 (1,2) - on the other diffs as well and then send me a Forum PM! Everything has been fixed properly, so I guess this is the last thing.
Topic Starter
Ujimatsu Chiya
gratz owo~
I just noticed that another map by the same artist was qualified a little before this one:

Here the artist is listed as "Nana Mizuki", which is the format used on the artist's official website. Pending confirmation, I suggest we request a DQ on this and fix the metadata.

Apologies for not realizing this sooner.

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Eastern artists must be written in the proper 'surname firstname' format (e.g. Japanese/Chinese/Korean). For artists which have a preferred romanisation, use this one. If you're unsure of your artist's name, then check previously ranked maps, Google, Wikipedia, or ask a BN for help.

Yuii- wrote:
Some of these maps were ranked years ago, when ranking criteria were much less strict, but if we look purely at maps ranked/qualified in 2015, we get the following:

Nana Mizuki:
  2. (Qualified)
Mizuki Nana:
Odds seem to be in favour of the latter I guess, but this creates enough doubt to make me want to get this checked out.
Troll Asian artists:

  1. Artist: "Nana Mizuki" is the preferred option, if you take a look at the CD cover. Although it's not the most reliable source, it's also stated in vgmdb.
  2. There are some small inconsistencies in the spread such as 01:16:923 (3,4,5,6) - in Cup having more note density than Salad or 00:13:923 (1,2,3,4) - in Salad, compared to the Platter. You should take a look into them.

Apart of that:

  1. 00:21:028 (3,4,5) - I'm not quite sure about this pattern in particular to be appropriate there. I'd vow for applying Ctrl-G on (4) to make it play smoother.
  1. 00:41:081 (2,3) - This kind of transition took me off-guard being a Salad, specially because it breaks the flow with that little stop-and-go. You shall make it more horizontal to smooth them.
  2. 00:54:186 (5,1,2) - Same as before.
  3. 01:01:607 (4,5) - This one is smoother anyway, so it should be okay.
  4. 01:05:713 (2) - It feels more confortable as a 3/4 slider, instead of a 1/1 one. Specially because you used the lyrics rhythm at 01:00:344 (4,1,2) - , it doesn't feel consistent.

The difficulties are pretty much ready, but the spread should be improved. Cup and Platter should be tuned off a bit because the spread feels like Cup >> Salad >>>>> Platter > Rain at this moment. As a reference from Cup, there are some transitions like 00:39:818 (2,1,2) - , 00:52:134 (1,2,3) - , 01:07:923 (3,1,2) - that raise the difficulty.

Call me if you need further help. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Updated. Things changed after some discussion. Although I still have no idea how to degrease the gap. /o/
Gonna take another look at this now and see what can be done about the spread. Stay tuned I guess \o/

Some suggestions for nerfing Cup and Platter n stuff, feel free to take or leave.

  1. 00:08:713 (4) - This can be removed as the vocal is weaker here
  2. 00:14:397 (2,3) - Antiflow movement here could be avoided by Ctrl+H and moving to the far left, plays a little more comfortably
  3. 00:17:239 (3) - Could possibly be replaced with a circle?
  4. 00:25:292 (1,2) - Downbeat is actually really weak here, so (2) could be removed and (1) moved forward a beat
  5. 00:26:239 (2) - Spacing could be reduced a little here, the 1/1 spacing makes it look bigger than it is and could intimidate new players a little
  6. 00:41:713 (1) - Same as 00:08:713 (4) - would be a nice break after the 1/2 slider pattern and I feel the pause emphasises the next vocal nicely
  7. 00:47:397 (2,3,4) - Antiflow is quite tricky here, so consider rearranging to something like this for a simpler movement
  8. 00:52:923 (2) - Same as 00:17:239 (3) - I feel this is fine just as a circle
  9. 01:07:923 (3,1) - Try removing (1) and shortening (3) to a 1/2 slider, as this emphasise the vocals better but reduces the note density quite a lot (weirdly weak downbeats are weird o_O)
  10. 01:09:660 (1,2) - These could be angled slightly more vertical for easier readability
  11. 01:10:607 (3) - Might not be necessary to map this, but if you decide to keep it, reducing the spacing a little would be good (especially if you take the above suggestion, as this will increase the spacing more)
  12. 01:19:607 (4) - The kiai has no pauses to give the player a break, which I can understand since the song has almost no drop in intensity. Perhaps you could remove the repeat here to make one? Although I don't really like it, you might want to consider it anyway
  13. 01:29:239 (2) - Could be shortened to a 1/2 slider I guess
  14. 01:35:397 (1,2) - Reduced spacing and/or some angling on these would be more appropriate for beginners I feel. Stacking the heads works fine
  1. 00:02:555 (1) - I'd avoid a strong antiflow movement so early into the map, I don't feel the music really calls for such a sharp movement here
  2. 00:04:923 (1) - This is quite a tight dash, reducing a little would make this more comfortable
  3. 00:09:818 (3,4) - Spacing could be reduced a little here, similar to 00:02:555 (1)
  4. 00:11:397 (1) - Could do with curving this make the hdash flow more smoothly imo
  5. 00:18:976 (1) - ^ A bit more vertical please
  6. 00:19:923 (4,5) - Same as 00:09:818 (3,4)
  7. 00:31:923 - 00:37:292 - some movements feel a little exaggerated here with a large emphasis on direction changes with dash. It might be nice to reduce the number of direction changes e.g. Ctrl+H 00:32:870 (1) - 00:35:713 (2,3,4,5,6) - and/oror reduce some of the spacings e.g. 00:33:660 (3,4) - 00:36:818 (2,3)
  8. 00:54:186 (1) - Strength of the hyper could be reduced here, else curve this slider slightly to reduce the sharpness of the antiflow
  9. 01:12:660 (4) - ^
  10. 01:16:449 (4) - ^
  11. 01:23:397 (1) - ^
  12. 01:29:555 (5,1) - Spacing could be reduced a little here, since 01:29:397 (4,5) is quite a strong dash before a direction change
Call me back once you've got another opinion (:
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Gonna take another look at this now and see what can be done about the spread. Stay tuned I guess \o/

Some suggestions for nerfing Cup and Platter n stuff, feel free to take or leave.

  1. 00:17:239 (3) - Could possibly be replaced with a circle? Ugh? But with how much circle please? One or two? Both the head and tail or just head?
  2. 00:52:923 (2) - Same as 00:17:239 (3) - I feel this is fine just as a circle Ahaha, same as before.
  3. 01:19:607 (4) - The kiai has no pauses to give the player a break, which I can understand since the song has almost no drop in intensity. Perhaps you could remove the repeat here to make one? Although I don't really like it, you might want to consider it anyway I know. :< But if I leave even one white tick empty here it plays really bad as they are strong. There are 3-4 tick which is vocalless so it could be empty but its just weird.
  4. 01:29:239 (2) - Could be shortened to a 1/2 slider I guess Ugh, no. It sounds awful leaving that tick empty. It contains both vocal and drum.
Call me back once you've got another opinion (:
Rest changed. Thank you.

Kurokami wrote:

JBHyperion wrote:

  1. 00:17:239 (3) - Could possibly be replaced with a circle? Ugh? But with how much circle please? One or two? Both the head and tail or just head?
  2. 00:52:923 (2) - Same as 00:17:239 (3) - I feel this is fine just as a circle Ahaha, same as before.
I was referring to just the head in each of these cases. Apologies for not making this clear.
i got told to nerf stuff
i love nerfing stuff
also m4m

00:03:818 (1) - I think this distance should be reduced slightly, to make it easier for cup players, as it is two movements in opposite direction to and from this. x:240 is good.
00:14:555 (3) - Because of the low AR, this section looks a bit weird. Move this to x:32, to make it look more natural.
00:41:081 (2) - This kind of distance looks very weird at this low AR and for a cup in general, x:272 is nicer imo.
00:51:028 (1,2) - The jump to this could be a bit difficult for a cup player. x:144 feels better.
00:52:923 (2) - x:192, both the jump to and from this just feel too difficult for a cup player, as the way the movement looks may confuse a newer player.

Even though most of these problems seem as if they're caused by the low AR, it may be better to fix them, rather than change the AR, as they are difficult jumps in themselves.

00:56:870 (1) - Maybe x:288? This increased distance feels better to me, as it better emphasises the note here, with a higher dash.

Really nice salad already.

00:06:344 (1,2) - Dash to 2 feels a bit weird, I'd rather have normal movement from 1 to 2 and then a dash from 2 to 3 for the emphasis on vocal. Move 1 to x:32 and 2 to x:208.
00:08:870 (1) - Move this to x:240, nerfs the HDash a bit, and also gets rid of the jump to 2 which didn't really seem to fit due to the weakness of the vocals there.
00:12:660 (1) - x:80, weakens the HDash a bit, making the flow into the rest of the slider more comfortable for newer players.
00:13:607 (2,3,1) - HDash here feels like it's forcing the catcher against the wall, so I would just move this section to x:368.
00:16:449 (1) - The amount of HDashes in this platter already feels a bit high, but this vocal is relatively weak and there isn't a strong drum like the other hypers here. I would ctrl+H this and move it to x:240.
00:19:292 (2) - x:176, this feels a bit far out from the rest of this section.
00:20:081 (5) - ^, makes this section feel more comfortable for a platter player.
00:24:028 (1) - I think just a strong dash fits this section of the music fine. Maybe x:384?
00:29:081 (1) - ^, x:256.
00:31:449 (4) - x:240, just to weaken this hyper a tiny bit.
00:33:818 (4,1) - Unnecessary HDash, 1 isn't even that strong. Just ctrl+h 4 and move it back to x:304.
00:35:397 (1) - Again, this HDash doesn't feel necessary, this note is quite weak. Ctrl+G makes a nice pattern, especially adding the dash to 2, seeing as this and 2 are very similar sounds so having a dash here but not there is weird.
00:36:028 (3,4) - HDash to 5 also sounds a bit weird, just a strong dash there would be nice (this pattern also seems a bit difficult for a platter). Maybe try ctrl+Hing this section, and moving it to x:416.
00:48:660 (2) - x:320, I'm not sure why you put this as a HDash as these sections weren't HDashes earlier on, it's inconsistent.
00:50:713 (2) - This vocal isn't strong enough for a HDash, there are stronger vocals earlier on which you didn't HDash. Just move this to x:416.
00:53:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - HDash here doesn't make sense, whilst the instrument focus changes, it's not to a particularly strong instrument, so a normal dash should be fine. Move this section to x:240.
01:01:292 (4) - x:368, to make the flow of the slider work better after the HDash by weakening it slightly.
01:05:081 (4,5,6,7) - This pattern is far too difficult for a platter. I can't hit this consistentally, I don't think an average platter player could hit it at all. Move 4 and 6 one square to the right each (So 4 on x:240, 6 on x:224).
01:06:344 (4) - Again, this doesn't feel strong enough for a HDash to me, the only sound here is a drum, which isn't as strong as some others which you didn't hyper. x:352 would be nice.
01:09:186 (3) - This piano sound is relatively weak, and the increasing pitch here isn't quite enough to suggest a HDash in a platter in my opinion. x:240 works nicely.
01:09:660 (1,3) - Maybe just move these slightly away from the wall? Keeps the HDashes, but I just don't like how these are right up against the wall. x:16 and x:496 would be enough.
01:23:397 (1) - x:128, HDash doesn't really fit the relatively weak vocal here, and the section earlier on of a similar sound had no HDash so it makes sense to have a normal dash here.
01:28:449 (1) - x:112, keeps the hyper but weakens it a tiny bit to make it more comfortable flow for platter players.

00:45:186 (5,6) - Make these a HDash for consistency with the others.
00:51:660 (6) - It'd be nice to have a HDash to this for the vocal. Maybe Ctrl+h and move to x:416.
01:09:660 (1,2,3,4) - Seems weird to not have HDashes here considering you had them on the platter here.

Very nice rain.

Alright, done ;)
Topic Starter

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

i got told to nerf stuff
i love nerfing stuff
also m4m

01:05:081 (4,5,6,7) - This pattern is far too difficult for a platter. I can't hit this consistentally, I don't think an average platter player could hit it at all. Move 4 and 6 one square to the right each (So 4 on x:240, 6 on x:224). Nah, this pattern is really easy. You don't even need to press the dash button at all, pressing it will cause miss easily. :P

00:45:186 (5,6) - Make these a HDash for consistency with the others. Thats actually impossible with the current patterns. To make a HDash the distance needs to be 2.5x but here it is only 2.0x. Since I can't move (6) more to left I need to move (5) but then getting it after the previous HDash will be too hard. So better just keep the simple dash here.
00:51:660 (6) - It'd be nice to have a HDash to this for the vocal. Maybe Ctrl+h and move to x:416. Moved (5) instead to keep the flow for the next stream.

Very nice rain.[]

Alright, done ;)
Rest is applied. Thank you. :3
Recheck time.

General Comments:
  1. Troll Asian Artist Metadata: Fixed
  2. Spread "Imbalance" Cup and Platter successfully nerfed to create a more even spread
Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  1. No issues! \:D/
  1. 01:12:660 (6,1) - This can feel a little uncomfortable when you combine spacing + direction change - I'd move 01:12:660 (6) to around x-288 since it's a weaker vocal sound. You could move 01:13:292 (1) to the left instead/as well, but a decent spacing to another strong vocal note at 01:13:923 (2) is also important
  2. 01:20:870 (1) - A tighter angle / more of a curve on this would be cool. Due to the random droplet spawn, this doesn't actually require any movement at all, so it spoils the flow a little
  3. 01:25:923 (1,2,3) - Kind of a weird spacing here, since both (1,2) and (2,3) are 1.6x, but one is a calm-ish clap and the other a strong vocal note + cymbal sound (and both are on the border of requiring dash, making them especially awkward lol). I feel something like this (AR0 to show full pattern) would fit better (1,2) reduced slightly, (2,3) increased by flipping (3,4,5), but you might want to do something different.
  1. 00:36:818 (2) - This spacing is a little uncomfortable after the strong 1/2 hdash at 00:36:502 (6,1) - I'd consider reducing the spacing here, and/or making the hdash slightly weaker
  2. 00:41:397 (3,4) - Most players will dash straight from the tail of 00:41:081 (2) which makes it quite easy to overshoot and miss (3). I agree that (4) is a stronger sound, so should normally have more distance to it, but due to the strong dash, 1/2 timeline spacing and high BPM, I feel making an even spacing would be acceptable and more comfortable to play here. Consider moving (3) to x-340
  3. 00:47:081 (2,3) - Hdash is quite strong and the slider being at a 45 degree angle makes it easy to droplet miss. I'd try to ove these slightly closer together
  1. 00:14:555 (3,1) - Yikes, this hdash and inverted slider are pretty easy to droplet miss on. Could you reduce the hdash strength slightly please, perhaps 00:14:555 (3) to x-288?
  2. 00:30:976 (4,5,6) - Every time I play this I want to move left after catching (4) - I'd Ctrl+H 00:31:292 (5,6) and move to x-160 or so, just feels so much more natural to me
  3. 01:25:844 (2,3) - Strong hdash leading into a near-vertical slider means lots of annoying droplet misses. Consider reducing the strength of this
Asking ZiRoX to take a look too, feel free to call me back once you've gone through this + whatever suggestions he brings.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Recheck time.

General Comments:
  1. Troll Asian Artist Metadata: Fixed
  2. Spread "Imbalance" Cup and Platter successfully nerfed to create a more even spread
Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  1. No issues! \:D/
  1. 01:25:923 (1,2,3) - Kind of a weird spacing here, since both (1,2) and (2,3) are 1.6x, but one is a calm-ish clap and the other a strong vocal note + cymbal sound (and both are on the border of requiring dash, making them especially awkward lol). I feel something like this (AR0 to show full pattern) would fit better (1,2) reduced slightly, (2,3) increased by flipping (3,4,5), but you might want to do something different. Changed this while kept the current pattern here.
Changed all. /o/
Check time~

  1. 00:04:923 (4,5,1) - This makes me feel uncomfortable, and I can't really get why. Maybe it's the fact that the downbeat lands on a sliderend, or the relatively large with distances with direction changes. Maybe doing something like the following feels better, give it a try:
  2. 00:23:081 (1,2) - This distance feels a bit large to me, compared to others. I think moving 00:24:028 (2,3) - to x:272 fixes it, as it would have the same distance as other "emphasized patterns" like 00:11:397 (1,2) - .
  3. 00:28:134 (2,1,2) - I think you can move this to the left (maybe x:192 or x:208, or something around that) for two reasons: (1) to add more distance with previous pattern and (2) to put this pattern closer to the larger batch of bananas from the spinner, which is on the left side of the screen.
  4. 00:42:028 (1) - I think the "wa" vocal in the white tick at 00:42:344 - is stronger than the "re" vocal at 00:42:502 -. If I had to pick where to end the slider without mapping both, for simplicity, I would end the slider at the mentioned white tick. For me, at least, it sounds better.
  1. 00:04:449 (2,3,4,1) - Not the best positioning here. It's weird that 00:04:449 (2,3) - has the largest distance when 00:05:713 (3) - is the weakest beat. Move 00:05:713 (3,4) - to the left to reduce this distance and increase the others.
  2. 00:07:607 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - This is lots of tricky movements you have here. I'd move (4) closer to the previous sliderend. And I'd also make (1) go to the right.
  3. 00:12:502 (4) - Move this to x:224. The 3/4 and 1/2 snapping mixture is already hard enough to add such a distance like 00:12:502 (4,5) - .
  4. 00:17:397 (4,1,2,3) - This is another hard thing. I'd remove the note at 00:17:870 (2) - and put 00:17:713 (1) - a bit to the right (a few gridspaces only). The dash only is enough difficulty.
  5. 00:38:239 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'd reduce the distances here; to me, at least, the music isn't yelling "you have to daaaaaash", which may lead to awkward misses. Main spots are 00:38:239 (2,3) - and 00:39:502 (2,3) -
  6. 00:48:186 (3) - This doesn't play too well. I get you don't want to spam all the 1/2s, but you're really ignoring some strong beats here. I'd prefer a simple 1/1 slider mapped to the white ticks.
  7. 00:50:870 (2) - This note could be removed to provide a break and don't make this look like a 1/2 spam.
  8. 00:52:923 (3) - The repeat doesn't feel too good as it's ending lands on "nothing" (yeah, there's a piano stream, but this lands on neither the beginning nor the finish of that stream). I'd prefer this mapped as a 1/1 slider + a circle (like this)
  9. 00:54:344 (1,2,3,4) - Not the best rhythm choice, IMO. I'd go for something like this (not sure if the vocal really lands on that 1/3 tick):
  1. 00:06:344 (1) - I'd prefer this as a single circle. There's nothing important on the red tick and it provides more emphasis on the vocal at its head.
  2. 00:10:134 (1) - I think this one feels much better if it follows the previous movement (i.e. goes left).
  3. 00:16:134 (2,1,2) - I like this pattern, but I think reducing the distance a bit (i.e. one gridspace) will make it a bit more adequate for a Platter, as it currently feels a bit tight.
  4. 00:26:239 (3,1) - I'm not really fond of the overall movement here. I think making the slider go right and adjusting 00:27:028 (2) - accordingly would be better.
  5. 00:31:923 (1,2,1) - I'd prefer you'd map all the 1/2s here. These 1/1 feel a bit random and not fitting the song at all.
  6. 00:44:870 (4,4) - Putting these two one gridspace closer to the previous note is better. The pattern is a bit tricky.
  7. 00:56:870 (1) - Move this to x:384 and add a hyperdash, I find it quite fitting.
  8. 01:05:081 (4,5,6,7,1) - This is too tricky. The previous pattern (01:04:607 (1,2,3) - ) already requires some dash control, so this 1/4 stream might be a bit unstable, even if it's walkable, so I'd reduce the distances.
  9. 01:23:239 (4,1) - Uh, either hyperdash this or reduce the distance.
  10. 01:29:397 (4,5,1) - (1) is the downbeat, so it's more logical to have the hyperdash to that note instead of (5).
  1. 00:18:976 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - There's something about these hyperdashes that makes me doubtful. I think it's better to got with the hyperdash only at the downbeat at 00:19:607 - .
  2. 00:22:134 (3,4) - Reduce the distance please, it feels a bit like a timing jump.
  3. 00:31:923 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I feel some direction and position changes would really benefit this part, so here I go: 00:34:765 (3,4) - move to x:400, 00:36:028 (4) - Ctrl+H and move to to x:160, 00:36:344 (5,6) - Ctrl+H and move to x:368.
  4. 00:39:344 (1) - A 1/2 repeat slider going right fits much better with the song.
  5. 00:39:818 (2,3) - On this part, a 1/1 slider would fit better.
  6. 00:41:397 (5) - I'm not sure that making this a repeat slider is the best idea. The vocals here are really prominent, so mapping the drum at 00:41:713 - doesn't feel like a must. In fact, I think it sounds better without it.
  7. 00:51:660 (6) - ^Same here, I don't think that mapping the drum at the downbeat is necessary as the vocals are really prominent.
  8. 00:54:660 (2,3,4) - I think the hyperdash feels better if done from (3) to (4) than from (2) to (3) as it is now.
  9. 00:56:028 (2,3) - This is 2 gridspaces from becoming an hyperdash, so it's terribly hard. Either reduce it or plainly make it an hyperdash.
  10. 00:56:660 (4,1) - ^Same. I'd go for the hyperdash.
  11. 00:58:607 (3,4,5,6) - Move this to x:504. It will make the first note easier to catch, so you don't miss the hyperdash.
  12. 01:13:292 (1,3) - I'd move this 1 grid space closer to the center, to make the pattern a bit easier.
  13. 01:20:792 (7,1) - I missed an hyperdash here :(
Topic Starter

ZiRoX wrote:

Check time~

  1. 00:04:923 (4,5,1) - This makes me feel uncomfortable, and I can't really get why. Maybe it's the fact that the downbeat lands on a sliderend, or the relatively large with distances with direction changes. Maybe doing something like the following feels better, give it a try: Pls, update the mapset next time first.
  1. 00:54:344 (1,2,3,4) - Not the best rhythm choice, IMO. I'd go for something like this (not sure if the vocal really lands on that 1/3 tick):
    ugh no. That was never aimed to follow the vocal.
  1. 00:31:923 (1,2,1) - I'd prefer you'd map all the 1/2s here. These 1/1 feel a bit random and not fitting the song at all. Yea, I don't want 1/1 spam.
  2. 00:44:870 (4,4) - Putting these two one gridspace closer to the previous note is better. The pattern is a bit tricky. I have no problem with it. The pattern might be tricky but its catchable even if you see it first time.
  3. 01:05:081 (4,5,6,7,1) - This is too tricky. The previous pattern (01:04:607 (1,2,3) - ) already requires some dash control, so this 1/4 stream might be a bit unstable, even if it's walkable, so I'd reduce the distances. I already said it I'm not gonna change this pattern. Removed the previous disntances instead.
  1. 00:54:660 (2,3,4) - I think the hyperdash feels better if done from (3) to (4) than from (2) to (3) as it is now. wut
  2. 01:20:792 (7,1) - I missed an hyperdash here :( Yea, I'm not CLSW
Fixed some last stuff on IRC. Bubbled!
Recheck time - was a little concerned with the Salad-Platter spread gap (again orz), so I discussed some things with Deif in PM

  1. 00:16:449 (1,2) - Quite an uncomfortable return movement on the zig-zag here, try(2) at x-256 instead
  2. 00:28:765 (3,1) - Hdash isn't really necessary here, this is a low-pitched sound with far less emphasis than 00:26:555 (1) which currently has the same spacing. A regular dash would be enough here
  3. 00:35:081 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Pretty punishing for a Platter diff imo, spacing here could be turned down a little to provide a more comfortable experience
  4. 00:38:081 (1,2,3) - This seems quite forced, with a stop/start movement required due to the angling on the sliders. This is compounded by the strong return movement to 00:38:870 (4,5) - I think reducing the distance and flattening out the sliders slightly would make this flow more smoothly
  5. 00:47:081 (2,3) - Same as 00:28:765 (3,1)
  6. 01:09:660 (1,2,3,4) - Seems a little overdone, hdash can probably be removed between these two in favour of regular dashes, keeping the hdash between 01:10:607 (5,1) to emphasize the start of the kiai/chorus
Everything else is fine, call me back once you've responded to this.
Topic Starter
Done. I didn't liked the last one too much but accepted for the sake of the spread. Its not important to keep those at this level anyway.
And we're back

Acme Deizd Void
Took a while for this to requalified o.o
Finally >~</ Gratz kurokami
Waaaaa grats kuro
Waiting for Deif to pop up last day with a dummy message to scare us.
Topic Starter
Nah, I can't be scared. /o/
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