
Newbie #9 - Knock! Knock! Knock! (Game End)

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...It's me, the Ratboy Genius. This is your somewhat crazy mod of Lilac speaking, Lily ain't gonna be talking for a while so I'm taking over this shing-ding of a Mafia game.

This game is for those who want to either try Mafia for the first time or want to get a better understanding/not have to rely on roles/prefer logic and scumhunting. Like how mafia should be actually played.

Story Time
Mafia, inherently, has been a game about lies and deceit. Mafia lying to an uninformed majority to greedily win themselves and town being equally greedy to get rid of those who are against them. This had made me reconsider whether playing this game was morally right for me, I took a lot of things personally and the game of Mafia was no exception. Countless nights I have staying up because I was close to being lynched just to try and selfishly save myself and not to mention the amount of thought and WIFOM I had to sift through, it was something that haunted me for ages but I still came back to it until I just could not be bothered anymore.

Now, I don't really care about people much anymore so this honestly doesn't really phase me.

This is a Matrix6 setup, no one could change the setup in time and I personally hate the setup myself but I'm using it anyway. Look here for the setup. I honestly would have called it Matrix9 what with my math background. I'll choose either A B C 1 2 or 3 and you look at the corresponding row or column to see what the setup is. The page explains it to you very well.

  1. Sakura - Shot N4 - Vanilla Townie
  2. Jinxy - Shot N2 - Vanilla Townie
  3. CalignoBot*
  4. SenaSaki** - Fed to Marina D2 - Vanilla Townie
  5. Quotes kookookook* - Shot N1 - Town Cop
  6. Royston*
  7. rEdo - Turned into a black squash ball D1 - Mafia Goon
  8. Irreversible* - Lynched D3 - Vanilla Townie
  9. DakeDekaane*
* - prod
Bold - Confirmed
Underscore - Replaced

Important Game Events:

Day 1 Start
Votecount D1: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | Final Votecount
Quotes replaces kookookook
Day 2 Start
Votecount D2: 2.1
Topic Starter

  1. Don't be retarded. Don't do anything retarded. Don't do anything that leads to being retarded. I'll decide what's retarded.
  2. You play to your win condition, anything against it and you're retarded.
  3. Don't copy your Role PM or anything that's quoted by me, do not also quote directly or screen capture any private conversations you have with people, only retarded people do that.
  4. Don't write crud that people don't understand, people are retarded cause they don't understand stuff but you're retarded for doing stuff that other people don't understand in the first place. Plus, people aren't going to believe you if you're retarded and saying stuff that people don't understand. This falls under not writing in English, writing in encrypted text or anything that's generally annoying to read.
  5. Do not edit or delete your posts, retarded people do that for retarded reasons.
  6. I'll change the rules when something crops up because I'm retarded and I'm also writing these rules from scratch from the basis of another.
  1. Prods will be given out automatically after 24 hours or under user request after 36 hours depending on if I get lazy or have some busy stuff to do.
  2. People who have been prodded several times may be replaced without warning because they're lazy and other people don't like lazy people.
  3. I don't have to remind you guys to post content? Don't be lazy and just post to not get prodded, that's really lazy.
  4. If you're going away or not looking here for 36 hours, please do not be lazy and post here in bold saying that you've got lazy stuff to do.
  1. Confirm your PM.
  2. Starts at 8/9 to confirm.
  3. Mafia can talk pregame until D1 start.
  1. Deadlines are in a week, guys. I doubt I'll be giving extensions but if I do then well...
  2. You guys can also vote No Lynch if you want. Vote: No Lynch is how you do it but yeah...if you really want to well...
  3. Lynch is half + 1 players that are alive. I'll tell you how many it is every vote count so yeah...
  4. If majority isn't reached, there will be no lynch so you know...
  5. Vote by Vote: Player name here. and unvotes for me are necessary. If you don't unvote, then your vote will still stay the same so yeah... Do Unvote for me...
  6. You can totally make one "Bah!" post...that has no information because you know if you did give information away then yeah...
  1. Night will last 24 or 48 hours depending on if it's needed. By certain people, I think you know what people they will be.
  2. Actions can be submitted beforehand and you can keep changing. If you submit no action then that's exactly what you do. No action.
Other things:
  1. Don't analyse the flavour guys, This is a newbie game I hope you guys are aware of that. I might even be lazy have no flavour depending on the days.
  2. Bold anything that you have concerns with or PM if it's a more private issue.
  3. Do not break rule 3 of this section.
Not so ninja /in
man I'm in a matrix6 already
I think I'll sit out this one for now, need time to do stuff
Hello yes /in
Also it's called matrix6 because there's 6 possible choices, matrix9 is a different setup that includes diagonals.
shouldn't it be matrix8 then? :P
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Yeah, I don't know what Sakura is thinking.
idk, i didnt name it.
/in Just because
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Damnit, Saki.

Rules are up now.
2k posts
8k posts
scaring the hell outta me

and ugh getting used to a new metagame
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Meta is everywhere, feel free to look up all the games that have been played here.
's a bit different, watching and actually playing.

and besides, I have this theory that meta bends to match me...
yes finally something that won't make my head explode

sheesh, enough of mindfucks already
in :D
Knock knock, may I come in?

oh god

pls no super-similar avatars :(


EDIT: I'm late aren't I
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Actually, Quotes is late...always.

I'll put him as a replacement. Give me a bit.

All roles have been sent, confirm like how you're supposed to.

Sample Vanilla Townie PM
You are a Vanilla Townie.

During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched.
During the Night, you may sleep.

Win Condition
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to PM me. Please confirm your participation in this game by responding to this PM with your role name & alignment.
Topic Starter
8/9 confirmed.

With Day 1 and 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.



There are no votes being made at the current moment. VCs will be done every few pages or on user request.
Vote: Ratboy Genius

obvious scum
vote: Sakura

Serious, serious vote.
vote: Irreversible

hasn't confirmed
Vote: Royston
Vote: kookookook
Last 2 people to confirm are always scum.

Sakura wrote:

Vote: kookookook
Last 2 people to confirm are always scum.
Vote: DakeDekaane

Not random.
Vote: CalignoBot

Being serious.
@Sakura: You're just saying this because you're scum yourself, aren't you? :c

Irreversible wrote:

@Sakura: You're just saying this because you're scum yourself, aren't you? :c
No, scum get chat during pre-game, so they want to delay the start of the game as much as possible so they can talk and hence usually confirm last, which is why most mods usually start at 7/9 confirmed to prevent this.
I thought there's a column in profile called 'last active'.
Very easy to determine if the person really wanted to delay.
it's highly reliable on the timezone, though. I confirmed at 4 AM didn't even do it correctly due to no-sleep derp, while getting a role PM two hours beforehand, and I was like... fifth, or even sixth. I guess trying to hunt scum by looking whoever confirmed last isn't a good idea, it won't confirm anything o.o
It's still something to go off instead of RVS, also there was a point in time where the only people that hadn't confirmed were kookookook and Irreversible.
"I'm serious"
"No, I'm serious"
"No, I'm even more serious"

too obvious maybe
Hi Saki, wanna 1v1 tunnel here too?
Unvote: DakeDekaane
Vote: SenaSaki

CalignoBot wrote:

Unvote: DakeDekaane
Vote: SenaSaki
I suppose you have a reason for this, or did you just go back to RVS.
"extending RVS is a SCUMTELL!"
uh no 1v1 is bad

cool, Sakura's town

Sakura wrote:

CalignoBot wrote:

Unvote: DakeDekaane
Vote: SenaSaki
I suppose you have a reason for this.
Would you share it?

SenaSaki wrote:

cool, Sakura's town

Can you explain?
scum doesn't want a 1v1 ever
and i doubt scum sakura would buddy up to me

well now that i think about it it might be a fake townslip

Sakura wrote:

No, scum get chat during pre-game.
Interesting generalization there. How do you know that this game has pre-game chat?

Jinxy wrote:

Sakura wrote:

No, scum get chat during pre-game.
Interesting generalization there. How do you know that this game has pre-game chat?
If it's the same setup as the one in the wiki link that appeared, and is a newbie game, then it's very likely scum does not have daychat.

Or maybe im just assuming things due to playing this setup over 10 times.

SenaSaki wrote:

scum doesn't want a 1v1 ever
Wrong. Scum don't want a 1v1 they most likely won't win.

SenaSaki wrote:

and i doubt scum sakura would buddy up to me

well now that i think about it it might be a fake townslip
Now you're just going into fake analysis territory.
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