
sleepless - Cryogenic

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Hollow Wings


  1. 这难度名真心文艺爆。。。
  2. 皮肤的combo count也就是数字,最好不要带羽化边缘的效果,看着有点花
  3. sb里有个转的大雪片,我不仔细看还真没看出来,建议调整一下颜色或者稍微加个薄阴影,不然柑橘和没加一样


  1. 00:16:727 (2,3) - blanket perfect (nazi
  2. 00:21:479 (2,1) - 这个跳的实在太远了,建议和前面那个跳距离差不多一点
  3. 00:25:637 (2,3) - ds再大点,前面1和2的ds不小,这里ds变小感觉有点怪
  4. 00:41:675 (1,2,3) - 2和13靠太近,建议挪远
  5. 01:29:788 (4,6) - 不blanket的话建议6的尾巴再往上甩一点
  6. 01:41:371 (1,2) - 这里和前面统一一下,ds再大点好了
  7. 01:44:341 (3,4) - overlap的程度不是太好,建议再重叠的多一些,好看0.0
  8. 02:05:130 (1,2,3) - 其实可以blanket,ds依旧挺大的情况下
  9. 02:20:277 (1) - 这个出界了unrankble
  10. 02:34:830 (7,1) - 就后面的梗看ds很大,这边7到1怎么算也是个强拍,建议调整一下7的方向让ds再大点
  11. 02:45:818 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的节奏还是跟吉他的三分拍吧,那几个音存在感太强了,现在这样硬跟鼓点感觉有点怪
  12. 02:49:976 (6,1) - 6往上甩一点稍微加大点ds
  13. 02:56:213 (1,3) - 远离4一点
  14. 03:12:399 (6,7) - 加大ds,否则太坑了。。。
  15. 03:30:368 (4,5) - blanket?
  16. 03:40:465 (2,3) - larger ds,后面stack和blanket可以相应调整
  17. 嗯。。。虽然bpm比较低,不过有些很具代表性的音以及重音的时候最好还是把排版做的容易读一点,不然就有点坑啦orz


  1. 00:14:351 (2,3) - 所以说这个blanket还是没做好orz
  2. 00:16:727 (2,3) - 这里还是和之前的距离保持一样吧,ds只是因为sv改变跟着缩放而已
  3. 01:23:551 (2,3) - ^
  4. 00:24:746 (5,1) - 5包1没包好,这里仔细调整一下是可以做好的
  5. 00:34:547 (1,2) - blanket perfect(nazi
  6. 01:07:810 (2,3) - ^,这是要逼死我这种强迫症啊。。。整张图都看一下吧,比如这种02:21:168 (4,5) - 已经算是很明显的了,我之后就不说了orz(不过不blanket并不是什么事儿,只是为了好看和照顾强迫症而已
  7. 01:10:186 (6,2) - 这个overlap感觉做成6的正好叠在2的track上比较好
  8. 02:30:969 (7) - 这个我觉得做成弧形比较好,往下凸好了
  9. 02:42:551 (2,3) - 擦到了。。。分开吧,比如这边03:25:913 (2,1) - 就弄得比较好
  10. 02:49:976 (5) - 反向?
  11. 强迫症表示快死了orz


  1. 01:30:382 (1,2) - blanket?
  2. 03:33:932 (3,4,1) - stack梗。。。好吧,原来这是normal噗
  3. 这个diff也让我残血了噗


good luck
Topic Starter

Hollow Wings wrote:



  1. 这难度名真心文艺爆。。。:3
  2. 皮肤的combo count也就是数字,最好不要带羽化边缘的效果,看着有点花冲榜直接ignore skin了
  3. sb里有个转的大雪片,我不仔细看还真没看出来,建议调整一下颜色或者稍微加个薄阴影,不然柑橘和没加一样打算删掉算了


  1. 00:16:727 (2,3) - blanket perfect (nazi 还好 做了调整
  2. 00:21:479 (2,1) - 这个跳的实在太远了,建议和前面那个跳距离差不多一点 和后面叠起来了
  3. 00:25:637 (2,3) - ds再大点,前面1和2的ds不小,这里ds变小感觉有点怪 适当调整
  4. 00:41:675 (1,2,3) - 2和13靠太近,建议挪远
  5. 01:29:788 (4,6) - 不blanket的话建议6的尾巴再往上甩一点这也是转回来的梗
  6. 01:41:371 (1,2) - 这里和前面统一一下,ds再大点好了嘛 之前米桶说这个要小些 这里防止被喷还是不改了
  7. 01:44:341 (3,4) - overlap的程度不是太好,建议再重叠的多一些,好看0.0 挨近了些
  8. 02:05:130 (1,2,3) - 其实可以blanket,ds依旧挺大的情况下blanket起来不好看
  9. 02:20:277 (1) - 这个出界了unrankble出界?:3
  10. 02:34:830 (7,1) - 就后面的梗看ds很大,这边7到1怎么算也是个强拍,建议调整一下7的方向让ds再大点 试过 但发现这里虽然重音但是音调有些低 还是平缓些 后面的小滑条其实不难
  11. 02:45:818 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里的节奏还是跟吉他的三分拍吧,那几个音存在感太强了,现在这样硬跟鼓点感觉有点怪这里是唯一熬触手们pc数的难点 ...咱会说是故意的么?
  12. 02:49:976 (6,1) - 6往上甩一点稍微加大点ds为了不和3叠到一起
  13. 02:56:213 (1,3) - 远离4一点同上 之前mod的时候修改近的
  14. 03:12:399 (6,7) - 加大ds,否则太坑了。。。 你也这么觉得么 那我还是改回自己的梗吧
  15. 03:30:368 (4,5) - blanket?
  16. 03:40:465 (2,3) - larger ds,后面stack和blanket可以相应调整同上
  17. 嗯。。。虽然bpm比较低,不过有些很具代表性的音以及重音的时候最好还是把排版做的容易读一点,不然就有点坑啦orz


  1. 00:14:351 (2,3) - 所以说这个blanket还是没做好orz后包前尾 可能角度有些问题 不过感觉还可以
  2. 00:16:727 (2,3) - 这里还是和之前的距离保持一样吧,ds只是因为sv改变跟着缩放而已 是 但是橘色的看ai...
  3. 01:23:551 (2,3) - ^
  4. 00:24:746 (5,1) - 5包1没包好,这里仔细调整一下是可以做好的 改了
  5. 00:34:547 (1,2) - blanket perfect(nazi 没看出来 ignore
  6. 01:07:810 (2,3) - ^,这是要逼死我这种强迫症啊。。。整张图都看一下吧,比如这种02:21:168 (4,5) - 已经算是很明显的了,我之后就不说了orz(不过不blanket并不是什么事儿,只是为了好看和照顾强迫症而已 没看出来
  7. 01:10:186 (6,2) - 这个overlap感觉做成6的正好叠在2的track上比较好 是 但是aids会测出来
  8. 02:30:969 (7) - 这个我觉得做成弧形比较好,往下凸好了
  9. 02:42:551 (2,3) - 擦到了。。。分开吧,比如这边03:25:913 (2,1) - 就弄得比较好适当改
  10. 02:49:976 (5) - 反向?
  11. 强迫症表示快死了orzXD


  1. 01:30:382 (1,2) - blanket?改了
  2. 03:33:932 (3,4,1) - stack梗。。。好吧,原来这是normal噗 = =
  3. 这个diff也让我残血了噗

thanks for mod~ and star

good luck
Topic Starter


  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.
  3. Red——Unrankable, you must fix it.

  1. BPM101.01?为什么不用101?(苦苦第一次手滑写错了)

  1. 00:14:351 (1,2) - 形状不一样看起来觉得很奇怪
  2. 00:35:141 (3,1) - 前面后都是跟vocal红线结束红线起转盘,为什么这里改了呢?

  1. 00:43:754 (2,3,1) - 这里3blanket不好,强行改变了flow
  2. 01:24:145 (3) - 这个距离拉开点,和前面一样,我说的是直观距离不是ds,你这里根据ds反而误导
  3. 01:45:826 (1,2) - 没包好
  4. 02:03:348 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:22:653 (2,3) - 还是建议分开,只差1/2在normal里面不建议尾stack,后面03:22:646 (3) - 等等也是
  6. 02:38:097 (2) - 应该NC在这里而不是前面的02:36:909 (1) -

  1. 别和我说这是hard,这排列完全可以算得上是insane
  2. 请开启你的widescreen support
  3. 00:23:558 (1,2,3,4) - 奇葩の四边形,00:24:152 (3,4,1) - 其实完全不好看
  4. 00:31:725 - add a note,不下的话我觉得这里节奏很难抓
  5. 02:56:807 (3) - 不要全遮挡,70%即可
  6. 03:16:112 (4) - NC

最后祝你身体健康 >///<
Topic Starter

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:


  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.
  3. Red——Unrankable, you must fix it.

  1. BPM101.01?为什么不用100? 这个当时没改 后来想改害怕把图弄坏了 没有敢改> <

  1. 00:14:351 (1,2) - 形状不一样看起来觉得很奇怪
  2. 00:35:141 (3,1) - 前面后都是跟vocal红线结束红线起转盘,为什么这里改了呢?是哦 改了

  1. 00:43:754 (2,3,1) - 这里3blanket不好,强行改变了flow 唔 那怎么办Q.Q
  2. 01:24:145 (3) - 这个距离拉开点,和前面一样,我说的是直观距离不是ds,你这里根据ds反而误导
  3. 01:45:826 (1,2) - 没包好
  4. 02:03:348 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:22:653 (2,3) - 还是建议分开,只差1/2在normal里面不建议尾stack,后面03:22:646 (3) - 等等也是好 分开了
  6. 02:38:097 (2) - 应该NC在这里而不是前面的02:36:909 (1) - ok

  1. 别和我说这是hard,这排列完全可以算得上是insane 唔 是难了一些 太简单了就没人玩了呀
  2. 请开启你的widescreen support恩好
  3. 00:23:558 (1,2,3,4) - 奇葩の四边形,00:24:152 (3,4,1) - 其实完全不好看 我也知道啦> < 我再试试
  4. 00:31:725 - add a note,不下的话我觉得这里节奏很难抓 唔 我看看
  5. 02:56:807 (3) - 不要全遮挡,70%即可 那样错开好难看的样子QAQ
  6. 03:16:112 (4) - NC

最后祝你身体健康 >///< 喂 好奇怪呀 有没有
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

唔 好吧
Topic Starter
updated 具体的spacing的方式 我的理解和大家可能不太一样 大家可能认为最后一个难度是hard...是hard没错啦 不过本来是想做in的(捂脸
修复了一些spacing的问题 ...
Topic Starter
fixed the bpm and offset~ and changed the diff name ,plz download this map again after 1/14
Hi Sweet Vanilla~
M4M From my queue
A bit late, sry.

各难度Letter box设置冲突,不知道是不是AIBAT的bug.

01:30:382 (1) - 去掉NC
01:31:571 (2) - NC
02:05:135 (1) - 这个Spinner最后的音量还可以再小一点,因为后面音乐完全消音了。用5%-10%感觉就可以了.
02:48:798 (2,3) - 这两个可以相对屏幕正中心对称
03:11:373 (3,4) - 可以围的更好
04:20:283 (1,1,1,1) - 这4个的间距差的稍微有点多,不统一一下么(0.88x到0.97x)
04:29:491 - 像上面提到的一样,建议这里加个note保持一致. 用SC5的clap.

00:17:610 (3) - NC for speed change.
00:27:709 (3) - ^
01:14:640 (6) - ^
01:24:145 (3) - ^
01:52:363 (4,5,6) - 这两个可以相对屏幕正中心对称
02:05:135 (1) - 跟Easy一样的建议
02:25:927 (5) - 前面用了减速这边类似的地方考虑也用上?
04:25:778 (2,3) - 不做个blanket?
04:29:491 (1) - NC,跟Hard一致

00:34:541 (6) - NC?
01:44:937 (4) - 音乐的1/8开始在01:45:085 -
02:16:125 (1,2) - 旋转一下2的reverse,让三点一线
02:45:828 (1,2,3) - 这三个滑条应该是1/3

Good luck!! 冷蔵庫でおやすみ

Topic Starter

Oracle wrote:

Hi Sweet Vanilla~
M4M From my queue
A bit late, sry.

各难度Letter box设置冲突,不知道是不是AIBAT的bug.应该是bug 咱这里没有显示呢
Easy的结尾时间跟其他diff不一样,我不知道这样允不允许...额 1到2秒没关系吧

01:30:382 (1) - 去掉NC
01:31:571 (2) - NC
02:05:135 (1) - 这个Spinner最后的音量还可以再小一点,因为后面音乐完全消音了。用5%-10%感觉就可以了.
02:48:798 (2,3) - 这两个可以相对屏幕正中心对称
03:11:373 (3,4) - 可以围的更好调整了一下
04:20:283 (1,1,1,1) - 这4个的间距差的稍微有点多,不统一一下么(0.88x到0.97x)恩 fixed
04:29:491 - 像上面提到的一样,建议这里加个note保持一致. 用SC5的clap因为是红线 还是算了.

00:17:610 (3) - NC for speed change.好 都改了
00:27:709 (3) - ^
01:14:640 (6) - ^
01:24:145 (3) - ^
01:52:363 (4,5,6) - 这两个可以相对屏幕正中心对称调整了一下
02:05:135 (1) - 跟Easy一样的建议ok
02:25:927 (5) - 前面用了减速这边类似的地方考虑也用上?因为这里背景音已经有节拍了 不需要变速了
04:25:778 (2,3) - 不做个blanket?
04:29:491 (1) - NC,跟Hard一致

00:34:541 (6) - NC?
01:44:937 (4) - 音乐的1/8开始在01:45:085 - 这里是从初音的声音开始变化开始的 那样的话虽然符合节拍但是节奏会乱掉 不如就简单些接上
02:16:125 (1,2) - 旋转一下2的reverse,让三点一线这都被发现啦 Fixed
02:45:828 (1,2,3) - 这三个滑条应该是1/3咱知道乃是说那个背景音 其实这里为了不破坏节奏 按照鼓点做了

基本挑不出什么东西..好精良的一套图,歌也好好听。快去找BAT要泡吧:3 不好要呀T T
Good luck!! 冷蔵庫でおやすみ

EDIT:射一颗星谢谢星星 > < 这么认真的mod真是辛苦惹
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Topic Starter
考虑了很长时间 感觉问题可能出在难度梯度上 香草决定再添加Hard难度 目前的Hard作为insane
Move to WIP
complete~ and move to pending :)
Hi there :3

Unrankable issues
Highly recommend to fix
Common sugestions

your combo color2 for E&N diff is different from that for the H&I diff, better make them consistent
your muted sliderslide files are not suitable to use, plz use this official one as all those 6 sliderslide instead. and also, I think your soft-sliderslide6 file is totally not used as there's no inherited points using S:C6, so you'd better remove that unused file
Also, I think your soft-hitfinish5 file is redundant because... does it really have any difference between the default soft finish? I think it's totally fine to remove that not neccessary file
I personaly think that your S:C1 clap file has got a too low volume and could be barely heard in the map, consider to raise the hitsound file's volume to a certain extent
As for the epilepsy warning, I think you don't need it for your mapset, I've played through your map and got not even a little problem reading properly with the storyboard on (not dimmed). So I'd recommend that you deactivate it for all diffs

00:15:234 (3,1) - maybe make 3's end parallel with 1? that seems to look better
00:17:610 (3) - this slider isn't wrong itself but it feels weird to start a spinner afterwards, as it's inconsistent with 00:26:521 (3,1) - , you start a spinner right after the vocal starts at 00:27:115 - but you didn't do the same for 00:17:610 - . So I'd prefer that you replace 00:17:610 (3) - with a single circle and start the spinner from 00:17:759 - instead to make these parts consistent and reasonable
00:18:353 (1) - I thnk you don't need to silence this spinner as there's clear backgound sound in the music, just keeping the 20% volume would be fine
00:24:739 (1,2) - could try adjusting their direction and shapes slightly to make 2's end stack on 00:24:442 (4) - , to make your map neater, also remember to adjust 00:26:521 (3) - 's placement to keep the distance if you do so
00:27:264 (1) - same as 00:18:353 (1) -
00:30:679 (4,1,2) - your rhythm pattern for this part is kinda confusing, I think that you're switching between vocal and bgm track too rapidly. referring to 00:29:788 (2,3) - , players would think that you're following the background melody as you didn't start a slider from 00:29:788 - to follow vocal; but right after that, you set 00:30:679 (4) - for vocal sound, and then, starting slider 00:31:125 (2) - for not known reason cause vocal tone actually starts from 00:30:976 - but you only put a circle there. I suggest that you check the rhythm sample pic below and try to rearrange a more intuitive and consistent rhythm for this part, till 00:35:432 (3) - also try to make the hitsound in this part be in a consistent pattern (adding them on certain beats in order to be consistent and natural)
00:44:640 (3,4) - I feel that this jump is a bit too big for this soft part
00:46:422 (1) - for this spinner, why not gradually increase volume from 00:47:907 - instead to match with the music which is fading in?
01:06:620 - I don't sense the necessity to drag the break time here, better just leave it natural
01:07:511 - this inherited point is not needed, you could simply remove it
01:11:373 (2) - whistle on head to keep on your hitsound usage?
01:12:561 - also whistle here for the heavy piano (?) sound?
01:13:155 (1) - may CTRL+G for better flow, and you could also make 01:11:075 (1,1) - form a blanket if you do so
01:14:640 (3,1) - same idea as 00:17:610 (3,1) -
01:24:145 (1,2) - maybe it would play better if you space them in a clockwise way, as players are quite likely drawing an clockwise track moving from 01:23:254 (4) - to them, check the pic below as example
01:26:818 - as I've said in General, I think your S:C5 finish is quite the same as S:C1 or S anything so you don't need this kind of inherited points anymore
01:28:006 (5) - a clap at end is preferred to keep your basic hitsound pattern?
01:31:571 (2) - missing important finish sound on head to emphasize heavy beat
01:33:056 (5) - it would be better if you replace the whistle at end with a clap according to your hitsound consistency
01:36:917 (3) - ^ same idea, these claps are the basic structure of your hitsounding, also clap at 01:38:105 - and so on, plz don't forget them and add them where there's missing
01:37:214 (4) - whistle on head would fit the music nicely
01:37:511 (5) - may consider splitting it into a 1/2 slider from 01:37:511 - and a circle at 01:38:105 - , that would match with your rhythm at 01:36:323 (2,3) -
01:39:590 (5) - whistle on head sounds nice?
01:43:452 - finish at this point to match with the heavy beat
01:43:155 (1,2) - also I think you could try rearrange these with two 1/2 sliders instead, to make 01:44:046 - at a slider's end, cause it feels really weird to hit a circle at a point where there's nearly no any beat. see the example pic below
01:50:877 (2,3,4,5) - I don't really like this spacing usage, as it's forcing players to stop at a part where the song should be going smoothly, I'd rather prefer you unstack them and use more ordinary spacing for them, also for the similar case in the later kiais
01:53:254 (4,1,2) - could make them symmetrical
01:54:145 (2) - missing basical whistle at end
01:55:333 (6) - on the contrary, I think you don't need a whistle here as there's already a finish sound, referring to 01:45:828 (1) -
02:08:996 - may consider adding a short multi-reversing slider here with S:c1 whistle for its every beat, and it'll match with the music quite well, sample pic below
02:09:590 (1) - a finish on it is quite needed for the downbeat, if you think the soft finish doesn't fit so nice you could consider removing the soft whistle and use a normal finish on the soft sample, that really sounds nice
02:24:442 (1) - missing basical clap on head
02:26:224 (5) - ^ clap at end

02:35:432 (1,2) - this jump is fairly too big at this soft part, I think it's one of the biggest jump in the diff and it should not be used at this point which is not suitable. make something more intuitive like the pic below or simply don't use 1/4 sliders as they're actually not really needed, no clear 1/4 beats audioable I think
02:40:481 (6) - missing basical whistle on head
02:41:670 (3) - the whistle on head is misused and doesn't sound nice, plz remove it
02:44:937 (4) - add whistle at end
02:45:828 (1) - add clap on head and 02:46:422 (2) - whistle at end and so on, plz keep the basical hitsounds consistent for this part

02:53:105 (2) - I'd rather move this circle to 02:53:402 - making 02:53:105 (2,3,4) - forming a tripple, that seems to be a better rhythm imo
02:56:818 (3) - you're recommended to move it out from 02:56:224 (1) - a bit, instead of totally stacked, in order to insure readability
02:58:897 (2) - where's the special clap? you changed the hitsound group for it but forgot to add clap 0.0 ?
03:01:868 (1) - also a finish here is needed, why is there so many hitsounds missing lol

03:12:412 (6) - this 1/4 jump is also not really intuitive, comparing to its former and latter distance, just like what I've mentioned for 02:35:729 (2) - , I prefer to use a smaller distance between 5 and 6, maybe like the pic below or so
03:13:749 (3) - maybe normal sample at end, I think it sounds nice
03:15:679 (3) - if you use S:C1 whistle for every beat of this kick slider, it would match with the music really nice
03:16:125 (4) - better add a NC here as the following rhythm is quite special in the song
03:20:283 (5) - you are still missing many basical hitsounds, such as you need a clap on its head and so on, plz check them carefully by yourself
03:20:877 (6,1) - move the NC from 1 to 6 as it's the beat at 6 actually starts a new stanza, and plz try to make your NC usage consistent for the following part, like switching 03:26:521 (1,7) - 's NC and also for 03:29:491 (1,5) - and so on
03:25:333 (2) - it may apply a more smooth flow if you rotate it anti-clockwise by about 40° and put it back? check the pic below
03:40:481 (3,4) - you could use a bit bigger distance between them as they're in kiai, at the strong part of the song, it's really weird to use a smaller distance than that you used for the softer parts, isn't it? also for similar cases like 03:44:046 (3,4) -
03:51:472 (1,2) - this maybe don't flow really nice? as 1's actually leading the opposite way to 2, consider to rework on this pattern a bit, an opinion in the pic below
03:54:442 (1,3) - could try making them a better blanket, also you could consider rotating 03:55:927 (4) - and stack its head to 03:54:739 (2) - 's end, to look neater and having a more natural spacing, the current spacing between 3 and 4 is a bit small
03:56:521 (1) - no need to silence this spinner, there's still music playing at the background so why making it silenced?
04:01:274 - this is a nice drag for the breaktime, but 04:19:095 - this one is not really necessary, same as 01:06:620 -

HP6 instead of 7 for better diff spread and more suitable for a Hard
hitsound suggestions are quite the same for every diff, so you could just check the above and see what you should change here, and for E&N diff
00:17:610 (1) - and 00:27:412 (1) - , you may notice that you didn't treat the same to these two similar spinners. you start the first spinner at 00:17:610 - where the vocal just starts, but for the second, you didn't start it from 00:27:115 - but actually after the vocal sound, so I'd recommend to make them consistent by adding a note at 00:17:610 - and start the spinner from the blue tick 00:17:759 - . Starting a spinner on blue tick is suitable for Hard diffs so you don't have to worry. and to be consistent, you should also make 00:27:412 (1) - start from 00:27:264 - instead, of course, ending at the same place
01:14:937 (1) - same thing here, start the spinner from 01:14:788 - instead
01:43:452 (6) - a NC on it would be a nice choice to divide long combo set
01:44:343 (8,9) - why is the rhythm here different from that you used in Insane? In Insane diff you started the kick slider from 01:44:937 - . plz consider to make them consistent in either way
02:05:135 (1) - could start it from the former blue tick, also for all the similar cases in this diff, just remember it's totally fine to fine to use spinners like that in a Hard diff when it actually fits
03:06:620 (1) - it's ok too jump at a heavy beat but it's a bit awkward to go backwards after the jump. maybe make it something like the pic below to form a smooth flow
03:51:174 (4) - (196,300) for even distance? you may also adjust this by rotating the slider

00:17:610 (3) - it's ok that you move it to (324,164) to avoid overlap, it's actually keeping the former distance snap
00:31:422 (3) - whistle at end sounds good to me
00:32:165 (1,2) - why you stacked them two, as you didn't do the same to 00:34:541 (1,2) - and 00:36:917 (1,2) - so I prefer to also unstack them like the pic below or in any other way
00:38:105 (3) - whistle at reversing point?
01:17:016 (1) - (132,40) seems a better place for the note
04:19:095 - no need to drag the break time (and plz why you're dragging it to a yellow tick lol) , just leave it natural
04:27:115 (3) - try to adjust its former and latter objects to make it able to be set at (256,192) in order to look better while you're stacking the last circle at that point

HP2 AR3 OD2 for a proper setting for Easy
01:54:145 (1,3) - moving the NC from 1 to 3 to make your NC usage consistent, just use one NC for every two stanza (big white tick) so that they would be pretty consistent, you've got a lot adjust for this part
02:39:293 (2) - the whistle on head is out of place, plz better remove it
02:48:798 (2) - ^
03:00:679 (1) - ^
03:02:462 (3) - ^ the whistle at end is misused as well
03:05:432 (2) - ^
03:07:808 (3) - ^
03:10:184 (2) - ^
03:14:937 (2) - ^
03:18:501 (1) - the whistle at end is obviously not needed, plz remove that
03:25:036 (3,2) - it would be really nice if you could try placing them at the same point, it's not a must though

I think that's all for now
I'll try to find someone to check the lyrics for you and you'd better find some more mods especially for your Hard diff as it's newly added
I'll be rechecking it after that
Take your time
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

谢谢乃 零
和星星~ >///<
for m4m!

00:44:046 - how about a pattern like this until spinner: and
01:18:501 - Why NC here? you didn't use before
i suggest you to use the custom hitsounds a bit louder (everywhere besides kiai). i don't notice if there is a hitsound unless i pause or click on notes
01:46:125 (2) - how about moving this a bit up so it flows better with next object?
02:02:462 (5) - ctrl+shift+R and angle 26 or so. So the tail doesn't look up
and then 02:03:056 (6) - x:488 y:272
02:04:838 - no need to use 2 timing points here. Just 02:04:912 - remove this and snap 02:04:764 - this here 02:04:838 -
02:25:036 (5) - ctrl+g this
02:46:422 (2) - ctrl+g this too
03:19:392 (3,1) - stack better please
03:42:264 (1) - ctrl+g this
03:55:927 (5) - x:220 y:140
04:01:274 - Now that's a LONG break. And since it's been damn 4 minutes since the map started, this break will just kill the player out of boredom. At least map half of it :(

good map, good luck!



我覺得轉盤00:08:402 - 00:10:184 - 並且加clap挺有感覺?


雖然說的不太好聽不過我覺得insane難度應該跟最囂張的那些音軌比如02:31:868 - 的那些不知道是鋼琴還是吉他……orz……如果所有的音軌都很軟那就自創節奏,不然不做insane感覺好一點……_(:3」∠)_

慢歌我建議在AR0的情況下依舊無覆蓋,雖然我自己做不到,額……比如00:16:719 (2) - 我覺得這樣↓↓↓放好一點,畢竟是很方便的改動

距離上盡量浮動不要太大,00:21:174 (1) - 這個距離直接破3了而你附近全是1.0~1.2的距離,另外我覺得insane應該美觀第一,距離吃電視,如果我們審美觀差不多的話可以考慮把00:24:739 (1,2,3) - 這樣↓↓↓,當然這個是2.0的距離,也就是說其他部分的排版建議也讓距離吃電視去吧~(ง •̀_•́)ง

00:19:689 - 這個clap存在感很強,可以考慮加note,轉盤提前1/8結束並且消音,雖然這個地方本來沒有音這樣做不好

02:19:689 (1,1) - 微調一下位置疊起來不?其他部分疊起來話edit裡面看上去會舒服點【我是沙皮

01:36:917 (3) - 慢歌把1/2的note疊滑條尾很影響ACC,而且聽上去不像是很需要疊的感覺,我建議↓↓↓

02:09:590 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 比起加距離的梗我更傾向弄個漂亮的圖形比如雪花六角,後面幾個我也建議弄五角四角,七角和八角什麼的?

02:56:818 (3) - AR0看上去是unrankable……不知道AR8行不行 _(:3」∠)_

03:15:679 - 原來後面會鬼畜0-0,連打算了

03:49:392 (2,4) - 這是一線神梗最好多出現幾次

04:02:513 - break建議點掉,使用人性排版,不然為了後面那麼點物件等這麼久很無聊



00:16:719 - 节奏上的建议

00:26:521 - ^

00:48:798 - 加note带finish,转盘提前结束并且消音

01:12:561 - 你后面有跟这个音

01:13:155 - 节奏上的建议

01:41:670 - 节奏上的……建议…… 顺便我觉得最好不要连续使用折返,也不要使用很长的折返除了1/8

01:43:303 - 突然就不跟这个音了很让人混乱的,建议 01:43:155 - 下1/4滑条

02:11:967 - 加个note外带whistle,1/8折返提前结束

02:13:749 - 是1/3……虽然游戏里说过了不过不写出来太对不起我的细心了【沙皮

02:16:125 - note,折返提前结束

02:16:422 - ^

02:17:016 - 节奏的建议 注意02:17:833 - ,这里有音但是你原来的1/8折返没到这里

02:18:798 - 建议加note

02:45:828 - 还是……节奏……的……建议……orz 感觉puu快满了……

02:52:363 - note,折返提前结束,我真的不觉得hard需要这么多1/2的折返……感觉根本不用按键盘……而且那个尾巴是重音啊重音……orz

03:10:036 - 这里你跟了个鼓……这个鼓你前面漏了无数……唉……

03:16:051 - 这里有音,都下1/8折返了为何不全连上……

03:56:521 (1) - 提前结束转盘加note带finish

排版很不错,有的只有在edit里面才看见的东西我觉得可以考虑再修修比如03:44:937 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - 原地打转而且有覆盖

点掉04:01:274 - 的break,强烈建议全程无休?





00:24:442 (4,1) - normal感觉可以不遮不挡,类似的很多,有空的话全分开或者叠起来?

01:07:808 (2,4) - 稍微近了一点……强迫症……orz……不过类似的也有很多

01:10:184 (6,2) - 这个遮挡用normal不合适

01:20:580 (1,2) - 不需要非直线不可的啦,我觉得分开来避免覆盖更重要,把01:21:472 (2) - 弄到(416.354)什么的

02:51:174 - 这里开始到高潮,直线的滑条略多……感觉可以弯掉一些

04:20:283 - 这里的节奏和hard完全一样……而且按键位置不如hard……感觉可以直接复制hard的更好,唉……和hard一模一样的normal……



04:20:283 - 音效用的是SC1,别的diff是S,顺便一提你其他音效组都消音滑条了,不过你仍然有S组的音效,虽然音量低不过S组的滑条声音你可能不希望它有

额外的,你4个diff的NC是不一样的,比如00:14:343 - ,hard是这里NC不过insane是00:14:046 - ,我觉得你NC好像是乱按的……因为类似的地方很多,还有某些位置的音效也不一样比如00:31:868 - ,easyl和insane有区别可以理解不过你的hard和insane我认为是打算使用同一套的因为音效组和音量是一样的,本来想全部检查一遍不过果然音效音量太低了【我太懒了

Ozato Fumika
Hi mod from modding Q

01:11:373 (1) - make it a curve
01:32:759 (3,4) - blanket properly
01:39:293 (2) - crtl + g
02:05:135 (1) - end it here 02:08:402
02:10:184 (1) - delete NC
02:12:264 (2) - delete NC
02:12:859 (1) - delete NC
02:13:452 (1) - delete NC
02:13:749 (1) - NC
02:30:976 (5,1) - Blanket
03:06:620 (1) - crtl + g
03:08:402 (5) - crtl + g
03:14:343 (2,3,4) - seems quite confusing, see if you can find a better way to put this.
03:33:947 (3) - crtl + g
03:51:769 (1,2) - blanket properly

Very good song and map!!

Hope my mod halped
Good luck >~<
Topic Starter

UnderminE wrote:

for m4m!
00:44:046 - how about a pattern like this until spinner: and
01:18:501 - Why NC here? you didn't use beforeok
i suggest you to use the custom hitsounds a bit louder (everywhere besides kiai). i don't notice if there is a hitsound unless i pause or click on notesI want this song quieter. I'll adjust some of them
01:46:125 (2) - how about moving this a bit up so it flows better with next object?ok
02:02:462 (5) - ctrl+shift+R and angle 26 or so. So the tail doesn't look upawesome
and then 02:03:056 (6) - x:488 y:272changed some
02:04:838 - no need to use 2 timing points here. Just 02:04:912 - remove this and snap 02:04:764 - this here 02:04:838 - changed some
02:25:036 (5) - ctrl+g this put a jump?
02:46:422 (2) - ctrl+g this toospacing
03:19:392 (3,1) - stack better please orz
03:42:264 (1) - ctrl+g thisno
03:55:927 (5) - x:220 y:140ok
04:01:274 - Now that's a LONG break. And since it's been damn 4 minutes since the map started, this break will just kill the player out of boredom. At least map half of it :(i'll map it soon T T
thx for mod~
good map, good luck!
Topic Starter

No Dap wrote:

Hi mod from modding Q

01:11:373 (1) - make it a curvechanged some
01:32:759 (3,4) - blanket properlyokay
01:39:293 (2) - crtl + gno thx
02:05:135 (1) - end it here 02:08:402 no
02:10:184 (1) - delete NCfixed
02:12:264 (2) - delete NC^
02:12:859 (1) - delete NC^
02:13:452 (1) - delete NC^
02:13:749 (1) - NCno ,it is end at blue tick
02:30:976 (5,1) - Blanketno, spacing
03:06:620 (1) - crtl + gfinish here,and jump is apposite
03:08:402 (5) - crtl + gspacing
03:14:343 (2,3,4) - seems quite confusing, see if you can find a better way to put this.okay try another way
03:33:947 (3) - crtl + gspacing
03:51:769 (1,2) - blanket properly^

thx for mod
Very good song and map!!

Hope my mod halped
Good luck >~<
confirmed the lyrics as Zerow (Zero__wind) requested, but there is nothing wrong.

Also, how about adding "nico" and "douga" into Tags?
Good luck~ ;)
Topic Starter
Thank you! KSHR :)
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

Hi there :3

Unrankable issues
Highly recommend to fix
Common sugestions唔 我就用中文回了 对不起> <

your combo color2 for E&N diff is different from that for the H&I diff, better make them consistent恩 改了
your muted sliderslide files are not suitable to use, plz use this official one as all those 6 sliderslide instead. and also, I think your soft-sliderslide6 file is totally not used as there's no inherited points using S:C6, so you'd better remove that unused file好 换掉了 好棒 原来那个很占空间
Also, I think your soft-hitfinish5 file is redundant because... does it really have any difference between the default soft finish? I think it's totally fine to remove that not neccessary file好的
I personaly think that your S:C1 clap file has got a too low volume and could be barely heard in the map, consider to raise the hitsound file's volume to a certain extent用其他软件加大了它的初始音量 现在好些了
As for the epilepsy warning, I think you don't need it for your mapset, I've played through your map and got not even a little problem reading properly with the storyboard on (not dimmed). So I'd recommend that you deactivate it for all diffs对哦

00:15:234 (3,1) - maybe make 3's end parallel with 1? that seems to look betterFixed
00:17:610 (3) - this slider isn't wrong itself but it feels weird to start a spinner afterwards, as it's inconsistent with 00:26:521 (3,1) - , you start a spinner right after the vocal starts at 00:27:115 - but you didn't do the same for 00:17:610 - . So I'd prefer that you replace 00:17:610 (3) - with a single circle and start the spinner from 00:17:759 - instead to make these parts consistent and reasonablefixed
00:18:353 (1) - I thnk you don't need to silence this spinner as there's clear backgound sound in the music, just keeping the 20% volume would be finehas fixed all diff
00:24:739 (1,2) - could try adjusting their direction and shapes slightly to make 2's end stack on 00:24:442 (4) - , to make your map neater, also remember to adjust 00:26:521 (3) - 's placement to keep the distance if you do so
00:27:264 (1) - same as 00:18:353 (1) - 好 这里改掉了
00:30:679 (4,1,2) - your rhythm pattern for this part is kinda confusing, I think that you're switching between vocal and bgm track too rapidly. referring to 00:29:788 (2,3) - , players would think that you're following the background melody as you didn't start a slider from 00:29:788 - to follow vocal; but right after that, you set 00:30:679 (4) - for vocal sound, and then, starting slider 00:31:125 (2) - for not known reason cause vocal tone actually starts from 00:30:976 - but you only put a circle there. I suggest that you check the rhythm sample pic below and try to rearrange a more intuitive and consistent rhythm for this part, till 00:35:432 (3) - also try to make the hitsound in this part be in a consistent pattern (adding them on certain beats in order to be consistent and natural)这一段完全照乃说的做惹 感觉还不错呢
00:44:640 (3,4) - I feel that this jump is a bit too big for this soft part调了角度和位子
00:46:422 (1) - for this spinner, why not gradually increase volume from 00:47:907 - instead to match with the music which is fading in?感觉不错 但是是不是这段有些太短 效果不太明显呢
01:06:620 - I don't sense the necessity to drag the break time here, better just leave it natural好 都改过来了
01:07:511 - this inherited point is not needed, you could simply remove it恩 我尽量把没有用的去掉> <
01:11:373 (2) - whistle on head to keep on your hitsound usage?
01:12:561 - also whistle here for the heavy piano (?) sound?awesome
01:13:155 (1) - may CTRL+G for better flow, and you could also make 01:11:075 (1,1) - form a blanket if you do so这里flow是不好 直接改动一大片> <
01:14:640 (3,1) - same idea as 00:17:610 (3,1) -
01:24:145 (1,2) - maybe it would play better if you space them in a clockwise way, as players are quite likely drawing an clockwise track moving from 01:23:254 (4) - to them, check the pic below as example照乃说的做惹
01:26:818 - as I've said in General, I think your S:C5 finish is quite the same as S:C1 or S anything so you don't need this kind of inherited points anymore去掉了一个
01:28:006 (5) - a clap at end is preferred to keep your basic hitsound pattern?
01:31:571 (2) - missing important finish sound on head to emphasize heavy beat
01:33:056 (5) - it would be better if you replace the whistle at end with a clap according to your hitsound consistency
01:36:917 (3) - ^ same idea, these claps are the basic structure of your hitsounding, also clap at 01:38:105 - and so on, plz don't forget them and add them where there's missing都改了
01:37:214 (4) - whistle on head would fit the music nicely
01:37:511 (5) - may consider splitting it into a 1/2 slider from 01:37:511 - and a circle at 01:38:105 - , that would match with your rhythm at 01:36:323 (2,3) - 恩 又改动好大一片
01:39:590 (5) - whistle on head sounds nice?
01:43:452 - finish at this point to match with the heavy beat
01:43:155 (1,2) - also I think you could try rearrange these with two 1/2 sliders instead, to make 01:44:046 - at a slider's end, cause it feels really weird to hit a circle at a point where there's nearly no any beat. see the example pic below 不错呢 改了
01:50:877 (2,3,4,5) - I don't really like this spacing usage, as it's forcing players to stop at a part where the song should be going smoothly, I'd rather prefer you unstack them and use more ordinary spacing for them, also for the similar case in the later kiais这里改掉了 但是后面那个感觉还不错 不知道要不要改了> <
01:53:254 (4,1,2) - could make them symmetrical试着调了下
01:54:145 (2) - missing basical whistle at end
01:55:333 (6) - on the contrary, I think you don't need a whistle here as there's already a finish sound, referring to 01:45:828 (1) -
02:08:996 - may consider adding a short multi-reversing slider here with S:c1 whistle for its every beat, and it'll match with the music quite well, sample pic below好 改掉了
02:09:590 (1) - a finish on it is quite needed for the downbeat, if you think the soft finish doesn't fit so nice you could consider removing the soft whistle and use a normal finish on the soft sample, that really sounds nice
02:24:442 (1) - missing basical clap on head
02:26:224 (5) - ^ clap at end[/color]orz
02:35:432 (1,2) - this jump is fairly too big at this soft part, I think it's one of the biggest jump in the diff and it should not be used at this point which is not suitable. make something more intuitive like the pic below or simply don't use 1/4 sliders as they're actually not really needed, no clear 1/4 beats audioable I think调了下 改动一大片 不知道这样好不好QAQ
02:40:481 (6) - missing basical whistle on head
02:41:670 (3) - the whistle on head is misused and doesn't sound nice, plz remove it
02:44:937 (4) - add whistle at end
02:45:828 (1) - add clap on head and 02:46:422 (2) - whistle at end and so on, plz keep the basical hitsounds consistent for this part[/color]
02:53:105 (2) - I'd rather move this circle to 02:53:402 - making 02:53:105 (2,3,4) - forming a tripple, that seems to be a better rhythm imo额 这里这样弄的话很容易被认为overmap了 放在前面至少初音的唱词还没结束
02:56:818 (3) - you're recommended to move it out from 02:56:224 (1) - a bit, instead of totally stacked, in order to insure readability
02:58:897 (2) - where's the special clap? you changed the hitsound group for it but forgot to add clap 0.0 ?
03:01:868 (1) - also a finish here is needed, why is there so many hitsounds missing lol[/color]咱错惹T T
03:12:412 (6) - this 1/4 jump is also not really intuitive, comparing to its former and latter distance, just like what I've mentioned for 改掉了02:35:729 (2) - , I prefer to use a smaller distance between 5 and 6, maybe like the pic below or so
03:13:749 (3) - maybe normal sample at end, I think it sounds nice好 不过好像不太明显
03:15:679 (3) - if you use S:C1 whistle for every beat of this kick slider, it would match with the music really nice
03:16:125 (4) - better add a NC here as the following rhythm is quite special in the song好的
03:20:283 (5) - you are still missing many basical hitsounds, such as you need a clap on its head and so on, plz check them carefully by yourself呜 好
03:20:877 (6,1) - move the NC from 1 to 6 as it's the beat at 6 actually starts a new stanza, and plz try to make your NC usage consistent for the following part, like switching 03:26:521 (1,7) - 's NC and also for 03:29:491 (1,5) - and so on改掉了
03:25:333 (2) - it may apply a more smooth flow if you rotate it anti-clockwise by about 40° and put it back? check the pic below
03:40:481 (3,4) - you could use a bit bigger distance between them as they're in kiai, at the strong part of the song, it's really weird to use a smaller distance than that you used for the softer parts, isn't it? also for similar cases like 03:44:046 (3,4) - 跳大了一点 但是没有敢放太开
03:51:472 (1,2) - this maybe don't flow really nice? as 1's actually leading the opposite way to 2, consider to rework on this pattern a bit, an opinion in the pic below恩 重新做了一下这里
03:54:442 (1,3) - could try making them a better blanket, also you could consider rotating 03:55:927 (4) - and stack its head to
03:54:739 (2) - 's end, to look neater and having a more natural spacing, the current spacing between 3 and 4 is a bit small做了些调整
03:56:521 (1) - no need to silence this spinner, there's still music playing at the background so why making it silenced?
04:01:274 - this is a nice drag for the breaktime, but 04:19:095 - this one is not really necessary, same as 01:06:620 -好的

HP6 instead of 7 for better diff spread and more suitable for a Hard好 改了
hitsound suggestions are quite the same for every diff, so you could just check the above and see what you should change here, and for E&N diff一会我再去复查下> <
00:17:610 (1) - and 00:27:412 (1) - , you may notice that you didn't treat the same to these two similar spinners. you start the first spinner at 00:17:610 - where the vocal just starts, but for the second, you didn't start it from 00:27:115 - but actually after the vocal sound, so I'd recommend to make them consistent by adding a note at 00:17:610 - and start the spinner from the blue tick 00:17:759 - . Starting a spinner on blue tick is suitable for Hard diffs so you don't have to worry. and to be consistent, you should also make 00:27:412 (1) - start from 00:27:264 - instead, of course, ending at the same place好 全都改掉了
01:14:937 (1) - same thing here, start the spinner from 01:14:788 - instead^
01:43:452 (6) - a NC on it would be a nice choice to divide long combo set
01:44:343 (8,9) - why is the rhythm here different from that you used in Insane? In Insane diff you started the kick slider from是哦 改掉了
01:44:937 - . plz consider to make them consistent in either way恩 好
02:05:135 (1) - could start it from the former blue tick, also for all the similar cases in this diff, just remember it's totally fine to fine to use spinners like that in a Hard diff when it actually fits
03:06:620 (1) - it's ok too jump at a heavy beat but it's a bit awkward to go backwards after the jump. maybe make it something like the pic below to form a smooth flow恩 单双的话这个折返的确感觉怪怪的 改了
03:51:174 (4) - (196,300) for even distance? you may also adjust this by rotating the slider调了下位子

00:17:610 (3) - it's ok that you move it to (324,164) to avoid overlap, it's actually keeping the former distance snap
00:31:422 (3) - whistle at end sounds good to me好 然后还做了些节奏调整
00:32:165 (1,2) - why you stacked them two, as you didn't do the same to 00:34:541 (1,2) - and 00:36:917 (1,2) - so I prefer to also unstack them like the pic below or in any other way不错呢 采纳了QvQ
00:38:105 (3) - whistle at reversing point?awesome 加了感觉节奏很好抓了
01:17:016 (1) - (132,40) seems a better place for the note
04:19:095 - no need to drag the break time (and plz why you're dragging it to a yellow tick lol) , just leave it natural
04:27:115 (3) - try to adjust its former and latter objects to make it able to be set at (256,192) in order to look better while you're stacking the last circle at that point

HP2 AR3 OD2 for a proper setting for Easy好 修正了
01:54:145 (1,3) - moving the NC from 1 to 3 to make your NC usage consistent, just use one NC for every two stanza (big white tick) so that they would be pretty consistent, you've got a lot adjust for this part
02:39:293 (2) - the whistle on head is out of place, plz better remove it都去掉了
02:48:798 (2) - ^
03:00:679 (1) - ^
03:02:462 (3) - ^ the whistle at end is misused as well
03:05:432 (2) - ^
03:07:808 (3) - ^
03:10:184 (2) - ^
03:14:937 (2) - ^
03:18:501 (1) - the whistle at end is obviously not needed, plz remove that
03:25:036 (3,2) - it would be really nice if you could try placing them at the same point, it's not a must though这里好难改 但是调了好多地方终于重合起来了> <

I think that's all for now
I'll try to find someone to check the lyrics for you and you'd better find some more mods especially for your Hard diff as it's newly added
I'll be rechecking it after that
写了那么多 > < 好感动 这个mod真的帮了咱很多很多

Take your time
Topic Starter
Fixed the size of "snowy.png"
changed the font.
plz re download, after 14/2/11
thx~ :)
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:




我覺得轉盤00:08:402 - 00:10:184 - 並且加clap挺有感覺?额 不要吧


雖然說的不太好聽不過我覺得insane難度應該跟最囂張的那些音軌比如02:31:868 - 的那些不知道是鋼琴還是吉他……orz……如果所有的音軌都很軟那就自創節奏,不然不做insane感覺好一點……_(:3」∠)_哪些音轨太乱啦 好鬼畜的

慢歌我建議在AR0的情況下依舊無覆蓋,雖然我自己做不到,額……比如00:16:719 (2) - 我覺得這樣↓↓↓放好一點,畢竟是很方便的改動这样flow就乱了呀 过会参考一下

距離上盡量浮動不要太大,00:21:174 (1) - 這個距離直接破3了而你附近全是1.0~1.2的距離,另外我覺得insane應該美觀第一,距離吃電視,如果我們審美觀差不多的話可以考慮把00:24:739 (1,2,3) - 這樣↓↓↓,當然這個是2.0的距離,也就是說其他部分的排版建議也讓距離吃電視去吧~(ง •̀_•́)ง额 是哦 后面我再想想办法> <

00:19:689 - 這個clap存在感很強,可以考慮加note,轉盤提前1/8結束並且消音,雖然這個地方本來沒有音這樣做不好好 这里去掉了

02:19:689 (1,1) - 微調一下位置疊起來不?其他部分疊起來話edit裡面看上去會舒服點【我是沙皮是叠起来的呀

01:36:917 (3) - 慢歌把1/2的note疊滑條尾很影響ACC,而且聽上去不像是很需要疊的感覺,我建議↓↓↓agree 已经改了

02:09:590 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 比起加距離的梗我更傾向弄個漂亮的圖形比如雪花六角,後面幾個我也建議弄五角四角,七角和八角什麼的?
噗 六角雪花太简单了啦
02:56:818 (3) - AR0看上去是unrankable……不知道AR8行不行 _(:3」∠)_已经分开来了一点

03:15:679 - 原來後面會鬼畜0-0,連打算了200bpm 不要

03:49:392 (2,4) - 這是一線神梗最好多出現幾次出现很多次惹> <

04:02:513 - break建議點掉,使用人性排版,不然為了後面那麼點物件等這麼久很無聊为了曲子整体 还是算了


本想查音效,没坚持1分钟……不是重复的音效真的很难查,而且这个音量……orz咱会去调大些> <

00:16:719 - 节奏上的建议改了

00:26:521 - ^

00:48:798 - 加note带finish,转盘提前结束并且消音不错的想法呢 不过这个转盘太长了 加个note会有些坑别人的

01:12:561 - 你后面有跟这个音哇 是哦 后面remap惹

01:13:155 - 节奏上的建议

01:41:670 - 节奏上的……建议…… 顺便我觉得最好不要连续使用折返,也不要使用很长的折返除了1/8着你折返最合适呢 单点的话反映不出音调的高低哦

01:43:303 - 突然就不跟这个音了很让人混乱的,建议 01:43:155 - 下1/4滑条

02:11:967 - 加个note外带whistle,1/8折返提前结束不要 这样稍微松早些就怨念了

02:13:749 - 是1/3……虽然游戏里说过了不过不写出来太对不起我的细心了【沙皮改了

02:16:125 - note,折返提前结束去掉了折返 加了个note

02:16:422 - ^

02:17:016 - 节奏的建议 注意02:17:833 - ,这里有音但是你原来的1/8折返没到这里修正了

02:18:798 - 建议加note不 着你从白线开始好些 因为是下个章节了

02:45:828 - 还是……节奏……的……建议……orz 感觉puu快满了……这里其实是1/3拍子 没法这样做的

02:52:363 - note,折返提前结束,我真的不觉得hard需要这么多1/2的折返……感觉根本不用按键盘……而且那个尾巴是重音啊重音……orz
试着改了下 这里不太好改了T T
03:10:036 - 这里你跟了个鼓……这个鼓你前面漏了无数……唉……咦 是咩? 不过这里因为曲子别的勤快了才加上的

03:16:051 - 这里有音,都下1/8折返了为何不全连上……修正了> <

03:56:521 (1) - 提前结束转盘加note带finish^

排版很不错,有的只有在edit里面才看见的东西我觉得可以考虑再修修比如03:44:937 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - 原地打转而且有覆盖

点掉04:01:274 - 的break,强烈建议全程无休?





00:24:442 (4,1) - normal感觉可以不遮不挡,类似的很多,有空的话全分开或者叠起来?

01:07:808 (2,4) - 稍微近了一点……强迫症……orz……不过类似的也有很多

01:10:184 (6,2) - 这个遮挡用normal不合适

01:20:580 (1,2) - 不需要非直线不可的啦,我觉得分开来避免覆盖更重要,把01:21:472 (2) - 弄到(416.354)什么的

02:51:174 - 这里开始到高潮,直线的滑条略多……感觉可以弯掉一些 弯的滑条在sv低的情况下会很难看

04:20:283 - 这里的节奏和hard完全一样……而且按键位置不如hard……感觉可以直接复制hard的更好,唉……和hard一模一样的normal……



04:20:283 - 音效用的是SC1,别的diff是S,顺便一提你其他音效组都消音滑条了,不过你仍然有S组的音效,虽然音量低不过S组的滑条声音你可能不希望它有是哦 不过滑条有些声音也可以让新手更好掌握节奏 改不改呢..

额外的,你4个diff的NC是不一样的,比如00:14:343 - ,hard是这里NC不过insane是00:14:046 - ,我觉得你NC好像是乱按的……因为类似的地方很多,还有某些位置的音效也不一样比如00:31:868 - ,easyl和insane有区别可以理解不过你的hard和insane我认为是打算使用同一套的因为音效组和音量是一样的,本来想全部检查一遍不过果然音效音量太低了【我太懒了恩 好 之后去查一查> <

头一次写论文……感觉水的一塌糊涂……谢谢乃的mod 好多地方都是很难找出来的呢> < 辛苦惹
Topic Starter
有俩笔误 改掉了

我不会音效> <只会无脑clap 前面的mod说了很多了我就不多说了

00:23:848 (1) - 移到(176,88) 00:24:145 (2) - 移到(253,137) 这样这里的234看起来舒服一些

00:29:491 (1) - 移到(389,132)

01:13:155 (3) - ctrl+g 一下? 嘛感觉DS还说得过去,要是为了大局观就不用改了233

01:38:699 (1) - 01:39:887 (3) - ctrl+g 同上

01:55:333 (1) - 这个和01:54:739 (5) - 可以移到(217,270) 或者顺时针转120度放在 300,313 (后面叠着的note的位置要微调下?

01:57:709 (1) - 转180度再ctrl+g 放回原位置(412,108)试试

02:25:630 (6) - 移到(112,358) 然后 02:26:224 (1) - 顺时针转90度移到195,198

02:43:452 (5,6,7,8) - 像01:38:699 -这里一样 距离比这个近了 嘛不过打的时候其实不大能看出来

02:59:194 (7) - 移到(488,60)

03:06:620 (7) - 移到(278,0) orz话说移到这里了算不算出界或者血条遮挡。。

01:44:937 (4) - 阿勒这个其实不用黄线结尾吧,把折返滑条最后消音就好了

03:13:155 (4) - 这个为什么不包住3了233

03:16:719 (7,8,9) - 说实话感觉这个的距离在拉大点也没关系 或者重排一下 这个肉眼看上去的距离挺像你图里2分拍的单点note

03:20:283 (4) - ctrl+g 03:20:877 (1) - 这个也可以ctrl+g一下。。可能和2的DS有点大了 图简单我试不出来= =

03:25:333 (4) - 移到(141,189) 不过要是移了的话后面几个note也要微调下

03:26:818 (1,2,3) - DS稍微拉大一点没关系的

03:55:927 (5) - 啊啊啊为什么前一个slider左右对称的这个没对称
Topic Starter

GustKraken wrote:

有俩笔误 改掉了

我不会音效> <只会无脑clap 前面的mod说了很多了我就不多说了

00:23:848 (1) - 移到(176,88) 00:24:145 (2) - 移到(253,137) 这样这里的234看起来舒服一些
00:29:491 (1) - 移到(389,132)
好 改了
01:13:155 (3) - ctrl+g 一下? 嘛感觉DS还说得过去,要是为了大局观就不用改了233
这个图只有两种ds 1.2和1.6
01:38:699 (1) - 01:39:887 (3) - ctrl+g 同上
01:55:333 (1) - 这个和01:54:739 (5) - 可以移到(217,270) 或者顺时针转120度放在 300,313 (后面叠着的note的位置要微调下?
好 这里做了些调整
01:57:709 (1) - 转180度再ctrl+g 放回原位置(412,108)试试
02:25:630 (6) - 移到(112,358) 然后 02:26:224 (1) - 顺时针转90度移到195,198
02:43:452 (5,6,7,8) - 像01:38:699 -这里一样 距离比这个近了 嘛不过打的时候其实不大能看出来

02:59:194 (7) - 移到(488,60)
03:06:620 (7) - 移到(278,0) orz话说移到这里了算不算出界或者血条遮挡。。
这里是零想出来的flow 感觉还行再向上放做blanket也没必要
01:44:937 (4) - 阿勒这个其实不用黄线结尾吧,把折返滑条最后消音就好了
从蓝线开始听 是两个音 如果从最后的红线开始听 听到的是黄线的尾巴
03:13:155 (4) - 这个为什么不包住3了233
03:16:719 (7,8,9) - 说实话感觉这个的距离在拉大点也没关系 或者重排一下 这个肉眼看上去的距离挺像你图里2分拍的单点note
这里还是良心些好 因为本来就不是本节奏的音轨
03:20:283 (4) - ctrl+g 03:20:877 (1) - 这个也可以ctrl+g一下。。可能和2的DS有点大了 图简单我试不出来= =
03:25:333 (4) - 移到(141,189) 不过要是移了的话后面几个note也要微调下
03:26:818 (1,2,3) - DS稍微拉大一点没关系的
03:55:927 (5) - 啊啊啊为什么前一个slider左右对称的这个没对称
这个没关系吧= = 下面那个也没对称呀
谢谢mod 改了挺多地方
Topic Starter
P o M u T a
hi. from your m4m queue.
tags: you need 'nico nico douga'

00:17:610 (5) - add whistle fit vocal imo.
00:26:521 (2) - add whistle slider end.
01:07:511 (1) - add whistle.
01:28:006 (4) - remove whistle slider end?
01:32:759 (3) - middle point (x:256) is more beautiful. so, try make symmetry.
01:36:323 (1) - this is should add finish imo.
01:43:452 (1) - not sure, but, i suggest add finish.
02:27:115 x) - add circle (x:247 y:278).
03:06:620 (7) - add NC. also, add Finish slider head.

that's all good luck!
Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:

hi. from your m4m queue.
tags: you need 'nico nico douga' XD

00:17:610 (5) - add whistle fit vocal imo.fixed
00:26:521 (2) - add whistle slider end.okay
01:07:511 (1) - add whistle.
01:28:006 (4) - remove whistle slider end?ok
01:32:759 (3) - middle point (x:256) is more beautiful. so, try make symmetry.try my best orz
01:36:323 (1) - this is should add finish imo.fixed
01:43:452 (1) - not sure, but, i suggest add finish.fixed
02:27:115 x) - add circle (x:247 y:278). added
03:06:620 (7) - add NC. also, add Finish slider head.fixed
thx for mod
that's all good luck!
Topic Starter
Reisen Udongein


00:11:670 (1) - (nazi) better move this at x:284 y:56 to make the previous slider surround the note well like 00:11:967 (2,1) -
01:38:699 (3) - maybe this is a mistake? need to be moved to 01:38:996 -
01:44:343 (3,4) - how about arranging like this for the better flow? (Just suggestion)
02:05:135 (1,2,3) - better tilt it more? like this (just suggestion)02:45:828 (1,2,3) - as the melody is 1/3 here, better change like this
03:10:481 (3) - how about curving this a bit ? like this (Just suggestion)


03:55:036 (4,5) - better make this symmetric? like this

since there are actually nothing to mod on hard in my opinion (sorry ;_;), i modded insane too!

very nice and calm song with smooth and nice map! good luck for the rank :D
My M4M~
Sorry I couldn't find much, but this map is already pretty good! I hope it's enough for M4M :D. I'll also leave you a star because I liked the map.

Skin suggestions:
- isn't the border of the hitcircles too blurry?

Sorry, couldn't find anything wrong with it!

01:09:887 (5) - move this down slightly to have the same spacing as the previous beats

01:44:937 (4) - should actually start at 01:45:085

01:38:699 (3) - this slider is too short and the tail is offbeat. Find a way to make it match the rhythm if you want to keep that pattern.
01:44:937 (4) - this slider should actually start at 01:45:085
Topic Starter

Reisen Udongein wrote:



00:11:670 (1) - (nazi) better move this at x:284 y:56 to make the previous slider surround the note well like 00:11:967 (2,1) - okay
01:38:699 (3) - maybe this is a mistake? need to be moved to 01:38:996 - thanks.fixed
01:44:343 (3,4) - how about arranging like this for the better flow? try to do some changes(Just suggestion)
02:05:135 (1,2,3) - better tilt it more? like this (just suggestion)remaped02:45:828 (1,2,3) - as the melody is 1/3 here, better change like thischanged
03:10:481 (3) - how about curving this a bit ? like this (Just suggestion)thx, but no change here


03:55:036 (4,5) - better make this symmetric?awesome changed like this

since there are actually nothing to mod on hard in my opinion (sorry ;_;), i modded insane too!thanks a lot

very nice and calm song with smooth and nice map! good luck for the rank :Dthx for mod~ :)
Topic Starter

Franc[e]sco wrote:

My M4M~
Sorry I couldn't find much, but this map is already pretty good! I hope it's enough for M4M :D. I'll also leave you a star because I liked the map.thx for your kindness~

Skin suggestions:
- isn't the border of the hitcircles too blurry?hum, considering

Sorry, couldn't find anything wrong with it!

01:09:887 (5) - move this down slightly to have the same spacing as the previous beatsokay

01:44:937 (4) - should actually start at 01:45:085fixed

01:38:699 (3) - this slider is too short and the tail is offbeat. Find a way to make it match the rhythm if you want to keep that pattern.agreed and changed
01:44:937 (4) - this slider should actually start at 01:45:085fixed
thx for mod~
Topic Starter
Please try my mod first before you take reason...

Please fix your pattern (especially for curve). Make pararel straight each one and smooth clearly...

- 00:14:343(1) Can you move this a little bit (x:172 y112) to make more straight circular with 7?
- 00:14:640(1) I prefer to remove this note (reverse) since no vocal there more fit the music...
- 00:15:828(2) Remove whistle a little loud there, doesn't fit he music well since the singer didn't sing highgly. Better you add whistle at 00:16:125 to follow instrument like you did at 00:11:373, 00:12:561 and 00:13:749...
- 00:16:422(3) - ^
- 00:26:264(1) - ^
- 00:17:610(5) Maybe you reject this. I suggest remove note. Place note near the spinner may feel enjoylable for standard mode but no for mania, really feels awkwardly.I won't write in this post again...
- 00:25:036(4) Same reason as 00:15:828 but very loud at here really doesn't fit the music.
- 00:26:818(2) I suggest add note or add reverse it don't skip "mo" vocal there. More fit the music and to keep consistency with 00:17:016 (as you did)...
- 00:40:927(4) Can you move this a little bit to x:228 y:112 to keep straight with (3)?
- 01:19:698(6) May I suggest to move it to x:308 y:240 to straight with 5?
- 01:22:660(5) Can you move this a little bit to x:172 y:264 to straight with (4)?
- 01:23:551(6) Just suggestion, imo is better and more follow the vocal if abridge slider to 01:23:848 then add spinner from 01:24:145 to 01:25:630 as you did at 01:14:788 instead? Sure don't forget remove (8)...
- 01:49:986(4,1,2) Can you change like this? :

- 01:51:174(2) Move a little bit please X:252 y:264?
- 01:58:303(2,3) - ^ :
- 02:09:590(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) Change to as you did at 02:12:264(2,3,4,5,6,7)?

Here if u need the
- 02:27:412 Move a little bit to x:340 y:264 to straight with 1?
- 03:42:264(1) x:328 y:152 to make pararell? Players love draw flow pattern...
- 03:50:958(4) - ^ x:220 y:240?

- 00:11:967(2) x:344 y:132 to straigth with 1?
- 00:13:155(2) x:356 y:196?
- 00:16:125(1) Remove whistle, too loud, downbeat here. Also remove new combo to follow the music moreover too much new combo make player easier to gain HP...
- 00:17:016(2) Remove whistle please...
- 00:17:907(1) The spinner should start at 00:17:795 to keep consistency with 00:27:264 moreover conflict with as you did in hard diff...
- 00:21:472(2) x:168 y:124?
- 00:26:521(3) Same reason as 00:17:016
- 00:35:135 I suggest to add note here. Don't skip "me" vocal. I know you're follow the music but it will not break the song instrument imo...
- 00:38:551(4) If you still want to follow the music. Abridge slider to 00:38:848, there is a music skipped if you charmer. You can replace 00:38:996 with circle...
- 01:11:075(1,3) Move a little bit to x:304 y:44 to curve with (2)?
- 01:12:264(3,1,2) Same reason as my mod at 01:49:986 in hard diff...
- 01:13:155(1) Remove new combo...
- 01:13:452(1) Remove whistle here, too loud in downbeat...
- 01:14:937(1) Same reason as 00:17:907...
- 01:18:353(2) I suggest don't add note there, it's not a right place to add stream since music not ascended yet...
- 01:24:145(1) Move to x:104 y:156 to make better curve?
- 01:25:630(7) I prefer to replace this with slider and end at 01:26:224 more fit the music because follow piano length. Moreover really feels guaranteed if leave 01:26:224 empty...
- 01:37:214(4) Move to X:8 y:80 to straight with 5?
- 01:38:402(1) Move to x:376 y:64 to make neater curve?
- 01:38:669(3) Slider should end at red line more fit the music imo...
- 01:44:937(4) May I suggest to replace this with stream circle to increase difficulty stars? Try it...
- 01:52:363(1) Remove new combo, remember about too short combo. Also since lyrics haven't move to new stanza yet...
- 01:52:660(2) Same reason as 01:38:402. x:220 y:104?
- 01:53:848(2) - ^
- 02:17:610(2,3) Same reason as 01:44:937. Hey try it it will interesting because (2) and (3) have different beat spacing...
- 02:23:551(2) Nazi, that slider covered by (1)
- 02:39:293(5) Same reason as 01:38:402 again. x:132 y:56?
- 02:41:373(1,2,3) Why you not use spacing here? It's really feel strange if you make blanket since music didn't stop suddenly...
- 03:08:669(1) Too short combo. New combo should start at 03:11:075...
- 03:40:184(1,2,3,4) Can you adjust volume to lower there. Hears little bit loud. I guess arround 60%...

- 00:14:046(1,2) Rotate Selection centre -15 degree and move to x:328 y:192 to make neater curve?
- 00:16:422(1) Ah loud again in downbeat, didn't fit the music indeed. Remove whistle please...
- 00:17:016(2) - ^
- 00:17:610(3) - ^ Also slider should end at 00:19:095 to keep consistency with 01:14:640...
- 00:25:630(1) Remove the whistle here, sure you know why. Moreover to keep consistency with 00:16:125 when you not insert whistle there...
- 00:27:709(3) Same reason as 00:17:610...
- From 00:29:491 to 00:38:996 you follow the music, but from 00:39:293 to 00:48:798 you follow the singer. Are you sure about this unconsistency?
- 01:13:155(4) x:148 y:268?
- 01:13:452(4) Remove whistle too loud here...
- 01:14:046(5) - ^
- 01:21:769(3) Rotate selection centre 20 degrees to straight with 2?
- 01:23:848(2) Loud again, really not fit the music...
- 01:27:709(3,4) x:224 y:340?
- 01:38:402(5) x:148 y:192 to fix overlap (distance snap problem)?
- 01:41:670(4) Extend slider to 01:42:858 more fit the music because follow something ringing there...
- 01:45:828(1) Why you not make the slider end at 01:46:125 then reverse it? Don't skip "ri" vocal there really feel guaranteed to leave it...
- 01:44:937(2) Is better if you keep the slider length without insert reverse there imo more follow the vocal. If you accept this, decrease the SV make more interesting...
- 02:21:174(4,5) x:60 y248?
- 02:47:610(1,2,3) Try this :

- 03:18:501(1) Same reason as 01:45:828...
- 03:54:145(2) - ^

- 00:13:155(3) x:276 y:240?
- 00:25:630(3) x:240 y:144?
- 01:30:382(4) x:380 y:248?
- 00:43:749(2,3) X:416 y:224?
- 01:33:947(1) x:184 y:44?
- 03:10:184(4) Rotate selection centre 12 degree and move to x:359 y:311?

Asap in easy LOL, sorry nothing i found in it, good. Thats all for me hope it was helpful. Feel free to ask me via PM when you not understand my mod...
I love Vocaloid and I really love this song! I hope ranked quickly... ;)
Topic Starter

IadzXenon wrote:

Please try my mod first before you take reason...

Please fix your pattern (especially for curve). Make pararel straight each one and smooth clearly...
I feel this song sound slow and soft, and it is fine for player to catch them. and no rules said mappers should put their objects straight for tidy as spacing looks well. sometimes, i put my pattern for their flow, but not in format, so I do not thk that is a mistake and i must fix it. but thanks for your suggestion.
- 00:14:343(1) Can you move this a little bit (x:172 y112) to make more straight circular with 7?said as ^
- 00:14:640(1) I prefer to remove this note (reverse) since no vocal there more fit the music...i would not keep the same rhythm as first 3 slider, that is too boring to play
- 00:15:828(2) Remove whistle a little loud there, doesn't fit he music well since the singer didn't sing highgly. Better you add whistle at 00:16:125 to follow instrument like you did at 00:11:373, 00:12:561 and 00:13:749... osu is not a game for songs but for player. i add this whistle for player get my rhythm correctly not songs
- 00:16:422(3) - ^
- 00:26:264(1) - ^
- 00:17:610(5) Maybe you reject this. I suggest remove note. Place note near the spinner may feel enjoylable for standard mode but no for mania, really feels awkwardly.I won't write in this post again...this spacing is fine
- 00:25:036(4) Same reason as 00:15:828 but very loud at here really doesn't fit the music.^
- 00:26:818(2) I suggest add note or add reverse it don't skip "mo" vocal there. More fit the music and to keep consistency with 00:17:016 (as you did)...for lyrics
- 00:40:927(4) Can you move this a little bit to x:228 y:112 to keep straight with (3)?00:39:739 (2,4) - i must keep 00:39:739 (2,4) - spacing well for tidy
- 01:19:698(6) May I suggest to move it to x:308 y:240 to straight with 5?well , but how about my blanket?;w;
- 01:22:660(5) Can you move this a little bit to x:172 y:264 to straight with (4)?Okay
- 01:23:551(6) Just suggestion, imo is better and more follow the vocal if abridge slider to 01:23:848 then add spinner from 01:24:145 to 01:25:630 as you did at 01:14:788 instead? Sure don't forget remove (8), 01:25:630 - is a very important sounds
- 01:49:986(4,1,2) Can you change like this? :you have said asking me to straight with, otherwise, now why you ask me to change this to a blanket? i put a jump, because it have a loud clap here

- 01:51:174(2) Move a little bit please X:252 y:264?
- 01:58:303(2,3) - ^ :01:56:818 (3,3) - stack for tidy
- 02:09:590(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) Change to as you did at 02:12:264(2,3,4,5,6,7)?

Here if u need thewow, very nice~ thank you very much
- 02:27:412 Move a little bit to x:340 y:264 to straight with 1?
- 03:42:264(1) x:328 y:152 to make pararell? Players love draw flow pattern...
- 03:50:958(4) - ^ x:220 y:240?that's all for tidy

- 00:11:967(2) x:344 y:132 to straigth with 1?
- 00:13:155(2) x:356 y:196?
- 00:16:125(1) Remove whistle, too loud, downbeat here. Also remove new combo to follow the music moreover too much new combo make player easier to gain HP...
- 00:17:016(2) Remove whistle please...
- 00:17:907(1) The spinner should start at 00:17:795 to keep consistency with 00:27:264 moreover conflict with as you did in hard diff...okay
- 00:21:472(2) x:168 y:124?
- 00:26:521(3) Same reason as 00:17:016
- 00:35:135 I suggest to add note here. Don't skip "me" vocal. I know you're follow the music but it will not break the song instrument imo...
- 00:38:551(4) If you still want to follow the music. Abridge slider to 00:38:848, there is a music skipped if you charmer. You can replace 00:38:996 with circle...
- 01:11:075(1,3) Move a little bit to x:304 y:44 to curve with (2)?
- 01:12:264(3,1,2) Same reason as my mod at 01:49:986 in hard diff...
- 01:13:155(1) Remove new combo...
- 01:13:452(1) Remove whistle here, too loud in downbeat...i didn't add a whistle here
- 01:14:937(1) Same reason as 00:17:907...
- 01:18:353(2) I suggest don't add note there, it's not a right place to add stream since music not ascended yet...
- 01:24:145(1) Move to x:104 y:156 to make better curve?
- 01:25:630(7) I prefer to replace this with slider and end at 01:26:224 more fit the music because follow piano length. Moreover really feels guaranteed if leave 01:26:224 empty...
- 01:37:214(4) Move to X:8 y:80 to straight with 5?
- 01:38:402(1) Move to x:376 y:64 to make neater curve?
- 01:38:669(3) Slider should end at red line more fit the music imo...
- 01:44:937(4) May I suggest to replace this with stream circle to increase difficulty stars? Try it...
- 01:52:363(1) Remove new combo, remember about too short combo. Also since lyrics haven't move to new stanza yet...
- 01:52:660(2) Same reason as 01:38:402. x:220 y:104?
- 01:53:848(2) - ^
- 02:17:610(2,3) Same reason as 01:44:937. Hey try it it will interesting because (2) and (3) have different beat spacing...
- 02:23:551(2) Nazi, that slider covered by (1)
- 02:39:293(5) Same reason as 01:38:402 again. x:132 y:56?
- 02:41:373(1,2,3) Why you not use spacing here? It's really feel strange if you make blanket since music didn't stop suddenly...
- 03:08:669(1) Too short combo. New combo should start at 03:11:075...
- 03:40:184(1,2,3,4) Can you adjust volume to lower there. Hears little bit loud. I guess arround 60%...

- 00:14:046(1,2) Rotate Selection centre -15 degree and move to x:328 y:192 to make neater curve?
- 00:16:422(1) Ah loud again in downbeat, didn't fit the music indeed. Remove whistle please...
- 00:17:016(2) - ^
- 00:17:610(3) - ^ Also slider should end at 00:19:095 to keep consistency with 01:14:640...
- 00:25:630(1) Remove the whistle here, sure you know why. Moreover to keep consistency with 00:16:125 when you not insert whistle there...
- 00:27:709(3) Same reason as 00:17:610...
- From 00:29:491 to 00:38:996 you follow the music, but from 00:39:293 to 00:48:798 you follow the singer. Are you sure about this unconsistency?
- 01:13:155(4) x:148 y:268?
- 01:13:452(4) Remove whistle too loud here...
- 01:14:046(5) - ^
- 01:21:769(3) Rotate selection centre 20 degrees to straight with 2?
- 01:23:848(2) Loud again, really not fit the music...
- 01:27:709(3,4) x:224 y:340?
- 01:38:402(5) x:148 y:192 to fix overlap (distance snap problem)?
- 01:41:670(4) Extend slider to 01:42:858 more fit the music because follow something ringing there...
- 01:45:828(1) Why you not make the slider end at 01:46:125 then reverse it? Don't skip "ri" vocal there really feel guaranteed to leave it...
- 01:44:937(2) Is better if you keep the slider length without insert reverse there imo more follow the vocal. If you accept this, decrease the SV make more interesting...
- 02:21:174(4,5) x:60 y248?
- 02:47:610(1,2,3) Try this :

- 03:18:501(1) Same reason as 01:45:828...
- 03:54:145(2) - ^

- 00:13:155(3) x:276 y:240?
- 00:25:630(3) x:240 y:144?
- 01:30:382(4) x:380 y:248?
- 00:43:749(2,3) X:416 y:224?
- 01:33:947(1) x:184 y:44?
- 03:10:184(4) Rotate selection centre 12 degree and move to x:359 y:311?spacing
you are so careful, thx for mod~
Asap in easy LOL, sorry nothing i found in it, good. Thats all for me hope it was helpful. Feel free to ask me via PM when you not understand my mod...
I love Vocaloid and I really love this song! I hope ranked quickly... ;)
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