
FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, 29 August 2009 at 1:47:35 PM

Artist: FictionJunction
Title: Parallel Hearts
Source: Pandora Hearts
Tags: Parallel Hearts Pandora
BPM: 165
Filesize: 8899kb
Play Time: 01:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Alice's Melancholy (2.35 stars, 125 notes)
  2. Armin (4.83 stars, 489 notes)
  3. B.Rabbit's Rage (4.52 stars, 207 notes)
  4. Hearts Parallel (4.68 stars, 552 notes)
Download: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The opening theme to Pandora Hearts.
Any comments appreciated :) as always.

Recent Edits:
*Cursor.png added
*Yumiko's spinner skin added (Thank you~)
*Some of alan_629_6's suggestions followed
*Spinner improved; well I think so, at least.
*Sliders fixed as per Remmy's suggestions
*Scratch that, Offset of 1280 used across the board (Due to Confusion, this will now only be changed if there is an EXTREMELY Good reason for changing it)
*Gens offset used
*Most of Gen's fixes made
*nooodl's suggestions mostly followed
*Made a few minor fixes
*Armin's Difficulty added
*x3ns0r's Spinnercircle added, with a few minor fixes.
*Spinner fully reskinned

Old Edits:
*Saturos Fan-girl's fixes added
*fixed most of ASH's suggestions.
*Changed a few hitsounds and a little beat placement.
*Changed HP Drain rate for Hearts Parallel; adjusted a few hit circles; Lukewarm: I honestly have no idea how I missed that >_>
*Followed Starrod Kirby's Almighty Advice
*Fixed DoomsDay93's Suggestions
*Say hello to the two new difficulty names: Alice's Melancholy [Normal] and B.Rabbit's Rage [Hard]
*WyndII's Suggestions followed.

Ancient Edits
*Whymeman's Massive Mod suggestion list fixed. (Great Job!)
*Reencoded the mp3.
*Removed Alice's Comboburst; I drew it crappy. Possibly another one added, but I doubt it now.
*Cleaned up storyboard for Normal Diff (No more flashy clock at the end of the song)
*Cleaned up this
*Followed EpicErasers suggestions.
*Fixed Storyboard Clocks. Fadein is now smoother
*Fixed a zero length slider which nobody *whistles* seems to have picked up on in hearts parallel.
*Changed Timing
*Fixed a few unsnapped spots
*A few cosmetic changes here and there
*Parallel Hearts (Insane) Added
*Blissfulyoshi's suggestions followed
*Hitsounds added to Hard and Hearts Parallel difficulties
*Kiai Added to Hearts Parallel
*Added Alice [removed] and Oz combobursts, hit circle background and a cursor trail. A few cosmetic changes.
*Looking pretty good, so moved to Pending Beatmaps
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
random mod

00:57:790 (2) - align with (1)?

00:34:072 (4) - 1grid left
00:48:437 (4) - align with (3)?
00:50:337 (1) - too close (4)
00:58:699 (1) - align with (1)?
01:30:154 (8) - align with (7)?

shoot my star~

00:14:33 (TIMING SECTION) - Remove Kiai Time, it doesn't fit.
00:20:14 (TIMING SECTION) - ^
00:23:97 (6,7,8) - Put these notes 1/4 later.
00:33:06 (1) - Shorten this slider 1/8.


PLEASE, respace the whole map! The whole difficulty it's spacing is messed up.

00:43:42 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:44:15 (1) - ^
00:44:88 (1) - ^
00:45:60 (1) - ^
00:46:33 (1) - ^
00:47:06 (1) - ^
00:58:51 (1) - ^

Pretty good map.
Starred *
ok let see

00:38:33(x) - add a note here, maybe, or extend slider end to that point
00:41:97(8) - to close to 7, ppl will hit it earlier thats for sure. try making more space between 7,8
00:53:15(1,2) - place it 1/4 beat later, also make that slider ends at 00:54:33
00:54:60(3,4) - move 1/4 beat later (next white tick)
00:59:42(2,3,4) - put this closer, if u placing with the same distance of (1) will get confusing
01:00:88(2,3,4) - ^
01:03:79(5,6,7) - ^
01:14:69(3) - too far form 2
01:02:33(2) - i think it sounds better if you make this slider end at 01:02:69 and then return it
01:05:24(10) - same as above, return arrow at 01:05:60
01:11:06(4) - maybe return each 1/2 beat
01:13:97(2) - ^
01:22:69(11) - sounds odd when u return a slider in a blue tick.. try to check this out, u have a couple of this in the map , i think sounds better at white n red tick. try it
01:22:69(12) - also, the return points r out of place

00:09:60(1) - make this slid end half beat later
01:02:33(2) - same
01:13:97(2) - same
01:16:51(3,4,5) - look at the timeline,t his should be more separated

if is complete i recommend u to add a break in both diffs, doesn't have to be too long, just to reposition of the hand...n_n

good luck n_n
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

00:53:15(1,2) - make that slider ends at 00:54:33
If I do that, It doesn't End at the beginning of the u syllable, I'll leave it as it is for now, but everything else is fixed.

Thanks for helping!
00:09:60 (1) - end a quarter note earlier
00:14:33 (1) - align with 5?
00:44:88 (3) - align with 2?
01:15:79 (1,2,3) - make this section have equal spacing
01:26:15 (4,5) - y is the spacing so large here
01:34:60 (4,5,6,7,8) - from what I hear, you should make these notes all on half and whole notes because the quarter notes either don't snap to anything or are not very obvious

I don't like the small circle size
00:02:69 (2) - make a horizontal reflection of the red 2
00:16:88 (2,3,4,5,6) - a little annoying to read
00:21:79 (7,8,9) - make spacing equal in this section
00:46:33 (3) - have this end directly on the end of 2
00:47:79 (2) - have this end directly on 1
00:51:60 (5) - align with 4?
00:52:51 (8) - restack this under 6
00:53:15 (1) - if you want to follow the lyrics, this slider should end at 00:53:51() -
00:57:42 (1) - have the repeat sign be under the end of the blue 1
01:00:15 (5) - stack under the red 1
01:09:24 (3) - align with 2?
01:11:06 (4,5) - overlapping sliders and wrong spacing....
01:16:51 (9) - align with 8
01:20:88 (6) - shouldn't this align with 2 and 3?
01:22:69 (11) - put under the 9

Hearts Parallel:
00:01:24 (3) - make the same distance from 2 that 1 is
00:02:69 (3) - " "
000:05:60 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - please make the spacing equal
00:17:42 (5,6,7) - sudden growth in spacing?
00:23:88 (8,9,10) - it looks ugly placed under the rest of your combo
00:30:88 (3,4) - align with 2,1 respectively
00:37:60 (5) - align with 4?
00:40:88 (5) - stack on top of 3
00:41:97 (9) - y is this so close to 7?
00:42:51 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - stack all of these sliders without grid snap
00:46:33 (1) - end directly on the green 1
00:53:15 (1) - same as normal
00:53:51 (2) - start this a quarter note later and end where it is currently
most of the other mistakes I see in the map are similar to the ones above, so use the ones above as examples to fix the whole map.
other things I noticed:
01:42:33 (2,3,4,5,6) - hard to read
02:16:15 (9) - new combo
02:25:24 (10) - " "
02:27:79 (14) - " "

Nice map.Just needs to neaten up a bit. Star.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Thanks mrtn and armin for your suggestions! most things were carried out, but slider ticks stay at 0.5, mrtn, otherwise certain parts sound messed up :)
no kudosu :O?
Epic map. Starred.
:roll: Let's begin!

00:26:51 (5) - Spacing?
00:27:79 (1) - ^
00:33:79 (2) - ^
00:42:51 (1) - ^
00:44:88 (3) - ^
00:53:24 (1) - ^
00:57:79 (2,1) - ^
01:04:88 (5) - ^
01:15:79 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
just check spacing though whole song :)

00:23:23 (5,6,7) - shift down by 1 cell
00:35:41 (5) - up by 1 cell & may be make end of slider on the same horizontal line with next note.
01:00:87 (2,3,4) - make similar to 00:59:41 (2,3,4)

[Parallel Hearts]
00:02:50 (1,2,3) - make regular triangle.
00:03:79 (1,2,3) - ^
00:09:97 (1) - remove new combo?
00:47:42 (1,2,3) - looks a bit unsightly
00:52:51 (8) - zero length slider
01:00:88 (3) - move by 1 left.
01:42:15 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - see screen

03:30:69 (7,8,9,10) - sounds weird....
And check spacing. It changing too often. :roll:

Like it! Starrrr! :)
  • [Normal]
    I don't see any problems.

    00:05:608 (2) - Whistle.
    00:05:972 (3) - ^
    00:06:335 (4) - ^
    00:06:699 (5) - ^
    00:07:063 (6) - Finish.
    00:14:335 (1) - ^
    00:15:972 (7) - ^
    00:16:699 (1) - ^
    00:17:245 (4) - ^
    00:20:154 (1) - ^
    00:22:517 (1) - ^
    00:23:063 (4) - ^
    00:23:608 (7) - ^
    00:41:063 (5) - ^
    00:41:608 (7) - ^
    00:46:154 (3) - ^
    00:46:699 (4) - ^
    00:50:699 (3) - ^
    01:01:608 - Add note here (Clap).
    01:01:972 - Clap.
    01:05:245 (1) - Clap to the slider beggining note and two first repeats.
    01:07:790 (1) - Clap.
    01:08:517 (2) - Clap (Repeat).
    01:09:245 (3) - Clap.
    01:09:426 (4) - ^
    01:09:608 (5) - ^
    01:09:972 (1) - Finish.
    01:10:335 (2) - ^
    01:10:699 (3) - ^
    01:11:063 (4) - Clap.
    01:11:608 (4) - ^
    01:11:790 (5) - ^
    01:13:972 (2) - ^
    01:14:699 (3) - ^
    01:15:063 (4) - ^
    01:15:426 (5) - ^
    01:15:790 (7) - ^
    01:16:154 (8) - ^
    01:16:517 (9) - ^
    01:23:972 (12) - A note instead slider here (Finish).
    01:31:972 (4) - Finish.
    01:33:790 (1) - ^
    01:33:972 (2) - ^

    00:07:063 (6) - Finish.
    00:08:517 (9) - ^
    00:30:335 (2) - ^
    00:30:881 (3) - ^
    00:52:335 - This slider is invisible. Delete it. Instead of it, put two notes.
    01:09:608 (6) - Finish
    01:09:972 (1) - ^
    01:10:335 (2) - ^
    01:10:699 (3) - ^
    01:13:245 (9) - ^
    Hm... I won't type anything more about hitsounds right now, cause there is too much of it.. Now there is starting a second verse, so try to put hitsounds schematically, like I write it here.
    03:30:972 (8) - Delete this note.
    03:31:184 - Move this note 1/6 forward.
Enjoy. Starr'd.
00:57:79 (2) - spacing
01:35:15 (6,7,8) - move 1/4 later

00:22:51 (1,3,5) - should be evenly spaced
00:46:69 (4) - completely hidden, please move
00:53:60 (2) - end 1/4 earlier
01:01:97 (1) - line this up with 3 and 5
01:06:69 (3) - move the inherit section one tick earlier
01:23:97 (12) - end or start 1/4 later, or have it repeat as long as you catch that white tick with the last note

00:07:42 (7) - straighten
01:12:69 (6) - half hidden by 5
01:23:51 (12) - 1/4 later
02:32:51 (8) - make this symmetrical
also change your slider tick rate from .5 cus thats ridiculously low
Great beatmap keep it up
Random mod.
Nice map.

00:50:69 (2) - Finish instead whistle.
00:56:15 (1,2) - Spacing?
01:11:06 (5) - New combo?

00:23:06 (4) - Finish.
00:23:60 (7) - Up a bit. Sorry for nazi. And add finish.
00:23:79 (1) - Finish.
00:47:79 (2,3) - Jump or... ?
00:51:60 (5,6) - Spacing problem or jump?
00:57:42 (2) - Hidden return.
01:11:06 (4) - New combo.

[Hearts Parallel]
00:13:42 (2,3) - Spacing?
00:52:51 (9,1) - ^
00:57:97 (1,1,1,1) - I think it's stream. =( Spacing.

I don't have a lot of time, so I'll probably not see everything, but here we go.

First of all, I found that another offset works better for me...
Offset: 1.225

And then I would suggest another BPM, but I found out this is not possible in Hard because of the slider velocity on hard.
BPM: 82.5
I would just leave it like it is now.

I use grid level 3, and my offset.
00:39:406 1, 2, 3 Move down 1
00:41:588 4, 5 Move up 1
00:42:497 1, 2 Move down 1
00:44:861 3 Move down and left 1
00:52:315 5, 6 I don't know what's wrong with this (probably nothing)... The spacing is fine, but it seems to be too close. I may be the only one with this problem but I found it helps if you make these two into a stack.
00:57:770 2 Move somewhere else (spacing)

And IMHO, the sample volume may be a bit louder, but that's up to you.

And now I have only little time to nag about hard, but that was quite cool anyway ^_^

00:16:679 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 This shape is a bit out of order, maybe end left instead of right?
00:46:125 3 Again, this may be me, but this slider seems to be placed unfortunately...
00:53:225 1 This slider can be replaced by a circle.

And then I ran out of time :P

This is a really bad mod I know. It's been a while I last modded, and almost all of these points are really optional.

What I have to say about your map though, is that the song sounds really good and some parts are really nicely mapped.
You did include a lot of traps though :D
Matma Rex
OH MY GOD 10MB MP3. Compress it?

Hitcircles are not symmetrical, did you mean them that way? They look a bit weird.

Recompress PNGs too. They all can be smaller without quality loss (PNG is lossless at all).

Make cursor trail half-tranparent. Or even 70% transparent, maybe.

Also, I am sure that it's possible to make clock move smoothly.

Fun. Some nazi-modding:
00:14:33 (1) - 1-beat slider?
00:16:69 (1,2) - add another note after them. There should be 3 circles, like 00:18:88 (3,4,5).
00:20:15 (1) - 1-beat slider?
00:22:51 (1,2) - add another note after them. There should be 3 circles, like 00:18:88 (3,4,5).
01:09:60 (x) - add note here?
01:15:42 (x) - add note here?

Also, I didnt even notice that the clock was moving.
Also, it wierdly flashes at the end, when it's fading out.

I like it.

[Hearts Parallel]
04:05:60 (1) - maybe remake this heart using Catmull-Rom curves? (Options -> Slider curve type -> Catmull-Rom) It can look more heart-like and still smooth then.

Star, definitely.
Topic Starter

Matma Rex wrote:

OH MY GOD 10MB MP3. Compressed to 6.53.

Hitcircles are not symmetrical, did you mean them that way? They look a bit weird. not exactly supposed to look symmetrical.
Recompress PNGs too. They all can be smaller without quality loss (PNG is lossless at all). I've tried compressing them more, to no avail.

Make cursor trail half-tranparent. Or even 70% transparent, maybe. 50%

Also, I am sure that it's possible to make clock move smoothly. That would most likely involve adding even more png's. although I believe the storyboard is so subtle, it wouldn't really affect the beatmap at all how smooth it is

Fun. Some nazi-modding:
Normal Nazi-Fixed

Also, I didnt even notice that the clock was moving.
Also, it wierdly flashes at the end, when it's fading out. Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out. a little too large scale section at the end was the culprit

I like it. Why thankyou :)

[Hearts Parallel]
04:05:60 (1) - maybe remake this heart using Catmull-Rom curves? (Options -> Slider curve type -> Catmull-Rom) It can look more heart-like and still smooth then. Done

Star, definitely. Thanks for your support!
Cool map

stared '-^)b
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:

Remember, some of the errors posted are suggestions, not directions. Edit to what you see fit. wakatta
Detailed Modding Go!

Osz. File Check (Done)

Video: No
Custom Skin: Yes
[Current] Size: 7.7 MB / 10.00 MB
Source: Yes
Tags: Yes

[Normal] (Done)

Timing (BPM / Offset): 165.000 / 1,245ms (The Offset sounds feels like it should be on 1,260ms.) Fixed
[Current] Slider Tick Rate / Velocity: 0.5 / 0.70
Distance Snap Average: x0.7
[Current] Objects: 154 (125 Circles / 29 Sliders / No Spinners)
[Current] Max Combo: 198
[Current] Max Score: 592,546
[Current] Star Rating: 2.98
[Current]HP Drain Rate: Lv.5
[Current]Circle Size: Lv.2
[Current]Overall Difficulty: Lv.4

00:01:26 (1,1,1) - Just a suggestion, maybe this could be in a shape of a triangle formation or something to make it feel less randomly placed for the neatness.
00:07:62 (4,5) - Check the spacing here.
00:14:35 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4) - Well, just my opinion but it might be a good idea to tone down streams like this a bit. Especially when the notes are close together like this, it can get a bit confusing trying to grasp the beat at the start of the song. The new combo point at 00:18:16 seems a bit odd as the combo continues after (5), where there is a pause from the notes, and then to (6), where (6) is more ideal for a new combo point. Also, you could try extending certain sliders a bit like at the start of this stream, you can make slider (1) end at where the hitnote (2) is. I kinda removed some of the beats, lessening the strain on the noob player.00:30:89 (3,4) -I think it might be a good idea to either: 1.) Stack the notes. -or- 2.) Remove the hitnote right before the slider (for difficulty balance reasons).
00:33:80 (2,3) - ^ (Also could line up a bit better with (1).)
00:42:53 (1,2) - ^
00:47:26 (B) - Delete and replace break.
00:56:16 (1,2) - The spacing here doesn't match. Try adjusting (2) a half beat forward help keep the flow stable. instead stacked the sliders and rotated the first 90 degrees.
01:23:80 (7) - For things like this, its possible to try neatly placing the notes under the slider ends to reduce the panic of trying to catch the next beat. Just a suggestion.
01:25:25 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Another set of streams...

Notes: Well, this map is okay so far, it might need more work than what I posted, but its not bad. Just remember not to overdo the streams since this is the [current] easiest difficulty. Also, you're going to need at least 1 spinner or else there will be a "pointless" competition for the top score since it will be set in stone. spinners were added during parts of the streams (two birds down with one stone. hehe.

[Hard] (Done)
Timing (BPM / Offset): 165.000 / 1,245ms (The Offset sounds feels like it should be on 1,260ms.)
[Current] Slider Tick Rate / Velocity: 0.5 / 1.40
Distance Snap Average: x1.0
[Current] Objects: 213 (173 Circles / 39 Sliders / 1 Spinner)
[Current] Max Combo: 284
[Current] Max Score: 1,497,804
[Current] Star Rating: 4.55
[Current]HP Drain Rate: Lv. 7
[Current]Circle Size: Lv. 3
[Current]Overall Difficulty: Lv. 7

00:00:88 (1) - One thing you NEVER want to do when making any map is to place a note behind the very first offset. Also, since you will have to reposition the offset to this note, you'll have to do the same for all of the difficulties.
^^00:00:88 (1,2,1,2) - To add on with this, the spacing doesn't match either. ...yes it does.
00:11:42 (3,4) - This could line up with the end of (2). for the neatness.
00:14:33 (1,2) - Double check the spacing here.
00:15:97 (7,8,9) - ^ (Looks uneven)
00:16:69 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is also uneven but maybe moving (3) slightly to the left to match the spacing would fix this.
00:28:88 (4) - This could be more neatly placed.... but its only a suggestion.
00:46:15 (3) - Ends oddly in a early way. Try to extend it 1/4 more (but might require repositioning).
00:47:42 (1,2) - Honestly, that's a bit of an evil trick. In editor, you could somehow tell the slider won't start at (1), but in play mode, its a different case.... I lol. It's not hard without a trick :)
00:50:69 (3,4,5) - The spacing in-between is not balanced. Try moving (4) & (5) a tinny bit to the right with a level 3 grid.
00:52:51 (8) - Slightly uneven under the slider end.
00:59:06 (1,5,1) - The previous hitnote with the upcoming hitnotes around that spot look like a mess as the previous hitnote has not fade out completely. Evenly positioning them would make it look more neater.
01:19:79 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - When you look at the shape altogether, the square is not even. When you look at (6), you can see its not lined up with (3) properly, which caused a shape error with the other notes.
01:31:42 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ (Similar error)

Notes: Not bad, though just mainly spacing issues. I would recommend adding another spinner for scoring reasons, but its up to you for that. Another Spinner added at the very end

[Hearts Parallel] (Done)

Timing (BPM / Offset): 165.000 / 1,245ms (The Offset sounds feels like it should be on 1,260ms.)
[Current] Slider Tick Rate / Velocity: 1 / 1.40
Distance Snap Average: N/A (Was this map spaced manually?)
[Current] Objects: 552 (442 Circles / 107 Sliders / 3 Spinners)
[Current] Max Combo: 779
[Current] Max Score: 12,448,880
[Current] Star Rating: 4.68
[Current]HP Drain Rate: Lv.9
[Current]Circle Size: Lv.4
[Current]Overall Difficulty: Lv.9

00:00:88 (1,2) - Same issue like in [Hard]. Place the offset at the first note of the map.
00:02:33 (1) - Just needs a slight move to the left in level 3 grid spacing.
00:03:79 (1,2,3) - Oddly spaced... *Stares at (2)*
00:17:60 (6) - Kinda tucked far into that corner there...
00:22:51 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Two things about this: 1.) The shape looks a bit odd, especially starting from (1) to (3). And then you have those three notes (8), (9), and (10) that needs a spacing check. 2.) The notes (8), (9) and (10) has slightly late timing, which needs an adjustment 1/4 earlier in the timeline.
00:26:51 (6,7,1,2,3) - Spacing doesn't match well here. I almost thought there was a stream and the previous notes left an impression of long distance steady beats.
00:48:69 (4) - Slider end just about bottoms out...
01:36:06 (1,2,3) - 1/4 early.
01:44:15 (TM) - For this sectoin, you might not want to have the timing marks too perfect with when the note hits due to human error. If the note is hit early, even slightly, you'll end up with a soft hitsound than normal.
01:58:33 (9) - This could line up with (1) in this stream.
02:27:79 (1,2,3,4,5) - Well, this could be a bit more neater...
03:17:60 (1,2,3,4) - That's an evil jump there.... Again, it's not insane without a trick :)
03:48:15 (1) - Hmm.... 1/3 compound timing but more exended... Sounds like its used properly.
03:53:97 (1) - ^
04:02:69 (5) - Could line up with (4).

Notes: A few timing issues, but the main focus is the spacing. It feels like the jumps are a bit randomly placed and the hitnote postitions might need more work. It feels like the map was manually spaced so I can't get a full accurate check with spacing.

Overall: The map and the song is nice, it just needs some more work and tweaking. You may need to focus on doing some respacing for all 3 difficulties. Also, [Normal] feels a bit cramped with its spacing as well and if normal comes off as "too hard" then you might get some complains about making an [Easy] difficulty (though it might be a good idea to try doing that before hand to save trouble, but that's up to you).And for the jumps, make sure they are carefully placed. Random and "rough" jumps can ruin the pace of the players and makes the map less fun to play. Sorry in advance for the delay and if I did missed any other errors. The weather is not on my side atm -_- . I'll drop a star in then.
I put the different diffs in spoiler boxes to make it easier for everyone to read my fixes. As you can see, almost all problems/suggestions have been improved / followed.

^^I'm crazy; I'd like one or two mods like this rather than a million shorter ones, but then how would kudosu work, i suppose. Great job whymeman!
I feel the HP drain should go down at least one notch.

You win a star.
Topic Starter

rust45 wrote:

I feel the HP drain should go down at least one notch.

You win a star.
Done; Funny enough I thought the same thing.
00:36:88 (2) - add a slider until 00:37:244
00:37:60 (3) - extend 1/4
00:39:790 - add a beat?
(I dunno about this anime/game or whatever is this but you can rename difficulties unto time, or something like that XD)

00:24:881 - 00:30:881 - add hitsounds please
00:39:426 - 00:46:699 - ^
hmm.. The only hitsounds you used in this diff are claps and finishes from 00:20:153 to end

[Hearts Parallel]
Again some parts dont have hitsounds =(.
nice map.
Topic Starter

WyndII wrote:

00:36:88 (2) - add a slider until 00:37:244 [Done]
00:37:60 (3) - extend 1/4 [Done]
00:39:790 - add a beat? [Done]
(I dunno about this anime/game or whatever is this but you can rename difficulties unto time, or something like that XD) [Check]

00:24:881 - 00:30:881 - add hitsounds please [Yup]
00:39:426 - 00:46:699 - ^ [Ahuh]
hmm.. The only hitsounds you used in this diff are claps and finishes from 00:20:153 to end [Interesting... Changed]

[Hearts Parallel]
Again some parts dont have hitsounds =(. [Fixed]
nice map.

Thanks for the mod! hopefully a BAT may take a look at this soon...
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Topic Starter

arken1015 wrote:

Seems kool song XD
But... stupid client changed the diff's name B.Rabbit's Rage(and etc) to Normal,Hard...

hmm...I'll make a full upload tomorrow. That should fix any problems :)
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Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these, but you may be able to get away with not changing it
Red = major issues. you need to change these

timing looks good i guess

imo, the diff names don't really do that good a job showing the actual difficulty of a difficulty. could be jsut me though.


all those stacks might make it a tad hard for an easy? unless its a normal.

00:05:60 (1,2) - spacing's too wide. if its a jump, easy diffs don't usually have jumps
00:39:79 (2,3) - spacings too wide


00:12:15 (4,5) - spacings too close.
00:52:33 (7,8) - this bit might confuse some people. maybe switch (7) and (8) around?


00:50:69 (3,4) - spacings too close together
00:53:15 (1,2) - ^
00:58:51 (1,1) - ^
there are more, but they're basically the same kind of things as the ones i've mentioned. you'll notice them when you take a look through.

so yeah, theres a few spacing kinks that need to be ironed out. Apart from that, its a functional map. not gonna win any originality awards im afraid but it works.

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Kudosu plz :)
Sorry for the delay, good sir~

[Alice's Melancholy]:
01:23:79 (7) - I didn't feel a slider was needed here. You can replace it with a circle at the red tick (The slider's end). Optional though.

[B.Rabbit's Rage]:
00:06:69 (5,6) - Nazi/Suggestion: Clean this up a bit?
00:59:06 (1,2,3,4) - Nazi/Suggestion: Move (1) to stack on (5)? Barely noticeable though.

[Hearts Parallel]:
00:22:15 (9) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3.
00:52:15 (7) - Move 1 left on Grid Level 3.
01:01:79 (8) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3.
01:53:06 (8) - Nazi/Suggestion: Move this a little more between (7) and (9)? (For prettiness)
01:59:42 (2,3) - Stack under (9) a little bit better? (Just for prettiness >w<)
03:18:51 (5,6) - Space farther out a bit.

Most of this map is pretty solid. There's good techniques here and whatnot. The only thing that probably needs work would be to clean up some areas. I suggested some up there that felt like needed cleaning.

The max score is fine. The song is fast enough and the streams might be a bit difficult to reach (Except for the experts).

Just a little tip. You can make the clock a bit more dynamic instead of just slideshows by creating a clock-hand image overlaying the clock face. Then you simply make it do a full rotation however you like. ;) I kind of did this (And failed-ish) on Epik High - One.
Topic Starter

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

Sorry for the delay, good sir~

[Alice's Melancholy]:
01:23:79 (7) - I didn't feel a slider was needed here. You can replace it with a circle at the red tick (The slider's end). Optional though. [Fixed]

[B.Rabbit's Rage]:
00:06:69 (5,6) - Nazi/Suggestion: Clean this up a bit? [Done]
00:59:06 (1,2,3,4) - Nazi/Suggestion: Move (1) to stack on (5)? Barely noticeable though. [Dpne]

[Hearts Parallel]:
00:22:15 (9) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3. [Done]
00:52:15 (7) - Move 1 left on Grid Level 3. [Done]
01:01:79 (8) - Move 1 right on Grid Level 3. [Done]
01:53:06 (8) - Nazi/Suggestion: Move this a little more between (7) and (9)? (For prettiness)
01:59:42 (2,3) - Stack under (9) a little bit better? (Just for prettiness >w<) [All prettied up; well, kinda]
03:18:51 (5,6) - Space farther out a bit. [Done]

Most of this map is pretty solid. There's good techniques here and whatnot. The only thing that probably needs work would be to clean up some areas. I suggested some up there that felt like needed cleaning.

The max score is fine. The song is fast enough and the streams might be a bit difficult to reach (Except for the experts).

Just a little tip. You can make the clock a bit more dynamic instead of just slideshows by creating a clock-hand image overlaying the clock face. Then you simply make it do a full rotation however you like. ;) I kind of did this (And failed-ish) on Epik High - One.

Matma Rex also inquired about this, And I initially was planning on doing this using that method. The only problem was that I couldn't get the black Background BEHIND the clock's hand to appear then. In Pandora Hearts (THe show this is from) The clock is an integral part of th storyline. Since I wantedd to keep it as close to accurate as possible, I decided to use this method.

NB: In saying that, I can always go and make more images from between the clock decorations, so it'll look a little smoother.

Other than that; I'll fix this up after school and resubmit. Done. Thanks for modding!
B.Rabbit's Rage
00:14:33 (1,2,3,4) - Mind making this a diamond shape, also the 1,2 are spaced wider than 2,3 and 3,4. Distance snap isnt always perfect.

Hearts Parallel

Ease up on the HP drain 1 or 2 ticks, It's near impossible to recover in certain parts of the song without all 300s.
Nice :3

Keep it up~
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A few minor suggestions...

Alice's Melancholy:
00:36:88 (2) - Having the clap here sounds a little out of place to me.
1:09:61 - Add circle?
1:15:43 - Add circle?

B.Rabbit's Rage
00:37:60 (4) - End at 00:38:15 (one red tick earlier) to match the vocals, maybe.

Hearts Parallel
00:59:24 (2) - Is this supposed to be where it is (higher up than 1)? Looks a little weird.

Great map overall. Starred.
Why does it end so early on the first 2 difficulties? Make it longer!

[Alice's Melancholy]
A little boring because the spacing is so close, but it's all fine.

[B.Rabbit's Rage]
01:30:88 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Hard to read

[Hearts Parallel]
00:59:06 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Hard to read
03:48:15 (1) - Shortern path by 1/4, keep the repeats.

Map is pretty solid, get some BATs.
no time for mod only for starrrrrr
nice map

i don't quite get the clock thing

but starred

!! if u like u can use this spinner !!

nice map
i like FictionJunction.
looks good

looks good

01:25:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - hitsounds in here somewhere?
01:50:69 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
02:09:24 (9,10) - remove finishes from the middle three hits of each
03:17:60 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - hitsounds

call me back for bubbles orz
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

looks good

looks good

01:25:24 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - hitsounds in here somewhere? [Done]
01:50:69 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ [Done]
02:09:24 (9,10) - remove finishes from the middle three hits of each [Done]
03:17:60 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - hitsounds

call me back for bubbles orz
Star for you :3
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Download: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (Azure_Kyte) [Armin].osu
One difficulty is like 10 times longer than the others. :D

[Hearts Parallel] - 03:53:97 - This slider is a little weird?

I dunno. Have a star. If you still like that slider, it's no big deal. I'll just look again later.
I finished with the hitsounds. Fixed also other things. D:

Download: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (Azure_Kyte) [Armin].osu
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Sleep Powder
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tieff wrote:

03:53:60 (4) - Maybe align with 3?


[Alice's Melancholy]

00:16:69 (1,2,3) - Hard for easy map..
00:18:88 (1,2,3) - ^ etc.
01:34:69 (3,4,1,2,3) - ^

[B.Rabbit's rage]


[Hearts Parallel]

00:39:06 (7) - New combo.
00:56:15 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Too much new combo, imo.
01:02:33 (3) - Sound bad...


03:11:06 (7) - Remove finish...
03:13:97 (3) - ^
04:31:60 (4) - ^ and add a whistle.
Topic Starter

animask wrote:

00:56:15 (1,2) - Too much finishes [Removed a couple]
01:06:69 (2) - Remove finish [Swapped with whistle. A bit subtler]

[B. Rabbit]
00:14:88 (4) - Finish? [Done]
00:15:60 (6) - ^ [Done]
00:17:24 (4) - ^ [Done]
00:21:06 (5) - Remove Finish [Not done, but note beforehand changed from finish to clap]
00:59:06 (1) - Align with 2? [Done]
00:58:15 (1,2) - Or move these two to the left to align it
01:27:24 (7,8,9) - Instead of claps use only finishes here [Done]

[Hearts Parallel]
00:49:42 (1,2) - Feels a bit weird....maybe remove the clap? [whistled instead]
00:59:06 (1) - Remove New Combo [Done]
01:46:88 (1) - ^ [Done]
01:47:79 (3) - Add New Combo [Done]
02:38:33 (6) - I would sort of...prefer you end the beatmap here... [uhh...what? didn't catch that last part.]
03:24:88 (1) - Finish maybe? [Done]
03:36:69 (3) - Remove? [nah, I like it the way it is, sorry]
03:37:24 (5) - ^

Thanks for your mod animask!



[Alice's Melancholy]

00:16:69 (1,2,3) - Hard for easy map. [Changed to sliders in most double/triple beat stacks]
00:18:88 (1,2,3) - ^ etc. [^]
01:34:69 (3,4,1,2,3) - ^ [^]

[Hearts Parallel]

00:39:06 (7) - New combo. [Done]
00:56:15 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Too much new combo, imo. [Fixed]
01:02:33 (3) - Sound bad... [Did some fiddling. no more bad sounds]
This is a really solid map with really safe (as in consistent) spacing. Confident mtmcl bubble!
Alice's Melancholy is pretty much perfect I guess... The only thing I could think of is the fact that it's a little cramped at times, with various sliders and notes very close to each other.

B.Rabbit's Rage
You should use either straight sliders or curved, but mixing them together doesn't go so well for a song like this.

00:36:15 (1) - line up horizontally with previous slider end
00:37:60 (4) - line slider end up with 00:36:15 (1) - if this is possible
00:51:60 (5,6) - mix these together into 1 slider?
00:59:42 (2) - etc. this part could do with a little less clapping.
01:11:06 (1) - reverse arrows should also fit to some part of the song.
01:27:97 (1) - This part, until the end, only has one slider! Adding in some more would add some variety. Only a suggestion.

Hearts Parallel
00:44:88 (1,2,1) - It would be awesome if these sliders shared one endpoint.
00:58:88 (1) and following combos - it really looks like you're trying to fill up your beatmap by placing hitcircles on every red tick. Same for 03:34:69 (1) and following.
01:39:42 (3) - line up with (1)
02:32:51 (8) - make this slider symmetric by moving the bottom 2 points one grid tick to the right (on most precise grid)
04:08:51 (3) - line up with slider(1) end.

Whoa, whoa, what's with the big circle size?

01:05:24 (5) - Line up with (3)
02:04:51 (1,2,3,4,5) - somewhat sloppy
03:55:42 (1,2) - Can you line these endpoints up?

Starred, by the way!
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Download: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (Azure_Kyte) [Armin].osu
Topic Starter

nooodl wrote:

Alice's Melancholy is pretty much perfect I guess... The only thing I could think of is the fact that it's a little cramped at times, with various sliders and notes very close to each other.

B.Rabbit's Rage
You should use either straight sliders or curved, but mixing them together doesn't go so well for a song like this.
[Sure they do.]
00:36:15 (1) - line up horizontally with previous slider end [Done]
00:37:60 (4) - line slider end up with 00:36:15 (1) - if this is possible [Of course it is]
00:51:60 (5,6) - mix these together into 1 slider? [I like the faster pace these two sliders creates]
00:59:42 (2) - etc. this part could do with a little less clapping. [A few less claps, a few more finishes]
01:11:06 (1) - reverse arrows should also fit to some part of the song. [They do. It's called where it sounds right to me]
01:27:97 (1) - This part, until the end, only has one slider! Adding in some more would add some variety. Only a suggestion. [Not done, because I think it's fine]

Hearts Parallel
00:44:88 (1,2,1) - It would be awesome if these sliders shared one endpoint. [Done]
00:58:88 (1) and following combos - it really looks like you're trying to fill up your beatmap by placing hitcircles on every red tick. Same for 03:34:69 (1) and following. [ Not at all. I think I did it because a) Hearts parallel is the equivalent of an insane map and b) Because it has to be insane for a reason]
01:39:42 (3) - line up with (1) [Done]
02:32:51 (8) - make this slider symmetric by moving the bottom 2 points one grid tick to the right (on most precise grid) [Done]
04:08:51 (3) - line up with slider(1) end. [Done]

Whoa, whoa, what's with the big circle size?

01:05:24 (5) - Line up with (3)
02:04:51 (1,2,3,4,5) - somewhat sloppy
03:55:42 (1,2) - Can you line these endpoints up?

Starred, by the way!
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Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

- Is the storyboard really necessary? IMO yes it is

Use offset 1,244 plzkthnx. If I do that there will be beats before the offset, which I'm told is a NO-NO

[B.Rabbit's Rage] (313!)
00:26:51 (5) - Could you delete the upper slider point of this please? Some repeat arrow stuff, you know... Done

[Heart's Parallel]
00:26:51 (6) - Practically the same problem as [B.Rabbit's Rage]. Done
03:02:69 (9) - Hidden slider arrow. I really hate when mappers do something like this >:| well, I reversed it, so think of the beat spacing (or lack thereof) as a throw off

00:13:06 (1,1) - Beats right after a spinner is fail ;(. You can leave it there if you want.)

Gens wrote:

00:13:06 (1,1) - Beats right after a spinner is fail ;(. You can leave it there if you want. Eh? Not fixed.
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Bubb... (for the gazillionth time)
resnap all notes thx
Offset: 1,275 ms.

[Alice's Melancholy]
00:37:60 (3) - Move the end point back to the red tick.
01:31:09 (1) - Starting point seems out of place.

[Heart Parallel]
00:13:82 (3) - Out of place.

03:30:72 (1,2,3) - Unevenly-spaced.
Topic Starter

vytalibus wrote:

Offset: 1,275 ms.

[Alice's Melancholy]
00:37:60 (3) - Move the end point back to the red tick. Fixed
01:31:09 (1) - Starting point seems out of place. Fixed

[Heart Parallel]
00:13:82 (3) - Out of place. Fixed, I Think.

Alace wrote:

erm...which offset am I to go by guys?

EDIT: Changed to 1280; This WON'T Be changed now unless there is an EXTREMELY good reason.

vytalibus wrote:

03:30:72 (1,2,3) - Unevenly-spaced.

vytalibus 's offset sounds a bit too early, you can choose 1280.

Download: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (Azure_Kyte) [Armin].osu
Godspeed sir.
Okay, are we all settled on the offset? I think it sounds great. Bubbled! Please rank this map! It's really good, I promise.
Spinner doesn't really have that "Spinner" quality to it :\

The SB could use a little bit of polish, in my opinion. Is the timer supposed to go the entire way for the duration of the map? If that's the case, make the clock arms difficulty specific and have it match the map timer thing in the corner. I also noticed that in [Armin] and up, the clock shifts upward a tad. Im thinking its not as much an SB issue as it is an image issue. It just looks kinda sloppy.

B.Rabbits Rage:
Definitely lacking in the slider tick department.

Hearts Parallel:
01:11:09 (4) - This sounds kinda wierd, with the repeat on a 1/4 tick. I'd recommend taking the repeat out but making the slider just as long. I say this because the map is primarily a 1/2 tick map. I'm not saying it's BAD to use 1/4 once in a while, it just sounds awkward.
01:14:00 (3) - ^
The only other gripe I have about this and [Armin] is that it's four minutes long. Not really sure if it can be ranked with 4 minutes, giving over 12 million points.

Overall, very well done! Sorry I need to pop it for smaller things, but hope it all helps!

Recap: My only REAL gripes -
  1. Spinner
  2. Length of map
Topic Starter

RemmyX25 wrote:

The only other gripe I have about this and [Armin] is that it's four minutes long. Not really sure if it can be ranked with 4 minutes, giving over 12 million points.
I was told that such a map is on the grey area, However, if necessary, I suppose approval would be acceptable. On the same token, I don't think it's eccentric/different enough to really be approve-eligible either.

I don't know; I've been working on fixing this for a while, so whatever you decide is worth doing with it is fine by me.

*Fixed the sliders as Remmy suggested
*Changed the spinner
Support ! Go go go ! You are my star~~~
Ranking standards I've seen says 4-5 minutes.
All this looks OK to me.

Starred :)
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