
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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I'll take the cracker just without the cheese.

IppE wrote:

suck it untermensch
You need some lebensraum to think about that statement of yours.


AutoMedic wrote:

im playing tf2, fuck circle clicking
Nigga you don't even click circles, you play crap the beat

Kaienyuu wrote:

AutoMedic wrote:

Am I supposed to be impressed or...
Yes because that hat is valuable

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Yes because that hat is valuable
Valuable to those who are playing the game and are interested in items that don't impact the gameplay in any way? Maybe.

Valuable to me? No, not one bit.

Kaienyuu wrote:

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Yes because that hat is valuable
Valuable to those who are playing the game and are interested in items that don't impact the gameplay in any way? Maybe.

Valuable to me? No, not one bit.
Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value

Granger wrote:

Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value
That's absolutely nothing; I'd be impressed if it was a CSGO skin considering you could sell them for 200+.

Granger wrote:

Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value
Pixel trading is not my thing.

EneT wrote:

That's absolutely nothing; I'd be impressed if it was a CSGO skin considering you could sell them for 200+.
It's sad that people pay large amounts of money for skins.

Kaienyuu wrote:

It's sad that people pay large amounts of money for skins.
I know right. A fucking CSGO knife costs more than there real life counterparts.

Granger wrote:

Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value
Gabecoins ain't real money, stop fooling yourself.

IppE wrote:

Granger wrote:

Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value
Gabecoins ain't real money, stop fooling yourself.
Oh i dont consider it real money, but you still can use it to buy steam games and for that it is equivalent to real money in value.
It's not real money until I can go and buy sausages and beer with it.
Sausages? Beer? Where the fuck is my wine. It's not real until I can buy the highest quality wine with it.
IppE knows what's up.

Aurani wrote:

No, you little fag.
You dare disrespect wine you mongrel? I will feed you to the lions!
Apparantly heavy metal is more popular than pop in spotify. I wonder what mainstream hating 'hipsters' think about that.

EneT wrote:

Apparantly heavy metal is more popular than pop in spotify. I wonder what mainstream hating 'hipsters' think about that.
I think i fit into that category... so if you want my oponion, i dont care. That aside, my "hate" for mainsstream goes more for specifics, not something as broad as entire genres. Ill just continue enjoying obscure artists and less known songs.
I also fit into the category lol. I was wondering about those people who consider it cool to hate mainstream because it's 'hip' to do so.

IppE wrote:

Granger wrote:

Well, if you had that hat you could sell it to the TF2 people for like 3.56$ so it got some value
Gabecoins ain't real money, stop fooling yourself.
People pay via PayPal
Trash Boat

IppE wrote:

It's not real money until I can go and buy sausages and beer with it.
Actually they improved the refund system, so I guess you can buy your stuff with it.

And my recent activity is gone. Feel free to snag my 1st places... if you can.

EneT wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

Umm, it's in my asshole and the implication is that you would stick your dick in there
That's some legit gay talk right there, wtf.
Apparently smoking weed is not acceptable in gameplay & rankings
I wouldn't think so either.

Kaienyuu wrote:

Apparently smoking weed is not acceptable in gameplay & rankings
Yeah I got silenced for mentioning weed in G&R.
Why the fuck are you guys talking about weed and not sending me pms. I am disappointed.

EneT wrote:

Yeah I got silenced for mentioning weed in G&R.
I didn't even get silenced, mods just delete my (shit)posts

Hika wrote:

Why the fuck are you guys talking about weed and not sending me pms. I am disappointed.
I'll send you pm's and keep the weed. Fair enough?
I suppose.

Aurani is trying to charge me for rent now and I'm not sure how to go about that. :P
Trash Boat
Maybe try, idk, the easy way? ;)
That's if she puts out.
Already done.

Also EneT, get in this hoes only group. You're a hoe too.
I've done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.
O rly? you talking about the skype chat?
sadly, I am being harassed by sadistic fuck and a sexy brazilian.
Oh I would join if there is one, just PM me your skype or smthin. I need to change my pic because I'd feel uncomfortable with you fags staring at my beautiful face.

edit: Yayy, I'm now in the hoes only group.

Aurani wrote:

I've done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.
More bread

AutoMedic wrote:

Aurani wrote:

I've done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.
More bread
At least we don't have a lot of russians farming items

Trash Boat

AutoMedic wrote:

At least we don't have a lot of russians farming items


AutoMedic wrote:

At least we don't have a lot of russians farming items

CS IS DEAD to me
except for my 500-600 vanguard cases

Friendan wrote:

CS IS DEAD to me
except for my 500-600 vanguard cases
And I still can't shoot for shit.
oh no

don't buy it, guys

Friendan wrote:

oh no

don't buy it, guys
it looks shit

therefore it's shit
All right guys I'm officially a fast food worker I DID MY FIVE HOURS $35 YEEEEEEAH
It better be Chick Fil A or Zaxby's

Friendan wrote:

It better be Chick Fil A or Zaxby's
Carl's Jr x^ddddd

Aurani wrote:

Heh, I don't know how I didn't see that coming, made me chuckle

The truth
I wish I had my phone with me when I saw the Bush did 9/11 post
Wow apparently I broke my computer after deleting some, what seemed like, unneccessary temporary windows files. Windows didn't want to boot anymore and kept giving me a BSoD, now I've been spending about 20 hours getting all my data and programs back. Thank god cloud sharing is a thing.

At least it it also had some positive aspects: I now own a genuine Windows 8.1 Pro license and I could finally turn AHCI mode on in my bios. My SSD rejoices.
Hipster detected :V
So do you actually use the Pro features or did you get it because it sounds cool ? Just curious.
The only feature I'm going to be using is Hyper-V that comes with the Win 8.1 Pro edition, but I read somwhere that once Windows 10 comes out you will lose the option to choose which Windows updates you want to install unless you are using the Pro version. So not having to worry about that is cool too.

It was free for me anyways, usually I wouldn't have paid the extra 50 bucks or whatever it is because I'm barely making use of it.
Oh, okay then. I haven't read that about windows 10 anywhere though, source ?

As of right now with technical preview which happens to be the Pro version as well, I don't get to choose or hide any updates. That might be just because it's a technical preview of course, could easily change on release.

"Windows 10 Home users will have updates from Windows Update automatically available. Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise users will have the ability to defer updates."

I'm probably not going to use this feature that often, but it's always nice to have the option in case Microsoft messes things up.
Well that kinda sucks, guess I'm jumping on the Pro wagon as well.

I'll likely end up pirating it if the retail price is anything like the previous versions anyway.

Zelda wrote:

I'll likely end up pirating it if the retail price is anything like the previous versions anyway.
That's illegal you know.
I feel bad already. Maybe I'll write an apology letter to Microsoft.
Trash Boat

Zelda wrote:

I feel bad already. Maybe I'll write an apology letter to Microsoft.
Letter? Are you still on the Middle Age or what?

Trash Boat wrote:

Letter? Are you still on the Middle Age or what?
I guess that was the 'joke' he was trying to make.

EneT wrote:

Trash Boat wrote:

Letter? Are you still on the Middle Age or what?
I guess that was the 'joke' he was trying to make.
It was funny I gotta admit
inb4 boat comes back with "no you just didn't understand my joke"


IppE wrote:

inb4 boat comes back with "no you just didn't understand my joke"

I'd letter take it up hers
Trash Boat
That wasn't a joke, THIS is a joke:

Frostei: boy its good to be back
Random user: Ice to see you again, Frosty

But seriously, that wasn't a joke
So you we're just being your dumb self.

Good to know.
Trash Boat
Worry about somebody's choices is not dumb

This page is dedicated to giant weasels

Boy it's good to be back home.
I love myself more than usual.

Aurani wrote:

Boy it's good to be back home.
I love myself more than usual.
You sound as if you work at a sweatshop or something.
Sounds sensual
You'll see what it is like to work for 8 hours once you get a job.
No matter how much you love it, it's exhausting as fuck.

A good buddy of mine works in a call centre, and all he ever does is talk to people - doesn't move a single inch (unless it's a break), yet he looks like he's working in a coal mine for 12 hours every day.
I work part-time as a bartender and waiter; my job is completely fine and lax bro.
Then you're either not giving a single shit about your job, or you're working in a cafe with a giant workers-only pool.
I haven't met a single person with a serious job and proper dedication who wasn't even a bit tired after an 8-hour shift.

Either you have impossibly great conditions, or you have a metric fuckton of energy to spare.
How many hours a day do you even sleep?
I sleep 5; the pub in which I work is has very civilized customers so I don't really find it a hassle.
Oh well, happy for you then.
I barely get 3 hours of sleep each day, but that's only because college OP.
Yeah I actually take naps in College/University lectures but most of my course consists of doing things externally outside of the Uni anyways.
I'm not even attending college, because it would be physically impossible working in mixed shifts AND going to two of them in the same day. It's impossible even doing only two of those things, let alone all three.

I can't wait to graduate in 2 years, get this shit off of my back, get a proper workplace and then think about other people and my own relationships with them.
Put education above work man. Long-term over short-term.
I can manage both, don't worry.
Everything is pissing me off today

Fucking hell
Take a chill pill and go smoke some weed or something.
People on GD are being cancerous again, so don't worry, I know how you feel. :p
hello Choofers

EneT wrote:

Take a chill pill and go smoke some weed or something.
I overslept today and I've been out of tune for the whole day, no I can't calm down

Also I'm not a hippie

Aurani wrote:

People on GD are being cancerous again, so don't worry, I know how you feel. :p
Is this about the selfie thread? Because that cancer thread should've been wastelanded long ago


Speaking of wastelands, I'm off to play more fallout nv
Yes, it is.
The sheer stupidity of those who defended it without presenting any expedient arguments is breathtaking. It only reinforces what I said back on the first page - those who used that thread and defend it at the moment lack any sense of maturity and fucking decency and shouldn't be allowed to breed.

I'm sure that Dadmate won't reopen it, because you'd need to be fucking blind to give in to those people's senseless demands.
hi aurani
Its mere existence is sickening enough

Dadbeard wasteland pls
What thread

I've been active on other forums lately
Not on GD evidently.

AutoMedic wrote:

hi aurani
Uh, hi there, mate?
Whilst you're at it, write a number between 1 and 8.
Uhm, 4?
Now choose - Gold or Endless.

Friendan wrote:

hello Choofers
not literally who

BackOffMe50ft wrote:

Friendan wrote:

hello Choofers
not literally who

Aurani wrote:

Now choose - Gold or Endless.

Aurani wrote:

Now choose - Gold or Endless.
Gold because i can sell it for money
Good enough.
Thanks for purchasing me the game, mate.

BackOffMe50ft wrote:

not literally who
hi marky
I've seen Choofers here before
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