
Kajiura Yuki - Break the Sword of Justice

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Takuma wrote:

This map is so cool. XD The only thing I can complain about is the x2 sliders are kind of unpredictable. Please add an SB warning for them. Other than that, this looks ready for a bubble (to me at least)! Buuuttt, this is still in help so, haha. I'll star this for now though, hehe.
Glad you like it :)

And about the SB warning, I really don't know how to work with SB n_nU but I was thinking i'ts going to look a bit weird cuz there are just three x2 sliders and are separated, what do you think?

Thanks a lot for the Star and your time! :)

EDIT: Fixed a lil' volume problem, and moved to pending.
Sleep Powder
01:42:50 (6) - Move a bit to the right

01:39:21 (1) - Maybe you shouldn't stack this under the slider

Tested it and I didn't seem to get many 100's but there were some areas that I got over 20 ms off.
Could be just me.
Don't forget to add Lizbeth to the tags

The hitsounds are great and I can't seem to find much wrong with it
eeemod GO!!!

00:28:95 (5) - new combo
00:30:50 (1) - remove new combo
00:30:88 (2) - ADD NEW COMBO XD (only if above is done)
00:43:27 (2) - I'd like this 1/2 back, goes more to that wind instrument thingy (space accordingly if done)
01:27:79 (x) - note here would make it symmetrical to the combo before and after :/

01:52:56 (1) - ends two whole beats further than the other difficulties, either make the others end where this spinner does, or make this like the others.

eh, I like it, hitsounds are very orchestral, imo

00:28:56 (6) - new combo
00:28:95 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:08 (1) - remove new combo
00:49:46 (3) - add new combo here
01:34:17 (3) - i don' like this jump :(
01:36:50 (10) - ^
I'm not going to attack the spacing too much here, it played well after I've played a couple of times, guess it works sooo.
I also agree with Takuma, 2x sliders were kinda unpredictable, but meh
yeah, map is pretty nice

Insane and Normal were fun at times,
you got a nice map, good job

00:25:85 (1) - Normal hitsounds on slider end.
01:01:46 (1) - A note nearly a spinner on easy maps , is a NONO.

[Lizbeth's Normal]

Love the hitsounds. No problems.


00:29:91 (2) - You need a SB warning for that.
00:51:79 (1) - ^ etc.
01:51:01 (1,2,3,4) - This sudden change of spacing is hard to read.

Like it. Star.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Good map. I think this map is ready for ranked. Especially I like this map's hitsounds.

0:42:30(Blank)-> Add a note?

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these, but you may be able to get away with not changing it
Red = major issues. you need to change these

timing seems fine enough

i like what you've done with the hitsounds :)


all good


looks good


i don't like those mini jumps you've put in. seem too random to me. other people seem to be fine with it so i guess you can keep them.

also, the speedup warning isn't eyecatching enough imo. all i noticed was a flashing red light. i'd make the Speed x2 bigger so its easier to notice.

apart from that, all seems fine.

nice map. not too keen on the jumps but thats all i can rag on. good job

Topic Starter

Doomsday93 wrote:

i don't like those mini jumps you've put in. seem too random to me. other people seem to be fine with it so i guess you can keep them.

also, the speedup warning isn't eyecatching enough imo. all i noticed was a flashing red light. i'd make the Speed x2 bigger so its easier to notice.
Fixed the SB warning, i guess is big enough now

Thanks for your time :D
hi Lissette
great map

here's some suggestion:


00:24:500 (5) - normal hit sound with finish
00:26:242 timing section - set it 1/4 or 1/2 forward : if someone hit the circle when he is hit earlier, sound would be the sound of front timing section
00:26:629 (2,3,4) - add finish at all slider end with normal hit sound, it's better to loud them gradually
other seems great

[Lizbeth's Normal]

all timing section - 1/4 or 1/2 forward : if someone hit the circle when he is hit earlier, sound would be the sound of front timing section
00:32:823 (1) - the "radian" doesn't the same to the front slider, make them in alignment

01:32:629 (3,4) - be covered, seem to be a little confused


I have no complains, it's awesome

I'd like to give you some SB suggestion later
great map
star and anoher kudosu star for you!
Topic Starter
Glad you like it Breeze, thanks a lot for the stars!! n___n


Breeze wrote:

00:26:242 timing section - set it 1/4 or 1/2 forward : if someone hit the circle when he is hit earlier, sound would be the sound of front timing section
I don't think this apply for end point of a slider -_-a, cuz' is impossible to hit earlier, anyway waiting for what a BAT have to say :p

thnx for your time!! :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Solid map! And yet again just myself looking through this.


No problems here.


Just one part that tripped me up and I failed to read properly on my first try:

01:30:88 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe re-arrange this part, I could just be too tired but I think newer players might complain a little here.

Just a suggestion, if you feel that it's fine then of course keep it as it is. Like I said I could just be a bit tired orz

Nothing else was found.


Fun difficulty @@

00:41:72 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - In my opinion moving 6 back by 1/4 onto the red tick sounds better.

That's all.

Topic Starter
Thanks for helping mrtn and Mystearica
kds given :)
I haven't seen anything wrong :) ~Starry
Easy normal is just fine for me

I don`t know why you set jumps like this
i don`t know why no one points it out
I don`t know if it is oj in a insane diff

well i find 4 test players (3 TOP50 1TOP70 and me) we are confused during playing
00:13:66 (3,4,5) - OMG
00:15:98 (3,4,5) - ^
00:21:21 (1,2,3) - ^
Really bad spacing here

01:42:88 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part is good (easy to read and fun)
01:49:66 (1,2,3,4) - but here is bad
Think about those stuffs or look at some jumpy maps
If you need help you can just PM me online

anyway star~
A test file for you
well don`t copy it wwwwwwwwwww

Download: Kajiura Yuki - Break the Sword of Justice (Lissette) [TEST].osu
I like this music :)
Hi again
i saw a great improvement you realized how to set jumps now

00:09:98 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I will add new combo on (4)
00:14:24 (5) - new combo
01:36:30 (9) - new combo
01:39:21 (10) - ^
That`s all
It`s much better now
you should ask BATs to mod this ^^
Topic Starter
Fixed all that ^

Thanks for the recheck Alace, You've helped me a lot ^^
kds 4 ya!

00:51:21 (10,11,12) - a little hard to read,seperate 10 with 11,12

also,I think offset should -25,but I'm not sure

star :)
This beatmap should not be here any longer >_>
Hello. This'll be my first timing-only mod. Everything else seems to be in tip-top shape...



I believe this is better off having 1/4 Timing instead of 1/8. This is just a suggestion, so you don't have to change it.

[Lizbeth's Normal]

No errors here.


No errors here.


Pretty neat map. Good luck with your Project! Star~
Kind of nazi-ish =_="


00:10:56 (2,3,4) - not snapped
00:12:88 (2) - ^
00:13:27 (3,4,5,6) - not symmetric
00:15:59 (4) - offscreen
00:20:24 (3) - ^
00:22:56 (1,2,3,4) - not symmetric
01:19:66 (1) - not on the same level with (2,3,4)
01:35:53 (3) - offscreen

00:15:59 (1,2,3,4) - not symmetric
00:38:82 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:49:08 (1,2,3) - ^
00:54:30 (4) - silence the sliderticks
00:59:04 (1) - on white tick
01:01:661 - add note here

i have a bit different offset but... hmm maybe my fault :?

easy & normal:
nothing serious found. :o

01:39:079 (4,1) - move a bit farther between these two note, so that the spacing doesn't look like 01:39:021 (1,2,3,4) - but i doubt that does someone ask you to move them closer? :cry:

Why isn't the title capitalized? Should be "Break the Sword of Justice" unless you have a good reason why it isn't
Topic Starter

LuigiHann wrote:

Why isn't the title capitalized? Should be "Break the Sword of Justice" unless you have a good reason why it isn't

00:12:306 Remove whistle?
00:13:081 Whistle
00:34:758 (3,1) Finish
00:37:081 Whistle
00:42:500 (1,3) Whistles
00:56:629 Finish
01:28:952 ^
01:31:274 ^
01:38:242 ^

Lizbeth's Normal

No problems found. >_>


00:12:306 Stack with (1)
00:27:984 Remove the whistle in the middle of the slider
00:36:887 ^

Sorry, I can't find other problems. Starred!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Set a preview point.

This map has so much power...with h<s>a</s>it<s>e</>sound.

[Lizbeth's Normal]
00:13:066 (5,6) - I suggest make this symmetrical with 00:13:027 (3,4) -
00:22:056 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Are you twin sisters o.o?

no more.

have a star~
Topic Starter

Armin wrote:


00:12:306 Remove whistle?
00:13:081 Whistle
00:34:758 (3,1) Finish
00:37:081 Whistle
00:42:500 (1,3) Whistles
00:56:629 Finish
01:28:952 ^
01:31:274 ^
01:38:242 ^

Lizbeth's Normal

No problems found. >_>


00:12:306 Stack with (1)
00:27:984 Remove the whistle in the middle of the slider
00:36:887 ^

Sorry, I can't find other problems. Starred!
Thanks for modding fixed ^^

Zekira wrote:

Did someone tell you that you crossed my deathline? o_o

Offset: 673 (-21 from current)

Sorry, suspending mod.
Don't understant @.@ but anyway, kds for the offset ^^

WyndII wrote:


Set a preview point.

This map has so much power...with h<s>a</s>it<s>e</>sound.

[Lizbeth's Normal]
00:13:066 (5,6) - I suggest make this symmetrical with 00:13:027 (3,4) -
00:22:056 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Are you twin sisters o.o?

no more.

have a star~
Thanks for modding ^^
and yes, we are twin sis n.n
Mod Info's:

Green: Suggestions.
Orange: I think you should fix this.
Red: You must fix this.

Starts Suggestions:

All seems ok.


00:44:080 (5) - I don't like this slider


It's ok


00:51:076 (1) - Crazy slider O_O



Lizbeth's Normal

00:15:018 (3) - Grid snap this note its slightly off the slider during gameplay.
00:50:041 (6) - New combo?


00:18:086 - Maybe add a note?
00:19:006 - ^
00:29:089 (2) - Straighten this slider, you might have to redraw it.
01:12:067 (1,2,3,4) - The Hp drain is pretty harsh on this part, you could lower the Hp drain by one or make each beat into a new combo?

That's all, this is an excellent map, hitsounds are perfect, lovely jumps, well laid out... I love it! Needs a star :D

srry it nazi, but this map is that good its all whats wrong with it XD
01:51:076 (3) - line this up with (2)

wow, great and perfect map XD

very very nice, enjoy a star :)
Topic Starter
Thanks for modding you guys!
Topic Starter
Thnx for the recheck ^^
Need to make a slight bubble pop for a quick important fixing.

00:29:511 (1) - The "Speed x2" that shows up with this slider... while it may not seem like it in editor (and you probably dont with the public build BUT trust me on this one) in test mode, the slider covers the "Speed x2"

EDIT: Screenshot (the sliderball circle covers the rest of it)

Also while im at it, slider ticks would sound good.

Overall, very nicely done!
It can be clearly seen to me, so whatever.
Topic Starter

RemmyX25 wrote:

Need to make a slight bubble pop for a quick important fixing.

00:29:511 (1) - The "Speed x2" that shows up with this slider... while it may not seem like it in editor (and you probably dont with the public build BUT trust me on this one) in test mode, the slider covers the "Speed x2"

EDIT: Screenshot (the sliderball circle covers the rest of it)

Also while im at it, slider ticks would sound good.

Overall, very nicely done!
i guess is fine now ^^

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I love this map =3
Almost..... but there's a problem.

Your current BG is too Large. 1024 x 768 Is the Max BG size. Also "chronicle" doesn't have a capital C, which it is supposed to.


00:20:608 (3,4) - Uneven spacing (Flip (4) and you'll see it).
00:39:382 (6,7) - Slightly misaligned stack?
00:40:931 (6,7) - ^
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:

Almost..... but there's a problem.

Your current BG is too Large. 1024 x 768 Is the Max BG size. Also "chronicle" doesn't have a capital C, which it is supposed to.


00:20:608 (3,4) - Uneven spacing (Flip (4) and you'll see it).
00:39:382 (6,7) - Slightly misaligned stack?
00:40:931 (6,7) - ^
Fixed all ^^

00:20:608 (3,4) - Uneven spacing (Flip (4) horizontally and you'll see it). <- Forgot this one.
00:39:382 (6,7) - Slightly misaligned stack?
00:40:931 (6,7) - ^

(No need to kudosu this post)
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:


00:20:608 (3,4) - Uneven spacing (Flip (4) horizontally and you'll see it). <- Forgot this one.
Alright then. Sorry for the delay and here's your bubble.
La Valse
star ~ :)
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Thanks you guys! :)
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