
[Suggestion] "osu! Freestyler Event"

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Dear Community,

today I want to tell you an idea that I had in the last days:

We all know the OWC (osu! World Cup) in winter, where the pro's shows their skills in an great tournament. And we love it! Of course! <3
But what's about the other boys and girls, that are not able to be a part of this event? In this way I thought about an "funny tournament for everybody" in summer with an special target: We are looking for the greatest freestyler in osu!

So it's not the point, that you just hit the circle. It's the way HOW you hit it. ^^ Every single osu!-player have sometimes fun with his / her cursor, but to challenge other people could be a really nice action. And you don't have to be a pro. Even a player on rank #220.000 can win against the pro's with the right movement. :D

How it could be:


- I would love to host this event!

- Some players from the top countries would be the jury

- We would make a Thread with the terms of this competition, where everybody can post his video-link

- A second Thread for discussion

- The jury pick out their favorites and the community can vote the winner.

-----------> OR: The jury pick out their favorites ---> they show their skills on a livestream and the community can vote afterwards!


That's so far the only point where this event need the support from osu! It would be really nice, if we can motivate the people with little prices for this competition.

My suggestion:

#1: A special "osu! Freestyler"-Banner + 6 months osu!-support

#2: 3 months osu!-support

#3: 1 month osu!-support


- Every player is invited to this event. Rank or country doesn't matter!

- Only 1 video per player!

- The video have to be uploaded within 30 days at youtube (or any other broadcasting website)

- The link must be postet in the Competition-Thread. After that post there is no chance to change video. Editet posts are out of competition! So be sure that you are fine with your movement. ^^

- There is no destriction for beatmaps or difficulty. You can play what you want!

- If you want to play with mod: Only ONE mod is allowed!

That's the event-design so far. I hope for your support to give this fun a chance! :D

so cursor dancing
so what you're asking for is a population contest for more or less a osu! trick shot video.
pretty interesting :)
This has no future, give up.
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Wishy wrote:

This has no future, give up.

This event is only just for fun! If enough people like it, it has a future.

In my opinion: There is nothing to lose. So why not? :)
Replays don't capture cursor movement 1:1, so you'd have to have people actually recording live. If you don't know what I mean, take a look at this at 0:15. I'm spinning around with my cursor, but the replay doesn't save this. Same for 0:39, where the fast movement makes osu!replay not detect all the points to create a smooth look.
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yeah I know what you mean. That's why I would prefer that people record their liveplay and post a link into the forum, instead of the replay-data. So can everyone enjoy this event. :D
Perhaps this should be under tournaments? Also, sounds like fun, haha xD
i don't think cursor dancing can be judged well...
I din't understand how winners will be selected. What will be criteria for winning?
you are basically excluding people with not so great computers or cameras, and there are people who are decent but don't have chance to compete since recording does take some cpu power

and as said, this is so quite subjective. The difficulty of the map could make the cursor dancing more entertaining, but that's about the only objective sort of criteria. How would you even say or tell that this movement of the cursor looks better lol
Seriously this won't get anywhere.

1- You are asking players to record a liveplay, many are not able to, other won't really feel like doing so.

2- Judgement is random, completely subjective, and pretty much friend based.

3- You will eventually get tired of this and drop the event.
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This attitude makes me really sad... Why so negative?! This should be a event of fun. Not more!

And about your questions / allegations:

1. It isn't fair, because some people's hardware are too slow?! Hmm.... How many people can't play in OWC because their skill is too low? Or what's about talented people who doesn't have a pc?
What I mean: At this project can more players take part of it as somewhere else. So please don't say it's not fair.

2. Judgement is subjective? Yeah... of course! It's not about points and highscore, but about performance. There some Sports in the world where rated by this. Like real dancing, diving and many more!
And there would be criteria for rating you can choose: Accuracy, creativity, difficulty of beatmap and some more!

3. I only get tired by opinions like that. I wouldn't drop the event because I want to do it. That's why I'm here! If people don't want to do it, it's okay. I'll never force someone to dance with the cursor. But I want to give this event a chance! That's all!
Or we can share here our cursor dancing videos without competition aspect. I'd like to see some kawaii cursor madness.
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Oh enik I love you!

Some positiv spirit! It... feels so... gooooooood! xD

No bad idea, but a little competition would make it more interessting. It will never be a official tournament. I know... But with little prices there would be a motivation beside the fun. ^^

Scheiby wrote:

1. It isn't fair, because some people's hardware are too slow?! Hmm.... How many people can't play in OWC because their skill is too low? Or what's about talented people who doesn't have a pc?
What I mean: At this project can more players take part of it as somewhere else. So please don't say it's not fair.
Your examples are idiotic, yet I will give you a point, you could just record your liveplay using Fraps and that's it, no real limitator there, still quite a pain to do so.

2. Judgement is subjective? Yeah... of course! It's not about points and highscore, but about performance. There some Sports in the world where rated by this. Like real dancing, diving and many more!
And there would be criteria for rating you can choose: Accuracy, creativity, difficulty of beatmap and some more!
There are sports with subjective judgement, so what, they don't just put 2 or 3 random guys who are likely to know nothing about the game to decide who's the best, which is what you are proposing here.

3. I only get tired by opinions like that. I wouldn't drop the event because I want to do it. That's why I'm here! If people don't want to do it, it's okay. I'll never force someone to dance with the cursor. But I want to give this event a chance! That's all!
Whenever some random user proposes some random event, the outcome is always the same: it never even starts/he or she gets tired of it and drops it/event goes so slow players stop caring about it.

Just telling you my pov, do whatever you want.
you aren't going to get those prizes without peppy's consent, and you won't get peppy's consent without a more solid and objective criteria and standpoint
Lol the negativity. Just let the guy do whatever, it's not like we know for sure that "it never even starts/he or she gets tired of it and drops it/event goes so slow players stop caring about it." anyway. I just know I'd be too lazy for this, and that's that. Doesn't mean that people who find this interesting shouldn't do this.
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winber1 wrote:

you aren't going to get those prizes without peppy's consent, and you won't get peppy's consent without a more solid and objective criteria and standpoint
That's a good point and you're right! But this is only a suggestion and not the whole concept. If I get a "Okay!" I try my best to make it legit and professional as possible to create a fair rating system.

Let's wait what Peppy say. ^^
It's peppy not Peppy. And you probably won't get any answer out of this thread because it's poorly done.
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Okay wishy... I've got it...

Now buy some candy and torture your pets!
Nah, other way around leave it casual, don't bother peppy. Comments like "this guy is the best" are already good prizes. just need someone to start. The problem is it's hard to dance if you don't feel like it, usually it comes unwittingly and since the video must be recorded live you kinda have to force yourself to dance.
Keep this thread civil please.

Feel free to host, you dont need peppy's permission, however someone needs to sponsor the prizes (except for the badge, you need peppy on this one). Since you are the host and the one suggesting prizes, you could probably sponsor them.

As for the event, you need to come with a clear judging system. If you cant describe it in detal, chances are its not gonna work in the first place. How will people know what exactly they need to do to win?

Since the thread is in the wrong place, i will move it.
Can anyone explain what cursor dancing actually is? When u have circles in 2 points: point 1 and point 2 and u need to press them in series your cursor will be moving from point 1 to point 2 in a straight line. So wtf are you talking about?

Vesrand wrote:

Can anyone explain what cursor dancing actually is? When u have circles in 2 points: point 1 and point 2 and u need to press them in series your cursor will be moving from point 1 to point 2 in a straight line. So wtf are you talking about?
That's what cursor dancing is, choosing an alternative path other than a straight line between notes.

Also, wishy, please learn to give things a chance before bashing it into the ground. You're making way too many assumptions that lead to you coming up with the conclusion that such a tournament will end in failure.

EDIT: OP, pm me if you want someone to help you co-host, I'd like to see this happen and materliaze :P

For Vesrand

And BTW You'll have to use actual gameplay, rather than replay data, because replay tends to make everything curved, when you do a circle, replay will save it as you're doing a triangles.
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Thanks lolcubes!

I'll take a little time to complete the terms of this event and working on a complete judging system, where everyone can see what is to do. Meanwhile I'm looking for a fair jury to make this event happen.

@Vesrand: I'm sure you've already seen some cursor dancing. How you said it's the way between point 1 and point 2! But when you dance with your cursor you don't take the straight line! You make it with a bend, let jump your cursor between the circles or something else.
A little example is this vid from Cookie: (Time 0:39-0:49)
I'm guessing for this tourney, we're mostly going to be playing easy's and normal's? I mean, anything higher and there's little room for one's creative expression since the timing between notes shrinks down.
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benguin wrote:

I'm guessing for this tourney, we're mostly going to be playing easy's and normal's? I mean, anything higher and there's little room for one's creative expression since the timing between notes shrinks down.

Yeah... and no. xD You're right, but the choose of beatmap and difficulty should be free. Because easy or normal maps are just too slow for good (fast) players. Everyone should pick out the map with an rhythm which is fine for him. Even there won't be a map with 300+bpm ;D

benguin wrote:

Also, wishy, please learn to give things a chance before bashing it into the ground. You're making way too many assumptions that lead to you coming up with the conclusion that such a tournament will end in failure.
I'm telling him the truth. This tournament is poorly explained, judgement is kind of random, no real details have been given, etc. My kind of posts is what this guy should be thanking since I'm telling him in a quite straight way what he is doing wrong = what he should change to make this better. It is also a fact that almost every random event proposed by a random user ends up in failure (if it even begins...) or is abandoned.
generic tournament ends with said random user disappearing from his/her own thread claiming to be too tired of organizing

kriers wrote:

generic tournament ends with said random user disappearing from his/her own thread claiming to be too tired of organizing
Or not even claiming anything and just vanishing.
Kanye West
freestyler tournament? don't you think it would be boring to have an entire tournament on one beatmap?
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For once: IF I'm drop this event because I get too tired or anything you all can flame me into the ground! Until this point: Think positiv and let me organize this event! I have many ideas to improve it and I think you all can live with it. My first post was just a suggestion and now we get serious! :D

Kanye West wrote:

freestyler tournament? don't you think it would be boring to have an entire tournament on one beatmap?
Yeah... that would be boring. But like I wrote: Every player can choose the map he / she want! Any difficulty is fine. You have the total controll about what you playing. In this point is no restriction.

Wishy wrote:

I'm telling him the truth. This tournament is poorly explained, judgement is kind of random, no real details have been given, etc. My kind of posts is what this guy should be thanking since I'm telling him in a quite straight way what he is doing wrong = what he should change to make this better. It is also a fact that almost every random event proposed by a random user ends up in failure (if it even begins...) or is abandoned.
To be fair, your first post was entirely negative, offered no advice to make the event work, and was unnecessarily combative. Your remaining posts have been giving advice in a condescending and pessimistic manner. Since you seem to be defending your posts rather than apologizing for unintentionally sounding like a dick and proceeding to help the OP in a lighter tone, you probably didn't realize you sounded like a dick.

You sounded like a dick.

To the OP:
He's right, though. Try and get some very firm and subjective guidelines for judging. Assign points to things like overall cursor speed, song score, number of "unnecessary" movements, etc. I don't know what you're looking for, but having a definite criteria set up for people to comment on and tweak will help a lot here. Also cut down on the neon text colors in your post and proofread, man - it's unprofessional and does nothing to make people take you seriously.
It's a very good idea and I will support this tournament. ^^
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Hi Daru,

how I already said: The first post was just a suggestion. Right in this moment I'm planning with my Co-Host the criteria for ranking. It give straight areas for points. So it's not subjective! Pls wait und trust me! ;)
<----Co-Host xD

We have many plans for the criteria and we will post the ranking criteria in the next days here.^^

Daru wrote:

To be fair, your first post was entirely negative, offered no advice to make the event work, and was unnecessarily combative. Your remaining posts have been giving advice in a condescending and pessimistic manner. Since you seem to be defending your posts rather than apologizing for unintentionally sounding like a dick and proceeding to help the OP in a lighter tone, you probably didn't realize you sounded like a dick.

You sounded like a dick.
I don't give a fuck about my tone, I still hold that this guy should drop this idea because not only it will be a miracle if it even starts but if it does it will probably end up like any generic random event ends. Hope it does not but from the looks it has...

Wishy wrote:

I don't give a fuck about my tone
Yeah, figured as much.
Wanted to give the benefit of the doubt that you cared in the slightest.
if the thread survives our pessimism then it might stand a chance.

Wishy is actually of help because a tournament can't exactly go well until people are convinced that it can.
See if you can up the level and convince the rest of us, Scheiby.
Should hire Cookiezi to do some silly pro gameplays like his chipscape replay from a while back.
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kriers wrote:

if the thread survives our pessimism then it might stand a chance.

And if this thread and tournamend survives, you will be part of it as a player! Deal? :D


For now I can tell you, that the organisation goes well so far. My team works hard for an serious and professional tournament, even it's for fun. Because in this phase of planning, the tournament terms are an living object. So I don't want to tell any single detail, because it could be changed in future.

But I can soothe you about the big "how do you want to rate it?!"-question: We've found 4 rating criteria! 3 objective (with straight tables) and 1 subjective!
The last point will be judged from 3 Guys ---> 3 ratings ---> 1 average! That's fo fair as it gets in an "Show-tournament".

Scheiby wrote:

- If you want to play with mod: Only ONE mod is allowed!
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Ah damn... Sorry for bad explaination... D:

Specially "Relax" won't be allowed in tournament.

You can choose between HR / HD / DT / FL / HT or EZ.

More details about rating with mods will come soon!
If this ends up being done, then I'm in.

Pancake wrote:

If this ends up being done, then I'm in.
aaaaaaaaaaaand we have a winner.

unless somebody like cookiezi joins in.

which is why there probably should be at least some map regulations. because if someone like tom cursordances on maps like freedom dive, the rest of the competition might have problems to keep up. also if all people play the same map you can compare the performances better with each other.
EZ mod cursor dancing best
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Tanzklaue wrote:

aaaaaaaaaaaand we have a winner.

unless somebody like cookiezi joins in.

which is why there probably should be at least some map regulations. because if someone like tom cursordances on maps like freedom dive, the rest of the competition might have problems to keep up. also if all people play the same map you can compare the performances better with each other.

Aaaaaaaaaaand we have no winner! ;D (Even if I respect Pancake and I'm happy that he will join this tournament!)

Tanzklaue I understand your suspicion that some pro will win this tournament. Because you think about their skill and no beginner can beat that. That's true! But benguin (our great Co-Host) and me want to make a tournament for everybody. That's the most important point and it will never be changed!

That's why we've created some legit rating tables for all kind of players. More details will come soon, but let me give you just a little example:

You have 2 player: 1 pro and 1 no-pro. they play a similar map and have a similar result: the no-pro will win because he'll get much more points! easy to explain: an [Hard]-Beatmap is much easier for an top3000 player than someone over #50.000. So you have to rate "Player vs. Beatmap" and not "Player vs. Player" ;D

PS: Most of all pro's can't pass Freedom Dive [Four Dimensions] in an regular try. So I don't think we will see some dancing while diving! :-P
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