
Fix flags

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Hello, as the title says, it would be nice to have some flags fixed. I understand some flags are made simplistic, but there is lot of inconsistency in the design, like some flags are simplistic and some are not, either make all of them simplistic or all of them more detailed. A flag is something that represents the country a lot, it's sad to see them so scuffed.

All of the listed flags are countries that appear in country leaderboard. I may have missed something but if you'll notice something and comment it under, I'll edit it into the list.

Flags with mistakes/inconsistencies:
  1. Albania (has White Eagle instead of Black Eagle)
  2. Laos (Lines have bad ratio even though other flags use different ratios than 1/3, Spain for example)
  3. Montenegro (Symbol doesn't look like an Eagle, instead it looks like a Polygon even though flags like Sri Lanka are nicely detailed)
  4. Serbia (same thing as Montenegro)
  5. Moldova (same thing as Montenegro)
  6. All flags with shields - Slovakia, Spain, Ecuador, Slovenia, Croatia, San Marino (Some flags with shields have the shield detailed, why don't these with bigger player base)
  7. Territorial flags/Dependencies - Guadelope, Martinique, New Caledonia, (some of them use their overlord country flag, some of them use their own flag that is used in some way)
Missing flags:
  1. Curacao
  2. Cook Islands
  3. Tokelau
  4. Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Issues with flags have been noticed various times in the past and fixed. Not exactly sure what the current status is, but this issue seems to track most flag problems currently:

It probably would be best to comments these problems there
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Okay, wasn't aware of this and sorry for flooding this forum section.

Edit: Posted some of the mentioned on github
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