
Final Fantasy VII (Nobuo Uematsu) - One Winged Angel

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I can only nazi :S

00:39:04 (3,4) - align with (4,5) from last combo?
01:17:23 (1,2,3) - somehow I don't like all Normal finish for "Se-phi-roth" chorus, remove any two?
01:22:22 (4) - eww all finish hitsounds </3
01:38:69 (4) - ^
02:06:40 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
02:48:08 (6,7) - right a tick?

00:41:54 (4,5) - space out like 2,3 is?
01:15:73 (2,4) - up a tick?
01:17:23 (1,2,3) - same as easy
01:32:71 (4) - down a tick?
02:47:58 (2,3,4,5) - left a tick?
Redo breaks~

01:17:23 (1,2,3) - again~ but thats just my opinion
02:02:65 (4) - left a tick?
03:37:00 (5) - down a tick?
Redo breaks also.

I can't say I'm a big fan of the massive Normal-Finish hitsound usage.. that's why I'd prefer more/all soft hitsounds, but that's just me.
Drat, someone else planning to map another diff already~
Finished my difficulty. I'm not sure if some sections of this are even rankable. I will edit them if they are too difficult.

Download: Nobuo Uematsu - One Winged Angel (kingcobra52) [Jar's Velocity of Hate].osu
Sure, here you are the background, if you dnt like tell me and i'll send you the other i have :P

Anyway I star this map, i really like it :P

Is this ok?

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hey, a kc map.
SOrry if you didn't like the previous one, look at this.
I hope you like it^^

02:09:64 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - This combo is really awkwardly spaced. Redo, please.
03:13:54 (1,2,3,4,5) - I am not sure if this combo is alright, since it quickly changes spacing at the 3. If another BAT minds it, please redo it. Also, the 5 in this combo is not stacked with the 1.
03:17:53 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^. But here, 1 and 5 are stacked ^_^
03:47:48 (3,4) - 3 and 4's ends are offscreen. Move the ends so they are not.
03:49:48 (1,2,3,4) - JarJar, you're a sicko. Also, 3 and 4's ends are offscreen. Move the ends so they are not.

00:23:82 (8) - Start is a bit offscreen.
01:34:70 (4) - New Combo?
02:00:03 (4,5) - Uh, this is a pretty unexpected jump imho

01:34:70 (4) - New Combo?
01:38:69 (4) - ^?
02:06:15 (4) - ^?

01:22:22 (4) - New Combo?
01:34:70 (4) - ^?
01:38:69 (4) - ^

Good job
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I'll let Jar fix his own difficulty.

Larto wrote:

02:00:03 (4,5) - Uh, this is a pretty unexpected jump imho
Hence, why I introduced these jumps before, starting at 01:44:19 (10). :P
If people don't like them, I'll edit it. For now though, I'll keep it the way it is.

Everything else fixed.

Edit: Made the jumps a bit easier.
big fan of sephirot
and i loved this music
jar jar version is difficult but i still can play it
JarJar is still a sicko.
i have listened to this to much before, but its still awesome ^^

i cant really play Easy's, but isnt this abit to hard for an easy?


00:03:60 (8) - oops, move 1 grid up
00:41:79 (6) - New combo?
01:43:94 (8,9,10) - what a mean triplet ^^
03:43:49 (5) - New combo?

[Jar's Velocity of Hate]
loooooooong intro :\\

03:12:54 (7) - 2 grid to the right (align with 8)

jumpy streams ^^

nice beatmap

What where's the materia/meteor hitcircle skinning?

Gabi wrote:

i cant really play Easy's, but isnt this abit to hard for an easy?
You're right, it is a Medium-level difficulty. However, it is still acceptable for beginners looking for an inkling of a challenge, so in my opinion it's not a problem. (In other words, it's not over the top, and there's only one unexpected combo, so nothing should throw off enough to kill even the most novice of players.)

Normal also feels like an easy-ish Hard to me. But nothing really jumped out at me.

Hard is definitely an insane difficulty. So the names of the maps are all one step behind, but since the difficulties still scale correctly, that's fine. The two-shot slider jump patterns are kind of interesting. The beatspacing nazi might cry out in rage, but I think it adds a bit of character. The use of unpredictable jumps is okay imo because the song kinda lets you know it's coming.
02:39:09 (1,2,3,4) - I don't see why this one pattern is different from the rest. I think it breaks the flow a bit. But it's still not a big enough outrage to bubblepop imo.
03:23:02 (2,4) - these should totally be soft finishers
03:30:51 (2,2) - maybe the last bounce of these, too.

Get rid of the lead in time. It's not necessary.
Other than that, this feels kind of like an approved map. There's a lot of volatility in the flow of the map, some unnecessarily large stacks (02:42:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), 02:50:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) and imo 03:49:48 (1,2,3,4) is just plain silly but that's alright. Hitsounds are used well imo.
I'm also going to let Jar mode go just because the max score for it is lower than [Hard] so it falls under the category of no harm, no foul. Why not?

But fix that lead in time.
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Wow. Haven't seen you mod in a long time, awp. :P

Anyway, all fixed.
are you serious at 1/4 jumps (for example, 01:44:06 (9,10) - )
no bats said about it, so i have no ideas about it except a star ;)
Nakata Yuji
Very nice song, starring for effort, and that I want this ranked.
00:32:55 (2,4) - try a different hitsound

01:15:23 (1,2,3,4) - make them parallel to each other

01:44:19 (10) - spacing
01:48:18 (10) - ^
01:52:17 (11) - ^ etc.

i KNEW i was right by the title to think this was a map full of retarded bpm changes
03:00:56 (3) - is this break intentionally timed?
03:17:53 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing
01:11:74 (3) - retarded velocity change (other BAT agree)
01:12:74 (6) - ^
02:13:64 (1) - whyyyyyyyyy this is ridiculous rather than fun and detracts from the rest of your map
02:21:12 (1,1) - finishes
03:41:49 (1,2,3,4) - this just looks kinda stupid, maybe tilt your sliders less so that they dont cross each other
02:42:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - wtf no
03:49:48 (1) - kill. bpm. speed. increase.
03:53:47 (1) - spinner is illegally short
Was asked by SFG to look at JarJar's difficulty and had to post my reactions, sorry for such a short mod.

x2 BPM Sliders = Douchebaggish.
x.5 BPM Sliders = Alright.
02:21:12 (1,1) - Normally, i hate spinners like these, but these actually work here. Just throw finishes on the end of them to make them awesome.
02:42:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) and 02:50:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) -

sorry i had to

03:14:53 (3,4,5) and 03:17:53 (1,2,3,4,5) - Really douchebaggish, at LEAST use a New Combo when changing time/distance
03:45:48 (1,2,3,4) - Ok so these I like. Not going to lie about that.
03:49:48 (1,2,3,4) - sigh.

RemmyX25 wrote:

02:42:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) and 02:50:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - NO
..I kinda like these
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All fixed except for Jar's difficulty. *glares at JJJ*
Great map and nice song
looks good

looks fine

01:48:18 (1) - spacing (im pretty sure you just want to reverse selection here)
02:00:16 (1) - ^
i think you should recheck this entire difficulty for other sliders like those two, in case i missed any

02:09:64 (1) - stacking
02:13:64 (1,2) - kill it. i can deal with most of the retarded DURRIMAFASTSLIDER shit but this is just retarded beyond belief.
03:15:53 (1) - finish
03:41:49 (1,2,3,4) - see attachment, imo looks a lot cleaner that way
03:49:98 (2) - err...i hate to say this but this is also illegal b/c you cant tell if its a circle or a slider until after you click it

Nobuo Uematsu's music gives me soundgasms.

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
=O ONE WINGED ANGEL ! One of my favourite game battle music. XD

Random mod here.

01:17:235 - If you put kiai here and end at 3, imo, it will look nice
01:21:228 - same
01:33:208 - same. (SEPHIROTH part is too striking for me. XD)
01:37:202 - same
02:05:155 - same
02:09:148 - same

Good mapping, beginners will sure like it.

01:27:21 (1) - This is doesn't look paralled to 3
01:31:212 (1) - same
General : add kiai on every SEPHIROTH ?


I like the slider madness here. XD

Good mao and good song. Starred.
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Kiai on every sephiroth would be using it way too much, imo. Parallel issue is fixed though.

Thanks. :)
hi :) nice to meet u! i am a new mapper! this map is nice with the music tempo is clear cut and easy to catch up^@^

here is some of my opinion:

overall, the background is quite dark in colour. so i suggest that the hitcircle colour can adjust a bit more brighter so that we can see the approaching outline circle to predict the trap when we play^@^

00:38:30 - can add a note here, sounds more synchronizes with the previous combo. anyway this is just my suggestion^@^ it is up to you.
00:41:79 (3) - here sounds a bit weird. the slider can shorten a bit to 00:43:042 and add a note here 00:43:541. then will sounds better. this is my suggestion.
01:38:69 (1) - can add the slider reverse another U-turn until 01:40:696
02:29:61 (1) - u can add the finish sound at the end of slider 02:30:363

impressive enough^@^ perfect! no any correction needed. STAR*

very good! perfect again :) but i think i need to practice hard to get all combo. because the spacing in the ending part jump so far+fast+trap..really not easy to play! especially the 03:45:48 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - here very difficult. i practice few times and just get confuse as the idea is turning different way from the begin similar one. so may be can modify it a bit^@^

01:39:19 - can add a note here and move the splinter to 01:39:448 and end until 01:41:195. this sounds better^.^
02:20:87 and 02:21:12 - can add note become tripper hitcircle and the splinter move to 02:21:37 and end at 02:23:125. this is my suggestion^@^
03:53:47 (1) - erm..for this one i had been though that a rank-able splinter must splint at least 2000 bonus by auto playing. yours this splinter only can splinted for 1000 bonus. is it a exception???

overall this a excellent map and i wish that i can play it as soon as it been ranked!!! thank you very much^@^

Sorry about that, then.
Wait uh...

...I'm just saying I want this ranked so that I could use it on my Dissidia map lol. Can't mod right now since I'm so sleepy.
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alan_629_6 wrote:

hi :) nice to meet u! i am a new mapper! this map is nice with the music tempo is clear cut and easy to catch up^@^

here is some of my opinion:

overall, the background is quite dark in colour. so i suggest that the hitcircle colour can adjust a bit more brighter so that we can see the approaching outline circle to predict the trap when we play^@^ Only color i see that can pose a problem is the dark grey. If i get any more complaints I'll lighten it up

00:38:30 - can add a note here, sounds more synchronizes with the previous combo. anyway this is just my suggestion^@^ it is up to you. Don't want to make it too hard
00:41:79 (3) - here sounds a bit weird. the slider can shorten a bit to 00:43:042 and add a note here 00:43:541. then will sounds better. this is my suggestion. Sounds fine to me
01:38:69 (1) - can add the slider reverse another U-turn until 01:40:696 Then you'd have to quickly jump over to 1 on the other side
02:29:61 (1) - u can add the finish sound at the end of slider 02:30:363 Done

impressive enough^@^ perfect! no any correction needed. STAR*

very good! perfect again :) but i think i need to practice hard to get all combo. because the spacing in the ending part jump so far+fast+trap..really not easy to play! especially the 03:45:48 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - here very difficult. i practice few times and just get confuse as the idea is turning different way from the begin similar one. so may be can modify it a bit^@^ It's the same spacing as the ones before it (1.4) If it's too hard I might change it to something completely different instead.

INSANE All fixed
01:39:19 - can add a note here and move the splinter to 01:39:448 and end until 01:41:195. this sounds better^.^
02:20:87 and 02:21:12 - can add note become tripper hitcircle and the splinter move to 02:21:37 and end at 02:23:125. this is my suggestion^@^
03:53:47 (1) - erm..for this one i had been though that a rank-able splinter must splint at least 2000 bonus by auto playing. yours this splinter only can splinted for 1000 bonus. is it a exception???

overall this a excellent map and i wish that i can play it as soon as it been ranked!!! thank you very much^@^

Thanks. :)

Zekira wrote:

Wait uh...

...I'm just saying I want this ranked so that I could use it on my Dissidia map lol. Can't mod right now since I'm so sleepy. do you use a map for another map?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Done. Also decided to add a video.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

It's ok, but... this diff isn't a easy. It's too difficult for be a easy


it's ok


it's ok (nice :) )


01:38:762 (1,2,3,4) = move this circles in the centre

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xxheroxx wrote:


It's ok, but... this diff isn't a easy. It's too difficult for be a easy osu itself says it's an easy. :?


it's ok


it's ok (nice :) )


01:38:762 (1,2,3,4) = move this circles in the centre Fixed.

Just some suggestions for hitsounds. May not good, take what you like.

01:09:248 (1,2) - and the three parts like it afterwards. Add whistle on the strong beats sounds better.
01:50:430 (4,5) - add whistle (both whistle and finish at 5)
01:54:173 (3,4) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 3)
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)

01:09:248 (1,2) - same as Easy
01:41:195 (1) - add whistle
01:45:188 (3) - ^
01:50:430 (4,5) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 5)
01:54:173 (3,4) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 3)
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)
02:44:215 (5) - remove the two whistles at 1/4 beat (on right side of the slider)
03:23:025 (2,4) - add finish like the things in Hard
03:31:012 (2) - ^ (at the end of the slider)
03:33:009 (2) - ^

01:09:248 (1,2) - same as Easy
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)
02:38:100 (5,6,7) - add whistle
02:39:098 (1,2,3) - ^
02:42:093 (5,6,7) - ^
02:43:092 (1,2,3) - ^
02:44:215 (5) - remove the two whistles at 1/4 beat (on left side of the slider)
02:46:087 (3,4,5) - add whistle
02:47:085 (1,2,3) - ^

Epic video, epic map, epic song

Revived Yeaaaah!
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zerosyn wrote:

Just some suggestions for hitsounds. May not good, take what you like.

01:09:248 (1,2) - and the three parts like it afterwards. Add whistle on the strong beats sounds better.
01:50:430 (4,5) - add whistle (both whistle and finish at 5)
01:54:173 (3,4) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 3)
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)

01:09:248 (1,2) - same as Easy
01:41:195 (1) - add whistle
01:45:188 (3) - ^
01:50:430 (4,5) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 5)
01:54:173 (3,4) - ^ (both whistle and finish at 3)
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)
02:44:215 (5) - remove the two whistles at 1/4 beat (on right side of the slider)
03:23:025 (2,4) - add finish like the things in Hard
03:31:012 (2) - ^ (at the end of the slider)
03:33:009 (2) - ^

01:09:248 (1,2) - same as Easy
01:57:668 (1) - add whistle
02:01:162 (1) - ^ (at beginning of the slider)
02:38:100 (5,6,7) - add whistle
02:39:098 (1,2,3) - ^
02:42:093 (5,6,7) - ^
02:43:092 (1,2,3) - ^
02:44:215 (5) - remove the two whistles at 1/4 beat (on left side of the slider)
02:46:087 (3,4,5) - add whistle
02:47:085 (1,2,3) - ^

Really appreciate it, but I think my hitsounds are fine the way they are.

and thanks again, starrod. :)
...maybe a good time to try this?
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Thanks. Didn't know a queue like that even existed, lol.
02:39:098 (1,2,3,4,5) - This note placement is... Nearly impossible to read without checking in the editor. Please simplify it.

Tell me when you fix that and I'll pubble.

EDIT: Pubbled. Remember to kudo this post ;)
Pink Fairies
Little Bear
Magic Cheese
I think you should get JarJar to also map the intro of his difficulty. Right now his difficulty's max score is lower than Hard's max score, so there's no real appeal to play it, since it's way harder.
Topic Starter
I pm'ed Jar and he just requested that I delete it. He didn't like how it turned out. :|
I like this beatmap very much, and I hope it can be ranked! Acturaly, I used to play this map at almost every time I open the osu... :P
Alright then!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
for some reason i keep getting a link broken page. :?:
someone needs to use the orchestral version.Love the quality in that one much over the game
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