
[Mapping Contest] Mapping to Pander Contest #2 (Results are here!)

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Looking for the results? Click here!

Looking for the previous contest? Click here!

Welcome back!

We're back with another iteration of Mapping to Pander! Hope y'all missed me.

For those unaware, Mapping to Pander (M2P) is an experimental contest with two primary features: there is only one judge, and you may map any song.

Your goal in this contest is simple: you must create a map that panders best to the chosen judge for the contest. The judge will not be given any criteria; it will be up to them how they score and rank the entries, either by making their own criteria, or simply sorting them from best to worst.

Each iteration of the contest will have a different judge, with different tastes and criteria from the last.
If you wish to be a judge for future rounds of this contest, do let me know!

There will be a few rules to abide by, but for the most part you are free to submit whatever song and map you desire.


The judge for this iteration of the contest will be the worldwide famous large combo mapper UndeadCapulet!

You may be wondering, how can I participate in this contest? Read below for the details!
Due to the nature of the contest, there's not as many rules as your typical contest, but it is still important that you adhere to them:

Entry Rules

  1. osu!standard mode only.
  2. Entries will be anonymized. Please don’t add elements that will reveal your identity to the judge.
  3. Collabs are not allowed.
  4. Entries must obey the ranking criteria.
  5. Entries must not be uploaded to BSS. This includes maps that you deleted in the past. I will check.
  6. No storyboards or videos.
  7. You must submit only one difficulty.

To Participate

There’s no special requirements to participate. Simply pick out a song and start mapping, and then submit via one of the following methods:

  1. Send a forum PM or chat message through the osu! website to Uberzolik with a link to your osz.
  2. Submit directly to Uberzolik#5241 via discord DMs.
You must submit your entry before April 5th 2021 23:59 UTC. Any entries received after this time will be disqualified.
I will only consider the last .osz I receive before the deadline, so please do not submit multiple entries!

Judging Criteria

The judging criteria is determined by the judge. For this iteration, UndeadCapulet has stated the following:

pishifat wrote:

“i like maps
it'll really just be how much i like it”
"so true" -UC

They also asked me to include this twitter link:


1st Place: 3 months of osu!supporter!
2nd Place: 2 months of osu!supporter and the knowledge that you were almost cute enough but not quite
3rd Place: 1 month of osu!supporter and a pity headpat

Thanks to Ephemeral and wafer for sponsoring these.

When does it start?

Now! You can pick any song, so there is no set start date. Just make sure to submit before the deadline!

Do you wish to feel pleased that you're the best Hollow Wings fan? Or do you simply want to get your map movement-checked by the movement overlord? Either way, always remember: have fun participating!
hey pishi if you enter you wont owe me bathwater anymore
psa dont map felt or u'll get incinerated
Ryuusei Aika
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the apple was better
I'm gonna movement map and shit my pants
Zelzatter Zero
yo can't wait to see me in F tier today
o no
i'm thinking of movement, overlaps, relatively small cs (about 5) right now
since uc won the last contest and is now judging, what if whoever wins this one becomes the next judge, and it becomes a tradition? and if a winner doesnt want to judge then uber picks someone like normal
time for some uc stalking!
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quila wrote:

since uc won the last contest and is now judging, what if whoever wins this one becomes the next judge, and it becomes a tradition? and if a winner doesnt want to judge then uber picks someone like normal
while not a bad idea i already have a lot of ppl specifically interested in judging (that i wanted to see as judges personally) so i'd want to prioritize that rn
Sophie Twilight
time to map something to be disqualified because mapping speed slower than snail
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Reminder that there's roughly 4 days left!
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Hi! Deadline's been over for a bit. Had around half as much turnout compared to the first iteration, but that's OK. Thanks to everyone for participating! Results will be out in around a week from now, ideally.

Here's a list of participants. Please let me know if you sent in an entry and aren't on this list, I might've missed it!

  1. Antlia-
  2. wetdog123
  3. Jelljel
  4. Kifo
  5. Lottery61
  6. Mayflower
  7. Mir
  8. quila
  9. Mafumafu
  10. Restart Button
  11. Venix
  12. Zelzatter Zero
oh damn I missed it again oh well
Zelzatter Zero
I'm so ready for the nominator for F tier
oh fuck i had finished my entry but i forgot to submit ooops
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Extra extra! Results are here!

No particularily fancy format this time around. UndeadCapulet picked out their top 3 entries, as well as left detailed comments for every entry in this contest. Much appreciated!

Our winner this round is...
Restart Button!
Their map of Palette by Tokoyami Towa really caught UC's heart, as you can tell by the very lengthy comments they left for the entry! Check out their entry here.
Honorable mention to Jelljel and Venix, who will be taking the 2nd and 3rd place prize respectively.

Without further ado, here's the relevant links so you can check out the commentary as well as the entries!



Thanks to everyone for participating! I will be contacting my sponsors and delivering the prizes shortly.

There was around half as much turnout as last iteration, but that's to be expected. I'm not entirely certain when I'll host the next iteration; there's quite a lot of contests both currently active and upcoming, and I don't really want to compete with those. I predict I'll host the next iteration around a month from now, at least. Thanks for the continued interest!
just to be clear since there were questions about this, the maps i didnt pick for top 3 aren't ordered at all, its just an alphabetical list from that point
Haha this is a fun contest thank you uber for hosting and thank you UC for judging! Can't wait to enjoy the next one.
(Maybe consider not announcing the list of participants before the results are announced?)
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I'd rather announce it incase I've somehow missed an entry, I don't think it matters too much when it comes to judging, but I could retain that information if people think it's bad for judging.
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