beatmapsets/1531274#osu/3131901 nm if possible. The set isn't fully finished as it lacks a single difficulty and hitsounding for the existing ones. Thank you in advance even if you did not pick my map.
You can DM me if you want to request Hitsounding or a Mod. If I agreed to Hitsound something for you please remind me, I sometimes forget about them. In general, if you ever have any questions about mapping ask me.
Link: beatmapsets/1736183/ Artist: DJ Sharpnel Song Title: Loveryteks Genre: J-Core Length & Drain: 5:11 Diffs: 1 Expert (A Wedding) BPM: 188.49 Difficulty Settings: CS 4.3, HP 6, OD 8, AR 9.3 Star Rating: 6.29* NM, Thank You