
T-ara - Bo Peep Bo Peep

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Topic Starter
Pink Agate
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年7月30日 at 0:08:08

Artist: T-ara
Title: Bo Peep Bo Peep
Tags: kazumikos HabiHolic kpop 韩国 流行音乐 皇冠团 全宝蓝 李居丽 朴素妍 含恩静 朴孝敏 朴智妍 한국 M-net 전보람 이큐리 박소연 함은정 박효민 박지연
BPM: 128
Filesize: 4620kb
Play Time: 03:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collab (4.9 stars, 481 notes)
  2. HaHoEasy (1.39 stars, 148 notes)
  3. Normal (3.28 stars, 236 notes)
Download: T-ara - Bo Peep Bo Peep
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy diff: HabiHolic
Normal diff: me
Collab diff: me & kazumikos

I do the circle skin,I'll happy if you use them
For Ranked Pink Agate~~!!
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

HabiHolic wrote:

For Ranked Pink Agate~~!!
:) thanks your star
I really enjoy this song a lot so I'll take a look at it

No video?? I'm going to have to fix that :D
EDIT: Do try and line up your inherited points to the timing markers

Very well done for an Easy diff, but a few notes:
-- I definitely recommend breaking up the combos a bit, they tend to drag on for a while for an easy diff. If you don't know where to cut combos and start new ones, give me a shout, I've got a few spots in mind.
--00:45:280 (4,5) - Your intentions to break up the monotonus 1/4 beats are noticed, but feel very awkward here for a new player. I fiddled around with it for a while, and this seems to sound and feel a bit better! (feel free to fix hitsounds to your liking)
-- Just a suggestion, but try setting the hit circles to large and see how that looks? I like it larger for easies/

Going to assume this is still being worked on? So far it feels great but just a couple of reminders
-- Dont forget to break your combos! keep them around 7/8 ish, 13 max (as a general guideline); usually these are done at new phrases or after a few bars of music.
01:19:030 (23,24) - Very confusing, I wouldnt overlap these.
02:07:780 - place a note here
ALSO dont for get the hitsounds!
Can't wait to see the final product!

This is actually really fun, I'm not going to lie! :D
-- Your combos are almost perfect here except in a few spots.
from 02:07:780 (1) to 02:14:811 (2) they are really short and can be combined, whereas 02:15:280 (1 - 58) need to be broken up into smaller fragments.

So um. I might take a crack at mapping this myself. Stay tuned, and best of luck.
Topic Starter
Pink Agate
thank you RemmyX25,but I can't fix those now ,I will fix when I finish my map,next time ,very thanks your satr :)

edit:I update latest 4/11 22:30

Pink Agate wrote:

thank you RemmyX25,but I can't fix those now ,I will fix when I finish my map,next time ,very thanks your satr :)

edit:I update latest 4/11 22:30
No worries, I can't wait to see it finished, and I'm working on my own difficulty for it, if thats alright?
bo peep bo peep bo peep bo peep bo peep aw ♥ star o3o
Really nice song and map.

You know what to do when it gets more mods and +12 :p
Mod as request

  1. 00:24:655(6)感觉这里还可以修好看点
  2. 00:30:280其实我感觉这一段空着有点不好,换个地方break比较合适(毕竟ez和hard都没空,而且音乐明显是一段的开头..
  3. 00:49:030(6)nc
  4. 01:22:076(5)这里还是学后面一样改成这个节奏比较合vocal
  1. 00:35:905(5,7)没叠好
  2. 02:22:780(2)nc应该在这吧
  3. 02:32:623(10)这里感觉换成slider好点
  4. 还有就是有些地方可以加一下nc,经常有13、14这种combo,略长
  1. 01:47:623(1)why there is nc here
  2. 01:53:717(4)nc because you used a nc at 01:54:655
  3. 02:07:076(6)remove this note may better to me
  4. 02:32:623(5)same as hard diff
时间不多没仔细看orz 总体来说没啥问题
GL :3
I don't understand why that bg ;w; but good job on map :3
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Tony wrote:

I don't understand why that bg ;w; but good job on map :3

look her leg ,now you can understand it
  1. repeat的皮肤建议换一个
  2. collab和sun里的PreviewTime是199030,另外两个难度则是198912
  3. offset - 6?
  1. 01:09:030 - 冗余的时间线
  2. 00:56:647 - 无用的时间线
  3. 00:57:467 - 无用的时间线
  4. 00:57:584 - 无用的时间线
  5. 00:58:873 - 无用的时间线
  6. 00:58:873 - 无用的时间线
  7. 03:33:326 - 无用的时间线
  1. 00:15:280 (1) - 加finish
  2. 00:17:155 (5) - 建议弧度加大
  3. 00:21:842 - 感觉缺了个note
  4. 00:24:655 (6) - slider没有画好,建议重画
  5. 00:30:514 - 这段break柑橘可以map掉
  6. 00:34:967 - 无用的时间线
  7. 00:35:084 - 无用的时间线
  8. 00:38:717 (3) - 移动到392,160的话更好看
  9. 00:45:748 (2) - 第二个圈加finish
  10. 00:46:217 (3,4) - 不弄成一样的?
  11. 00:49:030 (6) - 建议NC
  12. 00:51:842 (12) - 第二个圈加clap
  13. 00:52:780 (1,2,3) - 1和3围成了一段圆弧,所以把2放在中间要好看一些。位置自己找
  14. 00:56:530 - 这四根时间线没用
  15. 00:58:873 - 无用的时间线
  16. 01:07:780 (6) - 第一个圈加finish
  17. 01:16:685 (4,5) - 太近
  18. 01:22:311 (6) - 第二个圈加finish
  19. 01:25:592 (6,1,2) - 太近
  20. 01:33:092 - 这两根时间线没用
  21. 01:51:373 - 加circle
  22. 02:04:498 (1) - 去掉NC
  23. 02:11:530 (2) - 第一个圈加finish
  24. 02:19:030 (1) - 加finish
  25. 02:23:717 (2) - 建议移动到203,223
  26. 02:26:530 (1) - 加finish
  27. 02:34:967 - 这一段建议用0.75x
  28. 02:34:967 (1,2) - 重叠着不好看
  29. 02:39:655 (3) - 建议移动到284,277
  30. 02:45:748 (1) - 建议延迟到02:47:155开始
  31. 03:02:155 - 无用的时间线
  32. 03:03:561 (1) - 第二个圈加finish
  33. 03:11:530 (2) - 加finish
  34. 03:19:030 (1) - 第一个圈加finish
  35. 03:25:592 - 加circle
  36. 03:27:936 (4,2) - 没有重叠好
  37. 03:32:155 (1) - 强烈不建议
[Sun Rainbow Style]
  1. 00:07:780 (1) - 第一个圈加finish
  2. 00:14:811 (1) - 去掉NC
  3. 00:15:280 (1) - 第一个圈加finish
  4. 00:33:561 (2,2) - 感觉被挡住了
  5. 00:51:842 (5) - 右移一格
  6. 01:03:795 (6,2) - 没有重叠好
  7. 01:28:170 (4) - NC
  8. 01:28:405 (1) - 去掉NC
  9. 01:34:030 - break开始的时间是不是有点太靠后了,建议map到这个点
  10. 01:48:444 - 无用的时间线
  11. 02:00:280 (1) - 移动到272,96
  12. 02:25:592 - 无用的时间线
  13. 02:26:530 - 无用的时间线
  14. 02:46:451 (10,1) - 不好看
  15. 02:52:780 (7) - 移动到24,126
  16. 02:56:530 (1) - 有点太长了
  17. 03:03:561 (1) - 好像是unrankable的
  1. 建议加上SB显示每一段是谁做的
  2. 00:30:045 (3) - 第二个圈加finish
  3. 00:55:826 (2,1) - 没有重叠好
  4. 00:59:811 (1,3) - 没有重叠好
  5. 03:02:155 (1) - 建议做音量慢慢加大
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
hi there random mod because i know i already stared this lol

did you forget to uncheck letterbox during breaks?

00:21:959 - the end of slider looks unsnapped on blue tick and i suggest to move it to red line
01:52:780 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - make it better please (move the (1,2,3) to the different place o3o)

Sun Rainbow~
why this diff have many finish ;w; seems not good for me
00:21:842 (1,2) - don't use finish on the head of slider seems bad
00:26:295 - remove finish
00:29:576 - remove finish on the tail of slider
too many finish in this diff and i suggest you to don't use many finish

00:49:030 - looks better if you NC this

Easy looks good o3o

don't kudos if this mod don't help you :)
Sun Rainbow
don't forget about this map! i really like it! :3
woo~ it has 13 likes already! gogo rank \o/
This map is so fun to play!!! Good luck!!!! We need more KPOP on Osu!!
as your request


01:41:061 - I suggest to add a note to follow the vocal here, it's kinda a heavy beat

00:24:655 (1,2) - this can blanket better
01:17:155 (5,6) - this jump is too large for a Normal diff imo, reduce the spacing plz
01:57:467 (2,3,4) - you can make this circle more beautiful, try to use ctrl+shift+r
02:06:373 (3,1,2,3) - the spacing is really strange to me, first the jump between 02:06:373 (3,1) - doesn't fit the song well imo, and then, neither does the anti-jump 02:08:248 (2,3) -
02:18:092 (3) - I suggest to change them into 2 1/2 sliders, or the slider with more than 1 repeating is kinda hard to read
02:34:967 - 02:41:530 - this part is too quiet imo
03:25:826 (1) - this speed-up slider is really odd to me, it's too sudden(especially when the slider is just after an anti-jump), I strongly suggest you to use normal speed on it
03:32:155 (1) - this must be changed, this kick spinner is too hard to play as a Normal diff, this's unreasonable

01:53:717 - better to add NC here, for easier to read the same patterns

Topic Starter
Pink Agate

wcx19911123 wrote:

as your request


01:41:061 - I suggest to add a note to follow the vocal here, it's kinda a heavy beat :arrow: fix

00:24:655 (1,2) - this can blanket better :arrow: fix
01:17:155 (5,6) - this jump is too large for a Normal diff imo, reduce the spacing plz :arrow: fix
01:57:467 (2,3,4) - you can make this circle more beautiful, try to use ctrl+shift+r :arrow: 小改动
02:06:373 (3,1,2,3) - the spacing is really strange to me, first the jump between 02:06:373 (3,1) - doesn't fit the song well imo, and then, neither does the anti-jump 02:08:248 (2,3) - :arrow: fix
02:18:092 (3) - I suggest to change them into 2 1/2 sliders, or the slider with more than 1 repeating is kinda hard to read :arrow: no
02:34:967 - 02:41:530 - this part is too quiet imo :arrow: fix
03:25:826 (1) - this speed-up slider is really odd to me, it's too sudden(especially when the slider is just after an anti-jump), I strongly suggest you to use normal speed on it:arrow: fix
03:32:155 (1) - this must be changed, this kick spinner is too hard to play as a Normal diff, this's unreasonable
:arrow: fix

01:53:717 - better to add NC here, for easier to read the same patterns :arrow: fix

currently looking at the map

I am going to pop this bubble for now, the Easy is totally not ready yet.
I will be done with my mod later today.

Giving you an idea of the mod

Hello Pink Agate,

I was not able to finish the mod, unfortunately. My computer is having a problem which I don't know how to fix it. Actually, my client is having no sound at all: Can't hear the song, either the special effects from clicking on an option.

Hope this problem will be fixed soon,
Sorry again!

currently looking at the map

Mostly for Normal and Collab; 01:34:030 - after this object, the break time should not be placed to 01:35:905 . I don't see the reason why. Can you please keep it at its default place?

  1. 00:11:530 (4) - Since this note does not have the same tone as the previous three objects, a new combo could be added. If it does not have any new combos, it will not emphasize the second tone.
  2. 00:18:092 - I completely understand what you tried to do here, but it isn't working well. On your previous notes, you were adding claps on the upbeats and then, at the third note (which was mainly a slider), you were adding a clap at the end of it even if it wasn't an upbeat. That totally perfect and it sounds well but, here, it is completely different. I highly suggest you to delete this clap and to add it on the next circle to keep the consistency.
  3. 00:19:967 - It's the same thing as said previously. The clap here sounds weird, which does not make it sound good with your objects. On the next circle, which is placed on a upbeat, you have added a whistle instead. Your logic here was: "If I add a clap here.. I shouldn't add another one here because two claps in a row can be annoying. So, I will add a whistle instead". It's completely understandable, but it is not a good choice. Delete the clap at the end of this slider and, on the next circle (which has the whistle), delete it and replace it by a clap instead.
  4. 00:20:905 (3,4) - There's so much thing to say in here.. Like mentionned on the previous points, delete the clap at the end of the slider and on the slider (4), add a clap and a whistle at the beginning & add another whistle at the end. Want to know why I am suggesting you to add whistles? Well, at 00:18:561 (4) - , you have added a clap to emphasize the "haahw!" so, since at this slider it is almost the same thing, I thought you could add one whistle at the beginning to emphasize the sound and then, another whistle at the end to do make it different from the previous one.
  5. 00:23:248 (5) - Have you forgot to add a new combo here? I think you got confused a bit. Normally, you where adding new combos on the bigdownbeats, but since the big downbeat located on 00:22:780 - is a slider end, you can't add a new combo. Actually, you have a solution to this problem, all you have to do, is to add it on the next object (Which is currently the slider 5). If you don't add any combos here, the combo will be very, very long. It would be better to add one instead of keeping it like that.
  6. 00:23:248 (5) - Wrong hitsound consistency. Delete the clap on the reverse arrow and instead, add one at the beginning and another at the end. It will be more consistent since they will be placed on the upbeats.
  7. 00:24:655 (6,7) - Do the same thing as mentionned on 00:18:092 -
  8. 00:27:936 (2) - Just replace the whistle by a clap, to keep the consistency of your previous objects.
  9. 00:28:405 (3,4) - The hitsounds are inconsistent and the whistle sounds wrong in here. I highly suggest you to delete the whistle on the circle 4 and to replace it by a clap. After that, to keep your thing consistent, delete the clap at the end of the slider (3)
  10. 00:30:280 (5) - Add a new combo here please. The tonality is totally not the same and the combo is getting very long. It would be better to add a new combo to emphasize the tone change.
  11. 00:34:030 (1,2) - like said many times already, delete the clap at the end of the slider 1 and replace the whistle of the circle 2 by a clap. It's going to keep the consistency of your previous hitsounds.
  12. 00:35:084 - Can you tell me why there's an inherited timing point here which has the same purpose has the initial timing point? It would be better to delete it since it does completely nothing.
  13. 00:37:780 (4) - A New combo could be added here since first, it's placed on a downbeat; second, it doesn't have the same tonality of the previous objects and third, as you can see, this object is placed in an inconsistent manner on the timeline. In other word, the object is far from the previous one.
  14. 00:40:123 (3) - Can you keep the consistency with your hitsounds please? Delete the clap on the reverse arrow and add claps on both beginning and end instead.
  15. 00:45:280 (1,2) - both of these sliders are not sounding well and plays a bit weird. Actually, I am not sure if a beginner would be able to get it correctly o.o. Here's what I am suggesting you:
    Example with code

    Here's the code if you ever want those objects.
    All you have to do, it's to delete from 00:45:280 - to 00:52:311 - , and add this code on the .osu
  16. 00:52:780 (1,2) - Like said many times already: delete the clap at the end of the slider and replace the whistle by a clap.
  17. 00:56:061 (4) - The whistle is not necessary here, I suggest you to replace it by a clap instead.
Actually, I am going to stop here.
Please, keep in mind to make all of your hitsounds consistent! Prioritize the claps on the upbeats and some whistles some times.
You can do it yourself and please, take your time on reviewing EVERYTHING on the map! You can also look at Pink Agate's difficulties to guide you.

If you have some questions, you can PM or talk to me directly on the game.
Good luck.

  1. 00:24:186 (3) - On this circle, the spacing consistency is broken before it. As you can see, the spacing is totally consistent (1,00x) on the next note but, on the previous spacing, it is not the same. (0,91x) You should make the change to avoid any jumps.
  2. 00:34:967 - and 00:35:084 - are those timing points needed? I highly suggest you to delete them since they don't have any purpose.
  3. 01:11:530 (4) - I think you're able to add a new combo here, the tone is actually not the same as the previous objects.
  4. 01:22:780 (7) - The combo is getting very long here and like said on the previous point, the tone is not the same. So, it would be better on adding a new combo to this slider.
  5. 02:06:373 (3,1) - Those objects are squishy. In other word, they're overlapping each others which looks terrible. I suggest you to do something here instead of placing the slider (1) in that way.
  6. 02:14:576 (6) - Add a new combo here please, the object is way too far from the previous one and the tonality is not the same. So, I don't understand why it does not have a new combo.
Going to say nothing on Collab, I've always played it in the past and it was awesome.

Good luck.

Gabe wrote:

currently looking at the map

I am going to pop this bubble for now, the Easy is totally not ready yet.
I will be done with my mod later today.

Giving you an idea of the mod

Hello Pink Agate,

I was not able to finish the mod, unfortunately. My computer is having a problem which I don't know how to fix it. Actually, my client is having no sound at all: Can't hear the song, either the special effects from clicking on an option.

Hope this problem will be fixed soon,
Sorry again!

currently looking at the map

Mostly for Normal and Collab; 01:34:030 - after this object, the break time should not be placed to 01:35:905 . I don't see the reason why. Can you please keep it at its default place?

  1. 00:11:530 (4) - Since this note does not have the same tone as the previous three objects, a new combo could be added. If it does not have any new combos, it will not emphasize the second tone.
  2. 00:18:092 - I completely understand what you tried to do here, but it isn't working well. On your previous notes, you were adding claps on the upbeats and then, at the third note (which was mainly a slider), you were adding a clap at the end of it even if it wasn't an upbeat. That totally perfect and it sounds well but, here, it is completely different. I highly suggest you to delete this clap and to add it on the next circle to keep the consistency.
  3. 00:19:967 - It's the same thing as said previously. The clap here sounds weird, which does not make it sound good with your objects. On the next circle, which is placed on a upbeat, you have added a whistle instead. Your logic here was: "If I add a clap here.. I shouldn't add another one here because two claps in a row can be annoying. So, I will add a whistle instead". It's completely understandable, but it is not a good choice. Delete the clap at the end of this slider and, on the next circle (which has the whistle), delete it and replace it by a clap instead.
  4. 00:20:905 (3,4) - There's so much thing to say in here.. Like mentionned on the previous points, delete the clap at the end of the slider and on the slider (4), add a clap and a whistle at the beginning & add another whistle at the end. Want to know why I am suggesting you to add whistles? Well, at 00:18:561 (4) - , you have added a clap to emphasize the "haahw!" so, since at this slider it is almost the same thing, I thought you could add one whistle at the beginning to emphasize the sound and then, another whistle at the end to do make it different from the previous one.
  5. 00:23:248 (5) - Have you forgot to add a new combo here? I think you got confused a bit. Normally, you where adding new combos on the bigdownbeats, but since the big downbeat located on 00:22:780 - is a slider end, you can't add a new combo. Actually, you have a solution to this problem, all you have to do, is to add it on the next object (Which is currently the slider 5). If you don't add any combos here, the combo will be very, very long. It would be better to add one instead of keeping it like that.
  6. 00:23:248 (5) - Wrong hitsound consistency. Delete the clap on the reverse arrow and instead, add one at the beginning and another at the end. It will be more consistent since they will be placed on the upbeats.
  7. 00:24:655 (6,7) - Do the same thing as mentionned on 00:18:092 -
  8. 00:27:936 (2) - Just replace the whistle by a clap, to keep the consistency of your previous objects.
  9. 00:28:405 (3,4) - The hitsounds are inconsistent and the whistle sounds wrong in here. I highly suggest you to delete the whistle on the circle 4 and to replace it by a clap. After that, to keep your thing consistent, delete the clap at the end of the slider (3)
  10. 00:30:280 (5) - Add a new combo here please. The tonality is totally not the same and the combo is getting very long. It would be better to add a new combo to emphasize the tone change.
  11. 00:34:030 (1,2) - like said many times already, delete the clap at the end of the slider 1 and replace the whistle of the circle 2 by a clap. It's going to keep the consistency of your previous hitsounds.
  12. 00:35:084 - Can you tell me why there's an inherited timing point here which has the same purpose has the initial timing point? It would be better to delete it since it does completely nothing.
  13. 00:37:780 (4) - A New combo could be added here since first, it's placed on a downbeat; second, it doesn't have the same tonality of the previous objects and third, as you can see, this object is placed in an inconsistent manner on the timeline. In other word, the object is far from the previous one.
  14. 00:40:123 (3) - Can you keep the consistency with your hitsounds please? Delete the clap on the reverse arrow and add claps on both beginning and end instead.
  15. 00:45:280 (1,2) - both of these sliders are not sounding well and plays a bit weird. Actually, I am not sure if a beginner would be able to get it correctly o.o. Here's what I am suggesting you:
    Example with code

    Here's the code if you ever want those objects.
    All you have to do, it's to delete from 00:45:280 - to 00:52:311 - , and add this code on the .osu
  16. 00:52:780 (1,2) - Like said many times already: delete the clap at the end of the slider and replace the whistle by a clap.
  17. 00:56:061 (4) - The whistle is not necessary here, I suggest you to replace it by a clap instead.
Actually, I am going to stop here.
Please, keep in mind to make all of your hitsounds consistent! Prioritize the claps on the upbeats and some whistles some times.
You can do it yourself and please, take your time on reviewing EVERYTHING on the map! You can also look at Pink Agate's difficulties to guide you.

If you have some questions, you can PM or talk to me directly on the game.
Good luck.

Good luck.
Ok~ All Fix~

Pink Agate Update Plz~
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Gabe wrote:

Mostly for Normal and Collab; 01:34:030 - after this object, the break time should not be placed to 01:35:905 . I don't see the reason why. Can you please keep it at its default place?
:arrow: fix

  1. 00:24:186 (3) - On this circle, the spacing consistency is broken before it. As you can see, the spacing is totally consistent (1,00x) on the next note but, on the previous spacing, it is not the same. (0,91x) You should make the change to avoid any jumps.
  2. 00:34:967 - and 00:35:084 - are those timing points needed? I highly suggest you to delete them since they don't have any purpose.
  3. 01:11:530 (4) - I think you're able to add a new combo here, the tone is actually not the same as the previous objects.
  4. 01:22:780 (7) - The combo is getting very long here and like said on the previous point, the tone is not the same. So, it would be better on adding a new combo to this slider.
  5. 02:06:373 (3,1) - Those objects are squishy. In other word, they're overlapping each others which looks terrible. I suggest you to do something here instead of placing the slider (1) in that way.
  6. 02:14:576 (6) - Add a new combo here please, the object is way too far from the previous one and the tonality is not the same. So, I don't understand why it does not have a new combo.
:arrow: all fix
Going to say nothing on Collab, I've always played it in the past and it was awesome.

Good luck.
:arrow: thanks your mod
Try 286 offset. Collab has a bunch of inherited timing sections that'd be better off snapped correctly, even if they're not kiai.

EDIT: Settled on 290 offset.
Original offset is far too early whilst 290 is perfect and you won't be able to best it.
Didn't miss anything, hopefully.

보핍 보핍
보핍 보핍 (2)
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Sonnyc wrote:

보핍 보핍

Norman wrote:

보핍 보핍 (2)
:arrow: 감사합니다,보핍 보핍 보핍 보핍 보핍 보핍 ao~~~


  1. 00:07:790 (1) - Sldier head, add finish?
  2. 00:15:290 (1) - Slider head, Finish?
  3. 00:22:321 (4) - Slider end, finish instead of whistle?
  4. 00:23:258 (1) - I guess you are missing a clap at slider start and end
  5. 00:40:133 (3) - ^
  6. 00:41:540 (1) - These 2 claps sounds a little weird, you add 1-3 clap at beginning part, why 0-2 clap here?
  7. 00:56:657, 00:57:477, 00:57:594 - Unused timing section
  8. 00:58:415 - 1.5xBPM here make no sence
  9. 00:58:883 - Unused timing section
  10. 01:05:915 (8) - Clap on head here sounds bad, suggest remove this
  11. 01:08:727 (3,4,5) - 0-2 clap again, Hmm, idk why you do so, well, I won't point this any more, it's all depend on you how to use hitsound
  12. 01:30:290 (1) - Finish?
  13. 01:34:040 (4) - ^
  14. 01:49:977, 01:50:094 - Unused timing section
  15. 02:56:540 (1) - Finish?
  16. 03:11:540 (1) - ^
  17. 03:25:602 - 03:26:305 - Why no KIAI here, if you want a second KIAI, I think you should end first KIAI at 03:25:836 and start at 03:26:540, at least you should make the 2nd KIAI start at 03:26:540 since it's not on downbeat now
  18. 03:34:040 - Shouldn't KIAI ends here?

  1. 00:22:555 (4) - Slider尾, 不加finish?
  2. 00:56:540, 00:56:657, 00:57:477, 00:57:594 - 没用的绿线
  3. 01:22:555 (6) - 这里不该有finish吧, 要加的话应该加到01:22:790 (1) slider头上, 01:30:055 (6,1)不是就这样加了么
  4. 01:34:508 - Break拉到这里意义何在?
  5. 01:47:750 - ^
  6. 02:04:040 (2) - Finish
  7. 02:11:540 (2) - ^, slidere头
  8. 02:19:040 (1) - finish
  9. 02:50:915 - 这个break拉到这里还是意义不明
  10. 03:03:571 (1) - Slider尾, finish
  11. 03:11:540 (2) - ^
  12. 03:19:040 (1) - ^, 头

  1. 00:30:055 (3) - Slider end, no finish here?
  2. 00:58:415 - To tell the truth, I think this KIAI effect doesn't really make sence here, remove it?
  3. 01:30:290 (1) - Add finish?
  4. 01:34:508 - Why drag break to here?
  5. 01:46:344 - ^
  6. 02:11:540 (4) - Add finish?
  7. 02:50:915 - Still, why?
  8. 03:01:227 - ^
  9. 03:11:540 (1) - Finish?
Call me back
wow guys. I haven't finish it.

Breeze: Do not rebubble please.
I want to make sure EVERYTHING'S fine before going further.

Breeze wrote:



  1. 00:07:790 (1) - Sldier head, add finish?
  2. 00:15:290 (1) - Slider head, Finish?
  3. 00:22:321 (4) - Slider end, finish instead of whistle?
  4. 00:23:258 (1) - I guess you are missing a clap at slider start and end
  5. 00:40:133 (3) - ^
  6. 00:41:540 (1) - These 2 claps sounds a little weird, you add 1-3 clap at beginning part, why 0-2 clap here?
  7. 00:56:657, 00:57:477, 00:57:594 - Unused timing section
  8. 00:58:415 - 1.5xBPM here make no sence
  9. 00:58:883 - Unused timing section
  10. 01:05:915 (8) - Clap on head here sounds bad, suggest remove this
  11. 01:08:727 (3,4,5) - 0-2 clap again, Hmm, idk why you do so, well, I won't point this any more, it's all depend on you how to use hitsound
  12. 01:30:290 (1) - Finish?
  13. 01:34:040 (4) - ^
  14. 01:49:977, 01:50:094 - Unused timing section
  15. 02:56:540 (1) - Finish?
  16. 03:11:540 (1) - ^
  17. 03:25:602 - 03:26:305 - Why no KIAI here, if you want a second KIAI, I think you should end first KIAI at 03:25:836 and start at 03:26:540, at least you should make the 2nd KIAI start at 03:26:540 since it's not on downbeat now
  18. 03:34:040 - Shouldn't KIAI ends here?

  1. 00:22:555 (4) - Slider尾, 不加finish?
  2. 00:56:540, 00:56:657, 00:57:477, 00:57:594 - 没用的绿线
  3. 01:22:555 (6) - 这里不该有finish吧, 要加的话应该加到01:22:790 (1) slider头上, 01:30:055 (6,1)不是就这样加了么
  4. 01:34:508 - Break拉到这里意义何在?
  5. 01:47:750 - ^
  6. 02:04:040 (2) - Finish
  7. 02:11:540 (2) - ^, slidere头
  8. 02:19:040 (1) - finish
  9. 02:50:915 - 这个break拉到这里还是意义不明
  10. 03:03:571 (1) - Slider尾, finish
  11. 03:11:540 (2) - ^
  12. 03:19:040 (1) - ^, 头

  1. 00:30:055 (3) - Slider end, no finish here?
  2. 00:58:415 - To tell the truth, I think this KIAI effect doesn't really make sence here, remove it?
  3. 01:30:290 (1) - Add finish?
  4. 01:34:508 - Why drag break to here?
  5. 01:46:344 - ^
  6. 02:11:540 (4) - Add finish?
  7. 02:50:915 - Still, why?
  8. 03:01:227 - ^
  9. 03:11:540 (1) - Finish?
Call me back

Hmm Thanks Breeze~
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Breeze wrote:



  1. 00:22:555 (4) - Slider尾, 不加finish?
  2. 00:56:540, 00:56:657, 00:57:477, 00:57:594 - 没用的绿线
  3. 01:22:555 (6) - 这里不该有finish吧, 要加的话应该加到01:22:790 (1) slider头上, 01:30:055 (6,1)不是就这样加了么
  4. 01:34:508 - Break拉到这里意义何在?
  5. 01:47:750 - ^
  6. 02:04:040 (2) - Finish
  7. 02:11:540 (2) - ^, slidere头
  8. 02:19:040 (1) - finish
  9. 02:50:915 - 这个break拉到这里还是意义不明
  10. 03:03:571 (1) - Slider尾, finish
  11. 03:11:540 (2) - ^
  12. 03:19:040 (1) - ^, 头

  1. 00:30:055 (3) - Slider end, no finish here?
  2. 00:58:415 - To tell the truth, I think this KIAI effect doesn't really make sence here, remove it? :arrow: 这里不改
  3. 01:30:290 (1) - Add finish?
  4. 01:34:508 - Why drag break to here?
  5. 01:46:344 - ^
  6. 02:11:540 (4) - Add finish?
  7. 02:50:915 - Still, why?
  8. 03:01:227 - ^
  9. 03:11:540 (1) - Finish?
Call me back
:arrow: 全部改了除了一处

Thanks Breeze~[/quote]
Like I told HabiHolic 5 days ago, I would rehitsound her difficulty.

Here's your difficulty
osu file format v12

AudioFilename: T-ara - Bo Peep Bo Peep.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 75162
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 1

Bookmarks: 62623,76686
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Bo Peep Bo Peep
TitleUnicode:Bo Peep Bo Peep
Creator:Pink Agate
Tags:kazumikos HabiHolic kpop


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 255,111,255
Combo2 : 168,81,255
Combo3 : 87,193,251
SliderBorder : 255,255,255


PS: I have also deleted ALL the unnecessary timing points on the difficulty; Rehitsounded the objects; Fixed different combos and rearranged + added an object on 03:18:102 (1) - .

Since I have already made many changes, I can't rebubble. Breeze, it's your turn.
Topic Starter
Pink Agate
all fix finished, let me ask reb :)

Breeze wrote:


Thanks Breeze~
  1. 02:19:040 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous slider, use the correct spacing please, otherwise it becomes confusing for the layer.
  2. 02:59:821 (3) - Remove the whistle there, it doesn't fit the music at all.
  1. 00:24:665 (1) - This slider is a bit too far from the previous circle, fix it please!
  2. 00:30:758 - I have to say that I don't understand why you put a break at the beginning of the singing, This should be mapped, it's really weird to have a break there then to start playing at 00:37:790.
  3. 00:39:430 (4,5) - Those two notes are badly overlapping. Try to make something that looks better like this (use 1.1x Distance Snap ?) :
  4. 00:50:915 (1,2) - Don't stack them ? It feels quite anti-climactic to have them staked whereas 00:49:040 (1,2,3,4) aren't.
  5. 00:56:071 (1) - You should start this spinner at 00:56:540 and add a circle at 00:56:071. It makes more sense rhythm wise.
  1. 00:21:852 - If you have a triple at 00:22:321 (6,7,8), you should have a triple here as well because it's the same thing. Thus you should reduce the slider by 1/4 and add a circle on the blue tick, it make more sense this way :
  2. 00:37:086 (3) - Remove the whistle on this circle ? It sounds superfluous to me, and unfitting.
  3. 00:39:430 (3,4) - That moment when you don't know which is the slider and which is the circle ....
  4. 01:15:055 (8) - Don't stack this circle with the triple (I assume you did that because you lacked of space to ut it somewhere else). That's really not a cool pattern, honestly those kind of patterns really piss me off.
  5. 02:33:336 (1) - Even though it is rankable, this spinner is way too short that it is even enjoyable. Start it at 02:33:102 maybe.
  6. 03:13:063 (2) - I don't even understand what this slider is following in the music, it just look totally random. On top of that it starts and ends on a blue tick, which is REALLY annoying to play. Please remove that and add some notes that follow the music.
  7. 03:30:875 (3) - This circle doesn't follow anything in the music, and when you play the map you can feel that it has nothing to do here. Just remove it.
Too many ribbons !

Kurai wrote:

  1. 02:19:040 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous slider, use the correct spacing please, otherwise it becomes confusing for the layer. Ok~ Fix~
  2. 02:59:821 (3) - Remove the whistle there, it doesn't fit the music at all.Fix~
Too many ribbons !
Thanks Kurai~!

Pink Agate Update Please~
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Kurai wrote:

  1. 02:19:040 (1) - This slider is too close from the previous slider, use the correct spacing please, otherwise it becomes confusing for the layer.
  2. 02:59:821 (3) - Remove the whistle there, it doesn't fit the music at all.
:arrow: fix all
  1. 00:24:665 (1) - This slider is a bit too far from the previous circle, fix it please!
  2. 00:30:758 - I have to say that I don't understand why you put a break at the beginning of the singing, This should be mapped, it's really weird to have a break there then to start playing at 00:37:790.
  3. 00:39:430 (4,5) - Those two notes are badly overlapping. Try to make something that looks better like this (use 1.1x Distance Snap ?) :
  4. 00:50:915 (1,2) - Don't stack them ? It feels quite anti-climactic to have them staked whereas 00:49:040 (1,2,3,4) aren't.
  5. 00:56:071 (1) - You should start this spinner at 00:56:540 and add a circle at 00:56:071. It makes more sense rhythm wise.
:arrow: fix all

  1. 00:21:852 - If you have a triple at 00:22:321 (6,7,8), you should have a triple here as well because it's the same thing. Thus you should reduce the slider by 1/4 and add a circle on the blue tick, it make more sense this way : :arrow: fix
  2. 00:37:086 (3) - Remove the whistle on this circle ? It sounds superfluous to me, and unfitting. :arrow: fix
  3. 00:39:430 (3,4) - That moment when you don't know which is the slider and which is the circle .... :arrow: fix
  4. 01:15:055 (8) - Don't stack this circle with the triple (I assume you did that because you lacked of space to ut it somewhere else). That's really not a cool pattern, honestly those kind of patterns really piss me off. :arrow: ok
  5. 02:33:336 (1) - Even though it is rankable, this spinner is way too short that it is even enjoyable. Start it at 02:33:102 maybe. :arrow: fix
  6. 03:13:063 (2) - I don't even understand what this slider is following in the music, it just look totally random. On top of that it starts and ends on a blue tick, which is REALLY annoying to play. Please remove that and add some notes that follow the music. :arrow: ok,fix
  7. 03:30:875 (3) - This circle doesn't follow anything in the music, and when you play the map you can feel that it has nothing to do here. Just remove it.
:arrow: fix all
Too many ribbons !
:) thanks very much
Rebubbled !
This song is way too addicting to listen to!
Bop me bop me bop me bop me bop~

Nice mapset, good luck with ranking!

Lanturn wrote:

This song is way too addicting to listen to!
Bop me bop me bop me bop me bop~

Nice mapset, good luck with ranking!
Thanks Lanturn~
Popped for now, Pink Agate wants to fix a note in Normal.
Topic Starter
Pink Agate

Kurai wrote:

Popped for now, Pink Agate wants to fix a note in Normal.
:arrow: I fixed it yet and upload it
Kurai: Why popping for a note only..? Pink Agate should have popped it herself and then you rebubble it.
Rank this please! :D
Bo peep bo peep bo peep~

ThoomyyxD wrote:

Rank this please! :D
Bo peep bo peep bo peep~
someone please rank it ;w;
soorrrrryy but pop D:

00:19:040 (1,2,3,4,1) - this timing pattern feels really out to the actual song, it feels better to make a simple rhythm what follows the song abit more, its mainly the (3,4,1) but me and gabe suggest a timing pattern more like this for the section

also it makes no sense why the break is smaller in the easy compared to the other diffs, its for new players so it should have the same or more break than the maps made for the better players, i really really advise to give this the same size breaks as the other two difficulties


00:20:915 (1,2,3,4) - remove the new combo from the 1 and put it on the 3, you will instantly notice how it follows the song more
01:01:696 (6,1) - shouldent the new combo be one the 6?
01:03:571 (4,1) - and shouldent it be on the 4 here?

00:58:180 (6,7) - this jump really felt not needed, it flows much better without a jump here because of the patterns before it which use the same rules as this pattern but without the jump
01:00:290 (2,3) - shouldent these two sliders overlap spacing wise? it feels wrong when all the others like this do, i see you did it to make it start where the one before ended, but really imo it just makes it look odd compared to the patterns after
02:09:196 (1,2) - maybe make this a small jump, i just really think a jump would work epic here
02:17:165 (1,2) - again would work much much better with the overlapped spacing, musically there is no reason for a small jump here
02:25:602 (1,2) - same as above
02:34:977 (1,2) - musically should this spacing be the same as what you use at 02:37:790 (6,7) - what reason do you have for using two different spacings for almost the same pattern with the same feel to it?
02:35:446 (2,3) - im really not sure this jump is needed, its the softest part of the song and all the rest of this song also highlights how much softer you have started to map, yet here you have a sudden jump
03:18:336 (4,5) - again i can see no pattern or musical reason for a jump at this specific point

Overall i think the collab is a nice diff so good job :) but the lack of breaks in easy compared to the diffs made for better players really confuses me and worries me
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