
pp Medals Tier

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +68
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This is like a medals that are given when a player reaches a certain amount of pp(this idea i got is from League of Legends)
This is a feature to give player a sense of accomplishment and it is just for fun
example in LoL
Bronze: Between 0 and 1149 (Team: 0-1249) (Top 100%)
Silver: Between 1150 and 1499 (Team: 1250-1449) (Top 68%-13%) Majority of Active Player Base
Gold: Between 1500 and 1849 (Team: 1450-1649) (Top 13%-1.5%)
Platinum: Between 1850 and 2199 (Team: 1650-1849) (Top 1.5%-0.1%)
Diamond: 2200 and above (Team: 1850+) (Top 0.1%)

and other example in chess
2400 and above: Senior Master
2200–2399 plus 300 games above 2200: Original Life Master[8]
2200–2399: National Master
2000–2199: Expert
1800–1999: Class A
1600–1799: Class B
1400–1599: Class C
1200–1399: Class D
1000–1199: Class E
800–999: Class F
600–799: Class G
400–599: Class H
200–399: Class I
100–199: Class J
and osu can do something similar.
what im trying to request is a feature that gives everyone goal to do
so please don't shout at me for copying games like LoL, it's just an idea
Thank You! :)

Masters and Grandmasters medals to come 6 months after beta? lol

To me it's a nice to have, not necessity.
i dont see how this would work

do you get the medal when you have the pp rank? does it change when you get into a new bracket? why would you need it? everybody can see you have that rank already.
there is no end of something where the medals could be given (pp never gets reset)
from what i understand the brackets in SC2 work that way to people of the same skill get put with the same kind of people, same in LoL. there is no such system in osu!
this basically adds borderlines between ranks. no need.
No !~

Axolotlz wrote:

2400 and above: Senior Master
So you want to say that a random guy with 3000 pp have the same skill level like a player at 5000pp , i dont think so

Abel wrote:

No !~

Axolotlz wrote:

2400 and above: Senior Master
So you want to say that a random guy with 3000 pp have the same skill level like a player at 5000pp , i dont think so
It's just an example....

Akatsuki wrote:

It's just an example....
A bad one,but if i could i would support for this , its a good idea , and im that kind of person who plays for achievements and fun
Good luck
I think this is a good idea. It would make getting that next tier of pp more enjoyable, when I can go on my profile and see a shiny new medal icon or rank attached. However a good number of people will already have over 2400 pp, and it gets much harder to get pp, the closer one gets to the top. We would need to address these things to create an accurate tier system for pp.

Edit: Perhaps basing it on pp Rank instead, because that is a more stable comparator.
Easy to get only 2400pp in 1 play on a new account, I think the system needs to be expanded.
Getting 2400pp is child's play.

she wrote:

Easy to get only 2400pp in 1 play on a new account, I think the system needs to be expanded.
Getting 2400pp is child's play.
The 2400 value was related to the chess ELO system.
pp is not accurate therefore this is pointless.

Wishy wrote:

pp is not accurate therefore this is pointless.
DON'T say that ,
I agree this post , i would support , but i can't , i am really happy when i get achievements , so this with medals its somthing like that , make me happy :3
Hope this get implemented , and btw , pp its quite stable

Abel wrote:

Wishy wrote:

pp is not accurate therefore this is pointless.
DON'T say that ,
He is right though.
lol i got 3341 pp i will be the master of the master of 1 division xdddddd but is a good idea but with more difficult medals for et people


This feature request and the concept of medals renewed by peppy are different things.
If you need more information about this, either ask in Help or check the osu!wiki (Achievements)
Since achievements are called 'Medals' now, wouldn't t/107625 be a better thread?
@Bara This request asks for a new system, not only new medals.

@SkullFull While I agree that your option is indeed clearer (since it doesn't involve any other game's references), I find the "in-chat title" a bit too much and confusing. If anything, a badge on the userpage would work better imo. Also, I find strange the fact you stop at 5000pp: I myself am already there and I am #3,500+ globally atm. Considering that 5000pp is just half of the max pp someone achieved on the game (yes, I'm cutting numbers, but it doesn't mattter here) I would suggest adding some more tiers or re-organize the existing ones.

Personally, I don't see it as something I would strieve for (probably because I barely play now...) but I guess it could be fun for new players and may make them more interested in the game.
Then t/297359/start=0 would be more relevant right?
It was not that long ago, but got quite a lot of negative feedback, even from you MrSergio, and a (not really but quite similar) duplicate at the 2nd page (though it never got marked)
Would need like 10-20 tiers since the gap is big every 1k pp

20k pp: God (needed for Cookiezi oneday, believe)
19k pp: SSS+
18k pp: SSS
17k pp: SS+
2k pp: D+
1k pp: D
<1k pp: LOL
As if people will surpass 15k pp soon
@Bara- The thing is: that thread, even if it is really similar to this, it asks for a tier system combining accuracy, pp and level. So from that point of view it is a bit more complex than this and not quite the same, since we consider pp only here (therefore I don't have real reasons to mark it dupe).

@Adder Let's avoid the LOL tier maybe, since it looks like it can be used to spite someone or to offend new players, shall we. Also I quote what Bara- said: it's likely impossible to surpass the 15k pp milestone, but you went up till 20k which is probably out of the math of the current pp system unless players start FCing 11 stars maps.
this is what i've seen from other games.
Tier 1 - 7 could be pp-based (absolute tier), while tier 8~ is ranking-based (relative tier)
Well This will begin to be like league of legends
why do ppl need tiers when we already have visible ranks lmao
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