
General Achievement Request Thread

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +152
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OK, so since people like requesting new achievements. I've create this thread where you are free to suggest new ideas for achievements. They can be anything from earning X kudosu to having x replays watched. Just whatever you want to suggest. Every time a new achievement is requested, I will update the OP and then mark it added or denied. This thread will be left open all the time unless it gets out of hand.

Warning. I will be deleting posts that are off-topic. Please stay on topic and no hating on peoples requests. First and Last warning.

Please don't request Hush Hush achievements in this thread. If you wish to request one, send me a PM with a subject of "Hush Hush Achievement". Don't expect any sudden changes though.

Also please don't star this. No real point. Use your stars on something more useful :p


  • Getting a combo with x mod(s)
    Complete X amount of beatmaps on a certain mod
    Rank in a top 50 X amount of times
    Get 1st place on a map that is at least a week old
    Get #1 on all diffs of a mapset
    Earn X spinner bonus
    Retry a map X times


  • Get a post count over X


  • Clearing X amount of beatmap packs
    Touhou beatmap packs
    Nightcore beatmap packs

Special game modes

  • Combo achievements
    Play count achievements


  • Win x times
    Win X times on x game mode
    Win X times by different win conditions
    Win X times on diferent team modes
    Play a co-op match and get a full combo


  • Gain X amount of kudosu
    Have X ranked maps


  • Get x Mutual friends

What about achievements and mods too?
Renew the beatmap pack achievements

90% of the maps are just... old and I wouldn't recommend new players to play them.
I still find most of the maps a pain to play. But of course, removing the option to get achievement from them shouldn't happen.
Good idea! I almost thought Achievements should be discussed in here: t/80448
but I guess this works.

Forum achievements would be fun to have. As long as it can't be abused.
Kudosu, ranked beatmaps, post count?, helpful, many replies, topics, etc.

I think this topic deserves a sticky.
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theowest wrote:

I think this topic deserves a sticky.
maybe if it gets a lot of attention. but for now its fine as it is. also added yours and saten's idea to OP
I think ReVeNg3r meant getting achievements for playing with mods for a specified amount of times. Hidden master, etc.

Saten wrote:

Renew the beatmap pack achievements

90% of the maps are just... old and I wouldn't recommend new players to play them.
I still find most of the maps a pain to play. But of course, removing the option to get achievement from them shouldn't happen.
Yeah, I agree. Perhaps these shouldn't be so specific. Having them be levels that can be earned by clearing a certain number of map sets or accumulating a high enough total rank score of the appropriate type. This way the categories continually update themselves with newer maps... although there will be some work to categorize things (at least the anime and video game genre categories have done some of the work).
There should be Touhou Pack Achievements as well. I sooo want this (Taken from [Luanny]'s userpage):

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thats not bad :3
also just thinking that if more achievements, it might be interesting to see each section collapsible. kinda like the beatmap section :p

deadbeat wrote:

thats not bad :3
also just thinking that if more achievements, it might be interesting to see each section collapsible. kinda like the beatmap section :p
or split up depending on the game mode
Nice thread!
Now I'm actually interested... I might post some multiplayer achievements when i have some free time. They might be rough but bare with me I always try my best so at least it won't be complete BS 8-)
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just thinking about the map pack ones. they really feel like achievements to me since its more so a dedication thing. like the play count achievements.
do we really need map pack achievements, or should ignore them and focus on more interesting ideas?
I love Map pack achievements. (As long as the mappack is themed) They give me maps i probaly would have never played and most of the time there are maps I really really enjoy
and yes that goes for the old maps in the first mappack achievements too :3
IMO there should be one where if like you and a few friends (with mutual friendship of course) were in the top 40 of the same map.
We can also add a secret "fail/retry x times" achievement. It would be very interesting.
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PROGUY wrote:

IMO there should be one where if like you and a few friends (with mutual friendship of course) were in the top 40 of the same map.
We can also add a secret "fail/retry x times" achievement. It would be very interesting.
i don't like either of those sorry.
though i will add a slightly modified version of the top line to the OP
Blindfold, Dash, etc achievement (at least those with increasing multipliers)

One for each mod (NC/DT would be counted as one)

This goes together with theo's suggestion.
Archangel Tirael
Only I think that in the open to discuss ideas of new advances bit counter-intuitive, especially if it is a new hush-hush achievements? Personally, I think that such ideas have to offer peppy directly, so no one else could see what to do to get the achievement.
P.S. I also have idea for new hush-hush achievement. ;)
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I'll discuss the matter about hush hush achievements with peppy and see what he wants to do about them.
If you have an idea for a Hush Hush achievement, Please PM me the details about it. Bearing in mind that if peppy does consider it, it might change slightly from your original idea.
Archangel Tirael

deadbeat wrote:

I'll discuss the matter about hush hush achievements with peppy and see what he wants to do about them.
If you have an idea for a Hush Hush achievement, Please PM me the details about it. Bearing in mind that if peppy does consider it, it might change slightly from your original idea.
I already sent PM to peppy month ago, but he doesn't He did not answer me.
in "Dedication" there are achievements for osu!, Taiko and CtB, now it's time for osu!mania to step in, yes?
What if I have an idea for a Hush Hush? Where can I post/pm that?

Oinari-sama wrote:

What if I have an idea for a Hush Hush? Where can I post/pm that?
possibly whenever peppy is in a need of such ideas, when a hunt for achievements is active and he might look in this thread for inspiration.

maybe you can tell us the name, and what the graphic might be and for peppy to find out how to get it, he'll have to contact you?
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theo, as i've writen in the OP, all hush hush achievements go through me first via pm
What about a achievement where you complete a certain number of beatmaps on a certain mod?

E.G. 15 beatmaps on double time - sprinter acheivement

or something like that?
I wouldn't mind seeing this under general

RBRat3 wrote:

I wouldn't mind seeing this under general
oh god, yes!

this would make me want to collect all the achievements and play more osu!
Beat Macacito's score.
Get 1st place on a map that is at least a week old.(Must be a week old to prevent the first person to pass a map from getting this)
get #1 on all diffs of a mapset

Saten wrote:

Renew the beatmap pack achievements

90% of the maps are just... old and I wouldn't recommend new players to play them.
I still find most of the maps a pain to play. But of course, removing the option to get achievement from them shouldn't happen.
I support it
Heres some of my ideas. I'll probably just name the title of hush hush ones

How to get : Hush Hush [Has something to do with catch the beat]

How to get : Get 1,000 Friends on Osu!

Theres a croud
How to get : Get 50 people to watch you play Osu! Live.

How to get : Hush Hush
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TheDragonXD wrote:

How to get : Get 1,000 Friends on Osu!
as far as i know, you can only have a max off 200.
Jumping Fox: Get in the global ranking in Big Black lol i just make it up or

1st Mod: the first modding that they done

Modding Power: Has mod 20+ Beatmap

Modding King: Has mod 100+ beatmap

First Kodosu : First kudosu lol

Finest Kodosu: Gain 10 kudosu's

Power of Kodosu: Gain 50 kudosu's

Mighty Kodosu: Gain 100 kudosu's

Muki's Collaboration: downloaded 10 miku hatsune's song
Hmmp if you ever like it just tell me .. you can change the name if you dont like the name

deadbeat wrote:

TheDragonXD wrote:

How to get : Get 1,000 Friends on Osu!
as far as i know, you can only have a max off 200.
If that is the case, then we can happily change it to 200 friends.

TheDragonXD wrote:

If that is the case, then we can happily change it to 200 friends.
And it should be mutual friends.
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YunoFanatic wrote:

Jumping Fox: Get in the global ranking in Big Black lol i just make it up or

Modding Power: Has mod 20+ Beatmap

Modding King: Has mod 100+ beatmap

Fisrt Kodosu : Fisrt kodosu lol

Finest Kodosu: Gain 10 kodosu's

Power of Kodosu: Gain 50 kodosu's

Mighty Kodosu: Gain 100 kodosu's

Hmmp if you ever like it just tell me .. you can change the name if you dont like the name
also it's kudosu!, not kodosu :p

kookookook wrote:

TheDragonXD wrote:

If that is the case, then we can happily change it to 200 friends.
And it should be mutual friends.
don't really agree with this one to be honest ;__;
Oh, sorry but I don't truly understand the achievement :D
Is it to add 200 friends, or to have 200 ppl added you as friend?
I think TheDragonXD is talking about the latter one (previously I thought it was former.) and it's great.
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while osu! does have a large social/community aspect to it, i feel achievements should be gameplay based, or beatmap based, like x kudosu/ x ranked maps.

deadbeat wrote:

YunoFanatic wrote:

Jumping Fox: Get in the global ranking in Big Black lol i just make it up or

Modding Power: Has mod 20+ Beatmap

Modding King: Has mod 100+ beatmap

Fisrt Kodosu : Fisrt kodosu lol

Finest Kodosu: Gain 10 kodosu's

Power of Kodosu: Gain 50 kodosu's

Mighty Kodosu: Gain 100 kodosu's

Hmmp if you ever like it just tell me .. you can change the name if you dont like the name
also it's kudosu!, not kodosu :p

Editted hell thanks! btw is mine ok?
TAG2-8 combo achievements please. It would be fun trying to achieve 2000 combo on a map in TAG mode.
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btw, if people think this request is interesting enough

theowest wrote:

I think this topic deserves a sticky.
let me know if you think i should sticky this or not

Plushies wrote:

TAG2-8 combo achievements please. It would be fun trying to achieve 2000 combo on a map in TAG mode.
or in general some multiplayer achievements :3
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bomber34 wrote:

Plushies wrote:

TAG2-8 combo achievements please. It would be fun trying to achieve 2000 combo on a map in TAG mode.
or in general some multiplayer achievements :3
there's already a quote on the OP regarding multiplayer achievements, I'm open to ideas about this

also updated the list a bit o/
Spin achievements is also needed in my opinion.

Suntears wrote:

Spin achievements is also needed in my opinion.
like spinning 477 for X seconds
reach X000 bonus score on a ranked map?
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nah, i'm not a huge fan of spinning achievements to be honest
I would like a spinner achievement. Get 20K bonus on a spinner. That would be fun to achieve.
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too easy, i know of a ranked map with a spinner that gives a bonus of somewhere between 100,000 to 110,000
Actual skill-based achievements for all modes.
Currently, there are more achievements that reward you for doing badly (or at least require bad play to get) than for actually playing well. I'm not even kidding, it's friggin' weird.
There's only 2 that are like that AFAIK. Also the achievement for spinning shouldn't be so high that you need to play a map with a spinner thats ridiculously long. 35K would be the absolute limit for such an achievement.
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