
Top 25 Players of 2012 (osu! Standard) Discussion Thread

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Kanye West
This thread is for any discussion regarding voting in this thread. Keep your ballots out of this thread and keep your discussions out of the other thread.
Dungeon doesn't seem to get any votes

thelewa wrote:

Dungeon doesn't seem to get any votes
he was busy with his last year of highschool for the majority of this year. only recently has started playing again so I doubt many of the newer people would recognize him
where is BR
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Kanye West

fabriciorby wrote:

where is BR
Not pro enough apparently.
i dont understand why people would vote for shadowsoul, gladi destroyed some of his scores in only a couple of plays on tarantino. if you put shadowsoul in you should also put gladi/tarantino in imo.

thelewa wrote:

Dungeon doesn't seem to get any votes
dungeon is good, but i dont think he is as good as the people i put in my top15 in overall skill (maybe he is but picking anything outside of the top4 is damn hard)

silmarilen wrote:

i dont understand why people would vote for shadowsoul, gladi destroyed some of his scores in only a couple of plays on tarantino. if you put shadowsoul in you should also put gladi/tarantino in imo.
gladi is tarantino? omg conspiracy
Topic Starter
Kanye West

silmarilen wrote:

i dont understand why people would vote for shadowsoul, gladi destroyed some of his scores in only a couple of plays on tarantino. if you put shadowsoul in you should also put gladi/tarantino in imo.
People put too much faith into the pp system. Sure he may have some high ranks, but the difficulty in obtaining those ranks are questionable.

4311 wrote:

Also would be fun to see something like "special" which will include replays from players who are not good enough for top20 but still have amazing worth watching plays. Like sasakure, AIDIA etc.
sasakure cheats, he admitted it himself

an idea, how about putting an actual photo of the player in the video? like in fragmovies, if you know what I mean
After having scanned through the OP I cannot find a single clue as to when this poll is going to be closed

fartownik wrote:

4311 wrote:

Also would be fun to see something like "special" which will include replays from players who are not good enough for top20 but still have amazing worth watching plays. Like sasakure, AIDIA etc.
sasakure cheats, he admitted it himself

an idea, how about putting an actual photo of the player in the video? like in fragmovies, if you know what I mean
Here's an example:

Kanye West wrote:

The poll will be closed after 15-20 pages of voting
No time limit, he just needs a certain amount of votes.

fartownik wrote:

4311 wrote:

Also would be fun to see something like "special" which will include replays from players who are not good enough for top20 but still have amazing worth watching plays. Like sasakure, AIDIA etc.
sasakure cheats, he admitted it himself

an idea, how about putting an actual photo of the player in the video? like in fragmovies, if you know what I mean
oh god yes I have the perfect picture for that

yesssssssssss it will be perfect

edit: but on another note, I don't see people agreeing to it. Most people won't even respond when they're asked for replays.
The photo thingy would have to be optional, since most of the top players of osu! are known hikki-offenders and would probably not enjoy the kind of publicity we are talking about here.

I would vote, but then again I would have to come up with 11 extra names to the list besides cookiezi, thelewa, laport and me. And yes I would probably vote for myself, even if it was taken as a trolling vote since "the top players" can already be thought as a subjective opinion simply because PP sucks as a skill ranking indicator. Performance (amount of time used to obtain certain amount of score) maybe, but not skill. And I absolutely do not have enough data to give out best player prices owning only less than 6000 3585 maps, including easy and normal difficulties.

Whoa that sounds more of a rant than I really meant it. Take it with a grain of salt. Actually, read into it as little as possible.
rrtyui, Cookiezi, Apricot, Iris, Potofu, waruo, Tom94, mnto, Sakura Frost, SapphireGhost, GGBY, H4ppySt1ck, val0108, thelewa, SnowWhite, Rucker, 576583622, Reisen Udongein, DoKoLP, Dungeon, Restia, Rorry, Niko, PM____, N a n o, White Wolf, Chewin, XSH, Apple, Larrybins
Cookiezi, rrtyui, SapphireGhost, Chewin, Yuleiyu, Scarlet Sisters, Shizuru-, KRZY, ms0080345, K47, waruo, Dungeon, mnto, Rost94, Saya-No-Uta, FukarioNN, Rucker, geckogates, onlyforyou, dragonhuman, val0108, [ Beatrice ], SnowWhite, GensokyoAkuma, yuugeki1234, Elysion, Hong Meilin, Spicker, kogumano-putaro, terametis, Moyaso
Cookiezi, mnto, rrtyui, wobeinimacao, SapphireGhost, 5231_Kinoko, Sprosive, Rucker, oberonsb, mugio3, serea, Iris, Potofu, Z e o n, Dimentio, Anghios, waruo, Rorry, fabriciorby, Uan, GGBY, KRZY, dragonhuman, White Lolita, Karuta, val0108, H4ppySt1ck, CommyxP, Giffen, ms0080345, Lan wings, Frostmourne, CXu
Cookiezi, rrtyui, Larrybins, Niko, mnto, Apricot, Apple, White Wolf, Rucker, [-Nightmare-], K4zuk1ng, val0108, SapphireGhost, Nirankar, Frostmourne, OVanillaO, wobeinimacao
rrtyui, Rucker, SapphireGhost, Karuta, mnto, Dungeon, Musty, Tom94, Michi, Niko, [ Beatrice ], Moyaso, laport, CommyxP, SnowWhite, Akiko-, JappyBabes, T o p h, mukachu, Len, Blue Dragon, ms0080345, Cookiezi, thelewa, Maddy, Apricot, ShadowSoul, KRZY
Torein 13rd, Cookiezi, SapphireGhost, Remilia-Scarlet, Niko, CXu, val0108, Rucker, M A I D, Dungeon, TTTL, mnto, Scarlet Sisters, White Wolf, [-Nightmare-], waruo, Chocopikel, rrtyui, Chewin, Frostmourne, ZRush, GGBY, Omgfzor, Saya-Honmei, Apricot, murasaki_sk, 3days_dream, kogumano-putaro, SnowWhite, F TUBE, fartownik, Prophet, KRZY, Maddy, Alumetor, Yamaxanadu, onlyforyou, H4ppySt1ck, KBT, LQX, MoYuO, AIDIA, AyakaSS, kaCha, wobeinimacao
Cookiezi, Torein 13rd, Niko, mugio3, mnto, Frostmourne, Prosera, Chewin, GGBY, dragonhuman, T o p h, T e n Y a, AIDIA, takeki3gou, Peace, Karuta, Small K, Scarlet Sisters, PM____, Rucker, Minacle, Spicker, Les Discrets, Saya-Hommei, Reisen Udongein, Breto, Uan, H4ppySt1ck, Dustice, Elysion, waruo, Myaamd, SnowWhite, Apricot, Maddy, Suzutsuki-, Yuleiyu, erk, Flute, Zbreak, serea, CommyxP, Restia, Michi
rrtyui, Cookiezi, Torein 13rd, Dungeon, mugio3, thelewa, mnto, CXu, kogumano-putaro, White Wolf, SnowWhite, M A I D, KRZY, Scarlet Sisters, pekolove, Shizuru-, Yuleiyu, pielak213-, KBT, val0108, xsrsbsns, Nanaya, TenaPotato, DDDeee, Chewin, Chocopikel, HuNted, FukarioNN, GUNSLINGER GIRL, SapphireGhost, GGBY, 3days_dream, Mie-Fy, meg5573, Lan wings, PM____, zeluaR, dkdak926, AmaiHachimitsu, waruo, AutchaCyC, Uan, Peace, Small K, TTTL
Niko, Cookiezi, Reisen Udongein, SiLviA, wobeinimacao, AutchaCyC, naruu69, SapphireGhost, rrtyui, Silynn, Chocopikel, M A I D, Chewin, Dungeon, ycsnake, Apple, Iris, Potofu, 576583622, xsrsbsns, [ Beatrice ], serea, Yuleiyu, Apricot, Jade, KRZY, CXu, henry04213, geckogates, S i R a G i
rrtyui, Cookiezi, SnowWhite, Rucker, Elysion, mnto, wobeinimacao, Karuta, Torein 13rd, Niko, XSH, White Wolf, Saya-Honmei, Blue Dragon, Shizuru-, Dungeon, Cookiesh, xsrsbsns, 576583622, Uan, Chewin, Maconhero, ms0080345, ShadowSoul, takeki3gou, Iris, thelewa, chickgod, -pr0, Spicker, Rorry, NonxE, Neruell, -Lennox-, kyukyukyun, N a n o, DoKoLP, val0108, Juggerz, waruo, Michi, White Lolita, TTTL, Legalist, Lette, Kert, dragonhuman, antsu, CXu, 0OoMickeyoO0
White Wolf, Niko, Cookiezi, Scarlet Sisters, rrtyui, ms0080345, Torein 13rd, SnowWhite, Miu Matsuoka, Chocoliti, Shizuru-, erk, Blue Dragon, 5231_Kinoko, Legalist, meg5573, val0108, waruo, Reisen Udongein, Dungeon, AIDIA, takeki3gou, SilentWings, Yuleiyu, RandomShiit, GGBY, -Bini-, Rorry, wizoza83098, T o p h, dragonhuman, F U M I N O, jesus1412
Niko, wobeinimacao, White Wolf, thelewa, Elfice, Rucker, JappyBabes, 5231_Kinoko, mugio3, Cookiezi, Saya-Honmei, AmaiHachimitsu
Niko, Cookiezi, mnto, Yuleiyu, Scarlet Sisters, Torein 13rd, [-Nightmare-], SapphireGhost, Dungeon, wobeinimacao, Flute
Cookiezi, Rucker, mnto, SapphireGhost, Michi, Small K, Dungeon, lycank, Akiko-, Moyaso, Blue Dragon, Legalist, waruo, dragonhuman
Cookiezi, H4ppySt1ck, SnowWhite, [ Beatrice ]
SapphireGhost, Shizuru-, Reisen Udongein
Niko, jesus1412, rrtyui
KeigoClear, White Wolf
Cookiezi, Niko, rrtyui, val0108
Cookiezi, rrtyui, serea, Chocoliti, GGBY, White Wolf, [-Nightmare-], Nanaya, mnto, Spicker, Rucker, cr1m, erk, 5231_Kinoko, TTTL, Lelouch, heat, Rybel, Gon, Deuth, Myaamd, Setsuco, 0OoMickeyoO0, KeigoClear
SiLviA, White Wolf, Rucker, MiLu
Niko, wobeinimacao, thelewa, SiLviA
Cookiezi, Niko, White Wolf, rrtyui, Deuth, val0108, takeki3gou, Torein 13rd, waruo, AIDIA, Gon, Maconhero, Spicker
Cookiezi, White Wolf, Dungeon, Tom94
Cookiezi, White Wolf, SapphireGhost, Torein 13rd
mukachu. Elysion. wobeinimacao. fartownik. Supi
Cookiezi, loli_milk
Cookiezi, Niko



??????? need more input ???? but rough draft leads to following results:


White Wolf

Torein 13rd

Scarlet Sisters
Reisen Udongein

[ Beatrice ]
Blue Dragon
i want a confirmation if clementine is 100% legit

silmarilen wrote:

i want a confirmation if clementine is 100% legit
Yeah, since people are voting "clementine if legit", it kinda nullifies all the 14 other votes they gave too

Kanye West wrote:

Incomplete ballots will not be counted
As per Kanye's request, I'm deleting ballots that don't follow the criteria in the OP. If Clementine is revealed to not be legit, I'll provide 24 hours for people who voted him to change their ballots, but I don't think we'll get a confirmation either way.

Wishy wrote:

Please tell me you are gonna ignore ballots where the guy voting is obvious a complete ignorant. Someone posting like #1 Rucker #2 Shizuru- #3 Cookiezi is gonna be accepted? If you know what I mean.

ethox wrote:

Why should they not be accepted? If the voters skill level is not high enough to comprehend that a certain score is so much harder to get than others which seem equally (or if not harder) than the score mentioned before, would you deny his right to vote? That sounds quite nazi to me.
Because we can see from experience how some people votes for the sake of it when they have no clue what they are doing. I mean it's ok there are things you can DISAGREE on, but then you will (eventually) get people whose votes will show you they have NO IDEA what they are talking about, to the point they are worse than trolling.

That's all really, it won't really change things but on 2010 and 2011 videos there were quite a lot of stupid rankings that didn't really made sense (remember ShaggoN over Rucker? hahah). I know it's somewhat nazi but hey if you have NO IDEA about top players don't just come and vote shit, I don't know what's worse, ignoring a few votes because of obvious trolling/ignorance or being an ignorant and throwing a random vote for the sake of it.

Wishy wrote:

Because we can see from experience how some people votes for the sake of it when they have no clue what they are doing. I mean it's ok there are things you can DISAGREE on, but then you will (eventually) get people whose votes will show you they have NO IDEA what they are talking about, to the point they are worse than trolling.

That's all really, it won't really change things but on 2010 and 2011 videos there were quite a lot of stupid rankings that didn't really made sense (remember ShaggoN over Rucker? hahah).

This is the reason why the creators of this poll are waiting for 15 to 20 pages of votes to make up the top 15, since the votes will ALWAYS BE BIASED. ALWAYS ARE AND ALWAYS SHOULD BE. I think the rules to the poll are already laughable since we really are talking about point of views clashing. You can never have a definite answer, but there can be a general consensus about who is the best and who is not. Take for the top4 for example, people put up Cookiezi as #1 which is completely understandable, but the rest 3 are most of the time ranked by the fact of which maps they played or simply by the fact which nickname sounds the nicest and so on.

So please do not be in a rush to take away the right to vote from a person since you are in the same position to lose yours as well. The only thing these rules are doing is hindering and limiting the votes since people are questioning their own choices because "This person I'm following and rooting for can't possibly be as good as these guys which a hundred fellas are voting for, therefore I should just go with the crowd."

And I'm not even taking into account how the creator of the poll can change every vote with "~ Incomplete ballots or ballots with obvious intent of trolling will not be counted." Who is to say what vote is trolling and what is not? This really takes away the polls legitmacy.

ethox wrote:

This is the reason why the creators of this poll are waiting for 15 to 20 pages of votes to make up the top 15, since the votes will ALWAYS BE BIASED. ALWAYS ARE AND ALWAYS SHOULD BE.
What the fuck

player skill is not an opinion, and you can't be biased on it, you can only be clueless on it

while many people only play this game casually to have fun,
there are some people who work really hard every day to improve and reach the yearly list of top x
not including somebody who deserves a spot in the list while including somebody who doesn't would be a huge slap in the face for players who spent countless hours and a ton of effort to meet this goal
I don't intend to delete votes or ballots that are "trollish" unless they're completely obviously so. "#1-#15 all Macacito huehuehue" and so on.
Yes you can Aqo, it's not like there is always a big difference of skill between players, plus most of the times top scores can be deceiving since Dungeon may do a score in 2 plays, some other JP guy beat him in 500 and then: who's better?

Anyways I get what you mean ethox, and it's ok, just saying if some guy comes and votes stuff that just doesn't make sense, think about considering it trolling even if it may not be since it's posted by "FatBoy_49285" who was a 2x2 px avatar.

People who vote and don't put Cookiezi as a #1 or don't include Niko, WW and rrtyui on their list should just be ignored cause they clearly HAVE NO IDEA about what they are voting, to the point they are worse than trolls.

Aqo wrote:

player skill is not an opinion, and you can't be biased on it, you can only be clueless on it
People consider "skill" differently.

Some people are unarguable in this, but most of the (read #3-#15) are just based on how other players see them. You can't put them in an universal scale and determine how skilled they are. You can only ask people what they _THINK_
If I went and put some friends who are very good on the list it wouldn't make sense at all. Like if I included Darksonic or Salvage on the top 10, it may be "an opinion" yet it's clearly retarded and it would be quite stupid if any of those made it there.
osu boils down to those skills:

1. accuracy
2. aim
3. speed

Whichever one of those you value more or less is, indeed, opinion-based. It's also true, Wishy, that top scores do not determine what a player is capable of, since everybody spends a different amount of time into getting them. However every single player who is good at this game does try to set top scores on maps when they feel they're capable of it.

Wishy wrote:

People who vote and don't put Cookiezi as a #1 or don't include Niko, WW and rrtyui on their list should just be ignored cause they clearly HAVE NO IDEA about what they are voting, to the point they are worse than trolls.
this pretty much sums this up on the basic level. The problem is with the other 10 players that come afterwards.
That's what I mean, there are some votes that may change, you may include AIDIA as #8 or maybe as #13, it's ok, but there are things that are just wrong (like some examples I gave above).

I'm afraid about voting for sasakure, ShadowSoul and Clementine since I'm afraid they are not legit. :(

Aqo wrote:

player skill is not an opinion, and you can't be biased on it, you can only be clueless on it
True, the skill of a certain player is not an opinion. But in the same time you lose the validity of the result of the poll in the same. You have to keep the poll open to different results in order to maintain the validity of the poll, since, like you said, nobody knows the skill level of a person (most of the time not even the person him/herself).

Aqo wrote:

osu boils down to those skills:

1. accuracy
2. aim
3. speed
Whoa you sound like a shallow person. osu! is so much more, unless you always retry your maps a thousand times over.

Wishy wrote:

I'm afraid about voting for sasakure, ShadowSoul and Clementine since I'm afraid they are not legit. :(
ShadowSoul not legit? :b

sasakure is funny though. plays ascension to heaven DT and doesn't afraid of anything. I spectated him for 3 hours doing random plays and apparently singletapping 320bpm is natural to him to do infinitely and he has enough aim ability to make cookiezi jealous. so yeah, kinda suspecious. if he's not legit tho I'd love to know what he uses, because it's not a map speed hack and it's not an aimbot :\/
even if shadowsoul was legit he wouldnt be in top15
ShadowSoul has a few suspicious scores, which he should not be capable of achieving based on any of his previous scores (unless he got super lucky)
Macacito #1 why nobody votes
I think Shadowsoul is waayyy more good than the most of osu! population but still not close to some players in top 15 i wrote T T
Topic Starter
Kanye West

MillhioreF wrote:

As per Kanye's request, I'm deleting ballots that don't follow the criteria in the OP. If Clementine is revealed to not be legit, I'll provide 24 hours for people who voted him to change their ballots, but I don't think we'll get a confirmation either way.
This is a good plan of action, but instead of only 24 hours, give them time until the thread is locked, as I'm not going to enter the ballots into my spreadsheet until then. I think this will give ample time for everyone to change their votes accordingly.

To clarify, ballot deletion isn't meant to stop people from having opinions as to what makes a player rank above another player, it's to get rid of the ballots in which voters have absolutely no idea as to who was a top player in 2012, clearly didn't read the rules of voting, or are downright posting shit.

Kanye West wrote:

To clarify, ballot deletion isn't meant to stop people from having opinions as to what makes a player rank above another player, it's to get rid of the ballots in which voters have absolutely no idea as to who was a top player in 2012, clearly didn't read the rules of voting, or are downright posting shit.
Yes I know what you are saying and doing, which is completely understandable and nice, I just wish people didn't take it as a personal hate mail when somebody does not rank Cookiezi #1 in his own mind.

Now. Let the voting commence!

editto: I had this crazy idea of giving a multiplier on votes based on a formula with the total score of the voter in question. This would give more weight to the votes of the more experienced players and thus more reliable results on the "objective top 15"
how active does a player have to be to get votes?

R-S and Silvia logged on like 2-3 times in all of 2012 and yet people are voting for them. wtf. sure they might be good but /they didn't even play in 2012, why are they part of this ranking/

He played until April.
Topic Starter
Kanye West

ethox wrote:

editto: I had this crazy idea of giving a multiplier on votes based on a formula with the total score of the voter in question. This would give more weight to the votes of the more experienced players and thus more reliable results on the "objective top 15"
Interesting idea but I think this would make the poll unfair. It's also unclear how we can assign weights to "more experienced" players.

Kanye West wrote:

It's also unclear how we can assign weights to "more experienced" players.
Yes, I've been working on the formula as soon as I came up with the idea. It wouldn't be too hard, but it requires a bunch of things, access to osu!db for quick reference of the scores of the voter ie.
but when is a vote a troll vote?
i mean anything with shadowsoul in it is pretty much retarded imo and shouldnt be counted
Topic Starter
Kanye West

ethox wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

It's also unclear how we can assign weights to "more experienced" players.
Yes, I've been working on the formula as soon as I came up with the idea. It wouldn't be too hard, but it requires a bunch of things, access to osu!db for quick reference of the scores of the voter ie.
I'm open to the idea, PM me the details if you want and I'll check it out.
You are voting Shizuru- because he's mouse player, but don't forget Chewin is laptop player and he can reach over 230BPM despite this. His DT skill should have more importance considering this. Obviously, this is only my personal opinion about it. jumps speed

Nemis wrote:

You are voting Shizuru- because he's mouse player, but don't forget Chewin is laptop player and he can reach over 230BPM despite this. His DT skill should have more importance considering this. Obviously, this is only my personal opinion about it. jumps speed
Yes, a laptop user with a tablet and there are people who can reach high bpms despite of the kb

Valentiino wrote:

Nemis wrote:

You are voting Shizuru- because he's mouse player, but don't forget Chewin is laptop player and he can reach over 230BPM despite this. His DT skill should have more importance considering this. Obviously, this is only my personal opinion about it. jumps speed
Yes, a laptop user with a tablet and there are people who can reach high bpms despite of the kb
Not to mention laptop keyboards aren't terrible at streaming. They may not be as amazing as mechanical, but they are the next best thing.

silmarilen wrote:

but when is a vote a troll vote?
i mean anything with shadowsoul in it is pretty much retarded imo and shouldnt be counted
Shadowsoul has a few DT + HR and approved map scores. Give the guy a break, hes not as completely useless as you think he is.

Purple wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

but when is a vote a troll vote?
i mean anything with shadowsoul in it is pretty much retarded imo and shouldnt be counted
Shadowsoul has a few DT + HR and approved map scores. Give the guy a break, hes not as completely useless as you think he is.
And his ridiculous DT + HR's are exactly why whether he is legit or not is questioned.


And his ridiculous DT + HR's are exactly why whether he is legit or not is questioned.
There's nothing ridiculous about a known FL + HD player getting a DT+ HR score. I know Winshley has at least one of those, right here

Unless you consider FL + HD to be ridiculous. If so then thats fine.
um so clementine is a cheater or what i read before?

hey if you have NO IDEA about top players don't just come and vote shit
Yup this. because im not really up to date what players and etc so i dont even put a top list. i told you before kanye west
celementine used to cheat on his previous account (and other accounts after that) so now we want to be sure his current plays are not cheats


Purple wrote:

Shadowsoul has a few DT + HR and approved map scores. Give the guy a break, hes not as completely useless as you think he is.
And his ridiculous DT + HR's are exactly why whether he is legit or not is questioned.
which are his ridiculous HR DT scores? I only know some Hards that are entirely possible with HR DT where he got scores with this modcombination.

and yea, shadowsoul isn't really top 25 material, but not as bad as most people make him out to be too. he is actually pretty good.
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