
Pokemon Platinum thread

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Zekira wrote:

1.) Ho-Oh and Lugia should be version exclusive
I suppose.

Zekira wrote:

2.) Kanto should NOT be available. *though I don't know how this is going to happen, seeing as it's the only way into the league and Mt. Silver*
Wat. Fuck you. Kanto/Johto ftw.
If Kanto isn't in it, I'll RAGE. One of the best things about GSC was the additional challenge and training offered by Kanto. Also, Johto's only about 1/3 as big as Sinnoh. In order to modernize it, they'd need to keep Kanto in and add in something else, such as the Battle Frontier HOENN MOTHERFUCKERS.
Also, I'll ROFL if the announcement's actually about more Mysterious Dungeon games.

neo@lex wrote:

If Kanto isn't in it, I'll RAGE. One of the best things about GSC was the additional challenge and training offered by Kanto. Also, Johto's only about 1/3 as big as Sinnoh. In order to modernize it, they'd need to keep Kanto in and add in something else, such as the Battle Frontier HOENN MOTHERFUCKERS.
Also, I'll ROFL if the announcement's actually about more Mysterious Dungeon games.
But Explorers of the Sky has just been a recent announcement, though I agree on ROFLing. Hahaha.

Zekira wrote:

Well, we've had some discussion over at Pokémon Philippines, and we agree that these 'fails' SHOULD be implemented for appropriateness:

1.) Ho-Oh and Lugia should be version exclusive
Nah. The other version's legendary served as the "Rayquaza/Giratina" of G/S, since there was no third legendary. And since there's most certainly NOT going to be a Crystal remake (since you can normally catch all the cover legendaries in the third version), the G/S remakes will need to fill this purpose and include the opposing version's legendary. Just as they originally did.

Zekira wrote:

2.) Kanto should NOT be available. *though I don't know how this is going to happen, seeing as it's the only way into the league and Mt. Silver*
Also BAD. The two regions are just too intertwined. Since space is hardly a concern for this type of game (D/P were only 59MB of a possible 128), there's no worry about the Kanto being "watered down" as it was criticized for being in the original G/S/C. I'm expecting the Safari Zone to be open, and Mt. Moon and the Seafoam Islands not to suck. Total Mt. Moon redesign, anyone?

Maybe you'll actually have to go upstairs in the Kanto radio tower, which has conveniently been taken over by the ghosts displaced by the demolition of the Pokémon Tower, and save it from them, to get the radio upgrade.

Zekira wrote:

3.) Introduce the PokéRadar.
Maybe, but I'd go for something totally different to get out-of-region Pokémon. And the Pokéradar made catching shinies brokenly easy.

Zekira wrote:

4.) New sprites for the major characters.
Obviously. They're not going to use 56x56, 3-colour GBC sprites.

Zekira wrote:

5.) Make rival Silver less gay.
No. He was perfect the way he was. You want him to be more like the Hoenn rival or something? A general stuck up brat who isn't really menacing at all?

So yeah. I'm excited in the giddy school girl variety. :D It's about time!

neo@lex wrote:

I could see it now. A bunch of former TR, mafia-esque figures come up and mug you, throw you in the back of a truck, and brainwash you into thinking their boss, who runs a Pokémon gym as a front for drug-running, is your dad.

Seriously, Hoenn would make things too confusing. Especially seeing how there really isn't a land-link to the other regions, and how Hoenn is mainly self-sufficient. (move tutors, breeding centres, etc.) We're most likely going to see another mini-region--possibly the Seviis again, something new, or both.

...but seriously, though, what's with the names?! Heart Gold? Soul Silver? D:
Strange how I read this on osu! before reading it on Serebii...

96-page speculation thread FTL.

The names are kinda strange, but we'll all probably get used to them in time.


MetalMario201 wrote:

Shiny Pokemon: The biggest novelty ever.
I can finally add something to my ubers team, when finally it's not a hassle to be IV Hunting a Lugia anymore.

So now, the last thing I need for my ubers team is Arceus~ hey wtf? The Arceus event on Japan gives it out at level 100... = no EVs? *&#%^(#*$& !!! Darn!
Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
I'd of thought they'd go with the rumored Sun Gold and Moon Silver thing. It makes much more sense.
They didn't use Dusk Gold and Dawn Silver because fans already speculated it 2 years ago or what. They don't like using leakages, apparently.
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K2J wrote:

They might always change the names for Western release...
I highly doubt it. Knowing Nintendo, they're natural ph4!ls.
GSC is,according to me,one of the best generations in pokemon.Gen 3=FAIL.
Heck,it probably surpassed Gen 1 itself.Gen 4 is pretty good,but it didn't
win as much as gen 2...
Hey guys what's up? I'm told that the following can be gleaned from this (any Brazillians able to translate?):

* New sprites for Kanto and Johto Pokemon, Platinum sprites for Sinnoh Pokemon Diamond/Platinum sprites for Hoenn Pokemon
* New PokeGear, radio's still in, compatible with Poketch?
* Pokebox DS app on DSi, sort of like Pokemon Ranch, save Pokemon to DSi, transfer between games with one DSi
* Story's different
* can't catch Red Gyarados WHAT HE WAS MY FIRST SHINY NO
* Bug Catching Contest still in
* Can catch Ho-Oh and Lugia in both games, Legendary Dogs too
* Kanto's back, can get Kanto starters I'm GETTIN' ME A SQUIRTLE
* Mewtwo's back in the same place, so are Legendary Birds
* Safari Zone returns, Cinnibar too
* MORE EVENT ISLANDS. YAY. And also Celebi GS event
* Online Underground and secret bases, find fossils under Cinnibar
* Somehow get Hoenn starters in Battle Frontier
Yep, looks like they're trying to flush out the requirements of the GBA games.

Second floor in the lab, starter follows you around, wind effect.
Ack, too much awesome.

Though it would be redundant for catching UnoDosTres again -- they were already available in Platinum! :\ Though at least this time it's easier to IV hunt them since you don't have to chase them.

Also, it's like Emerald reversed ftw -- you get HOenn starters. Lol. I wonder how to activate the National dex on this one... as far as I remember, two pokedexes are supposedly available -- Kantodex and Johtodex. Kantodex is just a half-version of the Nationaldex, taking out anything after 252. I suppose after you finish Kanto, Birch pwns your Pokedex for lolnationaldex.
In the original GSC,there's no such thing as a regional dex--Your dex is already national,
AKA it records both Johto and Kanto pokemon.
...Hogods,this is made of too much awesome part of me overloaded.


crystalsuicune wrote:

In the original GSC,there's no such thing as a regional dex--Your dex is already national,
AKA it records both Johto and Kanto pokemon.
...Hogods,this is made of too much awesome part of me overloaded.

But it was widely accepted that the Kantodex is also equal to the Nationaldex, since, as we all know, Kantodex records from 1-251 properly. But it wasn't dubbed 'national dex' back then, but whatever.

I wonder how much boom this is gonna get. I wantz my uber Lugia. Now.
We need a new topic, and the people on that site found out that the info they got was false. The news on the good English sites is basically Kris being replaced with a new female trainer (...shame that her hat looks stupid) and... oh, just go to one of these two sites:

There. Oh, and we can see Totodile following the trainer at the slowpoke well, so it at least follows that far, and not just before you fight your rival, like some people were speculating. HORRAY! It'll probably be a month or two before they release more info, like usual. They got to keep us hyped the whole time.

P.S. Can we have a new thread for this? This is the Pokemon Platinum thread, not the Heart Gold/ Soul Silver thread. <_<;
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Hi guys.

I lost the Pokemon D/P/Pt tourney at Otafest. Got to the second round and then got flattened.

My Electivire counter isn't much of an Electivire counter yet as I misplaced my Earthquake TM. :( I also *want* a Double-edge Aerodactyl, but hey, beggers can't be choosers, I guess (at least it has okay IVs and a Naive nature, not that that's saying much with it's current moveset). Oh, and my team is terribly flawed against Water/Grounds. It's like...terribly imbalanced, with no Grass to flatten such bulky Waters and also Fire support in the form of Luxray only. I also have "two dark types and two ice types", being Froslass, Umbreon, and Weavile. Then again, Weavile was the turning factor in the first round. I think it took, Dragonair, and got a hit on something else which I can't remember, if I recall? I don't really remember too well. I do remember the stall against Venasaur with Umbreon though. I knew I couldn't continue to take it so I swapped out my already-weak Froslass and then put in Weavile.

Second round, I got beaten out by Gastrodon and Magnezone. Ah well.

Note to self: Get a Meganium or something. And some alternate team picks (Especially fire, so I can drag Luxray out of there). And work on Dratini and find my Earthquake tm.
wat dos this ^ have to do with platinum . go to dp topic plz!(just kidding)
EDIT: i was thinking platinum but i typed gold and silver lol! anywho on topic, it looks like the special edition arceus that you get from the new movie unlocks something in the orebourgh mine i wonder why hackers did not discover this a long time ago
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An64fan wrote:

Hi guys.

I lost the Pokemon D/P/Pt tourney at Otafest. Got to the second round and then got flattened.

My Electivire counter isn't much of an Electivire counter yet as I misplaced my Earthquake TM. :( I also *want* a Double-edge Aerodactyl, but hey, beggers can't be choosers, I guess (at least it has okay IVs and a Naive nature, not that that's saying much with it's current moveset). Oh, and my team is terribly flawed against Water/Grounds. It's like...terribly imbalanced, with no Grass to flatten such bulky Waters and also Fire support in the form of Luxray only. I also have "two dark types and two ice types", being Froslass, Umbreon, and Weavile. Then again, Weavile was the turning factor in the first round. I think it took, Dragonair, and got a hit on something else which I can't remember, if I recall? I don't really remember too well. I do remember the stall against Venasaur with Umbreon though. I knew I couldn't continue to take it so I swapped out my already-weak Froslass and then put in Weavile.

Second round, I got beaten out by Gastrodon and Magnezone. Ah well.

Note to self: Get a Meganium or something. And some alternate team picks (Especially fire, so I can drag Luxray out of there). And work on Dratini and find my Earthquake tm.
Could you post your team so that I could RMT it?
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Larto wrote:

Agreed. I went to the battle tower (Diamond) and went on wifi. A steelix OHKOed my team jsut because it had good EV and blah blah blah.

Wat. I took 1 try with my un-EVed pokemon.
In Pearl I needed like 1 month to beat them. I GOT LOTS OF MONEY :D. And the fight when I beat them was super epic.
Empoleon vs. Milotic. The fight between them lasted like 10 minutes. Both were around the same level. I had no other pokemon left. I had no items anymore. Empoleon was close to dying. All my hope rested on one attack. And this attack killed Milotic. Imagine how I felt.

... Ever heard of type-advantage?
I dont EV train, but I go to websites to see the types of the Elite 4, and plan my team.

Took down the E4:
Carnivine(?) (Dont ask.)

...I fucking forgot.

JInxyjem wrote:

... Ever heard of type-advantage?
I dont EV train, but I go to websites to see the types of the Elite 4, and plan my team.
I did that. If you're wondering about the Milotic Empoleon thingy, I had no other pokemon left >:(
But I didn't have enough good pokemon to use. Either they had the wrong type or a too low level. So I trained them in the Elite 4. That was fun ^_^
...what. Elite 4 team:


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Hey, I got addicted to Pokemon again.
Phoenix Wright'll have to wait.

K2J wrote:

The slot machines have been disabled in the European version of Platinum.

...lolwh0t. We'll know the reason sometime soon.

...Open your senses...
Oh great...A Pokemon Platinum thread.
>Will be posting FC later ._.
lol necrobump

I started playing Pearl again and it's taking up my valuable osu! time. Oops.

Anywho, who wants to trade my haunter and machoke back and forth for me? ^_^

Name: Andi (Based off my middle name :P) (And yes, my character is a girl because I felt like it)
Friend Code: 2536 4089 7744
I can do that for you, given that we can actually get to each other at the same time.
I've started playing again with my boyfriend and some campus friends. He and I are currently building two UU/NU teams of a single type (he's going for psychic, I'm going for grass) just to try to see how well we'd do against one another in a situation like this. All I can say at the moment is that SubSeed is fun.
I'm assuming you're going to use a lead Roserade, yes? Or a lead Jumpluff?

Oh and since he's going for Psychic, consider using an Exeggutor ololol
jumpluff lead is beast
love jumpluff
pokemon is horribly imbalanced

Zekira wrote:

I'm assuming you're going to use a lead Roserade, yes? Or a lead Jumpluff?

Oh and since he's going for Psychic, consider using an Exeggutor ololol
I am deciding my team at random. Also, Roserade is OU. I am using UU/NU. Jumpluff is a definite candidate, but the team itself is being decided by luck.
Wait huh?... lol I didn't notice that Roserade was already OU! When did that happen >_> So that's why I've been seeing so many using Roserade... o_o

Zekira wrote:

Wait huh?... lol I didn't notice that Roserade was already OU! When did that happen >_> So that's why I've been seeing so many using Roserade... o_o
lol Roserade IS OU, but Reimu's not OU.LOL

Zekira wrote:

Wait huh?... lol I didn't notice that Roserade was already OU! When did that happen >_> So that's why I've been seeing so many using Roserade... o_o
Check tiers before talking again.

mekadon95 wrote:

lol Roserade IS OU, but Reimu's not OU.LOL
Not every thread needs a useless, out-of-place Touhou reference.
Of course I look at the tier list, just not before I visited this thread again lol (it's been a while before I battled again lol).

Hm, but I'm seeing a bit of a problem here: mainly a UU/NU Grass-type team would contain Grass-Poison types (notably Venusaur and Vileplume), and as we know that Poison is weak to Psychic. To counter this I'm betting you'll want a Cacturne too.

Zekira wrote:

Of course I look at the tier list, just not before I visited this thread again lol (it's been a while before I battled again lol).

Hm, but I'm seeing a bit of a problem here: mainly a UU/NU Grass-type team would contain Grass-Poison types (notably Venusaur and Vileplume), and as we know that Poison is weak to Psychic. To counter this I'm betting you'll want a Cacturne too.
Like when someone uses Alakazam, faint yr Venusaur, and use Cacturne as a trump card?

Zekira wrote:

Of course I look at the tier list, just not before I visited this thread again lol (it's been a while before I battled again lol).

Hm, but I'm seeing a bit of a problem here: mainly a UU/NU Grass-type team would contain Grass-Poison types (notably Venusaur and Vileplume), and as we know that Poison is weak to Psychic. To counter this I'm betting you'll want a Cacturne too.
Like I said, this is all decided at random. Besides, I'd rather use a Shiftry than a Cacturne any day of the week. I'd only use Cacturne in a weather-based environment on the same team as Cradily.
Hm ah yeah, Cacturne's usability outside the Sand is pretty :\ish.
Walao... can you listed down all the pokemon legends in pokemon platinum... because i think i have catch them but don't know which is the legends... LOL... :)
WOAH, old thread is alive! Anywho, i could be a total jerk and tell you to google it but here ya go!
:) I love this game!
thx man...
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