
Kid Whatever - Disconnected Disco

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, June 22, 2009 at 11:29:04 AM

Artist: Kid Whatever
Title: Disconnected Disco
Tags: in the groove itg stepmania inspector k
BPM: 139.35
Filesize: 2205kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.73 stars, 101 notes)
  2. Expert (5 stars, 280 notes)
  3. Hard (4.95 stars, 220 notes)
  4. Medium (4.39 stars, 141 notes)
Download: Kid Whatever - Disconnected Disco
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Bam! Disconnected Disco for the In The Groove Beatmap Project.

I hope [Expert] isn't too overworked in places. I find it fun...In a way.

Let's see where we go with this. Feedback is 100% appreciated. :3

1: New hitcircle overlay (Thank you very much Skyripper). Skyripper changes. :D
2: Minyeob changes. (Finally) Sorry for the delay! Let's go for the rank. :3
3: Kiai Time added. Timing change by -1ms.
4: Holycrap uber changes thanks to SFG and Shinxyn. More like Spacing and Hitsounds anyway.
5: Minor spacing adjustments. Thank you fufe. Thanks brainfree[z] for the star and the extra attention on this map. :)
6: Fixed...some changes. Spacing, combos, and beat placing, oh my~ I swear I fixed those [Medium] Sliders. Thank you 0_o.
7: Gens changes. BPM change with some spacing...I think...I can't remember.
8: Takuma changes. :)
9: vyt changes. Hopefully, this is the last of the changes. Thank you. :3
10: And Skyripper's changes make the big 10. Thanks again. :3
11: Rhhrhrrhrhrhrhrhrhrhghghgrhghr...Haha...xD
12: Minor. Minor. Updates.
13: Rolled changes. That one slider is now a bunch of hitcircles. ;)
14: Larto changes. Added custom approachcircle and hitcircle (Though honestly it's just from the template skin). Ranked? :3
15: Kiai changes and the suggestions Remmy said to do. GET THIS RANKED ALREADY SFESJFEKFJESIJSE I mean...Ranked? :3
16: Takuma changes. ...Ranked? T_T
17: Timing changes. Thank you Takuma.
18: I'm a turd because I forgot to resnap notes! :D
19: supergarlic changes. Thank you very much. :)
20: SFG changes in relation to hitsounds, with a slider change in the mix...Hopefully I didn't screw anything up.
21: lolwut strager <3
22: ^
Woo! Great job on this!

first off, here's that hitcircle overlay

That's just an outline of metal.. You can decide if it looks good enough.. If not you could always use the overlay from Xuxa or the one from Funk Factory (or make your own).

[Easy] spacing is good as are hitsounds... a lot of places where there are sloppy slider overlaps (nazi) (I'm just pointing it out so no one else will pick on it when it comes to ranking)
00:10:84 (3) - maybe angle this so it isn't on top of the next slider
00:56:46 (4) - move this or the 00:57:32 (1) so there isn't that overlap
01:21:42 (1) - might stack this on the 5 in the previous combo

00:09:97 (2,3,4) - should have the same spacing and the 3,4 are further apart than 2,3 (judging by later spacing the 2,3 should be further apart. I think it looks better anyway)
00:11:70 (2,3,4) - ^
00:25:04 (6) - change curve on this a little in some direction to avoid overlap on the previous notes
00:28:48 (7) - ^
01:17:55() - you change spacing here with the red to white ticks, but it's working in my opinion since it's between breaks

00:10:62 (5) - spacing.. 1/2 grid (in grid 3) up
00:14:06 (5) - ^ but down instead of up
00:19:44 (1,5) - half grid down, half grid down (adjust 6 accordingly)
00:30:42 (4,5) - spacing... 5 half a grid left
00:32:36 (5) - spacing 5 half a grid right
01:17:33 (2) - new combo
01:17:55 (3) - new combo (since these are all jumps)
00:22:88 (1) - if you change the offset make sure this doesn't get slowed down on .5x

00:22:03 (2) - new combo
01:00:34 (9) - move to white tick instead of blue
01:08:30 (4,5,6,7,8) - check spacing
01:17:34 (2,3) - new combo, new combo
Topic Starter
A lot of places where there are sloppy slider overlaps (nazi) (I'm just pointing it out so no one else will pick on it when it comes to ranking)
Are these only apparent on [Easy]?

All changes have been made. I will get to work on sliders tomorrow. It's getting extremely late.
Yes mostly on Easy. There are only a few in the others and I point them all out (I think)

It's also really late here, so I might have missed some things. I'll double check after your fixed version is uploaded


again, awesome map. I'm glad someone else is doing the great work!

10:842(3)-> Move 1 grid left.(Lv. 2)
14:285(3)-> Move 1 gird right(Lv. 2)

1:11:103(1)-> Too close from (2).

1:17:989(1)-> Move left a bit.
1:21:432(1)-> Move right a bit.

53:453(9)-> Too close from (1).
1:00:338(9)-> Too close from (8).
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Sorry for not doing this earlier, I never got the chance to just put down and edit edit edit.

Thank you very much minyeob for your suggestions. I wonder if 1ms will really make a difference. Here's your well-deserved kudosu. :3 Get that BATship soon! >:D

All changes have been made (Unless Sky put ninja edits in his post). I added Kiai Time as well, so please take a look at those too. =3
Eheh I was going to try modding this, but it looks already perfect, so there's not much to write except starred~!
Hope this gets ranked soon ^^
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Timing fine~

00:10:84 (3) - add clap to very end?
00:18:58 (3) - add whistle to start
00:28:05 (4) - why the extra repeat?
00:53:02 (3) - make this sound like the 3 in the combo before please
01:31:75 (5) - its too low compared to how far the 3 is to 4 (unless it was on purpose)
Some parts that seem the same to others sound very different in hitsounds~ and bit less Finish hitsounds please

00:09:11 (1) - Maybe align the start and end?
00:10:83 (1) - ^
00:34:08 (8) - maybe repeating sounds better?
01:31:97 (x) - redo break
Sounds good, nice and Normal worthy.

01:08:51 (5,6,1) - this part looks messy when playing, so could you turn down stack leniency by 3 ticks?
01:17:12 (1,1,1) - maybe make it sound like 00:22:03 (2,3,4) did?
Nothing really, but personally I like 00:25:04 (3,4,5,6,7,8)'s sound more than 01:19:70 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)'s even though they're the same "vocal".
And could maybe cut down on some of the Finish hitsounds

00:21:16 (1) - I say reduce on repeat, its hard to get 300 on this and jump to next note.
00:58:40 (4) - not sure if not spacing this will go well... but just my opinion..
01:14:54 (1) - I don't think normal claps work well on the ringing... Maybe just silence it out or use soft claps instead?
Other than those, the maps sounds great~

Lotsa nice hitsound combination, though a bit careless on easy, but not many care for easy, and Finish doesn't sound too appealing imo.

Nevertheless, Star~~!
I like it - it's just right and the difficulties aren't misleading. :) Nice use of Kiai effects too - nicely timed at the end and not too epileptic. xD
[Hard] and [Expert] look fun. =P

A star for Star~! xD
00:51:94 (5,1) - This jump is kinda sneaky. After practice i could hit it just fine but it is out of place or unnecessary if you ask me. Based off the fact that you dont have regular jumps like this throughout the map.
01:44:67 (1) - Same thing.. but..maybe its epic finalle? w/e

00:21:16 (1) - scoot up a grid for consistency?
not sure how i feel about these jumps for the same reason as hard. I dont know the official ranking word on em but ill post them here just in case. They just come out of nowhere to me.
00:10:62 (5,1) -
01:11:52 (3,4) -

Normal has some of the same jumps but its much more tollerable at that speed. In the end. If those jumps above are intentional then keep em =p

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BPM: Maybe 139.35? Beats sound too early at the end. I could be completely wrong though.

01:07:65 (1,2,1,2) - Both sliders here look kinda ugly... I'm sure you could Symmetrify them in some way.

01:05:93 (1,2) - You could line up these horizontally (The end point with the start point)
01:09:37 (1,2) - ^
01:11:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Spacing here looks irregular... It's almost not notable though.

Good. :D

Awesome. :D

Really cool map. Another Kirby map :)
(This map needs a BAT bubble)

  1. Fine.
  1. 00:16:87 (2,3,4) - I don't really like how these are close to 00:16:00 (1)
  2. 00:20:31 (2,3,4) - ^
  1. 00:12:56 (1) - Stack with fading 00:10:84 (1)?
  2. 00:33:97 (4) - 1 level 3 grid down
  1. 00:53:89 (1,2,3) - Possibly move this away from 00:53:46 (9)? I treated this as a 1/4 thinking you'd do the same as the ones before.
Nice map.
modding again to help speed this rank up :)

The following is cosmetic only:
01:04:23 (1,2,1,2) - maybe readjust these two combos so the FOLLOWING 2 combos at 01:07:67 (1,2,1,2) all line up in the center perfectly. In other words, make 1:04:23's combos like 1:07:67's combos.
01:45:56 (1) - a little less volume on this

00:09:98 (2) - nudge down ever so slightly to match spacing on 3,4
00:11:70 (2) - nudge up ever so slightly to match spacing on 3,4 (turn off grid snap if you have to, trust your eyes!)
00:34:09 (8) - move this slider 1/4 back so it starts on the red tick. (when the lady is saying "disconnected") adjust accordingly
01:27:48 (5) - you might want to split this into a 2 sliders if you can work it in. It's a little tedious for play
01:45:56 (1) - less volume again... just a LITTLE less ... barely any

00:12:56 (1) - see attachment... move this slider up one grid so it aligns with the fading 1 (and fix the anchor points like the screenshot)
00:21:17 (1) - move this a grid down
00:34:73 (8) - slight jump I believe (intentional?)

volume thing on hard and expert.

I'm fine with the rest :D

Note: I'm really really nazi'ing.. :) ... the map is great

EDIT: BAT Starred for now
The jumps are quite surprising to me, considering that [Medium] doesn't even have jumps. Not to mention they're a bit too far for my liking. Reconsider the part with the major jumps, please?

Topic Starter
00:12:56 (1) - see attachment... move this slider up one grid so it aligns with the fading 1 (and fix the anchor points like the screenshot)
Attachment? Where?

And thank you for the moddings guys. Let's hope this is the finale. Haha...

All changes have been made (I think).
oh sorry... here is that attachment

00:12:56 (1) - see attachment... move this slider up one grid so it aligns with the fading 1 (and fix the anchor points like the screenshot)

just a little slider fix.

Oh goody, I get my post in before it's ranked! ^___^

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Easy and Normal in my opinion. And the BPM and Offset are spot on. Since most of the mistakes are found there are only a few.

00:28:06 (7,1) - The slider is very confusing since it's a return arrow and by looking at auto it''s quite a jump to the next combo. Consider fixing that maybe?

And that's all I'm complaining about...

There's your star, Starrodkirby. XD
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Starrodkirby86 wrote:

MarioBros777 wrote:

00:28:06 (7,1) - The slider is very confusing since it's a return arrow and by looking at auto it''s quite a jump to the next combo. Consider fixing that maybe?
Haha, I have good reason to keep this. There's a technique players use that's basically have your cursor staying on the slider and not actually following it. This is one of those sliders where you can do that with ease, even unknowingly. Therefore, all you need to do is just wait for the jump ahead. Besides, there's harder jumps in the beatmap, so I'm keeping this. Thank you for pointing that out though. Haha.

._.; Izzit ready to be ranked yet?
Oh God, not those... :(

Anyway.... It looked jumpy for auto... But that maybe just me.

Download: ALiCE'S EMOTiON - Sweet Play (S i R i R u) [gowww's Easy].osu
When I mod, I usually point out anything that trips me up on the first run and label it confusing, and tbh there was quite a few parts i messed up on first run. But I really liked everything about this map, and it's a lot of fun after 2 or 3 plays once you can get the feel for what is going on.

All good

Man, I really wanted to insta-bubble this.
Slight problem which is easily fixable, but I think it's a pretty necessary fix.
01:31:35 (1) - The slider here is pretty unnoticeable. Make it a bit less overlappy.

Normal and easy are both great.

The difficulty flow from the easiest difficulty to the hardest difficulty is pretty amazingly done. This map should be an example map when trying to create well-balanced difficulties that live up to their names :P

Close to bubbling, I'd just like that one hard thing looked at.
Add a custom approachcircle.png and a custom hitcircle.png. If the player uses a skin and the skin's hitcircle/approachcircle doesn't fit to the overlay, it would look weird.
You can just add the templateskin sprites for those if you want to.

01:11:98 (4) - I'd like this to be a new combo, that jump kinda tripped me up while playing.

01:30:68 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - The overlaps in here look kinda weird.. it's hard to read that pattern too. Mind doing something about that?

That was it. Really cool map! I like it.
Awesome now. Bubbled
one of my old In the Groove favs.
Take my star.
you'll need it :O
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RemmyX25 wrote:

Are the kiai fountains really necessary on the spinners? They seem out of place.

This sounds awesome with the claps and stuff.

Minor visual gripe, 00:53:89 (1) - I don't know, maybe its just me but this doesnt look appealing underneath 00:53:68 (5).

I hate to pop this bubble.
Changed Kiai placement. Now it's just the "Yeaaaaah", the ending, and a new section which is at the part before the last uh...chorus, yeah?

Changed the slider too.

Rank? ._.
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Please redo the breaks.
Some modding done in irc.
Nakata Yuji
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Wizard Of Orz
01:10:71 (2) - usually im not nazi but align with the endpoint of 1

00:19:47 (1) - move this slider up a bit so it aligns with 6 which also fixes the minor spacing issue with 2

01:44:72 (1,1,1) - sort of conphused me. could you make all of this one combo?

01:00:59 (1) - move this over to the right or something. way too close to 9. it looks like a 1/2 step instead of a 3/4
01:14:58 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you want to~ start out with a low volume at 1 and then put a timing point on each note with slightly progressing volume

you have a long ass 14 second break
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supergarlic wrote:

you have a long ass 14 second break
It's 14 seconds of love~ D:

And I didn't really feel like doing the inherited timing sections there...It looked good as is. :S

I'll quote my post on SLAM:

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

...*bump*? =<

This map's older than life itself! :V Pardon for the bump though if it's bad at all, but *sigh* just bumping.

Bubb+star. I have nothing else to say.
lower hitvolume a bit? your hitsounds are overpowering the song
01:31:80 (5) - remove clap

00:13:87 (5) - on all these three-whistle runs try a clap rather than a finish on the end and maybe remove the last whistle
01:10:28 (2) - finish the end
00:33:68 (7,8) - bashing that whistle a bit too much, plus i would repeat 8 one more time and clap the new end
01:11:14 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - hitsounds dont really fit at all (i guess the finish is ok)
again i think itll be a lot better if you lower the hitvolume ESPECIALLY in the sections where its max'd

00:21:19 (1) - unintuitive bpm change. Suggestion: return bpm to normal and make this repeat twice as many times
01:27:71 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - too much whistle too close together (or maybe its cus hitvolume is max'd here)
actually i lowered the volume of that section by two ticks and it still was too much whistle, but it sounded a lot better

really its just the hit volume on this one but you need to have it at least two ticks lower in that second-to-last section there x_x

go fix and ill rebubble

Edit: rebubbled
A small change.

01:27:93 (2) - Not aligned properly.

Other than that, awesome! Star.
Topic Starter

strager wrote:

A small change.

01:27:93 (2) - Not aligned properly.

Other than that, awesome! Star.
I didn't see it being aligned or whatever, but...whatever. I don't even know if I made any changes? o.o

Rebubble? xD
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Nice map! some part are hard and confusing XD but its ok with a bit of practice and it is fun to play (expert)
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Hanyuu wrote:

Nice map! some part are hard and confusing XD but its ok with a bit of practice and it is fun to play (expert)
And I thought that seeing a response here would be negative. Thanks for the positive comment. TwT It's long-time this map has gotten ranked...
Wizard Of Orz

supergarlic wrote:

Hey let's try for a more correct offset please. I'm using -10 as a rough guess(to play with), would somebody mind checking that for me?
Topic Starter
You can always use minyeob's offset, which was my original one before a change:


That would be...-19.
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