
osu! Font Converter Tool

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Vis Major
Tool web app link.

Hi everyone, I've programmed a tool designed to make creating the transparent pngs for combo, score, and default numbers a simpler process.

I was frustrated with how long it took to create each individual file in my graphics editor what with how some fonts have strange spacing or size choices and just using centered text didn't always put the number in the right place.

This tool takes a ttf or otf font and allows you to preview the resulting png files and adjust their size, position, and boundaries all at once, or one at a time, before exporting the @2x files.

Update: The JavaScript version can be found and run on the web page linked at the top of the post instead of running an executable. It also features edge glow and choice of colors in addition to the previous features.

Downloadable Processing Version information
The Processing version is the old version and is missing some of the features of the javascript one, but I've left the info about it here in case anyone still wants it.

It can be run using the source code opened with the Processing IDE or an exe found in the zip files on the release page of the github.

It is open source and using the MIT license so you can do just about whatever you want with it.

UI Imgur
Tutorial / Demo Youtube
Or alternatively use a program like Figma. Its free, component based, has way more options than just size and you can export all numbers at once.
Topic Starter
Vis Major
Guess I could have saved myself some time by asking if there was a tool for this instead of just trying to search. Hah.
From the perspective of a person who sucks at digital design (sorry idk how it's named properly).

It's a nice program. It was pain in the butt to make numbers and align them properly in PS for the first time and this thing solves lots of problems that first time skin makers may face. Figured it out in about a minute, another minute to change the sizes of font/png, and another minute to put it in skin folder. Boom, it's done. Of course it won't replace PS or other design apps, but for the first time this will do just fine

Unavailability to change the color is kind of a bummer though, gotta keep an eye on any updates of this app with hopes this will be added.


p.s. please fix the misalignment of the 4th row in manual
p.p.s. just realised that i need to restart the app to switch to another font -_-
i need to save this thread ill be less frustrated from now on xdd
Topic Starter
Vis Major
I've released an updated version that works from a github page instead of a downloaded executable. It includes changing colors, and not having to re-load to choose a new font.

The_Break wrote:

From the perspective of a person who sucks at digital design (sorry idk how it's named properly).

It's a nice program. It was pain in the butt to make numbers and align them properly in PS for the first time and this thing solves lots of problems that first time skin makers may face. Figured it out in about a minute, another minute to change the sizes of font/png, and another minute to put it in skin folder. Boom, it's done. Of course it won't replace PS or other design apps, but for the first time this will do just fine

Unavailability to change the color is kind of a bummer though, gotta keep an eye on any updates of this app with hopes this will be added.


p.s. please fix the misalignment of the 4th row in manual
p.p.s. just realised that i need to restart the app to switch to another font -_-
Thanks for the feedback.

Vis Major wrote:

I've released an updated version that works from a github page instead of a downloaded executable. It includes changing colors, and not having to re-load to choose a new font.
Really glad to see an improvement, keep it up!
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