
Fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2 octombrie 2013 at 0:06:55

Artist: Fun.
Title: We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae)
Tags: some nights
BPM: 116
Filesize: 4395kb
Play Time: 04:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Fun. (4,7 stars, 421 notes)
  2. Interesting. (2,86 stars, 275 notes)
  3. Relaxing. (0,99 stars, 176 notes)
Download: Fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I mapped this because my friend and classmateTitucris forced convinced me to do it!
special thanks to -Bakari- for the support,
happy30, Faust and Charles445 for the timing ;)
Offset // BPM

213 // 116
41592 // 92
90585 // 116 -- for the second note here, use 1/3
91040 // 96
109792 // 82
111249 // 92
239061 // 90
240394 // 82
241857 // 90
243210 // 78
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thanks man :D
Melan Blue
Not sure about the timing @_@ But I can't figure it myself...

Got combo colors for you:
Combo1 : 169,160,86
Combo2 : 125,150,95
Combo3 : 91,122,153
Combo4 : 152,107,92

All clear.

00:34:868 (3) - replace finish at the end with normal hs
00:36:419 (3) - make it normal hs
00:41:075 (2) - add whistle
00:54:635 (3) - add finish
02:03:640 (1) - too close to the previous slider. place it somewhere farther.

from 00:29:178 - to 00:33:057 - why did the hitsounds change? normal hs should be on the second white tick, not on the first one :o

That's all I've got. This mapset is pretty clean, so good luck!~

  1. Set same preview time for all diffs!
  2. Disable countdown for all diffs, it doesn't fits here good enough, imo.
  3. Add tag: some nights
  4. Title is kinda incorrect, imo. We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe) is a correct one [/b]confirmation confirmation (2)
  5. Set a preview point, 00:49:418 - thi one will be ok, imo.
  6. If it is possible, try to find 1024x768 BG, it'll fit better, imo. bg?
  7. Stop being awesome, or I'll love you forever.
  8. x1.25 x1.20 and x1.29. SV changes are TOO small. Can't you use x1.25 only to make it easier to understand/play!

  1. 00:59:852 (3) - personally, I feel like adding reverse will fit here (vocals/musci) and it gives you consistent rhythm! same for 01:20:722 (2) - 02:22:553 (2,2) - 03:46:031 (2) - - i don't think that you should ignore vocals and music here :< note: BPM is quite slow, so consistent 1/1 flow will not make diff TOO hard. It's totally ok here.
  2. 01:12:896 (1) - NC nazi - I feel like this NC is off your pattern and doesn't fits with vocals/music good enough. So, if it is possible, remove it.
  3. 01:30:585 - [b]It'll be great if you place circle here , to let players FEEL that rhythm change. Otherwise, it's kinda confusing, imo.
  4. 02:09:509 (1) - inconsistent comboing. First of all NC doesn't fits here. Secondly, 02:06:901 (1,2) - this combo chain is too short. Thirdly, it doesn't even look good here! ;_;
  5. 02:43:422 (1,2) - 2x reverserd sliders are confusing. 2x reversed slider is wrong-placed! Beginner will not have enough time to notice second repeat here and they will not expect because usually sliders have only ONE repeat. Replace second repeat with circle, please.
    that flow thing

    see? it flows MUCH better in a wrong way, so you should move sliders reverse far from (1)'s end.
  6. 03:14:727 - I swear, circle with NC will fit here MUCH better! It will make finish of this part sooo awesoooome >3<
  7. 03:43:422 (4,1) - NC nazi - how about swapping new combos here? I think it will bring consistent pattern and will make your dif even more awesome! ♥
  1. Uh.. man, you totally should try AR5 and HP Drain 4! It will make map more balanced. Right now it has awesome rhythm, but it's boring because of low HP Drain and AR, imo.
  2. 00:59:852 (4) - and so on - see borig diff. There's same thing. But in Normal you should do ti, because rhythm needs it!
  3. 01:57:118 (5,7) - nazi (i have nothing else to say ;_;) - you can make PERFECT blanket slider here, so don't be lazy and do it!
  4. 02:27:444 (3,4,5,1) - mostly because of low AR, flow here is confusing for normal-players. don't you think so? (5) appears too quickly and player will click it before (4), probably.
  5. 03:14:727 - I swear, circle with NC will fit here MUCH better! It will make finish of this part sooo awesoooome >3< [2]
  6. 04:04:748 - move spinner 1/4 later and ad circle here for consistency.
  1. 03:05:596 (3) - uh.. it'll be more consistent if you unstack it. Much more playable with Hidden
  2. 03:05:596 (3) - I swear, circle with NC will fit here MUCH better! It will make finish of this part sooo awesoooome >3< [3]
nice one
Good luck!

By the way, if you will need anything (except bubble/rank, ofc) poke me and I'll do my best to help you! ♥
Topic Starter
since the sv is that slow, I can't consider that 3repeatslider confusing. :)
most things fixed thanks guys ~

03:14:727- touch it, because unsnapped (break drag*


03:55:162- Unsnapped green line


00:41:592- finish

Generally good without easy sliders.
Hi, from the Queue!


Right timing:
1. Offset: 205ms BPM: 116,00
6. Offset: 91.032ms BPM: 96,00
2. Offset: 41.584ms BPM: 92,00
Resnapp after and set the timing points right


Overall you could improve the normal curved sliders with the new slider system, so it matches the Normal and Hard sliders too!

02:48:640 (1,2,3) - What about following the other pattern ? 02:43:422 (1,2) -
02:59:727 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above just with 02:54:509 (1,2,3,4,5) -
03:51:248 (1,2) - I would reserve them two, so it flows better with the music
04:04:748 (1) - Remove this NC please, it unnecessary and too much combo


00:27:109 (4,1) - To follow your own combo pattern make a NC at (4)
01:28:222 - Add a circle to make the transition better, also feels a bit empty
01:28:548 (1) - Remove NC, still part of the previous pattern and vocal
01:49:792 (1) - ^
02:24:509 (1) - Feels odd when playing, it feels forced and it stops a little. Ctrl + G and Ctrl + H and rotate it a little, so it also follows the next slider. Flows much better and doesnt seems so forced
02:30:379 (1) - Remove NC, still part of the previous pattern and vocal
03:53:857 (1) - ^
03:56:466 (1) - ^
03:59:061 (1) - ^ ... so much combo spam
04:04:748 (1) - Remove NC again, its so unnecessary


00:39:264 (1) - Remove NC, still part of previous vocal
00:53:657 (2,3) - , 00:54:309 (4,1) - , 00:55:613 (2,3) - This jump really needed? It feels wrong and the song is already slow at this part, so it doesnt fit
00:58:222 (2,3,4,5,6) - Improve the spacing between each circle, so the star is symmetric and the spacing is normal and consistent!
01:08:657 (4,5) - You want to repeat this rythm but here it doesnt fit at all it feels out of place, 01:09:146 - here is just no sound which could fit this rythm, just make a normal slider without circle after, extend the slider to 01:09:309 - and remove the circle

01:49:792 (1) - Remove NC, still part of the previous pattern and vocal
02:02:662 (3,4) - , 02:05:270 (3,4) - Same as 01:08:657 (4,5)
02:20:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Adjust the spacing like i said above
02:23:531 (3,4) - Doesnt fit at all again, improve this again by extending
02:26:140 (3,4) - ^
02:52:227 (3) - To follow your own combo placement, NC here and remove here 02:53:205 (1) -

03:44:401 (2,3,4,5,6) - Like above
03:57:281 (4) - No sound to it and totally wrong when playing, remove it
04:00:394 (1) - Combo spam, remove NC, still part of the previous vocal
04:03:210 (1) - ^

Nothing more
O parte din

Romanised title is supposed to show it without any foreigns marks. You have "á" in it. Just change it manually trough .osu file, on "Title" in [Metadata] section.
Resize background to 1024x768.
Kiai time is not consistent trough diffs.

  1. 01:57:118 (2) - please move 2nd and 3rd anchor in right direction to make it fit better with (3)
  2. 04:01:857 (1) - unsnapped slider end
  1. 01:06:700 (3) - a whistle there would fit perfectly because of melody in background
  2. 01:07:678 (1) - same there on slider end
  3. 04:04:748 (1) - in [Boring] and [Fun] there is whistle, so add it for consistency

  1. 01:30:585 (1,2,1) - ha, I thought it's triplet, unfortunately not. As I see there is bpm change, yet you stack them, which causes problems with readablity. Just don't stack 1,2 together with slider.
  2. 02:52:227 (3,4) - this pattern looks much nicer if placed like that
  3. 03:57:281 (4,5) - I am assuming you mapped these to vocal, but for me it doesn't sounds well, just...sounds off since vocals are not 1/4... hm
    Removing these and extending previous slider to 03:57:444 would sound much better

Nothing more to add. Very neat map. Good luck!
00:20:644 (5,1,2,3) - This is more cool to see and play
Code from 00:19:092 (1) - to 00:21:937 (3) -

00:32:799 (5,6) - CTRL + G and move 00:33:057 (6) - on 00:33:057 (6,2) -
00:41:333 (4,5) - Distance
00:55:613 (2,4) - I suggest to move these beats at the center of 00:54:635 (1,3) - (x: 128; y: 192)
00:58:222 (2,3) - CTRL + G and 00:59:200 (5,6) - CTRL + G and 00:58:874 (4,5) - CTRL + G and 00:59:200 (5,6) - CTRL + G (it flows moooore)
01:14:200 (1) - CTRL + G and move/change 01:14:852 (2) - to fix the spacing with 01:15:505 (3) -
01:22:352 (2) - CTRL + G and move 01:22:841 (3,4) - under the new end
01:34:790 (3) - Move it some squares to right to make it more adherent with 01:33:852 (2) -
02:11:466 (3) - Move it in the center of 02:09:509 (1,2) - (x: 404; y: 264)
02:52:716 (4) - Move it on x: 236; y: 228
03:41:792 (2,4) - Move them in the center of 03:40:814 (1,2) -
03:44:401 (2,3) - CTRL + G and 03:44:727 (3,4) - CTRL + G and 03:45:053 (4,5) - CTRL + G, no star but it flows more
03:57:281 (4,5) - Not stacked

00:33:057 (5) - x: 256; y: 368
00:39:006 (4) - 1 square to left in the grid
03:55:162 (1) - 1 square to left (center)

01:41:665 (1) - I prefer it flipped vertically
01:44:165 (3) - Same
02:49:944 (2) - Simmetry
Topic Starter
updated after 6 months. yay!
now let's get this to rank.
Hello! Mod 4 Mod from your queue! (:


-Love this song. I'm a huge P!atD and Fun. fan. (:
-Isn't there a music video for this song? Scratch that. I KNOW there is a music video for this song. Consider adding it, unless it makes the file to huge.
-I like your difficulty names. :D

This is an extremely clean map with a really identifiable beat. Almost no issue with it.

04:04:748 (2) - Yeah, I know, I'm picking on the second to last note. I don't even think it's necessary. I'd delete this, and move the slider back to where this note is now. Just for this difficulty, though.

Another really well made map.

03:33:638 (1) - This spinner feels out of place. I'd get rid of it and chart normally here.
03:56:464 (3,4,5) - Something went awry here. Make these sliders end on the red ticks, and start on the white ticks. This is too hard for this difficulty, and the distance snapping is pretty tough too.

I think you should put the period after Fun on this difficulties name, but either or is fine.

00:10:945 (2) - I would move this to the white beat, and distance snap it.
01:31:040 (1) - I wouldn't stack this with circles 1 and 2 before it. It makes it just a little bit too hard to read.
02:06:573 (1,2) - I would try to make these more symmetrical, just so it's a little bit more pretty.
02:16:355 (2,3) - Consider removing this jump. It's just a little weird to me.
04:03:210 (1,2) - Hmm. Try this. Make the slider end on the red tick, and put the circle on the blue tick.
This is an excellent map. I can't wait until this is ranked! I hope this helped some how, good luck! :oops:
Timing check on request.


1st half:

BPM: 116.00, Offset: 213
BPM: 92.00, Offset: 41,592
BPM: 88.30, Offset: 88,548
BPM: 70.00, Offset: 90,756
BPM: 96.00, Offset: 91,041
BPM: 80.00, Offset: 109,791
BPM: 90.00, Offset: 110,916
BPM: 92.00, Offset: 111,249

2nd half: About 3:57 onwards

BPM: 93.00, Offset: 237,770
BPM: 90.00, Offset: 239,060
BPM: 86.00, Offset: 239,726
BPM: 82.00, Offset: 240,423
BPM: 88.00, Offset: 241,520
BPM: 89.00, Offset: 241,860
BPM: 78.00, Offset: 243,208
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uh oh. the timing seems awesomer now!

Updated Timing and changed some things from Chronotakular's mod! thanks guys :)
Ayesha Altugle
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so basically you did no changes lol. at least you confirmed this timing is good then. thank you :s
You switched the 90 BPM to 91 BPM.


I don't even.
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I verified both timing and I see exactly same thing. did I miss something?

what happens I don't even.
The map starting from 111249 is now 4ms behind ?
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my bad. fixed~ o3o
Timing requested by forum PM

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thanks Charles for the timing! :D updated the timing
modded the map, coming along good. done lots of suggestions and changes on the hardest diff to help it flow better

20:42 *jericho2442 is editing [ Fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae) [Fun]]
20:43 jericho2442: yoyo
20:43 Tony: I sawww I pm'd you
20:43 Tony: I think you didn't get my message
20:43 Tony: D:
20:43 jericho2442: i got nthing
20:43 Tony:
20:43 Tony: I said "jeriiii ♥"
20:43 Tony: and I sent that link lol
20:45 Tony: what's with ur internettt damn
20:45 jericho2442: nvm haha, first we will mod the map
20:45 jericho2442: will do insane first
20:46 Tony: !!!!
20:46 jericho2442: "will mod first"
20:47 jericho2442: 00:12:368 (6,1) - this jump doesn't fit, it feels out of place
20:48 jericho2442: 00:16:247 (4,1) - this one also feels out of place
20:49 jericho2442: 00:23:230 (2,3,4,5) - this pattern feels mapped wrong, you have constantly followed the vocal up to this point and now suddenly for one pattern you follow the rythm
20:50 jericho2442: i would advise to delete the tripbeat and follow the vocal more at this point
20:50 jericho2442: 00:33:057 (6,1) - again, i dont see a reason for this jump
20:51 Tony: hmm
20:51 Tony: will delete the 4 then
20:51 Tony: fixed the jumps
20:51 Tony: removed them
20:51 jericho2442: 00:37:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - can you explain to me, the reason behind such a pattern? i cant understand it
20:52 jericho2442: 00:39:264 (1) - and you know this jump doesnt fit
20:52 jericho2442: thats why you used a new combo to make it readable
20:53 Tony: ok wait
20:53 jericho2442: 01:09:964 (7,1) - jump done for symmetry, correct?
20:54 Tony: I thought it's fun to have jumps where the cymbals and the music starts powerfull
20:54 Tony: 00:12:368 (6,1) - same here, it's readable since piano I guess
20:54 jericho2442: not complaining about that last one, just saying lol
20:54 Tony: wait
20:55 Tony: I was saying about the first one lol
20:55 jericho2442: the cymble is not in the music
20:55 jericho2442: your adding that
20:55 Tony: yep
20:55 Tony: xD
20:55 jericho2442: it doesnt relate to the song
20:55 Tony: ur rite
20:55 Tony: D:
20:55 Tony: u're*
20:56 jericho2442: ofc i am ;) *runs*
20:56 *Tony slaps jeri
20:57 Tony: 00:20:644 (5,1) - what about this?
20:58 jericho2442: works fine due to the slider reversing back helping it keep that consistent movement feeling
20:58 Tony: oh ok
20:58 Tony: what's a tripbeat
20:58 Tony: I feel noob
20:59 jericho2442: its a beat what consists of 2 packs of 1/2 notes, with the first set ending on a red tick and the second starting on it
20:59 jericho2442: creating a rhythm like a tripping motion xD
20:59 Tony: ohhhh
21:00 Tony: lol
21:00 jericho2442: bouncebabe says she feels nood too
21:00 jericho2442: noob*
21:00 Tony: ahahahahah
21:01 jericho2442: 02:11:475 (3,1) - prolly hard to do, but increasing the spacing between these two notes would help it all work better too, try it and see
21:02 jericho2442: 02:13:431 (5) - doesnt suit having the repeat slider here, either stream or make it like the other times with a normal 1/2 slider
21:02 Tony: 00:37:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this was an old idea, I thought it would play good lol
21:02 jericho2442: 02:15:388 (5,1) - this jump feels pointless but ohwell
21:04 jericho2442: advice here would be to follow the vocals more 03:05:116 (2,3,4) -
21:05 jericho2442: since the jump feels abit out of place for somereason, but i cant put my finger on why fully
21:07 jericho2442: 03:13:105 - would add a note here to help the flow going, i feel like i want to keep playing through this tiny break
21:07 jericho2442: 03:13:431 (2) - add a repeat to this slider, it then ends on the point he begins to sing again, giving it a really nice point to start the break
21:08 Tony: u so faaaassttt
21:08 jericho2442: dont worry, just take your time haha
21:08 Tony: 03:04:953 (1,2,3,4) - I'm here
21:08 Tony: xD
21:09 Tony: help
21:09 Tony: i dunno what to do
21:10 Tony:
21:10 Tony: ?
21:10 jericho2442: 03:55:823 (2) - i would extend this slider to end on the next blue tick, it follows the vocals better and gives a nicer overall flow
21:10 jericho2442: and kk
21:11 jericho2442: try that
21:12 jericho2442: 03:56:475 (3,4) - remove 4 and extend the 3 to end where the 4 did, try it and see if you agree it flows better with the song
21:13 jericho2442: 04:02:200 (2,1) - more space between these, the song is slowing down so itjus helps it be more readable imo
21:15 jericho2442: for the other diffs just a small mod
21:15 jericho2442: take your time checking everything kk
21:16 Tony: ok everything checked on [fun.]
21:16 Tony: lemme take an overall look
21:17 jericho2442: i aint got time to do a full recheck atm so i will post fornow with the log and then do a recheck soon as i can ok
21:17 jericho2442: ^^
21:17 Tony: kk
Name of artist/band should be "fun." instead of "Fun.". just my opinion
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true but this :
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deleted video.
IRC Modded.

21:48 Andrea: link me, I'll mod it nao
21:48 *Tony is editing [ Fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monae) [Fun.]]
21:48 Andrea: irc mod k?
21:48 Tony: read posts about fun. or Fun.
21:48 Andrea: /lazy
21:48 Tony: ok
21:49 Tony: me too
21:49 Tony: LOL
21:49 Andrea: you added the . like the artist
21:49 Andrea: ok got it
21:49 Tony: well
21:49 Tony: a guy said
21:49 Tony: that the artist
21:49 Tony: should be
21:49 Tony: fun.
21:49 Tony: not Fun.
21:50 Andrea: let me check
21:50 Andrea:
21:50 Andrea: official video
21:50 Andrea: Fun.
21:51 Andrea: also fix title
21:51 Tony: wikipedia says it
21:51 Tony: but
21:51 Tony: feat. into ft. ???
21:52 Andrea: guess both are okay
21:52 Tony: what should fix to title then?
21:53 Andrea: Fun. - We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe
21:53 Andrea: official video says this D:
21:53 Tony: OH LOL
21:53 Tony: ok xDD
21:53 Andrea: without () and ft. not feat.
21:53 Andrea: artist is correct
21:54 Andrea: also rename other diffs with . at the end too?
21:54 Andrea: for consistentcy
21:54 Andrea: Relaxing. Interesting. Fun.
21:54 Tony: ok
21:54 Tony: ahahah
21:54 Tony: ok
21:54 Tony: nice
21:54 Andrea: fix these and I'll redownload
21:55 Tony: ok
21:56 Tony: done
21:56 Andrea: redownloading
21:57 Tony: :3
21:57 Andrea: wow dat BG size is so weird
21:57 Tony: it still matters? LOL
21:58 Andrea: well, it's suggested to be resized properly
21:58 Tony: 1024 x 768?
21:59 Andrea: yeah or 1366x768
21:59 Andrea: both works
21:59 Tony: ok
22:00 Tony: done
22:00 Tony: into 1024x768
22:01 Andrea: alright
22:01 Andrea: Relaxing. seems good
22:01 Tony: yay
22:02 Andrea: let's go to Interesting.
22:02 Andrea: 01:31:357 (2) - Unsnapped slider end, gg
22:03 Andrea: 00:54:638 (3,4,5) - little spacing inconsistency (nazi)
22:03 Tony: uh
22:04 Tony: how can fix unsnapped slider?
22:04 Tony: D:
22:04 Tony: redo it
22:04 Tony: lemme try
22:04 Andrea: make a circle instead or try to resnap it manually
22:06 Tony: i'll make circles out of it
22:06 Andrea: best idea lol
22:06 Tony: and stack first (1) with (2)
22:06 Tony: ok?
22:06 Tony: LOL
22:06 Andrea: that works I guess
22:06 Tony: /lazy
22:07 Andrea: I'll go on last diff when you finished
22:07 Tony: done
22:07 Andrea: 01:30:571 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.
22:07 Andrea: known as NC bug :v
22:08 Tony: bugs everywhere
22:09 Andrea: 01:59:736 (1,2,3) - these sliders have a really weird shape imo ;-;
22:09 Andrea: I'd prefer them normally curved instead
22:10 Tony: my creativity
22:10 Tony: is so ugly sometimes
22:10 Andrea: they run whole map imo xD
22:10 Andrea: ruin*
22:11 Andrea: 02:53:214 (1) - I don't think new combo is necessary...
22:12 Andrea: 03:57:272 (4) - this circle doesn't seem to follow anything, I'd remove it
22:13 Andrea: that's it~
22:13 Tony: "the"
22:13 Tony: the bar closes
22:13 Tony: wait
22:13 Andrea: he says it a bit later than that imo u.u
22:13 Tony: i'll remove white tick instead
22:13 Andrea: that might be a good idea o3o
22:15 Tony: almost done
22:17 Tony: done
22:17 Tony: lemme update
22:18 Tony: ok done
22:18 Tony: redownload to check bg~

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nyaaan thx Gunther Andrea ♥
Why don't add video???
i think is good :o :? :(
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oh god... no
But i have a video before you delete that video!
W-what... where is the video gone
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I'm fed up with it.
02:02:344 (2) - Please stack this directly at the end of (1).
02:06:584 (1,2) - I'm sure these could loooook better.
02:27:453 (1,2,3) - Why are these not symmetrical?

Let me know and I'll recheck.
I think the featuring artist must be in the artist box instead on the title. ("Fun. ft. Janelle Monae") just saying. :c

-Cloudchaser wrote:

I think the featuring artist must be in the artist box instead on the title. ("Fun. ft. Janelle Monae") just saying. :c
Official source says otherwise, so nope.
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dkun wrote:

02:02:344 (2) - Please stack this directly at the end of (1). Fixed!
02:06:584 (1,2) - I'm sure these could loooook better.Rotated (1) a bit so the blanket looks better~
02:27:453 (1,2,3) - Why are these not symmetrical? Woops~ Fixed

Let me know and I'll recheck.
Done~ Thank you <33

we. are. young.

so i'll set the world on fire........
Ok very early gz on the rank
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omg fire!!!! <333 thank you!!!
Grats!!! Really nice song! :D
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thank you :D
Nice song heh <3 congratz
Congrats Tony! :)
wow~ gratz :) :)
Gratz!!! Tony!!

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thanks guys~ :D :D
nice song!
Loved that song, Tony!
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