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Is making a mixed skin and pretend to be mine (my creation) is theft? (please vote after seeing the post)

Total votes: 15
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So to answer that question, i'll say that the answer is kinda yes. But i wouldn't say this is theft, that's a big word, perhaps more something closer to copyright infringement since your friend claims that everything in the skin became HIS creation at 100% (which is not, if he mixed some skins together).
But in the other hand, he had the idea of mixing different skin or changing a few thing in it, which create a new skin, which is his idea. In the end, i think your friend should rename it to highlight the fact that the skin is a mix made by him or a slightly altered version of the original skin, and not his own idea created from A to Z.

And if your friend made some minor edit on it... Well, it will really become copyright infringement (don't steal the idea of other people. It's bad).

But to be honest, i don't really think that will matter a lot, unless this same friend start claiming everywhere that the original skin is his idea.
And asking this kind of question is, in the end, a bit a very serious one for just a game where we click circle and have fun.

Spagyrie wrote:

Theft may sound a bit hard, but its not totally inappropiate. Copyright infringment kinda falls into that afterall. But we are playing osu and skinning is based on stealing bg images/anime images, so talking about that is kinda weird. I wouldnt think about if its theft or not, just say its mixed.

Spagyrie wrote:

So to answer that question, i'll say that the answer is kinda yes. But i wouldn't say this is theft, that's a big word, perhaps more something closer to copyright infringement since your friend claims that everything in the skin became HIS creation at 100% (which is not, if he mixed some skins together).
But in the other hand, he had the idea of mixing different skin or changing a few thing in it, which create a new skin, which is his idea. In the end, i think your friend should rename it to highlight the fact that the skin is a mix made by him or a slightly altered version of the original skin, and not his own idea created from A to Z.

And if your friend made some minor edit on it... Well, it will really become copyright infringement (don't steal the idea of other people. It's bad).

But to be honest, i don't really think that will matter a lot, unless this same friend start claiming everywhere that the original skin is his idea.
And asking this kind of question is, in the end, a bit a very serious one for just a game where we click circle and have fun.
[Sorry for English People, don't read this if you don't understand french ]

Yo mec, vu que t'es français j'vais me permettre de te répondre en français parce que j'ai vraiment pas envie de tout écrire en anglais donc autant en profiter . Comme tu peux le voir au nom du skin c'est moi qui suis le principal intéressé. Alors premièrement c'est un skin privé à usage personnel (enfin pour moi et pour ceux à qui je l'ai envoyé sois une dizaine de personnes sur un serveur entre ami où le fameux Tyssan était). Du coup je l'envoie tout content et Tyssan s'énerve parce que je l'avais renommé d'après mon pseudo pour ne pas le confondre avec le WhiteCat CK (genre pour pas en avoir 2), le skin que j'ai utilisé de base parce que je le trouvais super beau et épuré. Du coup avec mes potes on le troll un peu genre on se fout de lui (parce que c'est marrant genre ses arguments n'avaient aucun sens...) mais bon sans plus et après il propose de faire un post forum, ce que tout le monde trouvait stupide vu la faible envergure du problème mais il l'a fait quand même.
Du coup je check le poste et je vois qu'il a vachement déformé et qu'il espère vraiment attirer l'attention des potentiels votant vers la réponse "Yes" notamment avec des parenthèses tel que "(few modifications)" ou encore "(my creation)" pour accentuer mon coté vilain garnement. Le screen montre absolument rien de ce que j'ai modifié en plus c'est même pas le bon skin de base j'ai pris le CK et non le NM pour faire la base, du coup je me permet de joindre deux petits screens pour que tu me dises ce que tu en penses, si je suis un vil voleur ou un joueur normal d'osu qui voulait juste partager son skin à ses potes (je le rappelle sur un serveur privé et sans aucune volonté d'obtenir quelconque rémunération en l'échange de ce partage, d'ailleurs je comptais pas non plus le poster sur le forum Skinning de osu). Puis imaginons de toute façon que je voulais le faire passer pour le mien pourquoi j'aurais laissé la mise en forme du titre de WhiteCat ? ce serait complètement stupide et contre productif.
Et du coup pour ce que j'ai modifié bah j'ai juste changé ce qu'on voyait le plus souvent soit le menu et le gameplay (couleur, hitcircles, scorebar...) mais ça donne quand même un résultat très différent.
Voilà c'est tout ce que j'avais à dire pour ma défense. Après j'aurai peut-être pas dû changer le nom de WhiteCat mais vu que c'est pas à usage publique je me suis vraiment dit que c'était pas grave et si ça l'est bah je peux changer il y a aucun problème mais je trouve juste que le fait de rendre ça publique sur le forum c'était d'une futilité exubérante.
Pour tout finir en sachant ça, j'aimerais savoir si pour toi j'ai vraiment fauté, pour savoir ce que je devrais éviter de faire si je décide de refaire un skin edit un jour (mais vu l'ampleur nulle que ça a prise je doute).
Merci d'avoir lu et j'espère qu'après ça Tyssan arrêtera de saouler. ( PS : je ne prétends absolument pas que c'est mon skin, je dis simplement que c'est le skin que j'ai edit + le " CK " se réfère au créateur original du skin ( cyperdark ) il y a donc les crédits.) ( Voici le lien des screens, désolé je ne sais pas trop comment envoyer des images sur le forum : )
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There is nothing wrong with taking a skin and modifying it to your liking, just don't share them on the forums and everything is fine.
And it seems like your friend didn't claim that it was his skin, but rather that it was an edit of someone elses skin. The title of the skin also clearly says "[CK]" at the end, which technically gives credit to cyperdark, the original creator of the white cat skin.
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[Even if you are both french, and that i could answer in french, i'll keep answering in english because this part of the forum is in english, sorry]

So to answer both of you, i was just giving my opinion on the matter without having any judgement on if either of you was at fault, was a theft or whatever (my apologies if any of you thought otherwise).

I didn't really look closely to the screenshot from both of you because i do not think it actually matters. I based my opinion more on my personal experience because nearly everyone in this game, is actually taking the skin of others (creating a skin from scratch is very hard. Like mapping a song)... Me included.
After all, just to give one example, for my FL plays, I use a skin used by cookiezi, skin with some edit from me to fit my liking and my current screen size. But i will not say it's mine, and I kept the original name of the skin. That's the reason why i don't link skins i use on my profile page or anywhere, and instead, I'm just quoting the file's name so people can google it and search the skin (and the name of the creator if I happen to know who created it, but sometimes, skins are edited by so many people, that we lose track of who was the first person to make it).

If you give it to your friends while saying who is the original creator, and who did a few edit, with a good name to highlight that, it's no problem (as said RockRoller, you wrote [CK] so it's fine, and if you want my personal rename of the skin, that would have been something like "STD - Whitecat [CK] (edited by [Your name here])).

But, to conclude that big wall of text, I will say that both of you shouldn't think about that too hard, no need to do a drama and to look for a culprit as if we were in a courthouse. This is just a game in the end and as long as you don't something so big and so stupid like selling it, there will be no problem at all. Just have fun! :)
useless poll haha huehue

to answer thread title - making an edit of a skin counts as a mixed skin, which is not allowed on the osu! skinning forum
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