
osu! Public Release (b20121122)

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Quite a few bug fixes and changes in this build, including a number of performance and memory improvements which might offer a better overall experience to those of you with lower spec'd PCs. Read on for notes on the full changes!

In a bit more detail:
  1. Memory usage has been reduced when using DirectX mode. This is achieved by no longer storing textures in RAM when they are already loaded on the GPU. A saving of around 33-40% can be achieved using this technique, but it could cause things to break, so please report any issues you have in Tech Support.
  2. Memory leak fixed when many custom hitsounds are loaded over a long period of time.
  3. Quick Join button added in the multiplayer lobby. Randomly selects a game which has free slots for those times you just want to get in and play.
  4. New localisations have been added based on the osu! localisation project v2. Go help out if you would like to improve further - it's really easy to chip in!
  5. Many, many bug fixes.
Please don't report issues in this thread (but feel free to provide constructive feedback!). If you have issues, use the Tech Support forum (and check whether your issue is already reported before making a new thread, please!).
Great :)
Good stuff.
Card N'FoRcE
As expected, the italian translation is amusing as hell :)

Great to see performance improvements by the way.
great :D
Tsukimi Luna
Fenek Alfa
And Polish translation obviously got gimbus'd

"gówno" means "shit", not "Miss". It should be "Pudło"
Gonna search for more 13yrolds laughs.

EDIT: An overlap:
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Please see the translation thread for more details about how you can improve the translations.

Sorry we can't improve idiots which destroys our translations ;)

Luckily changes can be reverted but still I think access to edit should be restricted. Or AT LEAST translations should be checked before putting it in.
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All changes are checked before being added into osu!. Please make amendments to any existing errors.
For now it seems fine, added two lacking translations about joystick/controller.
Loving the performance fixes, I can now enable all of the GFX options without framedrops :)
But this update seems to have broken openGL for me. It just goes to a blank screen now.
Improve right-click behaviour at song select, allowing right-clicking non-current beatmap to still display options.
Best update ever 8-)
"Improve right-click behaviour at song select, allowing right-clicking non-current beatmap to still display options."

That's great, thanks!
S u c y
I love this update~
"Improve right-click behaviour at song select, allowing right-clicking non-current beatmap to still display options."

It seems that right click in song list for a quick browsing doesn't function anymore :cry:
What does "Allow fun spoiling during spectator/replay" mean? We can destroy the fun of the people we spectate now? What button does that? xD
I normally used right click on the background to jump to other parts of my (rather lengthy) beatmap list. It seems now right clicking on background of beatmap screen is doing nothing. I hope this is a temporary glitch.

Gamechamp wrote:

What does "Allow fun spoiling during spectator/replay" mean? We can destroy the fun of the people we spectate now? What button does that? xD
Means when watching replays (even your own) or spectating, you can control the fun spoiler settings on your side.
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