Osu! has changed the PP system several times but the mappers always find a way to abuse of the System and make easy maps that award alot of PP. These maps are also called as PP MAPS.
There will never be a perfect PP System that prevents the mapper to abuse of the PP system.
My suggestion is to have a system that allow a chosen people of the BN/QA's team to increase or decrease the STAR RATING or PP of a unbalanced beatmap.
How this will works:
1 - The community chooses what beatmaps need a rebalance.
2 - The most voted beatmaps should appear on the top of priority.
3 - The BN/QA's will first verify if the beatmaps really need a rebalance and if they agree, the new proposal of PP/STARS should be first accepted by the community and then be accepted by at least 3 members of the BN/QA's team before the changes going live in-game.
The point is to make the beatmaps award exactly what they value, nothing more and nothing less!
This would also help to fix the issue of very difficulty maps that can't be correctly calculated by the star rating system, like 6 stars maps that are harder than 8 stars maps and fast sliders maps.
There's hundreds and thousands of beatmaps. how do you think we will manually change them all, one by one?
This system should works like the feature request system. The comunnity chooses the beatmaps that need to be manually buffed/nerfed and then the most voted beatmaps should appear on the top of priority.
New beatmaps should be manually calculate before going to the qualifying process.
To the rest of the beatmaps, the team must organize weekly changes. That means that they will select a bunch of beatmaps every single week and eventually this will cover all the beatmaps in osu!
So the BN/QA's will decide everything?
They will not decide everything, the community will decide and vote what beatmaps really need a rebalance and the BN/QA's will first verify before going to the rebalance process.
How they will know the exact amount of PP that the beatmap is worth?
I know, there's a lot of things that are considered on the pp system. Like the Aim, Speed and others.
The BN/QA's will manually recalculate every single aspect present in the beatmap and then they will decide together the closest value to reality.
What if someone decide to abuse of this and change an 1 star BM to 10 stars or 100 pp to 1000pp?
The request would need to be accepted by at least 3 or more members from the QA to be live in game, so there's no chance that it would be abused by any mapper or mapper friends.
So any BN/QA will have the power to decide these changes?
No, they can't! There will be a small group of high qualified people who will have the power to do it.
We can just make a new PP system instead of this
There will never be a perfect PP System and even the best PP system could be abused by the mappers, so i don't think any kind of PP system will fix the unbalanced system we have.
There will never be a perfect PP System that prevents the mapper to abuse of the PP system.
My suggestion is to have a system that allow a chosen people of the BN/QA's team to increase or decrease the STAR RATING or PP of a unbalanced beatmap.
How this will works:
1 - The community chooses what beatmaps need a rebalance.
2 - The most voted beatmaps should appear on the top of priority.
3 - The BN/QA's will first verify if the beatmaps really need a rebalance and if they agree, the new proposal of PP/STARS should be first accepted by the community and then be accepted by at least 3 members of the BN/QA's team before the changes going live in-game.
The point is to make the beatmaps award exactly what they value, nothing more and nothing less!
This would also help to fix the issue of very difficulty maps that can't be correctly calculated by the star rating system, like 6 stars maps that are harder than 8 stars maps and fast sliders maps.
There's hundreds and thousands of beatmaps. how do you think we will manually change them all, one by one?
This system should works like the feature request system. The comunnity chooses the beatmaps that need to be manually buffed/nerfed and then the most voted beatmaps should appear on the top of priority.
New beatmaps should be manually calculate before going to the qualifying process.
To the rest of the beatmaps, the team must organize weekly changes. That means that they will select a bunch of beatmaps every single week and eventually this will cover all the beatmaps in osu!
So the BN/QA's will decide everything?
They will not decide everything, the community will decide and vote what beatmaps really need a rebalance and the BN/QA's will first verify before going to the rebalance process.
How they will know the exact amount of PP that the beatmap is worth?
I know, there's a lot of things that are considered on the pp system. Like the Aim, Speed and others.
The BN/QA's will manually recalculate every single aspect present in the beatmap and then they will decide together the closest value to reality.
What if someone decide to abuse of this and change an 1 star BM to 10 stars or 100 pp to 1000pp?
The request would need to be accepted by at least 3 or more members from the QA to be live in game, so there's no chance that it would be abused by any mapper or mapper friends.
So any BN/QA will have the power to decide these changes?
No, they can't! There will be a small group of high qualified people who will have the power to do it.
We can just make a new PP system instead of this
There will never be a perfect PP System and even the best PP system could be abused by the mappers, so i don't think any kind of PP system will fix the unbalanced system we have.